HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140090 Ver 7_Email from Corps_20191125
Wanucha, Dave
From:Braspennickx, Nicholle M CIV USARMY CESAW (US)
Sent:Monday, November 25, 2019 11:27 AM
To:Chambers, Marla J; Wanucha, Dave; Ellwanger, Claire; Somerville.Amanetta@epa.gov;
Brew, Donnie; Patterson, Robert D
Cc:Dagnino, Carla S; Euliss, Amy
Subject:\[External\] U 2579B, W-S NB, Plan sets to accompany Smith Creek and UT Smith Creek
relocations using Natural Channel Designs
Attachments:U-2579B_Planting_Plansheets_(2019-10-28).pdf; U-2579B 60% Stream Plans
(2019-10-04).pdf; Pages from U-2579B Smith Cr Modification October 21 2019.pdf;
Smith Creek and Ponds.JPG
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Hello !
When we had our meeting a week or more ago -- I did not do a very good job of disseminating the plan sets I was
looking at. Here they are.... The Corps is getting ready to put this modification to relocate Smith Creek and the UT of
Smith Creek on Public Notice for 15 days - if we can get the Public Notice out this week (Holiday Week) - that would put
the comment period in the middle of December.
We'll see if I can get this to sail w/ the attachments...
Nicholle Braspennickx
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Project Manager
Charlotte Regulatory Office
Desk: 704-510-0162
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