HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061085 Ver 2_More Info Received_20061117Project No. DWQ EXP 06-1085 Project Name: Elem School G 1 Bio-retention 1~~~ SUBMITTED DESIGN: REQUIRED DESIGN: elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 655 Temporary Pool (ft) 655.6 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 5773.67 Drainage Area (ac) Impervious Area (ac) 1.39 Rational C 0.78 Size % 3 0.6 ft. depth check depth J 44544 sq. ft. check surfac c 31.8 % impervious / ~ no sand underdrain 1~,~~Q,tt,L~- ~ 5 ~" volumes Inlet Velocity 5.95 0 fps check veloci Inlet Flow Depth 10 in Depth to Ground Water 6 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 0.52 0.52 in/hr ok In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.6 0.00 in/hr ok DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Fi PmPnra,-~ grhnn?_G Contact Person: F~di _--_M~r.Eldaume3• Phone Number: (3,,~ ~) gS ~.~ Q~ i For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: gr,~,; „~~~ ~ Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation tt. tt. (elevation of the orifice invert out) (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Bioretention Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Area Rational C Coefficient Size Inlet Velocity Inlet flow depth Depth to Ground Water Planting Soil Infiltration Rate In-Situ Soil Inflltration Rate REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST 5773.67 sq. ft. 4.37 ac. ~ _ 3 A ac. °~ 5 q5 fps i n in > ~ ft. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) (either 5% in wlsand under drain or 7°~ in wlo) p 5,2 _ y ~, ~ in.lhr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) 0.6 - 6.0 in.mr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Aaplicants Initials :rNr No vertical sand bed is proposed .TUr_ The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. ___ Sheet flow is provided at inlet. . Tom' Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. T~.1r_ Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. ?BUG The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. ~~ Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. -Jt•7~ The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. J~T6 A planting plan with species and densities is provided. a~T6 Mulch layer is specified in plans, d~Ts; Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) JNG Plan details for the bioretention area provided. JNG Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. JNG An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains Project Name: Elem School G Project No. DWQ 061085 DA 3 SUBMITTED DESIGN: elevations Bottom of Basin (ft) 675 Permanent Pool (ft) 680 Temporary Pool (ft) 681.5 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 9696.7 Drainage Area (ac) 5.32 Impervious Area (ac) 4.08 volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) 26151.66 Temporary Pool (cu ft) 26162.32 Forebay (cu ft) 1597.22 other parameters SA/DA 3.2 Orifice Diameter (in) Design Rainfall (in) 1 Linear Interpolation of Correct SA/DA Im ervious Next Lowest 70 Project Impervious 76.7 Next Highest 80 REQUIRED DESIGN: 2.7 average depth status 5 ft. depth ok 1.5 ft. depth ok 5278 sq. ft. ok 5954 based on avg depth ok 76.7 % - 14 ft. ok 6.1 %' check forebc 2.28 - 0.06 cfs drawdown - 5.2 y drawdown check drawG 5 ft Permanent Pool Depth A/DA fron (Avg. Depth) 2.370004703 