HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990224 Ver 1_Complete File_19990310jaded jawnsum lsod %0 [/paloAoaj %09 • jeAoldw3 Uollod 9AIIUWJ114d Allunlioddo lenb3 u`d 6966-££L # Xb'3 99L1-££L-616 euogdelei L09LZ ON lg61elLH 'p» Moejo Apaad l0by 'youeJe sa0ualog leluawuojlnu3 gouejg saoualoS leluewuojlAU3 . 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Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $200.00 If any additional information is required or if I can be of any further assistance please contact me at (252)586-4661. Thank you for your time an assistance. Sincerely, R. Duane White Manager Y MAR I o 1989 ii APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 133 CFR 325/ Expires October 1996 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send ?.mments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of InformationOperations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project 10710-00031, Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NO RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT 'mTiwtlWT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10; 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing ffecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and t e 12n of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 1. APPLICATION NO. 12. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE[ "T'CANe OCR ^1A1 r^ OC C/l I - - AOOI rnwA- 5. APPLICANT'S NAME B. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE /an spent /s not requ/red) 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W /AREA CODE 0. AGENT'S PHONE NO AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business a. Residence b. Business 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (360 instructions) 6;4-'?'-an) Izz--s-orr, I /gy 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN lit spplicsbt0l 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS lit spplicsblel COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, (seeinstructionsl 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE ?t,?, L/; iG?i`flitJ tiL - li?Gr?o?.J ?%' -?t?.s Tvwr?? ?,r/%;? C??S-on, To S ?6/rr?iC: ie /)7,c Z-rs 6W5; r1V ??-fin 7 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include ell features) //G ?G?v? r??crazJ Q? Corn?rv, ; ? ?OH?SG?f's /?SSr??•r,?r-?a 19. Project Purpose /Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) -?'o 6,01711 1,/rv/ TY :?5"4r9 r- /Z' C,a/ ?r GA3 /'?o?J USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards A L9 L9 ,,Jme,6 .? 0/S 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled /see instructions) /IJn 766 V 300 Ccl (i/C e0,1 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). leo 614-11- /?TLIa S 00 ?r 90 3 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED Lif/1rC?'crU Co, ?11/L01/Lf; 2`ZV91 ?LtJ(e LA)SRF;Z614- P?.?m1r (/,6/0CO//VG 47a , ?l E/L f' ?J/k/+?2? ??G/?f ? Z/a ? y "Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED /->/L coir-P S 494P6f o ,44E5 4t44-1,-,,05 P?tinr TT3 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further ertify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of 7thea li nt SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. U.S.GPOA 994-520.478/82018 6' --j -I F r o, 0 .imcnAwwt-z p DDNDfU?? ? "-xrXrp00 O p p x 1 3 C+ - ra '+ O O ru Q -3 x x hNI N • M 3 1 ° O OD mp??Ln p p I p O n C N .+ 3 ro ? rroo m 3 7 O P 3 Re n 4 LA ? U- ro Q. ao 3 O CL P rF m 3 ? n ? _ U to 03D P p N 3 rp a- O rF r+ O 3 r? • w W fU r N % T 1-? r? IN, N W W 24'TYP, ---? .A I? O N Lake Gaston Pier-Point Contractors, Inc PROJECT NAME, PRUNALU HULKHLAu, rILKJ, & MMI 4LI- We 5, Box I401, L tt,et«,, W X850, 22-586-4443 G A S T O N POINT RESORT PURPOSE IS TD MMVIUE r BOAT ACCES APPLICANTr IN LAKE GASTON W l 1/16'=1' DRAVN BY, gul ATo BIG STIXI lE[ CRE1=K BAT: 02-14-99 SINN AL9IN 1 of 4 1i Z /-7ff s-a MINTY OFi VARREN NC 2' X 10' AREA VARIES 1' TO 4' 2' X 6' WALES 2-INSIDE TOP L BOTTOI 1-13UTSIDE TOP ONL RIP-RAP SLOPED UPWARD TO WATER LEVEL NOTESs 1. ALL TIMBER (INCLUDING PIER) PRESSURE AND CHEMICAL TREATED 2. ALL HARDWARE (INCLUDING PIER) HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (EXCEPT FOR 1/4' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE AND CLAMPS) 3. APPROX 300 CU, YDS. OF UPLAND FILL 2' X 6' TONGUE --S GROOVE SHEET 4' TO B' LENGTHS BACK FILL DEAD MAN PILE 4' X GRADE 1/4' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE L CLAMPS Lake Gaston Pier-Point Contractors, Inc, PROJECT NAME, We s, Box I409, Uttteton, IC 2M, 252-5 93 G A S T G N POINT RESORT SCALE: 314'=V DRAVN BY; M? A P P I_ T r. A N T ;(/?Sroti Pv,?E /JGv?'c v??2 DAZE: 8-14-99 SHAVN UIN 2 of 4- ivy PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT SLIP; pl1RPOSE IS TO PROVIDE C010 0M MAT AMS! IN LAKE GASTON ATl BIG STONEHOUSE CREEK COUNTY OF, WARRENS NC H n N D r d -It 0X E'l m (n ?7 C 3 Z7 N I H ? i t Z j ` C m 1"1 z z x H ? • Z Z Z ' m;u r m H r D -o N?; < =nm D H z O Cp=R1 0 rota R) ztt 'X I-?l c, I nv U ` H z m W CC) O W Hnn?ll ? IV H ru F9 L / V n?1 IV L F F -' II n\ IV r H-' 1-' >>om_ n-916 nuwr-mt-z ° -Uv r- -? \ R) ?7p£Gr3,D-7C R:fT1?-<fTl r- -u w W l-- ?XDDrnr-zmwfT u "M D r- - D F? \ D -j 00 ; •? ry ,u td ? t. 3 C3 0 Q° 3 -I - ? m rq Z to " d D D 0 1T 1 m ?- F-' Fri X C7 D d ? ;U H C3 bu rTl 3 N? Z h 03 N ? 