HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210073_MONITORING INFO_20180821STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V uc, a � o oq 3 DOC TYPE ❑HISTORICAL FILE 'K MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG210E]7]© FACILITY NAME Bill Hanks Lumber Co PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES CERTIFIED LABORATORY Researcli & AnaiyticaiLab # Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements' SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from t)i tot a facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) ..�" 1�,.,• f�' � 1 Stokes tokes a ` _R*IONE NO. 036 -) 593-2022 ILMASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 tff"11In1\11 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mo/ddl r Total Rainfall, inches 00530 1 00400 00340 Total Suspended Solids, nWL pH, Standard units Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), m Benchmark ; _' , '% f - 100 Within 6.0 — 9.0 120 ,. 'Monitoring is required only if the facility stores exposed piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) days. If the facility elects not to monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be signed. The facility shall nlso record and maintain a log in its SPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when material is generated and removed, how, and by whom. {`Note: If you report a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. Facilities that do not store exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exposed to stormwater run on) piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material for longer than seven (7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring may be waived, For those facilities that qualify for the analytical monitoring waiver, the discharger steal I sign the following certification statement: "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit requirement for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch or other similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to stormwater run on) for longer than seven (7) days before removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report." L .9 C"ra ,r i Name (Print name) 3,, I ' Title (Print title) (Signature) (Date) SWU-245-072809 Page I of 2 om -ni15 F.�CILITY PERFORM VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ACTIVIES USING MORE THAN 55 GALLONS OF NEW MOTOR OIL PER MONTH, ON AVFR.AGF, 1N THE CALENDAR YEAR? ❑ ) c, y No { If yes. complete Part 13) Part 13: Vehicic Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements ❑ outrall I \'o. I 13rnchmark- Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/yr 00400 00556 00530 Total Rainfall, inches - New Motor Oil Usage, Annual averse al/me - pH, Standard units 6.0 — 9.0 Oil and Grease, n19fL 30 Total Suspended Solids, m 100 �... - ......... .. - N,q-- I! .okl 1, -,,Port a value in ctccss of the ench€nark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. Mail original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Y01- MI `iT SICN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED IN PARTS A AND/OR B: "I certify, under- penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a -�y4tent desi-ned to -,assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations," iSignatbre of Permitt (Date) S WU-245-072808 Page 2 of 2 lJfC� Z 1 0 0 �3 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 C"ERTWIC"ATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG2QEj©© FACILITY NAME -Bill Hanks Lumber Co PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES CERTIFIED LABORATORY Research s yt ca Lab # Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements' SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR.: (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Stokes PHONE NO. ) 9 —2022 PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected, mold r Total Rainfall, inches 00530 00400 00340 Total Suspended Solids, 11WIL pH, Smndot d units Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), M Benchmark* too Within 6.0 — 9.0 120 .2 LZ Monitoring is required only if the facility stores exposed piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) days. I( the facility elects not to monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be signed. The facility shall also record and maintain a Iog in its SPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when material is generated and removed, how, and by whom. !Note if you report a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Peir a+. I ac}litics that do not store exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exposed to stormwater run on) piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark mulch, or other similar rnaaen.s' fsu ;ongcr than seven (7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring may be waived. For those facilities that qualify for the analytical monitor ne :valve;•, the klischarger shall sign the following certification statement: .Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly rt Tonsiblc for managing compliance with the permit requirement for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch or other similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to stormwater run on) for longer than seven (7) days before removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report,, Name [Print name) Title (Print title) (Signature) (Bate) SVtI%245-072809 Page i ol1- i t11) THIS VA('ILITY PERFORM VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ACTIVIVS USING MORE THAN 55 GALLONS OF NEW MOTOR OIL PER MONTH, ON k VE;R AGE, IN `FETE CALENDAR YEAR? i No (1t ye,;, complete Part B) il,iri R. Vehic c' Maintenance Avtivity Monitoring Requirements outfall �_.._.___ No. Date Simple Collected, moldd/ r 00400 00556 00530 'Total Rainfall, inches Now Motor Oil Usage, Annual averse gaumo PK Standard units Oil and Greau, Total Suspended Solids, ilettchtnark" - - - 6.0--9,0 30 too 'a`li 11 titna rehart a ti lhie ut excess of the enchmxrk value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implerncnt Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses in the General Perna. Mail original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Arm Central Files 1617 Mail Service Canter Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 01 THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION REPORTED IN PARTS A AND/OR It: "! certify, under- penalty of 1uw, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a ,t,tem designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or Persons who inanage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my hnI)Nt-ledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Siantatur&f Permittee) CP (Date) S WU-24"72808 Pagc 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCIiARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PER:lIIT NO. NCG2t0000 (TRTIFICATF OF COVERAGE NO. NCG21[E]E][fjE] F.ACILITI' NALIE Bill lianks Lumber Co PFRSON COLLFC TING SANIPLFS CERTIFIFU LABORATORY Research a yt ca Lab # Lab It Part A: Specific Mani€oring Requirements' SATMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: _ (This monitoring report Is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Stokes PHONE NO. 3 _) 593--2022 PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE -'/ Oalfall 'SO. Date Sample Collected, molddlvr Total Rainfall, inches 00530 00400 00340 Total Suspended Solids, m 'pH, StandaXdurtits Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), m lienclimarh, 100 Within 6.0 - 9.0 120 G i 3 c U �fc..f_.. .,- Y(f 3c �tno,torir: is required or:ly if the facility stores exposed piles of sawdust, woed chips, hark, mulch, or other similar taterial on site for longer char. seven (7) da}s. It vi..