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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19980732 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19980804State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director 1?• NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES December 8, 1998 Craven County DWQ Project # 980732 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Ricky Dickerson c/o Thomas Engineering PO Box 1309 New Bern, NC 28560 Dear Mr. Dickerson: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 0.0534 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of developing a residential lot at lot 12, Carolina Pines, as you described in your application dated August 4, 1998. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3108. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Water shed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application.. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters or areas within 50 feet of all streams and ponds to notify the state in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611- 7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. - Sincerely, rest Hov Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Washington Field Office Washington DWQ Regional Office John Domey Central Files John Thomas; John Thomas Engineering 980732.1tr Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper w '•il?.q'I 1I'IIC? I'IItIII, (1(t, `)I'. 1. Ill; t.. G11 19:w 10:,.7`141 Pl- I'111_+f1J\:'; P.A. rr litr ;. ('ll<Ifi?1; P.f;- '. L+; yi Lf L t e, x , r. a.., , I. I. .y • - { t i ! ., ..4 4. 4 i # 4 .?..X y J• J• •6 + * i d- 1.,i11'1`"ll ? 1:'L7lt( P1.7C(1.11r':+:1':; 1'•'ir,..? li i i rl I'! 'll i Il.!:( .. }:'.?..1.1'li'IP'_Y:":5 h(r?Ul I;.-.1"??• (Ic?rl i' ,:r.r,.,) ?j55 ?4t?,6:1.1. 1,1:lrllT.II"I, q;\Y ATumI' lr.r t:i iT?11-'??T•j? ? ?t;1?,> _ ;1;-,?+ I' ? I.:I?';+?f.1 ??(}??)?1 ?,?(??'?.. )-r7 ?I? +'t c 1,! }IIIry}I}1:1?.: 1 G(.?1 , i { .. NT,i?t}?1 : - - - - - -?•--••?. . Fitt IM.0i, OF T+71C j?+, (CT1c 7,,111, l tlr; '1 rl (:- t ;r?? "IP)MAN VIN(AN1',T:iNIN(i. V.A. <)03 (:;Ll`?. BRUNT.T I)l,fVl, 11,0, B(.)X1467 NF, W I: VIRN. N.C. 2856-1 ?5."-Ci 7-;1.727 ?-.()_ 6-241118 -FAX T o , 1.?ici::ic)l) Of W n t c ' e 01.1.ilit,V-M('1'11 rl ?. 4401. Roedy (:I'mck.-;t):tfl httlc' 1t, N_(--'. 2,7007 Mtrr John DrIl'llry. ^ ry + h (.2: T.r It ,, I i 1. f., 14r ( .nr tlilm {y1111'E T)WQ # 9807.31 & "707-1f). Cr'lvell C:autlt.v Door John. OrJ. 01 090 IW3911 P2 ({tr• (trtly GVf.!f:1h.11C1 111.111:1G'l5 01,11 1 It"vt+ I`rt+t? ;t!•i, f,, }itlr{ (.`.r')Vf.l`tttl t?1t(Tr"r i )T';lYi prfjeot #t 960390 -.110 DW<) Ttrrit'tC P980076 rot, 1,01;(.11 1 11; r n[ lo;?t.C) tl'lopy of t11r :tpprowl lemer Ibr yout review, 4 ,nppe,al s that the totat wt 11111),1 imv.'?r.t For titi? tt, ,- '•Ir1t,t,tctil. (t).1;? av 1- 0.05 sl(-,) to rinle is 1 t.1'llst this mi:;\Nt'.tilt} (:tttlt_'f:t'tt- +'i C rltlr Irfi.rr tlyVnll bRV/IgI1y gylvs.ti(111`l (11' cmlltimlt,;., ple'r.r .lr; t?r?t, ll?+;(ti1.1G to C:1?1 ?I1C. itlcer[y. ?'ji?t till ?i. 'T'llcttntls, ?ly.i;•. l I tsth•I. 99(M.frill October 1, 1998 I I M I : tI!1.11111 r.; i! ! !i. l i' t, '' i.'' 1::.'!• ?:?I-p,; t ir; l , I:i'I, :L` r.+„ :j t7:.:?'I P`I 1':; 1'.it4nic, of North C'mlF3lill;l (.1r?i?;uhY?c;nt c>f 1rtivirc?r?ri?t'trtt 1.,111.4 S?dr?4?al•?1 14t?:'tc?t.trt:t-1t: Of WiltOr OLll'fiity 1f1i11f?S R. Hunt, vv,.lytl(i N1cDovitt, ;=7(;rr-.i:iiV A. Pitt:=.,ton f lowarri, ,lt., N- I+, I?I••r^nrt'T't-1t''IiT OF 11, rI:I I C i.i!,r1117tAl i?r" nIJRC.r:5 -,,,,,,?,ly :, 1•,x,1; !":,11,'!•11 r'Dtrrr.Y I,?';'!tl`r;,irrl f!')'?1.11,16 '1 tl trtrl 'S(. ..!-th!; itrYtl;'; t} f :. . 1111•itt )vAr, of 401 l'rrttri t ?Il+rlif v (a`f tiIir•Ili,,1, fllv ! A l;l?, (,,imaltl Waymi fttt,wil Mew It+•.rn, NC 2850 llpnt ),,tr jzYhtVit: R !n ty ` V , , ,r r1V;11, 111 1. rra,l,,l••c r,:ill, ,, ,It„ ! ! .... n •,n,i III .!