HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG080313_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20190220STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. IV C& 080313 DOC TYPE 14101611IMM4 u` HISTORICAL FILE MONITORING REPORTS rdo., ► / GREENSBORO k0*1H tAWOLIWA WArLR RESOURCES f cbmary 20 201 Joey ClewiS Piedmont Truck Centel 412 S Regional Rd (ircensboto, NC 27409 12I. Industrial C OMP11ancc, Impection Inspection location Piedmont I nick Center 412 S Regional Road SW Permit # NC6080313 l)ca1 Mr ('1cw15 On rLbruary 14, 2019 the. City a1 Gi(.(,nsboro S101111WatLl Managc.mctlt D11i51011 Lo mpleted in industrial con1P11anc.e 111',P c,0orl of PILdmont ltrlc,k Centei LOWI teguldt1011% pvnntt an nispectton o1 mdustmil fdc,111t1cs uticicl authority granted by C:ily of Gltensboto Code of Oidmano, Chaptci 30, Arlit.le 12, Section 7 1 (G-5) 1 his insp"tion uinslslc,cl of two pal is a rcVit,w of ihL facility llles/rcLords and an on -site laL111ty intipeLtion I he nv pec,lion was performed by /aok Mac.Kc.n/1c, and the, following dc,fiC1L11c1cs/0bsc1vations wet noted doling the rn%PCLtton Stornmater Pollution Prevention P1anlSptll Plan Review Site Maps and SWI113 + I he S1tc Map dacti not 111c1uc#c dLId11Ld drainage, pattern~ of dramLIgc, arcati + I hc. SWP3 does not Lontattl a general location map as recluu(,d by the, PC) III 1t « Chere is no signed, annual cerllficatton stating that the 1aLillty has been tested for non- stormwater cl tsc,h ii ges + RtLeiving watr.rs are not listed Spill Prevention and Responw Plait + 17hem m no detailed description of spill tespon4c procedures and (,Unup/disposal • I luie is no list idt-nurying tht pr.iwnnel tesponstblc, for imph-nitriting Spill l'rc,VLI1t10I1 & ]response I1rciced111Ls PQ BOX 1170 GRCE NWRO NC 27402-11-10 WWW GREENSBORO-NC GOV 336 373 CITY (2489) Monitoring; • Analytic,al and qualitative nionitoiinb sampling are not up -to -elate a i heie have ken henchmark exceedames foe wme paralrietem during previow, sampling cvc,nts • I here is no dof um( oration indicalmg that Tien Rtspon,,L i IOLLdweti wcic initiated attei benchmark exc.eedances Lmployee 1 raining • the annual L,nvilunniontal HLdlth & SaJoy training; records we not pact of the. SWP3 ,.Site I1m4pection Preventative Maiinfi mince/Good Housekeeping • I hLIC cue. fresh and historical olI Stalin, iil ]bunt cif the, garage bays • It is recommended that covets be placed ovet the. hill off dumpsteis to pievent contact with piccipitatton Non-Stormwater Dischargt.s • No deficiencies observed It is i eeomillUided that Piedmont i i tiLk Centei take appropi late actions to Loi ma the noted deficiencies If you have any questions c,einccining this inspection, please conlaa nie at (336) 373-2692 or 7achai y lVlaeKL n/1L@grccnsboro-nc gov Stnccra.ly, 4 ?ack*MIK Water Quality SpeelahSt City of Greensboro, Watet Resoule.ews DLpai-tn1L11t LC Petei Schiu.idU Water Quality Supcivisaa Brandon Wisc, N C Debt of I nvironment Quality Industrial Inspection ills. EEC? BOX 1170 GREENSBORO NC 27402 1170 WWW GREENSBORO-NC GOV 336 373 CITY (2489) MAI ® WESTERN STAR TRUCKS S T E U L I N G T R U C '( S'_ PIEDMONT TRUCK CENTER, INC SC o{- 412 Regional Road, South • PO Box 18109 • Greensboro, NC 27419-8109 MAR 2 3 2011 Phone (336) 668-2401 • FAX (336) 668-2494 • 1-800-632-0218 Winston-Salem (336) 831-3111 1 w r Y Regi March 22, 2011 Mr W Corey Basinger interim Kegional Surface Water protection Supervisor N C Division of Water Quality 585 Waughtown St Winston-Salem N C 27107 Dear Mr Basinger In response to your March 101h letter, Piedmont Truck Center has enacted a semi-annual sampling program for our six outfalls located on our property We have contracted with R&A Labs in Kernersville N C to provide laboratory results for our samples Currently we have six sampling kits at our facility and are awaiting a significant rainfall to obtain samples We plan to conduct these tests twice a year, provide photographic evidence and retain the records for a five year period Thank you