HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950203 Ver 1_Complete File_19950227DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF January 23, 1996 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199201219 and Nationwide Permit Number 14 (Road J ?S02<11 Crossing)and Number 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) W// ?O 0+4 ti? 91996 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch / North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Reference our September 12, 1995, letter confirming Department of the Army authorization to discharge fill material in 25.32 acres of jurisdictional waters of the United States, including 17.83 acres of wetlands located adjacent to Shepherds Branch and other tributaries of Contentnea Creek. The approved discharge of fill material was associated with the construction of the first segment of the proposed U.S. 264/Wilson Bypass, located west of the City of Wilson, in Wilson County, North Carolina (TIP Project R-1023AA, State Project No. 8.T340302). Our confirmation was subject to a Special Condition which required that a complete and final compensatory wetland mitigation plan be submitted and approved by this office. Reference is also made to your letters of November 30, 1995, and January 16, 1996, in which you provided justification for the use of the remaining acreage at the "Seven Springs" (Lane Farms, Incorporated) mitigation site to compensate for the unavoidable wetland losses associated with this project. We have reviewed the information which also described your search for alternative mitigation sites, and have determined that it is acceptable for you to use the remaining credits in the Seven Springs site (12.6 acres) to compensate for the unavoidable jurisdictional wetland losses associated with TIP R-1023AA. You have now complied with the Special Condition contained in our September 12, 1995, letter and the proposed work is therefore authorized by the subject Nationwide Permits and may precede, provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the general conditions contained in our earlier correspondence and provided that you implement the proposed compensatory wetland mitigation plan in its entirety. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Eric Alsmeyer of my Raleigh Field Office regulatory staff, at telephone (919) 876-8441, extension 23. Sincerely, Michael D. Smith Chief, Northern Regulatory Section Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mrs. Stephanie Briggs Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 l/r. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 R-1023 -- ---- - A4- ------- - -- - -- -- _ -- -- -----_ ^-. _. _ /0 2-3 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 January 23, 1996 r 5 0" li,_ I r Action ID. 199201219 and Nationwide Permit Number 14 (Road Crossing)and Number 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) rooo?"E I V 6 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 5,q Division of Highways AN 2 ''?' Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr'. Vick. Reference our September 12, 1995, letter confirming Department of the Army authorization to discharge fill material in 25.32 acres of jurisdictional waters of the United States, including 17.83 acres of wetlands located adjacent to Shepherds Branch and other tributaries of Contentnea Creek. The approved discharge of fill material was associated with the construction of the first segment of the proposed U.S. 264/Wilson Bypass, located west of the City of Wilson, in Wilson County, North Carolina (TIP Project R-1023AA, State Project No. 8.T340302). Our confirmation was subject to a Special Condition which required that a complete and final compensatory wetland mitigation plan be submitted and approved by this office. Reference is also made to your letters of November 30, 1995, and January 16, 1996, in which you provided justification for the use of the remaining acreage at the "Seven Springs" (Lane Farms, Incorporated) mitigation site to compensate for the unavoidable wetland losses associated with this project. We have reviewed the information which also described your search for alternative mitigation sites, and have determined that it is acceptable for you to use the remaining credits in the Seven Springs site (12.6 acres) to compensate for the unavoidable jurisdictional V;etlard losses associated with TIP R-1023AA. You have now complied with the Special Condition contained in our September 12, 1995, letter and the proposed work is therefore authorized by the subject Nationwide Permits and may precede, provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the general conditions contained in our earlier correspondence and providzxl -hfiat you ifi?t?lem ::it the proposed compensatory wetland m:.ti._gation plan iu its entirety. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Eric Alsmeyer of my Raleigh Field office regulatory staff, at telephone (919) 876-8441, extension 23. Sincerely, v Michael D. Smith Chief, Northern Regulatory Section Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mrs. Stephanie Briggs Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Erosion and Siltation Controls. Appropriate erosion and siltation controls must be used and maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-by-case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions which may have been added by the Division Engineer and any case specific conditions added by the Corps. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest Service. 8. .Tribal Rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality Certification. In certain states, an individual state water quality certification must be obtained or waived. 10. Coastal Zone Management. In certain states, an individual state coastal zone management consistency concurrence must be obtained or waived. 11. Endaangirad Species. No activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act, or which is likely to dent=oy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. ;don-Fede=al permitte_s s•rall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the project and shall net begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location of threatened and endangered species can be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries service. 12. Historic Properties. No activity which may affect Historic Properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places is authorized, until the District Engineer has complied with the provisions of 33 CFR 325, Appendix C. The prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer if the authorized activity may affect any historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not begin the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and existence of historic resources can be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). 13. Notification. a. where required by the terms of the 'MiP, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer as early as possible and shall not begin the activity: (1) until notified by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) if notified by the District or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; or (3) Unless 30 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the notification and the prospective permittee has not received notice from the District or Division Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the MJP may be modified, suspended or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2). b. The notification must be in writing and include the following information and any required fees: permittee; (1) Name, address and telephone number of the prospective (2) Location of the proposed project; (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; any other M4P(s), regional general permit(s) or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity; (4) where required by the terms of the YJP, a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands; and 5) A statement that the prospective per:u ttee has contacted; (a) The USE74S/NMFS regarding the presence of any Federally listed (or proposed for listing) endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be a_'feczed by the proposed project; and any available information provided by those agencies. (The prospective permittee may contact Corps District Offices for US `?iS/N;rFS agency contacts and list of critical habitat.) (b) The SHPO regarding the presence of any historic properties in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project; and the available information, if any provided by that agency. 14. Water Supply Intakes. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake except where the discharge is repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 15. shellfish Production. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish production, unless the discharge is directly related to a shellfish harvest activity authorized by nationwide permit. 16. Suitable Material. No discharge of dredged or fill material may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, etc.) and material discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. 17. Mitigation. Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States must be minimized or avoided to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on-site), unless the District Engineer has approved a compensation mitigation plan for the specific regulated activity. 18. Spawning Areas. Discharges in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 19. obstructions of High Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, discharges must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows or cause the relocation of the water (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters). 20. Adverse Impacts from Impoundments. If the discharge creates an impoundment of water, adverse impacts on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 21. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 22. - Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. GC?N NATIONWIDE PERMIT # 12: UTILITY LINE BACKFILL AND BEDDING. AUTHORIZES DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL FOR BACKFILL OR BEDDING FOR UTILITY LINES, INCLUDING OUTFALL AND INTAKE STRUCTURES, PROVIDED THERE IS NO CHANGE IN ?RECONSTRUCTION CONTOURS. UTILITY LINE IS ANY PIPE OR PIPELINE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF ANY GASEOUS, LIQUID, LIQUEFIABLE, OR SLURRY SUBSTANCE, FOR ANY PURPOSE, AND ANY CABLE, LINE, OR WIRE FOR THE TRANSMISSION FOR ANY PURPOSE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY, TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH MESSAGES, AND RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMUNICATION. DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ACTIVITIES WHICH DRAIN A WATER OF THE U.S., SUCH AS DRAINAGE TILE. SECTION 404 ONLY. STATUS IN NORTH CAROLINA: ISSUED. INFORMATION : 1. ALL UTILITY LINES MUST BE COMPLETELY BURIED. THIS NATIONWIDE PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE UTILITY LINES THAT ARE NOT COMPLETELY BURIED. 2. THIS NATIONWIDE PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE USE OF FILL MATERIAL FOR PERMANENT ACCESS CORRIDORS. NATIONWIDE CONDITIONS: STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS AND THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC CONDITIONS.: 1. MATERIAL RESULTING FROM TRENCH EXCAVATION AND MAY BE TEMPORARILY SIDECAST INTO WATERS OF THE U.S. PROVIDED THAT THE MATERIAL IS NOT PLACED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT IS DISPERSED BY CURRENTS OR OTHER FORCES AND MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN THREE MONTHS. 2. THE AREA OF WATERS OF THE U.S. THAT IS DISTURBED MUST BE LIMITED TO THE MINIMUM NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT THE UTILITY LINE. 3. IN WETLANDS, THE TOP 6" TO 12" OF THE TRENCH SHOULD GENERALLY BE BACKFILLED WITH TOPSOIL FROM THE TRENCH. 4. EXCESS MATERIAL MUST BE REMOVED TO UPLAND AREAS IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 5. ANY EXPOSED SLOPES AND STREAMBANKS MUST BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF THE UTILITY LINE. REGIONAL CONDITIONS: 1. APPLICANTS MUST NOTIFY THE DISTRICT ENGINEER AND RECEIVE FROM THE DISTRICT ENGINEER WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. 2. THE TEMPORARY PLACEMENT OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL IN WATERS OR j;.TLANDS WILL BE FOR THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM PERIOD OF TIME NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK. 3. STABILIZATION IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ON COMPLETION OF EACH INDIVIDUAL CROSSING. 4. STORK PLANS MUST BE PROVIDED AND MUST BE SIZED TO 8 1/2 BY 11 INCHES. 5. RESTORATION PLAITS ;".UST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT EINGINcE'R DESIGNATING A TIT; : TABLE FOR RESTORATION. 401 CERTIFICATION DETERMINATION: GENERAL CERTIFICATION ISSUED, BUT CCNDITIONED AS FOLLOt•TS : 1 . tall'. iTEN CONCU IKENCE IS REQUIRED FRC?i NCDE:i. . THE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR IS LIMITED TO 40 FEET IN WIDTH AND MUST BE ;:INIMIZED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE. 3. PERMANENTLY MAINTAINED ACCESS CORRI ORS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE NINIMUM WIDTH PRACTICABLE AND MAY NOT r.:;:CEED 10 FEET IN WIDTH EXCE^T IN LCCATIONS SPECIFIED Otd ii :::'S FOR VEHTCULP R ACCESS PURPOSES OR AT I.1 Z111 HOLE LOCATIONS. NATIONWIDE PEP== # 16: HEADWA= iS ?"ttlM ISOL,== W AM= DIS3ARGEi. AUTHORIZES DISCHARGES OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL, INTO HEADWATERS IM ISOLATED WATERS. SECTION 404 ONLY. = TDB IZ; NORTH: C.ARAL=Mz ISSUED III PART; DEII= WITHCUT PREJUDICE IN PART. Ha-l"Zofm=m CONDITIONS: STANDARD GZNE,RAL CONDITIONS AIM THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC C)ImITIONS: 1. TEO DISCHARGE DOES NOT CAUSE THE LOSS OF MORE THAN 10 ACRES OF WATERS OF THE' U.S. FOR TSE PURPOSE' OF THIS NATIONWIDE PERMIT, THE ACREAGE OF LOSS OF WATERS OF THE U.S. INCLUDES THE FILLED AREA PLUS WATERS OF TEE. U.S. THAT ARE ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY FLOODING, ERCAVATION, OR DRAINAGE AS A RESULT OF THE•PROJECT. 2. A 30-DAY NOTIFICATION TO TH: DISTRICT ENGINEER IS REQUIRED' IT THE DISCHARGE: MOLD CAUSE THE LOSS OF WATERS OF THE U.S. GREATER THAN ONE: ACRE. FOR DISCHARGES IN SPECIAL AQUATIC SITES, INCLUDING WETLANDS, THE NOTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE A DELINEATION CF AFFECTED SPECIAL.. AQUATIC SITES LNCLUDING WETLANDS. 3- THE: DISCHARGE-, INCLUDING ALL ATTENDANT FEATURES, BOTH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT, IS PART OF A SIN^ AND COMPLETE PROJECT. R=iI0N L CONDITIONS: NONE. 401 "w "T? 1=10N DE I019. GENERAL CERTIFICATION IS DEN2rD FOR FILLS GREATER TE N ONE ACRE IN SA,. TROUT, Wir, ORW, WS-Z AND WS-11 WATERSHEDS. GZEHAL CZR=MC7TION ISSUED IN ALL OTHER WATERS FOR FILLS OF NOT DARE THAN. 10 ACRES AND IN THOSE WATERSHEDS SPECIFIED ABOVE FOR FILLS OF NOT MORE THAN ONE ACRE,. BUT CONDITIONED AS FOLLOWS: 1- WRITTSIi CONCURRENCE IS REQUIRED FROM THE NCUEI1 FOR ALL PROPOSED FILLS OF GRZA'r'?R' MlaN ONE-THIRD ACRE- Z- ESTABLISHED SEDIMENT AND ERCSION COIiTROL PRACTICES ARE: UTILIZED TO PREVENT VIOLATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE TURBIDITY WATER QUALIT- STANDARD (SO IMS IN STREAMS AIM RIVERS NOT' DESIG."iATED' AS TROUT BY NCDEM; 25 NTUS IN i.LL SAL WATER CLASSES AIM ALL LAKES' AND RESERVOIRS; ANU la =S• INt TROUT' NITERS) - 3_ MEASURES SHALL BE: TA=f TO PR =Vr LIVE' OR FRESH CONCR= FROM COMING. 114TC CONTACT Yi"= WATERS OF = ST.,TE U;ITIL THE CONCRET HAS HARDENED- 4- ADDITIONAL SITE-SPECIFIC:CONDITICNS MAY BM ADDED TO PROPOSED PROJECTS- Gi THAN ONE-THIRD ACRE: ZZIPACT TO MiSURE COMPLIANCE WITH AL7i eL!?SICABLZ- WATER QUALITY AND F.YUMiT STIVMARDS. . CC`.'.CUR2ENC FRCK NCDEU rr-aZ: C^1 -11 'ICATIOIF APPLIES. TO ;.kiT i7IV"i; 7:?L VllCJECT SHALL Eo°?I:*1: ^.."?R ;:'?•F2S F_tCIi ??= :. MY-'T OT' .. = LZTTLrR YRCld IiCJEH- CC rZ.'•''TZ--.. DEZ"-"!mmXIO3: CCUSIST l-Z IN COASTAL. AR! 7% SUEJEC'-" '!'a THE iv=.T.^.;+i2iG G^.IiD?'T_GidSs :'MT+ ZrI.L z:ATr:?.Izir. an'1 c ..L? _..,:..,3,111 KUSI: -•-•. ?.., f; U'LA2 C SoQRCa7- 2. U--Z OB' THIS N1?,TION::7I7'?I PE42IIT Fv.' 672=E DISFCSA 7. ,CII._._.., 0 s:u1 i,UTHORIZED. 3. IF THE' PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS WITHIN THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL AREA AND THE ACTIVITY WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF WATERS'OF THE UNITED STATES GREATER THAN 1/3 OF AN ACRE, THE APPLICANT MUST RECZ= WRITTEN =ICDRRENCZ FROM THS NCDMi THAT THE ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLMU COASTAL MANAGM=rr PRDGRAM_ 4. SHOULD' ALL OR PART OF THE: DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY BE LCCATED WITHIN AN AREA OF`ZNVIRONMMML CONCH (AEC) AS DESIGNATE BT THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL. RESOURCES COMMISSION, A COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT AC-- (CAMA) P..RMIT IS REQUIRED. FROM THE NCDCM UNLESS THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGFI. ICY. 17 THE APPLICANT IS A FEDERAL AGENCY AND ALL OR PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT'. ACTIVITY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AEC, A CONSIST°3iCY DETERmnmTION PURSUANT TO. 1S CZR 930 MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE NCOCI AT LEAST 90 DAYS BEFORE THE ONSET OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY. r " ^-ir Z,.,?zp1 Iv ', t _sl STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARR.ETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C 27611-5201 SECRETARY November 30, 1995 Mr. Eric Alsmeyer Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh,-North Carolina 27615 Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson By-Pass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. S. 1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 This letter supersedes our August 9,1995 letter concerning compensatory mitigation for the above referenced project. Our revised proposal is to reduce ("buy down") the overall wetland impacts by mitigating only for the high valued wetlands (riverine wetlands) affected by the project. Based on our verbal agreement, we plan to use credits from the Seven Springs site (26.69 acres) as mitigation for the first segment of the Wilson Bypass. The Seven Springs Mitigation Site is located within the Walnut Creek floodplain approximately 2 miles north of Seven Springs in Wayne County. Both the wetland impacts associated with the Wilson By-Pass and the mitigation site are found within the Neuse River drainage basin. However, based on the USGS Hydrologic Unit Map (1974) the Seven Springs site is not located within the same sub-basin as the By-Pass project. The mitigation site is found within the adjacent drainage sub-basin to the south. NCDOT has recently purchased a conservation easement for this 26.69 acre mitigation site. A copy of the purchase agreement is enclosed for your review. NCDOT has submitted copies of the Seven Springs mitigation plan to the Corps of Engineers for review. As discussed in the report, the majority of this plan was implemented two years ago and based on the monitoring data has been highly successful. The only items remaining to be completed are to plug the perimeter ditches, install two monitoring wells and two culverts, and further monitor the sites success. . f This site has also been designated for use as mitigation for R-2422 in Wayne county. NCDOT has agreed to mitigate for the 4.7 acres of wetland impacts associated with R-2422 at a 3 to 1 ratio (14.1 acres). This will leave 12.6 acres of mitigation credit remaining to be used for the Wilson Bypass. Based on our verbal agreement, we propose providing mitigation only for four high value wetland sites which include; Site 2 (0.3 acres),Site 20 (1.5 acres),Site 26 (0.7 acres) and Site 28 (1.7 acres) for a total of 4.2 acres. These acreage's are based on the initial Nationwide permit application package (June 9, 1995) and the June 27, 1995 letter addressing additional questions concerning wetland impacts. We propose to mitigate for these high value wetland impacts at a 3 to 1 ratio (12.6 acres). As a result, all of the remaining credits within the Seven Springs site would be used toward the bypass project (R-1023AA). It is important to note that although the initial Gurley tract mitigation proposal has been rescinded, NCDOT has contracted with ESI to complete the final mitigation plan for the site. This plan will be implemented once it is approved by the agencies and the site will be available for use as mitigation for future segments of the Wilson Bypass. As a result of this modified proposal, it is NCDOT's opinion that it will provide adequate compensation to ensure that the project will not "result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively" (33 CFR 330) and therefore, meets the condition of the Nationwide Permit recently issued for the project. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, Est. 307. Sincerely, H. ranklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington r Mail alter mcurdtng tu: bls. Elaine A. Humphreys, Atturuey Ucucrul's Uttix, rust Uiux tiuN a?ut, cinci5u, NUlln t_aruutla _duu NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY CONSERVATION EASEMENT THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT ("Conservation Easement") made this 30th day of November, 1995 by and between LANE FARMS, INC., a North Carolina corporation with an address of P.O. Box 1179, Goldsboro, North Carolina, 27530 ("Grantor") and NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of North Carolina, with an address of Post Office Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27611- 5201 ("Grantee"). The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their successors and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. RECITALS J WHEREAS, Grantor owns in fee simple approximately twenty-six and sixty-nine one-hundredths (26.69) acres of certain real property situate, lying and being in the town of Seven Springs, Wayne County, North Carolina, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Property"). WHEREAS, Grantee is an agency of the State of North Carolina whose purposes include the preservation and conservation of open space and natural areas for conservation and wetland mitigation purposes; is authorized by the laws of the State of North Carolina to accept, hold and administer conservation easements; possesses the authority to accept and is willing to accept this Conservation Easement under the terms and conditions hereinafter described; WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee recognize the conservation value of the Property in its present state as a scenic, natural and rural area that has not been subject to significant development and as a significant area that provides a "relatively natural habitat for fish, wildlife, or plants or similar ecosystem" as that phrase is used in § 170(h)(4)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Code, including the following natural communities: Palustrine, forested, broad/needle- leafed deciduous, semi-permanently flooded wetland and the following plant and animal species of special concern: Mammalian species - white-tailed deer, raccoon, opossum, gray squirrel, mink otter, beaver colonies, and muskrat; Plant species - water oak, sweet gum, river birch, red ! . maple, swamp chestnut oak, cherry bark oak, cypress, and green ash; WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee further recognize the conservation and open space value of the Property in its present state, the preservation of which (a) is pursuant to state and federal local government policy and will provide for the scenic enjoyment of the general public and (b) will yield significant public benefit, as evidenced by: (1). the values and functions of the Property as a high quality wetland; (2). the location of the Property near the Neuse River; -? (3). the fact that development of the Property would impair the natural, historic, scenic and rural character of the Property and surrounding area; i Page 1 i. WHEREAS, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the "Corps") has reviewed and approved the use of the Property to mitigate unavoidable wetlands impacts detailed in Grantee's § 404 permit application; WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a perpetual Conservation Easement over the approximately twenty-six and sixty-nine one-hundredths (26.69) acres, the Property, thereby restricting and limiting the use of the Property on the terms and conditions and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, Grantor unconditionally and irrevocably hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever and in perpetuity a Conservation Easement of the nature and character and to the extent hereinafter set forth, over the Property, together with the right to preserve and protect the conservation values thereof; and WHEREAS, Grantor consents to Grantee transferring or assigning this Conservation Easement over the approximately twenty-six and sixty-nine one-hundredths (26.69), acres to the North Carolina Coastal Land Trust ("NCCLT"), a non-profit corporation whose purposes include the preservation and conservation of open space and natural areas for conservation, aesthetic, scenic, scientific, charitable, recreational or educational purposes, or to any other 501(c) entity after receipt of written notification by the Corps that Grantee has fulfilled the requisite conditions of the monitoring period of Grantee's § 404 permit. ARTICLE I PURPOSES The purposes of this Conservation Easement are to preserve and protect the conservation values of the Property and to maintain permanently the dominant woodland, scenic, and natural character of the Property. To achieve these purposes, the parties hereto agree to the conditions and restrictions set forth hereunder. ARTICLE II DURATION OF EASEMENT This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is an easement in gross, runs with the land and is enforceable by Grantee against Grantor, Grantor's successors and assigns, lessees, agents and licensees. , ARTICLE III PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES Any activity on, or use of, the Property inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Property shall be maintained in its natural, scenic and open condition and restricted from any development that would significantly impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Property. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following activities and uses are expressly prohibited, restricted or reserved as indicated hereunder: Page 2 A. Disturbance of Natural Features. Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural, scenic, and aesthetic features of the Property or any introduction of non-native plants and/or animal species is prohibited unless the Grantee shall give its prior written consent or unless otherwise expressly permitted herein. All horseback riding, and operation of motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and any other types of mechanized vehicles shall be restricted to roadways, trails, and paths located on the Property. . B. Construction and Residential Use. There shall be no constructing or placing of any building, mobile home, asphalt or concrete pavement, bill board or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole, tower, conduit, line, pier, landing, dock or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility on or above the Property except as permitted by the Grantee with prior written consent and written approval by the Corps. Residential use of the Property is prohibited. Grantor expressly reserves the right to maintain, repair, improve, alter internally and/or externally, reasonably enlarge, modernize, demolish and reconstruct the, existing hunting camp adjacent to the Property; provided, however, such activity does not result in the creation of a hunting camp on the Property. Furthermore, Grantor expressly reserves the right to maintain and repair the existing road located on the Property. C. Industrial and Commercial Use. Industrial and commercial activities, including any right of passage used in conjunction with commercial or industrial activity are prohibited on the Property, except for hunting, and fishing which are expressly reserved by Grantor, as provided in subsequent paragraphs hereunder. D. Agricultural, Grazing and Horticultural Use. Agricultural, grazing, and horticultural use of the Property is prohibited; provided, however, that hunting and fishing activities may be continued. E. Silvicultural Use and Land Clearing. There may be no destruction or cutting of trees or plants on the Property, except as provided herein. The Grantor expressly reserves the right to preserve the natural values of the Property against imminent hazard, disease, or fire, and to control burn, salvage, or cut vegetation for the purpose of protecting and maintaining the natural values of the Property, in the event of an emergency, subject to prior approval of the Grantee and the Corps. F. Hunting _and Fishing. Grantor expressly reserves the right to hunt 4nd fish on the Property and have access to the Property for the purpose of hunting and fishing on adjacent property of Grantor, together with the right to lease such rights to third parties and the right to construct, maintain, and replace deer stands on the Property and adjacent property of Grantor; provided these activities do not impair the protection and conservation of any animal habitat or other conservation values of the Property. G. Signage. Display of billboards, signs or advertisements is prohibited on or over the Property, except the posting of no trespassing signs, for sale or lease signs, signs identifying the conservation values of the Property, or other permitted use of the Property and/or signs identifying the Grantor as own-.r of the Property and Grantee as the holder of a conservation easement on the Property. Page 3 H. Dumping or Storage. Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery, or hazardous substances, or toxic or hazardous waste, or any placement of underground or aboveground storage tanks or other materials on the property is prohibited. I. Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling; no removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials, and no change in the topography of the land in any manner on the Property nor shall there be any activities conducted on the property or on adjacent property if owned by Grantor which could cause erosion or siltation on the Property. J. Water Qualitv and Drainage Patterns. There shall be no pollution, alteration, depletion or extraction of surface, natural water courses, subsurface water including the Neuse River or its tributaries, subsurface water of any other water bodies. There shall be, no activities conducted on the Property that would be detrimental to water purity or any of the plants or habitats within the Property or that would alter natural water levels, drainage, sedimentation and/or flow in or over the Property, or cause soil degradation or erosion. Diking, dredging, alteration, draining, filling or removal of wetland is prohibited. K. Roads. Grantor expressly reserves the right to maintain and repair any existing dirt roads. L. Transferable Development and Mitigation Pro'e? cts. No part of the Property may be included as part of the gross area of other real property for purposes of determining density, lot coverage, or open space requirements under applicable laws governing land use and building density, nor may any development right extinguished or encumbered by this Conservation Easement be transferred to any other lands, or to any other person or entity pursuant to any transferable development right plans. However, the Property or any part thereof may be included in a mitigation bank or encumbered or made subject to agreement by the Grantor and Grantee as part of a mitigation project for the restoration of wetlands on site or for mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts created by Grantee on other real property. ARTICLE IV GRANTOR'S ADDITIONAL RESERVED RIGHTS The Grantor to its successors, assigns, invitees and licensees hereby reserves the right to quiet enjoyment of the Property, the right to ingress and egress to the Property and all adjacent property of the Grantor, the right to continue such uses as exist as of the date of this grant not inconsistent with this Conservation Easement and the right to sell, transfer, gift or otherwise convey the Property, in whole or in part, provided such sale, transfer or gift conveyance is subject to the terms of this Conservation Easement and written notice is provided to Grantee in accordance with the provisions herein below. ARTICLE V GRANTEE'S RIGHTS The Grantee is hereby granted the right, but not the obligation, to develop a management plan for rare plant or animal species in the event that they are found to exist on the Page 4 property together with the right to implement said plan, at the Grantee's expense (including but not limited to fencing and prescribed burns) and the right to use the Property for educational, scientific and charitable purposes consistent with the conservation purposes and reserved rights of Grantor set forth in this Conservation Easement (including but not limited to construction and maintenance of interpretative walkways, nature trails and supervised field trips), provided that the design and location of any construction shall be subject to the approval of Grantor and the Corps approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Grantee is granted the right to identify, preserve and protect in perpetuity the existing condition of the Property. Grantee and the Corps are also granted the right to enter the Property during normal business hours for purposes of monitoring the terms of this Conservation Easement and monitoring mitigation status of the Property, and perform any additional mitigation required by the Corps. Grantee has elected not to provide notice to Grantor of their entry on the Property. ARTICLE VI ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES A. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by Grantor, its agents, successors, or assigns, which comes to the attention of the Grantee, the Grantee shall notify the Grantor in writing of such breach. The Grantor shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to undertake actions that are reasonably calculated to promptly correct the conditions constituting such breach. If the breach remains uncured after ninety (90) days, the Grantee may exercise any or all of the following remedies: 1. Institute suits to enjoin any breach or enforce any covenant by temporary and/or permanent injunction either prohibitive or mandatory and/or to recover any damages from injury to any conservation values protected by this Conservation Easement, including damages for the loss of scenic, aesthetic, historic or environmental values and attorneys fees if Grantee prevails; and 2. Require that the land be restored promptly to the condition required by this Conservation Easement. B. The Grantee has the right to prevent any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent with the purpose of this Conservation Easement. Grantee's remedies shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies available to Grantee at law or equity. If Grantee, in its sole discretion, determines that circumstances require immediate action to prevent or mitigate significant damage to the conservation values of the Property, the Grantee may pursue its remedies without prior notice to Grantor, but shall exercise reasonable efforts to notify Grantor. C. No failure on the part of Grantee to enforce any covenant or provision hereof shall discharge or invalidate such covenant or any other covenant, condition, or provision hereof or affect the right to Grantee to enforce the same in the event of a subsequent breach or default. Paige D. Nothing contained in this Conservation Easement shall be construed to entitle Grantee to bring any action against Grantor for any injury or change in the Property resulting from causes beyond the Grantor's control, including, without limitation, fire, flood, storm, war, acts of God or third parties, except Grantor's lessees or invitees; or from any prudent action taken in good faith by Grantor under emergency conditions to prevent, abate, or mitigate significant injury to life, damage to property or harm to the Property resulting from such causes, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph III.E. hereunder. ARTICLE VII MITIGATION COSTS The Grantor has provided for the mitigation of the Property and all costs incident thereto to permit the Property to qualify as mitigation property for Grantee's § 404 Permit. The Grantor will also add to the Property two (2) shallow monitoring wells consisting of slotted PVC, pipe two and one-half (2.5") inches in diameter to a thirty (30") inch depth; plug two (2) ditches; and create two (2) culverts, upon receipt of the location and specification of same from the Corps. The parties agree that any future mitigation costs incurred as a result of a violation of Article III shall be compensable pursuant to Article VI hereunder. Grantee agrees that any other future costs associated with the mitigation, monitoring, or monitoring of mitigation status shall be the sole responsibility of Grantee. ARTICLE VIII PUBLIC ACCESS The granting of this Conservation Easement does not convey to the public the right to enter the Property for any purpose whatsoever. ARTICLE IX EXHIBIT. DOCUMENTATION AND TITLE A. Legal Description. Exhibits A, Legal Description, and Exhibit B, sketch of Property, are attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. B. Wetland Mitigation Plan. The parties acknowledge that the Wetland Mitigation Plan ("Plan") dated September 6, 1,995, as amended, a copy of which is on file at the offices of the Grantee, accurately establishes the uses, structures, historic and conservation values and condition of the Property and buildings located thereon as the date hereof. C. Title. The Grantor covenants and represents that the Grantor is the sole owner and is seized of the property in fee simple and has good right to grant and convey the aforesaid Conservation Easement; that the property is free and clear of any and all encumbrances, except easements and leases of record or in effect by prescriptive right as of the date hereof and Grantor covenants that the Grantee shall have the use of and enjoy all of the benefits derived from and arising out of the aforesaid Conservation Easement. ARTICLE X yiiSCELLANEOUS Page 6 A. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor consents to the transfer or assignment by Grantee, its successors and assigns, to the NCCLT or any other 501(c) entity after receipt of written notification by the Corps the Grantee has fulfilled the requisite conditions of Grantee's § 404 permit. Grantor agrees that it, its successors or assigns, will notify Grantee in writing of the names and addresses of any party to whom the Property, or any part thereof, is to be transferred at or prior to the time said transfer is consummated. Grantor, its successors and assigns, further agree to make specific reference to this Conservation Easement in a separate paragraph of any subsequent lease, deed, or other legal instrument by which any interest in the Property is conveyed. B. Conservation Purpose. 1. Grantee, for itself, its successors and assigns, agrees that this Conservation Easement shall be held exclusively for conservation purposes, as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 170(h)(4)(a). 2. Grantor and Grantee agree that the conveyance of this Conservation Easement gives rise to a property right, immediately vested in the Grantee, with a fair market value equal to the proportionate value that the Conservation Easement bears to the value to the Property as a whole. That proportionate value of the Grantee's property rights shall remain constant. If a change in conditions occurs which makes impossible or impractical the continued protection of the Property for conservation purposes, the restrictions contained herein may be extinguished by judicial proceeding or by mutual consent of the parties hereto, provided such consent is in writing duly executed by the parties and recorded in the Wayne County Registry. Upon a subsequent sale, exchange or involuntary conversion of the Property, the Grantee shall be entitled to a portion of the proceeds at least equal to that proportionate value of the Conservation Easement. The Grantee shall use its share of the proceeds in a manner consistent with the conservation purposes set forth herein. 3. Whenever all or part of the Property is taken in exercise of eminent domain by public, corporate, or other authority so as to i abrogate the restrictions imposed by this Conservation Easement, the Grantor and the Grantee shall join in appropriate actions at the !i time of such taking to recover the full value of the taking and all i? incidental or direct damages resulting from the taking, which proceeds shall be divided in accordance with the proportionate value of the Grantee's and Grantor's interests as specified above; I? all expenses including attorney's fees incurred by the Grantor and ?I Grantee in this action`_' shall be paid out of the recovered proceeds, if any, to the extent not otherwise paid by the condemning authority. ?i Page 7 4. The Grantor and Grantee agree that the terms of this Conservation Easement shall survive any merger of the fee and easement interests in the Property. 