HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000504_08_2019 Self Assessment Summary_20191029 Town of Fuquay-Varina Ξ 134 N. Main Street, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Ξ (919) 552-1400 Ξ fuquay-varina.org ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 29, 2019 To: Tracy Stephenson, Engineering Director From: Jennifer Mitchell, Engineering Specialist Subject: NPDES Self-Assessment Summary 2019 A self-assessment of the Town’s NPDES MS4 Permit was performed in October 2019 using NCDEQ’s Stormwater Management Plan Assessment (SWMPA). A summary of the Town’s 2019 self-assessment is provided below. The Town’s 2018 self-assessment is also included to demonstrate steps taken this fiscal year to address previous recommendations. Identified Areas for Improvement Recommendations Schedule 2019 Self-Assessment Illegal concrete washes may be an emerging issue with private concrete companies being the target audience for education. Obtain education materials for concrete companies regarding legal options for concrete washing. Continue to provide educational and outreach opportunities and include private concrete companies. FY2020 Section G(2)(c): The permittee shall have written spill response procedures for municipal operations. The Town has a Spill Response Procedure and a Sewer Spill Response Plan that were drafted in 2013. FY2020: Review Stormwater Spill Procedures and Sewer Spill Response Plan to ensure up to date information 2018 Self-Assessment Update The following metrics are not currently captured: • Number of major outfalls (SW100220, SW103280- SW103290) • Number of dry weather inspections outfall and industrial inspections Formalize a written procedure for dry weather inspections following completion of GIS enhancements to identify outfalls. GIS enhancement should include identification of the mapped outfalls by pipe size to verify Town's major outfalls. FY2019: GIS enhancements were completed to identify major outfalls. 14 potential major outfalls were identified in preliminary analysis. FY2020: Field confirmation will be completed. If applicable, formalize a written procedure for dry weather inspections following completion of field verification of outfalls. Perform and document inspections. Town of Fuquay-Varina Ξ 134 N. Main Street, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 Ξ (919) 552-1400 Ξ fuquay-varina.org Identified Areas for Improvement Recommendations Schedule The following education and outreach opportunities were not accomplished for the FY17-FY18 fiscal year: • Local community group presentations (SW101910) • Elementary/middle school presentations (SW101920) • Big Sweep (SW102700, SW103040-SW103080) Recommendation: Perform outreach opportunities for this fiscal year. Additionally, stormwater poster (SW101950) for use at outreach events should be updated. COMPLETED FY2019: Multiple outreach opportunities were completed and included in the FY2019 SWMP update. FY2020: Stormwater poster (SW101950) for use at outreach events should be updated. NPDES permit currently notes Wake County for erosion control. Additionally, the permit does not spell out objectives and measurable goals now that we are delegated. (SW101050, SW104310) The Town should add BMPs and measurable goals to for adequacy for the next fiscal year now that the Town is delegated. Additionally, the Town should reach out to the State to see if the existing permit must be modified to include local program delegation for erosion control. COMPLETED FY2019: The Town has added BMPs and measurable goals with the 2019 SWMP update now that the Town is delegated for erosion control. FY2020-FY2021 The Town is on the audit schedule for 2019. It is also understood that a new permit will be issued following this audit. BMPs will be reexamined following new permit issuance. Owner annual SCM inspections reported are very low for permitted SCMs (SW105260-SW105290). Provide education to all SCM owners on maintenance requirements. Enforcement is available as needed. FY 2020: Owner notifications were mailed to 72 SCM owners September 2019. Staff has been working with owners regarding maintenance requirements. Staff will continue to enhance this program element with emphasis on education to owners and then enforcement, if necessary. Informational Website: The permittee shall promote and maintain, an internet web site designed to convey the program’s message. Website enhancements are needed to include erosion control, a more prevalent hotline presence and to add additional links to external websites. COMPLETED FY2019: Town will continue to update as needed. Municipal training and associated educational materials should be enhanced. Staff training should be provided to Town departments such as Public Works, Public Utilities and Parks and Recreation. Education materials should be provided (SW106010). These departments all have NPDES reporting items as well that may be streamlined. FY2020: Formalize a written training program and schedule and track Town training events related to IDDE and Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations.