HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0005603_Application_20191202DWR Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE SYSTEM RENEWAL FORM: NDSR 09-19 This form is for renewal without modification for all non -discharge system permits, except Residuals Management and Single - Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation System permits. For more information, visit the Water Quality Permitting Section's Non -Discharge Branch 6Vebsite. I. PERMITTEE INFORMATION: 1. Permittec: Coats American, Inc, 2. Signature authority's name: Michael Cothran per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: Director of Manufacturing Primary Telephone number: (828) 756-4111 Office Email Address: michael.cothLan@coats.com 3. Permittee's mailing address: 630 American Thread Road City: Marion State: NC Zip: 28752 4. Billing address (if different from above): Same City: State: Zip: - Secondary number: (336) 541-3837 Cell 5. Contact person's name (if different from signature authority): Todd Wegenast Title: Environmental Compliance Manager Primary Telephone number: (828) 756-4111 ext 3316 Office Secondary number: (850) 545-8142 Cell Email Address: todd.weeenast a,coats.com H. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Existing permit number: WQ0005603 2. Has the facility been constructed? ® Yes or ❑ No If yes, has the facility been constructed in accordance with the permit and the Division -approved plans and specifications? [15A NCAC 02T .0110] ® Yes or ❑ No If no, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. 3. Has any of the property ownership within the facility and/or disposal area changed from what is indicated in the current permit (Attachment B — disposal field owner/lessee)? ❑ Yes or ® No Has the Permittee had a name change or has the permit changed ownership? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes to either, a permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. [15A NCAC 02T .0105] 4. Is this facility a Privately -Owned Public Utility? ❑ Yes or ®No If yes, provide two copies of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise. [15A NCAC 02T .0115(a)(1)] 5. Is the Permittee a Home/Property Owners' Associations or Developers of lots to be sold? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, provide the following: • For Home/Property Owners' Associations — Operational Agreement (FORM: HOA) and a copy of the proposed or approved Articles of Incorporation, Declarations, and By-laws [15A NCAC_ 02T .0115(c)] • For Developers of lots to be sold— Operational Agreement (FORM: DEV) 115A NCAC 02T .0115(b)] FORM: NDSR 09-I9 Page 1 of 4 State of North Carolina DWR Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources NON-DISCIIARGE SYSTEM RENEWAL FORM: NDSR 09-19 6. Does the facility treat and dispose of industrial wastewater? If yes, complete items below. If no, skip to the next section. Provide a detailed industrial process description including: • An overview of the manufacturing process • An inventory of all materials used for manufacture, including chemicals and biological matter • An overview of cleaning and treatment methodology, including an inventory of treatment materials and compounds Indicate the approximate percentage of wastewater makeup: Industrial:95% Domestic:1% Stormwater:4% Has the nature of wastes (e.g., change in industrial processes, introduction of new materials or chemicals, etc.) described in the approved permit application(s) changed'? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, a permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. FG.S. 141-215.1(d)l III. SITE MAP: 1. Provide an updated site map in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0105(d) that shows the following: The site map is not required to be signed or sealed by a Professional Engineer. However, the map must indicate the source of information. For example, parcel Iines taken from a county GIS map should reference the GIS website. ❑ Legend, north arrow, scale, and legible in black and white ❑ Topographic contour intervals not exceeding 10 feet or 25 percent of total site relief ❑ Soil mapping units on all disposal sites ❑ All facility -related structures and fences within the treatment, storage, and disposal areas ❑ All habitable residences and places of assembly within 500 feet of all treatment, storage, and irrigations sites ❑ Location of all wells, streams (ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial), springs, lakes, ponds, ditches, and other surface drainage features within 500 feet of all waste treatment, storage, and disposal site(s) ❑ Latitude and longitude coordinates of all monitoring wells (decimal degrees to 6 digits) ❑ Location and identification of major components of the waste disposal system ❑ The wetted perimeter of all irrigation fields with field names (named according to the approved permit) ❑ Location and ownership of property boundaries within 500 feet of the disposal area (including road/rail right-of-ways) ❑ The delineation of compliance and review boundaries ❑ Distance measurements verifying all setbacks are being met ❑ Stormwater drainage controls ❑ 100-year floodplain (if applicable) ❑ For reclaimed water generation permits only, provide a separate map showing all distribution lines and utilization permit locations that are connected to the water generation facility and are permitted by the Non -Discharge Branch (excludes Local Program permitted facilities). Include all reclaimed water distribution line and reclaimed water utilization permit numbers. FORM: NDSR 09-19 Page 2 of 4 DWR Division of Water Resources IV. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE SYSTEM RENEWAL FORM: NDSR 09-19 1. Does the facility have a proposed or existing groundwater monitoring well network? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, skip to next section. If yes, complete the following table (NOTE —This table may be expanded for additional wells): Well Name Status Latitude 8 Longitude B Gradient Location MW 10 Active 35.7890130 -82.024331 ° Up Gradient Outside Compliance Bounda MW16 Active 35.7905730 -82.0240160 Down Gradient Outside Compliance Bound MW 17 Active 35.7909210 -82.024396" Down Gradient Outside Cain liance Boundary MW 2 Inactive 35.7870050 -82.0265050 Up Gradient Outside Compliance Roundary MW11R Inactive 35,7880060 -82.0258940 Down Gradient Outside Compliance Bounda MW12 Inactive 35.792558" -82.021232° Cross Gradient Outside Compliance Bounda MW13 Inactive 35.7916000 -82.0214360 Cross Gradient Outside Compliance Boundary MW14 Inactive 35.790756° -82.022208° Cross Gradient Outside Compliance Bound MW15 Inactive 35.790418° -82.024036" Select Outside Compliance Boundary Select - ° Select Select a. Coordinates must be in NAD83 and have 6 decimal degrees V. SETBACK WAIVERS, EASEMENTS, AND LEASES: 1. Does the permit have any setback waivers, easements, or leases? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, provide copies of all documents and complete the table below: Document Type Grantor or Parcel No. Grantee Expiration Date County Registered Deed Book Deed Page Document Description a Select Select Select Select Select Select Select a. The document description shall list any reduced setbacks with distance, etc. 2. For reclaimed water utilization permits only: Is reclaimed water utilized on property not controlled by the generator? ❑ Yes or ® No FORM: NDSR 09-19 Page 3 of 4 State of North Carolina DWR Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources NON -DISCHARGE SYSTEM RENEWAL FORM: NDSR 09-19 A lease, easement, or agreement must be provided allowing for the utilization of reclaimed water on the property or within the facility. For irrigation of reclaimed water, an easement is required per 15A