5. The parties hereto recognize and agree that the benefits of this Conservation Easement are in gross and assignable provided, however that the Grantee hereby covenants and agrees, that in the event it transfers or assigns this Conservation Easement, the organization receiving the interest will be a qualified holder under N.C.G.S. 121-34 et seq. and an eligible donee, as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 170(h)(3) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, which is organized or operated primarily for one of the conservation purposes specified in 26 U.S.C. § 170(h)(4)(A), and Grantee further covenants and agrees that the terms of the transfer, or assignment will be such that the transferee or assignee will be required to continue out in perpetuity the conservation purposes which the contribution was originally intended to advance, set forth in Article I herein. 6. The Grantor agrees to pay any real estate taxes or other assessments levied on the Property. C. Construction of Terms. This Conservation Easement shall be construed to promote the purposes of the North Carolina enabling statute set forth in N.C.G.S. 121-34 et seq., which authorizes the creation of Conservation Easements for purposes including those set forth herein, and the conservation purposes of this Conservation Easement, including such purposes as are defined in 26 U.S.C. § 170(h)(4)(A). D. Entire Agreement. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Conservation Easement and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings or agreements relating to the Conservation Easement. If any provision is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Conservation Easement, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which is found to be invalid, shall not be affected thereby. E. Recording. Grantee shall record this instrument and any amendment hereto in timely fashion in the Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry and may re-record it at any time as may be required to preserve its right under this Conservation Easement. F. Hazardous Waste. The Grantor covenants and represents that, to the best of Grantor's knowledge, no hazardous substance or hazardous or toxic waste exists nor has been generated, treated, stored, used, disposed of, or deposited in or on the Property, and that there are not now any underground storage tanks located on the Property and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and costs arising from !I any such event, occurrence or condition at any time, except as caused by Grantee, its agents or assigns, or by third parties who were not agents, contractors, lessees, or invitees of Grantor. Page 8 G. Notices. Any notices given under this Conservation Easement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by depositing same in the U.S. Mail, certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed to the parties as set forth above, or to such other addresses such party may establish in writing to the other, pursuant to this Notice provision. H. Amendments. Grantor and Grantee are free to jointly amend this Conservation Easement in writing to meet changing conditions, provided that no amendment will be allowed that is inconsistent with the purposes of this Conservation Easement and Corps approval has been granted. The Corps agrees not to unreasonably withhold approval of any amendment. Such amendment(s) shall be effective upon recording in the Wayne County, North Carolina, Registry. I. Severability. Should any provision of this Conservation Easement be declared by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the, legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining parts, terms or provisions shall not be affected thereby, and said illegal, unenforceable, or invalid part, term, or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Conservation Easement. J. Governinii Law. This Conservation Easement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. K. Headings. The headings contained in this Conservation Easement are for reference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, its successors and assigns, forever. The covenants agreed to and the terms, conditions, restrictions and purposes imposed as aforesaid shall be binding upon Grantor, its successors and assigns, and shall continue as a servitude running in perpetuity with the property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their-hand and seals and caused these presents to be executed in their respective names by authority duly given, and their corporate seal affixed, the day and year above first written. GRANTOR: LANE FARMS, INC., a North Carolina Corporation (Corporate Seal) By: William D. Lane, President Page 9 ATTEST: Michaei T dd Lane, Secretary GRANTEE: (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: Pauline Wright Secretary to the Board of Transportation and Custodian of the Seal of the Department of Transportation NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, a agency of the State of North Carolina 4T- n . &w; Jr. Manager Right-of-Way Branch APPROVED AS TO FORM: (SEAL) ki, Madd ey t Attorney Genera Page 10 NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY I,c? a,-fi(O-a-4 a Notary Public of County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that Michael Todd Lane personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Secretary of Lane Farms, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himself as its secretary. Witness my hand and notarial seal this thejq/'k day of 19 53- M y coniinIssi0n, expires: 14 ?? i•? r •, 044. ?>' NORTH CAROLINA WA`ti? COUNTY (.v kJ5 (Notary Public) This the p day of , 1995, personally appeared before me, ,. a Notary Public in and for said State and County, Pauline Wright, who by me duly sworn, says that she knows the Seal of the Department of Transportation and is acquainted with John B. Williamson, Jr., who is Manager of the Right-of- Way Branch of the Division of Highways of said Department, and that she, the said Pauline Wright, is the Secretary to the Board of Transportation and Custodian of the Seal of the Department of Transportation, saw said Manager of the Right-of-Way Branch sign the foregoing instrument, that she, the said Pauline Wright, is the Secretary to the Board of Transportation and Custodian of the Seal of the Department of Transportation, affixed said Seal to.said instrument and-.signed,her..-name in attestation of the execution thereof in the presence of said Manager of the Rfdi t-of ,Way'?Branch. Witness my hand and seal this the ?01Lt day of 1995. Notary Public My Commission Expires: Page 11 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT AN IRON STAKE, THE SOUTHWESTERN MOST CORNER OF THE FRANCES IDA J. GREENE PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED BOOK 1119, PAGE 424, A COMMON CORNER OF SAID GREENE PROPERTY AND LANE FARMS, INC. AS DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 966, PAGE 775. FOURTH TRACT; THENCE FROM SAID BEGINNING N 61 ° 56'39" W 273.62 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE S 67° 14' 03" W 88.07 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE N 28° 06' 54" W 385.0$ FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE N 05 ° 13' 20" E 655.63 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE N 17° 33' 13" E 353.93 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE. THENCE N 45° 49' 57" E 249.53 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE, SAID STAKE HAVING N.C. GRID COORDINATES OF Y - 557,838.61991 AND X - 2,336,190.68889; THENCE CONTINUED N 45 ° 49'57" E 14.33 FEET TO A POINT IN THE LINE OF THE NANCY G. FARNETANI PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1452, PAGE 217; THENCE WITH THE FARNETANI LINE, TO AND WITH THE GREENE LINE S. 47° 39' 51" E 1193.00 FEET TO AN IRON STAKE; THENCE S 42° 20' 09" W 1089.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THIS BEING APPROXIMATELY 26.69 ACRES. \wpdocs\48050ce. fin: 113095 Page 12 5TATj 3 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH. N.G 27611-5201 SECRETARY January 16, 1995 Mr. Eric Alsmeyer Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Mr. Alsmeyer: Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson Bypass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. 8.1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 Pursuant to your recent request, this correspondence is provided as justification for NCDOT's proposal to utilize the Seven Springs Wetland Mitigation site as compensatory mitigation for the above referenced project and will also discuss NCDOT's mitigation alternative analysis completed for the project. Based on our November 30, 1995 letter our current proposal is to reduce ("buy down") the overall wetland impacts associated with the project by mitigating only for the high-value wetlands (riverine wetlands) effected. The search for mitigation started in March of 1994. The initial goal of this search was to identify property that would provide mitigation for the entire Wilson Bypass project. The estimated area of wetland impacts utilized for the search was 112 acres. The search began with an on-site analysis which revealed two potential mitigation sites (Flowers borrow pit and Wilson Landfill). However, further review concluded that the Flowers Property was to small to meet our goals and would not be economically feasible. The Wilson landfill was also dropped from consideration because of cost and size of the property. Table 1 provides additional information regarding these properties. Once all on-site possibilities had been evaluated and considered no longer feasible, NCDOT begin searching off-site for potential mitigation opportunities including Wilson, Greene and Wayne counties. It is important to note that during this time NCDOT was evaluating all potential mitigation sites within the same watershed and physiographic region as the impacts. The requirement to find suitable mitigation within the same sub-basin as the impacts had not been stated at the time. As a result of recent COE concerns, the following discussion concerning NCDOT off-site mitigation alternatives will only include those sites identified within the same sub-basin as the project. Nine sites were initially identified and evaluated (see Table 1). The Crocker, Woodward and Edmundson tracts were dropped from consideration after a site visit with the COE (Jean Manuele). It was determined that these sites were not feasible due to limited acreage, hydrological limitations, and failure to provide riverine mitigation. An additional property (Exxum borrow pit) was evaluated by the COE and was determined to be jurisdictional waters of the US. As a result, this property was also no longer considered. Additional properties evaluated included the Eagles, Lancaster, Speight, Aycock, and Gurley properties. The Eagles site is bisected by a pipeline which has problems with access, and hydrology and vegetative re-establishment. The Lancaster and Speight properties were determined to be either too small or to have no riverine restoration potential. The Aycock tract, although large, would not provide any riverine mitigation; therefore, it was no longer considered. The Gurley tract was not identified until April 1995. After initial studies this property was recommended for acquisition (June 1995) because it would meet our initial goals. A preliminary mitigation plan was developed for the property and submitted for review by the agencies. However, based on agency comments it was apparent that NCDOT would be unable to provide a final mitigation plan for the site in time to meet the schedule for the project. Therefore, additional alternatives were evaluated to ensure that the first segment of the project could meet the schedule. It is important to note that the initial goal of the mitigation search has changed from finding suitable mitigation for the entire project to satisfying mitigation requirements for the first segment of the project. The main goal of the search was to find appropriate mitigation that would satisfy the requirement of the COE Nationwide Permit that had been issued for the project. The Seven Springs site appears to be the only alternative that will meet the mitigation requirement and allow project construction to begin. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-7844, Ext. 307. Sincerely, in Vick, ZP, ger Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mike Smith, COE Raleigh Table 1: Mitigation Sites SITES ACREAGE MITIGATION POTENTIAL CONSTRAINTS Flowers 10 Bl Hdwd small, cost Wilson Landfill 15 Bl Hdwd small, cost Crocker +15 Wet Flat small, no riverine Woodward +15 Wet Flat small, no riverine Edmundson +15 Wet Flat small, no riverine Exxum 55 Wverine, BL Hdwd cost Eagles 50 Wet Flat pipeline, no riverine Lancaster 15 BI Hdwd small, no riverine S ei Tht 20 Riverine small Aycock 175 Wet Flat no nverine Gurley 170 BI Hdwd none State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A, Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Franklin Vick Planning and Environmental Branch NC DOT P. O. Box 25201 Raleigh, N.C. 276011-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: 4 0 o ®f ---0 S:,ptember 22, 1995 Wilson County DEM Project # 95203 a n You have our approval to place fill material in 25.32 (17.83 acres of wetlands) acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a portion of the Wilson Bypass at Wilson, as you described in your application dated June 9, 1995, June 27, 1995 and August 9, 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2671 and 2732. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 26 and 14 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. An additional condition is that a compensatory wetland mitigation plan must be submitted to DEM and approved by this office before constriction begins. In addition, you should get nay other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files Scott Gottfried, DOT Sincerely, ston oward, Jr. P. . 95203.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919=733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1096 post-consumor paper J ' ? tel. f REPLYTO ATMUMN QE DEPARTMEUT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON 013TWC71 COZPS OF C;IGCIEEn3 P.O. EOX I ago WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 2a402.1 BW Saptembor 12, 1995 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199201719 and Nationwida Parmit Numbarn 14 (Road Crouning) and 26 (Eioadwatora and Toolated Waters) Mr, H. Franklin Vick, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Dopartment of Transportation Divipion of I11911ways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: ?* ,gi45J{ Reference your application of June 9, 1995, subsequently revised on June 27, 1995 and August 9, 1995, for Department of the Army authorization to diachavgo fill material, causing the Iona of a total of 25.32 aeras of waters or the United Staters, including 17,03 acroa of wetlands 114.72 acres filled/drained and 0.91 acre excavated) adjacent to Shepherds Branch and other tributaries to Contentnea Croak, for. the construction of the first segment of tho propoaad U.S. 244 Wiloon Bypass, west of tlilson, wilnon County, North Carolina (TIP Project R-1023AA, State Project No. O.T340302). For the purposes of the Corps of Engincors" Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CPR), Part 330.6, publiahad in the Federal Rog?atar on November 22, 1991, liato nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 v[ the Clean Water Act, for diochargca of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated watts. Authorisation, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivera and Harborn Act of x.099 and section 404 of the Clcan Dater Act, wan also provided for fills for roads eroaaing waters of the United states (including wetlands and other special aquatic aitea) provided; a. The width of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for the actual crooaingj b. The fill placed in waters of the United States is limited to a filled area of no mono than one-third acre. Furthermore, no more than a total of 200 linear foot of tho fill for the roadway can occur in spacial aquatic uitaa, including wetlandal c. The crooning is culverted, bridged or othorwiso donignad to pravent the r4striatlW of, and to withstand, expected highflowo and the movement.of aquatic organiamaj Printed en P&cye&4 Pip„ zed 82T9 :ON _13i nN3 R J I NNd-d i0Q ON : Q I 92:O T G3M SS , -Od-d3S II . . -2- d. The crossing, including all attendant zoaturaa, both temporary and parmanent, io part of a oinglc and edssrylCto project for crvzaing of a waticr of the 'United 3tatcaj and e. Ivor sills in spacial aquatic sites, including wetlands, the pormittee notifies the District Ungineor in accordance with tho ,11otification" gonrral condition. Your work is authorized by those nationwide permits provided you receive a section 401 water quality certification from the ITorth Carolina Division of Environmental Managemant, and provided it is accompliahod in atriat aeeordanco with your submitted plana, the enclosed general conditiona, and tho following special condition: Puraunnt to Titla 33CVRF Appendix A to Dart 330, itationuida permit condition 13(d), a co Plata, sinal componnatory uatland mitigation plan, that will raduca tho advorao ottocto to the salnimal level, oust bo submitted and approved by this office. Ho cork racy proceed within avatars of the Unitad 9tataa, including watlanda, without thin approvad mitigation plan. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1706, regarding water quality certification. Theac nationwide permits do not relieva you of tho roopoualbiliEy to obtain othur required State or local approvalu. This veriticucion will be valid until the nationwide permit iv modified, raissued or revoked, which will occur prior to January 21, 1997. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide pcrmitsl, which will be announced by public notioa when they occur. if you com.monco, or are under contract to commence, thin activity befora the dato tho nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twslva montha from tho data of the modification or revocation to complete the activity under the present torma and eanditiona of thisa nationwide permit- Thlo authorization is only valid Car the work dealt ib4d above. Pleanc note. that a comploto analysis of the impacts aaaoeiated with the U.S. 264 Bypass? Around Wilson, including related activiEies authorized by nationwide parmita, will be included in any individual permit documentation developed for thin Srojoot. E0d BET9 :ON -131 nN3 q 9INNH-Id lOQ ON:QI LE:OT CBM SS,-Od-d35 -3- Questions or comments may bo addressed to Mr. Eric Alamayor of my Raleigh field office regulatory ataff, at telephone (919) 076-0341, extension 33. Sincerely, G. Nayno Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Rnclaoura Copies Furnionea (without enclosure) V Mr. Scott cottfriod Planning and Environmantal Dtanch North Carolina Deparkmcat of Tr=uportation Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Mr. kToun Dornoy Stator Quality Section Division of anvironmental Mgmt. Ilorth Carolina Dopartmont of environment, Health and Natural Resources Poot Office Box 29535 Rnlaigh, lie 77G2G-0535 ff :ON X31 AN3 q 9I NNU-1d 10a ON c a I SE : 0 Z mM S6 s -0E-d3S-- r N. C. llhPAIt'I'MENT OF TRANSPOPTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP ATE D ATE " 1/v- " Q 1 1 REF. NCT UR li00%?, ?LL`G. OM: REF. NO. U11 ROOM, DL DG. ACTION L..1 NOTE AND FILE PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME FLR YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ADOUT THIS FOR YOUR INFORMATION C PLEA5E ANSWER _J FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FUH MY SIGNATURE r' SIGNATURE n TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: A "1o U a;f o, ?? n s 3 t ? ? S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GovewNoR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 July 27, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele v 1 I Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Ms. Manuele: Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson Bypass Project, TIP No. R-1023 AA, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-38-1(66), State Project No. 8.T340305, USACOE Action ID No. 19920219 The following is in response to your recent correspondence regarding the Nationwide Permit application for the above referenced project. As discussed in our June 27, 1995 letter we will submit a modified proposal that will reduce wetland impacts through compensatory mitigation. A mitigation plan is in the process of being prepared for the Gurley tract located adjacent to Nahunta Swamp a tributary of Contentnea Creek in Greene County. This information will be submitted to your office by August 10, 1995 for your review. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919- 733-3141, Ext. 307. Sincerely, H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington John Dorney, DEM Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Don Morton, P.E., HighwayDesign Branch A.L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics D.R. Dupree, P.E., Division 4 Engineer Charles Cox, P.E., Project Planning Engineer f T s Yzrnr,o ? ? Ff.1 j?C .u STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT 111 GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.G 27611-5201 SECRETARY August 9, 1995 F _ c? P,UG 01-r Ms. Jean Manuele _ -- Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Ms. Manuele: Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson By-Pass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. 