I: 08 2.28 2.57 1.31 2.667883301 1.43 3 ft 4 Project No. DWQ (to be provided by DWQJ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 WET DETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin worksheet for each basin, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following infornnabion): Project Name : Elementary School G Contact Person: Eddie MacEldownpy Phone Number: j336 ) 886-4821 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: ,-~-~i~ge-n~i~ 3 Basin Bottom Elevation 675.00 ft. (average elevation of the floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation ~Rn _ nn ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 681.50 ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Fool Surface Area ~6.4~ ~ sq. ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area 5.3 2 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 4.08 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Permanent Pool Volume 26151.66 cu. ft.~ (combine'd volume of main basin and forebay) . Temporary Pool Volume 26162.32 cu. ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 1597.22 cu. ft. SA/DA used 3.2 (surface area to drainage area ratio) Dzameter of Orifice 1.6 in. (draw down orifice diameter) II REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (N.C..Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code .Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. Applicants Initials The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch storm event. JNG The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. JNG The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. JNG A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf at less than 6:1 is provided. JNG ~ Vegetation to the permanent pool elevation is specified. JNG An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. --- The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the total basin volume. JNG Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. . JNG Access is provided for maintenance. JNG A m;n;mum 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet. .rur A site specific operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is provided. JNG A vegetation management/mowing schedule is provided in the O&M plan. JNG Semi-annual inspections are specified in the O&M plan. JNG A debris check is specified in the O&M plan to be performed after every storm event. JNG A specific sediment clean-out benchmark is listed (elevation or depth) in O&M plan. A responsible party is designated in the O&M plan. FORM SWG100 09/97 ~ Page 1 of 1 Project No. DWQ EXP 06-1085 Project Name: Elem School G DA 4 SUBMITTED DESIGN.• elevations Permanent Pool (ft) 666.5 Temporary Pool (ft) 666.9 areas .~ Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 1748.54 Drainage Area (ac) Impervious Area (ac) 0.45 Rational C 0.78 Size % 3.35 volumes REQUIRED DESIGN: 0.4 ft. depth 13659 sq. ft. ac 37.5 % impervious check depth check surfac no sand underdrain Inlet Velocity 1.93 0 fps check veloci Inlet Flow Depth 6 in Depth to Ground Water 6 6 ft Planting Soil Infiltration 0.52 0.52 ir>/hr ok In-Situ Soil Infiltration 0.6 0.00 in/hr ok DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name: Elementary School G Contact Person: Eddie MacEldowney Phone Number. (336) 886-4821 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies in: Drainage Basin 4 Permanent Pool Elevation 666.5p ft (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 666.9 0 tt. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Bioretention Surface Area 148.54 sq, tt, Drainage Area 1.20 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 0.45 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Rational C Coefficient 0.78 Size % 3.35 °~ (either 5% in wlsand under drain or 7°~ in wlo) Inlet Velocity 1.93 fps Inlet flow depth 6 in Depth to Ground Water ~ 6 ft. Planting Soil Infiltration Rate 0.52 - 2.41 in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate 0.6 - 6.0 in./hr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanafion of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Applicants Initials ~~G ~ No vertical sand bed is proposed 7NG The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. --- Sheet flow is provided at inlet. ~'NG Water table depth is greater than 6 feet JNG Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. JNG The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. JNG Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. . FTNG The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 inlhr. JNG A planting plan with species and densities is provided. JNG Mulch layer is specified in plans. JNG Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) JNG Plan details for the bioretention area provided. JNG Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. NNG An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible parry is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains The following explanation for not meeting all the requirements under Item II of the Bio- Retention Worksheets and 401 Wet Detention Basin Worksheets for Elementary School G. Drainage Basin #1 Sheet flow is not provided into the bio retention area. The storm drainage system dischazges into the bio retention area. An adequately sized energy dissipator is located at the discharge point. Drainage Basin #3 The forebay volume is not approximately 20% of the total pond volume, however the forebay volume is approximately 24% of the permanent sediment storage volume provided by the pond. Drainage Basin #4 Sheet flow is not provided into the bio retention area. The storm drainage system discharges into the bio retention area. An adequately sized energy dissipator is located at the discharge point. 11/17f2006 08:22 13368864458 DMP PAGE 01 ~~ aavis-MARTiiV-PVw~~,~ ~ assvc~a~s, iiVC. EN6IME~I~It16 ~ LAND PLAMNIN6 SUIkVEYING 64'15 Old Plank Fiord, FBgh Print, NC 27265 {33~ 885-4821 • Fax {3as) ees-458 • wruw.dmp-fnaco~n FCC TRANSMITTAL Date: November 17, 2t7t7G Ta: Cynthia Van Der Wie1e Ncdwq Wetlands Unit Fax No: 919-~33-6893 From: Say Guf9~y, EI Project: Project No: E3938 Comments: Cynta~ia, Eddie asked that I send you the calculations for the bio retention areas and the revised cak~ulatlons fiar the pond. I iftt7uyht- {had included those with the package, but apparently I didn't, I apologize fivr that oversight, Maintainende for die bio retention areas is shown on die plans. Eddie is out of the oHrc~e today, but 1 will look at die rarion and Maintance Agra°ement and see what is needed He is more familiar wfnh these forms, so it maybe Monday before we can send the O&M AgreemenL~ to you. If you have any questions, please call. I will try my best cb answer them. .If the !axis hard io read, I can send you a pdf file with aU the calculations, My email address is ~guffey~7dmp-i>yC.COm Just !et me know. Thanks Pages •~ (including this page) The !r-formation canteined fn this facsimile (unless othenNise indiCet9d) is privileged end confidential infarrnatron for the use of the lrrdlvldual or errtlty named above. !t the reader of this a'~eSSBg@ is not the intended recipient you are heroby noflfred that any dlsseminetion distribertion ar copying of this communication is Strictly prohibited. If yoc+ received this communk;aNen fn error please notify us by telephone end destroy af! Dopier. T:1PersonallFBx.tlOt NOV-17-2006 FRI 08:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 11!1712086 08:22 13368864458 DMP PAGE 02 wetpond.xls PERMANENT WET DETENTIQN POND DESIGN PROJECT: School G INpEX NO: CIiECKED BY: etm LOCATION: DATE: REVISED: 11-15-05 JNG SITE DATA TOTAL SiTEAREA = 5.32 acres WATERSHED PROPOSED BUILT UPON AREA = 4.08 acres CLASSIFICATION : V115 - FUTURE BUILT UPON AREA = OAp acres TOTAL ON-SITt: BUILT UPON AREA = 4.08 acres PERCENT BUILT-UPON = 76.59°Yo CWAIWCA = ON-SITE pRAINAGE AREA TO POND = 5.32 acres MAX. 01=F--SITE B.U.°!° OFF-SITE DRAINAGE AREA TO POND ~ 0.00 acres TOTAL WATERSHED AREA TO POND ~ 5.32 acres DISTUR$t=D AREA = 5.32 acres TEM P. 9ED. STOR. USED /N Y DESIGN DAT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT STORAGE 0.5 acre-inch per disturbed acre PERMANENT SEDIMENT STORAGE 0.125 acre-in per total drains a area PERMANENT WATER QUALITY COMPOSITE S.U. °I° t 76.69 rcent pEPTN minimum 3 feet 3A feet SAlDA (Figure 5.6-2) 3.2 peroen# TEMPORARY WATER QUALITY 1.0 lnch rainfall to be controlled PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY ~- TYPE X corrugated aluminum reinforced concrete . DESIGN STOl~M 10 ar RAINFALL (NT1rNSITY 5.32 inches per hour RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.7 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY TYPE X gras$ lined rip~rap lined DESIGN STORM 100 ear RAINFALL INTENSITY 8.15 inches per hour RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.7 POND DATA ELlnV. 130T. OF POND = 675 SURFACE AREA = 2519 SF ELEV. BOT. OF PSS = 675 SURFACE AREA = 2519 SF ELEV. BOT. OF PWQ ^ 677 SURFACE ARIwA = 4221 SF ELEV. @ BOT. OF TWQ ^ 680 SURFACE AREA = 9697 SF ELEV. TOP. OF TWO ~ 6$1.5 SURFACE AREA = ;1988 SF EL EV. a~7 EAAER. SPILLWAY = 683 ~~,- ^ ELEV. a~7 TOP OF DAM = 685 ~ .. _...- -_,~„_,,._ . -,.__ _ ,~-, ~ INVERT OF BARREL = 909 I P3nd ~ NOV-17-2006 FRI 08:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 2 11f17f2006 08:22 13368864458 DMP PAGE 03 wetpond.xls POND DESIGN ~~~ ~ TEMPORARY SEDIMENT S TORA VO LUME RE UII'ifwD 9656 Cubic Feet VOLUME PROVIDED? ELEV. (c~ BOT. OF POND= ELEV. BOT. QF TINQ = 675.00 680.00 SURFACE AREA = SURFACE AREA = X5113 Square Feet 9657 Square Feet ALLOW 75% OF BASNV V OLUME TO WQ ORIFICE -' 22903 Cubic Feet _ OK I PERMANENT SEDIMENT S TORAG O E UIRED U 2494 Cublc Feat _ VOLUME PROVIDED ELEV. BOT. OF PSS W 575.00 SURFACE Ai~EA = 251$ Square Feet ELEV. BOT. OF P1NQ = 577Ap SURFACE AREA - 4221 uare Feet VOLUME PROVIDED = 6 39 C i Feet OIC PERMANENT WATER U SU AC AREA RE 'd 7496 S uare Fact NDRMAI. PQOL ELEVATION = 680A0 SURFACE AREA PROVIDED ~ 9697 are Feet OK TEMPORARY WATER UA LITI/ STORA GE RE UIRED Rv~ 0.740 in!'m VOLUME REQUIRED - 14295 Cublo Feet VOLUME PROVIDED ELEV. (ib 130T. OF TWQ = 6$U.00 SURFACE AREA = 9697 Square Feet ELEV. @ TOP OF TWQ = 881.50 SURFACE AREA - 149118 Square Feet VOLUME PROVIDED = 1 499 Cubic Feet OK P2~ge 2 NOV-17-20D6 FRI 0S: D9 TEL:9197336593 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 11!1712006 08:22 13368864458 DMP PAGE 04 wetpond.