HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0668_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20100107STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V (\t E D Co 8 DOC TYPE 0?' HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ A01 O D l YYYYMMDD XTZE_1111�TA YNCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mr. Timothy Owens Town of Carolina Beach 1121 N, Lame Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, North Carolina 28428 Dear Mr. Owens-, Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director January 7, 2010 Subject: No -Exposure Certification NCGNE0668 Town of Carolina Beach WWTP 404 S. Dow Road New Hanover County Dee Freeman Secretary The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting form. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, the Division is granting your conditional exclusion from permitting as provided for under 40 CFR 126.22(g), which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no -exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no -exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a no -exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an un-permitted discharge. Your conditional no - exposure exclusion expires in five years (February 07, 2015). At that time you must re -certify with the Division, or obtain NPDES permit coverage for any stormwater discharges from your facility. Your conditional exclusion from permitting does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Linda Willis at (910) 796-7343, or at linda.willis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, for Coleen H. Sullins cc: Wilmington Regional Office (NCG110 New Hanover File) Stormwater Permitting Unit, No -Exposure Files Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 91 M07-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www,ncwaterquaiily.org NorthCaroiina Naturally An Equal Opportunity 4 Affirmative AcIbn Employer /� D Report Number Page: 2 of 2 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. SADL 09-282-0606 ai m 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax (804) 271.W6 Account Number The One Source. 46439 Send To: SYNAGRO CENTRAL/CAROLINA BEACH Clint Williams ONE COMMERCE SQISTE 204 WASHINGTON , NC 27889 Submitted By: CLINT WILLIAMS Purchase Order : Report Date: 10/15/2009 Client: CAROLINA BEACH, NC Date Received : 10/9/2009 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Method Reference. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3 - Chemical Methods, 2nd Ed. Rev. Soil Science Society of America, Black, C.A et al. 1982, pages 1129-1131. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3 - Chemical Methods, 2nd Ed. Rev, Soil Science Society of America, Black, C.A et al. 1982, pages 1185-1186. Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region. NCR Research Pub. No. 221 Revised. Standard Methods for the Analysis of Water and Wastewater, 20th Ed. 1998 USEPA, SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods, 3rd Ed. Current Revision Oscar Ruiz Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted ENGINEERING SERVICES, PA 518 Village Court P.O. Box 1849 Garner, NC 27529 ■ Telephone: 919.662.7272 Fax: 919.662.7320 January 5, 2010 Mr. Charles Stehman Wilmington Regional Office — Aquifer Protection 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Town of Carolina Beach WWTP Equalization Basin Modifications ATC #023256AO2 ES Project No. 08044 Dear Mr. Stehman: Steve Coffey, with Construction Grants and Loans, is reviewing the Town of Carolina Beach WWTP Equalization Basin Modifications project for an authorization to construction. He has asked me to provide you with the soil sampling results of the existing basin. I am providing you with two (2) copies of the soil sample results and the project site plan sheet Cl. The project consists of abandoning the existing basin and construct a new lined basin in part of the existing basins footprint. Approximately 6-10 inches of the existing soil will be removed in the area of the new basin, replaced with fill material and a geomembrane liner installed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ENGINEERING SERVICES, P.A. 40-,- 4 ( X Brian G. Cox, PE enc: BY; JAN o 7 2010 "A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE" RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 From: SYNACRO CENTRAL 