HomeMy WebLinkAbout19970627 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19970714 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of water Quality James B. Hunt. Jr.. Governor Jonathan B. Howes. Secretary A. Preston Howard. Jr.. P ,E., Director _RA DEHNR July 29, 1997 Transylvania County DWQ Project # 970627 APPRO V AL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. J.1. Swain P.O. Box 5189 Horse Shoe, NC 28742 Dear Mr. Swain: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to fill in 0.04 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of paving SR 1314, as you described in your application dated 7 July 1997. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3103. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 14 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7), For this approval to be valid. you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. Sediment and erosion control measures shall adhere to the design standards for sensitive watersheds (T 15A:04B .(024) due to the body contact and trout waters. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are fmal and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Oean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. mqL~~ Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Asheville DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files 970627.ltr Division of Water Quality . Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Cl'8!3k Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmaliw Action Employer' 50% recycledl10% post consumer paper 1 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR 970627 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARU\ND B. GARRETT JR. SECRETARY P.O. Box 5189 Horse Shoe, N,C. 28742 July 7, 1997 Mr. David Baker U,S. Army Corps of Engineers 37 Battery Park A venue Room 75, Grove Arcade Bldg. Asheville, N.C. 28801 401 ISSUED ~ % ~ u~ (1/\ /1. r../" \ // 'I", < t.;<-.. "Po / '(:) ~ ? ~'V ~ "~ :p~ '~,'{Ul-, ~ , (~ 1(, ~r SUBJECT: Proposed Culvert Extension, Channel Relocation SR 1314, Twin Ponds Road Transylvania County Dear Mr. Baker, Please find enclosed herewith erosion control plans, an application form for a Nationwide Permit, and a county map section locating SR 1314, Twin Ponds Road, in Transylvania County. SR 1314 is a gravel road that we propose to clear, grub, grade, replace/extend pipes, and pave for a distance of 1.7 miles. Grading will be moderate to heavy. We are requesting permission to replace and extend pipes in live streams noted on plans at survey stations 15+90 and 18+80. Pipes will be replaced using our standard method of pipe installation described in the erosion control plans. NCDOT "Best Management Practices for Protection of Surface Waters" and proper phasing of erosion control items will be used to minimize and control sedimentation and erosion. By copy of this letter to Mr. Richard Phillips, P. E. (DEHNR) we are requesting a variance to work in the Trout Water Buffer Zone at locations described as follows: Stream Station Range Location Trib. to Indian Creek Trib. to Indian Creek 15+90 - 18+80 2]+10 - 22+60 Lt. Rt. G) ~. Mr. David Baker Page 2 July 7,1997 Please note that we do not propose to disturb fill slopes in these locations with the exception of pipe placement/replacement as indicated on the attached erosion control plans. We are requesting that Mr. Phillips approve our request for said variance when he receives the required comments from Mr. E. L. Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer, and Mr. Mark Davis, N, C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Due to the alignment of the stream and roadway from survey stations 14+50 - 18+80, we are requesting permission to relocate the channel of a small tributary to Indian Creek alongside survey stations 14+50 Rt. - 15+90 Rt. The stream is currently located at the toe of the existing roadway fill and the banks on the roadway side are beginning to erode, The proposed relocation would shift the stream approximately 30 feet right of the existing channel and leave a 2 foot buffer between the proposed toe of fill and the stream bank. (Page 5 - Erosion Control Plans) By copy of this letter, we are asking Mr. Mark Davis, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, to comment directly to the Corps of Engineers concerning the Nationwide Permit request and Mr. Phillips, DEHNR, concerning the trout water buffer zone variance. Upon review for the Corps of Engineers we are requesting that Mr. Davis forward a copy to us (NCDOT) as well. By copy of this letter, we are also asking Mr. Ed Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer (NCDOT), to comment directly to us on the above project and Mr. Phillips, DEHNR, concerning the trout water buffer zone variance. Also by copy of this letter, authorization to proceed under section 401 of the Clean Water Act is being requested from Mr, Eric Galamb, Division of Environmental Management. Your earliest consideration for this request would be appreciated, If any further information is needed, please contact me or Mr. C. E. Dumas, Jr., Assistant District Engineer, at (704) 891- 7911. J. J. w. in, Jr" P. E, DiviSIOn Maintenance Engineer JJS/CED/ng attachment cc: Mr. Richard Phillips, P.E., Regional Engineer, DEHNR Mr. E.L. Ingle, Area Roadside Environmental Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Eric Galamb, Water Quality Certification Unit, DEM Mr. Mark Davis, Western Mountain Region Coordinator, NCWRC Mr. D. B. Allen County Maintenance Engineer ,. 970e2~ DE..'! ID: C:)RPS AC:'ION ID: f#)~ NAIIONWIDE P~RMI:' R~QUES~~D (P~OV!DE NA:'IONWIDE P!~~T . PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFI~~TION APPLT~~TION FOR NATIONWIDE PE~TS TF..A':' REQUIRE: 1) NC'r==-:l:C.~=ON 'l'O '';''::'':' C::IU'S OF OiG~ 2) .AP!'LZC,;\,=:l:ON reF. SZ::=:ON 401 c:::t::==-:C..",:::ON :3) C::ORDn&..:::CN;;::::;: '';''::'':' Ne D::7IS:i:ON OF C::AS::AL MiUlA~ SZNO '.l:.l::...:. OR!:G:;:N;.!. AND (1) C::l?Y OF 'I'.=..:.S C:J~!.Z~..:J FOBM TO 'I'b...:. AP:s'ROl?~~ FI":"'T' n OJ:.: .:.CZ OF 'I'.:..:. C::JRES OF ~G::NE-:-~S (S~ AGz:NcY .ADDro:SS~S SC:::::Z=). SVTE...'l' (7) COPI:::S SHOULD EE SL'l'T TO TE:: N.C. D.!.VISION OF ENVI:?-.ONME...'l'TAL ~_~lo.1il_G~'l'T (SC:::: }..GZ.;.'1CY J1-DDRESSES Sh~::::). P~.:~\SZ PR!:N7. 1. Ow'"NE:?-.S Nil...M::: NCDOT' 2. ~~rLING ~~DRESS: PO, 80x' 5i99 J " d ,<S ("; S/lc c' ~ )./ ( I Nil 28'74-Z SuEDIVI~ION N~...M::: CIT~: ' I-/() i" 5 ~ ,5'}" c S7.~_:== = Ale ZIP CODE: 2874Z P~OJECT LOCATICN ~~DR~SS, INC~vDING ~_~...ILING ]'~D?'::SS ;'..3ov::) : s: 3 l-O(4,)/Ot7 8el()~cJ ~it?) &1>4) ~' / (WOR~): 07/- 79/ 3. T::~E?EON:: Wu~EE:?-. (HeME): 4.' I: J.2!?!..IC;'..3LE: AGar: I S N;'l1:: OR RES:ONSI::I.E CORPOPJl_T:: OF:ICIJ...I., ']'JJDRE'sS, P!-:ONE N'CiM5E?.: rr. J'wtt/n:;;, P 4//~ ~S S,- Se- e 1/2, It '3 o..J;tJ v C- , 5. LO~~TION OF WORK ~~~ OR AERL~~ P!-:OTO COONT~ : 11 'j' ~~P, P~E~ER}2LY A COpy OF uSGS TOPOG?AP~IC SC.::l.~E) : NE.::l._c.EST TOw'"N OR CITY: J<t'J$n?Qr) 1 . ..... . ..0 ,. f - ". ". ... . " - . . ~ (..000:: 1:} 11 ~ '1') <;}. '" \')~ oz: ,{,- f'\ ? (t'\ ,~ 0 \1=- ~ --<{!-, ~ t5-; 'r~ ~J\ CDn S2SCIFIC LOCAT!ON (INCLUDE RO~~ ~t fAt- /l1hrS~-l!I'on 0 -I cSR /3/4- elLshr~ /,IYl'(/~' NUMBERS, LAND~_~~~S, ETC.): ,~:~ and Ne zel I I Il1tLC-'.lrJ 1)'1 ~() 4-0 f~~-f 10 fhe e n/(fIIIJt!~ /Ck"~ >~ {!;/- : / J 6. ~..PACTSD OR N2..~ST STREr..M/R! v'"ER: T;/lhtj;.',,-",; 1-0 Ir1/'~rJ (;,~(':~ / RIVER BASIN: ia. IS P~OJECT LCCATSD NL~_~ WAT~~ C~SSITI~D ~~ TROuT, TI~;~ (C::~) c-Gu QT"'~--"'V T.",~~--c:: (""QT.",) OU'T'C::-"'''D-'''G "'''''-~"''''C- T.",~...--c:: ....r.. , ...:. -r:, vr-!.....!..;._ nr~.:.':'.:\_ r: "_, Y .......:...-~'i ~.:.... - ~..:::'-.,;ur. :.. "r.....:...:.~_ SuPPLY (WS-! OR WS-I!)? Y~S (~J NO (] IT Y~S, Lx?r~~N: 'fo I~f)aj- wo.-hr~. S;'..L TIi?_~~:.. (ORW), W:-.:::::=. or;- /bt~/a ,- v / ib. IS THE PROw:::: LCCAT~D WITHIN A NORT~ C_~~OLINA DIVISION 0: CGr~T;'2 M..~..:.'7;'.G2;.":!L'7T J....?,:::...~ 0: E~-".lI:=.0N}!EN'!';'2 CCNC:::?.."l' (J..,E:C)? YES (] NO (~ ie. IF TEE PROJ:::CT IS LCC~T:::D WI!EIN A'CO;~T;'~ C8CiNTY (S:::::: PAGE i FOR L~~~ OC COAS7;'~ COGN'!'I~S), w-~~T ~~ TH~ L;._"l'D us::: PL;...:.'7 (LuP) DESIGNATION? iJA 8a. E~VE ~EY S:::::ION 404 P:::?..~TS~:::N P~~TIOUSLY REQUEST:::D cOR USE ON TEIS PROP:::~TY? Y:::S (J NO (~ IT YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.O. ~~:::~ Of ?~~iIO(jS PE?~I! :~D :..:.'7Y ~~DI'!'ICN;'~ IN=O~~~TICN (INCLUDE PEC~CC8~Y or 40~ C:::?TITICATION) : 8b. ~_~E ~~OI'!'ION;~ PERM~ REQGE37S EX~ECTSD FOR THIS P~OP:::~TY IN T~3 FUTURE? YES (J NO (vf IT YES, DESC~I3E ~..:.'7TICI?ATED WORK: 9a. EST!~_~TEO TOT;'~ NUMBEa OF AC~ES IN, TRACT OF ~~D: /!J~38 9b. EST!~_~TED TOT)~ NUMBEa OC AC~ES OF WETLANDS LCCATSD ON PROUE:7 SITE: O./Dacres 2 .. , - -'''--'' ..... lOa. NUMBER OF ACRES OF. WETL;~DS IMPACTED BY TEE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: ~, 0 4-- EXC~.VA.TrON : FLOODING: OTHER: TOT.AI. AC~S TO EE IMP_~C~: . t), 04- . DR.~...:L~]'_GE: lab. (1) ST~~~ C~~_~~ TO BE IMPACTED BY TEE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELQc..;TED, P_o.OVIDE DIS7;.NCZ BOTH BEFORE }.ND AF7ZR RELQC.~TION) : I.ZNG'l'E BEFO~: . /4-0 IT A~ER: / t:,O ~ ~IDTE BEFO~ (based on nc~al high '---.0"" WQ\",.__ c::nt:lu:=s) : /.0 /.0 ~.-Z f1' h"'ZDTE ]'.E"TER: ~ Ay~~GE OE?TE EEFORE: O,Z- t'"~ ;'..T:'~~: -'" : .:.. (2) S7R~~~ C~~_~EL TMPAC:'S W"!LL R=:SUL:' FROM: (C:-:EC::: ;'2:' T:=_":._T J....??!.;' ) v' 02EN C?~_~EL RE~CC~TION: 1/X" PL~C21EN: OF PI?E IN C:-=_:l..:.'l"NEL : OTEER: EXC~v?TION : CONS7ROC7ION o~ ~ 11.. .!.~ C:lNSTRGCTION OF P. POND IS P?C20SC:PA ht-=_-=-.T IS 'l'.-- W~TERSEED D~:~NING TO T~~ POND? AlIt , SIZE OF T::E ht-=_~T IS TEE EX~ECTED PCND SuRE"~CE AR~~? NA 12. DESCRI?!ION OF PROPCSED WO~K INCLUDING DI5C~SSION Of T~~E 0: MEC:-:..:l_lI1Ic..~..L EQ(jI?~~NT TO EE OSED (;'.T!.?-_C:~ pr..;...:.'7S: 8 1/2" X 11" D~:'_WING3 ONLY) : R 1'3/4- ; ~ '/-O be. e 5(,(, 10 ?A~l-J. t11'):>mtr-fll- / T;-Ac_iho~/ b4,'-Rht't!/ ;~~!?<<I!L~ />~I/ tl!.i!:U'<5J rnohJ~~Ys, ek P1/~/"'./~ sA;'dr/ ,5/(/3/1- /s 3 .. , .. . 14. STATS R~~SONS w-r.~ IT IS E~:~~v~D T:_~T T~~S ACT~VITY MUST BE ~~_~~~D OGT IN w~TL;~~DS. (INCLuDE ~_~ M~~SuRES T~_~N TO MIN~MIZE WETL;_~D D-C..PACTS) : St!-e- ~t.ifA(}/.4~.1 h--/hr qrJ/ t) ~cAt'h rtJS;~/1 (;'11/-/;1 / j)~'I'1S ., I . . 25. YOU }_ttE REQG~?E:D TO C:JNT~_C:' TH::: u. S. r::SF. }~~D w~LDL~T::: SE?,:v'"ICE (GSFWS) }_~D/OR NATION}~ ~~_~IN~ F:SE:::~IES SERVICE (NM~S) (S~E AGENCY ;~DRESSES SF.EET) RE~~_~DING T~E F~ESENCE OF }~Y FEDE~~~LY LISTED OR ?ROPCSED FOR LISTING END~~~GE~D OR T~R~~TENED S:ECI~S OR C~ITIC~ F~~:T~T -N T~- o-~v-~ ~~-~ ~~~m M~V -- ~----~~~ EV m~- ~-OcO~-~ ~~o~-~ D.~_m__~ '~~N'::A~T~~:;''-~s~~~~ff;;-~~d jYf~-=;-'-'--~ - ....~ =-:<. - -'"~ .=-(.~;~~~:~ F.ES::ONSES r;CM TH:::S~ AGENCIES.) ~6. YOa ;_~ ?~QaI~~ TO C:NTACT TH::: STATE E~STORIC ??~S~~VATION OFFICE~ (S??O) (S~E AG~NCY ;~DRESSES S~~ET) RZG~2.DING T~E F?~S~~CE or HISTCF~C PCOp~-~7~~ 7~T T~~ O~~M7~ ~c~~ ~~~~ v~v ~~ ~~~~~m~~ ~v T~~ oROoO~ ~ ~?:O<J:~;~-;;.;~ C~NT;_~;;;' r~S;;:.;riA;l;;Jh7f,;;:->J -- u_ - - - _E~ 17. DOES T~::: PROJECT I~-vOL~~ ;~ ~(:~NDITURE OF PG5L~C FUNDS OR T~E USE OF PG3L~C (STATS) L;~D? YES (&V' NO (] (IF NO, GJ TO 18) 2. ~= YES, DOES THE PRCJE:: REQGIR::: PRE:;_~~:ION OF }~~ E~-vIRO~~~NT~~ DC~~~T PGRSur~~! TO THE REQGI~~~~TS cr T:~ NORTH ~~~~LINA ~~vIRC~~:~~ POLIC~ J.*CT? /' .'J./COtJI ;J1,'Yt, c.',.-,'ft!_""/{o':" - Mn jY/J'CI,...I!~I-/()I? $tO. Y:::S (] NO N" b. IF Y:::S, F~~ TH~ DCCUM~~T BE~~ R~;rEwED THRCaGF. THE NORTH ~~_~OLINA DE?~_~~~T or J.~MINIST~;!!ON STATE CL~~~.INGEOaSE? YES (] NO ( ] ,. J.~S~~R TO 17b IS YES, TH~~ S~=MIT APPRO~~~~TE DOCOMENTAT!ON F.?OM TF.::: STAT::: CLL~_~ING~OaSE.TO D~V!SION OF L~'IRONM~NT~~ P~_~AG~NT P~~;P~ING COMPLI~~CE W!TH T:~ NORTH ~~~OLINA L~IRO~~NTAL POLICY ACT. QUEST!ONS RESr_~DING THE STATE C~L~~INGEOaSE ~~~EW PROCESS SHOULD BE DI?~CTED TO MS. C~R~S BAG~ETT, DIR:::CTOR STATE CLL~_~NGHOaSE, NORTH C~~OLINA DE?~~.:MENT OF ~~MINIST~;TION, 126 WEST JONES STRE:::T, ~~EIGE, NORTH C"'_~OLINr_ 27603-8003, TELE?HONE (929) i 3'3-6369. 4 ,. . .' 18. THE FOLLOWING IT~~S SnOULD BE INC~ODED w!TR THIS AP~~ICATION ~= PROf?OSED ]...CTIVITY INVOLVES T:-:~ DI5C:~~qGC: or EXC.:~...VJ>..!':::D CR F:::z..L M..~_!:::::L::..~ :::NTO w""ETLJ._t--lDS: a. wETL)ED DELIN~;TION M..~2 SHOWING ~~L w""ETL-~_~DS, STRS~~S, L~~5 . ]'_~D PONDS ON '1'::~ PROP:::?!'Y (FOR NJ...!'ION"wIDE PS?J.!I!' N'GM5E:.:\S 14, 18, 21, 2:, 29, ]...ND 38). J.-LL STR'::';'~~S (INTS?M:!:!'':'S'1T AND P:::W_-n..NE..'1T) ON '1'::E PROPSR!":" MUST BE SHOw""'N ON THE M..u..p" M..~? SC;-LES Sr.OULD BE 1 INC:i' EQG~-LS 50 r:::~: OR 1 INCH EQOJ...r.S 100 E~T OR TH~I?. EQG.:..vJ.~E.'1T", . b. IT AV~L)~LE, REPRESENTA':'!VE PHOTOG~..P~'OF WET~EDS TO BE IMPACTED BY.PROJEC':'. c. !~ DE:'IN~..T!ON w7--S P=:~FOFlA..ED BY P... C:lNSULT:;NT, !NC~UDE: ]: ';".L D;'~;'_ SH~ETS RELE:V]l_~T TO THE PL)..C2-S."iT OF T::~ DELINE...:;'!'ION LINE. ci.. J...TT)'..C:i' A COf?":" OF T::~ STOR.."iW?-.'1':::R M..~..N'AG~'iT PL~~'l' IF RSQGI?)E:D "",.. I e" wr:_~'!' IS r.;._~D aSE OF SiJR..c"OUNDING PROf?:::RTY? RLI ,4...-/ R~s.'e/<-v7'7'4 IT .f-E~!.IC:-...aLE, W-.", '" -- 4__- IS PROPOSED MET::OD OF S:::;'i]..GE D:::S2CS~? IV/I g. SIG~-7EJ ~_~D DF-..T:::J ;.GE:'lT ;..uT:i'::::,:Z]..TION - -""~-- ~c.._ ~~:..., z: }'''=~~:;:C;'-=~;:. NOT;:: WETU-l-.iDS OR WA'!';::\S OF T?~ U. S" M.~:! NOT E~ :::~..~.CTE;J P;;":O;;. TO, 1). ISS0~~C~ OF ~ SEC~ICN 404 CORPS OF ENGI~~~:\S F~?HIT, 2) EIT:-~? T::.~ ISS0~~C~ OR. WJ.":-v~? OF ~_ 401 Dr-VISION OF' E}lyIRO~"'ME:NTAL 1-<3-..NA.GEMENT ('ti~..T:::R QC;~..LITY) CERTIFIC.TION I ~l-1u 3) (r:N TJ-Z T'ii7:NTY COA.S:r:A..L COUN'::'IZS ONLY) I J:.... LETTI:R 80M T:--:" NORTE C.ROLINA DIYJ:SION OF COAST;'.!.. M.~JV..GZ~NT ST..:;'TING T:-~ FROFOS~D ~.CTIVITY IS CONSISTENT 'tiITE TF....::.. NORTH C.~:l,.OLINA CO~..sv..!.. 1-<.J.JV..G:::~NT PROG?,AM. r~!7 Ow (.D._GeNT'S SIGNll.TURE Vll..LID ONLY IF ADTEORI~_TION LETTER F~OM TEE Ow""NER IS PROVIDED (18g"))' 5 .. .. ,. .. !:/I<UJIUN C!) { /JNrKOL- PL;J!JS NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTIvlENT OF TRANSPORTATION DrvISION OF HlGHW A YS SECONDARY ROAD SURVEY SUBJECT SR. \ 314- (TWIN f'oND~ RoAD, ) LOCA nON BE~IN AT THE INTER:5E C. TION OF NC.Zf3:,( AND SR/3/4 AND CONTINUE IN AN EAS T ER.L '( DIREC.TlON foR. 9,,040 FEET TD END DF PR.aJEC. T, \VORK TYPE GRADE.; DRAIN I ASc.....1 PAVE; EROSI01J CDNTRDL. WORK ORDER (.,,0020'90 (TEMP) PRIORITY #0, F, RURAL COUNTY TRAN '5'( LVANIA RIGHT OF WAY SO I DATE 7/z../'1G. SCALE I, I I = /00 NOTES t 7/-{)- rSHOULDER l'PER FT. 50'-{)' IUGHT OF WAY 20'~' PAVEMENT I vrtfT, v.(ifT, 6'-{)' 3;-0" SHOULDER DITCH --.:. o~~ <;,\: .. v).':-. \~ RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ROAD .. I 0' . ~:>-x ~ "<~, ". s o Iv r ~ :~l ~~ I f s ~~'- ~ <;:-/ t', J ~ 1/ ';---/, '-! ~ ( z ?) -;?:J..../ '~ 1)'00' C' o fJ Iv l' r .... ~ :t> Z (.f) -< ~ )> Z - :t> 7 () C> 0 C Z ~ -< ~~ z IlH O:S:U (f) JJ u JJ ::::u ~ 0 . uOU -')><0 lj.l <= rTJ (f) - -- ~ rrl +LrrlO GlZ ---1 7 - ) :0 -i 1: ') C> :0 ) .st.d....i. 245.03 245.05 893,01 890,05 245,01 245,02 892,04 895,10 892,01 892.02 897.01 894.01 245,04 896,01 896,02 896.03 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3 .Description Symbol 000 Pipe Outlet Dissipator ........................... ~ooooo Temporary Silt Ditch .........__.................... -TSD- Temporary Diversion ............................._ Tn _ ___ Temporary Silt Fence ....................., "III III uuuu Temporary Slope Drain with Earth Berm .......... I-~--~ Silt Basin Type A................................. -0 n:-_n__n_~ Silt Basin Type B ........................................... D Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-A ..........~ _u~n~_n_ Temporary Rock Silt Check Type-B ............ ~ _uuuun_ Temporary Rock Sediment Dam Type-A ............ ~ ___ Tempor~ry Rock Sedi~ent Dam Typ~B... C) n.n_nnn Rock Pipe Inlet Protection .........__;......~............. Uo: ___ Rock Silt Screen ........................:................ J n:~.~~:n_n Stilling Basin .. ...................................... ............. ~ n_':_ Rip Rap Class "B" . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. ggSg8 Ditch liner Class IIA" ............ x >< x " 1-XX Nate: T~ B Silt Basins will be used in CXX1junction with f1 Taqnrary Rock Silt Ol€ck - 'j T~ B lD1less otherwise s[Eified. <J L>--- -_.--~----_.-.--_.-._._--....---------~.---_..._-' . -- 00+ 0.- NI?39..... Y,8~"- --- --- ~---- 00+ 0 f'l\?3<J ~'G-_. 0 J r. · . 0 00 O!"J G ola 0 g- (J Lb' Otl O'Q co , ,. ~,.~ @ (j) ill .ll.3~i1()V ~::3N"::1'~ + H <;VWoHJ- -?J (f) ~#./~c: ~N 'AVM\:f)(O-L =3>f,Vl I-rl~ ,cas. '0 (L ~:HSH:lOH 'dWW"J + l3W u w , i l3 0$+ fr I ES S-CC:: V^ V I N\I/\ lA <;1.0 d$ '~<1 f'\\~(\<1 ~c: b(;1 NOSl\f(Y1 " )...JN~N -I- 'V 3-;Hll'llM (j) /\J ~- o I I I I dfAl? "g I I ! W , , I @ L-hrL9C; "J '/'I I ).VMv)(al. '3~'n g~ )(OS 'O'~ )..~Nl--lI?t"?W 'Q ~;}SO~ f1-+t. '2:J '% ~ @ osc I Lf,L9? ?N 'AVr'l'V,/-Q1- -3)\'Tfl o E-c ,ro' a \ J...-a. .h.1 )to H -\tUN 11 + . W 0.1 ^V C1.. -b C> SLATE M. THOMAS 1\1. \ 1:>0)( 2 ZCf LAKE'- TOX AWAY NC 2e747 ) /8-1-80 (j) CJ J ------ ---------- --- -g BG/;;E,12 ~c;A.le: IS -r 70 ""DAVID M. ~ UN1>A \-I07<IT (f) E'/. 1ST 1f'/{'-1 (1-II1rvNEL LO LA rCD AT TOt. OF nLL CJ [l \./1 CJ - <J ? o.~~ L LA :5 s 1- R/ P RA P D. 1300NE GALLOvVA Y RT I BOX 228 LAKE TOXAW/..Y, lie @ 28747 o o I /7+00 ;--') Ii'- - \ , I w j : (LA~S J: ~ t./PfAP - /---- I ~/ .0 ~ . PRoPO.3f,O c /--( A tV N E L- 51--11Ff CHA/vNEL A PP,C;'l'l, ~Ol (~1. ~ \ 8 Ffw ~ PROpoSED roc or: ROw 1 FIGG SLOPE- Norf,' O!I1/'1NEl SilEO foR. Q,o. J/RAltJl/(1C- {i t...{ , (LllrrOtJ ~ 47T1t1f (P, ~s C? r <1 C> /(J-I()() <J JOSEPH + IRIS GALLOWAY RT I' BOX 227 LAKE TOX AWAY, N C 28747 @ 00 ii ~Ig -fe SLATE M THOMAS Q) \) " [> f:, , o JOSEPH +- IRIS GALLOWAY @ 'KfvJ Q) [J ~ 27+-00 Ii!. - DENIS C l' KAREN N WI LDE 3 VALLEY VIEW DR PISGAH FOREST, NC 28768 o 0 (9) 12- D, B~E GALLOwAY r __ J U+GO@ ~ ~ F./w Ffw BIP'-rL~ /c: 8 2:;O.,tV'E g L 21+10 <1 o LO' [> 2()-!-OO HAZel ~UR'Rt:L @ ~~ I I C> -/ 50' Rfw lJw UO H AZ.E- L bLfR"R 'C L ~ o. ""B 0)( :2..12- L~\<~ TOXAW^Yj NC 287'-1"1 @ -1<- JENNIFER ~ELCH GALlOWAY 1ZT. \ 130)< 227 LA\<E: IOlAW,A.1 t-..\c. :;..13.747 @ -It "JOS8>\-\ +- h~\s GALLOv-JAY @ 35" 70 35".r:; t) /l. J(OSr:71-\ -r h~.\s ~ALLowA'1 @ 'Rf vJ - , 50 C> j () -1- 00 HALt: L ~V'RR EL @ <J C> o 00 o 80 g:g ?w o/w :3 u u U 14(,] ~ w CJ ,. Jf 0 f 0.0 <J 8 HAZE-L t) v~"R.e- L @ 4.0 -I 00 HA-2EL '"'Bu.~~E.L @ LIJ<J r C> U '7'", r", W I 00 r>Q8 11v 7'w- Lb t <J - C> SOl-DO / HALt: L "f.3u..R ~_E-L @ 501-00 JOHN U "'"' NA Nc'l 'BU'RRG L "'Rr: J .(30)< 222 LA\< E T(Y/.AwAY, ~ .:J.B7.tf7 <J MORRIS E ~ GLADYS tr \ 13 o'!.. 22:2.A .,_~ LAK~ TD~A~~,NC '11-20 ZI,.CMP ID M1:ALL :28~ 1i!-- ~ @ -(2. CLASS L RIP RAP f.Jw DANIEL + LlNl:>A S, ~HANUU.:K. 'Rf. \ 00)(. 22 J A LA~ E. -ro~t-wA"f / iNc .:2.87-47 (Y10RR..S ~ of ~LAt>'YS 1'J1C.C'ALL- @ 5" ' (j]j o i I 10 b -1--40 -12 CLAiR E: A. FA IT1-IFv4. 31q wALf-JtJr ST. HCLL'tLJoOD1 FL 33 C)/q @ foftJ J-L.{r;: 0 fC.- -'{(.. I I I (b I I I i HAZEL 15URREL @ HA2 fL BI/KKEL @ w~.. rw (V I I I CJ I I 5 <l / (\./ ()/) L> ./) ) I _ " Li EOgC1 S 13. +- JANICE LEe @ -1i! PF.OP05EO PIPE -- <J C> qJ I EL"DoN "6~E.TT + MJcH~LL P1'CAlL t\T. \ 1301< Z22 A L.Mt -rQ@AY, NC. .281'iQ I --R- J"o..-fN "'D +- NA Nc'( ~\)~t:... @ R- :Jin ~8K.S 13VR'R E l y, O. 1:jb~ -'-1/ ~/fP-PI-II'RF,NC .:28774 @ --2 - J'OHI-J 1) 1- tNANCY 'BoRR c L @ 50' 71r~ v 00 ?D 0:0 0'0 0'0 0'0 "0 0'0 [)'o 0'0 73~{p ~O 8~ )0 70 00 00 00 <'0 ,1J~ ;Yw I o (' I " ~ o v ~ i I ~ ~w r\p i I-b+ 60 I , .:;.10 ~ <J e>C1J II GCOR~E '5, +-JANICE LEE: -y O. 00')(. ~ "3 \ L"~€. \O'l-AwA'{ "-lC- :za'1,~rl , ,([j) Ie - MORR\ S E- 4- L;LA"D'1'S rYlcCAU @ ,. 7() I 00 oOio8 @ a;]7 -5' J\NV \' t 2.. .3 ~~O~V -"2J,. @) , g o dJ I f i 6J (fJ) . .?d'/d :~ C7,?,>odOYd /i\ ~31 :1 ':)1 f'lVC"" Cl L~ LJ ..b '"'" . z:;.. ;: 7";1 0 :; :; 05 ,. (1- @ ('4 ; ~ ~ I.) VClJ1V1 t- ~ ., V f'lO CL 0 7.1 <J /-h I./a'l" ., N 1)..1,J I'^ "I 'I- ~.L. :I ~V1 FO I )(0 g.'O 'd.. 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K. ) 7-1-.55 --r~3 /9/ /9' /Ylft/.E 7bwE/2 lbt:.F 0J:'r /(,1;:1/;7: 13,,,,,- /0 . )9' // // // /~" \ ':3-1-30 - ,.~ "" ) / ?/" 1.0 " // u I "1 ) 7-fPO - II I , / , :-'-1-02 1-5 () Z /6 , , 1/ /1 /1 { 1/ ~I oj /5 ~-r77 /8 ' I t::' I /1 II /1 ( II /1 /1 \ - ) /+05 /-596 Z3~ 23' I~UJE,e h~E (0. k.) ?..;-/~ /'7 I /7 ' j} -;(E./ -Z~ / I 1'/1 ~1F , t.VV.lC ,~. _' { t'T.r. I;'''' '../, i'. 7+55 - /21 /i:- / / ' / " '" / ( I' , , /,1 ) ;;+60 16 ' /6 ' /1 /' ,,~ I Ii , , "',. ) '1+1-/[' /98 13 ' /2 I 1/ II II ( II /1 //) .' . ---~- ----- ---~- ,-- ---~-- _.~~- - , -- ., If) POLE DATA ?ROJECT _-,-_?J3:.~LQL~______________ COUNTY _IJ?-!Y:!5J~JI!'!.''!~~_________________ SheeL___~___ oL~_ )WNER OF POLE LINE --<;;'!_!!-C!.~^.;.J_?__!...~'~zE~~__~t:?~';i?!!'Y-Y________________________________________. ~!PN 61-()3447 ~ DIBT. ~RO'" C"NTIER DieT, ~RO'" CIENTIER DIU, CI[NHR I'ROJ"CT POLl PR"eIENT ROAO PROJllCT A"TI:R MOVING REMARKS STATION NUMBER LT. RT. LT. RT, LT. RT. ..)...75 I 91 - 91 !YI()t/ E ?.f7.)/"'-;;7?L foAJ h' 11-, #/. ;:;/tN) -I-J7;> E 22 I 22 I FFbF-7T.A-L. (0, ok.) r?o G- Ig' , J~I iJ4c?//tE ffOFsr.aC (O;r?"A-I,4~.JT, ;pJ../ '-+82- I I~ /8 I 1/ / / (/I // // ) :)-!- "50 'J"-Z Zt./-I .2t/1 PE~.F-574L (O.k.) ?-r 3> 0 k-3 221 ZZI 1/ ( 1/ ) :5+02- z.. /Z--I /z,/ MOllE 1FtE9A-( fon= /'/7i4/.v7. R);AJ ~ 7-1-65 5 19 ' 191 /1 / I ( II /1 ,,: ) i+o5 (0 ZGI 281 1/ ",I (n , I /' ) ')+ 00 CJ 211 21 ( II /1' ( /1 /1 // ) -S> + /5 /0 251 2'1-1 II I, ( / , // /, j ~-f-1/7 , 9' ,," // (c,.) t1/i..411V7. P/I<J..I: ?-&?4- /0 i+ L/() - 1/1 II 1 / I /1 ( I ' , , ,I, ) '3+ ?C' - /21 12 I .A1tJvE UI7j) ~t.Elorr MI--I;:;T. l/w; I - . . ,. ---. .-- ---_.~._- . --~--- .~- --------- ~ -... ------------- /~ PIPE SCHEDULE - PROJECT S R.. 1~/4 COUNTY , IEA-NS'ILV4N I A SHEET I OF -L STATION .. EXISTING PROPOSED REM-\RKS DIAMETER LENGTH SKEW DIAMETER LENGTH SKEW 6-;- Ro J B II zo' /000 CM V 10 + 00 1811 ZO I I/O b 1,1 I~ -fC?o '-18 II 351 /Z-b 0 CMp(t/~E wPm L-C -'>-12-6 ~ l8-Fao l/e, " .3? ' 7'1J · ('M)J( l-/ vE. w~ I!:t:~~~) 10..,..0$ /8> " 3:5' &D" Cn-1'j) '-/1 + 10 18 ' I 3tJ ' (po 0 It' r09+ZO 72-1' -ZS' 9tJo II I I I . .::>. N 'HE>I31Vl:l SAvMHDIH ~O NOISIAIO NOI1V1l:lOdSNVl:l1 ~O 'ld30 VNIlOl:lVO H1l:lON ~O 31V1S ~ S1311no 3dId lV dVU dIU UO~ 30In9 l:lO~ DNIMVl:lO Ol:lVONV1S HSI1DN3 ~N "-0 o . ~CXI tuc.o ~CXI (f) 11 u ~ ~~. 'f <D <Xl ~ ~ gj g ~ ~ :g to ~ cr " Q.. ..... :l:cr~~NN'f,...O(,)""~<DN<Xl ~.....~ ~~~NN(,)(,) ~ 8~ \ ~d>-N(,)'f,...~<DN<Xl<D'f'f'f ~ 00 ~~NN(')'fIll<D ~ C UJ ~ ... u x ~ ~ !'~> ~ <D N <Xl 'f o ~ ~~1I ~ l() ,..... .,.. ,... N C\I f I I I I a: " :in ",00 CI)%T""T""(\J(f)lt),.....o, I I I I :5 0 ~ t,)~ ~~ 'f Q.. ,~> III ,... 0 III N 0 Ol 0 N III Ol 0 <{ c~. ~ ~ N (') (') III <D ,... <Xl ~ a: ~~~ Q.. .....00 :l:cr5N(,)'f"";::~~~~~~[O u.....~ ~oo .....00 e:3 ~U>:Ill""OlIll~OlOlC1>O(,)""~ f- C/) ...-NC\lM'l:t<.of'CC.,... UJ ~ ~ ... u => <~~ o :: ~) II) ,..... e :! N re ~ l I I ..... ( a: " in -;"00 :5ZNN(,)Ill<Xl~1ll o ~~ ~ <..) c NIll<Xl'fO<DN<Xl'fO<DN T"",....-NC"'JM1:t<lltI.O<DlO,..... ~ f [)i';l ""~~- .~~ ." ,-,A~~ PI I I I I I I I I I)""" .)~~ ~ ~ 'f<( I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ~,,~ J ~~I~I STATE OF ~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS F ':IGH, N.C, '?-~ x ~~ N 0000 lDlD OO~~ UJ 00 0 III 000 Q..~~ cr => II II Q.. Q.. Z<{Q.. ocr<{ ..... cr ~Q.. <{........ ~cr..... => cr u- ~,!D ..... <{ "UOOOO UJ 0000 ~cr<{< 00-'-' zu..uu ml .. < f-x \ }.' ~~~( I o J:j m~ I I I~i<-- 1~01"d2~ I' , ZI ' <(< I ..J I D.. 'lCI;< , I I I I ~jl ~~N D.. n J 1~~ ~ "'<.1 D cr UJ ~ ~ ..... u.. ~ :-: r:.Q. $! h ~ UJ ~. V~ cr UJ ~ ~ <{ ~ u.. cr o O~ :;]1,: o ~5l -~ 6 J1~~ x.. :~ / :z: UB Il )q.c~1~2 ^ J\.~\ A"A " u ..... cr lD <I: U. :c (.) I- 1-1 C l- =:) a:l 0 ':c \ a:l I- 1-1 3t I- W -J to- =:) o W Q. 1-1 Q. L~ u Z .....0 crl-l ~I- X u. (.) crW UJen ~ ~ ..... u.. 00 OOZ Z<{ :3~ Q.. Z ZO o ~~ 0:1: ::z:: :1:00 (.) t:'(lJUJ I- +~~ too-! .....~ C o~ffi II UJ:C < ::z:: :ci=t3 < I- 0 Z !;! ~~~ ~ ::EUJ~ e I- ~~ ~ I- W :f=> (.) -J ..... _Q.. W I- Q..Q..<I: en =:) u.~cr o oQ..~ ........cr W ocr a.. ~.....,!D too-! ~(IJOO a.. (IJ(IJ ~:5:5 cruu ~~N cr~~ ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWING FOR GUIDE FOR RIP RAP AT PIPE OUTLETS II II II :I:~t- -C\I g;~ ~CXI t;ic.o ~CXI "ofII..JA """'O-.J"" .A A'" .I.:.-.A.l. D If) A silt basin type-B is a tempor?1)' basin built to collect sediI1!-ent flowing through a (~inageway. The silt basin is built at the base of the ditch with its length_being at 1 t 2 times the width of the basin. The type-B silt basin is generally built in /~.,"1junction with temporary,rock silt checks and other devices that control or slo~v LLvwn water flow. TIlls deyice must be monitored closely and cleaned out on a . regular basis until grass is ~stablished along the ditch line and sedimentation is no longer a pr?blem. .' '.. AREAs OF USE: '. In conjunctio~ with te~porary rock'silt checks and other devices used in drainage ditches. DESIGN CRr.r.EluA: . . 'S'ee Silt Basin Sizes typical. __ '. , '. . . ( '. '. 23 March, 1992 Silt Basin Sizes 1/ IT- Length of Disturbed Area 100' Silt Basin - 1 (S.B. 7) 21 Length of Disturbed Area 200' Silt Basin - 2 (S.B. 14) ~'21' Q .~ Length of Disturbed Area 300' 2I Silt Basin - 3 (S.B. 21) '-~ -----.., ~:~-'~ -~ -....-........... -............ -~~'~ '---- ~........,._~ Length of Disturbed Area 400' '-- Silt Basin - 4 (S.B. 28) *Basin Sizes based on 600 cubic feet of storage per acre. Basins to be cleaned out after every storm event and when basins are half full. ,. ':J' N I H8I31Vl:l SAVMH8IH ~O NOISIAIO NOI1Vll:lOdSNVl:ll ~O 'ld30 . Vr-H10l:lV:J Hll:lON ~O 31V1S \' en w I- o Z ZI- 8<(a: ena:O Oou. a:u.w woz a:....0 0<(1- u.c..!P WWZ zcoo o l- I- en ...J a: . ...J w~ w<(c..~ COJ: CO en w~ ...J U ...J 0"" en <(za:en J:<(c..<( en ...J ~ I- U Wco.... Z~ Z...J o ::JO I-en a: enenl-I- <(UZ ...J..J<(O <(Ua:U a: I- ::J...JZZ 1-000 Ua:U.... ::JI- en a:ZWO 1-0 J: a: enul-w ':t: O-u ::H- WH ....0 Z I- <( .... ~ 5...J J: 0 u.enuwf= o~~coz z...J0...J8 o ...J ~g<(:2z c......oen8 o>z en <(<(1-0 ~J:<(ffia: l-enw:;:W wa:>- I-I-<(<(~ ~;nwc..u. a: Cl ....a:<( .~ OOZo'l'O >-u.::(C'?1- <(Wa:Z!P :;:ZO<( o J:Z a:l-Wl-O wena: I- w uen ~ Z~ <(ena:~ ....<( ww<( Cl~ ~...J c..~ Z ..- wen~wwen en ouen w<(w<(....<( J:...JZa:a:...J I-UOClc..U .... z UJ ::E W > <l: 0- U. o W Cl o w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVIST~~ OF HIGHWAYS R 'IGH, N.C. /8\ 3dA~ ~~3H~ ~lIS ~~OH AHVUOdW31 l:lO~ 8NIMVl:lO Ol:lVONV1S HSI1BN3 I'- I- ~ l!)UW <(z a:a:o ol-I-en zen<( l!)0 U...JO . ow owa:en Z:CI-::J I-Z W ow COI-UCO <( ...J I-...J ...Ja:z...J <(OW<( :cu.:;::c en ....ena: 00 w w....www z<(enzz oc..~ 0.... I- I-Cl enwzenz coo w ...J I-...J O...J ow a:...Ja:a::c I-<(Wl-I- z:cc..z oen 0>- U WUCO OU I-z....I-O z<(a:zw w c..WI- :;:w :;:u ....Zl-....w OOHOa: Wl-ZW.... enen::Jeno /ffi 1-1 > o 1-1 a: I- W ::!: o en 1-1 W Z o .... (J) -' <l: a: :J .... u :J a: .... (J) o Z :J a a: Cl z o I-I:Z: 1-0 01- WI-I II)Q II)W II)W 0> a: o :t: U .... H o U. o UJ en <l: 00 Z H ::E .... Z UJ ~ ::E H W ClUJ 1-1 CD W:: > , (J)O 'ot .... ~(J) Z u 0 H-' :t:O 1-1 ....a: I- .... <( = z > NO _~u W ..I W /: I I I I ~ ~~~ 0 -' u. Cl z >- :J ....z 0 H a: -'(J) Cl <l:<l: zoo 0 H.... ....-' O-H O(J) :z: o Z.... 01-1 ~C 0..1 W<( II)C 1-1 11)0 II)N Ow a: 0.. 0<( a: .... ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWING FOR TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK TYPE'S' ~C\1 ....0 o . ~M .....M t:J(O V5~ 20 ~C\1 ....0 o . ~M .....M t:J(O J:~ CD Ai O)~ CD_ . b 0'" ~- dVM dIM /8, 55V':> H1IM 53H:>lIO 39VNIVMO ~o~ ~NIMv~a a~vaNV~S HSll~N3 en H 0 0 m -l :J: 0 s:;- m ::0 .... - ::0 )> z' ,~ H < 0 z c en m -l m r 0 m OJ -l )> H en -l 0 m C') H :J: -l 0 C') H :J: -l o:l m C') m en :J: :D s:; 0 0 .... ::0 -I (") :I: CD~ ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWING FOR O)~ CD _ DRAINAGE DITCHES WITH CLASS 'B' RIP RAP o~ ~- 'O'N 'H~B j S^VMH~IH ~O NOISI^Ia NOI~Yl~OdSNY~l ~O '~d3a YNI10~YO Hl~ON ~O 31Y1S Zf . , (/):e , G) )> (/)C :D m (/) ""(/) :1:.... .... Z mm ~~ "" m (/) (") ~ "" ......, :D m ..,.... )> ,... (") ....,... 0)> "" .... m-t :DZ Z .., om 0 (/) 0 .... :D 0 $ -t m 0 ....(/) m 0 z.., ~~ ,... (/) ""~ ,... 0 Z Ii:~ -1m o:l m m "" z(") 00 ~ (/) .., (") c o:l Ii: z -<-t ~ 0 :I: (/) m -tm (/) :D :I: mo of (") .... Ii: m-t z(") (/) G):I: (/) ....m z(/) of m men :D :"$ .... ,... "" ,... :D o:l )> m "" )> .... (/) .., STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS RALEIGH, N,C, Z"L Typical Section Showing Proposed Work, &. Erosion Control Proposed Slope No grading to be done on creek side of existing roadway. Existing Slope Grade, Base, and Pave Proposed Widening (Cut Side) Berm shall be constructed on shoulder and ",ill be maintained throughout construction, The roadway is to be sloped to the cut side where possible, lfnot possible, water will be released thm d0\\-11 slope pipe or stone lined ditches, 23 PIPE INSTALLATION All pipe installed on the project will be installed using the standard method of pipe installation - Method "A", Standard No. 300.01 of the NCDOT - "Roadway Standard Drawings" . All pipes shall be laid in accordance with Section 300 of the North Carolina Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", July, 1995, Pipes will be installed in the dry wherever possible. Pipes laid in streams large enough to support trout will be installed six (6) inches below the stream bed to allow the bottom of the pipe to silt over so that trout movement will be over a natural stream bed. 24- SECTION 1042 RIP RAP MATERIALS 1042-1 PLAIN RIP RAP. Stone for plain rip rap shall consist of field stone or rough unhewn quany stone. The stone shall be sourid, tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. Where broken concrete from demolished structures or pavement is available, it may be used in place of stone provided that such use meets with the approval of the Engineer. However, the use of broken concrete which contains reinforcing steel will not be permitted. All stone shall meet the approval to the Engineer. While no specific gradation is required, the various sizes of the' stone shall be equally distributed within the required size range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long dimension. Stone or broken concrete for Rip Rap shall meet the requirements of Table 1042-1 for the cla<:" and size distribution, TABLE 1042-1 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR RIP RAP AND STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL REQUIRED STONE SIZES - INCHES CLASS MINIMUM MIDRANGE MAXIMUM A 2 4 6 B 5 8 12 1 5 10 17 2 9 14 23 No more than 5,0% of the material fWllished can be less than the minimum size specified nor no more than 10.0% of the material can exceed the maximum size specified, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUBJECT r:v /11.:J /~t1(;J.S RI )EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ?-7 PROJECT ;;-411 ;"1 / v'~ ~ -;:12/'7 STATION1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HIGHWAY BUILDING P. O. 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