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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061614 Ver 3_Initial Interest_20091016NCDENR Form Version 6.2 June 29, 2009 INITIAL INTEREST IN PARTICIPATION IN THE EXPRESS REVIEW PROGRAM WITHIN THE 401 OVERSIGHT/EXPRESS PERMITTING UNIT A. Applicant Information 1. Processing ? 401 Water Quality Certification (List NW(s) or GP# verified by Corps: ) ? Non-404 Jurisdictional Permit ? Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 a. Type(s) of actions ? Riparian Buffer Minor Variance requested: ? Coastal General "Major" Variance (Check all that apply) ? Stream Determination: # Streams ? Non-404 Wetland Determination: # Wetlands ® Stormwater Management Plan Review (fee not additive if combined with 401): 1 # of Drainage Areas/Project Site 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Garner Retail Site 2b. County: Wake 2c. Latitude/Longitude: Lat: 35°43'09.46"N Long: 78°39'31.40"W 2d. River Basin: Neuse 2e. Tax PIN or Parcel ID: 1701076601 2f. Nearest Named Stream: Swift Creek 2g. Water Quality Classification of Nearest Named Stream: WS-III; NSW; CA 2h. Total project acreage (Stream or wetland determinations may omit this item): 9.02 (acres) 2i. Total Built Out Imperviousness (Stream or wetland determinations may omit this item): 0 % 2j. Provide a brief description of this project (attach a site plan): This project is a modification of an existing stormwater management system. The original system was designed to include an Extended Detention Wetlands Pond (now called Stormwater Wetlands) and a level spreader with filter strip. This modification will add a dewatering pipe to help adjust the permanent pool volume of the extended detention wetlands pond to the correct design elevation, and will modify the pond interior to provide a viable planting shelf, which will be closer to compliance with NCDENR"s current design standards for Stormwater Wetlands. 2k. Provide directions from the nearest named town, including street names and/or highway numbers: Interstate-40, Exit 298. Travel South on US 401 approximately 2.0 miles. Turn right on Garner Station Boulevard, travel approximately 0.9 miles. Project is located on the left. Please attach a map of the site location using USGS 1:24,000 topographic map and a copy of the latest bound and published County soil survey with the project/site boundaries delineated. A site plan should also be included for all projects other than stream and wetland determinations. .14 Initial Interest Form v6.2 Cont. 3. Applicant Information 3a. Applicant is: ® Owner ? Agent ? Other: 3b. Name: Stephen Rainer 3c. Business name (if applicable): WLA Garner Retail, LLC 3d. Street address: 6150 Woodside Executive Ct. 3e. City, State, zip: Aiken, South Carolina 29803 3f. Telephone no.: 803.649.0050 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: 4. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 4a. Contact Name: Michael Ranks, PE 4b. Company Name: Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. 4c. Street address: 209 W. Stone Avenue 4d. City, State, zip: Greenville, SC 29609 4e. Telephone no.: 864.672.3441 4f. Fax no.: 864.233.8915 4g. Email address: 5. Proposed Impacts (include both temporary and permanent) [Determination requests may omit this item] 5a. Total 404/401 wetland impacts: 0 (acres) 5b. Total non-404/401 wetland impacts: 0 (acres) 5c. Total 404 stream impacts: Intermittent: 0 (linear feet) Perennial: 0 (linear feet) 5d. Total non-404 stream impacts: Intermittent: 0 (linear feet) Perennial: 0 (linear feet) 5e. Total riparian buffer impacts: Zone 1: 0 (sq. feet) Zone 2: 0 (sq. feet) 6. Project History and Additional Information 6a. Has any DWQ staff visited the site? ® Yes ? No If yes, provide staff name: Joseph Gyamfi and date of visit: 10/13/2009 6b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan (SMP)? ® Yes ? No ? Unknown 6c. Who will be responsible for the review of the SMP? ® Certified Local Gov't: Town of Garner ? DWQ Stormwater Program ® DWQ 401/Express Review Unit 6d. Does this project require approval under SEPA or NEPA? ? Yes ® No ? Unknown 6e. Is this project an after-the-fact application or has a DWQ notice of violation been issued? ? Yes ® No 6f. Does this project include buffer impacts that are "prohibited" in the DWQ "Red Rule Book"? ? Yes ® No 6g. If you are aware of any local controversy concerning this project, provide details in a cover letter. Describe the controversy and any measures that have been taken with respect to public involvement. This form must be submitted via email (c/o Lia.M.Gilleski(a), faxed (919-733-6893), or hand-delivered to: Parkview Building, 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604. Applicants who are selected to participate in the Express Review Program will be notified via email or fax. Successful applicants will then be instructed regarding detailed procedures for full application (Note: Submittals of the review packages on Friday after 12:00 pm will be stamped as received on the next business day). Please contact Lia Myott Gilleski or Joseph Gyamfi at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions regarding this form. 2 70 rfl r- K z D 70 0 O z O A c m T O 70 0 O z 70 c n O z Page 1 of 1 JDC'OUN'rf)(??;ANO THE CITY OF RALEIGH WAKE Garner Retail Site - Pond Modification Streets ¦ Lakes ? Parcels Soils Security Screen 2005 EM Orthophotography (zoom to see) 2005 Color Orthos: Countywide (zoom to see) Wake County Boundary 8152... 10/16/2009 Copyright 2008. City of Raleigh. Wake County. 0 704 ft FerraServer Image Courtesy of the USGS Page 1 of 1 Send To Printer Back To Ter raServer Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid Lines Change to Landscape Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. 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