~ds f PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY DESIGN STORM P>=AK FLOW = 19.8 CFS HEAD ABOVE TOP OF RISER = 1.50 ELEVATION AT TOP OF RISER = 681,50 BA RE : ELEV. OF BARREL INV. = 909 TRY BARREL 171A. = 24.00 in. dia. h = -227 ORIFICE EQUATION Q = #NUM! ~NUMI RISER: RISER AREA) =1.5 TIMES BARR£.L(AREA) TRY RISER DIA. = 36 in, dia. WEIR EQUATION q = 57.7 CFS bK ORIFICE EQUATION Q= 41.7 CFS aK ORIFICE CONTROLS WATER QUAD E EASE HOLE ELEV. BOT. OF WATER QUALITY RELEASE HOLE = 680.00 MAXIMUM RELEASE RATE = 4 aaYe MINIMUM RELEASE RATE = 8 pays MAXIMUM HOL1= SIZE = 0.014273539 1.82 in, dia. MINIMUM HOLE SIZE = 0.009515693 1.32 in. dia. EMERCyENCY SPILLWAY ELEV. EMER. SPILLWAY = 683 DESIGN STORM PEAK FLOW = 30.4 CFS FLOW THROUGH EMER. SPILLWAY = 1 p.5 CFS HEAD ABOVE TOP OF RIS ER = 1 BOTTOM W IDTH = 3.51 FLOTATION QF RtS R ELEV. @ TOP OF RISER = 681 •~ ELEV. ~7 BOT. OF PSS = 675.00 H = !3.50 ft AREA OF RISER = 7.1 SF VOLUME OF RISER = 45.9 Cubic Feet AREA OF BARREL = 3.1 SF EXPOSED LENGTH = 10.00 ft VOLUME OF BARREL = 31.4 Cubic Feet WEIGHT OF WATER DISPLACED - 4$27.371b FACTOR OF SAFETY 10% 5310.11 Ib I VOLUME OF CONCRETE ANCHOR = 35.4 Cubla Feat Paoe 3 NOV-17-2006 FRI 08:10 TEL:919~336893 NAME:DWG!-WETLANDS P. 4 11/17/2006 08:22 13368864458 DMP PAGE 05 Wat Detention Pond Volume Worksheet Sediment Foreba 20% of permanent sed iment storage 1340.274 cf EI Araa Av, Area Volume Sum Volume 675 517.67 652.15 652.1 S 676 786.83 652.15 945.065 84S.OS5 677 1103.5 1597.715 Sediment story in foreba is 23.$°do of ermanent sedi ment story Overall Volume I EI Area Volume Av. Area Sum Vaiume 675 2518.13 2924.995 2924.995 676 3331.$8 2924.995 3776.375 3776.375 677 422A,89 6701.37 4701.4951 4701.495 678 5182.1 11402.87 62a5.7~4 62~F5.74 679 7309.38 17645.61 8503.04 8503.04 680 9898.7 26151.65 ~ 1 s53.a5 1 ~ 953.05 681 14209.4 38104.7 14947.63 14947.63 682 1'5685 _$6 53052.33 16452.37 16452.37 683 17216.86 69504.7 1721$.$8 NOV-17-2006 FRI 08:10 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 5 z 0 F-~ I fU 0 m ~7 H m m m r lD 1D W W Q1 W Ot 10 Year Storm PROJECT: School G JOB 1JUMBER: >= 3G9iB 10-Year 0 22.41 D 24 REA 3v14 EMERGENCY S PILLWAY P 19.4808 BAAFiEL INVERT UP 75 ELEVATION 6835 dT 4 Cw 3.33 BARFELINVERTOR lEFIGTN 25 Ks 2392.410083 L 190 DOWNSTREAM W.L. 874 C FACTOR 3 b i.49 36 N FACTOR 0.027 N 1 ARTB~[6 L EL fi$0 1 Cd Oar9 PILLWAY LE-11=L 681.:5 L WAYAREA 7. PILLWAYLENG iH f INFLOW O .GRADE OTAL EILIERGENCY TDdfi C1°S CFS FT FLOW FLOW FLOW FLAW FLdW SPILLWAY 0.0 0.00 0 BB0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 4.00 O.OD 0 1.9 0.54 63 680.09 33.53 0,00 4.00 19.99 D. 0 2.9 1.20 133 680.14 33.72 0.00 0.00 4D.08 0.00 0 3.9 2.1 . i 0 4.9 3.22 444 680.32 34,30 0,00 4.00 20.37 0.00 0 5.8 0.54 709 660.44 34. 0.00 D.00 20.50 0.00 0 8.8 8.01 1C6D 6BD.fiB 38.11 0.00 D.00 2D.78 0,00 0 7.6 7.60 1505 680.73 35.519 0.00. 