+ Irtte;tl h ,l+,tV, i +?tl0 1111 P, 1.111 i,t i .. 1 1,111 t?, r.•r- - , +'t, + . , , '!!"lil.r ,rant! rrnCSi if S! , t lilt material in 0.03 nctcx of t , It?r I r, sc ! .. rll . ! in vtalr n(`LIj• aryt7n ilal^tl ('grnlinA pill!`[ r!^w°.jnt,Hhnt nt Ill IMi I+I r ,..I n y l ei,:71?lAI 999. AAet tr•Vipt.ll,p `.nlr avvii li i h , 1 111 a! ihl+; 1 is t 'tt'irtt 1, I:,itltarc .. \,Wgler rhlal{t}'( r[tirlt 1!111111 ru 1 t ttn tl ,, t !1 1 rt t t It CI t alt uj! 14;111111 rilnr,hrr j<tu•hrn lift, f mils of l ttl;wt ct 1 , ,inq it In , i lilt ,t, rt )t tl!ld Q ! ;ln 1.111 i ftttrraj at't{e* nr - j Iti, 1rr,ll11 ,IflI,-t iw+f!Ii r Ih1!1 wit!tmilet! t(,) -,It'll ilt?IVI 1.1osivit r• lile! 1v nlltls ll(ort. volt p,t 1111:;+i t',t,lttnt. c.'1?14ta1 4tttnrtl4 t! tr, 1 t I h•;rtl ,), it 1111r ;q,l'C;wnj 1 f-p t„ r:'Ar.l `\ t n.llr . I,II'; 5 rh tr ; ,1111 ,! t.,t ,`•pertj n;l in the r Ukl \1'11ier. when Ifir (Imm<rtl c;crtiriention. NO. Flppruyal iy mily ve li 1 fn tht r C ' r a.,, Ii;il i • n .1 ':P rti n -tttlr'lp1ira6611 AS nlrelilittd Ifclow. If yn(1 cllamfi- }ilm 1! !ierl. t ,1 11111.! rtnf-fv It' ,{Ill 711 r1f1v 1- rPflnttbtj Ip va11fj its n tv a1,l,lit`;ttitln. lttnrnt wRti7nft Gil: F`r !1„t t:,• lfrt r r.t. + !N? I,rngn) n _t _. ti. 1111_ a !r?,.,rlt{l,..r,cttotc tit m11IF?ritut may I1?ICij,ri,:•rl:.• 1 t,...t, . I`!. !+ r 'II r , ,Il e61 .11f11 rl V .'I Iln. 1l:pr11v11 It7fY vail!I. anitnw thr CrgUhl, yt . li !^• 1 in !it ,tt ; i.,. ! t f • h rr lrpj , ! +'! tilt tai r,nn,lili(1 ycu, mast f li5lrcl h!4)w, I- D"d itixitic:itiona of . ih•! „ 1,^ ! ! , 01'11 r Ifi' -! i'1 I t rlh ,,>ntai11ir{e itiristlitaioll.11 .etlanth and wal"t t , tr frtt r f11mc rtl ^+t ?,t I/, r trltjt tr'f, '(li« t n rrlet')inni`:nl: S111.11 hi: pat in Illacc withilt .lr,) tlgV ^f lit . ti tr•, of thi I =1!rr rt tit !-ff!,Inrn trl lit, Irrt 1'111:11:{ I Itictlevcr is lattrj. It pr\tl rin not , rr.llt 11117 of thr ,, nrl ji ii!!,.; rf (His 4?!±iIL-•,!i-„i '{1111 ry{t3?r ;1_^.l' !lit Ott ttiJi)thf ill!)YY tir..ntl a t h r 1,!t•+! i., nq. for ;, Itparirlg, hi'atintt. Yt,il nltisl ;tct within r,() 'lay= r,f III- cla, . .111 +' , .in, t !. t' ner,l `,tntnl?; tr, the f )1111 is Written ir..tition, Which tatnlVittl:- it+ t.h t !r . !.um , r it. 1 I of A dmini,atative. Iteuinp... p.t1. 111x, '?'l 117, jt,tlol h t !.!_ , r, I I .'t.{.! 1 lylj- „111!1:'111!,11 an+j ItS votl(6 jt_.ll 8(! lanai a11d )"AdinF tt!1I11ss y ig ,:.1' I< r { It "!+! 4f) I I Ills IYtter Crtlitlti r,Pg IIiP t ,irti' l r Ill. T7it ! '.I' 11111'.' t'n s . ' NV ,i r .?i i. if Vtul lrl Ve ,IIV I1!!?!!11!11'. t i !t stn it'irl I ,Hs 1 {,n r L .' •:V ,1 !? 1'7 , i t'S•ttilchincllt C: Wilmington Disttict (,'0fpv all I'•ngsItIrT S celrp'k of lini;itictm, livwltint±lml i ittki OIlit y W,molington DWO, Izcgiomli t;tltic.f•. )rhn fJt)rlle'r' John f'aiker, l CNI Ccntral l'ilt:s ly. ??:?;? ?-ri?;?,;,°11,1.11 r?.l:. ' f?nJlt,lr)tt r)I tAj71t"t r?ll'it1?' r f.Itrrl i1! :! jl 11,11,{?riultal 4401 lhrtrN, C; r±r±k 111.1.1 Fr If t')1, t p r r , t l:'i It It . t1I t , t,l f . rl ,;{ N ; 11,.1317~,9 An 1=tplnj rlrlrtnrIimill, Altirrr,.,li,t: n,*t,. ,. rrtt 1...,t. tt f: r' -!! !,r'I; Iii;, lr, ,l r.t orumnr po"r •Irin•t 1lu.nnrr ?sI How 1n of North lar Dc,1• ni lrnpnt of E-rivirnrim id, lonllh and Nalllr".ll {•i(' llllt-(v,; ()jvir;itm of Fznvirot,111E?III:,11 mL•IItn1rItlillll 1("11111?" R I-ILInt, Jr., t if vi4ri a II ,k)rrilliart E;. I l?wr rr 1; rti' A PJ'C!!;tt•tlt I-lr'1MMIll..11 . i''.I:.. I1i1,•, 1r .r 11'1'l7S >';'il [, 44,11 1y11!!Ilfly f,v1!,(1, A'hPlInl.i:1 1'11n11linn I!a!•Ilwl::hi11 PP, Pox. 13110 17(:1;!1. jitst: 1.11 :1.`_Uj 1.1,1:.11,11'1 4 ? e All s FF-??#r1(, r':1 rr ;3. 11,96 1'•,.,1..,•11 ('nn111 ?. I11?.M1I I'!!?i!^1,:1 JJ'I%al:.;iO Voiv hnve. mir r111(1ro 11 I{, I?ln, r 1111 1., '11•'!'ral r111T?q!:1• rNr 1,Itildillif :I hones, at CArrtlin;l Pill" !