HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0658_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20140611STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCGNE DOC TYPE [I HISTORICAL FILE DOC DATE o aU►y b� 11 YYWMMDD STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v DOC TYPE ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ YYYYM M DD FIFWA NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Rufus White Schneider Mills Inc PO Box 519 Taylorsville, NC 28681 Dear Mr. White: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary June 11, 2014 Subject: Rescission of NPDES Stormwater Permit Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658 Schneider Mills, Inc Alexander County On May 15, 2014, the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources received your request to rescind your coverage under Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658. In accordance with your request, Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658 is rescinded effective immediately. Discharges of stormwater associated with the industrial activities at this facility are currently authorized under Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG 170413. We also received your request to renew NCG170413 on June 10, 2014 through our program's on-line questionnaire. You will receive instructions for renewing and downloading your renewal COC on-line via e-mail in the next couple of months (General Permit NCG 170000 expires July 31, 2014). Please see our public notice announcement for more information about that General Permit here: htt :1I ortal.ncdenr.or webllr/stoniiwater/event-calendar. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need for NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Julie Ventaloro at 919-807-6370, or the Stormwater staff in our Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699. cc: Mooresvi Ile Regional Office — Z. Khan Stormwater Permitting Program Central Files - w/attachments Deborah Reese — Pease waive fees Sincerely, for Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources � i=r,PVED JUN 2 5 2014 ,111 6.11 , r%-" 16ECTION Division of Energy, Mineral, and band Resources :noh a ring, OPOCFSSING UNIT Energy Section - Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-92001 FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: htt :ll ortal,ncdenr.or lweb/Ir/ An Equal opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Iv ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor June 1], 2014 Rufus White Schneider Mills Inc PO Box 519 Taylorsville, NC 28681 John E. Skvaria, III Secretary p4i/�d Subject: Rescission of NPDES Stormwater Permit !)',� Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658 Schneider Mills, Inc Alexander County Dear Mr. White:R,q� Sloi�A,:, On May 15, 2014, the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources received your request to rescind your coverage under Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658. In accordance with your request, Certificate of Coverage Number NCGNE0658 is rescinded effective immediately. Discharges of stormwater associated with the industrial activities at this facility are currently authorized under Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG 170413. We also received your request to renew NCG170413 on June 10, 2014 through our program's on-line questionnaire. You will receive instructions for renewing and downloading your renewal COC on-line via e-mail in the next couple of months (General Permit NCG170000 expires July 31, 2014). Please see our public notice announcement for more information about that General Permit here: litt://po_rtal.iiedenr.org/web/Ir/stornwater/event-catendar. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need for NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Julie Ventaloro at 919-807-6370, or the Stormwater staff in our Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699. Sincerely, for Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources cc: Mooresville Regional Office — Z. Khan Stormwater Permitting Program Central Files - w/attachments Deborah Reese — Pease waive fees Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section - Geological Survey Section - Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 - 919-707-92001 FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: htti)://Portal.ncdenr.ornlweb/Irl An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper C` 't• S CDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Date: June 9, 2014 Schneider Mills, Incorporated Attention: Darren Webb Post Office Box 519 Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681 Subject: Schneider Mills, Incorporated Compliance Evaluation Inspection NPDES Stormwater Permit NCNE0658 Alexander County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Webb: John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection I conducted at the referenced facility on June 4, 2014. Mr. Rufus White and Ms. Cindy Blair accompanied me during this inspection. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699 or by email at tamera.eplin@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, 7Tamera Eplrn, PE, CPESC Assistant Regional Engineer 11110I_0l Enclosure c: Stormwater Permitting Branch Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section - Geological Survey Section - Land Quality Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Telephone: 704-663-16991 FAX: 704-663-6040 • Internet: http://ponal.ncdenr.org/webAr/land-quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCGNE0658 Effective: 05/23/11 Expiration: Owner: Schneider Milis Inc SOC:. Effective: Expiration: Facility: Schneider Mills, Inc. County: Alexander 1170 Hwy 16 N Region: Mooresville Taylorsville NC 28681 Contact Person: Rufus White Title: Maintenance Manager Phone: 828-632-8181 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s)- Related Permits: NCG170413 Schneider Mills Inc - Schneider Mills, Inc. Inspection Date: 06/04/2014 Entry Time: 01:10 PM Exit Time. 02:15 PM Primary Inspector: Tamera H Eplin Phone: Secondary lnspector(s): Reason for Inspection. Other Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation - Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, No Exposure Certificate Facility Status: 0 Compliant fl Not Compliant Question Areas: ® Miscellaneous Questions MMMisc (See attachment summary) Page: 1 Permit: NCGNE0658 Owner - Facility: Schneider Mills Inc Inspection Date: 06/04/2014 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: Representatives for the facility performed an internal audit and determined that the facility no longer qualifies for no -exposure certification due to raw materials being stored on -site without cover. The company requested recission of the no -exposure permit. Recission of NCGNE0658 is recommended, with reinstatement of NCG170413. Since the permit for NCG170413 is listed as active in RIMS, it will continue to be listed as active. The facility contact, Rufus White, was advised to request renewal of NCG170413 on-line. Misc Is the facility compliant? ® Q n Comment: Representatives for the facility performed an internal audit and determined that the facility no longer qualifies for no -exposure certification due to raw materials being stored on -site without cover. The company requested recission of the no -exposure permit. Recission of NCGNE0658 is recommended, with reinstatement of NCG170413. Page: 2