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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191242 Ver 1_Summerdale II maps_20191130Strickland, Bev From: Krissina Newcomb <> Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 12:34 PM To: Lastinger, James C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc:; Goss, Stephanie Subject: [External] Re: Summerdale II PCN, incomplete notice, SAW-2019-02106 Attachments: Summerdale II maps.pdf • ' External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to James, Sorry for the second email; the Thanksgiving holiday made it difficult to complete our response. This email should contain the last bit of information you had requested. Please see the attached maps. The impact maps (Sheets 2 and 3) have been clarified to enumerate the wetland and stream impacts. Also included is a profile of the road crossing and culvert (sheet 4). The corrected impact tables are below: 2a. Site # ` gal Reason' : 2b. Impact type* 2c. Type of W. 2d. ' W-1 cu-1yert, fill P Headwater Forest C JW-2 fill P Headwater Forest C JW-3 III P Headwater Forest C W-4 fill P Headwater Forest C Add 2g. Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g. Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0.227 2g. Total Wetland Impact 0.227 . Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed i "." will be used in the table below to repres 3a. Reason for impact's [?r 113b.Impart type` II3c. Type of impact II3d. S. name s si III road cross i ngI I III Permanent I III Culvert I UT Add another impact *k All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government_ 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 1 N Please let me know if you need anything else to complete your review of the application. Thanks. Krissina Newcomb Hal Owen & Associates, Inc. PO Box 400, Lillington NC 27546 910-893-8743 Find us on Facebook at On 11/30/2019 3:36 PM, Krissina Newcomb wrote: Re: USACE AID SAW-2019-02106 NCDWR Project # 20191242 Ver 1 The following information and attached maps are provided as requested by USACE (email dated 10/30/19) and NCDWR (email dated 11/5/19). 1. Jurisdictional features (streams and wetlands) were delineated by Alex Adams. I have attached the supporting documents for a preliminary jurisdictional determination (PJD). The map depicts the jurisdictional features within a defined project area, to include part of the western half of the site (where the existing sewer line and proposed stormwater basin are). Wetland determination data forms and a PJD form are also attached. These files are named Coley_Farm*.pdf 2. A revised impact map is attached (summerdaleII_Site Plan USACOE_2019-11-30.pdf). The plan has been modified to reduce wetland impacts by moving one of the lots from the northern side of Varina Towns Drive to the southern side. Also, wetlands in the common area have been removed from the proposed impacts. Proposed wetland impacts have been reduced to 0.23 acre. 3. Avoidance and Minimization Measures: (a) The road could not be sited perpendicular to the stream due to the narrow width of the property in that location. A perpendicular road alignment was considered, as suggested, but reduced the total lot count by 15% which is below a financially viable threshold for the project. (b) A lot has been moved to a location requiring fewer wetland impacts. (c) the road shoulder slopes at the wetland crossing will be constructed at a 2:1 slope (2ft run to lft rise). (d) Heavy vinyl protection fencing will be installed to protect wetlands during construction, as indicated on the map. (0 Wetlands in the common area have been removed from the proposed impacts. Krissina Newcomb Hal Owen & Associates, Inc. PO Box 400, Lillington NC 27546 910-893-8743 Find us on Facebook at On 10/30/2019 12:12 PM, Lastinger, James C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) wrote: Krissina, I have reviewed the PCN for Summerdale II, and