1 V W C 0 00 ? D T1 ° C n R) d -u z H W -U ;u Z - ` 'D m m u rri H I td Q1 2 ?-? C 3 N Q° C3 m ? z z Inc lake Gaston Pier-Point Contractors PROJECT NAME, PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT SL CI NKNaTY MAT ACCESS , , G A S T G N POINT RESORT BASE IS TO PROVIDE Rama 5, Su 1408, LBttteton, NC 21850, 25z-w-4493 IN LAKE GASTON SCALE'- 1116'=P DRAVN BY, 9 I1 f A P P I_ I [' A N T GASroN A)1/vrE '06-dE(-vP6?'s ATI BIG STOWHOl1SE CREEK DA?? 2-14-99 SHAUN ALA 3 of 4 [ Garr Tam G Z 7 3 SO CITY OFt VARR0b NC [ Yom" 1 f s Y •. :r ??a': ( R) 7- O NryH--1 Zmrr,1*1 G1 N 1 OVCm --f LA =tj 0-4 'J M rq Zot:fD 3,tlr >r-M U D -4 H D= r- rrl CIS Nm=r ?n m n? N O :tl H H --1 m 0 z i rd C/1 0 z r-? S D C C/1 r? C"'7 rrt 7C td > IC? mo zx -u o f~'1 N ru O O n O Z -4 Z C rri m O, H o S05.50'00'E ,w l1 ?`4? II 2~• a` °' JJ Sl6 • 1?r33'I? v ? rn ;u C ? car r a -4 _ I mss. Lake Gaston Pier-Point Contractors, Irc PROJECT NAMEi PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT SLIPS IEoute s, &a ion, LttLtm rc peso, az-s o G A S T GN POINT RESORT Puy is TD PRIIx C KK" INT A= SCALES i'=1?' VN ?Y? ? K A P P L_ I C A N T i IN LAKE GASTON 6'1:? 5-ro 'f? ATt BIG STIMEH[WE CREEK UF, vaRREM NC COUNTY , ?????rav •v? 7?.s? DAZE. 82-14-99 SHAWN AI.BIN 4 of 4 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO March 12, 1999 Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199920482 dN\ 3\0 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality ?. .04 C?1 North Carolina Department of Environment and (? 4 Natural Resources W 4401 Reedy Creek Road \?•-- Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the application of R. Duane White for Department of the Army permit authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to construct 56 boatslips and 450 linear feet of bulkhead with backfill and riprap, at the proposed Gaston Point Resort, in Big Stonehouse Creek, northwest of Littleton, Warren County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is a reasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted on t e request, or asked for an extension of time, by May's, 17, 1999, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or Manuele, Raleigh Extension 24. comments may be addressed to Mrs. Jean B. Field Office, telephone (919) 876-8441, Sincerely, ,::!§ - f-&- D-"t S. Kenneth Jolly, Manager, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 2 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT I OMB APPROVAL N0. 0710-( (33 CFR 3251 Expires October 1996 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructit searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. Send ..mments cegarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, t( Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of InformationOperations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, S 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NO RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer hav jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10; 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredt material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this form will be used In evaluating the applic for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested Information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application canr processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to tf application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the propose activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 12. FIELD OFFICE CODE 13. DATE RECEIVED 14. DATE APPLICATION CON 1j APPLICATION (J G (ITEM BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME S. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE Ian agent is not required) 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W /AREA ODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. W /AREA CODE a. Residence b. Business a. Residence b. Business 11. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) 5C'r1- 1 /'J/ 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN li/applicablel 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (ilapplicable) t 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT COUNTY STATE Z 7 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, (see instructions) 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE n) /i E? r' /71i `?s TO %' ?i 6iv, /77i %iG /I ?i Ei?T??, /'?- / i 'L,.' ? /r C./?/ L- .? J i L. L '/Z/?/`' = ?'? ?L . ?S-iiIva-' C, /' /r_: t/ FNG FORM 4345. Fah 94 FDITION nF SFP 91 19 ORSOLFTF rononent- 18. Nature of Activity (Descripr/onorproject, include allreaturesl ?v/f%??;9-_'?S IAZ'? 7.??? r?'Gi?cErr?l?r tJ!-?iF'-- ?/>!P, 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see Instructions) USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge tic) ,/?. ?i/ V6 a//c c- /1?5' 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards lvo 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) ?2?L?,c?l?Ar ? ?C.b Cv1 c ff?,os o>c C/?'G?itJ? A e6 459.611A.0 601A 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list). Li e,,t?,, /1JG Z 78,5 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Applicatio AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED ?;fr/IIC?? 1! Co. (3Uit,DiAt, Z`23?9 ? (Ole 31`t9 f41/;1 .> -/ 6 H, V E/?CD/NG Pvcd Et. ?l E/L ?' ?J/?cf4E2? P?n1 ? ? /SSvGO, .Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further ertify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as t duly authorized agent of the 9p1i nt - Z/7-369 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than 810,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. U. S.GPO:1994-520-4 78/8201 L ? ?'1 ??:r??r E ?' ?j 1. /?: ? \: •: rI^' :. ?` ?j '•d l6 c ?Y .4 (JN!- O rgzmM rri -u C av?? ? U1 2 t=j -J rrl Z o tj D 3 tj r 'D D --4 to v ? ?D4 (= r rq ? GO ,,-i - rri cil? N 0 ;u N -1 r*1 r- c"ol 0 z t= 0 z Z 0 C C/1 C-3 7v F" r''l 7C tzl a rq _u ICm m 0 zx -u rq ;u N ru 0 O n 0 z z 0 rl m S05r50'00'E 't 2~r ? +o' q 1. ?r 6 r1833"l? v ? rn ;u C; 31- W < c rrl le a _-4 Lake 6astm Pkloht Contradors,1% PROJECT NAME, PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, & BOAT SLI line s, Does 148, Utt(etw% NC peso, ww m G A S T GN POINT RESORT Raw is m PROVIDE Cmun MAT AM SCALES 110 01 U E Q P P L I C A N T i INi LAKE GASTON 619 sro ti ?v/v; E gs AT, BIG STQlEMM CREEL( PAT: PL14-99 rSMVN I?B1N 4 of 4, C?? ro v •v? ?? sr? , couNrr (IF, vARREr0 I c 0 ?N rq -+ 6' -? N' 0 .lm"Ac. mt- z - - - - - - o DDfnDN D? m -1 3 X rp -0 (4 13 P-0 C in O P ? x Q? sN C) ?6 IA M9s-U opM s ? cr 0 fu ; .+oPS1n<m g .+ I m sUl -4 n 3 o? 3co 70 00 P p P in O 3 < 0 C 13 k4C+ C+ 3 r,PI Q, n9in? O QSL903 P m 3 h n in X, 3 in p in p m 3 ?o s 0 h h 0 3 W 24'TYP. ---j fU .A 0 N . Lake Gaston bier-Poet Contractors, Inc, PROJECT NAMES rKUruatu wLtinu,u, riu%4, • •?. Route 5, Box 1401, utttetm, NC 7M, 2Y-Wr093 G A S T O N POINT RESORT Is TON r D°"r A ?_ P PLI0A 1No?T 4,-,C IN LAKE GA STON nil V l6 -1 VN BY. Im IQ NR s.?, AT, BIG ST DEM CREEK DAZE. 2-14-99 r IIAVN Um I of 4 iC'? '?•? ti? Z rouNrr Uri vARRErh NC w N F-? N ?? N r N N W N IN, N 2' X 10' CAP- 2' X 6' WALES 2-INSIDE TOP L BOTTO I-OUTSIDE TOP ONL RIP-RAP SLOPED -? C UPWARD TO WATER LEVEL NOTESi 1. ALL TIMBER (INCLUDING PIER) PRESSURE AND CHEMICAL TREATED 2. ALL HARDWARE (INCLUDING PIER) HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (EXCEPT FOR 1/4' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE AND CLAMPS) 3. APPROX 300 CU. YDS. OF UPLAND FILL Luke Gaston Pier-Point Contractors, Inc, PROJECT NAME, Route s, Box 1401, Uttieton, K 2=, 252-58 93 GA S T GN POINT RESORT SCALE, 3/4'=11 DRAW BY; 010 APP I.1 r AN T• ?/,?STON Pv??E /JGvL'G J/?liL ME: 2-14-99 SHAVN UM 2 of 4 AREA VARIES 1' TO 4' BACK FILL DEAD MAN PILE 4' X 2' X 6' TONGUE -L GROOVE SHEET 4' TO B' LENGTHS 114' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE L CLAMPS GRADE PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT Pur:POSE IS TO PROVIDE CMUM BOAT a INS LAKE GASTON ATi BIG STONEHOUSE CREEK COUNTY OF, WARREN, NC i. H n D rd N pj tj m M H D H 0 Z C YU X O N ? 3t=f N ZG N -F :(7 C '-, M • Z Z ;u Z z Z m02 mN X TI ri0 D ? X'p? (IN A N I n m x R) k J IIO axI r r,r 4 N X F--z-% C? R) t7 Z m w F9 L X r [-T] L F r r? F-? F-? F-' w, DD_0L1U 0-OLCWr- m- !rZ C --F - . r ? \ M n 77 M;ul;<[-:Krr--N %rl,D?rl ' r \ i-? XXxrg Z Zmw r °O x - ,pN m I'M y nil 1 V D F c ? On rlu X -+ -+ I w tytjtj pp rrl m ;u -U rl 3 F- I L - r lM t:j MD? 0 -1 M ?? F? F --" M M C C7 D u p m ;u A % N 4 ? I ) m-i p w x r*1 • N F--& -I bd 3 ? Z ? - N? Z ° - I I \ nl I v r 00 y x N 7 w k C3 O I Q --1 D l C a F _a _ I v t =j H ;u Z rri -u N, ;u -u N -i m m N d _ C3 m q z R° , . Z Inc Gaston Pier-Point Contractors L k PR?JECT NAMES PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT rY eanr a , , a e 3 G A S T O N POINT RESORT OVIOE IS Rome s, Box 1401, Ilttteton, NC 21850, 252-586-449 G A T IN LAKE LAKE mfl I/IV=I' uI A P P I _ I 1 ' ?N E GAStoN 0C A6600CICS of AT, BIG STOHEHIISE CREEK DAZE.- 2-14-99 SHAVN 3 of 4 G1 _ row/ G Z s so COUNTY OFD VARRE?O NC Duane White, Manager Gaston Pointe Developers, LLC 78 River Road Littleton, N.C. 27850 March 1, 1999 Mrs. Jean B. Manuele U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District Dear Mrs. Manuele: Per our recent telephone conversation, I am enclosing the completed application for the permit regarding our proposed Piers and associated bulkheads. We have taken several steps to minimize the potential impact of the project on the Fishery Habitat, while continuing to allow for a successful project. Originally we planned to build 84 Piers, and after careful consideration and much research we have reduced the number of piers to 56 Units. This reduces the amount of affected bottom area by 33% The proposed area to be bulkheaded will be only the areas adjacent to the piers and walkways, with the remaining areas of eroding shoreline to be covered with rip rap. This will allow for a safe transition from the piers to the shoreline with minimal impact to the shoreline. The piers will be Wheel Chair Accessible and a smooth transition to the shore will be essential. I have had a recent phone conservation with Mr. Wayne Jones from NC Wildlife and currently have an appointment to meet with him at the project next week. Based on our phone conservation, we are planning to submerge old stumps(root systems) under the walk ways of the new piers inorder to help increase the fishery habitat in the area. I forward to working with you on this project and to a favorable response to our permit request. If you have any questions or any further information is needed, please contact me at (252)586-4661. SincereW, . R. Duane White Manager 0 c Q.. O .N E O N c U p0EEoo N C `n C O C > c E0TU m E T 0 Uo w U N ? o ?o?E °- c } U p o 15 N U a -+- °0S-> o}Yo .? a 0 o~ Z ° E N O 0 N ` a_ -c a2 U) c 9 C: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES t[f4' _ DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT r . k S ° PEW March 24, 1999 JAMES B. HUNTJR. GOVERNOR MEN I*JM ,n) t }/VAYfJE MCDEVITT .1'O• M•?A, Preston Howard, P. E. Av SECRETARY 1'X iF ]'Odor 4 vision of Water Quality E'? r FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. ` DONNAD MOFFIT7_-, '. DIRgL4OR;,- Inland "404" Coordinator F zz ?3 r } ?? T f„?, UBJECT: "404" Project Review l?