for your input to keep our company in compliance with state regulations Yours very truly, �r J Joey V Clewis Operations Manager A'rih' NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Mr Joey Clewis, Operations Manager Piedmont Truck Center 412 S Regional Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27235 Director Secretary March 10, 2011 SUBJECT NOTICE OF Violations/Compliance Evaluation Inspection Piedmont Truck Center NPDES Permit No NCG080313, Guilford County Dear Mr Clewis A Compliance Evaluation Inspection was performed on the Piedmont Truck Center stormwater facility on March 8, 2011 by Sue White of the Winston-Salem Regional Office You were in attendance The inspection consisted of two parts an on -site inspection of the stormwater facilities and an in -office file review The following are the findings from the subject inspection I Permit The NPDES permit for Piedmont Truck Center became effective on November 1, 2007 and expires on October 31, 2012 Application for permit renewal must be received no later than 180 days prior to expiration date II Records/Reports The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) was reviewed during the inspection The plan contained the necessary information required by NPDES Permit No NCG080313 III Facility Site Review All stormwater conveyances and the six outfalls noted in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan were inspected and found to be satisfactory All motor parts, wooden pallets and containers that hold fluids must be kept under cover or indoors IV Effluent & Receiving Waters Piedmont Truck Center discharges stormwater to an unnamed tributary East Fork Deep River (Cape Fear River Basin) There are six separate stormwater outfalls on site North Carolina Division of Water Ouatity Winston Salem Regional Office Location 585 Waughtown St Winston Salem North Carolina 27107 Phone 336 771 50001 FAX 336 771-46301 Customer Service 1 877-623 6748 Internet www ncwaterquality org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer Nne orthCarohna ;Vaturall# V Self-MonitonnProgram Part II, Sections B of NPDES Permit No NCG080313 requires the Permittee to perform semi- annual analytical sampling for the parameters found in Table 1 (Section B) You indicated that no analytical sampling had been conducted This is a violation of your permit It is required that the records of sampling results be kept on site with the permit for a period of five years Once results are established for all outfalls you can apply for representative outfall status, which could allow you to sample only one outfall if you can show that the results are representative of all the outfalls Part II, Section D requires qualitative monitoring on a semi annual basis, once in the spring and once in the fall Your records showed that this monitoring had not been done This is a violation of your permit Sue White discussed with you the frequency and form in which these results should be recorded and suggested that a digital photo with a date stamp would be a useful tool in documenting these inspections For all future qualitative inspections, please ensure that proper documentation protocol is followed Please take the time to carefully review NPDES Permit No NCG080313 and your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Within 15 days of receipt of this letter, please address in writing, all violations mentioned in this letter and the steps Piedmont Truck Center intends to take to bring this site into compliance Include the name of the person and/or company that will be taking samples at the six outfalls for Piedmont Truck Center If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this report, please contact this Office at (336) 771-5000 Sincerely, ram W Corey Basinger Interim Regional Surface Water Protection Supervisor Cc NPDES Stormwater Unit Central Files-SWP 'r_-WSROD Fmm Approved T�`1 ) OIv1B No 2040 0057 .