have determined it to be incomplete. Please address the following in order for me to proceed with PCN review: 1. Your PCN indicated a delineation by others was performed for the site. It appears that there is no record of a delineation that was ever submitted in our files, and no delineation, data forms, and appropriate paperwork in the form of a JD request packet was submitted with the PCN. Please submit this information for Corps concurrence. Please keep in mind that a site visit will required in order to verify potential aquatic resources on site. Once a delineation packet has been submitted I will contact you to schedule a site visit. 2. Your impact maps are unclear, as I am not able to determine the impact areas associated with this permit application. It also appears that stream channels and wetlands will be impacted that are currently not accounted for within the PCN. Specifically, based on your submitted plans there appears to be unaccounted wetland impacts for lots 7-9, unaccounted wetland impacts for sewer line connection below the proposed stormwater BMP, and unaccounted wetland impacts from fill slopes for the BMP itself. Please clarify, and include these impacts if necessary. Your stream channel impacts associated with this project in the wetland area proposed for impacts for Varina Towns Drive are unclear and inconsistent. The culvert is not shown on all plan sheets, nor was a cross section of the culvert submitted (please submit). While the pipe length is shown at 78 feet, it also appears that addition stream channel length above and below the culvert will be filled. Please clarify. Until these impacts are quantified this office will be unable to determine if the project qualifies for the use of a NWP or if a standard permit will be required, or if additional mitigation may be required. 3. Please clearly demarcate the boundary of the project on all plans submitted to this office. Please consistently label all jurisdictional features on your submitted plans. Please use a graphic scale on all impact maps so that impact lengths can be measured. It is currently unclear where wetland boundaries, project boundaries, stream channels, or impact areas exist on the site. 4. Your avoidance and minimization statement is insufficient. Please submit further information regarding why the roadway could not be designed to cross the stream channel at a perpendicular angle, or the use of headwalls (thereby reducing stream impact lengths), and the need for the proposed number of lots necessitating lot fill. Please submit the above information within 30 days of receipt of this Notification or we will consider your application withdrawn and close the file. I will be out of the office the remainder of the week on vacation. When I return I will try to get further 4 information regarding the mitigation bank site from our Mitigation POC in the office (unfortunately she is out of the office all week as well), and update you on my findings. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the above requested information. James Lastinger Regulatory Project Manager Raleigh Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ADDRESS: 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Tel: (919) 554-4884, x32 Cell: (919) 428-0806 Fax: (919) 562-0421 5 / / / / I I SITE DATA I \ ADDRESS 131 COLEY FARM ROAD AREA PER DEED 6.52 Ao. PI PIN NUMBERS 0656576506 D® BM 2004 PG 1782 1 00' 50�,-' 0' 1 00' 200' <1 OWNER/DEVELOPER ENGINEER �Py PRIME 1 BUILDERS, LLC GREG BAGLEY ^'9 0 / I / I I �� y�' 0 2209 HAMRICK DRIVE 805 COKESBURY ROAD °6h6 e�O ry"°P� 0�0° o�ry / I I I �ye RALEIGH, NC 27616 FUQUAY VARINA, N.C. 27526 �o°�oha��o I I I bra Ph. (919) 616-7533 Ph. (919) 609-0300 / Q ryo� �y .