8.1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 Please find enclosed a copy of the Mitigation Plan for the above referenced project. Pursuant to the your agency's July 21, 1995 letter, this plan is to modify and supplement our current Pre-Construction Notification that is being processed by your office. The proposed plan will compensate for wetland impacts associated with the first segment of the Wilson By-Pass project by providing wetland restoration, enhancement and preservation on approximately 190 acres of property along Nahunta Swamp in Greene County. Based on this information the mitigation site offers opportunities for providing both riverine and nonriverine wetland mitigation which are the type wetland impacts associated with the project. The implementation of the enclosed plan will provide compensatory mitigation for all impacts associated with this project. The remaining credits are expected to be available for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with future segments of the Wilson Bypass. As a result of this modified proposal, it is NCDOT's opinion that the impacts associated with this project will not "result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively" (33 CFR 330). Therefore NCDOT request that the project still be D 2 permitted under Nationwide Permits. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, Ext. 307. Sincere , H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HF V/sg Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mr. Eric Galamb, DEM USFWS David Cox, WRC i ?I AUG 0 MITIGATION PLAN N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FIRST SEGMENT OF THE WILSON BYPASS TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (TIP): R-1023AA WILSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: The North Carolina Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina Prepared by: Environmental Services, Inc. 1318 Dale Street, Suite 220 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 August 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................ii LIST OF TABLES .................................................. iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...............................................1 1.1 Methodology ....................................... 1 2.0 IMPACTED WETLAND RESOURCES ................................. 4 3.0 MITIGATION POLICY ........................................... 9 4.0 MITIGATION SITE ............................................ 11 4.1 General ..........................................11 4.2 Existinc Conditions .................................. 11 4.2.1 Pant Communities ............................. 11 4.2.2 Soils ....................................... 15 4.2.3 Geology and Hydrogeology ................... '.... 15 4.2.4 Jurisdictional Wetlands .......................... 19 5.0 MITIGATION PLAN ............................................ 21 5.1 Wetland :: ;ydrological Restoration ......................... 21 5.2 Plant Community Restoration ............................ 22 5.2.1 Planting Plan ................................. 23 5.2.2 Planting Program .............................. 23 5.3 Wetland Soil Restoration ............................... 23 6.0 MONITORING PLAN ........................................... 27 6.1 Hydrolcgy Monitoring ................................ 27 6.2 Hydrolcgy Success Criteria ............................ 27 6.3 Vegetaion ....................................... 27 6.4 Vegeta_ion Success Criteria ............................ 28 7.0 WETLAND MITIGATION POTENTIAL ............................... 29 8.0 DISPENSATION OF FROPERTY ................................... 31 9.0 REFERENCES CITED ...........................................32 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 - Project Site Location (R-1023AA) ............................. 2 Figure 2 - Nahunta Swamp Mitigation Site .............................. 12 Figure 3 - Plant Communities ....................................... 13 Figure 4 - Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey .......... 16 Figure 5 - Hydrologic Pathways .................................. 18 Figure 6 - Jurisdictional Wetland Estimates ............................. 20 Figure 7 - Example of Community Types for Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Plantings ........................ 25 Figure 8 - Potential Wetland Mitigation Credit ........................... 30 LIST OF TABLES Pace Table 1 - Wetland Impacts by Class ................................... Table 2 - Example of Target Community Types and Species for Wetland Restoration and Enhancement Planning ................ 2= Table 3 - Mitigation Credit Potential .......................... ...... 29 MITIGATION PLAN N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FIRST SEGMENT OF THE WILSON BYPASS TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (TIP): R-1023AA WILSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to construct a US 264 bypass around the town of Wilson, in Wilson County, North Carolina. This proposed 21 kilometer (13 mile) project entails highway construction on new location-extending from the approach of US 264 to US 264A to the US 264 merge with NC 58 southeast of Wilson. The environmental impacts of this project were studied in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (NCDOT 1991). This document evaluated several alternatives, including a no-build option, and several bypass corridors south of the town of Wilson. Subsequently, the preferred alternative was selected to avoid and minimize wetland impacts while considering public need and travel safety. The first segment of the Wilson Bypass entails construction of a four-lane divided highway extending approximately 5.3 kilometers (3.3 miles) from the western end of the proposed alignment at US 264A to just east of SR 1 136 (Figure 1). A Section 404 permit application was submitted in May, 1994 for 7.2 hectares (17.8 acres) of wetland impacts associated with development of the initial segment. This mitigation plan has been developed to propose a mitigation strategy for dealing with these anticipated wetland losses. Information contained in this report is intended to supplement and support NCDOT's Section 404 permit application and request for 401 Water Quality Certification. 1.1 Methodology Wetlands within the project corridor were initially mapped and classified in 1991 by NCDOT personnel as part of the EIS. Wetlands were identified based upon parameters outlined in the "Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (89 Manual)"(FICWD , 1989). Subsequently, wetlands were revisited in 1995 by NCDOT personnel to conform jurisdictional mapping to wetland parameters enumerated in the "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (87 Manual)" (DOA 1987). Wetlands were classified using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) manual, Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States" (Cowardin et al. 1979). 1 LAM: j f 13? pop. 1 LIU 2 /• 8 \ LA= /.ow vcd2 LSO lip. N - Yfson r,. • • ? r, o ' • ? ? FOP. 34,424 ? /1 rrpol•t ??= it 'a - ,F? ?.;::: ? J 1l Ch. % l .66 tn- 301 US 264 Wilson Bypass (R 1023 AA) ! N ? T ; N ,•? '" ?( 117 FAS- \ o .. ??, w. Fps © w j z ?- c?ac Figure-. Environmental _ + -•? ?, Services, Inc Site location 1313 Dale Street Fir Segment ent of the US 264 Project: ER94018.10 , 7-?7?. ? ?''. ?? ? :?,,I• ? - r IJ Suite 220 W113on Bypass t ,^ -}?' ?-- `• Raleigh, NC 27605 Wilson County, NC t Date: August 1995 /` -- i During wetland evaluations, the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Wetland Rating System was employed to characterize wetland quality relative to DEM standards (DEM 1993). The primary use of this rating system is as a tool for making decisions regarding 401 Water Quality Certification by DEM. The rating system uses a stepdown key to rate 10 values of wetlands including: 1) water storage; 2) bank/shoreline stabilization; 3) pollutant removal; 4) sensitive watershed; 5) travel corridor; 6) special ecological attributes; 7) wildlife habitat; 8) aquatic life value; 9) recreation/education; and 10) economic value. Wetland values within each category are combined to generate a total score on a 100 point scale. Lower scores denote a wetland site considered less important for protection of water quality and other wetland values. Design specifications and avoidance/minimization issues for the Wilson Bypass initial segment were addressed in the Section 404 permit application and in the EIS. Secondary impacts to wetlands through roadside ditching and clearing were also..quantified and added to anticipated wetland impacts (Letter from NCDOT to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE); dated 6/27/95). In the spring of 1995, NCDOT performed a search for suitable wetland mitigation sites within the Wilson Bypass region. Subsequently, a preferred mitigation site was identified within Nahunta Swamp near the Wayne County/Greene County line in eastern North Carolina. ESI scientists performed preliminary field investigations in July 1995, including cursory hydrological evaluations, general confirmation of Natural Resource Conservation Service soil survey map units (USDA 1980), evaluation of on-site resources and existing jurisdictional status of the tract. Subsequently, this compensatory mitigation strategy has been developed to provide compensation for direct and indirect impacts to approximately 7.2 hectares (17.8 acres of wetlands impacted by R-1023AA. 3 2.0 IMPACTED WETLAND RESOURCES Approximately 7.2 hectares (17.8 acres) of wetlands may be directly impacted along the 5.3 kilometer (3.3 mile) segment of the proposed US 264 Wilson Bypass. Impacted wetland types within the project corridor have been grouped into riverine/bottomland wetlands and nonriverine/interstream wetlands for descriptive purposes. Wetland classes and primary wetland types within proposed construction limits are quantified in Table 1. Table 1 also depicts Division of Environmental Management (DEM) wetland rating system average scores for the riverine and nonriverine wetland classes. A total of 19 wetland crossings were evaluated using the DEM system. TABLE 1: Wetland Impacts by Class Nonri verine Wetland Class Nonriverine Wetland Class Riverine Wetland Class Palustrine forested and Palustrine emergent; Palustrine forested, Wetland palustrine shrub-scrub, temporarily to permanently broad-leaved deciduous; Type broad-leaved deciduous ! flooded, excavated; temporarily to TOTAL (needle-leaved evergreen); PEM1Ax and PEM1Hx seasonally flooded; temporarily flooded; PF01A and PF01C PF01 A, PF01 /4A, PSS 1 /4 Area Impacted hectare (acre) 4.6 (11.3) 0.9 (2.2) 1.7(4.3) 7.2 (17.8) DEM # of sites sampled: 11 # of sites sampled: 3 .. of sites sampled: 5 Wetland Rating Range: 12-16 Range: 12-63 Range: 40-73 r Average (mean): 13 Average (mean): 34 Average (mean): 60 System A brief description of affected wetland types is provided. Although no detailed wetland functional assessment was performed, a brief description of wetland functions discerned from the DEM wetland rating process and wetland characterizations is provided. Nonriverine Wetlands: Palustrine forested and shrub-scrub, broad-leaved deciduous/(needle- leaved evergreen), temporarily flooded wetlands (PF01A, (PF0114A), PSS1/4A) Impacts to nonriverine pine/hardwood forested wetlands (4.6 hectares (11.3 acres)) represent a majority of wetland impacts associated with this segment of the Wilson Bypass. For descriptive purposes, wetland types include all successional stages of nonriverine wet hardwood forests and wet hardwood/pine mixed forest intergrades. These wetlands are positioned along the center of interstream tracts which are temporarily saturated or inundated during early portions of the growing season. Interstream wetlands are typically located within farmed landscapes or road networks and exhibit limited forest connectivity with riverine/bottomland corridors. Interstream wetlands exhibit indications of disturbance such as 4 antecedent farming, direct or indirect drainage, and systematic logging. Included within this wetland class is minimal acreage of palustrine, shrub scrub, broad leaved deciduous/needle- leaved evergreen, temporarily flooded wetlands (PSS1/4A). This community represents interstream wetland forest which has been clear cut in the last 15 years. Soil types within interstream wetlands include the Rains (Typic Ochraquults), Grantham (Typic Paleaquults), and Toisnot (Typic Fragiaquults) series (USDA 1983). These soils are nearly level, poorly drained, with the seasonal high water table at or near the surface. Permeability is moderate to slow with perching of rainwater and ponding most likely upon a fragipan within the Toisnot soil map unit. The fragipan consists of a compact, brittle layer between the depths of 25 and 56 inches. When drained, The Rains and Grantham series are well suited for agriculture. Within the Toisnot series, fragipan depth and thickness limits drainage potential required for agricultural production. Characteristic tree species include sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), sweet bay (Magnolia virginiana), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), and loblolly pine (Pious taeda). Common understory/shrub elements include swamp red bay (Persea palustris), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), horsesugar (Symplocus tinctoria), American holly (//ex opaca) and sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia). Ground cover species include partridge berry (Mitchella repens), switch cane (Arundinaria gigantea), beauty berry (Callicarpa americana), cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), and ink berry (Ilex glabra). Nonriverine forested wetlands, when compared to riverine systems, appear to exhibit relatively low value for performance of most physical wetland functions as indicated by the DEM wetland ratings. The DEM wetland ratings, which weight physical processes, ranged from 12 to 16 out of 100 possible points. Expected physical functions include long-term water storage during periods of groundwater drawdown, moderation of groundwater flow/movement within the watershed, and attenuation of surface runoff into streams and agricultural (slope) areas of lower landscape position (Adamus et al. 1991). In essence, relatively undisturbed nonriverine wetlands may act as effective retention areas for rainfall and potentially groundwater. Stored water is then released in moderation through subsurface flow or first order stream flow towards the lower watershed. The ability of impacted interstream wetland resources to perform physical wetland functions appears to be degraded by adjacent land use practices. Channelization of first order streams and fragmentation within farm fields surrounding interstream wetlands has accelerated the transport of stored water and rainfall from these interstream flats, into downstream areas. Ditching has also lowered the seasonal high water table to marginal wetland levels in some 5 areas. Evidence of above ground hydrology within these systems is limited to isolated, very small pockets which fill with water during winter and early spring. Therefore, the primary function of interstream wetland areas may be to support biotic resources in the region which are dependent upon forested wetlands for survival. Interstream wetlands often provide a large majority of remaining forested habitat for native wildlife (Adamus and Stockwell 1983). Interstream wetlands represent a substantial component of remaining forest acreage within the coastal plain of North Carolina. Most uplands and historical wetland areas in the region are currently farmed. Therefore, the maintenance of species distributions and abundance is dependent, in part, upon intact nonriverine wetlands. Habitat value of interstream wetlands, when interspersed and connected with bottomland systems, is considered important to maintenance of characteristic wildlife guilds (USFWS 1981). No net loss of interstream wetland function and connectivity for wildlife in the region should assist in maintaining species distributions and abundance. Evaluations of aerial photography indicate that impacted nonriverine wetlands exhibit low to moderate connectivity with regional bottomland corridors. The proximity of these areas to the Contentnea Creek corridor may provide for movement (genetic or migratory) of regional wildlife guilds capable of traversing open fields and road corridors. However, the fragmentation of impacted interstream wetlands within the farmed landscape limits travel and migration for many wildlife populations such as black bear (Ursus americana). Further reductions in wildlife value for reptile and amphibian reproduction may have-resulted from partial drainage of these tracts and reductions in surface inundation within depressional areas during the early growing season. Extensive clear-cutting and selective. harvesting have further altered the spatial habitat structure these wetlands once provided to area wildlife. Mitigation requirements to provide no net loss of function should include restoration of spatial habitat structure within a contiguous nonriverine wetland area that exhibits connectivity to a regional wildlife corridor. Nonriverine Wetlands: Palustrine emergent, persistent, temporarily to permanently flooded, excavated (PEM 1 Ax and PEM 1 Hx) Approximately 0.9 hectares (2.2 acres) of palustrine emergent wetlands occur within man- made structures such as borrow ponds and/or incidental impoundments. These systems are nonriverine in function and occur along broad slopes positioned between interstream flats and bottomland systems. Soils consist primarily of the Udorthents series characteristic of areas where the soil solum and portions of underlying parent material have been removed. The soil surface is often characterized by sediments and nutrients imported by runoff from pond spoil banks, adjacent farmland, and/or roadway corridors. The sediments are intermixed with coarse marine 6 sediments which constitute the predominant parent material in the Wilson Bypass area. In some instances, underlying granite bedrock is exposed in borrow pits excavated for coarse sand and gravel. The plant communities which inhabit palustrine emergent systems are adapted to varying degrees of inundation. Characteristic species include cattail (Typha latifolia), bullrush (Scirpus cyperinus), soft rush (Juncus effusus, Juncus sp.), blackberry (Rubus sp.), smartweed (Polygonum sp.), sedge (Carex sp.), flat sedge (Cyperus sp.), spikerush (Eleocharis sp.), lizard tail (Saururus cernuus), and occasional black willow (Sa/ix nigra). Plant species diversity tends to be relatively high within palustrine emergent communities. These systems tend to perform limited physical wetland function. For the most part, these wetland communities represent perturbations in the landscape; hydric conditions appear to have been. caused by human disturbances. Because of the small size, altered hydrogeology, and isolated nature of borrow ponds, physical functions such as sediment stabilization, sediment/toxicant retention, nutrient removal/transformation and flood flow alteration are considered minimal. In some cases, the presence of borrow ponds and surrounding soil disturbance may actually increase the quantity of sediments and overland runoff in lower landscape areas. DEM wetland ratings ranged from 12 to 63 for the three borrow ponds potentially impacted by the road corridor. One PEM site rated relatively high during the wetland rating process (score 63, See table 1 and Section 404 permit application). This system may support a stabilized borrow pond and palustrine emergent community that is positioned between farmfields and stream corridors. The system may intercept overland runoff and associated sediments before these pollutants enter the stream. Therefore, protection of water quality may increase the wetland value of this borrow pond. Biological wetland function in impacted palustrine emergent systems is expected to be limited due to the small size, disturbed soil substrate, and isolated nature of the systems. Although these wetlands may provide occasional food and cover for passerine birds, wildlife usage is considered minimal. Proposed replacement of wetland function within impacted borrow ponds consists of stringent erosion and sediment control adjacent to wetlands, use of best management practices (BMPs), and consolidation of wildlife function within a contiguous nonriverine wetland mitigation area. Palustrine forested, broad-leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded wetlands (PF01 C) Impacted riverine/bottomland wetlands are concentrated within the floodplain of Shephards Branch and several minor tributaries. Approximately 1.7 hectares (4.3 acres) of bottomland 7 wetlands may be impacted at these stream crossings. These systems are riverine in character and support bottomland wetland functions associated with the interface of surface and groundwater systems. Expression of wetland function in bottomland systems is often correlated to overbank flooding and related hydrodynamics. Hydric soil types occurring in these alluvial systems consist primarily of the Bibb loam (Typic Fluvaquents) (USDA 1983). These are poorly drained, floodplain soils characteristic of major streams in the region. The seasonal high water table is at a depth of 6 to 18 inches with the map unit subject to frequent overbank flooding. Character canopy species include sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple (Acer rubrum), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), willow oak (Quercus phellos), river birch (Betula nigra), and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda). Understory species include sweet bay (Magnolia 'virgihiana), Carolina _ash (Fraxinus caroliniana), privet (Ligustrum sinense), switch cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia). Netted-chain fern (Woodwardia areolata), lizard's tail, false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrical, and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) represent common groundcover components.. PF01 C wetlands are functionally valuable ecosystems. Because of their position in the landscape (i.e. interspersed between agricultural fields and stream channels), these bottomland communities act as major receptors of upland runoff (Cooper et al. 1986, Peterjohn and Correll 1984)). As such, important biogeochemical functions performed by floodplains which dissect agricultural regions include removal of elements and compounds, retention of particulates (farm sediments), organic carbon export, and nutrient cycling (Brinson et al. 1994). Bottomland ecosystems provide valuable habitat for biotic resources in the region. Habitat value of bottomland forests, especially for migrating and wintering species, is considered important to maintenance of characteristic wildlife guilds and migratory species. Vegetational diversity and aquatic affiliation offer all the necessary components (food, water, cover) needed to support a variety of mammals and birds. In addition, seasonal inundation provides ideal habitat opportunities for waterfowl, such as wood ducks, as well as a variety of reptiles and amphibians. Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable bottomland losses should entail in-kind replacement of lost wetland function associated with riverine dynamics. Target replacement functions may include retention of particulates, removal of elements and compounds, organic carbon export, dynamic surface water storage, long-term surface water storage, and energy dissipation. 8 3.0 MITIGATION POLICY Mitigaton for wetland losses from the proposed project is recommended in accordance with Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 230), mitigation policy mandates articulated in the COE/EPA Memorandum of Agreement (MOA; Page and Wilcher 1990), Executive Order 11990 (42 FR 26961 (1977)), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) mitigation policy directives (46 FR 7644-7663 (1981)), and Federal Highway Administration (FHW„) stepdown procedures (23 CFR 777.1-777.11). Mitigation has been defined in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations to include efforts which: a) avoid; b) minimize; c) rectify; d) reduce or eliminate; or e) compensate for adverse impacts to the envirc,invent (40 CFR 1508.22 (a-e)). Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines, the COE/EPA MOA, and Executive Order 11990, stress avoidance and minimization as primary considerations for protection of "waters of the United States." Practicable alternatives must be fully evaluated before compensatory mitigation can be discussed. USFWS policy also emphasizes avoidance and minimization. However, for unavoidable losses, USFVrS recommends that mitigation efforts be correlated with value and scarcity of the habitat at risk. Habitat is classified into four Resource Categories based on decreasing importance and value. with subsequent decreases in mitigation planning objectives (46 FR 7657-7658). The forested wetlands in the project corridor would be considered Resource Category 2 (riverine systems) or 3 (nonriverine systems) (high to moderate value), requiring a mitigation goal of no net Icss of habitat (compensation through replacement of lost habitat function). Methods used to achieve this goal include: the physical modification of replacement habitat to convert it to the type that is lost, restoration or rehabilitation of previously altered habitat, increased man&gement of similar replacement habitat so that in-kind value of the lost habitat is replaced, or a combination of these measures. FHWA policy stresses that all practicable measures should be taken to avoid or minimize harm to wetlands which will be affected by federally funded highway construction. A sequencing (ste-down) procedure is recommended in the event that avoidance is impossible. First, consideration must be given to providing for mitigation within highway right-of-way limits, gene ally through enhancement, restoration, or creation. Mitigation employed outside of the high%vay right-of-way must be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Measures should be designed "to reestablish, to the extent reasonable, a condition similar to that which would have existed if the project were not built" (23 CFR 777.9(b)). 9 .e Existing policy guidelines on mitigation sequencing have been employed for this project. Measures to avoid, minimize, reduce, and eliminate wetland impacts have been employed where feasible. NCDOT's efforts at impact avoidance and minimization are more fully addressed in the Section 404 permit application and in the EIS. Compensatory mitigation is proposed for all unavoidable impacts resulting from roadway construction associated with the initial segment of the Wilson Bypass. Replacement of lost wetland functions is considered paramount. Mitigation banking - Mitigation banking may be considered as an integral part of this mitigation project. After debiting for R-1023AA impacts, remaining credits from the Nahunta Swamp site, if available, are expected to be "banked" for future use by NCDOT. This plan has been formulated under recent guidance for the use and operation of mitigation banks (60 FR 12286- 12293, 1995) in order to facilitate the banking process. Mitigation banking is recognized as a potential benefit in facilitating the permit process and providing more effective mitigation for impacted wetlands. 10 4.0 MITIGATION SITE 4.1 General The Nahunta Swamp mitigation site is being proposed to provide compensatory mitigation needs for R-1023AA. The preliminary mitigation study area encompasses approximately 80 hectares (195 acres); however, the final acreage of the site will be dependent upon landowner negotiations and the extent of wetland functional replacement available within the area. The Nahunta Swamp site is located at the intersection of SR 1058 and Nahunta Swamp in western Greene County, North Carolina. Figure 2 depicts the mitigation site overlaid upon U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic mapping. The study area is interposed at the confluence of Beaver Branch and Nahunta Swamp. The mitigation area contains primary and secondary floodplain terraces associated with both stream corridors. Surface and groundwater hydrologic interactions are expected to be complex at the confluence and also expected to interact with SR 1058, which transects the site. The site is primarily riverine in historic condition and provides the potential to restore characteristic riverine wetland function. The site may be used to compensate for riverine wetland impacts associated with the proposed Wilson Bypass corridor. Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI) personnel visited the mitigation site on July 17, 20, and 31, 1995 to evaluate existing plant communities and perform cursory assessments of soil and hydrogeological conditions. Jurisdictional wetlands, degraded or eliminated wetlands, and uplands were mapped on 1993 aerial photography based primarily on NRCS soil map units and the extent and arrangement of ditches on the site. Subsequently, existing conditions were described and a mitigation planning strategy developed to discern wetland mitigation potential. 4.2 Existing Conditions 4.2.1 Plant Communities Distribution and composition of plant communities reflect landscape-level variations in topography, soils, hydrology, and past or present land use practices. Communities identified on the site include upland hardwood forest, agricultural fields on hydric soils, agricultural fields on non-hydric soils, early successional forest on artificially drained hydric soils, and remaining swamp forest immediately adjacent to Nahunta Swamp and Beaver Branch. Figure 3 depicts the plant community map units on recent aerial photography. Upland hardwood forest and successional forest regeneration occurs within upland portions of the site. Mixed mesophytic hardwoods such as northern red oak (Quercus rubra), American beech (Fagus grandifolia) swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), white oak (Quercus alba), and mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa) reside upon relic levies in the southern section of the mitigation area. Elevated upland ridges in western and northern sections of the site support more xeric community elements including southern red oak (Quercus falcata), black 11 '? ? _ 1?? J?.d? i- ?-Z?m tip` ??? ?\?. ??(\ ?/'•?? i'. ? ??? =tit ?., ?? ?\t. x'1.1/,? F- V? rr1 t itaF#; r ?? t .. t- + t``?: \t\`\ V'r ' j It rx + +? ?')? . -• t? ?\ t? r 1 _ '??~,• J f ?11?{ ti Ch= ??'z. Y I , ? s r__•? _J 1 `a ti it ? y i ? ? ,?/ ?, _..^ / 1 I,i\?' f v ? }, ??-J'?'/ _ 1 i? ' -:_' ?? I t ? `` - -rZl, I ` ?? -t t -?. ' cixt, 1 -? 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I < 1 t, 1. ` Wit. 1\ ? ?t ?r -' Lam,- t ` F •~ ?_ ?sl J: 'a `?. •?` 1? ifs ??• -„". +...r-.Jt? •?i+ ''S ,t?f"Vr-fit J`l' t fir' r a \7s } f 4 f ?_ _ r: ?--' ; I f t 1 l f c c? _0 ' X1000 20003000 ''/,/ •/'?_ alit -/ 1.' !'+.sJ y'? ???` ',,t? _ ` ?? _r.o ?`??S-?.,; ??' `'-: CBrtI-N+( tilt L• nviranmental Frojccn ER94018.10 Fgurc: 2 Services, Inc_ Site Location 1318 Dale Street Nahunta Swamp Mitigation Study Area Drawn 8y: JM Scalc: 1 In = 2067 Ft Suite 220 Greene County. NC Raieigh, NC _7605 Chcckcd By: JWD Dam: AugtFOt 1995 ' ? 7 \1 oak (Quercus velutina), sassafras (Sassafras albidum), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and black cherry (Prunus serotina). Successional areas occupy effectively drained land on poorly, to very poorly drained hydric soils. This area appears to support old-field succession or portions of the system may have been clear-cut in the last 15 years. The high density of vegetation makes cursory evaluation of interior community dynamics difficult. In areas within 30 meters (100 feet) of numerous ditches, river birch (Betula nigra) often represents a majority of the developing tree canopy. These monotypic patches of river birch range from 10 to 15 feet in height. Saplings of red maple, eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), swamp black gum (Nyssa biflora), sweet gum, loblolly pine, and pond pine (Pinus serotina) were also observed as interior stems under 20 feet tall. Dense herbaceous vegetation has restricted tree growth and includes an almost impenetrable thicket of pioneer species such as black berry (Rubus spp.), greenbrier (Smilax spp.), muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia), switch cane, dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), asters (Aster spp.), devil's walking stick (Aralia spinosa), Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), winged sumac (Rhus copallina), and impatiens (Impatiens capensis). Agricultural fields occupy eastern and northern peripheries of the mitigation site. Agricultural fields on hydric soils occur adjacent to SR 1058 and support varying degrees ,of organic soil content and sporadic relic fluvial layers. Agricultural fields on non-hydric soils occupy a relic levy adjacent to Nahunta Swamp and a broad convex ridge in the northern extreme of the site. The complexity of soil and hydrologic interactions within prior converted farmland is difficult to evaluate based on cursory field assessments. In addition the presence of the SR 1058 roadway fill and roadside ditch make evaluations of historic topographic and community gradients unclear. Detailed topographic surveys, and hydrological studies may be required to discern the historic community patterns in these areas. Swamp forest fringes persist along the primary floodplains of Nahunta Swamp and Beaver Branch. These areas appear to sustain periodic overbank flooding and reduced groundwater inputs. Incoming groundwater appears to have been diverted from the floodplain into numerous ditches and shunted directly into the stream channel. Canopy species observed during preliminary assessments include sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), river birch, swamp black gum, red maple, laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), overcup oak (Quercus lyrata), cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), Carolina ash, green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and American elm (Ulmus americana). Based on the presence of stumps in the map unit, cypress may have been systematically logged from the community. Understory and groundcover species include character species such as dog hobble (Leucothoe axillaris), sweet pepper bush, highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), lizard tail, impatiens, and switch cane. i 14 A 1 4.2.2 Soils The primary soil-landform association on the mitigation site consists of the Bibb-Johnston- Kinston complex associated with the primary and secondary floodplain terraces, stream levies, and feeder tributaries of Nahunta Swamp (USDA 1980). Figure 4 depicts Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) hydric and non-hydric soil map units overlaid upon recent aerial photography. Soil types include the Johnston series (Cumul/c Humaquepts), the Paxville series (Typic Umbraquults), the Lumbee series (Typic Ochraquu/ts), the Pactolus series (Aquic Quartzipsamments), and the Blanton series (Grossarenic Paleudults). Soil texture within most of the site ranges from loam to sand of moderate to rapid permeability In undrained condition, the seasonal high water table varies along the topographic gradient from surface flooding to more than 2 meters (6 feet) below the soil surface. Hydric soils are defined as "soils that are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (USDA 1987). NRCS mapping (Figure 4) identifies hydric soils within the primary floodplains of Nahunta Swamp and Beaver Branch in southern, eastern, and central portions of the mitigation site (Cumulic Humaquepts, Johnston series). Areas further north of Nahunta Swamp support poorly drained to very poorly drained, hydric soils (Umbraquults, Paxville series; Ochraquults, Lumbee series) associated with a secondary stream terrace and small tributary between the' confluence of Beaver Branch and Nahunta Swamp. Several upland areas in the mitigation area support moderately well drained, non-hydric soils. Upland systems include a narrow stream bank/levy system supporting the Pactolus series and a broad, convex ridge supporting Blanton, Cowarts, and Wagram soils. 4.2.3 Geology and Hydrogeology Geology The subject site is located within the Physiographic Province. The topograp relatively flat stream valleys, and low t predominantly underlain by sediment consisting of fossiliferous clay with v shell material concentrated in lense Formations are also present along a no of Contentnea Creek as it flows towa The mitigation site is wedge Beaver Branch on the east. entral to. western portion of the Inner / of the Inner Coastal Plain is character rolling hills. The surficial soils of Greer of the Yorktown Formation, which is ying amounts of fine-grained sand, blu! (Brown 1985). The Cape Fear and hwest to southeast trending belt that fo the Neuse River. shaped, and bounded by Nahunta Swamp on The surficial soils consist of alluvial sediments marine sediments typical of the region. Surficial soil types are discussed in Based upon the USGS topographic map, total relief within the mitigation )astal Plain d by broad County are ;scribed as gray, with lack Creek ivs the path the south and and weathered Section 3.2.2. study area is 15 approximately 3.5 meters 0 2 ft). The estimated thickness of the surficial sediments is 4.5 to 6 meters 0 5 to 20 ft). Regional groundwater flow in the Coastal Plain generally flows in a down dip direction, which generally trends southeast in North Carolina. The rivers generally flow from northwest to southeast in the Coastal Plain, roughly paralleling the dip direction. Shallow groundwater occurs under unconfined conditions within 1.5 meters (5 feet) of the surface in much of the region, as evidenced by the large expanses of hydric soils, and the extensive use of drainage systems in agricultural fields. The local hydrology is controlled by three facto intervention. Under unconfined conditions groundwe the land flowing from northern and western portion Beaver Branch to the south and east. Groundwater feet) of the surface in a series of six exploratory bor July 1995. The soils onsite are conducive to rapii hydraulic conductivities (35-50 cm/hr). Human imp numerous drainage ditches, channelization and possib' construction of several roads, including SR 1058, in t the arrangement of ditches and channelized stream preliminary investigations. -s, topography, geology, and human ter generally follows the topography of of the site into Nahunta Swamp and was encountered within 1.5 meters (5 ngs performed during a site visit on, 31 1 infiltration and exhibit relatively high icts on the site include construction of e diversion of stream segments, and the ne immediate vicinity. Figure 5 depicts segments identified on the site during Approximately 3,300 linear meters (10,000 ft.) of ditches or channe are identified on the site (Figure 5t. The drainage ditches and/or c placed primarily along drainageways and stews ranging from approxi ft.) to 200 meters (600 ft) apart. Ditches and canals range from apr in northern portions of the site to approximately 5 feet deep at cc Swamp. i stream segments elized streams are fly 30 meters 0 00 mately 1 foot deep snce with Nahunta Stream and groundwater drainage on the site is predominantly southward towards Nahunta Swamp, however drainage on the eastern edge of the site appears to flow towards Beaver Branch, a tributary of Nahunta Swamp. USGS topographic mapping and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) mapping places the primary Beaver Branch drainageway through the center of the mitigation site (Figure 2). NRCS soil surveys also indicate a floodplain map unit (Johnston series) extending through the site center from Nahunta Swamp north towards Beaver Branch (Figure 4). Available resources indicate that stream flow within Beaver Branch may have been diverted off the mitigation site and shunted along the eastern edge of SR 1058. Detailed topographic mapping, groundwater modeling, and stream modeling will be performed to accurately locate hydrologic pathways and potential for stream redirection strategies. 17 i j I 1 ( ? I In addition to Beaver Branch and Nahunta Swamp, a small unnamed tributary, and a stream head depression provide stream and floodplain dynamics within the mitigation area. A small unnamed tributary enters the mitigation area along the western site boundary. This stream has been channelized throughout a majority of its course but appears to have supported overbank flooding and a backwater floodplain near its confluence with Nahunta Swamp. A stream head depression and relic channel may occur within the northern extent of the NRCS Johnston soil map unit (Figure 4). The density of successional vegetation made evaluation of this system difficult during preliminary field studies. However, a seasonally to semi- permanently saturated flat to depressional pocket was encountered at the base of a pronounced toe slope. This system may be a groundwater fed depression that historically supplied surface water to the mitigation site. Aerial photography indicates that a ditch currently extends from this area to Nahunta Swamp. 4.2.4 Jurisdictional Wetlands - Jurisdictional wetlands were evaluated from cursory field surveys, NRCS soil map units, and interpretation of ditch arrangements within the study area. Potential jurisdiction was evaluated relative to the criteria set forth in the COE Wetlands Delineation Manual (DOA 1987). Estimates of jurisdictional extent are depicted in Figure 6. Jurisdictional wetlands most likely persist within the lower floodplains of Nahunta Swamp and Beaver Branch. Remaining hydric soil areas support systematic drainage and are not expected to maintain wetland hydrology as defined in the 1987 wetland delineation manual. Jurisdictional open waters are expected to persist within the drainage canals and ditches. 