-.111 rlivi•:ir,ll. I nl 1 o m ,I,!,•, rihr.rl is vow apoli(,ation dated 23 POI 1906. nftt'r r,:? i! u,ip!' srlllr 111I'li' 11irn. ,•.,. 11 1, , i,l,+tl 11,11 111is fill is covet•('.fl by Gencril W--lu°f Qimlity Curl itivmtoll I imil.ll.r 'ri i 1. 1111' 11.,, , !• :,n".• : }•(.!! In a ;(` I'd tti?lrtu;flC t'ArjTlii t•.1111111;'r1 76 Callen it 1..°- t`1, 111r! l•'•_ r! !:!I;:; ........ Ill? a1tpC(?x';11 Is (?[!11 -714I 1i)f Ihr. 1qn, • I t 1 • la!1 11! rl < nt1 II(":(;.!'jl)r.'.YI ill Your appfiaafion. If yill (1)1n1±C Your projt'xt YI?tl f1lII?:1 Ilt)fik n ,!n!! i n 1, , I • !• ,,In„ .il (i> •:4)7111 11.31 tl!.`.v 1l}ttli(:11iOtl. r'(rr ltd:,. 1f,llra?;11 I(> b?. v:!li(I. 1•,,,., 111w.1 r(!n !1( 111, •,,. r,... !t 1ia:1! I i!t 1114. all:!G11(,1 (-cllificalig11. hi 11f?.(lilitltt. yt?n ^hrntlri ?!! ! ?nv nlltrr ('r !11 r.11. 't,1„ ';/ I: `• , , 1 I, •,,,i1 1 . Fr!,1r ,•;,,r , n ;?Itr3!11 ,villl ynnr I n t tj t't't., II yell (h) not 14`!xIH Ally I.)( Ow h (,:!n(Ittir !)r 111 11!1. !'1il r ?li!`1,, trot llrsly ct!:k for stn <'Iftjn(lic?ttlry horu•Itlr. •Y. All I"110. net lvothln 61(hy:. (!r Or. dm,: 11, :! ., , i:. 11;1• I( u,.r. 'I'(• :1 T: ?(1r :1 b1+:!!;,,1;, 'i(`!Ifl :t 'lvl')ff(`tl 111 .ih(?II lvllivil t•.(!11i,(`1111- 1!, 1'11.!1,f.,!. 1 'rll ! „1 ,F r r I,!111t (;Irr,li!r1 ;1 ww41 5w)IOt•7 to (l!„ 1.1ffICm of AIII111111SI,r11jvC I ((':hilt rq 11 f .1. 11•? Ja`:' P 1zinlt, i 1.1 `, ?+1 I i 1;17, This r:(!flifitlalaua :lnd lt. voll Iilions sire 61111 :111(1 11110;1l!1 11111,•,;•: `,o!! !"I f.. il. yri!!1• '1'111±: t(1ffP7 cntrll?lrtc^• 11(.• Yr•,.?.?... .,l' ,1„ 1 `n i.; :. ... •• ( (. , . ?r •11rin nt:r1 F.'Inltnt.,.r..a,l1 111111+`.r (aiCtlOn '101 of file, f_in'l11 ?V:11er !irf. If v"1t It:r„. 1„( ,1,! I, •, 1 I .. •• 1, 1,•1,11, 11C Ir,i1!! V• Ojlwv ;t( 919.733- I l t'F, Il?,i 1.11' I! ? ?'{?•? I`',.i 1. ' 4 J f i , j Alt,achll om. ! . \tl'ilmit?yloll Oklrirf f`,:rlr• ,11' UIV, ••, •`r: Colp'; of Pliginr!!r^ W:l,hillrttm I•iOO 011i!'-•. \V;1,0 11f1. ll I FNI h,?^ic!!trll (11'11(; t.-fr. Inlln hc,rnr.: C't ltral Filf's lllhll "111tltlias::1ohli •1IN•111li1`: 1°11!;inr! !i!!!,. (af?O3siQ.l lr El Ivil onlyip)l it]I jrl'r14^'• 1tr^11':11, 1:1111 T?ne>.(y r.r,_,alr 1''., c.<-d.,.t_1l3 1 t(; :'11'1! 1 1! 1,1:'.`11(!'!1!1 '13:3-17i(R FN: N 733-9955? An t51 unl t_1lipw1t.1111ty AIIIr,r1 ilt, f- ?,'tl1„ ('r'1'1!! r? i" I '!I%111^:, rHhl ( tm-..!I(noe rar,nr ` . i ?t ,;, ,'' 3 ?_? h F ?`.lljjg ` ' :. i .' ?i 3 -)N TC THE JR°S ' - gGIX-=RS 2) \_°LiG? _"ON FOR SECTION 40! CzR"_'I: ICA'T'ION 31 ''.^.CRD IVA'^?CN - _"_'__v •,.a; NC DIV-SION OF OOAS'"Al '- NAGZ1,1FNT S`•? THE OR?GINAL AND S NLD OF i r (1) COPY OF T?3IS COMPLF•TED FO_ CE OF TOTE CORPS OF ENGINEERS RM TO THE (7) COP_TES SHOULD BE (56- AGENCY -°ROPR_._? ^? SENT TO THE N.C. _ ADDRESSES SE S^i ._ DIVISION QC ENV __ ._ ?... ?f7EE PLEASG PR _. :`I `?' -RGNp?ENrn]:. ern \f ?i '=`Ll:.Nm 1 . OWNERS NA?uE : ck, so 'V 2. `4r?=EIVG ,DCR SS: U qs ? _J . ^ SUBDIVISION NAME CITY, :CfMdli._c ? ? STATE: PROJECT T ZI,P CODE: 2 b MA_ LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVT L LING n-DDR--SS ABOVE) : I IS- p.N NAM T - , : ?,y C 1 -- D"_ _" Ei ER e Q c? jam- 1 " 3 ?'ELc,Pf;ONc NUMBER HOME • Is APPLICABLE:_ aGZNT' S NA PHONE NUMBER: / ^ d ??`r`v?`'t S C 2(R5-6- MA LOCA ON Jc ;Jc. P r - 1? -- --- " nF PONSIBLE CORPORATT OF?? TAT X3 /`7~ c?37 ADDRESS 21) 25 C o" PCB ?l .? .: ? , :<. '1 I i !i'I I I II II'll Y. i 1 'I II M II . t I! I, I ! ! :.'! , I I:: I I, : I'., t11 11_1`33 1.b1: r1G110'I Prt 3 - In of North l;rI I (11II Iv I i;)c,l• ,( lrnant of hrivirnrimoril, I lonllh and Nalurn) 1)ivin,ion of lznvirnnn)P ,,.iI m.tll.tflf'•Ilwio )t']t11t?~ n- HUrlf, JI'_ (.'(')1l1411 If )I •lt`f1`lrlltlrl Q. { I(7Wt '?.c r rt•(, I',' 11 (? I'(`+c;rr'1t? latitnr 1?t I I' G:. r 1il''"'? i, ! 1i i'(lf OVA 1, of 401 Wi?I ff., l l ri, (, c!,tl!, !,i••r• h'1111.t,llitl.i(1 1111111tioll Lta1'lll, l:allit r`a'O%, Iit O, ?1(.!^$Sl:q 4 . t T. I TAI I?F!ij!;`CI ft 'I!illil?(V Yon 1mve. flnr apprr v!4 Io pl:,.:, !ill I;$-If; !;:If ,,,' for fht`. rtnrosr „P hifildillif ;I flonm, al C':tl'(1101:1 Pi!,%?; !u1hilivi'dolt. 1 of i it, voiiy arolicaticn d,,Itccl 23 ApOl 1906. After rP`•k wim, vrnlr 111'_,1 il)i ; 1111 i'? i'(rvilr('il by ('11cral \i:11t°4 (11i8h1y (`C•rti(itiIiU11 i?t!ifll.tir:r )riii. Ih,r :n, r• , .,II ,:•.`!' t't:,U h:! UtiC. I`Jg(ip,ltvi(1C Pt'C1i11t ia„IrthrT' ?Ili wlt'n it i!:1CR,ff,l I,1' I.h,' {.,.,i.:• rtl I pt.•i!,,.,.,. Ihlf, 11111COv71l I! (![111' "'1111A fi)r Ihr i !ni t,:r .4: ir!! Ilrtl ri,n ,I,";L.l'IhQra iY, V(1t11' ifOrllt`.ltion. It yitn th:ing? Vo Ilr 1?J't?aaca, Y011 Infit:l n!llily It• 111fl 11.11 ,,, , i,: ,•>,,It,i, tl Lo ,:C:ntt It,, a Ivv%v vi'l;c1liptl. T:nr tor;,,. m•,pro-ni tc, Ut•. v:,Titl. 1•,,,.' 1111r.I i,tlt % Ii„• , I t, i• t!, lir:rr,I in flit :utat:h<„i , e:nificarit?n. In ,lrlflilinfl. y(rll shnnlrl t!c.•1 '!ny flillf`r I'r-flrral. 'tr!n<'„ I:,. . r with vnisr Pi<i ll Yntt fl(a Clot riveelti. Ally 1A., (ht! 1r)11,116ott r,f r1!?. • •_.'f+? , ,lif!n. tr,rl o!fty 'w;k Itx' stn Irljllflicntory h,-rl1?n C. oll l"llo art Nlthin 6171 ,h r. of U!' ila(,_ il! :! ! i. , tt!i•: I;•!nr.I. To ;tr:k Tttt' a 1-:4rink, St !t(i :?',v('itte'.1? 3re'.f-itiott tvhi!'h rt?nf't!rn,' n, +7 Ir,i::r 1!'o ! 111 i';Irt>lin, (:,tnctr:+I ?its?tntr.? r(r o", rlflit r? of A(1lniaistrntivr. Iitt:,ri1! !; It f t it,,.. 1:17 I ,i _ i„I,, RC' hip t:c!iii(!t`aUot1 ffpfl ICS voilditions ue ritlll 11,111 hfllchm, flnl: <;:, y,•!! ,.;f. 1„.- • , 11-.161w ?rltif: Inowr cgrnl)I^.t?^ 11, ,. 1' ,h, 1 _ r t ,! , .I!, !. ,!!: I P.Inn:,f•,.,,.,•.!r „ (,tu-tion 'lfil (If illf' (_?lenl Wale--r Ao.. If wilt It:,,,• !r,t ,IrI''.li r•I• _ t, I,•Ll,r,rlt- i;`Im Fic) ocv is (Vi(i.73 . 1` •t'ii^ ,tl t'I,"i••n,•r: 1•t willllillplon N'.160 . Co1[,s of Ftlvifwel-, Wa-biltnll m HOO ("'Ili:c" %rhingtoll IJi{h1 I?,'.;`ii?!1'll (Yfit I"Ir. John Domey copra) File's John rt'llolllas: ,kthll 111Qlmm 11WJf!r M1!1 fI?IYC)Iti119f1t 11 c'1t:ISf1C^°- itl^rl':i1. 111)1 FT?••ay '.r,_!jl; I?:':,.• ti , I f(; +it'!) % 1 I!'iar:+lt,' c!1 `•1 Y3:7-171trt FAX N 7' 13-995q !l/1 1'!itlal r'.1ppodw-,ity Aflion ili it A''ti'l - i7r-,hir,!! - N•-! <:`r:'I!+tli 117":. pfht cxi'.,Ifn,`!r @P(!^r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. John Thomas Thomas Engineering PO Box 1309 New Bern, NC 28563-1309 Dear Mr. Thomas: DWQ # 980732 11kT 1 TWAJ Re: Lot 12, Carolina Pines Estates Craven County A NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES August 19, 1998 The Division of Water Quality has reviewed your submittal for a 404/401 permit for residential development on lot 12 in Carolina Pines Estates in Craven County. Your application was not complete since we are concerned about cumulative impacts in this development. Please provide information regarding any additional wetland impacts that you are aware of in this development. This information is needed by DWQ in order for us to decide whether this project is approvable. I can be reached at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. Until this information is received, I will request (by copy of this letter) that the Corps of Engineers place this project on hold. Also, the project will be placed on hold for our processing due to incomplete information (15A NCAC 2H.0507(a)(4)). Jo in R. Dorney Water Quality Ce ification Program i cc: Washington DWQ Regional Office Wilmington District of Corps of Engineers Washington Field Office Corps of Engineers John Dorney Central Files 980732.h1d Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper THOMAS ENGINEERING, P.A. 9 JOHN G. THOMAS, P.E. sulti_ng Engineering - Construction Staking - Planning 203 Glenburnie Drive P.O. Box 1309 New Bern, North,Carolina 28560 (919) 637-2727 (919) 636-2448 -- TRANSMITTAL -- TO: N.C.D.E.N.R. ATTN: JOHN DORNEY 4401 REEDY CREEK ROAD RALEIGH, N.C. 27607 PROJECT: LOT 12-CAROLINA PINES ESTATES VIA: US MAIL X ENCLOSED HEREWITH AS REQUESTED UNDER SEPERATE COVER X FOR REVIEW & COMMENT FOR YOUR FILE X FOR APPROVAL ITEMS SENT: NUMBER OF COPIES DATE NW#26 PERMIT APPLICATION / 7 / 7/1/98 COMMENTS: BY: JOHN THOMAS DATE: 07/21/98 PROJECT NO. 98023 1':. :. J??'`? t •? ' ?:.? f?''?] ((jam A?{y J 9 ' m 1? 1!l T,, -O - CJIL°S is _?JG IN-?'?RS 2) -'kPPLIC T,ON FOR SECTION 4 J) 01 CZR^?^? mION ^CRDT VA "? CN WITH my VC D IV _ S ION OF COAS'?A-L -" NAGc.MEN^' SEND T`•= OR_TGINAL aND FI-? O (1) COPY OF THIS COhg'ILT-D F"r'?Cz' OF T?-?E CORPS OF ENGI FORM T NE S TO yr ?p?ROPR ;- a' (7) COPTES SHOULD BE Sc IT E --- (S_-_ AGc^NC'? - TO TH N . C . J1 ;T- ADDRESSES Sri -7"') . E SEE Av ,;,? p _SICN ? CE Or iC u?N ?NV=RONMENTas ?LEASE JR_NT Nv;: NT • OWNERS wuuE : ? G k 0-V 2, XA71,7jIG ?DGR SS : S - . U? /3 v nl C ?SJ?o.? /,3a ? suBDIVIS ON NA14E:?yd' fff CITY; ?NC ?? C\ ISM aC,G q- LI `r" S T?? T E : ZIP CODE: 2 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS ENCLUDING PILING P-DDRESS n-30VE) : 7 SUBD_V?Sr N NAM r_ Gr C?,?? (-" D-_F'E Ei? FR? e ?..?- 3 TELEPHONE NU'?BER ; `OME 4. Is APPL:C_BLE: GE T' PHONE N?BER : S NA yd /?y?c td?S C 2R.5-C 6 O ,vc?P. Jc q _ ---- - -- un- LC ON JG rim.. (WORK) : 5P L c? ?'Z7ZrI Oycl5PO"SI3LF CRPORFT ADDRESS 272 Wit- C -, (Do /-1 .-r . J' ------SI'i_; i, i,O(-'ATii)N (lNC'lAlDj:i IJI1MIiE,'!L'i, I,AhJIrMi\I i<:;, I L - /-- - (? ?- - --- / ? 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: ? e e w c ? j?nr-/Z. RIVER BASIN: S -A?? ?a• IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTAND;NC;'RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ) NO fl-f IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b- IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COA MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)? YES [ ) NO [L 7c- IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT-IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? r`c ?s 7 1Cr?V 8a- HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BE PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE-ON , THIS PROPERTY? YES [ j NO [ IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CERTIFICATION): (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 8b- ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIX--REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES ( 1 NO [ IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 1'U'f'r.L iVi/MBE:R OI ACRE: IN 1't AC E !,ANP 1Ji1Ml+F:1 it ACRE:: WETLAND': i MPACTEI? By 'RO POSE:D PROJECT BY: .i,tF,?: d.o s3`f ' L? a iU I IVi, DPAI.NAGE: _ TOT•AL ACRES TO BI.: IMPACTED: _ G• 0 S3 --1__ 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION): LENGTH BEFORE: - FT AFTER: WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal nigh water -- FT contours): WIDTH AFTER: FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: FT FT AFTER: (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RES FT ULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: APPLY) PLAC CHANNEL EXCAVATI EMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: --- ON: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROP ?S,E/D/ WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE POND? WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? 12- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING MECHANICAL, EQUIPMENT DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF ONLY):' TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X,11" DRAWINGS -c L I I 1 t1Rt>c?:,,' c )i WORE : T ?v ) d '' -- - e v , t J ti S rte, e . ?, <-l? 1` 1 1J lJ "" ill : t I ; i:: l i I' I i i l ??tJ Ij;i n,t.J? 11' ?. Ilt2';. ''f.l t.h; ,•, ,?I11';'I LS P. • 1?' ?•4 ?- ra- - - -- 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED r0 CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE (USFWS) AND/OR-NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) SERVICE r ADDRESSES SHEET} REGARDING (SEE AGENCY THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR J T PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL, HABITA IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY-BE_ AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: FROM THESE AGENCIES.) (ATTACH RESPONSES 16. YOU ARE EQU3-RE-D_-T,LG--ONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRF . SSES_SHEET ?SERVAON?FICER ?;j?? PROPERTIES. ) -REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC I-N--nE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY TRE-PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: ` 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [J NO N' (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [] NO (1 b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [) NO [ 1 IF' ANSWER '1,0 17b TS "TATI: i'I,I;);i: Its iiJ TH}'N 'Uf,MT'1 APt'ROPRIA''E 1>OCUMF:NTATION tRC)t'1 `PHE C'( NP!, 1 Am-l-, Wl ,,, 1 I' l)1 V 1 :;'t U7 t ' RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RE!AR1,1 N(", ')"L >T I ON , REGA1:17I NC; 'I'ii REVIEW t .1 •? tiff; L . Id '' tvl:.. lit I'HI "! i )W1:N(, I'I'l;M:. :;HOULI! til: INCLUDED i i) li 11 I.,.1 c:AT:I ON I F 'i'?'? iJl"i'...?!J! !'ItF ?l ??I i,ii•li't'I'I:I<i i IJ!":' ;',IJI Dl -J Nr !' i )!i h1i ! >H<?l4].NG P.I,!. ,v; .'11t'UJi? , I; '•H! i'Rl.)PER1 ? (FOR NATIONWIDE ?.? t•.!.?.Pl:i, L.Ai<i.:: I L,RM]'1 IJllilbl h.`; 1.9, 18, 21, 2b !'.IJI 7'1tl;i"•.I1.`; i .N'I,FP.MI1 PENT AND IdU' 1' lil: :.1H ;1JN UN THE MAP. MAP SCALES SIi0U1,D 1.11:1 1 Ii i! PRUPEI1.1 , i Nc H I;QL1A1,: j ()O FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. ;C UnLS 50 FEET OR 1. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT p c .. (IWH T IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? eS? F REQ D. f• IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? 9• SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. `J E NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE. OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL, MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY) , A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS ONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. J ;. J o w w L• O O o i_ O Z - U 1, ? a 3 w :? a 3 F + U z W F V F H Q > W (A V1 •: V7 O W W ? w U w a O w O lp H H N 1 H H, 7 w o n Z ° 7 ? O m Rbo C o m O Z o m ,? 3 !] rv F w o r r ? rv m W U o - Z O X ,-. C Q t" W 0 z N W m co 0 z 0 a a Ed r) z O W l -t l l M O W O F aW a w F Z o W m v y H o~ a m a co Wy 0 w . 3 5 w N z 3 N W C W ° . O U b r W n H ~ a z d? w ?0 W as N tnH £Fx r?zir w b O M M r4 > 1-4 CY, L1: q O r a M In Z N X N u r P P Q w. H b W W 1 O ° ' O P Z 0 y0 b x ' 202E w Lnw 0 0 H H H ry Ln r- W H Z a 0% M 0 v r H V C7 W> rv W 0 2 U H z o w _ m C, m Z a r ? > Z0cCw Z0% F wm t.l a w ] O .-? 1" !• W O V tY 5 w 2 .•r O Z U) V m F H H O O C9 2 m O ?7 0 ..? Z v • ? H E, C W H O. -- w W Q (/7 > V O 0 4 Z r w V y W F Z > K W a al , j m o w F a IX o z Q to 0= O 2 0' F w 0 V O w O F tY w w H . .1 .7 J H W 5 W al > 1'"J Q H 4 g H w w W W w z x a Co F x x a ? 'n ^ cn w r L. o F ` V vl w ,a u D W O F O r t cn ul vvv??? O rv (.. O 1. ? r7 7 t'R 1 '" t f? ( tl ? ' 11 z L .l i 0 J V F- cn 2 3 d a0 4 Z F r FF ? rA ] - __ n 5 . (+: ? . 2 J ? .te ., - 7j .--7 Q O J O? O O 3 N U 4 O W Z W H -' '+ W W U V U-• ! Q - O W .? a o f a F a Of H .?. W H w a: 0 H r O a H a G C) J 4 oQ, OW. OH. Q K F 3 3 2 z O • C7 W a z O + o a W z H W H Ed W Q W H S F a4' aW F CO z Co H a, E? 3 > ? 0: 0 Q p .. d Q 2 Z E. W O Q ? 3 A CQ U V U U q q Q U S h w O a - x W U 2 F O W 0 N W 0 O O ct? F W J ~ N a H Q 000.3 03 2 Z a72 a .] t0,,>> > 0 z 3 w? x z? 0 N W W U G H O X U X a a Z W a °? z 0 O F HQFU W H.73 FQ fa 00 `t a F a 3 . ] o 2 . .1 o f f E C c n i F 3 >. w a ddzct: z w ,?