��`` oo— /ti WETLAND ON PROPERTY =2201 SQ FT STREAMS ON PROPERTY = 486 LF i S87 55' 39"E /S87✓55' ' I 143.17 96,2 7.041 82.81 WETLAND DELINEATION / o \\�396 \ CIO -I I aka° �^ I I I 1 \ \ � � / — _ ,� ems• � / s°=6°°^� °� e° 394 - 7 4b OP 1 392 M `•` \ \ \ / — / 5 HBO"� 06s0 G 66> ROFN ii 690 y4 �7, e // '� g5 f WETLAND DELINEATION CERTIFICATION -- m � / I \ \ \�-----/ 561• i/ Nth pTN p pF ZONiNo 0% �FRSo \ \ < 3 X14 � \ •'•"oG 1\ \ \ \ \ — I / / / // aN o� % ? \ oa, , Oo 0 s�oENTe< po 0 36 Pw 9hL 5 \\ — ,••1 \\ 3A ty k�nGy \5yf�e sq�� \L / I \ / � I \ \' I N / x / I\ / I II II I W� I I I eowgR \ ,),g NO o6s66S� � 44 RFSiO4. 1' pcR26p 303 / / / 131 COLEY FARM ROAD EXISTING CONDITIONS L E �N 0 � 0 U N 0 0 W -0 E 0 U 0 0) 0 N_zO) 0) 0 0) O m 7 U •L I -0 L N 0 0) 0>rn LOU 0 N o 0L0 I 0000LiOCD 03 05 J wZ G 0W Z J a co ~O W o Sheet Number 1 of 4 I i / I I �^S �00� 069y�eD�^bOP2 O`P0 Oyti I ���006p6y0'Z4 � t �n TO BE: ti PUT EX�n4G 8T 55' S87 55' 39"E S87`/55' B I 143.17 94 �4�1 N76 i I N 5 U I O �, � 6, 0A 66 A s i 4j6\ e i I 7 \/ p NO I / I I I / / / I / / I W� a N I qe* \ 15 \ b'�Cf 1 \ I I X80 eawq \ \ cId prN R� qv,T \ \\i O6S 0&ONrNo 66S ' T q< �\\ RFS/ p f^3rrB pCR2� 3R3 \ K, 6 \ X I / / I / I / I I / / / / 5W 25' 0' W. 100' �J 20 0o zP 4 y� 30, 8 / / 37 WE�TiANp�Y T PRo1E8d2 l �'o ^ 1° lI, if � O°°�?1P \ O „�e� O o ?6 35 W-3 47' W2 i S6 / d� $� /EGEf ON TG BE E P SIBL 1 �n OTT PLEXISTINd / / 0 �ryry� /sr�,F ��1�1DPC N N peCNi C G656'11"?o 9 6;, R``Sr�E°N /q(pCR'Q 369p , kgRe \ N prN N A pq 9 Ne GNrN� �sS66��FRSON 4:?ll pc Fq 131 COLEY FARM ROAD SITE DATA ADDRESS 131 COLEY FARM ROAD AREA PER DEED 6.52 Ac. ZONING RMD PIN NUMBERS 0656576506 DEED BM 2004 PG 1782 OPEN SPACE .98 REQUIRED. 2.35 AC PROVIDED DISTURBED AREA 3.82 ACRES WETLAND DISTURBED M34 AC WOODED 6.52 AC ADDRESS 131 COLEY FARM ROAD SETBACKS FRONT 20' REAR 5- SIDE 8' SEPARATION 10' LAND USE EASTING — VACANT PROPOSED — TOWNHOUSES IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DRIVEWAYS/PARKING = 11.872 SO FT DWELLINGS — 48,750 SQ FT ROADWAY — 28.240 SO FT SIDEWALK =9605 SO FT KIOSK — 246 SQ FT TOTAL = 98,713 SO FT OR 2.26 AC LOT SIZE 1560 SQ. FT. OWNER/DEVELOPER ENGINEER PRIME 1 BUILDERS, LLC GREG BAGLEY 2209 HAMRICK DRIVE 805 COKESBURY ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27616 FUQUAY VARINA, N.C. 27526 Ph. (919) 616-7533 Ph. (919) 609-0300 UN —IMPACTED WETLANDS ��] IMPACTED WETLANDS FW-11 SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS =8830 SQ FT W-2 SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS =470 SQ FT =410 SQ FT =188 SQ FT W-3 W-4 TOTAL IMPACTED WETLANDS =9898 SQ FT = .23 ac S-1 LF OF 36" PIPE IN WETLANDS =140 LF g-2 LF OF 12" PIPE IN WETLANDS =18 LF SITE PLAN USACOE ooadoN ,�• o�000 L o 00 Q) 0 C Ln 0 C4 0 •U c N W -0 O0 E 0 U O 01 0 1 Of Z Ol 0 Q) p 0] D 0 O) _ •E- 1 L U) 0 0) 0 01 >0)0 O) CDC O �� I 000LL_O0 Ly zi o= �w Q. chi W y L Uj 0 J J J r Z W O UJ Sheet Number 2 c1 4 i E 82.61 4 / b / / C. 00 a" 39 ,,moo ss?• o� 30 38 / ?sue 1 394? / $00 601 36 0� 392 / Q- M Ilium A 1� O� J � I o � \ V �N NXL �O OJ� \P� E r D @ ONSTROTE� 00 �� pa p O O 4 � O O Q W-3 'P� Z5121.5' 25' 50, 26.00 euj O 32 — x9 PRO AL / 0 0 V' NETLA ° N FE C 0 TIO O(O AD 39 NDS �/�_2 29 1 \ PACT 7 25 1 21a W LAND M CT _ 20 � 578• .. 392 21 $-2 _ R � . �ry L=47.3 -WE TLANDS 92` 22 R' ti .,� W_ S �. I 3 WEiLA S . dNETlANDS ae ?Bo, 392 — / / LANDS HEAVY VINYL 'TION FENCE TO / J ��J / ��� ,w 2 T ?B00 R PROT JDS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9L/� o _ 2600 _ ?e.oQ _.. . N� ?B00 3 26 T ``` WET / / `27 y ?BPo z 00 r� NOTE: / / � Z � � 1541 '% • � oo-� � 0 �3^Y1 EXIS ING VEGET ION T2S BE I USED WERE P SIBL W s6T \ �� Z //\ �s 4 SU, PLEMENTA ION TO D EXISTIN� TERMINED AT Pdi s o CORDING -o -3 13 n 28 OFN Fc 393 r// v� C E ��0/v C 06" 6 OR6FN / c\ RFSi�F/V // 'o ��� 3690 a7e�\ '17 SITE DATA ADDRESS 131 COLEY FARM ROAD AREA PER DEED 6.52 A. ZONING RMD PIN NUMBERS 0656576506 DEED BM 2OD4 PG 1782 OPEN SPACE .98 REQUIRED, 2.35 AC PROVIDED DISTURBED AREA 3.82 ACRES WETLAND DISTURBED 0.34 AC WOODED 6.52 AC ADDRESS 131 COLEY FARM ROAD SETBACKS FRONT 20' REAR 5' SIDE 8' SEPARATION 10' LAND USE