19 5.0 MITIGATION PLAN 5.1 Wetland Hydrological Restoration Additional studies will be necessary to define the limits of hydrological influence on the subject property. Even so, certain restoration techniques can be employed to restore wetland hydrological integrity of the site regardless of the extent of current degradation. The current COE criterion for wetland hydrological restoration is saturation of the soil to within 30 cm (12 inches) of the surface for 5%, or in some instances 12.5% percent of the growing season. Additional hydrological restoration goals include reintroduction of surface and floodplain hydrology to restore diversity within the Nahunta Swamp wetland complex. Based upon NRCS data, the average growing season for Greene County is 242 days. Using the 5% standard, 12 consecutive days of water at or near the surface will meet wetland hydrology criteria. Under the 12.5% standard, 30 consecutive days-would be required to meet wetland hydrology criteria (USDA 1980). The extent of hydric soils and historic stream contours suggests that wetland hydrology criteria and mitigation goals are achievable on the mitigation site. Based on cursory field analysis and available information, wetland hydrological restoration would require backfilling of ditches, construction of cross-sectional clay dikes, floodplain restoration along channelized and/or diverted stream segments, provisions to avoid impacts to adjacent properties, and modifications to prevent inundation or de-stabilization of SR 1058. The ditches on the site (Figure 5) will be back-filled in a manner to minimize the former ditches serving as pathways for preferential migration of groundwater. Failure to minimize preferential migration will allow the former canals to function as french drains and short circuit the groundwater flow at the site thereby jeopardizing restoration efforts. Construction of cross- sectional clay dikes, mixing of bentonite or montmorillonite clays, and monitoring of post-fill hydraulic conductivity of deposited material will be implemented to minimize preferential flow. The filling of the ditches will both increase infiltration by increasing sheet flow across the surface, and delay loss of infiltrated water through artificial drainage. Along with backfilling the existing drainage system, channelized and/or relocated stream segments may be modified to reintroduce overbank flow dynamics. During the course of field investigations, several drainage features were encountered in the southwest portion of the site which appear to be channelized streams. Partial filling, dechannelization, and/or weir installation will facilitate reintroduction of overbank flooding, decrease erosion and sediment loads, and reduce flow velocity of water in the stream channel. The frequency, duration, and extent of overbank flooding which might be achieved cannot be forecast within the scope of 21 this study. The soil survey indicates that soils typical of floodplains are present at the site. Additional detailed study is recommended to forecast the area which would be subject to renewed flooding. Available resources indicate that the primary Beaver Branch drainageway may have historically passed through the center of the mitigation site (Figure 2). Currently, the stream is contained to the east of SR 1058. Re-diversion of historic stream flow onto the mitigation site will be investigated during hydrological modeling and implementation planning. Detailed topographic mapping, groundwater modeling, and stream modeling will be performed to accurately locate hydrologic pathways and to aid in planning for stream restoration efforts. Levee construction along restored stream segments will be incorporated as needed to restore backwater areas to native condition. Constructed levees are expected to reproduce the functions-of a_natural levee by delaying the recession of flood waters back into the channel, thus extending the period of water storage within the floodplain. As needed, openings in the levee will be constructed to facilitate the desired frequency of diversion of flood waters onto the site. Restoration of stream dynamics within channelized tributaries will be studied through appropriate stream gauge placement and stream/groundwater modeling. Restoration of wetland hydrological criteria on the subject site may be achieved with minimal impact on adjacent properties. However, more detailed studies need to be conducted to more accurately forecast the acreage and the impacts of restoration. The proximity of SR 1058 to the wetland restoration area and the lack of relief between the road and Beaver Branch makes it difficult to assess the impact of modifying or culverting roadside ditches and farm field ditches within the scope of this study. Additional detailed study is recommended to assess the impacts of hydrological alterations on both SR 1058 and Beaver Branch. 5.2 Plant Community Restoration Restoration of wetland forested communities will provide habitat for area wildlife and allows development and expansion of characteristic wetland dependent species across the landscape. Ecotonal changes between community types developed through a landscape approach to wetland community restoration contribute to area diversity and provide secondary benefits, such as enhanced feeding and nesting opportunities for mammals, birds, amphibians, and other wildlife. Reference Forest Ecosystem (RFE) data, field soil mapping, review of available literature, ecosystem classification methodology, and predictions based on hydrological models will be 22 used to develop the final plant community associations that will be promoted during community restoration activities. Community types proposed for restoration are discerned from NRCS soil map units, and steady state structure described in Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Table 2 and Figure 7 depict an example of the potential target community types and selected species for planting within portions of each NRCS soil map unit. The final planting plan will be dependent upon field soil mapping, hydrological model predictions, ecosystem classification methodology, and RFE data. Communities potentially restored or enhanced include: 1) Coastal Plain riverine swamp forest, blackwater subtype (Johnston soil map unit, Figure 4); 2) Coastal Plain bottomland hardwood forest (Pactolus and Lumbee soil map unit); 3) stream head Atlantic white cedar forest (Johnston soil map area in northern extreme); 4) wet hardwood forest (wetland/upland transitions); and 5) mixed mesophytic to dry-mesic hardwood forest (non-hydric-soil units). Stream. habitat and associated stream-side micro-communities such as Coastal Plain levy forest inclusions may also be restored or enhanced on the site as a result of restoration efforts. 5.2.1 Planting Plan A planting plan is proposed for the mitigation areas to reestablish wetland community patterns across the landscape. The plan consists of: 1) acquisition of available wetland species; 2) implementation of proposed surface topography improvements; and 3) planting of selected species on site. The species selected for planting will be dependent upon the availability of local seedling sources at the time of planting and the results of ecological analyses. Target planting densities and total stems needed by species will be designed according to COE bottomland hardwood forest mitigation guidelines (DOA 1993). 5.2.2 Planting Program Bare root seedlings of tree species will be planted on 8-foot (2.4 m) centers (680 trees/acre) within the specified map areas. In restoration areas, species at desired relative densities will be alternated within adjacent centers whenever feasible. Planting will be performed between December 1 and March 15 to allow plants to stabilize during the dormant period and set root during the spring season. Removal or control of competing nuisance vegetation will be implemented as necessary to facilitate adequate survival of target wetland and upland plants. 5.3 Wetland Soil Restoration Land use practices have impacted soil characteristics on the mitigation site. Impacts include the minimization of hydric conditions in upper soil horizons, the reduction in organic matter 23 w TABLE 2 EXAMPLE OF TARGET COMMUNITY TYPES AND SPECIES FOR WETLAND RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT PLANNING 1. Coastal Plain Riverine Swamp Forest (blackwater subtype) (Johnston soil map unit, Figure 4) 1. Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) 2. Tupelo Gum (Nyssa aquatica) 3. Swamp Black Gum (Nyssa biflora) 4. Swamp Cottonwood (Populus heterophylla) 5. Swamp Hickory (Carya aquatica) 6. Carolina Ash (Fraxinus caroliniana) 7. Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia) II. Bottomland Hardwood Forest (blackwater subtype) (Lumbee, Pactolus, Paxville sol, map unit) 1. Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia) 2. Overcup Oak (Quercus lyrata) 3. Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) 4. Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) 5. Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) 6. Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 7. American Elm (Ulmus americana) 8. Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) III. Stream Head Atlantic White Cedar Forest (Johnston soil map unit) 1. Atlantic White Cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) IV. Wet Hardwood Forest (wetland/upland transitional areas) 1. Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) 2. Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxil) 3. Water Oak (Quercus nigra) 4. Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia) 5. Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) 6. Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) V. Mixed Mesophytic to Dry-Mesic Hardwood Forest (Blanton, Wagram, Cowarts soil map units) 1. Water-Oak (Quercus nigra) 2. Swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) 3. White oak (Quercus alba) 4. Mockernut Hickory (Carya tomentosa) 5. American beech (Fagus grandifolia) 6. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) 7. Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata) 8. Pignut Hickory (Carya glabra) 24 content through accelerated decomposition, excavation and periodic cleaning of drainage ditches, and the elimination of surface microtopography in agricultural areas. The filling of canals and ditches as proposed during hydrological restoration should serve to reintroduce hydric soil conditions and halt the long-term reductions in organic matter content. Further soil remediation tasks include reestablishment of surface microtopography, and construction of natural levee formations, as needed, within former floodplains on the mitigation site. Undisturbed wetlands of similar type to the mitigation area often exhibit complex surface microtopography. Small concavities, swales, exposed root systems, and hummocks associated with vegetative growth and hydrological patterns are usually common. Large woody debris and partially decomposed litter provide additional complexity across the wetland soil surface. Efforts to advance the development of characteristic surface roughness will be . implemented on the mitigation site. Levee construction along restored stream segments will be incorporated as needed to restore natural soil banks adjacent to channelized. streams. This soil remediation task will facilitate reintroduction of stream bank micro-communities and potentially reproduce the functions of a natural levee by delaying the recession of flood waters back into the channel. 26 I ' r 6.0 MONITORING PLAN Monitoring of wetland restoration and enhancement efforts will be performed until success criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for two wetland components, vegetation and hydrology. Wetland soils currently exist within restoration areas and monitoring is not considered necessary to verify hydric soil requirements for a jurisdictional determination. 6.1 Hydrology Monitoring While hydrological modifications are being performed on the site, surficial monitoring wells will be designed and placed in accordance with specifications in U.S. Corps of Engineers', Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands (WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1, August 1993). Monitoring wells will be set to a depth 60 centimeters (24 inches) below the soil surface. Monitoring wells will be imbedded within vegetation sampling plots_to provide-representative coverage within each of the vretland ecosystem types-. Ecosystem types support similar soils, landform, and target community structure. Hydrological sampling will be performed throughout the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the hydrology success criteria within each community restoration area (EPA 1990). In order to substantiate the extent of floodplain restoration, stream gauge data will be used, if needed, to determine the elevational reach and frequency of overbank flooding events. 6.2 Hydrology Success Criteria Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for at least 12.5% of the growing season at lower landscape positions, during average climatic conditions. Upper landscape reaches may exhibit surface saturation/inundation between 5 °,o and 12.5 % of the growing season based on ,veil data. These 5%-12.5% areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. If vretland parameters are marginal as indicated by vegetation and hydrology monitoring, a jurisdictional determination will be performed in the questionable area. Stream gauge data, including flood event frequency and the elevation of each flood event, will be utilized to substantiate the area of floodplain restoration. Stream gauge monitoring and floodplain area calculations will require average climatic condition including an average distribution of peak storm events. 6.3 Vegetation Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with EPA guidelines enumerated in Mitigation Site Type (MIST) documentation (EPA 1990) and COE 27 Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993). A general discussion of the restoration monitoring program is provided. After planting has been completed in winter or early spring, an initial evaluation will be performed by the agent to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented, if necessary. During the first year, vegetation will receive cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between August 1 and September 31 after each growing season until the vegetation success criteria is achieved. During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year;- sample plots will be randomly placed within each restored ecosystem type. Sample plot distributions will be correlated with hydrological monitoring locations to provide point-related data on hydrological and vegetation parameters. In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored include average tree height, species composition, density, and basal area. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be recorded. 6.4 Vegetation Success Criteria Success criteria have been established to verify that the wetland vegetation component supports community components necessary for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species. Specifically, a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree species/acre must be surviving for at least 3 years after initial planting. At least five character tree species must be present, and no species can comprise more than 20% of the 320 stem/acre total. Supplemental plantings will be performed as needed to achieve the vegetation success criteria. No quantitative sampling requirements are proposed for herb and shrub assemblages as part of the vegetation success criteria. Development of a swamp forest canopy over several decades and restoration of wetland hydrology will dictate the success in migration and establishment of desired wetland understory and groundcover populations. Visual estimates of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species and photographic evidence will be reported for information purposes. 28 7.0 WETLAND MITIGATION POTENTIAL Restoration and enhancement strategies at the Nahunta Swamp site will be designed to restore a riv=nine wetland complex which supports an array of native plant, wildlife, and stream communities. Activities are expected to restore or enhance important physical wetland functions including organic carbon export, removal of elements and compounds, nutrient cycling, and retention of particulates.. Provisions for overbank flooding and dynamic surface water storage are also in planning stages. In addition, the location of the mitigation site at the conrfuence of Beaver Branch and Nahunta swamp will provide spatial wetland habitat structure witli7n a regional wildlife corridor. Wetland restoration will restore wetland/upland ecotonal habitat. The wetland/upland edge is among the most diverse and productive environments for wildlife (Brinson et al 1981). Simultaneously,-riparian transport of groundwater into the bottomland system will be enhanced through protection and reforestation of upland buffers adjacent to the wetland complex. Therefore, protection and reforestation of proximal upland buffers and upland/wetland ecotones on the mitigation site is considered an integral part of wetland functional gain and generated mitigation credit. However, upland areas in the northern extreme of the mitigation site may not generate mitigation credit through wetland enhancement. Based on cursory evaluations of mitigation potential, the Nahunta Swamp Mitigation area appears to provide opportunities for a mixture of wetland restoration and enhancement along wit,. restoration of wetland/upland ecotones. Table 3 and Figure 8 depict the estimated areas exh:oiting potential for wetland mitigation credit. Table 3: Mitigation Credit Potential Area Mitigation Activity hectare acre Wetland Restoration 28 68 Wedand Enhancement 25 62 Wetland/Upland Ecotone Restoration 8 20 Remaining Upland Area 16 40 TOTAL 77 190 * :ne SR 1058 Right-of-Way comprises approximately five acres of the total 195 acre mitigation study area. This mitigation plan is expected to provide ample mitigation credit for riverine wetland impacts associated with R-1023AA. Approximately 17.8 acres of wetlands may be impacted during construction. After debiting for R-1023AA, additional credits are expected to remain for unavoidable wetland impacts associated with future segments of the Wilson Bypass. 29 q I • . 1 10 8.0 DISPENSATION OF PROPERTY NCDOT is in the process of soliciting conservation groups and natural resource agencies for final dispensation of properties. However, until an acceptable agreement can be reached with an appropriate recipient of the property, ownership of the mitigation site will remain with NCDOT. NCDOT will also remain responsible for meeting success criteria established in the mitigation plan. Stipulations will be incorporated into the deed upon transfer to a recipient to insure that the property remains as conservation land in perpetuity. wptext\esi\project194er018.10/final/gurley.rpt y 31 11 , 14 9.0 REFERENCES CITED Adamus P.R., L.T. Stockwell, E.J. Clairain Jr., M.E. Morrow, L.P. Rozas, R.D. Smith. 1991. Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET), Volume 1: Literature Review and Evaluation Rationale. Wetlands Research Progra-n Technical Report WRP-DE-2. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. Adamus P.R., L.T. Stockwell. 1983. A Method for Wetland Functional Assessment, Volume 1. Critical Review and Evaluation Concepts. Federal Highway Administration Report no. FHWA-IP-82-23. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. Brinson, M.M., F.R. Hauer, L.C. Lee, R.P. Novitzki, W.L. Nutter, and D.F. Whingham. 1994. Guidebook for Application of Hydrogeomorphic Assessments to Riverine Wetlands. The National Wetlands Science Training Cooperative. Seattle, WA. Brinson M., B. Swift, R. Plantico, J. Barclay. 1981. Riparian Ecosystems: Their ecology and status. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS 81/17 Brown, Philip M., et al, 1985, Geologic Map of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, 1-.500,000 scale. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F. C. Golet, and Edward T. Laroe. 1979. Classification of Wetland and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of Interior. Department of the Army (DOA). 1993 (unpublished). Corps of Engineers Wilmington District. Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (12/8/93). Department of the Army (DOA). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Tech. Rpt. Y-87-1, Waterways Experiment Station, COE, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation (FICWD). 1989. Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Cooperative Technical Publication.- 76 pp. plus appendices. Page, R.W. and L.S. Wilcher. 1990. Memorandum of Agreement Between the EPA and the DOE Concerning the Determination of Mitigation Under the Clean Water Act, Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. Washington, DC. 32 : Aq U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1983. Soil Survey of Wilson County, North Carolina, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1980. Soil Survey of Greene County, North Carolina, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1987. Hydric Soils of the United States. In cooperation with the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1981. Habitat Evaluation Procedures Workbook. National Ecology Research Center. 33 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARRAY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF September 12, 1995 Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199201219 and Nationwide Permit Numbers 14 (Road Crossing) and 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Reference your application of June 9, 1995, subsequently revised on June 27, 1995 and August 9, 1995, for Department of the Army authorization to discharge fill material, causing the loss of a total of 25.32 acres of waters of the United States, including 17.83 acres of wetlands (16.72 acres filled/drained and 0.91 acre excavated) adjacent to Shepherds Branch and other tributaries to Contentnea Creek, for the construction of the first segment of the proposed U.S. 264 Wilson Bypass, west of Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina (TIP Project R-1023AA, State Project No. 8.T340302). For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Authorization, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was also provided for fills for roads crossing waters of the United States (including wetlands and other special aquatic sites) provided: a. The width of the fill is limited to the minimum necessary for the actual crossing; b. The fill placed in waters of the United States is limited to a filled area of no more than one-third acre. Furthermore, no more than a total of 200 linear feet of the fill for the roadway can occur in special aquatic sites, including wetlands; C. The crossing is culverted, bridged or otherwise designed to prevent the restriction of, and to withstand, expected highflows and the movement of aquatic organisms; Pnnted on Recycled Paper %aor -2- d. The crossing, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project for crossing of a water of the United States; and e. For fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the permittee notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. Your work is authorized by these nationwide permits provided you receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, and provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with your submitted plans, the enclosed general conditions, and the following special condition: Pursuant to Title 33CFR, Appendix A to Part 330, Nationwide permit condition 13(d), a complete, final compensatory wetland mitigation plan, that will reduce the adverse effects to the minimal level, must be submitted and approved by this office. No work may proceed within waters of the United States, including wetlands, without this approved mitigation plan. You should contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786, regarding water quality certification. These nationwide permits do not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approvals. This verification will be valid until the nationwide permit is modified, reissued or revoked, which will occur prior to January 21, 1997. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide permits, which will be announced by public notice when they occur. If you commence, or are under contract to commence, this activity before the date the nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve months from the date of the modification or revocation to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. This authorization is only valid for the work described above. Please note that a complete analysis of the impacts associated with the U.S. 264 Bypass around Wilson, including related activities authorized by nationwide permits, will be included in any individual permit documentation developed for this project. -3- Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Eric Alsmeyer of my Raleigh Field Office regulatory staff, at telephone (919) 876-8441, extension 23. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. Scott Gottfried Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Mgmt. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 / PcIl J Regulatory Branch Action ID. 199201219 July 21, 1995 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E. Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department or Transportation Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, north Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: Reference your application of provided by your letter of June 27, 1995, for Department of the material within waters of the United approximately 25.3 acres of wetlandn construction of the first ucgment of wart of Nilson, Wilson County, North Project No. 8.T340302). Juno 9, 1995, and Army authorization States, causing ad adjacent to Shepha the proposed U.S. Carolina (TIP Prpj Tho advorao impacts to jurlsdictiona). wotlanda and result from your proposed excavation and fill activities ; the average acreage of wetlands impacts generally consider normally authorized through our naticnvrido general permit and complete project. The proposed cork would directly ii hardwood and pine scrub-shrub wetlands which have signifi, providing wildlife, waterfowl, and aquatic organiz;m habit sediments and pollutants, and providing floodwater detent: especially significant for those wetlands associated with (Oitca 20 and 20). Via havo doto3:mLued that, bnnod on tho information y( vita inspection conduotad by 212. Joao 12anuola of zpy Rojo.' regulatory staff on April 12, 1995, your proposed project, adverse irpacto to 17.83 acran of watlanda and 7,49 acres would cauoo graatar than sainizaal advorao i=paota to tho c3 be authorized under Itationvidu Permit as prouently propom to further pursue Department of tho Army permit authorizal options of either applying for an individual Depart=nt o1 3aodifying your pranant proposal to raduco i=pacta. A mod: rcducoa votland impacts could be aubnittad as a Pro-conau and mould be procassriad in accordaaca with tho aatabliohad Reduction of wotltand impacts can be acco=Diiahod through 4 minimization, or through co--panaatory mitigation of uaavo: L=yacta. =f mitigation is included in your zodiflod propc dotailn of the mitigation plan 3;uat bo autaitt©d with tho a ronitorinrd plan and auccoaa critaria. JUL 2 5 1995 EIGU ATORY CRANO information discharge fill. o impacts to Branch, for the Wilson Bypaua, R-10231111, State taro which will gnificantly exceed d to be minimal and roceso for a single act pal.ustrine nt functions in , filtering n. Thio is hepherda Branch L have oubzittod and h r1old office resulting in f surface gyrators, iron=nt and cannot Should you wish on, you havo the the Aripy porzait or Lod proposal uhich ction Ilotification rocaduroo. roida nco or '.able outland al, all tin.-a roponal, including ZO'd 61=91 966T'LZ'LO ' AdOltlln938 H9I31US W03J -2- Questions or comments may be addreaaed to Mr. Eric Field Office, telephone (919) 876-8442, extension 23. Sincerely, MRIL G. Wayne trright CESAI Chief, Regulatory Branch Copies Furnished: Mr. Nicholas L. Graf, P.B. Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 310 New Born Avenue, Room 410 Raleigh, Itorth Carolina 27601 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality section Division of Rnvircr=antal Managem¢nt North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Reaourcca Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 , Raleigh Regulatory :us264di.7 -or/ca/M3 -E/U1NEFOR=R -nAiRIGs:T/n /FILES I ED 'd 6Zt91 966T*ZZ*Z0 Aa01U1f193d H0131U8 U033 FAC3i1t7ILE TRAUSNIMAL I IM=M CHME-7 I PFx=a dUUtom1, susAn ?111= ? 113 C=4 COMMAND/ N"Ju UFFIC2 aTRGE IMEPKOUZ rm FAX r a. OFFICE Tm noL. . IAIJMVVraCar>z.J. (AuTovct4•Cr-r t.J. ;RON1: M44GH REGULATORY cTEx.D OFF?CE (9 1% 87f-3341 (919) 87&58M ra: CLASSISCA=N PRECEDENCE NQ- PAGES OATS=TIME (i".0i' i YEAR F a-':1.SER SIGNATURE i Mcodrr? Spa= ".itY FCl CC(t?W"iL3t.C7a7 CC.7rcr GZ7 gay 1 DA MRU 3910-R. ML 20 OA FORM 331U41. A!JU 72 {3 Q:.: E;WFE 6Ls9T S66T•LZ•L0 =M V2.10 Asoiui d H9I31Ud a03d N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE . TRANSMITTAL SLIP / T i ---. REF. Nom. OR ROOM, 13LDG. FROM: J R.I. NO. OR ROOM, ULDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME A13OUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: .r ?r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 June 27, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele RECEIVED Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear ;?Is. Manuele: R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY JUN 3 01995 EtJV!RONM iyTAL u ichiCE° Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson Bypass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-38-1(66), State Project No. S.T340305, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 The following is in response to the questions raised during the agency meeting on June 15 concerning the Wilson Bypass project. The first question pertained to the clearing limits that are proposed for the project, specifically within the ramp loops for the interchange at I-95. The plans and construction specifications for the project states that the contractor will use "method 3" when clearing for the roadway and ramp loop C (both inside and outside). Method 3 requires an additional 10 feet of clearing outside of the slope stakes (Cut and Fill limits). The project plans show that an additional 1.88 acres of wetland impacts will result from this additional clearing (see Table 1). The areas within loop ramps A, B, and D at I-95 will be cleared; however, clearing these areas will not result in any additional wetland impacts. The second question related to the anticipated impacts resulting from the proposed ditch at site 34. The enclosed R-2208 report was completed to determine the impacts from the ditches associated with that project. This study concluded that a two foot ditch would result in a 62 foot zone of influence (ZOI) for Portsmouth soils and a 77 foot ZOI for Roanoke soils. Grantham soils are found throughout site 34 which is similar to both series studied during the R-2208 project. As a result, we propose that for the Wilson project we utilize the 77 foot ZOI for the ditch at site 34. Based on a 500 foot long 2 foot deep ditch with a 77 foot ZOI, an additional impact of 0.88 acres is likely to occur. ? ? k;g 'M 2 Tile final question concerned the grading (cut) at site 34 to build the roadway. The cross- sections (copy enclosed) show that the cut will only be I to 1.5 feet below existing grade. The roadway cut blends into the side ditch. The pavement for the roadway will cover the cut area and act as a barrier to prevent drainage of the adjacent wetlands. As a result, any impacts to wetlands should not extend beyond the 77 foot ZOI created by the roadside ditch. Based on this additional information it is anticipated that the project will result in 17.83 acres of wetland impacts (16.72 acres filled/drained and 0.91 acres excavated). NCDOT will provide compensation for these impacts during the construction contract. NCDOT mitigation staff has already identified a 90 acre site on the Wayne/Green County line along Nallunta Swamp (see enclosed map) and are in the process of acquiring a 12 month option. The property consists of 30 acres of agriculture land and 60 acres of forest. Preliminary research indicates that approximately 20 acres of the farmland can be restored, 30 acres of the forest can be enhanced and the remaining 30 acres can be preserved. In light of the current mitigation proposal, it is still NCDOT's opinion that the impacts associated with this project will not "result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively" (33 CFR 330). Therefore, NCDOT requests that with the commitment to provide mitigation concurrently with the construction contract, the project be permitted under Nationwide Permits. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, ext. 307. Sincere , H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don iVlorton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. D. R. Dupree, P.E., Division 4 Engineer Mr. Charles Cox, PE, Project Planning Engineer 3 Table I - Additional Wetland impacts From Clearing (acres) Site No. Orig. Impact Add. Impact Total 2 0.23 0.09 0.32 5 0.12 0.02 0.14 6 0.02 0.04 0.06 7 0.08 0.03 0.11 14 0.08 0.02 0.10 17 0.18 0.01 0.19 20 1.37 0.19 1.56 23 2.45 0.24 2.69 25 2.57 0.35 2.92 26 0.66 0.05 0.71 28 1.54 0.20 1.74 34 3.52 0.61 4.13 57 0.18 0.03 0.21 L:"t :1 }:« 1` Sr 1, _ ,-ts t4 -;? ; 4 X I i:.?}.,1. j'? . 1 ' ` ' j l },«, 111- }"" r ` , I-}-1 } t f ? } > 74'r rt_j+f- ,. t , IT't ! 'I t-, r i ; ;.:., ; ''_ . t ' ; , r j ! 1 ? , 1 I I i .l. i. , .1.. • . , i ! ( I ; I. L 1 r • . 4 1.' 1 ' . t I ? I} '" ' I I r J..}.(_ 1 . . ( + t-i?. 'i } ? ? 1- _!r f", } ? {??' 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SNOW ' \-? ?... + 1 1'1 '•eJ !a• C\.o / - ' 3 r f / ! !rf , ,o '/w !.lrr -1 ?•J •1 1C `rrr 11! - ? r.r 1-. , \ 7 { • s !1 • rc7 ?.uv,.? /r, LL, L_ r=tel. 3{ 1•M Uit 7, "or C Mood rcc 40\ ULL I . "?e_ r r -r-.. r?• 1 / i? ?i VI-M y E COUNTY +, rl s ,z , I It 7. 1 G E N E 5? t 1 _ i C TY Ord U` U` R ` 11?rn. ?^j 1 .f?4m NORTH CAROLINA j r'. Vr• ?, I /tEMi•_9 ST THE a'^oi NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT CF TR .NSPCRTATICN `?? •'nt l,,, DIVISION Cc H1GH`,VsYS-?'rNN1NG AND RE:EARCH 6RANCH .,. _ 7 I;'-f ^ J'/ ` \ ;,? I !N C?CI?QAiiJN 'h ITM :nE \ U. S. DE?ARTrMENT CF RAN3PC2t:7;CN t, :'LS!r:! Ca 1a "" •o, ?\ FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATICN -, 1,P ?/ „f _• •,., ter. • . \` .'1 in '' SUl E 0 t • 0 r "tiC' .4 JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 June 27, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Ms. Manuele: R. SAMUEL HUNT III SECRETARY Subject: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson Bypass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-38-1(66), State Project No. 8.T340305, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 The following is in response to the questions raised during the agency meeting on June 15 concerning the Wilson Bypass project. The first question pertained to the clearing limits that are proposed for the project, specifically within the ramp loops for the interchange at I-95. The plans and construction specifications for the project states that the contractor will use "method 3" when clearing for the roadway and ramp loop C (both inside and outside). Method 3 requires an additional 10 feet of clearing outside of the slope stakes (Cut and Fill limits). The project plans show that an additional 1.88 acres of wetland impacts will result from this additional clearing (see Table 1). The areas within loop ramps A, B, and D at I-95 will be cleared; however, clearing these areas will not result in any additional wetland impacts. The second question related to the anticipated impacts resulting from the proposed ditch at site 34. The enclosed R-2208 report was completed to determine the impacts from the ditches associated with that project. This study concluded that a two foot ditch would result in a 62 foot zone of influence (ZOI) for Portsmouth soils and a 77 foot ZOI for Roanoke soils. Grantham soils are found throughout site 34 which is similar to both series studied during the R-2208 project. As a result, we propose that for the Wilson project we utilize the 77 foot ZOI for the ditch at site 34. Based on a 500 foot long 2 foot deep ditch with a 77 foot ZOI, an additional impact of 0.88 acres is likely to occur. Tile final question concerned the grading (cut) at site 34 to build the roadway. The cross- sections (copy enclosed) show that the cut will only be 1 to 1.5 feet below existing grade. The roadway cut blends into the side ditch. The pavement for the roadway will cover the cut area and act as a barrier to prevent drainage of the adjacent wetlands. As a result, any impacts to wetlands should not extend beyond the 77 foot ZOI created by the roadside ditch. Based on this additional information it is anticipated that the project will result in 17.83 acres of wetland impacts (16.72 acres filled/drained and 0.91 acres excavated). NCDOT will provide compensation for these impacts during the construction contract. NCDOT mitigation staff has already identified a 90 acre site on the Wayne/Green County line along Nallunta Swamp (see enclosed map) and are in the process of acquiring a 12 month option. Tile property consists of 30 acres of agriculture land and 60 acres of forest. Preliminary research indicates that approximately 20 acres of the farmland can be restored, 30 acres of the forest can be enhanced and the remaining 30 acres can be preserved. In light of the current mitigation proposal, it is still NCDOT's opinion that the impacts associated with this project will not "result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively" (33 CFR 330). Therefore, NCDOT requests that with the commitment to provide mitigation concurrently with the construction contract, the project be permitted under Nationwide Permits. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, ext. 307. Sincere H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mr. John Dorney, DEM Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P.E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Mr. D. R. Dupree, P.E., Division 4 Engineer Mr. Charles Cox, PE, Project Planning Engineer 3 Table 1 - Additional Wetland Impacts From Clearing (acres) Site No. Orig. Impact Add. Impact Total 2 0.23 0.09 0.32 5 0.12 0.02 0.14 6 0.02 0.04 0.06 7 0.08 0.03 0.11 14 0.08 0.02 0.10 17 0.18 0.01 0.19 20 1.37 0.19 1.56 23 2.45 0.24 2.69 25 2.57 0.35 2.92 26 0.66 0.05 0.71 28 1.54 0.20 1.74 34 3.52 0.61 4.13 57 0.18 0.03 0.21 . I I ' i. ' - ' '.... ., i.1 _i ., f i._a._1 {. ., .,. ?,.. 1- • - ;-, , , 1 ?- , , ,_.. l_?-w-1-. .,.I.,..•! - - 1 1• _?_i. L J -r-L.-j .i- i , t _i ! _? ?. , , '_.,.. , T . t.•1: t._. -?i . 1 - • , 1 1.?..L. ! . • i. ,., 1 , _I: __ i_Y.... -,. •i-?V'+' I-? i ,t :+-, t 1-I j l I_I_• 1- I . _ -? _,- -I .T . 1• -?..r i , I ' _ 1. 1 l-., _.. t.. ., • t..r_ . t , ': ? «{ _ : . 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J.7 ?? • .?, : U . ` r : _- 1 :Y.t. 131, '\ y 1 ' ... •; - _? _ / X17 J •?I.I ` 1.IJl i' '711 ?-: ?. ::• - ,?, l'•ro ..• ?? It Lvj , iii + • ?. . / _ 11' x. 1. ,'. !ll i, r '7U 1172' ?' tyf? ' :/ _ 1 ,..111: 7 M I) - a :3d1 / s i+ , 71 '_i `?. t?? :? J 1) I ? ?r -O- ' J Ia. + , f.-."! +1•i , iaro ?? 7 '? t7 I /. / -;;?`•'.? .mil ` e .3 1ya! t f CU (1•.r ?- 1 1.I 1 : ? 11a1 ,a ?"lOI Llla ? ,/?) '?? f r.I r1 tan. ? • iedd. _1 / • Mood 1fr•C ?\n -17• ? ao', tr 1 1) ,, _?ald ,__7 + /. ?•i i? ?4 --i aO 111 f 1 '•=1 , L AY V c 0 r? %,34 Y 'Y / • . I .y l?•. I7•a \? L? t r" Im G 'EENE Cuom"'u" 1TY NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION n7 \ ••w J DIVISiCN C. HIGH3,VAYS-?',_ANNING AND RE-EARCH oRANCH 3 ' / IN C=OIEII.;iON '-IrM TIE _ / f7 •a I U.S. CE?ARLIAENT CF -RAN?FCRTA7iCN ;1 • Ca r o "" FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADmINISTRATICN ` ?• Q a,r' I SCALE ?.;- 7. 7,7 7, T- 7 "-'-6'-' ----?i - ----- -- (1.})- L!ti _J H 1 ?.-t-1 }. yl_ 1_ 4r U J I ? -r i i74 T,_?_y l 1 7 7 __ :..: . . IYt i t _iy j 7,-,-.,T - - - - ?(/ R`ccF?`FO R N 7 T.Z77, ti1Y ??_ X1.1 i:!?1 ?y ?i-7Vb71-r ?. ir_ 1 f-1_-_1-f. L,.i •-. --_ i-?? •_r_.? _ _-- -_--__ _ -_ - __ - __ _ t f Y yl " ? r i . a is r _ t q d f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DMA RTvIENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOK P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 June 9, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Ms. Manuele: R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I SECRETARY 2 1995 SUBJECT: Wilson County, First Segment of the Wilson By-Pass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. 