HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210050_Denial of Rescission_20191028 it
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Director Environmental Quality
October 28, 2019
Atlantic Veneer
Scott Vanderwerf
2457 Lennoxville Road
Beaufort, NC 28513
Subject: Rescission of NPDES Stormwater Permit
Atlantic Veneer
Certificate of Coverage: NCG210050
Carteret County
On October 24, 2019, personnel from the Wilmington Regional Office with the Division of
Energy Mineral and Land resources, inspected the subject facility to determine if coverage
under North Carolina General Permit NCG210000 could be rescinded as requested.
Your request for rescission of coverage under North Carolina General Permit NCG210050 is
hereby denied.
Please reference the attached inspection report summary for various items to be cleaned up.
If you have questions about this matter, please contact the Stormwater staff in our Wilmington
Regional Office at 910-796-7215.
for S. Daniel Smith
D_E Q j North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources
O 512 North Salisbury Street 11612 Mail Service Center Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1612
uewnmmt m Environmental au.un 919.707.9200
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: NCG210050 Effective: 08/01/18 Expiration: 07/31/23 Owner: Atlantic Veneer Corporation
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Atlantic Veneer Corporation-Beaufort
County: Carteret 2457 Lennoxville Rd
Region: Wilmington
Beaufort NC 28516
Contact Person: Hans Weygoldt Title: Phone: 252-728-3169
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications:
Primary ORC: Certification: Phone:
Secondary ORC(s):
On-Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 10/24/2019 Entry Time: 11:00AM Exit Time: 12:00PM
Primary Inspector: Brian P Lambe Phone:
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit Inspection Type: Timber Products Stormwater Discharge COC
Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
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Permit: NCG210050 Owner-Facility:Atlantic Veneer Corporation
Inspection Date: 10/24/2019 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
Inspection in response to a Rescission application.The facility does not meet requirements of Rescission.The remaining
operations of clipping veneer results in grinding of the clippings which are blown into a trailer. Some fugitive dust escapes the
trailer and collects in the vicinity.
There is a pile of chipped wood material to the SW of the cyclone building that needs removal.Additional mulch stockpiles,
north of building,should be removed or spread as groundcover. Pallets are stored around the eastern building as part of the
warehouse cleanup.The eastern concrete pad has various containers and totes containing different chemicals that need
The clipping operation is planning on moving to Veneer Tech in Newport NCG210119 in two years.Suggested to apply for no
exposure, after materials are cleaned up.
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Permit: NCG21 0050 Owner-Facility:Atlantic Veneer Corporation
Inspection Date: 10/24/2019 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? 0 0 0 •
#Does the Plan include a General Location(USGS)map? 0 0 0 •
#Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? 0 0 0
#Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? 0 0 0 •
#Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? 0 0 0 •
#Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? 0 0 0 U
#Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? 0 0 0 U
#Does the Plan include a BMP summary? 0 0 0
#Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan(SPRP)? 0 ❑ 0
#Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ •
#Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 0 0 II
#Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? ❑ 0 ❑ •
#Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ 0 •
#Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? ❑ ❑ ❑ •
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ❑ 0 0 •
Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring semi-annually? 0 0 0 •
Analytical Monitoring
Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? ❑ ❑ ❑ •
#Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? 0 0 0 •
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
#Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ 0 •
#Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? • 0 0 0
#If the facility has representative outfall status,is it properly documented by the Division? 0 ❑ ❑ II
#Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? ❑ ❑ ❑ •
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