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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0028552_Response to Notice_20191025October 22, 2019 Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Wastewater Branch 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Old North State Water Co. An R} Company NC Dept of Environmental Quality OCT 2 5 2019 Raleigh Regional Office Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & NOTICE OF INTENT TO ENFORCE NOV-2019-PC-0658 Permit No. WQ0028552 Briar Chapel Development Reclaimed Water Generation & Irrigation System, Conjunctive Reclaimed Water Utilization, Non -Conjunctive Reclaimed Water Utilization, and Wastewater Irrigation System Chatham County Dear Mr. Bolich: OId North State Water Company appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Notice of Violation issued on September 23, 2019 by the Division of Environmental Quality. Please find enclosed our response regarding an inspection by Mr. Rick Trone from the Raleigh Regional Office. This response will provide additional information and it is our hope that this additional information is sufficient, and that the Division will decide not to pursue further action. REQUESTED RESPONSE: 1. Please verify that the information on the attached ORC assignment table is correct and submit the appropriate forms to the Water Pollution Control SOCC to update this information as needed: ■ Please find attached an updated ORC Designation List Form for William Lamm. 2. Please provide a schedule for the inspection and replacement of the odor control media at the wastewater treatment plant. ■ Carbon media was replaced on July 9, 2019 as well as the blower motor which was replaced on July 31, 2019. Based on manufacturers recommendations we have initiated an annual air monitoring program to evaluate "breakthrough" on the media. If breakthrough of the individual compound is noted, the media will be scheduled for replacement. Please explain the presence of excessive foam and turbidity in the clarifiers at the wastewater treatment plant. ■ On the morning of the visit, an electrical issue caused the RAS pump breaker to trip resulting in the loss of solids. The ORC started the RAS pump back and flow was diverted to the upset pond and retreated. The ORC started the RAS pump back up when he arrived and attempted to clean the sludge as well as he could. 4. Please explain why the chlorine feed hose was not providing chlorine to the chlorine contact chamber for disinfection ■ As you may be aware, disinfection is via UV disinfection with chlorine as a backup and used for algae control at the plant. A five foot piece of 318 inch neoprene tubing failed had to be replaced on the chlorine pump. Attached please find the closed work order confirming completion. Please ensure that the turbidity meter is operating properly and provide this office with proof the meter is functioning by submitting laboratory analyses or confirmation readings with another calibrated flow meter. ■ The turbidity meter is operating properly. Please find attached the proof of calibration for the turbidity meter performed with a calibrated flow meter by Delta Systems on September 13, 2019. 6. Please explain why the missing NDMR data have not been reported, and what the facility plans to do to ensure these violations are corrected. ■ The missing NDMR data is related to the use of a new form in October 2018 that did not allow for input of turbidity and reclaimed water production. We have contacted DEQ central office and have received an updated NDMR form and are currently submitting amended NDMRs to report this data. 7, Please provide DWR with a copy of the most recent Annual Report summarizing the performance of the wastewater treatment and utilization facility. ■ Please find the 2018 Annual Report attached. 8. PIease provide a copy of the most recent soil analyses for each irrigation field in Phase 1-B. ■ The irrigation field in Phase 1-B has not been constructed or certified. ONSWC is currently evaluating the need far this field and if not needed, we will notify the Division. 9. Please provide copies of the operator's logs for the wastewater treatment system and the reclaimed water distribution system for the period of January 1, 2018 to September 15, 2019. Please find attached the operators logs for the period of January 1, 2018 through September 15, 2019. 10. Please describe efforts that Old North State Water Company has taken to address the excessive odors coming from the wastewater treatment plant and the reclaimed water storage pond and distribution system. • The odors emaciating from the WWTP are significantly less than from similar facilities. While ONSWC understands the sensitivity, the use of the word "excessive" is not an accurate description. ONSWC has completed numerous upgrades to minimize the impact of the facility and address odors. These upgrades include: 1. Covering of the equalization basin and bar screen. 2. Scrubbing of the air generated on the equalization basin and bar screen. 3. Installation of aeration units on the reclaimed water holding ponds. 4. Installation of additional aeration units on the reclaimed water holding pond. 5. Addition of a chlorine feed on the reclaimed water system. 6. Installation of flushing valves on the reclaimed distribution system. 7. Changes to operating procedures designed to minimize odors generated. Please contact us if additional information is needed. While the violation was unfortunate, we feel that a civil penalty would not be prudent as we have acted in a responsible manner to address these issues. We hope that the Division recognizes the significant amount of resources that are devoted to this system. Therefore, we request that the Division consider these efforts when deciding on further enforcement. We are committed to full compliance with all the permits of the Briar Chapel Permit Number WQ0028552. Sincerely, Michael Myers President OId North State Water Company, LLC Cc: Dave Strum Charles Donnell Lee Bowman William Lamm a J J 3 0 fA Z O a H LU O u U. W 0 W a 0 LU CL— w W u E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E u E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E oc m m m m m ro m m m m m m m m m m m O J -j J J J J -1 --I J J J J J J J J J a E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E r m _ro rn _m _m m m m m ro rom m m m m m 33: 3: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3�: 3 3 i§ 3 m m a a a. O O Z) M O d u U u u u u u V V u u u u U u u V Cc O O O O m O 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m m m 0 c 2 D a ar m Ca CCam m RCea 'ecw tco co ac 0co 0c 0co cC4 cw co0c0 T 0C aCo tco 0co m co 'T Am _m _L •Lo 2 •Lm mL 2 roL 2 •mL AR L mL eLo m C O 1ul N N CC �"� N N ucn au u gTr muutom, 3 G m O n m o to -i to N r` m m Q O N u, Ln rn r- W'cr 0000oogLA Nrro00Nrmvo-40nto E O O O� o 8 O O u u 0 0 0 c O O QOo a 3 z z 3 3 z z 3 3 z z z z o Y d rL c C C O ar c .2 E E Y Y C D. a o ti D u CO p 7 CJ a.+ w GJ > N m U n a O N O O rI N .� i9 to — Y F- u Y 2t 7C N 'O N D w O O O 7 U tr 4 m x V O. Q O w �Gjl N v CL O gr '^ ? m m o 1- 67 J C E_ Y .0 t ro s u° -° ' °' u u u ° a �, 3 LL m a ca l7 rG ul m m c a m m .j u J N c, M M tA W a M x x O �7► O Ln Ln > 1° a C7 _0 MLA V a C! C! E Y CJ d'Lu N cu LV oO aO Cu O O t O O _ULLL O u u m O O r C ro ro C L u c c c c C 3' 'm Z Inro o m D a. C! u O F O u O r F O F O r O F z O z o L1 r- cc O F O F � � .-, N rn r Ln cc r- co a, O r-I N rn cr Ln tD r, r-I r-I r-I r-I r•r T-i rq r-I J Form Data Page 1 of 2 Item;1 Briar Chapel - Install chlorine feed system- (Reclaimed Irrigation)137279[ Complete the form below WO: Pnority 2 Today's Date 10/9/19 Billable Requested Date for Service Yes (0) 10/10/19 Technician Start Date: 1 Start Time: a Completion Date: Completion Time. Description Maintenance Detail Job Location Meter Serial S: Briar Chapel Previous Meter Reading Meter Serial # Left blank Left blank Requested Meter Action On/Off Meter Action Performed: On I Off Left blank Type of Maintenance Sewer [0 01 Type of Water Maintenance Type of Sewer Maintenance Sewer Disposal- Pond CM Type of Public Works Maintenance Type of Administrative Maintenance Dig Permit if Customer Information Client Name Chatham North Service InterrupNon(s) No [01 Client Contact Customer Name L'.'J Massey, Deborah (Envirciink) Customer Contact Information Contact Phone #f Photo Required (YIN) Before Photo Taken Yes I No After Photo Taken: Yes I No Left blank Work PerformedlComments -f-!servlet/LPCPRouter 10/17.12019 Form Data Page 2 of 2 Employee: L 4L _Reg Hns: • _ _ Overome: Employee: Reg Hrs: Overtime: Employee: Reg Hrs: Overtime: Employee: Reg Hrs: Overtime: Work Performed-OtherslComments: Regular Hours: Overtime Hours: Equipment Used: ___Hours; Equipment Used: Task: Hours: Equipment Used: Task: Hours: Materials 1 Parts: Quantity: Supplied By: Materials 1 Parts: Quantity: Supplied By: Materials 1 Parts: Quantfty: Supplied By. - Materials ! Parts: Quantity: Supplied By: Notes: Customer Instructions: Customer Follow-up: http:l/ 3 Oi 17/2019 BALES SERVICE SOLUTIONS DELTA SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL LLC Briar Chapel Chapel Mill, NC To Whom It May Concern. Delta Systems Environmental LLC 1720 N. Woodhouse Road Virginia Beach, VA 23454 October 17, 2019 This letter is proof of calibration of the meter listed below. The meter below was calibrated for turbidity and had the recommended program and verification checks. Meter: Location: Model #: Serial #: Calibrated to: Calibration verification: Meter program verification Sensor Location: Meter 4-20ma output: Calibration Date: Next Cal Date: Calibration performed by: Hach Turbidity SC200 1603CO139250 0.0 ntu and 20.0 ntu using Formazin Standard Verified using EPA approved standards Meter is programmed accurately Sensor is properly located in the stream N.-'A 02;'2719 February 2020 TJJohnson NOTES: On September 11, 2019 the operator contacted Delta Systems and reported an issue with the effluent turbidity meter. A technician was sent to the plant on September 13, 2019. It appears the sensor slipped into some sediment at the bottom of the effluent basin. The unit was removed from the water, cleaned with special attention to the sensor window. The unit was then put back in the water above the sediment and secured in place. At this time the unit appeared to be working properly and the technician did not see the need to calibrate it at this time. The next scheduled calibration is February 2020. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me at the number listed below. Sincerely, TJJohnson Delta Systems Environmental LLC 757-286-7182 r F jr _ �_ ,� _a ��� ��� Liu i�T �- _ IUL [In !I IILUI: IL ,� Uhi MEMNON wim J611' 'KIII Iz.yy{ri !-.!r i11- -1 1 L, hN, ! t �� 1, .1 -1,, ill ...: i� i1J. ieA ELI.I{IIS jJ-7.;- IL j: 7rIFIF j ji IL 100111111111iiiii! i !FIWFgF.m 1� I�Il:%)'AIIIIIIIIIIIII� i I , I,�II.Rl�ll LLL Li F-i iij LI • �'r 1 -j: L fl m Is Q m �_... 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E C � 3 z' o a O u m C m Q V � � 0 Ci C�7 i Briar Chapel Annual Wastewater Performance Report January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018 1. General Information Facility/System Name: Briar Chapel Development Responsible Entity: EnviroLink. Inc. Person in Charge/Contact: William Lamm_ ORC Applicable Permit (s): WQ0028552 and WQCS00372 We are pleased to present your Wastewater Annual Report. The Clean Water Act of 1999, passed by the North Carolina Assembly, requires Utilities to provide an annual report to their wastewater customers. This report summarizes the performances ofyour wastewater system over a 12-month period (January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018). Description of Treatment Process: • 250,000 GPD extended aeration wastewater treatment plant consisting of: dual static screens for grit removal, a manually cleaned bar screen • 75,400-gallon aerated flow equalization basin with two 225 GPM variable speed pumps each with an influent flow meter and one aerator • Two 31,500-gallon anoxic chambers each with two 3 hp mixers • Two 189,000-gallon aeration basins each with two 10 hp aerators + Two 3I,500-gallon clarifiers each with one variable speed sludge return pump • 1- 75,400-gallon sludge holding basin with one variable speed decanting pump one 7.5 hp aerator • 10,730-gallon chlorine contact chamber with two variable speed chlorine injection pumps, 15,800-gallon mud well with two 200 GPM return pumps • Two 90 square foot tertiary filters • 13,800 gallon clear well with four 675 GPM backwash pumps • Dual banks of ultraviolet modules each with 10 bulbs • I- 6,850-gallon dechlorination chamber with two air diffusers • An effluent flow measuring device, an effluent turbid meter • A permanent auxiliary generator, and all associated piping, valves and appurtenances • The continued operation of 3.5 MG clay lined five day upset pond with a 400 GPM dual submersible pump station and audible/visual alarms and a 21.3 MG clay lined central storage pond with dual 2,000 GPM flooded suction pumps. The treated wastewater is then sent to spray irrigation zones which are located throughout the property's common areas. 11. Performance During the calendar year of 2018, all monitoring data and sampling frequencies are current and reported to the State accordingly. Also, the flow meter was calibrated in 2018 by Johnson Inc. January - Compliant February - Compliant March - Compliant April - Compliant May - Compliant June - CompIiant July - Compliant August - Compliant September - Compliant October - Compliant November - Compliant December - Compliant III. Notification This report was given to the authorities of Briar Chapel Development. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I certify that this report has been made available to users or customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. r Michael J. Myers Date Briar Chapel