¢vHaa U U O O F q U h f 3 w K .. E _ ..] q cn a W m q O ` W ..1 2 { zd o a o i m o m o o .] zZy U U O 2 4 w q w O W - W z a pa q fQ, > F x 3 O a 14 x _ O W O .7 N1 > J O Q Q 4 2 a7 Q 2K SQ W a 4 14 a: Ll '? 3 rr . . 4 4 O O 'I .7 [4 W L i W W - RL c_r ' , 7 I r.7 j \ Creek, i Cro ar %- i.dnkout To, e i / u0ul (:1. i r ('12( GIAM?l LAND i /? i• ?• i `:? In, '? . y'toatan Hof) CGL ,. • ? ? , ! _- ?. ,? ?/ill , : ? / R m" \ L 1 CROATAN GANIF, LAND l1 )? A I'll, m E SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phasa1: w tn? Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup): vw Field Observation" -- - UA. ( ? ' r AP S Confirm Mapped Type, Yns No Ptoltle Descnotlon Depth Matrix Color nchncr? H)rilon (Munsell Moist ) - - --- Mottle Colors. Monte Texture, Concretions, Mu ll M i - nse o st nhundencn Contrns( S(ructure, etc. zo- Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Histic Epipedon C??r"tions _ Sulfidic Odor ligh Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Listed an Local Hydric Soils List ? R Bing Conditions 7-('sted on National Hydric Soils List _ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: --• WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No (Circle) Wetland Hydrology Present? (Circle) No Hydric Soils Present) e Remarks_ No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wedandl Yes No i•? s> j 1 NI) ! Y DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (13£37 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) I'lr)lcr 1/?Ue: ?? ?tvW?l...{q ''rCllr t?f. Sec. Uattt: - o A0 pIi(.ant/Owner: County: CA Invesugator: ?,? --- State. A L i r) Nurnlal Circumstances exist un the slt(3? Y No Community ID: I-, 'fill site significantly disturbed (Atypical Sity0tionl7 es No Transeci ID L') tl)e area a potential Problem Area? Yes No NOT 11) _ (11 needed, explain on reverse.) - VEGETATION Percent of Dominant Species that are 08L, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). [Remarks: u,nnt Plant Species finnan Irldicntor Dominant Plant S )ecies -- Stratum Indicator -- i--- I `5@ct / Or )1 G- -- LA QC !T_'_Y 10. 12. S. - 13. - - ------ ------- 6. 8. HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge _ Aerial Photographs _ Other No Recorded Data Available Cl;senntions: Wntor- rl i t? -r Waux ut !'!l i! ? ,.u ur uled Sud it r Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Socondary Indicators (z ,it moro required): Oxidized Roul i:hennels n Upper 12 Inches; Water-Silvan.: I gyn. - Locnl Soll ';ur v'% FAC Nntr,.a Otix!+ U q'i,vn .. J A- A, _ i SOILS Mep Unit Name y r (Seri-. and Phaeel: r - _ Orainage Clans: cj,) ( field Observations i Taxonomy (Suhproup): vM C Uwt? ?c Uf _1'S Confirm Mapped Type Yon No P+ofile Oescnptlon: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors. Mottle Textwo, Concretions, nr;l+eo Noriaon (Mansell Moist) Munsoll Moist Ahurxlance (_onuast Structure, etc. Q zU ?- - Hydric Soil Indicators: - Histosol C?rotions - Histic Epipadon ?•lio, Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils - Suffidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hyddc Soils List _ 0acing Conditions ?isted on National Hydric Soils List -?Gleyad or Low-Chroma Colors - - Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegotation Presantl Wetland Hydrology Present Hydric Soils Present? Remarks: No (Circle) No e No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wedand7 Yes No i , "I_;;,„-. t DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 0 987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) I'tt:)jeCt/Site: ?v? IZ (11-1, NN Dale: ?- g Applicant/Owner. ?. Pf-0 _ County: G c?cr-.?_ Investigator: e State: A C... Leo Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Y No Community ID: is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation es No Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes No Plot ID: (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION ^ominant Plant Species <-c` sets hv,.? t c Stratum Indicntor ac ,? w Dominant Plant f2pecios Stratum Indicator 10. 3- 11. 4._ 12. S._ 13. 6. 14. 7- 8- 15. 16. Percent of Qominent Speciei that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-), Remarks: HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): -Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: 1 L,lnh of Surface wator: TO Free Water in Pit lo swurolod S041: i ti? e Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated -Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water Marks _ Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): (in.) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Loaves (in ; -- Local Soil Survey Data FAC Noutr.+i (m.) Other (Explain M Itanratt: s) r) If c Map Unit Name X n \ - - \ (Series and Phaael: /J J GrJ ?] Drainage Clean: - i Taxonomy(Subgroup?: ,AeA-..;e, Cu(A4,w1: c.- ( Field Observations hP I S Confirm Mapped Type? Yea No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mortis Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, inches Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist ) Abundance/Contrast Structure. attc. Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol _ Co rations _ Histic Epipedon _ igh Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _AgWc Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List R tlbing Conditions __11ted on National Hydric Soils List _ Gleyad or Low-Chrome Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No (Circle) (Circle) Wadand Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? a No Is this Sampling Point Within a Wedantd7 Yes No Remarks: ny W1 )SAC .y w V) v v ??ao, 0?a Pr as W W z WW 0 IL Q- 00 W s v o N 17 ?ODI?t0 L ALN i 3 H U OON?O(0 .-p A .-OLOLQLntDLp 0 tpNj't LOr??r m NNMNLon A O E- ,,www333w d r MLnNMO '1111111 •? N't 0 ONLoo 'oLO OM-,t«l*- o?-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 d r LO ZZz( wwz p Z.NN.- CO r tOM a Ln --- U, 0 ?"b0 O?. ,\0 U w z ? r7 M 0 = 60 U z z o r ? O o 0 = o U Q E-? p d W O Ao? O a 2 M 0 0 W O J f- to N Q co w > N ir I U U CL ,! ~ < Z I c W ?o rn LL Ld r } W 1- 2 E-+ Z U Z ou _U Z U f Q w d J LL- .U oa W M C) r LO 0 ZZ M O N C'4 J \ \ > > A \ ? \ O \ ? \\ O Z \ 0 -o -0 C3 7 Q C \ j ` N \ 1 p p ? u7 \ U h O O r N \ 3 W 00 N O I (n N W 00 z O U L9.9ZZ Mw00,01.20S i ?I>> 7 O ? U 10 N Lo W J CO U a? U Il E-L y 0 11?? U W 0 '-' z O O Na U W ao 0 .z I I c F- c I to x rn M. ? w ? x GO F w U o ' a A M F A G P. Q Z O Q V1 = w o ? z Q m 0 ? W nl w ?y ?. ?[ yy J ? U) z o w z O U) o LL. ? Z o z 0 _ w W ? U 3 Q U 0 0 ?-+ Z ? J O x Q _ Ln U a x z 3 O N 00 N OI LO M co ( N _ QN Z: LO ) Q C 4 X Q LL) 0 o ZE = g C9w ?r wZ p0r ZN z u I XIr M M Q m m U) :2 Q Q W LID Ut- dz- i' f r, !?. „r V CL U? - ,? Q z F N C U C I Q ? Q T ? L l?? I 7 j,y.? ? I of }- it o `( s I-- W 4,, i Z LLJ 0 -? ap ?? Nj? U Z I I L` ci Q d 0 u ? O? ? y bJ J 3 VI 0 rl) r- LO ? ? ? pP ? I U Z N O V-) O l 0? p N P S? ?O \ W J? \ as \? C4 w w £L'SZZ M„00,0 t.£0S 6 Z z ?, \ o a a 00 a? M to 04 \ \ g a. a. 01) \ ? ? N?ODI?tOMN U Z V \ ? ? ? 7 0 E O O O O C7 Q \ 11 cj O 00 L'J O N \, ` U r- 0 tr) O O 4 w \ \ 1 q _ Crn LQnrnm° - W co ° N o ?(OrMi r tDrr N NNr) N?r?4 a F f- M ,o w a A 0 Z www?33w (? 'row - ?D U 0, Lo C,4 U ) 0 U - a 't In o cv ? 1 z o L5'9ZZ Mw00,01 sos o OLO 0n) tLO•- O J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 0: : U) to C) K) 4 ZZZf?(?(nZ o U1 Z(Dn O tq to - in Q . Q CO . . ? N ? I ? U U I O U 10 LO N W J Q.- O U I I rn v co E- 12,0 U ?i 00 0 Z co H b N O O a U w?a ao v1 0 z i i I r(1 (? F ? I U m 0.. c' P? W nt ti I E O CD (f) co M. Qu0I Q z J O Q U U) _ W Of z z ? m I- o W ? C\2 W J ` .I } F U U, C) U W z ° °z'- q [-? Z 0 z o ? w 3 Q U 0 Z d a J LL x Q N U a Z 3 O N co d- ?t N (D I o ? e o p c p N _ QN Z In Q J? d ?X Q < lY W U n o Z Z 2 x C) W C.D wZpO? u1 6f ) U f ZW Zr F X 0Q rn -j V) 0 uj (D D Q m m M 0 :E ?j LO UI- dZ -