• F? zd?-j K ±Tlt Y1 .• t, ,? 5t " sk he attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199920482 dated arch 18, 1999 describing a proposed project by Mr. R. Duane White is being circulated to nterested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 4/16/99. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 33-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. r REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. P i Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Date P.O. BOX 27687, RALEIGH, NC 2761 1 -7687 / 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, NC 27604 PHONE 91 9-733-2293 FAX 91 9-733-1495 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 Oq POST-CONSUMER PAPER Kv NCDENR I .; JAMES B. HUNTJR.?(,.. t: GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM ,. I rw'' TO: IYNE MCDEVITT?,-? I_. CRET ttRY kk} Ely'.?a FROM "DONNA D. MOFFITT.'.' F'. DIRECTOR r` NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT March 24, 1999 Mr. A. Preston Howard, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator "404" Project Review .?he attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199920482 dated 3;,-P'-arch 18, 1999 describing a proposed project by Mr. R. Duane White is being circulated to ; :,. i,--,'interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits. lease indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this Form by 4/16/99. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at .733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Date P.O. BOX 27687, RALEIGH, INC 2761 1 -7687 / 2728 CAPITAL BLVD., RALEIGH, INC 27604 PHONE 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MAR 2 2 1999 Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 COASTAL MANAGEMENT Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199920482 March 18, 1999 PUBLIC NOTICE MR. R. DUANE WHITE, Gaston Point Developers, LLC, 78 River Road, Littleton, North Carolina 27850, has applied for Department of the Army (DA) permit for the PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 56 BOATSLIPS AND THE PROPOSED DISCHARGE OF 300 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL MATERIAL ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF 450 LINEAR FEET OF BULKHEAD WITH RIP RAP TO STABILIZE THE ERODING SHORELINE LOCATED AT THE PROPOSED GASTON POINT RESORT on the southwest side of NC Highway 903, approximately 2 miles west of Eaton Ferry Road, northwest of Littleton, Warren County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show the proposed construction of 4 community boatdocks/piers, each containing 14 individual boatslips, for a total of 56 boatslips. Boatslips are proposed to be 12 feet wide by 24 feet long. Each community boatdock/pier will extend 20 feet from the existing shoreline before the first boatslip construction occurs. Seven individual slips will be located on each side of every community boatdock/pier, with alternating 3-foot wide and 111-2 inch wide piers located between slips to provide access to each slip. Each community boatdock/pier will extend a total of 125 feet from the existing shoreline. The method of boatdock construction chosen by the applicant has eliminated the need to dredge the lake bottom since the slips will be located in deep water. The applicant also proposes to discharge 300 cubic yards of clean earthen fill material and rip rap into waters of the United States associated with the installation of 450 linear feet of treated-wood bulkhead to reduce erosion along the eroding peninsulas located on the property. The earthen fill will be utilized as backfill for the proposed bulkhead, which will be installed 1 to 4 feet waterward of the existing shoreline, and the riprap will be placed in front of the new bulkhead. The purpose of the work is to provide boatdock facilities for tenants located in the proposed Gaston Point Resort. Plans showing the work are included with this public notice. The State of North Carolina will review this public notice to determine the need for the applicant to obtain any required State authorization. No Department of the Army (DA) permit will be issued until the coordinated State viewpoint on the proposal has been received and reviewed by this agency, nor will a DA permit be issued until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) has determined the applicability of a Water Quality Certificate as required by PL 92-500. This application is being considered pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this site is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts which the proposed activity may have on the public interest requires a careful weighing of all those factors which become relevant in each particular case. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects 2 thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b)(1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or_ an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether or not the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. 3 All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611- 7687, on or before April 9, 1999, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, Attention: Mrs. Jean B. Manuele, until 4:15 p.m., April 16, 1999, or telephone (919) 876-8441, Extension 24. 4 - - - - - - p "-X =X rpU L7 O O-0 C ?t p X 7 ip 3 r} Q_ n 4 m o m q+(c) r0 O Q -3 X V+ C) O P cr W X r+ N • sn? M ? ? 3mU o0 co m P tA tA U1 P P O S<0C+Zn r+ 7 N C r+ ? 3 r+ l C P -j 3 w n 4 IA ? r+ O QCL 90 3 P N 3 rF 3 n 3 tA m X, 3 v to ao N P 3 s • o h r+ 0 3 6'--? ro0 w rU -- rU \ N • W rU ro r rU W W 24'TYP. --? I? O rv • Lake Gaston Neer-Poht Contractors, U c PROJECT NAME, FRWL%tll dULMILRu, rims, . jxjnl Route s, Banc 14D, tltttetam, IC VU, 22-W4493 G A S T G N POINT RESORT PWOW IS TD WIE 0WHITY MAT A IN LAKE GASTON all Y16'=11 9 IF i LA P PL?JCN T, GL?/Gc oP?'?S AT, BIG SW= CREEK DAZE= 02-14-99 Sllm ALB[N I of 4 iC'? ten/ ti? z ;7grso r0UNTr UP VARRN NC 2•X10' LL AREA VARIES !OM 1' TO 4' 2' X 6' HALES 2-INSIDE DTOP E TOPPBOTTTTO I-OUTSL RIP-RAP SLOPED UPWARD TO WATER LEVEL NOTES, 1. ALL TIMBER (INCLUDING PIER) PRESSURE AND CHEMICAL TREATED 8 ALL HARDWARE (INCLUDING PIER) HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (EXCEPT FOR 1/4' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE AND CLAMPS) 3. APPROX 300 CU. YDS. OF UPLAND FILL 2' X 6' TONGUE -2 GROOVE SHEET 4' TO 8' LENGTHS BACK FILL D GRADE DEAD MAN PILE 4' X 4 1/4' STAINLESS STEEL CABLE L CLAMPS Lake Gaston Pier-Point Contractors, Inc, PROJECT NAME, b& s, &m I401, Utttet0n, me zm, z R-wm93 G A S T 0 N POINT RESORT v/'Z2 SCALE) 3/4I =1? NAVN BY, SM It P PP I.1 r.AN T DAZE: P-14-99 SHAVN ALBIN 2 of 4 PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT S PU?M IS TO PROV[DE CMRQTT MAT N INS LAKE GASTON ATi BIG STONEHOUSE CREEK COUNTY OF, VARRENi NC e F-? F-' -? -u F-a \ I V H D r N, -pt ; ° m ?% d t j N X F ? C4 H (? 11 3 ?7 H H Z < Cl I V ? -N ? Z tj m D Z 'Z ? _ Z m n rim rx ;u z r m H D 'v ?o emu" < r n? =rr? D --1 H Z F;p'?01 I I II `?' Oro n? I V H ? F9 L /U r ro PI L F r FU ?-=- (U ?k DDO_?GIU_ n4%.tjw Nt-Z / f/1 r T *i ? ,CT,wr X?< z C' Q J / ?, \ r MH=rr •0(4 °° ° ? r ?U - -4 ; rrl 3 N ;u -U eD rr i ?' H r i -u m t:j I DDS z mr, El ?. 1///'???1 = frrl f l -A ri d ty C3 y ;u ?- ?' h-' ;u D? C < ? rri ,r -1 bd ? z rTl 3 ?• 4 = Z H Co FV C3 0 10, DI (U tj N Z P-4 u u x frl H N ?'- ty -1 L 2 -+ C 3 C N Q° T Z lp ?-Z Lake Gaston Pier-Point Contracto ROJECT NAMES PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BOAT ? QTY QTY B0^r Al q A S O N POINT RESORT '° IS To PROVIDE 5"3 We 5, Box 1401, Utttetm, IC 27050, ?.52- IN LAKE GASTON ?- SWII I/16 -I 11 DOWN BY, IM ? P ' qN T 6q s r onl Po//t'rE 0OEAE60?FICs ATE BIG STUNDUU CREEK DA1EI 02-11-99 SMVN 3 of 4 L,Jr- ro.?/ c z -7 .g so CWNTr Uri VARREN NC l i II I ? ? t r?' , le o 1rn. c?p?°fe? T ? C w N t- Z 0 mzrnmf Gl N W C O V ? -1 N = t_J .-? -l ITl M OD? Z o tt D 3 t7 r' > rrl N D y v 9-4 m rrq ap N -4 A r tD ? c N O ;u N f*1 a 0 z C/7 0 z r-,, 0 r - G-7 r-" C"7 fTl -4v [;u rvl a zx -u o rq N N O O C7 z zc° rq m 0- S05-50'00'F- d I 0141 ? i 1' ? .1833.? v ? m ? < O rn y r ? a Lake Wm Pier-Pant Conhd(rs,1% PROJECT NAME, PROPOSED BULKHEAD, PIERS, L BGAT•SLI bite s, so i4a, Ilmtm is 2, 22-serrm GA S T GN POINT RESORT PUlM 11 11 PWMX WKNITY MAT ACCE APPLICANT, IM LAKE GASTON SCkli 11=0 ON Iff'. zu I 671q sTV f AT• BIG STlliEIaISE CREEK DATE: 9C-14-99 SHAVN AM 4 of 4 ?? ? ? ro v •v? ; 67's o , car (F1 VW N NC March 29, 1999 Mr. John Dorney NC Division of Water Quality P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: I read with consternation the Littleton Observer's article on the proposed boatdocks at Gaston Point Resort. As a homeowner in the Cornerstone subdivision at the back of Big Stonehouse Creek, I am appalled to think that approval would be given to this project. Currently there are approximately twenty-five homesites in this small, dead end cove. Due to shallow waters, wetlands, and power lines across the middle of the water, limited building can occur in the future. To more than double the current capacity of boat slips by issuing this permit would prove extremely dangerous for all who use the cove for fishing and boating. The only access to the cove is a triple tunnel culvert that runs under highway 903. These tunnels are narrow, built at an angle that makes entering and exiting hazardous, and already overused. The proposed 56 boatslip users would have to navigate these small tunnels to travel anywhere else on the Lake and to return to their lodging. The cove itself is too small to handle more than a few boats at a time on the water. The safety of all boaters would be endangered by increasing boat traffic in this area to this extent. In addition, the cove is a breeding ground for many types of fish and fowl. A bald eagle feeds here. The great blue heron, Canada geese, mallard ducks, and other water birds nest just past the proposed construction site. There is not much land left for these wonderful creatures on the Lake. It is time to think of them, too. The water in the creek is shallow for the most part, and extremely so in the area of the proposed piers. That is probably why they are requesting piers of 125 feet. The cove itself is not very wide, although I do not know the exact measurement. The water is often muddy from erosion. Just think how much more erosion will be caused by the wakes from all the additional boats. I would like to invite you to come up and take a look at this special place. I am sure you will agree that the carrying capacity for boat traffic on this end of Big Stonehouse Creek could not possibly tolerate 56 new boatslips. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, X'?? X" Blair F. Davis 832 Castaways Trail Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Owner: Lot 6 Cornerstone, Littleton, NC March 29, 1999 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Attn. Jean B. Manuele PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Re: Permit boatslips for Proposed Gaston Point Resort Big Stonehouse Dear Ms. Manuele: I strongly OBJECT to the permit for construction of 56 boatslips, on Big Stonehouse Creek. Being a property owner in Stonehouse Acres, This will present a problem for all homeowners. The reason for my objections are: 1. The creek already houses 25 other boat houses, who has to use a very small, dangerous tunnel for access to the main lake. 2. Adding an additional 56 more boat slips to an already hazardous creek will add additional boat traffic in and out the creek 3. To extend piers and boat slips 125 feet from shoreline will interfere with the alignment of the tunnel to exit and enter the creek. This would present a hazardous condition and make it almost impossible. 4. To extend piers and boat slips 125 feet from shoreline will take up a large section of the creek which is right in front of the tunnel. 5. The creek is not large enough for an additional 56 boats plus the normal boat traffic in the creek. 6. There is already heavy at traffic on Creek during the .- he additional boat traffic nand out tunneeli someo eowill most definitely. beAsummernu*ge wit a boat accident. 7. THIS WILL ALSO IMPACT THE CLEAN WATER, WITH NORMA TRAFFIC THE WATER IS ALWAYS MUDDY FROM THE CONSTANT` 4,7 CHURNING., AND THE ADDING OF MORE BOATS WILL MAKE THIS CONDITION WORSE. I strongly urge you to please take into consideration the hazards this will cause the Property Owners. 131 ?! S Wes oo,?v .?? Mr. & Mrs. Roger Silcox /cc: N.C. Division of Water Quality PO Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn. John Dorney 3/29/99 NC Division of Water Quality P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 2761 l -7687 ATTN: John Dorney RE: Proposed plan to build 56 Gaston, Littleton, NC Dear Mr. Domey, T 0 5 bridge on Big Stonehouse Creek, Lake The purpose of this letter is to voice our concern over the above mentioned proposal. We own property located at Lot 8 Cornerstone S/D, which is in Big Stonehouse Creek, inside the bridge. Our first of many concerns is the bridge that must be utilized by all who are inside the area incuding ourselves as well as the 56 proposed slips. Please take a look at it. A boat passing through it has ZERO clearance. I believe it is A-F O feet wide. When the water is high, one must duck in order to not be decapitated, literally. In the summer months, there is substantial traffic already by jet skiers. They wish to come through there to our side since it is relatively quiet and they can scoot about as they wish without much boat traffic as is the case on the "Big Water". There were several times last summer when we were trying to get through the bridge to go boating on the Main Lake when a jet skier forced our boat to slam up against the concrete walls inside the bridge. Even if a "no wake" zone is posted, we feel there would be a substantial increase of traffic accidents there resulting from too many boats in an area where there is just not enough room for them. Our second concern is environmental. That whole side of the inlet as well as down by our property at the opposite end of the cove seems to be a haven/home for the many geese and ducks. They need their home. We feel that a reasonable amount of docks on that side would not force them to go elsewhere. What the proposed developer is asking for, whomever they are, is completely unreasonable for the location. We feel up to 10 slips would be reasonable, no more. Believe us when we say that amount of slips is being very generous. The whole cove does not get more than approximately 5 feet deep throughout. With 56 boats in our cove, pollution would be probable. We like to swim off our dock in our 4 feet of water. Please do not allow them to ruin this for us. The water is too shallow and the cove too small to accomodate that many boats. The water would be polluted for certain. Personally, I, Cecelia Kirts, believe the developer is playing politics. I think he is requesting an g2scene amount of boat slip permits hoping to get what his real bottom line number of slips is, probably somewhere in the 30-ish mark. That is still too many. Please do not be fooled by these antics. This is along the lines of someone asking way too much for their home, hoping to get what they really want for a settlement/purchase price. Another analogy comes to mind. How about stuffing 100 sardines into a can that only holds 20. It wouldn't be pretty, and neither would this scenario. I understand the Corp has cracked down on restrictions on the shorelines of Lake Gaston since January 1998. PLEASE CRACK DOWN ON THIS RIDICULOUS PROPOSAL AND PREVENT THEM FROM RUINING OUR COVE!!! Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sin ely, ??' Daren & Cecelia Kirts & family Lot 8 Cornerstone on Lake Gaston Littleton, NC P.S. A note from our daughter, Jennifer: Please do not put in 56 boatslips, because I am just learning how to ski. It is already hard enough to ski with all the wake that we get from jet skiers, and such. I love to use our cove as a traning center to learn. And the Main Lake is way too busy to learn on. And another thing, I love to see all the pretty ducks that hang out there, and they probably wouldn't like to hang around with all the pollution that boats and your buildings would give off. I really would appreciate if you wouldn't allow them to put that many because, I love swimming with my friends in the Summer, and that would make me convinced not to in the polluted water. Thank you very much, Jennifer Kirts I?.rr+?`c Itu??A Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Division of Water Quality PO Box 27687{ p'??shbn Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: w ft This letter is to express our concerns about the proposed ren rental boat slips on Big StoneHouse Creek at Lake Gaston, NC. We are penman residents on Big StoneHouse Creek. This creek is a high traffic area for boaters and skiers, due mainly because of the rental units, gas pumps & slips that are already in place at StoneHouse Timber Lodge. There is also another marina/campground on Little StoneHouse Creek , known as Outdoor World. There are also a lot of fishing tournaments that are held at StoneHouse Timber Lodge - that creates a lot a extra boating. The proposed site for the new rental units is also located very near a culvert near the head of the creek. It is a small culvert and any extra traffic would be an enormous safety hazard. Thank you for any assistance you can give with this matter of great concern. Tony & Kay Drake Rt. 5,Box 112 Littleton, NC 27850 's ATTN: Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Division of Water Quality P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: Big Stonehouse Creek Property Owners and Concerned Citizens Lske Gaston 17P W 'ren County, North Carolina arch 29, 1999 / X j We, the undersigned property owners and concerned citizens of Big Stonehouse Creek, respectfully request the permit for 56 boatslips at the proposed Gaston Point Resort be denied. Included in our concerns are: The additional boat and watercraft traffic on the creek resulting from these structures will create extremely unsafe congestion in a small body of water. The entire waterway on Big Stonehouse Creek is fairly narrow and shallow with many unnavigable areas. 2. Boat and personal watercraft traffic on the Creek is already extremely heavy and dangerous at times. These proposed units will be rented primarily for weekend use, and weekend traffic is already at a peak. 3. There will be significant erosion from the additional boat and watercraft traffic. 4. A hazardous culvert exists to reach the proposed resort area. The culvert is perpendicular to the road but not true to the channel, thereby, causing a blind spot when entering and exiting the culvert. The entry and exit through the culvert in this area are extremely hazardous due to the angle of the culvert which requires a sharp turn and involves a blind spot and sandbars. Piers extending 125 feet into the water will further obstruct one's safe entry and exit through the culvert. The current at the culvert changes so much it is not always possible to select entry into a specific tunnel even for the most experienced and safe boater. Due to the stumps and shallow water at the mouth of the culvert, one of the three tunnels of the culvert is virtually unusable. 5. The location of the resort is in an area where the water is extremely shallow, probably averaging five feet deep. Much of this area is unnavigable due to shallow water and hidden submerged stumps. This area west of the culvert has a fluctuating shoreline and is only about 1/2 mile long and 100 yards wide at its widest point. There shoreline and is only about 1/2 mile long and 100 yards wide at its widest point. There are about 25 homes on this small west side location which already experiences heavy boat and watercraft traffic. 6. A power line with supporting poles in the water exists on the west side of the culvert. 7. Water, noise, and air pollution will increase due to the additional boat traffic. 8. This increased water traffic and associated dangers will virtually prohibit recreational swimming and activities such as pedal boating in the creek. 9. The additional traffic will have an adverse effect on the existing natural wildlife habitat and water quality. The cove at the end of the creek is a haven for Canadian geese, mallard ducks, bald eagles, woodpeckers, the blue heron, and serves as a spawning ground for various species of fish including the large mouth bass, catfish, crappie, carp, striper, bream, and various other aquatic wildlife. 