NCAC 02U .0501(6}. All documents shall be listed in the table above. VI. RELATED PERMITS 1. If this permit has interactions with other wastewater permits (collection systems, NPDES, etc.), complete the table below (provide additional pages if necessary): Permit Type Permit No. Description NPDES NC0004243 Permit to discharge wastewater from the facility General Permit NCG17000/ Certificate NPDES Of Coverage Permit to discharge stormwater from the facility NCG 170269 2. Does the facility have an approved flow reduction 115A NCAC 02T .0114(fl]? ❑ Yes or ®No If yes, attach the measured monthly average amount of wastewater flow contributed per unit for the 12 months prior to permit renewal. If any of these monthly averages are within 20% of the approved value, the Permittee shall provide a reevaluation of the reduced flow value using the methodology applied to the original flow reduction application. Also, attach a copy of the flow reduction approval letter. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) I, Michael Cothran, attest that this renewal application has been reviewed by me, and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any unauthorized discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land may result in an enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed, this application may be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the Applicant or any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the Applicant has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and does not have any overdue annual fees. NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. The Applicant's Certification shall be signed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person maybe designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided fro�a perr n t!Uhe criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Signature: Date: / / 30 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION NON -DISCHARGE BRANCH By U.S. Postal Service: By Courier: By Email: Non -Discharge Branch Non -Discharge Branch — Archdale 942W Nan-Discharge.ReportsCcr nedenr.g_o_v 1617 Mail Service Center 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 707-3654 FORM: NDSR 09-19 Page 4 of 4 ROY COOPER xa >1MICHAEL S. REGAN n Sreniary LINDA CULPEPPER Dfrraor NORTH CAROLINA Envtronmental Quality Division of Water Resources Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 To Whom It May Concern: November 20, 2019 Subject: Signature Authority Designation As an appropriate signing official for Coats American, Inc. (city/town/ county or business name) as designated by 15A NCAC 2T .0106, I hereby delegate authority to sign and certify all permit applications, reports or other permit related documents to the following staff for the following permit types sewer, spray, land application) and/or permit numbers: Person Permit Type Position Currently in or Permit Position Number Environmental Todd Wegenast WQ0005603 Compliance Manager Facilities Engineering John Moss WQ0005603 Manager If you have any questions, please contact me at the following: Permittee/Applicant name (please print): Michael Cothran Title: Director of Manufacturing Complete mailing address: 630 American Thread Road City: Marion State: NC Zip: 28752 Telephone number: (828) 756-4111 Facsimile number: signature North Carolina department of Environmentai Quality I Division of Water Resources I Non -Discharge Branch 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center 1 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919. 