0.00 21.02 0.00 0 8.6 9.28 2047 680.90 36.11 4.00 a00 21.26 0.00 0 9.7 11.00 2691 6ei.ae 3887 Q.00 aoo z1.50 o,oa o io.7 1x.73 3934 6ei.2$ !724 O.oD D.ao 21.BS a.00 a 1f.7 14.40 4278 88i.4B 37.84 4.OD 0.00 22.15 0.00 0 127 16.00 8211 881.88 38.48 14„54 2,47 22.46 2.57 0 13.6 17.47 6082 681.87 38.98 20.48 7.17 22.73 7.17 0 14.8 18.79 878i 88201 39.37 23.95 11.49 22,9Ci 11.49 D 1516 11!.97 7753 682.11 39.64 26.13 14.42 23,07 14.92 0 16.8 20.81 7597 68218 39.83 27.53 17,44 23.1 17.44 0 17.3 21.47 7833 682.22 39.95 26A3 18,22 23.23 192z D 18.5 41 J87 798$ 882.45 dOA 2QA4 20.41 70.41 D 19.5 22.01 8081 86227 44. 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No Compasfte CN A_ ve_rage Depth - ':9.in Sarface Area .r« ac egaaation: Volume I f?sptb FIII SoiF Choice Nitrogen Removal -Sandy Loam K= f inlhr Soil Type: 12°!o Fines (Silt+Giay}, $2-8546 Sand, 3-$% Organic 41her Pollutant Removal -Loamy Sand K= 2 inlhr Soil Type: 8% Fines 4Siit+Clay}, 86-9[?°!o Sand, 2-49b Organic Underdrains Minimum Flow equairor~: {,2 = 2.3E-6 " K ! A IFactar of Safety (range between 2 and 10} - ;_ _ _'d Design Flow Note to User; .:-E-_,.~,~~1$ Require User Input eve Been Qreviousty Determined e Calculations within this Spreadsheet $r4a~kdowrr of Runoff Connected Irrpperv RD in ac-rn Campasite RO (the rest) !n _ a~~n i F-' N m m m tt.7 W W m A A 00 v v n m m m z a c I m H m ao N m r w w w ao ~o w z D 3 m 0 E E m r z 0 m ~. - ~`f cfs Manning's Roughness Coefficient 0.01 ~ smooth wail U.fl15 corrugated wali -- .: 0.0~`1~-n Internal Slope (recommended minimum 0.5910} - Q5; °/a Pipes} Diamster(s} _ . inches # of 4" diam. # of 6" diam. calcUlaiior~s assurrre n=(}.049 tlnderdrains Underdrains (Vote : A minimum of 2 underdrains recommended Equivalent Pipe t]iarneters D= (in} h1c. of 4" diam 5.13 2 5.95 3 B.66 4 7.~2 5 7.75 B 8.2 7 i!7- (in} No of 6" diam 7.84 2 9.11 3 1Q.13 4 N m m 00 w m m m a~ A cn as a z m b m N z a c N m Biore#ention Sizing ~#2 Basin #4) m H oa N m r lD ~n w w m ~./.~ Watershed Size :. - 7.2 acres Percent Connected Impervious - . = - 37;8: °16 Water 4ualify 3torrn For DlecoanectedlComposite Area Soil Type CN =~'U> ~~__ A 46 _ -__~=-:~ ~ B 89 Wis.= = k-~ . AE>jh C i9 _~s~~x~ - - - - D 84 - - .. $eleCted CurYB lriumber note: Selec t Soii Grqup with "1" 3 m 0 E 0 m -~ r D Z Q U7 m First Flush Runoff '-'-r~~ ac-in equaliar: based off 5C3 CN Method. Na Cornposlfe CN y:. _ Average Depth - ~ ~ in Surface Area ... ; ... ~~> aC egvatforr. Volume / Depfb _ ~ -- ~ Fill Sail Ghaice Nitrogen Removal -Sandy Leam K= 1 in~ihr Soii Type: 12% Fines {SiR+Ciay), 82-85°lt+ Sand, 3-8°I° Organic Other Pollutant Removal -Loamy Sand K=2 inlhr Soii Zype: ~8°~6 Fines (SIIi+Clay}, 8i~90°Io Sand, 2-4% Organic Underdrains Minimum Flow eQe~atfo n. Q = 2- 3E-~' ' ?C ' ~4 efs - ~.,~- Factor of Safety (range between 2 and 14} _ _ -. ..~ Design Flory Note to User: ~fai~"i~~ll~ Require User Input avs Bean Previously Determined a Calculations v~e€thin this Spreadsheet BreakdawR of Runoff Canrtectad Fmperu RO Ir? ac-In Composite RO {the rest} to ac-1n r -.1 N m ~, m 00 N W W o~ W m A A cn 00 0 m N ~ z 0 c ro m m m H m 00 ro m r ~n ~n w w m m w z D 3 m 0 0 m r z 0 -n Gi`S Manning's Roughness Coefftcient 0.011 smooth wali _ 0.015 corrugated wail Internal ~i!ope ~reco3nmended minimum 0.5°l0) Pipes) b#ameter(sy equallon: D = 7B • {Q * ~ * ano.s)^{~iaj # of 4" diam. # of fi" diem. ca~cu~ai'lons assurrre n=0.0?! Ur<derdrains Unclerdrein9 ~{~. Note: A minimum of 2 underdrafes recommended Equivalent ripe Diameters D= {in) ~1a. of 4"diam 5.13 2 5.95 3 s.ss a 7.22 5 7.7~a S 8.2 7 D= din) No of 8" diam 7.84 2 9.11 3 14.13 4 w