�° Approval Expires 6 31 98 i lmted States Fnvironmental Protection Agency Washington D C 20460 Section A National Data System Coding - Transaction Code NPDES No Yr/Mo/Day Inspection Type Inspector FacdityType N 5 NCGO80313 03/08/2011 C S 2 Facility Evaluation Rating BI QA Reserved 4 N N Section B Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected Lntry Time Pei mit Effective Piedmont 'I dick Center 10 45 hrs Date Nov 1 2007 Located at 412 S Regional Road, Greensboro Exit Time Permit Expiration 12 30 his Date Oct 31 2011 Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s) Title(s) Phone No(s) Mi Joey Clewis Operations Manager 336 668-2401 Name, Address of Responsible Official Title Operations Managei Mr Joey Clewis 412 S Regional Road Phone No ., Contacted Y Greensboro, NC 28409 336 668 2401 Section C Areas Evaluated During Inspection (check only those areas evaluated) X Permit NA Flow Measurement X Operations/Maintenance NA Sewer Overflow X Records/Reports X Self -Monitoring Program NA Sludge Handling/Disposal NA Pollution Prevention X Facility Site Review NA Compliance Schedules NA Pretreatment X Effluent/Receivm Waters NA Laborato X Stormwater Section D Summary of Findings/Comments See attached letter for further details regaiding the subject inspection Name{)and Signature(s) of Inspectors Agency/Office/Telephone Date �C DWQ 1 WSRO I (336) 771-5000 3/10/2011 Signature of Reviewer Agency/Office Date " & (1 Z4 R DWQ I WSRO / (336) 771 5000 /4,k -Z<.) 6t Permit NGG080313 Owner Facility Piedmont Truck Center Inspection Date 03MI2011 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ■ ❑ Cl ❑ # Does the Plan include a Narrative Description of Practices ? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a hst of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? lei ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl # Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ■ ❑ Cl ❑ # Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? ■ ❑ ❑ Cl # Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Comment none done Analytical Monitoring Yee No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ Comment none done Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Were ail outfalls observed during the inspection? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status is it properly documented by the Division? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ # Has the facility evaluated all illicit (non stormwater) discharges? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment Page 3 Permit NCG080313 Owner Facility Piedmont Truck Center Inspection Date 03108/2011 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit Routine Inspection Summary Page 2 Permit NCG080313 sac County Guilford Region Winston-Salem Compliance Inspection Report Effective 11/01/07 Expiration 10/31/12 Owner Piedmont Truck Center Effective Expiration Facility Piedmont Truck Center 412 S Regional Rd Contact Person Joey Clewis Directions to Facility System Classifications Primary ORC Secondary ORC(s) On Site Representative(s) Related Permits Inspection Date 03/08/2011 Primary Inspector Sue White Secondary Inspector(s) Title Entry Time 10 45 AM Greensboro NC 27409 Phone 336-662 2401 Certification Exit Time 12 30 PM Phone Phone 336-771 5000 Reason for Inspection Routine Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type Transportation wNehicle Maintenance/Petroleum Bulk/Oil Water Separator Stormwater Discharge COC Facility Status ❑ Compliant ■ Not Compliant Question Areas ® Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page 1 Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Caroliria Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Division cf Water Quality August 23 2002 THOMAS H WALLER !R PIEDMON f FORD TRUCK SALES INC PO BOX 18109 GREENSBORO NC 27419 Sublec,t NPD1 S Stormwater Perrnit Reriew,il Piedmont Ford Truck Sales Inc COC Number NCGO80313 Guilford County Dear Permittee In retiponse to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG080000 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater gi,neral permit This permit is reissued