70 7.3654 Coats American- Sevier Facility (Coats) The Coats facility is a specialty textile manufacturing facility producing sewing thread for commercial applications. Coats has operated the facility since 1991. Prior to this time the facility was operated by American Thread. During the past several years the physical plant has been mostly reorganized, but the site operations and the use of significant materials has not varied significantly. Processes performed at the facility include textile thread spinning and twisting, bonding, dyeing and finishing, and related maintenance work. Operations are conducted under Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes 2281 —Yarn Spinning Mill, and 2269 — Finishers of Textiles. Raw materials (acrylic and cotton fiber yarns, dye products (acids, dispersions, and related chemicals), finishes (water -based urethanes, waxes, and silicones) salt, and lubricating oils, are received at the receiving docks on the west and south side of the facility. Materials are offloaded and stored indoors or in bulk storage tanks on the south side of the facility. Finished products are loaded onto trucks and shipped from the shipping docks located on the east side of the facility. Coats operates a wastewater treatment facility that operates under NPDES Permit Number NC0004243, effective 1-December-2017 and expiration date 31-December-2021. The treatment facility consists of an influent equalization basin, aeration basin, two clarifiers with return sludge pumps, polishing pond (not currently in use), chlorination tank and dichlorination, final aeration pond, and a flow meter. The facility has a permitted capacity of 2 million gallons per day and discharges to the North Fork of the Catawba River. A chemical inventory for the facility is maintained and a copy is provided along with the permit renewal documents. Ch. �o K OIL 77� ij CD L f SITE F -p f qR J f "Al \j I f Graveyard V /\1 Mountain: 0.5 IN 2000 Ft SOURCE: Little Switzerland, NC 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE, 1994 SITE LOCATION MAP Figure ERM NC, Inc. COATS - 630 AMERICAN THREAD ROAD Eglyj MARION, NORTH CAROLINA NO. I DATE I APPR. i 20 T 221 WOODLAWN COATS VV NORTH AMERICA I PLANT I O VICINITY MAP NTS REVISION —LOCATION— LONG — 82°01'45" LAT — 35°47' 18" ❑O EXPOSED STORAGE & HANDLING ACTIVATES KEY SYMBOL NO. DESCRIPTION OO RECEIVING DOCKS 2 MAINTENANCE RECEIVING DOCK s TRASH DUMPSTER 4 8,000— al BULK ETHANOL AST s COOLING TOWERS 11 6 BULK SE LUBE STORAGE AREA DUKE POWER TRANSFORMERS s PAINT THINNER — CARPENTER SHOP 9 EMPTY BARREL STORAGE ii BULK CHEMICAL TOTE STORAGE 12 2 20,000— al, 2 25,000 al, and 1 1 ,072— al DIESEL FUEL TANK is 5-000— al HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AST i4 2 8,000— al SILICONE ASTs is NONHAZ. WASTE EMPTY BARREL STOR. i6 HAZARD WASTE STORAGE 17 YARD STORAGE BLDG. ie LIFT TRUCK PROPANE STORAGE i9 COAL PILE BURN AREA 21 TANK FARM CHEMICALS ® 18,000— al PROPANE AST FOR OXIDIZER ® NEW OXIDIZER ® OLD OXIDIZER II /� I \ K \ P� ------ ------------ }/} OUTFA 9 PUMP HOUS ��MEK��N CREEK I I \` / �,MEK"N N, I / TFALL 8 /� SETTLING POND / � ,• I O CLARIFIER � ♦ \f\ }/} , I / \ �� ♦ . EMERGEN F-'�CY �♦ py -J-\ /} / ' \ �J POND OUTFACE 5 �'I ♦ f\f\X�I} � , AREA#8 ♦ � / RP55 � I ♦ , / OUTFALL 4 \ �♦ ARE. # 6 ,* �c♦ egu c_L�ilee / I / �,\\ ♦ � \\ ♦ x�x�x \�`� � BERM ♦ ♦ � A EA`#5 ♦ ° ��`� ♦�� A OUTFALL 3 ® GR 55 V ♦ l o \ \ Ao \ / __ ♦ .101 O _®_ i I SYMBOLS LEGEND O / OUTFALL 2 ,,�i — ♦ RP\NS i \ \ � ppf 0�� � \♦ UTFACE 7 • � OUTFACE 1 ®\\ ,,��i / \`� , , R � �/ \♦ II �\o�c I ----sr---- STORM SEWER ®� \ �, \ \ , .• / I \, Y I cW CITY WATER ��\MEK��'N CREEK \ ♦ `\ .