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20210423 Ver 1_401 Application_20210325
20210423 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20210512
20210423 Ver 1_Decision Email_20210512
20210423 Ver 1_Fee Received_20210401
20210423 Ver 1_Fee Request Email_20210405
20210423 Ver 1_PreFiling Email 30-Day Clock Reached Email_20210326
20210423 Ver 1_Pre-Filing Meeting Request_20210223
20210423 Ver 1_Public Notice Email_20210408
20210423 Ver 1_Public Notice_20210408
20210423 Ver 1_Staff Report Goss, Stephanie Z_20210512
2-28-2023 Downstream (1).JPG
2-28-2023 Upstream (1).JPG
2-28-2023 Upstream (2).JPG
2-28-2023 Upstream (3).JPG
4-3-2023 Downstream.JPG
4-3-2023 Upstream.JPG
RE_ _External_ Re_ LEE-2021-007 _ Southern Estates
RE_ _External_ RE_ Southern Estates - rip rap removal & replanting SAW-2019-01853_ DWR ID 20210423
RE_ Southern Estates Stream Crossing_Rip Rap Inquiry
Southern Estates Stream Crossing Rip Rap Inquiry