pumu int to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143 215 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U S Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983 I he following information is included with your permit package A new Certificate of Coverage A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCGO80000 A copy of a TechmLal Bulletin for the general pei mit Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certifcate of Coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from re, ponsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law rule standard ordinance, order judgment or decree If you have any questions regarding this permit package please cont ict Delonda Alexander of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permit% Unit at (919) 733-5083 ext 584 Smcerely Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Una cc Central Files Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Winston-Salem Regional Office N C Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1617 (019) 733 7015 T NCDENR Customer Service 1 800 623 7748 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG080000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No NCGO80313 STORMWATER DISCI IARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In c omphanc,c, with the, provision of North Carolina General Statutt 141-215 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgatLd and ddopttd by the North Carolina EnvironntLntal Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control AU, as amended PIEDMONT FORD 'I RUCK, SALES INC IS hereby authoWLd to dischargL stormwatcr from a facility located at PIEDMON I FORD TRUCK SALES INC 4122 S REGIONAL ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD COUN l Y to receiving watLrs designated as the East Fork De,c,p River a class WS-IV stream, to the. Cape Ftar River Bann in accordance with the tl fluLnt limitations monitoring requirLments, and other conditions set forth in Par(,, 1 I1, 111 IV V and VI of Gtntral Permit No NCG080000 ati dttachcd This eertifiLdtL of cover,ige Shall hecome 01ec.t1VL Septtrnb(,r I, 2002 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for tht duration of IN, General Permit Signed this day August 21 2002 foi Alan W K11111Lk, P E I7irLLtor Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment anct Natural Resources Gregory) Thorpe PhD Acting Director Division of Water Quality DLL;.nlhLl 27 2WI I HOMAS WAI I-I;R IR PIEDNION I FORD I RUCK SALL's INC PO BOx is 09 GREEMBORO NC 27419 SuhILL1 NI'DES Sloini\% nLr PLllnll IZLIIL\4 11 PIEDMON I FORD I RUCK SAI F.1 INC COC NLII11bLr NGG080311 Guilford County Dt. ll I)L111111tLL Your I It.tflty 1S LtlrtLrllly L(1\LI4-d tilt itorntw oLrdiSLh IttL IIIILILI GLIILI it PLrnllt NCG01(()(NX) I hlti 1XIIIIrt L\IxrLS on Augu,,l 11 2002 IIIL Donlon St ill IS LtUlLntly in IhL of rt-wiring th1, Inunllt Ind Is SLhc.dUILd to 11 nL IIIL Ix llllit rLI',%ULd by I lit, tiunlmi-r of 2(N)2 UnLL OIL pLinnt IS rLISSULd )Our t icillty \\ould Ix. Lllglblt for LOI11111tILd (AMA I -IL UndLr thL rL]1tiILd Ni Ina Ill 01(ILr 10 ISSUIL yOUI L(1rltlntlLd Lo\Lrl"L undL1 OIL g( ILA 11110111111 you Ilium ;apply to OIL Division Of W ItLI QU slily (DWQ) for tt.nt-w r1 of )(lilt 1xi-nut Lo\Lrig*L 10 Ill lkt, till', iL11L\\ d 11IOf-LSS L IStLI wL no. 1I11011n1ng YOU In Idv HILL 11n 11 }otll pLI roll will bL L J)n In(, EnLIOSLd YOU will tend i GLnlral I'Lrnrlt CurLr igc RLnL\t ill Application Form I hL IPPIIL ]lion nluSl Ft. LOMI)1LILd Ind 1LturnLLl by M irLli 4 2002 In ORILI to ISSUrL LamlinuLd CON LI IgL Undi r OIL glnlr it purnllt I ulurL to rt gULSI rL11L\\ 11 Wl(hln IhIS t11nL I)Lrlod lit I) rLSUI1 III I LI\ 11 ISSLSSIl1Lnl Of 1:1 IL ISt $210 00 L. I `°Lt pLt1 IIUL�, Ill 1) I)L ISSLSSLd dLPLJIdiIII_ On 1111- dLliilgLIL ILy of lilt. rLL1l1LSt DISLI] llk�L of S1oln1W tlLr llonl ul>ur 11Lillly \\Ilhoul Lo\LrngL UIILILr I \ did Stolle\\ I(Li NPDE's pt.rnut wtllld u11114110k, I \lol 1110n of NCGS 141 21 S I Ind L01.II11 IL',Ult In ISSLSSIlk