10. With the additional traffic and changing water currents, safe exiting of property owners' boathouses will become more dangerous due to the necessity to back out of boathouses. 11. There is already heavy traffic on Big Stone House Creek due to one commercial property with rental units. Also opposite to the mouth of the creek is a campground. The increased boat and watercraft traffic resulting from an additional commercial property with a proposed 80 rental units and 56 boatslips on such a small and narrow creek increases hazards on the water, diminishes water quality, and has the potential for disaster. 12. We are also concerned about the safety and capacity of the facilities which will be used for launching these additional boats and watercraft, and the location of such facilities, i.e., the existing wildlife ramp at Salmon's Landing, or is there a plan for a new ramp at the resort? We would strongly oppose a new ramp in such a congested, small area and also believe that there would be excessive congestion at the Salmon's Landing ramp to accommodate 56 boatslips at the resort. Due to the serious ramifications of these decisions, we would request a representative from your office come and view the existing conditions of the creek with some of the property owners prior to making a final decision on the issuance of permits. We would recommend this on-site visit be made on a weekend when seasonal property owners and visitors are utilizing the creek. This would be more representative of actual creek usage and conditions during the peak season. For reference, we have enclosed a copy of a more accurate portrayal of the actual creek with the culvert marked. The original submission from the permit applicant failed to show the culvert and the adjacent shoreline. We also request a hearing be held to discuss the aforementioned concerns. As environmentally concerned citizens and property owners of Big Stonehouse Creek, we do not wish to destroy the existing balance between man and nature, nor do we wish to see an increase in the potential for hazards and disasters on the waters of Lake Gaston. Your consideration in these efforts is greatly appreciated. Should you need a point of contact from Big Stonehouse Creek, please feel free to contact any of the following property owners: John Bradley (H) 252-586-6727 (W) 252-586-3121 Earl Bullock (H) 252-586-5224 Earl Merson (H) 252-586-2836 Jerry Shinn (H) 252-586-5098 Elton Rook (H) 252-6153 cc: Joe Peterson, North Carolina Power Roger LeQuire, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission IC N A =? OO r/ G/f ?1 ?x • vq ?o n N 19 M ;;x A N A 03 p 'o G ?t P m J PETITION SIGNATURES Z7 S? ,Y b s"z Ly i i3gi 49'Z. FF 6T ?1C ?Z SU 7' - wrz- -? z? _ r .4bZ ??,??hu. aye . t rrn ? _ Nc s-1 tam 7 FF?? C 2- L- -i J C)O A,! C PETITION SIGNATURES n A -Joy ?,,?,??'s -+r! 1JC_ J?- J 15 "?,s ?"/ i 12C 0&1-0 cam. w (? rv cc c KJ 7 3 l /`dre-S/- 4 r- ?C :t ZeF6 2 tiaL L??? C? r 61 1- & rK, /?cX /00 ? // r C s.-,) - ? 37 . L51 ji ?. JZ? ge3 PETITION SIGNATURES PETITION SIGNATURES at jo y c? t 1 0 I lop - `k L C-T I I- ?'raYie. }-?oL1S ? 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Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Dorney: This is in response to an article in the Littleton Observer about the proposed 56 boatslips at Gaston Point Resort on the west side of the culvert on Big Stonehouse Creek, NC Route 903, Lake Gaston. We believe that the increased boat traffic on the creek resulting from an additional 56 boatslips would cause excessive congestion and safety hazards in an area with only a narrow triple tunnel culvert as its only outlet. Due to the angle of the culvert, 125 foot long piers at the resort would further contribute to an already existing blind spot when entering and exiting the tunnels. With the existing boat and watercraft traffic from the 25 property owners and other boaters in this west side cove, another 56 boats would more than triple the traffic in an extremely narrow and shallow area. This cove also has power lines across the creek and is approximately one half mile long and 100 yards at it widest point. We are also concerned about the adverse effects this additional traffic will have on the natural environment. This area of the creek includes a wetlands habitat for many species of wildlife including Canadian geese, mallard ducks, the blue heron, woodpeckers, and even bald eagles. It not only serves as a nesting area for the aforementioned, but also a spawning ground for many species of fish and other aquatic wildlife. Other environmental concerns resulting from the additional boat and watercraft traffic are the increases in noise, water, and air pollution. The shallow water in this cove is already quite muddy during peak usage. Traffic associated with 56 additional boatslips in such a small area would tremendously increase this erosion. We respectfully request a public hearing to discuss the proposal and our concerns. We would further extend an invitation to your or someone from your office to visit and take a first- hand look at the development area. Your consideration in denial of the proposed permit is greatly appreciated. Sincerely C. John Br ey, Jr. and Barbara J. Bradley cc: Joe Peterson, North Carolina Power Roger LeQuire, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission