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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191466 Ver 1_BR-0044 Section 7 Concurrence Request_20191029$51ATEa P wa'srn 'I'� YG 'X.- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR October 29, 2019 Mr. Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor US Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 TAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request for the Proposed Bridge Replacement of Bridge No. 168 on NC 14/87 over the Smith River in Rockingham County, Division 7; TIP: BR-0044; WBS No. 67044.1.1. REFERENCE: Biological Assessment for BR-0044, dated September 27, 2019 (attached). Mr. Benjamin, The purpose of this letter is to request concurrence from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (ESA). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge 168 on NC 14/87 over the Smith River in Rockingham County with a five span, 520 feet long bridge to the north of the current alignment with the existing bridge being utilized as an onsite detour during construction. This action will result in the following impacts: 80 linear feet of permanent stream impact, 10 linear feet of permanent impacts from bank stabilization, 0.47 acre of temporary impacts to surface waters for causeways for bridge construction/removal, and 10 linear feet temporary impacts for bank stabilization. The project is slated to Let in April 2020. As of June 27, 2019, the USFWS lists three (3) federally protected species for Rockingham County Common Name Scientific Name Status Habitat Presence Biological Conclusion Roanoke logperch Percina rex E Yes MANLTAA Smooth coneflower Echinacea laevigata E Yes No Effect James spinymussel Parvaspina collina E Yes MANLTAA** **MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT E-Endangered Roanoke logperch -The Roanoke logperch has been documented in in the past from the Smith River above the Martinsville Dam in Virginia (Roberts et al 2013), upstream from the project location, and from the Smith River in North Carolina slightly over one stream mile downstream of the project location. However, Mailing Address: Telephone: (919) 707-6000 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax: (919) 212-5785 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 RALEIGH NC 27610 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Website: RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 due to the highly regulated flow conditions within the Smith River in the Action Area as outlined in Section 3.0 of the attached assessment, and the isolation of the Action Area from downstream populations by a dam, it is not reasonably certain that the species occurs within the Action Area. Given that the species is not reasonably certain to occur within the Action Area combined with the implementation of the conservation measures outlined in Section 4.2, potential project related effects to the Roanoke logperch will be discountable. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT Smooth coneflower A visual survey conducted for smooth oneflower on June 6, 2018 did not observe the species in the project study area. A review of the NCNHP records on April 16, 2018 indicated no known occurrences within 1.0 miles of the Action Area. Completion of this project will not affect Smooth Coneflower. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: NO EFFECT James spinymussel — A mussel survey on November 14, 2001 indicated that instream habitat for the species was present in the project Action Area. However, no evidence of any species of freshwater mussels was observed. In addition, the highly variable and controlled flow pattern of the Smith River through the project creates an inhospitable (as detailed in Section 3.0) setting for native mussel species. Although the presence of the species in the Action Area cannot be completely ruled out, the distances to current, known records for the species and the highly variable flow conditions in the Smith River within the Action Area, suggest the likelihood of the species presence in the Action Area is very low, and therefore the potential effects to the species are discountable. BIOLOGICAL CONCLUSION: MAY AFFECT, NOT LIKELY TO ADVERSELY AFFECT No Proposed Project Commitments Based on the information presented and, in the attachments, NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied and hereby request your concurrence. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Hemphill at Sincerely, Philip S. Harris III, P.E., C.P.M. Environmental Analysis Unit Head North Carolina Department of Transportation Enclosures: Biological Assessment for BR-0044, dated September 27, 2019 Cc: Gary Jordan, USFWS Marissa Cox, NCDOT BSG-EAU David Bailey, USACOE Kevin Fischer, NCDOT Structures File: BR-0044 Biological Assessment For Replacement of Bridge No. 168 on NC 14/87 Over the Smith River Rockingham County, North Carolina TIP number BR-0044 WBS Element # 67044.1.1 Prepared For: NC Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina Contact Person: Matt Haney Biological Surveys Group North Carolina Department of Transportation mmhaney(rc 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1598 September 27, 2019 Prepared by: RiC%fC 900 Ridgefield Drive, Suite 350 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact Person: Neil Medlin Manager, Natural Resources 919-878-9560 Table of Contents 1.0 Project Overview....................................................................................................I 1.1 Federal Nexus...................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Description............................................................................................1 1.3 Project Area and Setting...................................................................................1 1.4 Project Action Area...........................................................................................1 1.5 Consultation History.........................................................................................2 2.0 Federally Proposed and Listed Species and Designated Critical Habitat ........2 3.0 Environmental Baseline.........................................................................................2 4.0 Project Details........................................................................................................3 4.1 Construction......................................................................................................3 4.2 Conservation Measures.....................................................................................4 5.0 Effects Analysis......................................................................................................5 5.1 Direct Effects....................................................................................................6 5.2 Indirect Effects..................................................................................................6 5.3 Cumulative Effects............................................................................................7 6.0 Effect Determinations............................................................................................7 6.1 Effect Determinations for Listed Species.........................................................7 6.1.1 No Effect Determinations...........................................................................7 6.1.2 May Affect; Not Likely to Adversely Affect Determinations ....................7 7.0 References...............................................................................................................9 Appendix A. Figures: Figure 1: Project Vicinity & Survey Locations Figure 2: Smith River CFS Figure 3: Smith River 2-Month CFS Figure 4: NPDES Dischargers and 303(d) Listed Streams Figure 5: NCNHP Element Occurrences Appendix B. Design Plans Appendix C. Detailed Species Information 1.0 Project Overview 1.1 Federal Nexus The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace Bridge No. 168 on NC 14/87 over the Smith River in Rockingham County (Appendix A, Figure 1). This project is funded by the state of North Carolina and will require a United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit. USACE will serve as the lead federal agency. NCDOT derives their statutory authority via North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 143B — 345 and 346. USACE derives their statutory authority via Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). 1.2 Project Description The action proposed by NCDOT is to replace Bridge No. 168 on NC 14/87 over the Smith River. The bridge has a general northwest to southeast orientation. The action includes all activities required for the bridge replacement project. Demolition of the existing bridge, construction of the new bridge, approach work, etc. are described later in Section 4.1. 1.3 Project Area and Setting This project is located in the EPA Piedmont Ecoregion in central North Carolina. The project area is generally rural and is located adjacent to the north side of the town of Eden. The Smith River flows approximately 44 miles through Virginia and North Carolina. It begins in Henry County, Virginia at Philpott Lake and crosses into Rockingham County in North Carolina. It eventually ends at its confluence with the Dan River near the town of Eden. The proposed bridge replacement project on the Smith River is located in the Roanoke River Basin (HUC# 03010103). From the project area, the Smith River flows approximately 4 river miles to the Dan River. 1.4 Project Action Area The project Action Area is defined as all areas to be affected directly or indirectly by the federal action and not merely the immediate area involved in the action [50 CFR §402.02]. The Action Area for this project includes not only the footprint of the fill in waters of the U.S., but also those areas of the waters downstream of the proposed fill that might reasonably be affected by the placement of that fill, as well as those segments of the proposed road whose alignment is dictated by the proposed fill, and those segments of the road that would have no independent utility apart from the proposed fill. As such, the ESA Action Area for this project is within the footprint of the regulated activities in the delineated waters, in uplands immediately adjacent to those waters that would be affected due to the authorized work in waters of the U.S., in waters downstream that would be expected to be affected by the proposed activities in waters of the U.S. and the uplands noted above. For this bridge replacement, the limits of the effects are considered to include the limits of construction of the approaches (approximately 862 feet from the northwest end of the bridge and Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 1 approximately 848 feet from the southeast end of the bridge), and any areas receiving the runoff from the construction activity including the Smith River extending 400 m (1,314 ft.) downstream and 100 m (328 ft.) upstream of the structure. The stream bank stabilization activities would be included within this stream segment. 1.5 Consultation History The preparation of this Biological Assessment is the beginning the of the consultation for this project. 2.0 Federally Proposed and Listed Species and Designated Critical Habitat As of August 30, 2019, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) indicated three federally listed species for Rockingham County (Table 1). No proposed species were noted for Rockingham County. Table 1. Federally Listed Species for Rockingham County, North Carolina Common Name Scientific Name Status Roanoke Logperch Percina rex Endangered James Spinymussel Parvas ina collina Endangered Smooth Coneflower Echinacea laevi ata Endangered The primary focus of this Biological Assessment is on the Roanoke Logperch and James Spinymussel. The Smooth Coneflower is not discussed further until Section 6.0. No Critical Habitat has been designated for any of these species. 3.0 Environmental Baseline The Smith River at the project site is a highly regulated stream with extreme ranges in flows (Figures 2 and 3). Philpott dam was constructed on the Smith River in 1953 and is used to control flooding and provide peak power generation. Fluctuating releases generated by Philpott dam have substantially altered the downstream ecosystem, impacts include highly modified flows, coldwater thermal regime, modified or altered aquatic community, and reduced productivity (Orth 2004). In addition to the Martinsville and Philpott dams above the reach of the river where the project is located, the project reach itself is above another dam separating it from the lower portions of the Smith River as well as the Dan River. There are no NPDES permitted dischargers in North Carolina at locations that could affect water quality at the project site (Figure 4). Dischargers downstream on the Dan River could potentially affect the Dan River downstream of the confluence with the Smith River, potentially affecting aquatic species recruitment to the lower Smith River. There are no permitted dischargers in Virginia within 7 stream miles of the project location. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 2 The Smith River in the project area is on the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) - Division of Water Resources 2018 303(d) list of impaired streams (Figure 4). The stream is on the list for exceeding the criteria for a Fair benthic macroinvertebrate rating. A review of NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) records, last accessed August 30, 2019, indicated there is an element occurrence (EO) for one of the target species within a 5-mile buffer of the project bridge (Figure 5). This occurrence is for the Roanoke Logperch (EO ID 25404) and begins approximately 1.3 stream miles downstream from Bridge No. 168. This occurrence was first observed on July 24, 2007 and last observed on July 28, 2016. The closest occurrence for the James Spinymussel (EO ID 37056) approximately 9 stream miles downstream from the project bridge, is on the Dan River. The only observation date for this EO was November 18, 2016. There is no recent survey information for either of these species within the project reach of the Smith River. This is largely due to the flow ranges referenced above being unpredictable and presenting significant challenges to safely accessing the river to conduct effective aquatic surveys. Although the Roanoke Logperch has not been documented from the project reach, the species has been documented above and below the project location. The species was first detected in the Smith River in North Carolina in September 2007. A genetics study of the species indicated that the Smith River population, including those individuals from above and below the project reach, was genetically similar (Roberts et. al 2013). This suggests the source of the first Roanoke Logperch individuals collected in North Carolina was likely to have been the Smith River. For this to be the case, the species would have to had passed through the project reach as larvae or adults sometime in the past. However, in the Smith River in Virginia, the Roanoke Logperch population downstream of Philpot dam has been considered limited due to cold summer temperatures, fluctuating flows during spawning, and excessive silt and sand in pool habitats (Orth 2004). In addition, Roanoke Logperch populations have been estimated to be more robust when flows are moderate and constant, not highly variable discharges which are presumed to displace or kill individuals (Anderson et al 2013). Although the presence of Roanoke Logperch at the project location at any given time cannot be ruled out, it is not reasonably certain that the species occurs within the Action Area given the highly regulated conditions. No mussels have been collected within the project reach. A survey on November 14, 2001 at the project location reported no mussels detected. 4.0 Project Details 4.1 Construction Bridge No. 168 is currently a 525-foot long structure, with a reinforced concrete deck on steel beams, and a reinforced concrete substructure. The bridge has 7, 75-foot spans, with 4 bents in the Smith River channel. NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 168 has a sufficiency rating of 69.08 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge was constructed in 1966 and is considered structurally deficient according to the latest NCDOT bridge inspection report. Existing interior bents catch large amounts of debris, including logs, during significant rain events. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 3 The current bridge will remain in place to carry traffic until the new bridge is constructed. When the new bridge is complete, traffic will be shifted onto it and the old bridge will be taken down. The superstructure of the current bridge will be removed by cutting it up and lifting out the pieces by crane. The substructure will be cut and removed by crane. The current bridge has 4 bents in the Smith River channel. Bridge removal work will progress from a causeway. Demolition will occur after construction of the new bridge is complete. Rock causeways will be used during demolition. It is anticipated these causeways will be in place for two months since there are three bents that will need to be removed using the causeways to position the equipment. The fourth bent in the Smith River channel should be able to be removed from land. Partial removal of rip rap associated with the current bridge may be needed. The new bridge will have 5 spans, with 1 at 105 feet, 3 at 115 feet, and 1 at 85 feet. This arrangement calls for 2 bents to be placed in the waters of the Smith River. Causeways are anticipated to be installed for 6 weeks for each bent that is in the water during construction. This timeframe includes construction of the causeways. Causeways will be installed to block no more than 50 % of the channel. Rip rap will be used along both banks for stabilization. Earthwork will be required at each end of the bridge to achieve the desired road grade. This work will generally consist of excavation at the northwest end of the bridge and fill at the southeast end. The 100-year Water Surface Elevation will be approximately 18 feet above the causeway. The staging area for equipment and materials used during project construction will likely be in the northeast quadrant of the Action Area. 4.2 Conservation Measures The conservation measures outlined below will be incorporated into the design and construction of this structure. These measures will help to avoid and minimize effects to the Smith River and the Roanoke Logperch and James Spinymussel. NCDOT will adhere to Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds described in 15A NCAC 0413.0124. Special procedures will also be used for clearing and grubbing, grading operations, seeding and mulching, and staged seeding within the project. • Clearing and Grubbing In areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the Contractor may perform clearing operations, but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations as described in Article 200-1 of the Standard Specifications. Only clearing operations (not grubbing) shall be allowed in this buffer zone until immediately prior to beginning grading operations. Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately following the clearing operation. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 4 • Grading Once grading operations begin in identified Environmentally Sensitive Areas, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. All construction within these areas shall progress in a continuous manner such that each phase is complete and areas are permanently stabilized prior to beginning of next phase. Failure on the part of the contractor to complete any phase of construction in a continuous manner in Environmentally Sensitive Areas will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of work in accordance with Article 108-7 of the Standard Specifications. • Seeding and Mulching Seeding and mulching shall be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction immediately following final grade establishment. No appreciable time shall lapse into the contract time without stabilization of slopes, ditches and other areas within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas. • Stage Seeding The work covered by this section shall consist of the establishment of a vegetative cover on cut and fill slopes as grading progresses. Seeding and mulching shall be done in stages on cut and fill slopes that are greater than 20 feet in height measured along the slope, or greater than 2 acres in area. Each stage shall not exceed the limits stated above. All applicable practices from the following documents will be used during project design and construction: Erosion and Sediment Control Design and Construction Manual (NCDOT 2015); Stormwater Best Management Practices Toolbox (NCDOT 2014); and Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities (NCDOT 2003). No direct discharge of deck drains over water will be allowed. Discharge from the deck drains will be directed to dissipator pads located between the toe of the rip rap stabilization and the water's edge. Project design calls for a reduction in the number of bents within the Smith River channel to be reduced from 4 to 2 bents. 5.0 Effects Analysis Project -related threats to the Roanoke Logperch and James Spinymussel can be separated into direct, indirect, and cumulative effects. Direct effects refer to consequences that are directly attributed to the construction of the project, such as land clearing, stream channelization, and erosion. Indirect effects are those effects that are caused by, or will result from, the proposed action and are later in time, but are still reasonably certain to occur. Cumulative effects are those effects of future State or private activities, not involving federal activities, that are reasonably certain to occur within the action area of the federal action subject to consultation [50 CFR Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 5 §402.02]. Potential direct, indirect, and cumulative effects to the Roanoke Logperch and James Spinymussel which may result from the project are discussed here. Project construction such as bridge replacement can also result in beneficial species effects. Removal of existing instream bents and concrete slope protection can stabilize and improve habitats that were previously unsuitable. 5.1 Direct Effects While instream surveys have not documented the presence of Roanoke Logperch or James Spinymussels at the project location, their presence at the project site cannot be ruled out. Direct effects on the Roanoke Logperch may be caused by increased sedimentation due to erosion during and immediately after construction. Increased sedimentation can affect the species by clogging gills, interfering with feeding, and burying eggs. However, implementation of the conservation measures outlined in Section 4.2 will significantly decrease the potential for sedimentation and its potential effects on the Roanoke Logperch. Proper installation and maintenance of the erosion control measures will reduce the potential sedimentation effects to an insignificant level. The placement of rock causeways in the Smith River and the placement of rip rap along the stream banks for bank stabilization has the potential to crush Roanoke Logperch individuals, crush eggs of the species, and bury prey items such as aquatic insects. Due to the high mobility of individuals, the potential for an individual Roanoke Logperch to be crushed by construction related activities is very low and therefore discountable. The sources of potential direct effects on the James Spinymussel are the same as those discussed above for the Roanoke Logperch. Increased sedimentation can clog mussel siphons and completely bury individuals if enough sediment accumulation occurs. Individual mussels lack the mobility of fish and are at greater risk of being crushed by the installation of rock causeways or rip rap if they are present at the time of these activities. In addition to the potential direct effects on the mussels themselves, the increased sedimentation and rock placement may have an effect on the host fish of James Spinymussel in the same manner as described for the Roanoke Logperch. Based on stream flow conditions, a 2001 mussel survey, and distances to known James Spinymussel records, the potential for this species to be present in the project construction area is very low. Therefore, the likelihood of any direct effect on the James Spinymussel is discountable. 5.2 Indirect Effects Indirect effects of the bridge replacement are likely to be minor and temporary. Flow patterns may be altered during construction and could cause a change in erosion and sedimentation levels in the Smith River. However, given the already highly regulated flow conditions in the Action Area, any minor alterations in flow patterns would be insignificant. The reduction of the number of bridge bents currently in the Smith River will have a long-term beneficial effect on the Roanoke Logperch and James Spinymussel. By reducing the number of Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 6 bents in the stream, the potential for the bridge to collect debris is reduced. Debris accumulation can cause disruptions in flow patterns which have the potential to redirect flow onto stream banks resulting in bank erosion and increased sedimentation. The size and amount of debris accumulation may necessitate the use of heavy equipment to remove it and depending on where the equipment is operated from, there is potential for erosion and runoff from the equipment location. Decreasing debris accumulation reduces the need for and the frequency of such removal activities. 5.3 Cumulative Effects NCDOT is not aware of any other projects planned in the action area. There should be no cumulative effects of this project. 6.0 Effect Determinations 6.1 Effect Determination for Listed Species 6.1.1 No Effect Determinations for Listed Species A visual survey conducted for Smooth Coneflower on June 6, 2018 did not detect the species in the project Action Area. A review of the NCNHP records on April 16, 2018 indicated no known occurrences within 1.0 miles of the Action Area. Completion of this project will not affect Smooth Coneflower. 6.1.2 May Affect; Not Likely to Adversely Affect Determinations for Listed Species Records for the James Spinymussel in North Carolina exist from the Smith River approximately 9 stream miles downstream of the Action Area in the Dan River. A mussel survey on November 14, 2001 indicated that instream habitat for the species was present in the project Action Area. However, no evidence of any species of freshwater mussels was observed. In addition, the highly variable and controlled flow pattern of the Smith River through the Action Area creates an inhospitable (as detailed in Section 3.0) setting for native mussel species. Although the presence of the species in the Action Area cannot be completely ruled out, the distances to current, known records for the species and the highly variable flow conditions in the Smith River within the Action Area, suggest the likelihood of the species presence in the Action Area is very low, and therefore the potential effects to the species are discountable. The Roanoke Logperch has been documented in in the past from the Smith River above the Martinsville Dam in Virginia (Roberts et al 2013), upstream from the project location, and from the Smith River in North Carolina slightly over one stream mile downstream of the project location. However, due to the highly regulated flow conditions within the Smith River in the Action Area as outlined in Section 3.0 of this assessment, and the isolation of the Action Area from downstream populations by a dam, it is not reasonably certain that the species occurs within the Action Area. Given that the species is not reasonably certain to occur within the Action Area combined with the implementation of the conservation measures outlined in Section 4.2, potential project related effects to the Roanoke Logperch will be discountable. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 7 6.2 Effect Determination for Critical Habitat The project location is not within Critical Habitat for the Roanoke Logperch, James Spinymussel, or Smooth Coneflower. Therefore, Critical Habitat will not be affected by completion of the proposed project. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 8 7.0 References Anderson, G.B., J.H. Roberts, P.L. Angermeier. 2013. Monitoring of Endangered Roanoke Logperch in Smith River Upstream of Philpott Reservoir. Project report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, NC. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facility Permits. http://data- (March 2019). North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources. 2019. 2018 North Carolina 303(d) List. gov/ncdeg/Water%Quality/Planning/TMDL/3 03 d/2016/2016_NC_Categor X 5 303d_list.pdf (August 2019) North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP). 2019. nheo-2019-07. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence polygon shapefile. July 2019. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) 2003. BMPs for Construction and Maintenance Activities. https://connect.ncdot. gov/projects/Roadway/RoadwayDesi gnAdministrativeDocuments/B est%20Management%2OPractices%20for%2OConstruction%20and%2OMaintenance%20 Activities.pdf NCDOT 2014. Stormwater Best Management Practices ToolBox. Version 2. BMP_T oolbox_2014 April.pdf NCDOT 2015. Erosion and Sediment Control Design and Construction Manual. ESC_ Manual 2015 pddf Orth, Donald. 2004. Influences of Fluctuating Releases on Stream Fishes and Habitat in the Smith River, below Philpott Dam. Final Report. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Richmond, VA. Roberts, J.H., P.L. Angermeier, E.M. Hallerman. 2013. Distance, dams, and drift: what structures populations of an endangered, benthic stream fish? Freshwater Biology 58:2050-2064. Biological Assessment; Bridge No. 168, Rockingham County September 2019 Page 9 Appendix A Figures E14 USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, NORTHWEST EDEN, NC No�- 87 A Prepared By: Prepared For: BRIDGE # 168 ON NC14, NC 87 Dace: September 2019 "°p'"° OVER SMITH RIVER Scale 0 200 Feet Figure z • BR-0044 Job No. BR-0044 OF11MPNS��Po ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Drawn by: GSM KNM Checked bv: USGUSGS 02074000 SMITH RIVER AT EDEN, N 2999 a L U 1000 4} 41 C] 7 C] 41 bJp L L C] N G 300 May May May May May Jun Jun Jun 27 28 29 30 31 01 92 03 2619 2919 2019 2619 2619 2919 2019 2619 ---- Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- Median daily statistic (68 years) — Discharge Figure 2 USGUSGS 02074000 SMITH RIVER AT EVEN, N 4999 0 3000 L 2000 - U a= 4} + 1000 C] •� t 41 b!p L L C] N G 200 Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May Jun 39 96 13 20 27 94 11 18 25 01 2019 2919 2019 2919 2019 2919 2919 2019 2919 2019 Median daily statistic (68 years) Period of provisional data Discharge Measured discharge Period of approved data Figure 3 O VA0021989 0 -f - \1cr /001010 80 is 311 NCO 0016430� �1 i...l L. I � NG0029980 NC0003468 311 NCO060623 NC008518 ' J NC 25071 Legend 311 n C NPDES Sites Survey Location n87 5-Mile Buffer 111a" ,r Analysis NC911 Board NPDES Dischargers and Date September2019 Prepared By: Prepared For: N°eip 303(d) Listed Streams Scale Figure BRIDGE # 168 ON NC14, NC 87 0 1 Mikes �. OVER SMITH RIVER Job No. BR-0044 Fo BR-0044 4 9e OF TFlPNROCKINGHAM COUNTY Drawn by: GSM KNM Checked bv: Checked bv: Appendix B Design Plans 0- Ln to Z O LU w TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL 3 Q� N W , 1 W J N W W Z W J N V L P1 Sto 16 +00.61 P1 Sto 28 +02.44 = 9° 53' 29.9" (RT) L = 9° 58' 27.2" (RT) D = 40 05' 33.2" D = 40 05' 33.2" L = 241.70" L = 245.72" T = 121.15" T = 122.17" R = 1,400.00" R = 1,400.00' e = 0.06 FT/FT e = 0.06 FT/FT R.O. = 162.00" R.O. = 162.00' Q CARLTON F. JOYCE DB 1222 PG 1836 DB 673 PG 27A (PLAT) 4 �y �P PETE & DONNA ATKINS DB 1312 PG 668 \Q1) O (0503 ,----- - - - -- - I cn _— _———— — — — — —— 0 NORMAN L. NANCE BRADLEY B. & SHEILA B. NANCE DB 1189 PG 814 PB 74 PG 3 DETAIL 3 TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) 1 0 FILL NATURAL �pC� SLOPE GROUND d GEOTEXTILE d = 2 Ft. Type of Liner= 105 TONS, Class II Rip -Rap GEOTEXTILE = 195 SY FROM -L- STA. 13 + 75 LT TO -L- STA. 15 + 50 LT DETAIL 6 STANDARD BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground .7 ry1 Ground d D Geotextile g Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 2 Ft. *When B is < 6.0' B= 4 Ft. Type of Liner= 29 TONS, CL B Rip -Rap FROM -L- STA. 23 + 80 LT TO STA. 25 + 00 LT IN REMOVE EXIST BRIDGE (STRUCTURE PAY ITEM) Appendix B: Plan Sheet 2 v JONATHAN D. HALL DB 1068 PG 116(PER GIS) THIS DEED DOES NOT DESCRIBE THIS PARCEL DETAIL 7 LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) ISNatural IS Fill Ground ?'7 ID 1 III/Ft. Slope d GEOTEXTILE g Min. D= 2 Ft. Max. d = 2 Ft. *When B is < 6.0B= 4 Ft. T___ _f I (..ems- OA Tnmz ('I R Di.,_D__ b= 5 Ft. 0 NORMAN L. NANCE BRADLEY B. & SHEILA B. NANCE DB 1189 PG 814 PB 74 PG 3 O� \ GREATLAND RETRIEVERS, LLC Z \ \ DB 1523 PG 2994 \ /Vq 0 00 9 2Ln 3'- � \ 8 N \ 30 s\ r ogRFFr \OS9 I T � 96 v90� 93 ,F' tiF F �OF 01- TyF S 32 � ti Rr�F R qS 0- —L— 6RIDG&PAVEMENT END APPROACH SLAB -L- STA.24+82 +/- RELATIONSHIP SKETCH BEGIN BRIDGE -L- STA.19+37 +/- (NOT TO SCALE) SBG SBG LB-77.... B-77 IT T N o o —L — Lw W N N o o o S 62° 36' 40.4" E u- � �' �1 �' a B-77 B-77 7 SBG END BRIDGE BEGIN APPROACH SLAB -L- STA.24+57+/- -L- STA.19+12 +/- OF r Op tiF O S41/T Or14 R 4,-39„ Fn,S DETAIL 5 DECK DRAIN DISSIPATOR PAD ( Not to Scale) FT DISSIPATOR PI AN VIEW PAD *NOTE: CENTER PAD DIRECTLY BELOW DECK DRAINS GROUND J� GEOTEXTILE 1.0' PROFILE VIEW L= 31FT (@ EBI, LT), 41FT (@EBI, RT) L= 58FT (@ E62, LT), 24FT (@EB2, RT) Type of Liner— 31 TONS CL B Rip —Rap Geotextile= 110 sy FROM STA. 20+07 TO STA. 20+38 -L- LT FROM STA. 20+38 TO STA. 20+79 -L- RT FROM STA. 23 + 35 TO STA. 23 + 93 -L- LT FROM STA. 24 + 01 TO STA. 24 + 25 -L- RT QUANTITIES SHOWN FOR EACH PAD PROJECT REFERENCE NO. BR —0044 R/W SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER SHEET NO. 5 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INC®MPLEF� PLANS USE ]F DO NOT USE // W ACQUISITION rreparea in the Office of: _C0M NC FIRM LICENSE No: Drive, 12 Su 701CorpoFIRM Center Drive, Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 854-6200 - (919) 854-6259(FAX) DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED START TRANSITION FROM SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH TO LATERAL BASE DITCH STA:29+00 E I P 0 N C Q sO o � W W W Z W Z V JONATHAN D.HALL DB 1068 PG 116(PER GIS) THIS DEED DOES NOT DESCRIBE THIS PARCEL DETAIL 4 PIPE OUTLET CHANNEL ( Not to Scale) Natural_ "A, �\E atural Ground Fkia. _0/ round sT�Nc / ro ti.