10/23/2009 11:55 9528 P.0031011 dam Eqnl%2wk�ffifflmlwl� FFIENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical Laboratorle-9 LABORATORY REPORT Client Synagro Central, LLC One Commerce Square Washington, NC 27889 Order Number 0913400 Project Number Carolina Beach, NC Issued Friday, October 23, 2009 Total Number of Pages 9 (excluding C.O.C. and cooler receipt form) Approved By: QA Manager NEiAC Accreditation #E87688 'Analytical Integrity" - EPA Certified • NELAP Certified 3310 Win Street • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 , Phone: 330-253-8211 • Pax: 330-253-4489 Web Site: www seltek, com RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 SYNAGaRO CENTRAL Fran: 10123/2009 11:55 #528 P.004/011 ff]5UMMIT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical Laboratories Sample Summary Client: Synagro Central, LLC Order Number: 0913400 2 Laboratory ID Client ID Matrix Sampling Date 0913400-01 Beach 1 Solid 10/7/2009 0913400-02 Beach 2 Solid 10/7/2009 0913400-03 Beach 3 Solid 10/7/2009 "Analytical Integrity" • EPA Certified • NELAP Certifies! 3310 Win Street - Cuyahoga Fails, Ohio 44223 • Phone: 330-253-8211 • Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Site: wvvw_settek.com RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL From: 10/23/2009 11:55 #528 P.0051011 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical Laboratories Report Narrative Ciient: Syria-rro Central, LLC Order Number: 0913400 3 Solid sample results are reported on a wet weight basis except as noted. No problems were encountered during analysis of this order number, except as noted. Data Qualifiers: 8 = Analyte found in the method blank J = Estimated concentration of analyte between INDL (LOD) and Reporting Limit (LOG) C = Analyte has been confirmed by another instrument or method E = Analyte exceeds the upper limit of the calibration curve, D = Sample or extract was analyzed at a higher dilution X = User defined data qualifier. S = Surrogate out of control limits U = Undetected a = Not Accredited by NELAC ND = Non Detected at LOG DF = Dilution Factor Limit Of Quantitation (LOG) = Laboratory Reporting Limit (not adjusted for dilution factor) Limit Of Detection (LOD) = Laboratory Detection Limit Estimated uncertainty values are available upon request. matrices: A = Air C = Cream DW = Drinking Water L = Liquid O = Oil SL = Sludge SO = Soil S = Solid T = Tablet TC = TCLP Extract WW =waste Water W = Wipe _ - The test results meet the requirements of the NE LAC standard, except where noted. The information contalned in this analytical report is the sole property of Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. and that of the client. It cannot be reproduced in any form without the consent of Summit Environmental 'technologies, Inc. or the client for which this report was issued. The results contained in this report are only representative of the samples received. Conditions can vary at different times and at different sampling conditions. Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. is not responsible for use or interpretation of the data included herein. "Analyticai Integrity" - EPA Certified - NELAP Certified 3310 Win Street • Cuyahoga FaHs, Ohio 44223 , Phone: 330-253-8211 • Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Siie: vrwwserrek.com RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL From: 10/23/2009 11:55 #528 P.0061011 "I IM11106-7 M M M AMA& ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical Laboratories . October 23, 2009 Client: Synagro Central, LLC Address: One Commerce Square Washington, NC 27989 Received: 10/9/2009 Project H. Carolina Beach, NC TCLP Metals C19ea�l Lab ID4 Colltcted L abt s Rep Lmt Result Units M�lnix Method pr R- egLvl Run Analyst Beach 1 091340"1 07-Oct-09 Lead 0.5 <0.5 m911 5 1311 1 5 16.Oct-09 VVK Beach 1 0913400.01 07-Oct-09 Cadmium 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 1 16-oct-09 VVK Beach 1 0913400-01 07Oct-D9 Chromium 0.2 <0.2 mg/1 5 1311 1 5 16-0ct-09 VVK Beath 1 0913400-01 07-W-09 Silver 0.5 <0.5 mg/1 S 1311 1 5 16.Oct-09 VVK Beach 1 0913400-01 07-0ct-09 Mercury 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.2 16-Od-09 VVK Beach 1 091340MI 07-Oct-09 Barlum 5 <5.0 mg/1 5 1311 1 100 16-Oct-09 VVK Beach 1 0913400.01 07-00-09 Arsenic 0.5 <0.5 rn91i S L311 1 5 16.00-09 INK Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Selenium 0.5 <0.5 mg/I S 1311 1 1 16.Oct-09 VVK TCLP Voletiles Lent LD# Lab 1 Cnllerted Anetvta Rep Lmt Result l rJ itS Matrix Method Dr �Lvl Run An lus Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 1,1-Dichloroetttene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.7 16.0a-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 1,2-Dichloroedhane 0.1 <0.1 mg1L S 1311 1 0.5 16.Oct-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 2-Butanone (MEK) 2 <2.0 mg/L 5 1311 1 200 16-Oct-09 M5 Beach 1 0913400-01 07-W-09 Benzene 0.1 <0.1 m9/L S 1311 1 0.5 16.00.09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Carton Tetrachloride 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16.Oct-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-0ct-D9 Chlorobenzene 0.1 <0,1 mg/L $ 1311 1 100 16-Od-09 MS Beach 1 091340"1 07-Oci-09 Chloroform 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 6 16-0ct-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-oct-09 Tetrachioroethene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.7 16-OC-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-oa-09 Trichloroethene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16.Oct-09 MS Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 <0,2 mg/L S 1311 1 0.2 16-0ct-09 M5 TCLP SNA(1311) l' t ID q Lab i (011eoced Anatyte Rep Lmt Rcsult units Manx Mc+hod Pf R=Lvl Run al t $each 1 0913400-01 07-W-09 1,4-Dichloroberuene 0.1 <0.1 mg/I 5 1311 1 7.5 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07.Oct-09 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.25 <0.25 mg/1 S 1311 1 400 17.Oct-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 2,4,6-TricHorophenol 0.25 <0.25 mg/I S 1311 1 2 17.Ott-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 2,4-DiNtrotoluene 0.1 <0.1 mgll S 1311 1 0.13 17.Oct-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Cresols 5 <5.0 M9/l 5 1311 1 200 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach I 0913400.01 07-Oct-09 Hexachloro-1,3-butadlene 0.1 <0.1 m911 5 1311 1 0.5 17-0ct-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Ott-09 Hexachlorobemene 0.1 <0.1 mgA S 1311 1 0.13 17.Ott-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400.01 07-Oct-09 Hexachloroethane 0.1 <0.1 mg/i S 1311 1 3 17-0ct-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-0ct-09 Nitrobenzene 0.1 <0.1 nvyl S 1311 1 2 17.W-09 AKE Beach 1 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Pentachlorophenol 0.25 <0.25 m911 S 1311 1 100 17.0ct-09 AKE Beach 1 D913400-01 07-Oct-09 Pyridine 0.25 <0.25 mg11 S 1311 1 5 17.0ct-09 AKE Page 4 "Analytical Integrity" - EPA Certified • NELAP Certified 3310 Win Street - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 • Phone: 330-253-8211 • Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Site: www.settek.com ` REC:EIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL From: 10123/2009 11:55 #528 P.007/011 Es?opa Ag� =111111MMIFIMM 11b 0 Im I ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. LLJ Analytical Laboratories Client IBH Beach 1 Beach 1 Beach 1 Beach 1 Beach 1 Beach 1 Beach 1 liml1 ff Beach 1 Beach 1 Clignt ID Beach 1 Client ID# Beach 1 Client 11) Beath 1 .Cairn+ 1U# Beach 1 CliotIDA Beads 1 Client IDq Beads 2 8edrh 2 Beach 2 Beach 2 Beach 2 Beach 2 Beach 2 Beach 2 TCLP Pestleldes La61 (-ullecW Aralyte Rex Lmt R*utt 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Endrin 0.002 <0.002 091340"1 07-0ct-09 Toxaphene 0.1 <0.1 09134OG-01 07-Oct-09 Chlordane 0.01 <0.01 091340M1 07.00t-09 Methnxychlor 0.062 <0,002 0913400-01 07.Oct-09 Heptachlor Epobde 0,002 <0.002 W13400-01 07.Oct-09 Heptachlor 0,002 <0.002 0913400-01 07-Oct-09 Gamma-BHC 0,002 <0.002 Luh 1D# ' lC A liMied Anal 0913400-01 07-Oct-D9 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 0913400-01 07.Oct-09 2,4, D lab I collectcd Anal)! 