EXISTING — VACANT PROPOSED = TOWNHOUSES IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DRIVEWAYS/PARKING — 11,872 SQ FT DWELLINGS — 48,750 SO FT ROADWAY = 28.240 SO FT SIDEWALK —9605 SQ FT KIOSK — 246 SO FT TOTAL = 98,T13 SO FT OR 2.26 AC LOT SIZE 1560 SQ. FT. ENGINEER GREG BAGLEY 805 COKESBURY ROAD FUQUAY VARINA, N.C. 27526 Ph. (919) 609-0300 OWNER/DEVELOPER PRIME 1 BUILDERS, LLC 2209 HAMRICK DRIVE RALEIGH, NC 27616 Ph. (919) 616-7533 \ R UN —IMPACTED WETLANDS IMPACTED WETLANDS �-0Nc 06S66�T�F/'S0� W-1 SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS =8830 SQ FT IS9 RFSSFNT83 SQ FT OF IMPACTED WETLANDS =470 SQ FT 10�<O W-3 SQ FT OF WETLANDS (IMPACTED Q FT � �< O��S W 4 SQ FT OF WETLANDS =MPACTED 8 S10 Q FT OF TOTAL IMPACTED WETLANDS =9898 SQ FT = .23 cc \ pRp✓Fc S-1 LF OF 36" PIPE IN WETLANDS =140 LF LF OF 12" PIPE IN WETLANDS =18 LF TT`` V 31 COLEY FAROO//ROAD aim ez; �•ma 000Lp'• .«�'C�o�o 0 O N U n oT N O O w o o� E U U O oT N0'Z(©1 > o m n 6 U •L I -0 O y>O) v U 6 Q) 6 �U� 000Li- O0 mW 03 G� w= �p_hb• 0 CL O W J 0 m � Q � WETLAND BLOW-UP USACOE 111=50' Sheet Number 3 of 4 O ZO'I'/NG` Ossss "ll I1 ,PFsbery i�q g0'j,4,D IVI� ►I 1 405 oa re PROJECT r x ISTE�EN p GORDEN II �x N PIN IIZo 0656673690 k = RlD M DBN9 71 PG 1141 x x N RESIDENTIAL x x" KJ•a -� 00 l50' 25' 0' 50' 100' k KAREN P. PATTERSON ' x PIN 0656671594 k RLD x k ZONING = r x k Dg 02883 PG 0745 k x x RE5IDENTIAL � x ""�` x pRpJECT ENNwJIOH BEST OB Nry� 6L00jFS s RFS/O'Ss2j R(s�OR <O \ FryT� PO � 6q \ 6`SO 405 1 390 ; INVERT 05,12" I CP=390.21i; WE ' @ 0 _ _ __;;� ------------------ + f------� i------ +------ E----- -�----- ------ +------ E----- -�----- ------ +------ f------ � +a +BllRjE0.T4a!4LQIN-Ij�1V-E9_ i---:;.' ; ' I----- 437��:dcs�___�-----i=====_ �------ ------ +------ F----- A ------ 4------ +------ F----- A ------ i------ f------ � +---390----- 1 - - - - --- ------ 1 ' - 2 F Y INV€RT QF 36" QBL RAP =3$9.7 -L- I I I I f f F i - --f-- --F- --- -4-- --f-- --F-- --- -4-- --f----F--M--�- --a-- --f-- --i ------ f-- --i----;-f------ I-- -j-- --i-- --f-- --F- -j-- --i-- -- -- --F.- -A-- --i-- --f-- --F- -A-- --i-- --f-- --F- -A-- --i-- --f-- -- 1 1 N I N Z a ----- ----- -- -- -- --- -- ----- - -- -- --- -- -- --- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- --- 375 I M M 370 3701 1 1 II cl ----- -----�-----�------------- ~ ----- -;------ ------ f------ f------ F------f------F------ ------f------F------ ----tT-------- , ------f------F-----,----- ------i------ ------ j------i------ -- m ------ ------ �------i------ ------ �------ i------ I------ i--------------�N � , � � ' ; ; ;;-i--;------;T----------------------To� - ----;------;----------------------------------------------------- �a; mollM'°' 365 + n to ��365 --------------------- ---- ---- --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - ----------- Z O a F F ----------------- ------ ------ ---- ----------------;------------�---- ----- ------ ------ ---- ; • ' ---- ------ ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- -- - --- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ----- -----------------------------------I �� -------------------------------- J------ I ------ L------ L----- J------ I ------ L----- 1_____J------ I ------ L----- 1_____J------ I ------ L----- 1_____J------ I ------ L----- 1_____J------ I ------ L----- 1_____J------ I ------ L------ ----- I______ L------- L----- 1_____ I______ ___ J______ I______ L------- L----- J______ I______ L------- L----- J.._____ I______ L------ L----- 1_____________- HORIZONTAL-1"=100' 1 0+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 1 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 VERTICAL. 1" 10' 9-16-19 NOTED ON PLAN REVISIONS u•%- °°°°°ti , f � •dy�s'j moo e c¢i:" �V �•pao L E 0 N U C Lo N O LLB o0 E >,ov�j @ pT O N m 7 U � •L I � Lai°�rn o>rn L_ U 6 N O ULc) 000LL_OU mw .W o� ZQ �a W rt CL J J co) M LU Z, a o � L J o U 00 cn w Q. Sheet Number 4 or 1