• AREA# /y � \ X, o`o� \ I x FENCE LINE \ \ \ �• \� J �— SURFACE DRAIN //II✓ NO. DATE I APPR. ♦ \\A�ZA2 , AREA#3 �,,f o ` CN \ \ \ \ \ Rpp� \ 0�'� / / / O `\ ♦\\\t \ \ ,, GRP55 �1 , \\t \\ ♦� FppF , , , %0 ♦ \ \r AREA# I o X�X t GRP55� ♦\\\� \OO \,_ TREES ---\ REVISION t ZREES "� \— TREES ---, o�jcH t Cos" --" o t GRP55'� °i F1BE PROTECTION RESERVOIR I CATCH BASIN CATCH BASIN I PAVEMENT SW DRAINAGE - - - AREA BOUNDARY SW FLOW DIRECTION I I SW SHEET FLOW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N I I I I I I I I I N I I I SCALE IN FEET 200 100 50 0 200 P R E L I Il NARY JOB NAME/DESCRIPTION DRAWING TITLE C ❑IENT NAME EO ❑ SITE ❑OCATION DRAWN BY PROJECT ENGINEER SCALE DATE M. HYRE XXXX 1 "=XX' MONTH DAY, YEAR DESIGN ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER ERM PROJECT NO. AutoCAD 2002 XXXX XXXX XXXX ABCDE XXXXXXXX.DWG DRAWING NO. XXXX-1 REV. N0. SHEET 1 OF 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF AREA RELATIVE TO THE REMAINDER OF THE PROPERTY OF COATS AMERICAN, INC. a.k.a. AMERICAN THREAD / Sevier Plant Site O 0 tin 3 a) Z d c U ��E OYW C m > U (D O L O Z (D N C N m 0 to LU am aa) ao E f6 m rn H L C d N -O J m(n U) N C7 °� 0 U N 0 Station: SEVIER *********************** PRELIMINARY POSITION *********************** ************** NAD 83 POSITION UPGRADED TO FIRST ORDER ************* NAD 83 => LATITUDE = 35 47 20.60612 LONGITUDE = 82 01 47.30470 SPC 83 => NORTHING = 230375.845 Meters EASTING = 335762.410 Meters NAD 27 => LATITUDE = LONGITUDE = SPC 27 => NORTH(Y) = Feet EAST(X) = Feet NAD83 CONVERGENCE (0) = -1 44 55.37 NAD83 SCALE FACTOR = 0.9999164 ELEVATION (NGVD 29) USE GEOID99 GEOID PROGRAM 425.625 meters (BM) TO COMPUTE GEOID HEIGHT PID = AE7892 STATION IS LOCATED IN NORTHEAST WOODLAWN, AND 11.7 KM (7.25 MI) NORTH OF MARION, AT THE AMERICAN THREAD SEVIER PLANT. $ ALONG SR 1556 (AMERICAN THREAD ROAD) FOR 1 KM (0.60 MI) EAST FROM US 221 AND NC 226 TO THE AMERICAN THREAD PLANT, IN GRASSY AREA ON WEST SIDE OF THE CIRCULAR DRIVE TO PLANT ENTRANCE, AND ABOUT 300 FEET (91.4 M) NORTHEAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PLANT. $ MARK IS FLUSH WITH GROUND AND 1-FOOT LOWER THAN ROAD. LOCATED 5.55 M (18.21 FT) SOUTH-SOUTHEAST FROM THE CENTERLINE OF SR 1556, 53.95 M (177.00 FT) WEST-SOUTHWEST FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE WESTMOST CIRCLE DRIVE TO OFFICE ENTRANCE, 34.08 M (111.81 FT) WEST FROM THE CENTER OF AN IRON DRAINAGE GRATE, 13.66 M (44.82 FT) NORTH FROM A METAL LIGHT POST, 16.40 M (53.81 FT) NORTH-NORTHWEST FROM A CONCRETE PARKING LOT CURB, AND 21.34 M (70.01 FT) NORTH-NORTHEAST FROM THE CENTER OF AN IRON DRAINAGE GRATE IN PARKING LOT. ........................... RECOVERY TEXT ............................ RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED. ........................... RECOVERY TEXT ............................ Last Recovery: 96 GOOD NOTES: NO NORTH CAROLINA GEODETIC CONTROL FOUND WITHIN 2,000 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTYAT TIME OF SURVEY ALL AREAS ARE DERIVED FROM COORDINATE COMPUTATIONS AND ARE ROUNDED TO THE VALUE EXPRESSED PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OR RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS NO TITLE SEARCH CONDUCTED AT TIME OF SURVEY THIS SURVEY DOES NOT CERTIFY LEGAL TITLE TO THE LAND ITSELF NOR TO THE BOUNDARIES SHOWN HEREON USERS OF THIS PLAT SHOULD OBTAIN A CURRENT LEGAL TITLE OPINION TO OWNERSHIP TO THE BOUNDARIES NO LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATED AT TIME OF SURVEY OTHER THAN SHOWN HEREON I ALL DISTANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES BOUNDARIES OF NEW TRACT SHOWN HEREON WERE TAKEN FROM ENGINEERING PLAN PREPARED FOR COATS AMERICA AND REVIEWED BY PLANT ENGINEER I REFERENCE - MAP BOOK 3, PAGE 38 FOR AMERICAN THREAD, CO. MAP BOOK 5, PAGE 66 FOR AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY EXISTING IRON PIPES INDICATED HEREON ARE FROM PREVIOUS UNRECORDED SURVEYS I POSITION OF SOILISEDIMENT SAMPLING LOCATIONS APPROXIMATED PER ENGINEERING PLAN POSITION OF SOIL/SEDIMENT SAMPLING SED-1 IS 253' NORTH OF POWER LINE INTERSECTION AND THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE PASSES THROUGH ELEVATION 1404.13. BOTH POSITIONS AS DIRECTED BY MIKE BELL EMAIL DATED OCTOBER 16, 2002 J I O / N / / G I f11 / CD / Scale 1'=1 00' 36x5O TYPICAL SECTION MONITOR WELL r . TOP OF PIPE II II II CONCRETE BASE II II II II II II II II Pamels Farris and Mona Buff Deed Book 632 Page 603 See Unrecorded Survey And Plat By R.L. Greene Surveying And Mapping Dated February 10, 1988 �O\ar DOJO . eM V a�GYi V09 °��\. G �a0e. K, 2 1 \60 ff1 I O I t\\�ur\a� Qage3$ 111GtgeKl_ i �tm 1 P n rah\qe, PQ\ake" �AQa9e p N 3 I �r�era\e\ea86 �lseeQ�a �,600 PQage3��l / / / 111 \ / / rtoNc��6 \ / CI o Je ery� oN;5��9Qa9e a� 6 lseeeP\at�ooK / / o Page3 P°� PP Oay . a o I CD CL Q ea O �� age$ CJe / / \a\� Bo°adNa�ta\ /Storm \l o I eeed6 0 509P e8�� l /' `Seep / 0 ed�ooK a� a / arch Basin kt �5 p0eeea1600 o�y�9ea9 v / / Bede'° \ PP / \ v Q N (31 `Q PP / Lamp 6' Chain OW ROpp �e �vo 125 Call Box at Fence OVp\,\N� oPe �y\oPo e ✓aGV qoF ^ti 1. 6'Chain- Link Fence 10 I Telephone Pedestal P P/TP \ R�O E/ec\ne PP #6 \ Telephone PedestaOl PPrt \ PP/TP I 2' \ ?Pavement PPrt_ \_ S` oBE/ecrric I \ Telephone Pedestal P _Line` v \\ Existing Concrete Monument °W �Ed9e O/ Water S 80-°44-' 1\9\" E rn \ \ Edge\Water `° \ 519.29' Z Existing Concrete Monument ArnlStrpr, \ \ 9 Creek oA ` Existing Concrete 4 0 \ f I \ ` � � \ 5/8" Reber Set \ \ \\ With Cap \ \ Te phon ` TP Pe stal I `\PP#5 2 3/4" Exis=iny Irin Pip Ql P Tank w/10" Conc. Wall rlfl PP/REMCO I to `^'erhead Telephone (,/ne Line TP PP/REMCO \\ -one PP/TP' r'� ` JCcyC O \\ z PP/REMCO °C 7 \ c � TOta/ onument / 07.91, ��o < \ 2 2 S 80°46'34' E + ( \ 121.95' 92.92' 1 \ �1J30°518 AtR°oj � t um 1 of I g3;_ RR. \ m h 1 Existing b, Cj Concrete C1 Monument /nument MCD 1st Step To Pumping Station XP/Elevation = 1375.142' 2 REMCO 2 de r 2 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I C\ r wv GQo \ 5 CP PGA 0 WV / / m / © /'� PI REMCO "Rebarsat 0 S\�aA Juanita Woody 5/8"Rebar Set 2 \ \ 2 %� V �05 tR.R. ?ny With Cap ovolts ct�a\�.+( \Q s Deed Book 380 Page 479 \ /y 00 \ 55�� 6°°ry \ /Q 1Q. Lineup X 2 G \+s See Unrecorded Survey And Plat By Q � Existing J\QRe\� j�21 Oo R.L. Greene Surveying And Mapping © `t Pp 1 / ° �� concrete °9h o \ /^ PP/REMCO 1 ,N F /o o° Dated February 10, 1988 /AA J Monument Q y d \' O \ Q a Oil PP/REMCO O Q ° °mac° ,r3 / / �� \ /2 Ssr �eq°q \ d0, lZ) _ \ elephone CP �\e�/ PP #t4 / n 96 ��, �, . 1 / F ` e \� \\ \ Pedestal het // lY -+Concrete Outflow \ 2,p aye 9 �\ e'oe,,a ❑ / \� 7 xptiC0 / / _ \` e sego °�\ 6' Concrete Lid \\ +� g5° A6 ♦ / / ` ^ / ,�/ Electric Meter \\\ \ s�o � �p� PP � �� Q�� / //,' /'' Zp^ GIP Walarinfl�entlrne � � \ \\ '' Oro. �/�, PP/REMCO4 _ _ 9e `/� Existing Concrete Monumen Q� °r0 -1 7/ 094 \\ \\ 7C U° bah / - 1 \ 1006tov, GreeK MH Top=1369.47'C X\ �7 //6 ' Valve and Switch,,,°,. s'c. 0 e \ \ 03 O /, / z (Abandoned) �C \ \ Q �f / PP/REMCO O o'oy PP/REMCOtr+y°9 c J y / Existin Concrete Monumen WV ✓OrycretePaU 9 O C.I. Valve / \ ' N� H Water Level I / xt` 1374.4 Ft. ver 7 / \ gel ° lop Of / Edge Of Ri \`'egg° y�. / ° ode G / \ \ \ - / an, P N6 $p1 t`yCo Q°\, / OJ� I pAH� I I,/ 29 \ MQ Edge Of River N arc / PIP / // / I // , Good Road en �/ / 1 ad 10o\ Jg�e / / I /�/ I 19' Pavement oaa ytiea / / 3/4" Existing Iron Pipe `� / (Disturbed) Bad / / / J I I NCDOT Right-of-way (Fee) art ot,/ � , Holding / m° I 0 13' West Of Property Line O �j ter/ Pond e�\Ga PP gc/ Holding / Water Elevation y / Pond Water Elevation 1378.0 ft. / / ! I 1376.2 ft. ,vge-Ge PP / / / /A I iv 2 vJ INt NCDOT Right-of-way (Fee) o rn v 0 N N o � �a a ^lit /(Vinyl Sided Building Holding o / gc Q \ / Pond / Pp ay I I 1" Existing Iron Pipe �` \ / Water Elevation°o 01, \ / 1378.0 ft. / N PCRcrete P 6' Lid / 10" Electric Meter r Wall Inset �(/ { Concrete Monument 111.26' \ act\\ r- S 86°23'48" W ` S 83°45'21 W Te only 821 76' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 54°58'00" E 35.66' L2 N 39°49'00" E 170.17' L3 S 80°46'34" E 16.26' L4 S 80°46'34" E 69.70' L5 S 39°49'00" W 205.65' L6 S 03°52'32" W 35.92' L7 N 54°38'00" E 10.83' L8 S 00°25'58" W 15.00' L9 S 58001'49" E 14.63' L10 S 31058'11" W 45.00' L11 N 58°01'48" W 14.63' L12 S 54°38'00" W 10.83' L13 