tltS OI LIVII p01,1111LS U1 Lip it) "110 OW pLI d I) PIL iSL Ilott. th It rLLLni kdLrll lLgISI Iholl 11 IS L\1LIndLd thL I10 L\p(ISIIr4 LkLlutilon it) Ill OpLI 1tOlS of Indust1111 I ILIIIII-% Ill Illy Of 1111- 11 L tlL-1utILS Ill Slrlrin W 11W dISLII IIgLS ISSOLI rlLd III IIdU1lII II tLJIV[I) (L'(LL p( LonStlticlion t(.tl\1tlLS) 11 you ILLI your I IL111t) L In LLIIII) I LOndlllon tit no LXIN1SUrL I L tIlL I ILIII) Ill(InS11111 Ill 11La1 ill, Intl ulx.r ition5 uL not L\poSLd to StOlrnW ItLr )OU L In Apply IN 1hL ntI LxI)aIurL Lxl.luSlol I-ot idditlon if Violin t1u►n Lont ILt tilt. CLnin-al OiGLL Stormvv w r 51 if nl(,ml)LI It,ILd hLIOW 01 Lht,(.k thl'itolrlri\ i(Lr 6, Goiui if I'Li nuo, Unit WLh IIIL it Imp //l12o Ltlr St Itt. 11L USAUI%I[OrniI\ ,itLr bind 11 IIIL SLIhILL1. S1oiiiiw tits dish 1ICTL to t\ 11LIS Of 1111. Sl 11L h&, bt Ln ILIIIIII111Ld PIL ISL L-OMI)IOL, tilt. LnLIntiL(I REScissi 1n IZ(.LIIILSt I orin M iiling InStim,11 1IS IL 11Sti-d Inn IhL holtolll all lhL 101111 YOU Will bL IIOtIIILd WIILIl OIL, rL%LiSmon pmLLSS It Iti bLLlI LonlplLtld 11 YOU III\L lily LIILS11MIN ILg IrdIII" IIIL PLAImI IL-I1L\\ Il piOLLdIIrLS IIIL 11L LoilldLt Cort.) 13 1SIIIgL1 01 111L WH1Slorl-S hill RLU1011 11 011ILL it i;6 771 4600 or DLIonLI I AIL\ IndLI all OIL CLlllr d 01 TILL SI(yl imL It(t UnU it (919) 731-508'; L\t 584 �IHLLLILI} h far OIL\ 13t.11n(tt "trpLl\IS(11 �IornlW 1111 Intl GLnI l if I'Llnit(S Unit LL C.Lnll 11 I'IILS WIIIStoll-i 11111 RLIMln II (MILL e�� , NCDIENR N C Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1617 (919) 733 7015 Customer Service 1 800 623 7748 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, 4-iealth and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B Hunt, Jr, Governor Jonathan B Howes, Secretary A Preston Howard, Jr, P E , Director October 28, 1994 Norman H Hazelwood Piedmont Ford Truck Sales, Inc P O Box 18109 Greensboro, NC 27419 4 IL ILI [D E F---1 IV FZ1 Subject General Permit No NCGO80000 Piedmont Ford Truck Sales, Inc COC NCGO80313 Guilford County Dear Norman H Hazelwood In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on 08/08/94, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-2 l5 1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983 If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and budding Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required If you have any question concerning this permit, please contact Ms Aisha Lau at telephone number 919/733-5083 cc Winston-Salem Regional Office P O Box 29535 Raleigh North Carolina 27626 0535 An Equal Opportunrty Affirmative Action Employer led BY Sincerely,Davicy `'fin odrieh A Preston Howard, Jr P E Telephone 919-733 7015 FAX 919 733 2496 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumc,r paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO NCG080000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No NCGO80313 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commssion, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Piedmont Ford Truck Sales, Inc is hereby authorized to continue operation of an oil water separator and discharge stormwater from a facility located at Piedmont Ford Truck Sales, Inc 412 South Regional Road Greensboro Guilford County to receiving waters designated as East Fork Deep River in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, I1, III and IV of General Permit No NCGO80000 as attached This certificate of coverage shall become effective October 28, 1994 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit Signed this day October 28, 1994 1 zf1led By ,� G006rtch A Preston Howard, Jr, P E , Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission X Ml ID/////A p ° 1 nL�.t\ 1' O •ems Y•eo\ usoo 0 �Aa�,z� 'lk�Q FU f J� I 2 V aV 9/ �s fO n g�0 j \C GH ` GH OINi LEN FACILITY, COUNTY NPDES IV (f G © 8 0 3 1 3 MAP # Cl `� S DSN FLOW LAT r"ituDE 3 -17/ LONLJ" JDE 5- 7 RECf4O STREAM )e�o 5 �o r e e /� . �•' e STREAM CLASS �✓ 5 DISCHARGE CLASS � �n � rn v✓ � �e r EXPIRA i :'N DATE 3 1 t