0913400-01 074OCt-09 PCBs lab ID a C.ollecl SIC 0913400-01 07-Od-09 Flash Point LAb 1DfF Collect Amhag D913400-01 07-Oct-09 pH Lab ft # collocted Ana]Z 0913400-01 07.Oct-09 Reactive Cyanide lah I] Ce4_egird Aniflyle 0913400.01 07.Oct-09 Reactive SuInde Lab 1Dii C011cc Anam D913400-02 07-Od-09 Lead D913400-02 07-0ct-09 Cadmium 0913400-02 07-OCt-09 Chromium 0913400-02 07-Oct-D9 Silver 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Mercury 0913400-02 07-0ct-09 Barium D913400-02 07-W-09 Arsenic 0913400-02 07-W-09 Selenium TCLP Herbb0dos ReRLmt g2a4 0.5 <0.5 5 <5.0 K%911 ND JZnott >140F October 23, 2009 Client: Synagro Central. LLC Address: One Conmerce Square Washington, NC 27889 Received: IOf9/2009 Project #: Carolina Beach, NC Jjni 14EL M tk a ReaLvl Ron Art;JyK mg/I 5 1311 1 0.02 16-0ct-09 KMG mg/I 5 1311 1 0.5 16-0ct-09 KMG mg/I S 1311 1 0.03 16.Oct-09 KMG mgR S 1311 1 10 16-Oct-09 KMG mg/! S 1311 1 0.008 16-Oct-09 KMG m9A S 1311 1 0.008 16-Oct-09 KMG mg/I S 1311 1 0.4 16-Oct-09 KMG gakN hkiidI Method LE Re4Lyl Run AAaIYEI mg/1 5 1311 1 1 16-Oct-09 KMG mg/1 S 1311 1 10 16.Oct-09 KMG JjE6 Marix Mehod 11F LQQ Run Analyst mg/kg 5 8082 1 0.2 14-W-09 AE 1-niq% Maid Mob od DF LOS Run Anah,5 S 1010 1 09-00-09 DVW Result ]iakE hint shod DF LOO Run Analyst 5.06 su@21.8C S 9040 1 0.01 09.Oct-09 CxS Result I&U Matrix Meth OF LQQ tun AnalYil ND mg/kg S 1 0.5 09-Oct-09 TRB Rmh Clnits Matrix Meth DF M Run Analys ND mg/kg S 1 25 09-DCt-09 TRB TCLP Metals Rep Lmi Rsaufl Uniji Matrix meth OF ReaL.A Run AyWyst 0.5 <0.5 mg/I 5 1311 1 5 16-0Ct-09 VVK 0.1 <0.1 mg/I S 1311 1 1 16-oct-09 VVK 0.2 <0.2 mg/I S 1311 1 5 16-00-09 VVK 0.5 <0,5 m9/1 S 1311 1 5 16-0ct-09 VVK 0-002 <0,002 m9/1 5 1311 1 0.2 16.Od-09 VVK 5 <5.0 m9/I S 1311 1 100 16-OCt-09 VVK 0.5 <0.5 m9/I S 1311 1 5 16-0ct-09 VVK 0.5 <0.5 mg/I S 1311 1 1 16-W-09 VVK "Analytical Integrity" - EPA Certified - NELAP Certified 3310 Wirt Street • Cuyahoga Faffs, Ohio 44223 - Phone: 330-253-a211 , Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Site: www.settek.conl Page 5 RECEIVED 10/23/2069 11:56 252948ee48 SYNAGRO CENTPA1_ From: 10123/2009 11:55 #528 P,0081011 ion ak Ash ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. pctober23, 2004 Analytical Laboratories Client: Synagm Central, LLC Address: One Cortmxrcc Square Washington, NC 27889 Received: 10/9/2009 Project #: Caroline Beach, NC TCLP Yofatiies 4lient ID # !a12 ID# C.OMC+ad AftAftsl)l. Reo_Lm! gsmll kings hbJdA MStt! PE Real -A Rim Anplym Beach 2 0913400-02 07.Ott-09 1,1-0ichlorceethene 0.1 <0-i mg/L S 1311 1 0.7 16-Od-09 MS Beach 2 0913400-02 07.00t-09 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 164Oct-09 MS 8eaCh 2 0913400-02 07-OCt-09 2-Butanone (MEK) 2 <2.0 M91L S 1311 1 200 16-W-(19 MS Beach 2 0913400-02 07-0ct-49 Benzene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.5 16-W-09 MS Beath 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16-Oct-09 MS Beads 2 0923400-02 07-Od-09 CUorobenzene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 100 16-Od-09 MS Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Chlordarm 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 t 6 16-Oct-09 MS Beach 2 0913400.02 07-oct-09 Tetra hWoethene 0.1 <0A rng/L S 1311 1 0.7 16-Oct-09 MS Beach 2 0913400-02 07-0d-09 Trichlvrcethene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 D.5 16-0ct-09 MS Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 <0.2 mg/L S 1311 1 0.2 16.Oct-09 M5 TCLP ONA(1311) litnt FDr+ Lab 1DK COEIGCred Anui rS Reo Lmt R0ult Ugjls Melrix Maj)gd al Re 4Lv1 hga Ana Beach 2 091340"2 07-Oct-09 1,4-Dichdoroben2ene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 7.5 17.Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 D9134DO-02 07-Od-09 2,4,5-TrkNorophenol 0,25 <0.25 mg/l S 1311 1 400 17-Ott 09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07-W-W 2,4,6-TriCMrophenol 0.25 <0.25 mg/1 S 1311 1 2 17-Od-09 AKE Beads 2 0913400-02 07.Od•09 2,4-Dirdrotoluene 0.1 <0.1 rW S 1311 1 0.13 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Cresols 5 <5.0 mg/l S 1311 1 200 17-Od-09 AKE Beau 2 0913400-02 07-0d-09 Hexactiom-1,3-butadiene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.5 17-0d-09 AKE Beach 2 09134DO-02 07-W-09 Hexachitarobenzene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 5 1311 1 0.13 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07-W-09 Hexachlorcethane 0.1 <0.1 mg/t S 1311 1 3 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07.Oct-09 Nitrobenzene 0.1 <0.1 m9/1 S 1311 1 2 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Pentachlomphenol 0.25 <0.25 mg/1 5 1311 1 100 17-Oct-09 AKE Beach 2 0913400-02 07-W-09 Pyridine 0.25 <0.25 mg/1 S 1311 1 5 17-Oct-09 AKE TCLP Pesticides Client IDk Lab ID# Cotleo AffiNte Rep Lmt Result Uri i�s Migrix Mahexi DF Rec d hgi Analyst Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Ott-09 Tmraphene 0.1 <0.1 mg/l S 1311 1 0.5 16-Oct-09 KMG Beach 2 0913400-02 07.Oct-09 Chlordane 0A1 <0.01 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.03 16.Oct-09 KMG Beach 2 0913400-02 07-W-09 Methoxychlor 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 S 1311 1 10 16-0ct-09 C4G Beach 2 0913400-02 07-0ct-09 Gamma-BHC 0.002 <0.002 m9Jl S 1311 1 0.4 16-OCt-09 KMG Beach 2 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Endrin 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.02 16-W-09 KMG Beach 2 0913400-02 07.Oct-09 Heptachlor 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 S 1311 1 0A08 16-Od-09 KMG Beach 2 D913400-02 07-0ct-09 Heptachlor Epoxide 0.002 <0.002 mg/] S 1311 1 0.00B 16-oct-09 KMG TCLP Herbicides LAb1D# C01w /name Rep Lmt Retuit Units Matrix fig 2E ReyLvt Run Analyst Beach 2 09134OD-02 07-Oct-09 2,4,5-TP(Sihrex) 0.5 <0.5 mg/l S 1311 1 1 16-Oct-09 KMG Beach 2 D9134OD-02 07-W-09 2,4,D 5 -e5.0 mg/I 5 1311 1 10 16.Oct-09 KMG Page 6 "Analytical Integrity" • EPA Certified • NEL-AP Certified 3310 Win Street • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 • Phone: 330-253-8211 • Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Site. www.seltek.com RECEIVED 1e/23/2009 11:56 2529499048 SVNAGRO CENTRAL From: 10/23/2009 11:56 #t528 P.009/011 AM 19 oblHAMIT "I ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical Laboratories Client IN Beach 2 Ch fF Beach 2 Cli t IY Beach 2 Client It) Beach 2 'li t 10d Beach 2 �'liol I Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Client Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 Beach 3 October 23, 2009 Client: Synagro Central, LLC Address: One Cominerce Square Washington. NC 27889 Received:i0/9/2009 Project 1a: Carolina Beach, NC LabIDCollect el ARAIItg Rauh Ugitj Marrix MVAW Qr: BOO( 'RU An i 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 PCBs ND mW*k9 S 8082 1 0.2 14-Oct-09 AE Lab F0# culiml An;L34 Result 1199JU Matri MethtW OF LOLL Run Araks 0913400.02 07-Oct-09 Flash Paint >144F S 1010 1 09-Dct-09 OVW Lab ►Dtt a�_ lltcd Anillylr Result _J= j to mix Meth Qf L_OQQ I u E Anal s 0913100-02 07-Oa-09 pH 5.05 su@21.6C 5 9040 1 0.01 09-Ort-09 CXS LabJ12# collee AnaMe EMU-1 Units Matrix Metho QF LONG Run Anah-5 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Reactive Cyanide HE) mg/kq S 1 0.5 09-Dct-09 TR8 Lab 1p# Collco "U 14 Result LT ils matx Mcth U 1-00 Run Anal st 0913400-02 07-Oct-09 Reactive Sulfide RD mg/kg S 1 25 09-Dct-09 TRB TCLP Metals Lab [V# ColFectW ARPM Rey_Lmt Rfah Jak Matrix Method DF ReoLvl "u AnIJILSI 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Lead 0.5 <0.5 mgll S 1311 1 5 19-0ct-09 VVK 0913400.03 07-Oct-09 Cadmium 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 5 1311 1 1 19-DO-09 VVK 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Chromium 0.2 c0.2 mg/1 S 1311 1 5 19-W-09 VVK 09134OD-03 07-01-t-09 Silver 0.5 <0.5 mg/I S 1311 1 5 19-0Ct-09 VVK 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Mercury 0.002 <0.002 mWII 5 1311 1 0.2 19-Dct-09 VVK 0913400-03 07-W-09 Barium 5 <5.0 MO S 1311 1 100 19-Oct-09 VVK 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Arsenic 0.5 <0.5 mgli S 1311 1 S 19-0ct-09 VVK 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Selenium 0.5 <0.5 m9/l S 1311 1 1 19-0ct-09 VVK TCLP Volattles . Lab�D# C91lected Analvte Rep Lm! Result UnL atria LtyLl>Q� 2F RegLvi Run Analyst 0913400-03 07.Oct-091,1-Dichlaroethene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.7 16.Oct-O9 MS 0913400-03 074)ct-09 1,2-Dlchloroethane 0A <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.5 16-Oct-09 MS 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 2-Butanone (MEK) 2 <2.0 mg/L S 1311 1 200 16-Oct-09 MS 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Benzene 0.1 <0,1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16-Od-09 MS 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16-Oct-09 Ms 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Chlorobenzene 0.1 <01 mg/L 5 1311 1 100 16-Oet-09 MS D913400-03 07-Oct-09 Chloroform 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 6 16-OC-09 MS D913400-03 07-Oct-09 Tetrachloroethene 0.1 <0.1 mg/L S 1311 1 0.7 16-Oct-09 Ms 0913400.03 07-Oct-09 Trichioroedme 0.1 <0.1 mg/L 5 1311 1 0.5 16-Ott-09 M5 D913400-03 07-Oct-09 Vinyl Chloride 0.2 <0.2 mg/L S 1311 1 0.2 16-Oct-09 MS 'Analytical Integrity" • EPA Certified • NELAP Certified 3310 Win 5treei • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 ■ Phone: 330-253-8211 • Fax: 330-253-4489 Web Site: wt2wsettek.com Page 7 RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11.55 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL From: 10/23/2009 11:56 #528 P.0101011 91 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC, October23,2009 Analytical Laboratories Client_ 5ynagm Central, LLC Address. One Commerce Square Washington, NC 27899 Received: 10/9/2009 Project #: Carolina Beach, NC TCLP BNA(1319) Client t{ Lab 10 C'oaccted al a R._. epLm1 Result Units Matrix meth al DF Rg Lvi Rqp Analy Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Od-09 1,4-Dicltbrobentene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 131i 1 7.5 19-OCt-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 2,4,5-Tdchiorophenol 0.25 40.25 mg/1 S 1311 1 400 19-Oct-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-0ct-09 2,4,6-Trid3 orophenol 0.25 <0.25 mg/1 , S 1311 i 2 19-Oct-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 2,4-Dinitrotoluerie 0.1 <0.1 mg/f S 1311 1 0.13 19-Ott-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Cresols 5 <5.0 mg/1 S 1311 1 200 19-Oa-09 AKE Beach 3 G913400-03 07-Oct-09 Hexachbro-1,3•butadiene 0.1 <0.1 mg/I 5 1311 1 0,5 19.Oet-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Hexachkwobenzene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.13 19-Oct-09 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Hexachloroethane 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 3 19-oct-09 AKE Beach 3 09134013-03 07-Oct-09 Nf mbenzene 0.1 <0.1 mg/1 S 1311 1 2 19-Oct-D9 AKE Beach 3 0913400-03 07-W-09 Pentachlomphenol 0.25 <US mg/I S 1311 1 100 19-0ct-09 AKE Beach 3 D913400-03 07-Oct-09 Pyridine 0.25 <0.25 mg11 S 1311 1 5 19-oct-09 AKE TCLP Pesticides C hcm 1Dt1 lab 1Da Cull t qt tS Rep Lm Res l;niss an -ix Mclhod p- RegLA Run Anal Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Metttoxychlor 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 5 1311 1 10 19-Oct-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Chlordane 0.01 <0.01 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.03 19-Oct-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Gamma-BHC 0.002 <0.002 mgll S 1311 1 0.4 19-0et-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Endrin 0.002 <0,002 mg/I S 1311 1 0.02 19.Oct-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Da-09 Heptachlor Epo)dde 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 S 1311 1 0.008 19-Oct-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-0ct-09 Heptachlor 0.002 <0.002 mg/1 5 1311 1 0.008 19-Oct-09 KMG Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Toxaphene 0.1 <0.1 mg/I 5 1311 1 0.5 19.Oct-09 KMG TCLP Herbicides Client r? Lab IDs! C'oilectct! Analyie Rep LMl Rnu t Units Matrix Mq od [7f Re0.Ly1 RRM Analyst Beach 3 091340D-03 07-W-09 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 0.5 <0.5 mg/I S 1311 1 1 19-0ct-09 KMG Beath 3 0913440-03 07-Oct-09 2,4,D 5 <5.0 mg/I S 1311 1 10 19.Oct-09 KMG Oiiw IDA Lab tDlt C alla.Ked sa C ft h Units Matrix l sthho CZF LQp Run Anast Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 PCBs ND mg/kg S 8082 1 0.2 14-Ott-09 AE Client ID a 1 I Collected A-hlo esult Q..IS NILIU4 Method PF Run AnsIyst Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Flash Point >14OF S 1010 1 09-OR-09 DVW 'lient Lab fD Collxi Anal Re K u Units Matrix McLhod f F l Rye Anal t Beach 3 090400-03 07-Oct-09 pH 5.68 su@zl.Bc S 9040 1 0.01 09-Oct-09 CXS climu LAb M Caw eel 1 Result airs Matrix Method OF Bto AmIYi1 Beach 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-D9 Reactive Cyanide ND mg/kg 5 1 0.5 09-oct-09 TRB Page 8 ;4nalytical Integrity" - EPA Certified - NELAP Certified 3310 Win Street • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 - Phone: 330-253-8211 - rax. 330-253-4489 Web Site: www.sertek.com From: RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11:56 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL 1012312009 11:56 #528 P.0111011 mdwwMMIT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Analytical laboratories chcrtt ID lab 1Dg CailmtZ4 Anai e Beath 3 0913400-03 07-Oct-09 Reardve StilOde October 23, 2009 Client: Synagro Central, LLC -sy: One Commtrce Square Washington. NC 27889 Received:l0/9f2009 Project 4#: Cm-olina Beach, NC Result Units Midi m JE = Run AnaN 10 mg/kg 5 7.3.4,2 1 25 09-0tt 09 TRB Page 9 'Analytical Integrity" • EPA Certified • NELAP Certified 3310 Win Street • Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 . Phone: 330-253-8211 - Fax: 330-2534489 Web Site: www.sellek.com Fran: RECEIVED 10/23/2009 11t56 2529480048 SYNAGRO CENTRAL, 1012312049 11:54 #528 P.0021011 Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form Client:4 Order Number:T_i? M Time Received:_%"'� Number of po Boxe5:�__ NIA Shipper: FED E UPS I0HL Airborne US Postal Walk-in Pickup Other: - Packaging: Peanuts B �bteVvrPaper Foam 'None Other: Tape on cooler/box: 0J N NIA Custody Seals intact Y N IA C-O-C in plastic (0 N NIA ioe lLieice present / absent .' melted NIA Sample Temperature °C NIA C-O-C filled out properly ey NIA Samples in separate bags N NIA Sample contair•rrs intact' /r ) N L� NIA ,If no, list broken sample(s): Sample label,,) rcrnplete (ID, date, el..) --� Label(s) agree wish C-D-C DY byC.�rrect containers usedSufficient sample received Bubbles absent irern 40 mL vials" Y " Samples with bubbles less than the size of a pea are acceptable. Was client contacted about samples Y Will client send new samples Y Client contact: DatelTime: _ Logged in by: rnmm nfe• Rev. 6 N NIA N NIA N NIA N NIA N /A N N Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc 595 East Talltnadge Avenue Analysis Request/Chain of Custody For Summit Environmental Technologies. Inc. use oniv page of SET No. Client Name �A1 /� `liiTt'a G Project Name 4 �1Y+rl i.y•7�� IBC. � I Analytical Para>ineters and Methods CI��Add; s S a �jr► tiC �� +irk 6t Project Address w � to k V Client Phonc Na .,�,ri - �o �- rev s� Report to Client Fax No. Please Vax 2gaLI15 1_ e733- PO# Contact Person Quote No. Sampled by Check it Ohio VAP samples." ❑ ## Sample Ident�icadon slate Collected Time Collected 9 /De?o 4 (. S �t.�+c ! x Y. °� ArgGiNfY OC ,00 A 0 7 a lOa�6►4 i✓ 5 ►�.,,� X 3 r,.rvq- 4^e,4 3 0 a ? 3a G S N4�t ?� x Y. I J RelinquMcd bate a Received Date Time Notes/Comments: Received to lab by: Date . bne [lush Requested:Days Must ben roved b lab mane cr PP Y 6 White and yellow pages should accompany samples to the laboratory. The client rttains the pink page. 24531 0 N N O O cn 20* N b 0 P m m 0 ry (71 LO Z. CD m co a ro in I> D Ci? �1 Z --i X r Edited by Fo it Reader Copyri by Foxit Software Compan 005-2008 F valuation Only. IEN IPTE� dl�N`GY 03 o 2 l� 01 Y �K 1n � �x�N�Y N.r.—%-rN—%�Y—Y N1 ��+• EXISTING SILT FENCE / _ �•�1R� ����i�(✓� U Y•f�R , _.yam ..A/ - .. /i w Page 1 of 1 Report Number: 09-282-0606 Account Number: 46439 www.allabs.com Send To: SYNAGRO CENTRALICAROLINA SEACI Clint Williams ONE COMMERCE SOISTE 204 WASHINGTON NC 27889 Date Received: 10/09/2009 Date Of Analysis: 10/1212009 A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-3401 Fax (804) 271-W6 , Grower: CAROLINA BEACH, NC SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Date Of Report: 10/15/2009 Submitted By: CLINT WILLIAMS Farm ID: Analytical Method(s): MEHLICH 3 Organic M_ attar . Phi o pli ro us' ,.. P.,otass um - 7 slum° ! aici 74 W�Sodiur A �` Rif ';Acidity°(, r, v Cft= G Sample ID l=ab r °/s RaNR W1681A ��,. Mehlieh 3 Reserve K Ma " ; Ca Na W10Numi�ar Buffer H Ppm Rate ppm, Rate ppm Rate ppm Rate ppm Rate ppm ; Rate,r Index gl1UOg meg1100g 1 12754 0.5 VL 57 169 VH 11 VL 27 M 231 M 11 L 5.8 6.90 0.3 1.8 NC=141 NC=6 2 12755 1.0 L 66 1209 VH 18 VL 43 M 361 M 15 L 5 6 6.86 0.7 3.0 NC=174 NC=9 3 12756 1.1 L 66 204 VH 30 VL 86 H 624 H 128 L 6.7 6.91 0.2 4.2 NC=170 NC=15 "n„!'_dR w�9^�s�^.r PercentJ,Base Saturation_ k` NitraLe Sulfur Ztnc ,jManganese .,. ,; iron_ � -t.'ASN Coppe .'"d'sa.nn ; l3oron� �rSr-'Mi Soluble Salts r Chloride `�.