� d k CHANNEL BED Length = 12 Ft. (Variable) d = 3 Ft. Est. = 15 Tons of Class I Rip -Rap FROM -L- STA. 15 + 71 LT TO -L- STA. 15 + 76 LT FOR -L- PROFILE SEE SHEET 7 PAVEMENT REMOVAL END BENT EXCAVATION SEE STRUCTURE PLANS (STRUCTURE PAY ITEM) Appendix C Detailed Species Information Detailed Listed Species Information for BR-0044; The Replacement of Bridge 168 over the Smith River in Rockingham County, North Carolina 1.0 Roanoke Logperch (Perrcina rrex) 1.1 Characteristics The Roanoke Logperch is a large darter, growing to a maximum length of 165 mm. The lateral portions of the fish are covered with vertically elongate blotches (8-11) and dark vermiculations are interspersed between dorsal saddles. Its' snout is elongate and conical. The fins are strongly speckled, and the first dorsal fin contains an orange band, particularly vivid in males. Spawning occurs during April -May in deep runs underlain by gravel. As with other Percina species, larval drift probably represents an essential dispersal and recolonization mechanism. This species matures at 2-3 years old and has a lifespan of approximately 6.5 years. 1.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements The Roanoke Logperch is found in the Roanoke River Basin: Rockingham County (Dan River, Mayo River, Smith River, and Big Beaver Island Creek) and potentially portions of the Dan River and tributaries within Stokes, Caswell, and Forsyth Counties. Adult Roanoke Logperch typically inhabit medium to large sized, warm, clear streams and occupy riffles, runs, and pools containing sand, gravel, or boulder. Young -of -year congregate in mixed -species schools in shallow, margin habitat underlain by sand and gravel. Roanoke Logperch utilize their snout to overturn gravel to forage on benthic aquatic macroinvertebrates. 1.3 Threats to Roanoke Logperch Roanoke Logperch populations are threatened by dams and reservoirs, stream channelization, woody debris loss, non -point source pollution caused by urbanization, agricultural, and silvicultural activities, toxic spills and toxic point source discharges, and water withdrawals. These threats are present throughout the historic range of the species. Construction of large impoundments in the Roanoke River Basin in the 1950's and 1960's (Roanoke Rapids, Gaston, Kerr, Leesville, Smith Mountain, and Philpott Reservoirs) may have been the cause of significant declines of Roanoke Logperch due to the massive habitat loss for the species associated with the construction of these reservoirs. These impoundments disrupted the fish's ability to move within its historic range resulting in smaller, isolated (physically and genetically) populations. Small, isolated populations are more at risk of being eliminated by single events. These events could be natural, such as flooding or drought, or anthropogenically influenced such as toxic spills. One such toxic spill occurred in Virginia in 2009 in Cascade Creek less than one mile from the North Carolina state line. Approximately 10,000 fish were killed including 2 Roanoke Logperch. Non -point sources of pollution and siltation can impact aquatic species, including the Roanoke Logperch. Stormwater runoff from lawns, parking lots, streets and other impervious surfaces carry nutrients, oil, metals, and other pollutants into the upper Roanoke River Basin (USFWS 1992a). Siltation is a threat to the species throughout its historic range. Heavy silt deposition reduces habitat heterogeneity and primary productivity and increases egg and larval mortality. It may also impact the macrobenthic communities upon which the Roanoke Logperch rely. Excessive siltation triggered by poor agricultural and logging practices has been problematic in the Nottoway River watershed in the past (USFWS 1992). 2.0 James Spinymussel (Parvaspina collina) 2.1 Characteristics The James Spinymussel was first described in 1837. This species is a small freshwater mussel that is slightly less than three inches in length. Young mussels can have three spines found on their shells and are shinny and yellow in color. The shells of young mussels are subrhomboid with an obliquely subtruncated posterior. Older mussels are dark brown, and exhibit pronounced growth rings and the spines are typically absent or reduced to small bumps. As the shell grows, it also becomes more elliptical in shape, and develops a rounded posterior. The left valve has two thick pseudocardinal and two thin lateral teeth where the right valve contains one of each. Shells have a thicker anterior end and thin toward the posterior. The foot and mantle of adults are noticeably orange, and nacre is peach to salmon colored towards the anterior end. 2.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements It was once found throughout the main stem of the James River and all of its major tributaries upstream of Richmond, Virginia. The species has experienced a precipitous decline over the past two decades and now exists only in small, headwater tributaries of the upper James River Basin in Virginia and West Virginia and the upper Roanoke River drainage of Virginia and North Carolina. These sites include the Craig Creek drainage - Craig Creek, Johns Creek, Dicks Creek and Patterson Creek in Craig and Botetourt Counties, VA. The other sites are Potts Creek - Monroe County, WV and Craig and Alleghany Counties, VA, Pedlar River - Amherst County, VA, Mechums River - Albemarle County, VA, Moormans River - Albemarle County, VA, Rocky Run (Moormans River) - Albemarle County, VA, and Catawba Creek - Botetourt County, VA. The James Spinymussel is found in waters with slow to moderate current and relatively hard water on sand and mixed sand -gravel substrates that are free from silt. Current stream width at these sites varies from 10 to 75 feet with a water depth of 0.5 to three feet. Historic sites on the James River were much wider, up to 165 feet across. 2.3 Threats to James Spinymussel The primary reason for its decline is habitat loss and modification. Threats to this species include siltation, invasion of the non-native Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea), impoundment of waterways, water pollution, stream channelization, sewage discharge, agricultural runoff including pesticides and fertilizers, poor logging and road/bridge construction practices, and discharge of chlorine. Siltation from agricultural and forestry operations and road construction is significant in contributing to water quality problems. Since mussels are sedentary, they are unable to move long distances to more suitable areas in response to heavy siltation. Human activities often create excessively heavy silt loads that can have severe effects on mussels. Suspended sediment can also clog the gills of filter feeding mussels and suffocate them —therefore mussels respond by closing their valves. Overall, siltation can severely stress mussels and lead to chronic effects. The invasion of the Asian Clam also poses a serious threat to James Spinymussels. The Asian Clam, which can achieve high densities and expand rapidly, can increase competition with James Spinymussels and decrease food supply for native bivalves. Disturbance of watersheds also plays a role in the expansion of the Asian Clam. Since the Asian Clam is hermaphroditic, requires no fish host, and spawns twice a year, it may be competitively superior to native mussels in disturbed habitats. Impoundments on rivers in the Southeast have also been responsible for the decline of many mussel populations. Closure of dams changes habitat —depth increases, flow decreases, and silt accumulates on the bottom. Fish communities exchange and host fish species may be eliminated. Mussel communities also change as species requiring clean gravel and sand substrate are replaced by silt -tolerant species. Pollution of inland waters also affects the James Spinymussel. Municipal, industrial, and agricultural pollution have all contributed to reducing various mussel populations in several locations in the Southeast. Some populations have even been extirpated by pollutants including effluent from chlor-alkali plants, fly ash and sulfuric acid spills, acid mine drainage, and organic wastes. It was found that insecticides also have significant effects on mussels and chlorinated effluent from sewage treatment plants can affect the diversity and abundance of mollusks. Acid rain may also pose a threat to Atlantic drainage mussel populations, especially those inhabiting poorly buffered systems. 3.0 Smooth Coneflower 3.1 Characteristics Smooth Coneflower is a perennial herb that grows up to 1.5 meters tall from a vertical root stock. The stems are typically smooth, with few leaves. The basal leaves are the largest, reaching 20 cm long and are elliptical to broadly lanceolate shaped. The flower heads are typically solitary, roughly 5 to 8 cm long, drooping, with light pink to purplish ray flowers. Disk flowers are approximately 5 mm long and have tubular purple corollas with generally erect short, triangular teeth. Flowering occurs from May through July. 3.2 Distribution and Habitat Requirements Smooth Coneflower is endemic to the Piedmont or Mountain physiographic provinces. It is typically found in meadows, open woodlands, the ecotonal regions between meadows and woodlands, cedar barrens, dry limestone bluffs, clear cuts, and roadside and utility rights -of -way (ROW). In North Carolina, the species normally grows in magnesium- and calcium- rich soils associated with gabbro and diabase parent material, and typically occurs in Iredell, Misenheimer, and Picture soil series. It grows best where there is abundant sunlight, little competition in the herbaceous layer, and periodic disturbances (e.g., regular fire regime, well-timed mowing, careful clearing) that prevents encroachment of shade -producing woody shrubs and trees. 3.3 Threats to Species Smooth Coneflower is threatened throughout its range by the suppression of fire and by the ecological succession that occurs in areas not burned on a regular basis. Additional threats include timber operations, intensive utility ROW maintenance, and residential, commercial, and industrial development. References North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Connect NCDOT - Guidance and Procedures_T&E Animal Habitat Descriptions Mar _6_2015. https://connect.ncdot. gov/resources/Environmental/Compliance%20Guides%20and%20P rocedures/TE%20Animal%20Habitat%20Descril2tions%20Mar_6 2015.pdf North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. 2019. (May 2019) Roberts, J. H., P. L. Angermeier, E. M. Hallerman. 2014. Extensive dispersal of Roanoke Logperch (Percina rex) inferred from genetic marker data. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:1-16. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990. James Spinymussel (Pleurobema collina) Recovery Plan. Newton Corner, MA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992. Roanoke Logperch (Percina rex) Recovery Plan. Newton Corner, MA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995. Smooth Coneflower Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 31 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2003. James Spinymussel fact sheet. Gloucester, VA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010(a). Roanoke Logperch (Percina rex) Species Profile. Available: (March 2019) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010(b). Smooth Coneflower (Echinacea laevigata). 5-year Review: Summary and Evaluation. Raleigh, NC. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2019. James Spinymussel (Pleurobema collina) Species Profile, Environmental Online System (ECOS). Available: https:Hecos.fws. og v/ecp0/profile/speciesProfile?sId=2212. (March 2019).