S 87°25'23" W 94.57' L14 S 54°58'00" W 35.66' L15 N 35°01'37"IN 60.06' CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA ANGLE CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C1 280.63' 1061.37' 15°08'58" N 47°23'31" E 279.82' C2 28.24' 1121.37' 1°26'35" N 40*32'19" E 28.24' C3 57.06' 70.77' 46°12'01" N 77°44'00" E 55.53' C4 81.59, 130.73' 35°45'38" S 72°30'49" W 80.28' C5 63.63' 115.93' 31°26'58" N 73'4518" W 62.84' C6 82.95' 70.61' 67°18'26" S 88°19'07" W 78.26' C7 97.01' 130.77' 42°30'13" IN 75°53'06" E 94.80' C8 126.63' 1121.43' 6'28'12" N 51°43'55" E 126.57' 11 3�, / Edge Of Wash / \�` \ \ vw Y`. CQ/ 1 EXISTING 11 / CONCRETE Existing Concrete Monument I / �' ahC,rn.r Grace G. Smith, Charlotte E. Greenlee oq \\\ / o a ° e I I tos. and L.J. Greenlee / °` 51nP _ - - y°h9b Deed c 151 Ins o1 slo ° lop \ iD/2 %\� Baez i g. y \ ,` m �( Book 299 Pg. °{5t° \ �` \\ \\ Aoe / I I First Tra t top / \ P°'% '\`1-� \ F0�` \� \ �``y P // I I P P .Fv, a / Compliance Boundary Area o 6 c o ` V h / � \ \ / \ P #1 THE FOLLOWING HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES HAVE BEEN DETECTED AT THIS SITE ABOVE LEVELS ACCEPTABLE FOR UNRESTRICTED USE: GROUND WATER: 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE tN p \ / Contains 20.61 Acres \ o^ \%°� \\ a o \ I 1 I Duk 68ower SOIL: ARSENIC BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE CADMIUM INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE 4-METHYLPHENOL \ _ 1 Ash Settling Basin \� �Do'd \ ozl I o o I �� I Right -of -Way 1 I BENZO(A)PYRENE 9H-CARBAZOLE BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE DIBENZ(A,H)ANTHRACENE NAPTHALENE PHENANTHRENE BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE FLUORANTHENE PYRENE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES HAVE BEEN DETECTED IN THE FORMER MONITORING WELL GM-4 N op 00 -fop / V r Control Valv. v o� fur\a / Catch Basin Fire e OG \ - / \\ / Catch Basin O 7 \ / sloe {e' //P PP Catch Basin -Fire Control Valve a \`q �O of st°% / dNatUte\Gay°/ / ��00 ` Nr`\'� \ / i /o/ /°of gl P° / / 7pe of sio o PBuie/yeW / / / o \,(- �\ 1 / / / to / / 4r\e(y eto tch Basin �/ 7� ' i °3 / / / / 1oP ° sto ° oP °f a O\ash l� / Je Fire Control Valve v G, / etch Basin Fire Control Valve (� 1 O O• \ m / /' "'PP Ca ch Ba si sin \<\O\'\Pg / Caton Ba MG 0,4e`�e/e/ GS NG / I PP / Point A represents NCGS t monument Sevier" and I Existing Concrete Monument \ / / 5`°ms° ° has the foslou4ng coordNCGS "SEVIER" Catonsasn y = 230,375.8457n I X = 335,762.410m 16 / / St�O`s We` NLEV. AD83 = 1398.404' m N PAP Drop Inl CSF = 0.99985484 I I / ICOPYRIGHT 0 2016 SUTTLES SURVEYING, P.A. TAX MAP INFORMATION SHEET BLOCK LOT TWP No 1705 09-01 1 09 Legend 0 NCDOT Monument Found O 5/8" Reber Set With NCDOT Cap Maintenance Limits Right of Way As Per NCDOT On Sections Of Roadway Without Recorded Right-of-way, The Department Of Transportation Claims The Area That We Use To Maintain The Road As Right-of-way. The Maintained Right-of-way Usually Consist Of The Areas Extending From The Edge Of The Pavement To A Point five (5) Feet Beyond The Ditch Line, Or five (5) Feet Beyond The Shoulder Point In A Fill Section. This Area May Extend To The Top Of Cut Slopes Or The Bottom Of Fill Slopes If Necessary To Maintain The Integrity And Safety Of The Roadway. If No Cut Or Fill Slopes Exist, Then The Maintained Right-of-way Would Extend Approximately Eight (8) Feet From The Edge Of The Pavement. Also, If There Is A Paved Parking Lot That Is Tied To Our Paved Road Then We Only Claim Right-of-way To The Edge Of Our Pavement. Where No Fill Slope Or Ditch Are Present, The Maintenance Limits Should Extend Across The Property In Line With The Ditch Or Shoulder Preceding And Following The Property. o Co /r U�ackuC\ng �o �` o ��\ f N m tT 0 1 m t �°a � ii \ a Parking \� \\ Area \ , t \ Valves �a gi\n4' w/Barrier ... - ---12" CIP Water Influent , t ,C�Polts\ts \\ ✓ 8 \'b, 14" RCP TEN @ CORNER OF HEADWALL ADJACENT TO "H" _ SHAPED POWER POLES ELEV. Comv,. i ' = 1398.848' 14" RCP NOTES: ELEVATIONS BASED ON MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUMN NCVD 1929 HORIZONTAL LOCATION BASED ON NCGS SEVIER Preliminary - Not For Construction, Conveyance Or Recordation *� Electrical Substation COATS AMERIC (0 1 00 1 a.k.a AMERICAN THREAD / Sevier Plant Site COAT NORTH COVE TOWNSHIP - McDOWELL COUNTY -NORTH CAROLINA COAT PP #135 1 1 �N%- "THE AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY, INC." recorded in DEED BOOK 105, PAGE 180 AND DEED BOOK 105, PAGE 186 AND DEED BOOK 115, PAGE 439 - Name Changed to - COATS AMERICAN, INC. at DEED BOOK 445, PAGE 205 / PP enlee THE LOCATION OF GM-4 DEPICTED HEREON WAS NOT SURVEYED IN THE FIELD AND IS AN APPROXIMATE LOCATION DERIVED FROM MAP BOOK 5, PAGE 66 A DECLARATION OF PERPETUAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS IS FILED IN BOOK 720, PAGE 654 IN THE McDOWELL COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS' OFFICE *THESE NOTES PLACED ON PLAT BY REQUEST. SEE LETTER ON FILE DATED 8 NOVEMBER 2002 WRITTEN BY CHARLOTTE V. JESNECK, HEAD OF INACTIVE HAZARDOUS SITES BRANCH SUPERFUND SECTION, NCDENR, TO PETER J. McGRATH, Jr OF MOORE & VAN ALLEN IN CHARLOTTE, NC NORTH CAROLINA,�OWE McLL COUNTY I, KENNETH D. SUTTLES, P.L.S., CERTIFY THAT UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION, THIS MAP WAS DRAWN FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD LAND SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION, DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN (SEE PLA T TO THE LEFT) THAT THE ERROR OF CLOSURE CALCULATED IS 1 : 10,000+ , THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN (SEE PLAT TO THE LEFT) THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, LICENSE NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 4TH- DAY OF-BEGEMBER-, A.D. 2007. 1st MARCH 2O10 P.L.Sr. No. L-2678 jY O SEAL # L-2678 ' 8/24/06: (preliminary) revises 10706G-r4 to show ponds and other improvements made. 12/4/07: (final) to show new monitor well location (#15) 3/3/10: created 10706H-r1 to reflect toettop of slope, headwalls, creek, fencing, buildings between the east end of building and ponds, and lines at 125' and 250' from from toe of slope for iM%22/2015 - Located Edge Of Water and Top Of Banks On Holding Ponds, Fence Lines, Sanitary Sewer Manholes, MW#16, MW#17, MIN PZ-1, Centerline Of Streams, Sludge Beds, Headwalls, Spillway, Overhead Power Lines, Underground Power (E) Lines, Various Roads And Drives, Existing Pipes, Telephone Pedestals And Various Valves. NORTH CAROLINA, McDOWELL COUNTY I, , REVIEW OFFICER OF McDOWELL COUNTY, CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. DATE REVIEW OFFICER NORTH CAROLINA, MCC)OWELL COUNTY THE FOREGOING CERTIFICATE OF , REVIEW OFFICER FOR McDOWELL COUNTY IS CERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT AND FILED FOR REGISTRATION ON THIS DAY OF , 2006 AT AM/PM IN BOOK ,PAGE REGISTER OF DEEDS t\ #131 100 50 0 100 200 Si 1"=100' DRAWN BY: C.GAINES/PS DATE: 41-f 5j 1/5/10 APPROVED BY- KIDS Ilimu'D °PXW' Billy, John, P. Benfield, H. Allen, J. McGolliard, B. Dula, C. Stewart LEGEND POINT O MONITOR WELL NOTE: IRON PIPE SET wv THIS IS A REVISION OF THAT SURVEY -0- EXISTING IRON PIPE X WATER VALVE RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 8, PAGE 61 CONCRETE MONUMENT, GEODETIC MONUMENT -� P.K. NAIL, RAILROAD SPIKE, COTTON GIN SPIKE POWER POLE ® MANHOLE LST Wks LSyurveying, F.J. - - - POWERLINE BURIED ELECTRIC E °o 40 SOUTH MAIN STREET 419 SOUTH KING STREET 0106-62/06-12 Z' '12o Suite200 COMPUTER Map Room 2 FIELD BOOK 07-13 b MARION, NORTH CAROLINA MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA 10706H-r3-2 t` (828)652-9382 28752 (828433-0423 28655 FILE NAME 10706H-r3.dwg MAP FILE No. Scale - 1"=100' 36x5O