--I Iuo�*`iC6 ' jAlu Sample ID Field ID K Mg Ca Na H o a o n o NON S S Zn Mn Fe IN..Rate; Cu S r SS a �Cl $k i "ep, tppm Rate ppm Rate Ippm Rate 'ppm Ratej �ppiti Rate Ippm ,Rate seYIpm,ate 1 13 M 12 L 34.3 VH 3 VL 95 VH 6.5 VH 0.3 VL 0.19 VL 1.6 12.5 64.2 2.7 19.0 NC=30 NC=857.5 NC=19 NC=325.0 2 M 15 L VH 3 VL 106 VH 2O.0 VH L VL 1.5 11.9 60.2 2.2 1 23.1 Ill 131.5 NC = 38 INC = 7$7.5 NC = 19 NC = 1000.0 10.4 10.13 3 13 M M 42.5 VH 2 VL 107 VH 11.1 VH L 0.21 VL 1.8 17.1 74.3 2.9 1 4.5 �22 NC = 55 NC = 1062.5 NC = 13 NC = 555.0 10.4 Values on this report represent the plant available nutrients in the Explanation of symbols: % (percent), ppm (parts per million), Ibs1A soil. Rating after each value: VL (Very Low), L (Low), M (Medium), (pounds per acre), ms/cm (milli -mhos per centimeter), megl100g H (High), VH (Very High). ENR - Estimated Nitrogen Release. (milli -equivalent per 100 grams). Conversions: ppm x 2 = IbslA, C.E.C. - Cation Exchange Capacity. Soluble Salts mslcm x 640 = ppm. This report applies to sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum of thirty days after testing.' f Ana}ysis prepared by: A&L Eastern Laboratories, Inc. by: Oscar Ruiz Report Number 09-282-0606 Page: 1 of 2 Account Number 46439 Send To: SYNAGRO CENTRAUCAROLINA BEACH Clint Williams ONE COMMERCE SQISTE 204 WASHINGTON , NC 27889 Client: CAROLINA BEACH, NC Laboratory Number: Sample Date and Time: Sample Identification: Analysis: Nitrogen, Ammoniacal,ppm Total Arsenic,ppm Total Cadmium,ppm Total Chromium,ppm Total Copper,ppm Total Mercury,ppm Total Molybdenum,ppm Total Nickel,ppm Total Lead, ppm Total Selenium,ppm Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen,ppm Total Zinc,ppm h - m A&L Eastem Laboratories, Inc. �v 76211 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (8041743-9401 Fax (804) 2714"G REPORT OF ANALYSIS 12754 12755 12756 1 2 3 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 <5 <5 <5 13 32 25 < 0.4 < 0.4 < 0.4 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 1.6 1.4 2.7 200 460 360 40 37 51 Oscar Ruiz The One source. Submitted By: CLINT WILLIAMS Purchase Order : Report Date: 10/15/2009 Date Received : 10/9/2009 Sample results are reported 'as received' and are not moisture corrected unless noted 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 —2 —4 CONTRACTOR'S NOTES: I. RECONNECT 8" DIP FORCEMAIN TO THE FRONT OF THE HEADWORCS WITH 15OLF OF PIPE, WX2V CI TEE 1612W REDUCER AND MJ PLUG EST11MATED. 2. REESTABLISH THE 12" GRAVITY LINE TO THE EQUALIZATION BASIN. REMOVE CONCRETE PLUG AND REPLACE 12' LINE AS NEEDED, ` ESTIMATED 80 LF OF 12' DIP AND ASPHALT REPAIR. / - 3. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TEST THE SONS FOR OOMPAC11ON PER THE SPECIFICATIONS AND PROVIDED THE ENGINEER WITH THE RESULTS. 4. THE 100YR FLOOD ELEVATION IS 9.0 MSL- - %f v� ENGINEERING SERVICES, P.A. CARp CONSULTiNG ENGINEERS .• '" • �/ 516 VILLAGE COURT GARNER, NC 27529-3600 PHONE: (919) 662-7272 FAX: (919) 692-7320 SE 1"T.-ATIC °` CAROLINA BEACH EQUALIZATION BASIN MODIFICATION CAROLINA BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 'qN •6. G� QUALIZATION BASIN SITE PLAN AS SHORN DmN. BY CS PROJBCf NO, DRAG NUMBSA MARCH 2O09 . -BC 08044 Cl BY ON. I DBSCRIPPNON �-" CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SILT FENCE 0+00 0+50 1 +00 1 +50 2+00 2+50 3+00 0+00 0+50 1 +00 1 +50 2+00 2+50 '3+00 x EQUALVA11UN BASIN SEC11UN NEW 10' WR M PVC SCALE: 1"=50' SCALE: 1"=50' x /.roc ore Ac p WN-�n%/6 �Q a CONSTRUCTION LIMITS 0000 PROPERTY Dc y�� Ls cya1 LINE - - PROPOSED SILT FENCE 0000 ���-� �� w` � a � - '` 'r 1 `��1 x/ � o • ,y5 y r `c�1 ,� a %5 1 I TERMINATE LINER PER DETAIL___-r-.----4--- ' —�-- - - _ GEOMEMBRANE LINER WITH TEXTURED SIDE SLOPES- - - _ PROPOSED E BASIN LINER. ----_ _ - --E ---- WIf L ELEV. 11.0 - - T-- __ i - - EXISTING EQ.I - ---- -- - -- CUT AND REMOVE VEGETATION & - - BASIN ! 1 TOP Q -14" OF MATERIAL___ BACKFILL WITH SELECT MATERIAL- PROVIDED ON SITE. , TOP ELEV 13.0 16 14 CLEAN COMPACTED 12 BACKFILL MATER 4 10 8 6 4 2 0 _2 1-20 FT DIP THROUGH JB -t - -- - 7-------- TIE INTO EXISTING -- SPUTTER BOX I -- ---� NEW 10 TEE j-- i NEW PRECAST 30 JUNCTION BOX ! w/10 GATE VALVE-- 7- RECONNECT 18 PIPES --- f 275 LF 10" SDR 35 PVC o . A A jo / ', ', �. ` � o� /� / ... = / .ore � , 2�a cc�• `�� .� c �� , �e �>� s0 \0- - f " / / S / ®" NEW-ff GV . �N�ti�� ` t y ' 00 ' i- /_ - - 1 �' � - '� FV�v INV8.50/;00-CONST UCTi01�I. LI�NIT `� �` y �S x , ` r trN 5� SCE PROPOSED 10" `� oo 1E \ \ rB3 EXTENDrgXIST. 70" DIPol 7. SDR 35 PVC� �` - PROPOSED 2 WATER LINE SCH _ _�— �' PROPOSED EQUALIZATION BASIN Boa / �;.!`` Q f f PROPOSED 18" DIP EMPORARY 40 PVC BASE BID (ZDO X250 PROPOSED BAR NSTRUCTION en fir/ ;��r s� FF /� ,� 4'WALKWAY(CONC) ,l SCREEN (BID ENTRANCE E ��� 1 ` : riS� PROPOSED 18" DIP ALTERNATE 1) � ; /� vo PROPOSED INVERT0.46 1 X� n�� .T " PREPLACE RECAST EXISTING INC710N BOX 1 \ a�n�� EXTEND EXIST. '12 DIP PROPOSED JUTE NETTING RECONNECT18 PIPES PROPOSED ELECT. 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