HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout_External_ NWP-3 & NWP-13 Verification for SAW-2023-01325 NIH Discovery Lake Dam Renovations20240314 Ver 1_Additional Information Received Emails (WRC Comments/SOA/Buffer Impacts)_2024062420240314 Ver 1_Approval Letter and Follow-up Decision Email_2024073020240314 Ver 1_Decision Email_2024073020240314 Ver 1_Discovery Lake JDR - NIH - Durham NC_2024022020240314 Ver 1_Discovery Lake PCN Exhibits_2024042420240314 Ver 1_Discovery Lake Permit Set 9-26-23_2024022020240314 Ver 1_Discovery Lake Permit Set 9-26-23_2024042420240314 Ver 1_DWR - WRC Email Consult_2024061720240314 Ver 1_ED/FONSI_2024071820240314 Ver 1_ePCN Application_2024022020240314 Ver 1_Fee Received Email_2024040920240314 Ver 1_Fee Received Email_20240409 (2)20240314 Ver 1_Fee Received Email_20240409 (3)20240314 Ver 1_Fee Received_2024040920240314 Ver 1_Fee Request Email_2024022720240314 Ver 1_Fee Requested_2024032820240314 Ver 1_Fee Requested_20240328 (2)20240314 Ver 1_Final EA NIH RTP Discovery Lake Dam Rehab 11 July 2024_2024042420240314 Ver 1_Lake Discovery Buffer Impacts 06.24.2024_2024042420240314 Ver 1_More Info Requested - DWR_2024060420240314 Ver 1_NIH Dam Inlet and Outlet Repair DMS conditional Acceptance_2024042420240314 Ver 1_printed PCN_2024042420240314 Ver 1_Public Notice Email_2024022820240314 Ver 1_Public Notice Email_20240228 (2)20240314 Ver 1_Public Notice_2024022720240314 Ver 1_RTP_Discovery Lake_EA_FONSI_Signed_2024-07-18_2024042420240314 Ver 1_Staff Report Zachary.Thomas_2024073020240314 Ver 1_USACE RFAI_2024032220240314_Repair NIH Dam Inlets and Outlets 111 TW Alexander Drive_Durham_401 Approval Letter_MRT.pdf20240314_Repair NIH Dam Inlets and Outlets 111 TW Alexander Drive_Durham_Buffer Authorization.pdfDATE_NIHDamInletRepair_SAW-2023-01325_MRTFNIH Dam Inlet and Outlet Repair DMS invoice- CORRECTEDNIH Dam Inlet and Outlet Repair DMS receipt_combinedNWP-3_NWP-13_VERIFICATION_SAW-2023-01325_jt_signed_08.12.24.pdf