- facil.t} elects not [o monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be signed The facility sha]'. .tiro rec01'd and n,aincain a log in its SPPP (Srnrrrwatcr Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when matcnat is generated and removed, how, and by whom- 'Nlx 11 yokT rcpu:t a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you mustimplemem Tier I or Tier 2 responses it. the Crcner,tl Pem;:t Fzc4r.uc< €i"a! �'o nil _stoic exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exprised to storcnwater run on) piles a sawdust. woodchips. bark, mulch, of onccr srn:;ar rma; is d `cu loner: Lean seven {7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring may be waived. For those iaciYi[ics that qualsfy for rite analytical nwnanrunp vane:, ti,e d.5chargcr Shall sign the following certification statement: "Bwcd upon try inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for r ariaging compliance with the permit requirement for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, ne piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch or other similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to storrttnater run on) for Innger than seven (7) day; hcfo:c removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report." .%rff-r,r //uakJ — - -- Name (Prinz riame) Title (Print title) (Siphatdre c ri SSVIi-345u7dSGB F'aec I of , STORMWATF.R DISCHA RG F OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PY10 1T NO. NCG210000 C"FITITIF'ICATE OF COV17RAGF. NO. NCG210[] t -1 FACILITY NAME 1'1-:ItSON COLLECTING SA4IPLF-S CEIt'fIFIEI) LAItORATORY,/� ,,-.. Arc % a- Lab #4 Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements' SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR. 2 �,` / (This monitoring report is clue at the Division no later than 30 days front the date the facility receives the sampling results front the laboratory.) COUNTY ( r 1 PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 t)II I ffalI Nn. hate Sample Collected, rnolddNr "Total Rainfall, inches 00530 00400 00340 Total Suspended Solids, m pH, Standard units Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODI, m IL lienc•hmark* - - 100 Within 6.0 — 9.0 120 Nlonm)ring is regimcd only if the facility stores exposed Miles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) clays If the facility elects not to monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be signed The facility +bull also record and maintain a lot in its SPPP (StOrmwater Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when material is generated and removed, how, and by %khorn. 'Now If you report a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement "Pier I or Tier 2 responses in the (.ienelA l'rr¢nil Vac IliIies that der not store exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exposed to stormwater run or)) piles of sawdust, weird chips, bark, mulch. nl nthrr similar IliawI i;d till icm c; tlmn seven (7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring ntay be waived. For those facilities that qualify for the analytical momtgrirlEr diwhar-cr shall sign the following certification statement: "Bawd upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit requirement for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the Best of my knowledge and belief, no piles of sawdust, wood chips, hark, mulch or othet similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to stormwater run on) for longer than seven t7) days before removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report.,, Name (Print name) Title (Print title) (Signature) (Bate) SWt' -24t-07-''Xwt Page 1 , d 2 STORMWATRR DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 CI RTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG7J0E][j3 FACILITY NAME Bill flanks Lumber Co PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES CE''RnFIED LABORATORY Research a yc ca Lab## Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements' SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Stokes PHONE NO.6 a 593-2022 PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 outfall ` No. Date Sample Collected, mo/dd/ r Total Rainfall, inches 00530 0"00 00340 Total Suspended Solids, MgLL pH, Standard units Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), mWL Ilienchinark• - 100 Within 6.0 — 9.0 120 �— 7 .,. monitoring, :s required only if the facility stores exposed piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) days. 1; ,he facility elects not to monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be signed. The facility shall also record and maintain a log in its SPPP (stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when material is generated and removed, how, and by whom. Nate 11 you report a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses in [he General Permit. }�,cdmes [ha€ do not sure exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exposed to stormwater run on) piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material for Ionizer :i,an seven (7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring may be waived. For those facilities that qualify for the analytical monitoring waiver, the discharger shall sign the following certification statement. "Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit requirement for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch or other similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to stormwater run on) for longer than seven (7) days before removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report," Name (Print name) Title (Print title) (Signature) (bate) SWU-245-072808 Page 1 of 2 --J STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 cuwriFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG2l0F]©Q FACILITY NAME hill Hanks Lumber Co 11l,'RSON COLLECTING SAMPLES ('1`101FIED LABORATORY ResearcE 9 AnaaiyticaLab # Lab # Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements' SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTy Strokes PHONE NO. PLEASE SIGN ON THE REVERSE 4 Outfali No. Date Sample Collected, tno/ddl r Total Ralnfall, inches 00530 00400 00340 Total Suspended Solids, pH, Standard units Chaali l-Oxygen Demand (COD), mWL itrncltmark' a 100 Within 6.0 — 9.0 120 G 117.: / . J / s 9 I A9al"11c,rsng is required only if the facility stores exposed piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material on site for longer than seven (7) days, 1' u::: a_:Iay elects not to monitor because accumulated material is removed within seven (7) days or less, the certification below must be sighed. The facility shall ,ihr reco. d and maintain a log in its SPPP (Stormwamr Pollution Prevention Plan) of dates when material is generated and removed, how, and by whom. N!'- If you report a value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range (for pH). you must implement Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit, i :+G:iitirs d ut do not stone exposed (either exposed to incident precipitation or exposed to stormwater run on) piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch, or other similar material for longer than seven (7) days on site may so certify, and the requirement for analytical monitoring may be waived. For those facilities that gwlify for the analytical monitoring waiver, the d`:, h rgcr shall sign the following certification statement: "based upon my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with the permit regturernent for analytical monitoring, I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, no piles of sawdust, wood chips, bark, mulch or other similar materials were stored exposed (either to incident precipitation or to stormwater run on) for longer than seven (7) days before removal since filing the last discharge monitoring report." Name (Print name) Title (Print title) (Signature) (Date) S WU-245-0 7 2808 Page 1 of 2