8.1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219. Please find enclosed a copy of the permit application, drawings, and wetland classification and quality analysis for the above referenced project. This application package is for the,first,segment of the project which begins at US 264 west of Wilson and ends east of Interstate 95 at SR 1136. The project includes a four lane divided highway with interchanges at US 264 and I-95. ,,The project will impact 14.87 acres of wetlands and 7.49 acres of surface waters (see sheets 36-38). As you will recall two wetland sites (22 and 30, totaling .99 ac.) were determined to be non-jurisdictional during the April 12 agency site meeting. Measures have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands and waters. In April of last year NCDOT's Design Unit completed a study to determine if wetland impacts could be minimized by reducing median widths. Based on this study your agency agreed that "the differences in wetland impacts between 0, 46, and 60-foot wide medians are minimal" (August 16, 1994 COE Letter). On several occasions, including the April 12 agency site visit, the issue of roadside ditches was raised. NCDOT's Hydraulics Unit reviewed the plans and has removed all ditches in wetlands except for site 34 (see sheet 35 of 39). However, based on the cross-sections for the project this ditch will only be 1 to 2 feet deep with 2:1 side slopes. This ditch is necessary for drainage because the road will be cut below grade at this location. All other excavation in wetlands, indicated as elimination of wetlands on permit drawings, will be the result of installation of culvert pipes, cutting below grade, or stream relocation. } June 9, 1995 Page 2 It is NCDOT's opinion that these impacts will satisfy the criteria of a Nationwide or Regional Permit. To assist in your review of the project we have performed a wetland classification and quality analysis (see enclosed report) for all wetland sites impacted by the project. The wetlands were analyzed using the numerical rating system (0-100, with 100 being the highest value) developed by the Division of Environmental Management. Fifteen wetland sites (14.56 acres) were inspected and classified during the field study. Sites 25 and 28 required several sampling points because of different vegetation or moisture regime. An additional seven sites (0.31 acres) were evaluated from the roadway plans and determined to be of low quality due to their location and minimal size. The quality analysis revealed that 14 of the 19 data points (11.52 acres) are rated below 40. The remaining five sample points (3.04 acres) are rated between 59 and 73 with only one site above 70. The results of the study indicates that 800 (11.83 acres) of the wetlands impacted by the project are below average quality and the remaining 20% are only slightly above average quality. The field study also revealed that many of the wetlands that will be impacted by the project are either isolated, have been disturbed, are at the head of a drainageway, or have been harvested. As discussed above, an estimated 7.49 acres of waters will also be impacted by the project. However, the majority of these impacts (5.25 acres) will occur when the farm pond east of I-95 is drained. As you will recall, this pond has already been partially drained. It is NCDOT's opinion that the impacts associated with this project will not result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively (33 CFR 330): Therefore, NCDOT requests that the project be authorized under Nationwide Permits. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, ext. 307. rncer y, klin Vi ck, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SPG/rfm Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mr. John Parker, DEM Mr. Kelly Barger, P. E. Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P. E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Mr. D. R. Dupree, P. E., Division 4 Engineer Mr. Charles Cox, P. E., Project Planning Engineer 1%ss 4 STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. )R. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY 0 '. June 1.99 MEMORANDUM TO: Stenhanie Briggs. Permits Supervisor I' =:o Permits ana "i -ation nit _ ;) _ CC.. ,. _ . `:'.!^e ^.: a _ 0101021s Y l.' ; I- rj M" ri SUBJECT: ass ication a:1'? i?L'ca i 1L;'• 1na_ 'Sig 0 Ce . i'a Id S i .es tot p r ^! ocsed it ti' _cn ti5 _1'0111 eSltitin'T US -, west of ?i ATTLNTION: Cott '3 o..1,ri_... nator 1 15 !le!'?C: Anci.;l!'! _".c :UCe_ _T110i.:!:'.. , _C:1 ? O. 15 anaiv zinz ii71)act5 to jurisdi:i1-bnai VetiAr.(is for the 7)1'0 1)CS d US 26' Bypass of `Xiison. section AA trom eNistin^ US b- to just east of S1. Sites xere visited on 1- `"ay 119_; by I)ioloaists Phiilin Todd and S,cctt Gott:ried as weii as engineer trainee Aileen Sc6tt. if The fcllowing tabie (Tabie li includes a quality 'Ina .. s 5 of we lanes im,)act d by th_ propc;sea pr.,ie c: as \:e as site classi*."ications and hectare (acre) imnacts ner site. Stud' area wetiands are analyzed usinc a numerical rating system (0-!00 kith 100 be ins the hi2hzest value) deveioned, by the Division of Environmental 'Iana!zement (DE` .I) .o ??au? e wetland quality. This wetland ritins! system (Fourth Version) emphasizes water storage. band:/ shoreline stabilization. pollutant removal and aauatic life values. Other wetland attributes considered in this rating system include wildlife habitat and recreational/educational vaiues. The second mechanism used to describe wetlands in the. project study area involves a classification system deveioped by Cowardin. et al (1979). This system provides a uniform approach in describing concepts and terms used in classifying eco Io,ica I ta:ca found wit h i n a wetland syst?;n.. ?a c? Tab!e- 1 • ivrt lan,i ("?ua1 it, assessr: _nt LOCATION DE`,t COWARD I N AREA IMPACTED Site 02 63 PFO1C 0.01 (0.23) Site 05 16 PFO1/4A 0.0-5 (0.12) Site 12 . 12 PFO-'A 0.0; (0.OS) Site 1 11 0Fri IA 0.0 (0. 1S) Site 20 40 71 F0 IC 0.5 : (1.3-) Site 33 1? PSS6.-\ 0.95 (2.115) Site '= !-':U1A 0•_-'. (0.36) Site _'_:\ SS 1/4.-\ O. I I i (0.111) Site 2:B 12 PE\1IA 0.21 (0.52) Si e _.7 C ?C? I -"I_.-\ 0. (1 .03 ) Site _D 63 0.24 (0.611 Site ?b -3 PFOIA 0.26 (0.66) Site 31 1- P-01l, 0.3S (0.96) Site '1 PSS4/6:\ 1.=1 (3.52) site 0.0? (0.051 Site -0 0. l0.-'9) Site 5, =?Fu:A 1 oLe a,u?s reCOr .eG c:_ pa lustrine . emer^ent persise,Lat =r:euGUs ?FO=palustrine. forested , A=temnorariI flooded PSS=palustrine. scrum/shr ub (_=seasona!ly flooded 1=broad-leaved deciduous i.=permanent 1%. flooded -l=ever.oreen ' denotes tha t site is now cleared an(, the Cowardin classification signifies the site prior to disturbance. Other sites are not classified but _iven a bri,.f description. These impacts are considered minim?I with the maximum amount of jurisdictionai wetl-.nd impact totaling 0.12 ha (0.31 ac). Site 6 is a small, isoiaLed wetland adjacent to an existing roadway. Site " is a non-forested wetland Swale located along the roadside. Sites 3 3S. 42 and 46 are roadside drainage ditches. Site 47 involves impacting an isolated wetland adjacent to a barn. Sites not mentioned in this memorandum are surface water impacts. c: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Unit Head Hal Bain. Environmental Supervisor File: R-1023 NOTIFICATION FORM INFORMATION SHEET Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification A. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER. (REFER TO ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT APPLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of Engineers before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NNVP 7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NNW 17 ;MVP IS (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) NWP 37 NWP 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or , b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or e. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and`rio notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approved coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area. ; Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work may not begin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. APPLICATION TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits require an application to DEM in order to obtain Section 401 water quality certification. T7rey are NWP 6, NWP 12, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 17, NWP 21, NWP 33, NWP 34, NWP 38, and NWT 40. Certain nationwide permits were issued general certifications and require no application. They are NWP 3, NWP 4, NWP 5, NWP 7, NWP 20, NWP 22, NWP 23 (requires notification to DEIM), NWP 25, NWP 27, NWP 32, NWP 36, and NWP 37. The following nationwide permits were issued general cerifrcations for only limited activities: NWP 13 (for projects less than 500 feet in length), NWT 14 (for projects that impact waters only), NWT 18 (for projects with less than 10 cubic yards of fill in waters only), and NWP 26 (for projects with less than or equal to one-third acre fill of waters or wetlands). Projects that do not meet these ='terna require application for Section 401 water quality certifications. C. NOTIFICATION/APPLICATION PROCEDURES. The attached form should be used to obtain approval from the Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Environmental Management as specified above. The permittee should make sure that all necessary information is provided in order to avoid delays. One copy of the completed form is required by the Corps of Engineers and seven copies are required by DEM. Plans and maps must be on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Endangered species requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding the presence of endangered species that may be affected by the proposed project. U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE RALEIGH FIELD OFFICE P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone (919) 856-4520 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT CONSERVATION DIVISION Pivers Island Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone (919) 7/28-5090 Historic resources requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the presence of historic properties that may be affected by the proposed project. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE N.C. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY 109 East Jones Street Ralei-h, NC 27601 Telephone (919) 733-4763 Information obtained from these agencies should be forwarded to the Corps. ,, ??f DENT ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit n): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Boy 29535 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation; Planning & Environmental Branch ?. OwnersAddress: P. 0. Box 25201; Raleigh, NC 27611 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): --- (Work); (919) 733-3141 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: H. Franklin Vick, P.E. Manager 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). Counry: _ dearest Town or City: Wilson Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): See Site Map r 6. Name of'Closest Stream/River: Shephards Branch . River Basin: Contentnea Creek 3. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES ( ] NO [X] 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ( J NO (X ] If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 22.4 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: _ Drained: _ _ Flooded: Excavated: , Wilson 16.7 acres 4.6 acres 0.0 acre 1.0 acre Total lmpac:ed: 22.4 acres 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): (See Individual Drawings) Proposed construction of Wilson Bypass from existing US 264 West of Wilson to East of SR 1136. A four lane divided highway with interchanges at US 264 and I-95. 13. Purpose of proposed work: Public Highway 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetland. Also,,note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. This is the preferred alternative. Minimization measures included median width reduction and elimination of ditches in wetlands. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed orproposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ X] NO[ J RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NIvIFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic ] properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [X ] NO( RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DE`i: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Predominately farmland: some rural F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/A Owner's Signature Date rt 1?, ?/ S'fllllauu Uwu ,111LewIS 1 ? l9 4NaLLE I stcr it huour I. ( r IJIII y? , . I ? T` '11s ? uJ'c ?,A>!c l.•/4,?NIn?,),?,1.. LA?Ir` 11Ad cics i? C Alr+w, ?.0 •`tA rl'.l 9"-?iR cy •..'.? SKI ipllldolc Hoc "-- t UaJ PROPOSED n 31I' j' US-264 BYPASS i {1 VICINITY MAP II __ E Cah Qull "Cold Paint EYCfC It: "`? `...RoUc sonvill ' 141 P, rill ;land 11 T Chocowini clack lack N.C. DEPART).{ENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHIVAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 5.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FROM IXIS7NG US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAT OF SR 1136 SHEET I OF Oj?• UAY 31, 1004 SCALE 0 5 10 20 30 SCALE OF MILS ONE INCH EQUALS APPROX. 13 MILLS SCALE OF KILOMETERS ONE INCH EQUALS APPROX. 2I KILOMETERS 0 10 2U )0 4U 43 I MILE IS EQUAL TO 1 . l'Q7 KILO MCTCRS Vl, o, 13 I I ?? 00 2 i 3 0 ?0 G9 ?- US 264 70 _ ?. RALEIGH / f'1 •J 17 bb(,IN PKOJL'CT N, \ ?r O O / U N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT a.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 QYPASS FROM EMMNC HORIZONTAL SCALE US 204 WEST OF ML;OH TO EASE OF SR 1IN 500 0 1000 SCULL: t' - 1000 sHt:.r 2 OF ?'1 MY 31, 1004 5)TE J,/AP . . , , v i L- - r?i Ii-'Yu N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OMSION OF HICH1YAYS WILSON Ccutm STATE: PROJECT 3 lj?-0302 (R-1023M) PROROSM U3 :!C4 MTArs FROM rx=,,NC EORIZORTAL SCALE US 264 IYEST OF 1;1LSON TO EIST OF SR 1136 500 0 500 (000 •??.? s.ti_?. ?_., SGT: 1' - t000 sxca 3 OF 29 my 31, 1004 -Y4-- SITE f •"iP.P THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-95.1 155/ ? ?? 38 I ` 0 II ?- 20. X/4 1 ?I?n I II 30 HORIZOITAL SCALE 500 0 ,;OO 1000 ° POT POT 67+62..1q -Y4-' O'LT.= POT 704.17-SO -YS- 2-0'RI. N.C.- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HICMMYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT O.T3/-0302 (R-102344) PROPOSM US :G4 Dr. A?,S FROM =MN.- US 2vr 1'(1:5T OF 111L;OY TO 5ksr or SR 1135 SGlL: i' - 1000 S EZ c}- G 3.9 m.w 31, 1004 ?I i O C c wn J -.L V 6 6- 1 /'/COa T o. O ? RFp ? ESS, 6? dal ? ? R? tots 50? 11 _ C/L31$7IhG Dig/ v STD. PIPE OUTLET SPECIAL 2' BASE DITCH-, 1 ?r? E 2 L] ] .] DafoTES FILL IN lYE7 mom DUOIES ?=!AiIC6 Of FULEDS CORIZORTAL SCALE 50' 25' o' 50, i CA' 11 Q- ^ a 'Cl/ O , ?.. - • ?jw?roQw /3tou iyrov /Stan /&-goo 1740 IBfaa I I I I I I ?bDE I?laTCRNi7S I EDGE 1??rtrHNDS o PROPOScD Rf7MP;(3?? CyIZAD? / f?O I J? HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE SO' DI So' a' S' /a/ o 1194) 0 8U ?Cf G U y4) ?,cJ zo D Zo ?2f ???' ?HMP ?C3`?Cclyzr?') yy- cC `??? PRVPO.??,D FILL. I , Y FJ?Gc ? ?/ y??r( ftn? p j/W7 SEe,7710/,J A-/9 1/C6 HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE 6I _/76 I /Ga N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS ® DENaTES FILL IN WETLANDS ? f f DEIOTES IETLAIDS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 20,4 UYPASS FROM EX=NG US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 Slim 6 OF 3q MAY 91 1994 F? ? t ?a\ r x V F ? Yll? r? ? J w ((VV ye I W U r? ?.. 0 r !2 Q `{7] o _ F t N U ? N d, go v{ ?. 096 ? O ? W ? C 7 ?Cl? w, ti z ?j C G +c7 _ ".7 _ ? ? ? w ?dxwxO U + ^ ? \ \I d u `?iY w G 1--- x Y 3$B < ow, i!i ? r ?Ib x a. a u .? ? ? I ? \ \t on+O.Q g ? '> • ? ?11 \ A ? 0 4) cz+ ? pi. (, pA NQ• M ? gOi•O? ? '19?' '? 4 h giOi, i0 Qb ?? N N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRMI5PORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SSB WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T34OZ02 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 254 M`PASS FROM DaSM4C ?+ US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO. EXIST OF SR 1130 I I I I /9U 1//'-p 1/-7O 1//,•o r l U ,50 U I I I ?? ?TFt. g?rf?. ao -?- , 9 Nv. 20 1?71 T- ® DENOTES FlLL IN WANOS MOTES YETLUDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZORTAL SCALE D? S? /O z5r 0. Z5, so, I ?. /So ti?• I .? o I 'J U I S I /o'U ?I C ` ``" r C i 111 ? ? ? 1?2 p ? s_ I \ i urn 4. / L? 'J ,v 11 `J -l? t t-A 1? - o H R 0 H `7 w a rn • .?i ? as ? n rn H "? r.? M Ni p v V1 1 o M ? r- O O 2 `Q G7 1? N I I ? ?? v l p a `L y= f ?, `? d h I f. w 1J 1?? 21 II J C I. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HICKNAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 3.T3- 302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROM DQSTINC US 204 WEST OF YAL50N TO EAST OF 53 1130 SHEET q OF •3q Lm 31, 1024 J Ilk( DJ IN rJ 466 PnCPO`. o V6V `?K rTyC O PD 12 ro !QI .ITS MWO:M RKAiT C: TAY rttcl.6x xCuvur ilvclr 4'?[Y rooa v ',Lon swc U11T F!P ti tis ? .a a I L 1 cuss W S1? m a TON. EST. 12 S.Y. 77X ?/ + 'Iy? SBCCAL f( A PfiCPOjco Y;<m Y SE Ft?iCE- t t 71 FZ17, p .`,LCPZ STNIZ UNIT ® DE24OTM FILL IN WERA CJS DENOTES ELI2UATI09 OF dETLVDS QOAIZOITAL SCALE :41 23, 0' S0' 7O0' X DAYID FAAW rR COMPS VU 7Ir-ra DD JJ7 ro 47] OJ 1JJ N if/ DD 1716 1-9 JJ.1 DJ 1119 ro Jl DJ IM P9 N7 Da IFII P9 6To w rua/ ro uQ Ili./6 AO O S?rC 22 ?172? m 473- ?? Igo I I I 1170 --- C) ? f? v 116 HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCA1? / Ga /AD ? So ? U ,rU D ' /DAD ? ? ?. T I , I I 1JCT?^/o ? ,Yo ? 1J?7L' /?I ='lU^?/DG Y AQ2 ?,??UPDG?D GILL 777 /Jz ?, ?,?oFo?=? ?P c1r?L ?rTCtl i ?,lv. Z 2 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS J, DENOTES YETLILKDS WILSON COUNTY DENOTES FILL IN wolMos STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023M) T' DENOTES ELIHIBATI08 OY XET1,UDS PROPOSED US 2054 l3'fP/t:., FROM IX;STINC VERTICAL SCALE EORIZOITAL SCALE US 204 WEST of mLSOH TO EAST Of SR 11M U U 0 1 r ?\ Y'1 --1- 00'00+01 10d -v S iz -69+686 is K -- o: yp/ 4 q Ll] ,~^ qp 1 , \ \ \ \ \ V V ? 4 q 4 -'I- lL'65+980 S. ?? Oy ^ x \? ? t h m a v h V3 V3 4l , 99'Ol+ 926 ( \ o \ T oN td pN ? l ,00 00 + X V a y O N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION g DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY 99'0 + STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) I? .>z PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FROM EXISTING I( US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 SOLE: 1' - 100' - t1i, i 12 OF 3? WAY 31 T 1994 a tl' q ? vv-''? C` q lv 0 E ` -PZ C? a ? v w o -d- ? a O nN 1 ) J ?I , 1 ? 4 c? I - ??,- ?? y I v -?p - m N ~ ti U ? fn ri nG R? O ? CIO } c-q g. { on `t U cn r 1 !° ? 1 tU• ? E I I ? m I(?R ? aG MY ? ? Ii i ? I N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY ! STATE PROJECT B.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 26+ E1 wzs FROM DCl.5T1NG US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR Iim S41M OF 7? IAAY 311 1094 PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY SITE 2? 20 a `` EDGE OF WETLANDS JAMES JOE"FLO?rERS EDGE OF WETLANDS IV \ Q CV (? F a? v eo?o : ?• O O O HMO"?" Qr,?y ?* Q" m OODS fi00DS ' YO li JAMES JOE FLO RS ?y t TLANDS .. a ?n o ? ??? ?o r o s 7E' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) DUOTES F.LI2tIIATI01 Of WEIL.IDs PROPOSED US 264 ElYPASS FROM EX1571NC HORIZOITAL SCALE US 264 `NEST of YAL50H TO EAST OF SR 1136 w 25' 0' 50' 100' SCAM 1' - 100' SHEET 14- OF 39 MAY31, 1994 . F \ QuQy ? ? U R Y( ON 19 + b? S JAMXS.lOE PtOWXRS yo ' Al /p © AO F g \ -?lsr ' rte T pis EDGE OF WETLANDS uO?auQ? ?' w up,, y 2cJ STD. PIPE OUTLET • O. POND + fit- ? 4 ? • ? SLOPE STAKE LIMIT \ D E tot 00 +00 100' P 50 `B v RAMP B t t ? LOOP B N _ .r 1 PROPOSED WOVEN WIRE FENC.E M-i re 14 LiM5 RtaMP 2it o0 1;I T5 25 N.C. DEPARTI.IEN1. OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY ®i DENOTES FILL IN WE1NJDS STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) HORIZOIYAL SCALE PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROV CaST1Nc US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 50' 25' 0' S0' 100' SCALE: 1' - 100' 57iEET 15 OF 31 11AY 311 1 8 4 %4) N ' N yl ? Z I I q? I ? I I 8 ? ? I cr ti 2 I 1 ? I N I O I t .? 1 I b ? 1 o ¢ I ? I v ? h ? ?a j I a tV 7 I c i v a ? .c I rn V I 0 m a 8 ° m I N I I o J N ? 4 O a Al --L Db? / ? ? PRopaSED F/?L D? N4 L _ 5cC-rlor`t C-r-? 6 /Sv L-t i io' S?' I ?DL7E' I/S0 d 7L, E7'LAN05 4S7A. /7t5U ? sue, /?-x-50 ?PP;,9 Cy 9.?J SccTi ant ? F SIra lQo. Z¢ l[??J DEN= FILL IN WETLANDS DKIOTKS ELPAIIIATIOI OI 1 TIMDS a S' /v ' 50 ` VERTICAL SCALE HO&IZOITAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSM US 204 DYPASS FROM EXtSnNG US 264 WEST CF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1138 sHm 17 of 34 uAY 317 1994 o 1 T 9+75.00 -Y4- -Y SPE O 7\ GAL p.Et'IAN DITJ- --- ------------ --------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- .• asr ee ant i.• caw Mr, -- ------------------ ----- --- -----------------------------A ------------- --------------- --------------- ?--------------- - v 0 4'dR' emu. ? ?an1 \.+ _ a o 00 0 oro - UAP£ STAKE L31YT o 'fit +e--? " CS 9+69.00 0011 `?` +69.o2 ST 11+69.00 COLL BC l0O' C3 TS 12+03.16 COIL BC COLL 13C TIE PROP. FENCE TO E)GST. FENCE PR0P0;;Ep RIGHT OF WAY S7ZLLA rLOWERS Wl= I/ALrrR O O k oo" + + asmr maw ' Mtrn. \ CS 14+47.03 COIL BC \ a \ SC 14+03.16 COLL BC f3# \ Q. zi J V J I_ S 29'55'38, W N ° Its ,'----------------^ \ --------------.?-6_?= 1.--.? _? °-_ .?_-_°=--=.__=__-=_==_ v --- ? - --------^- S J t- 7ECIAL MEDIAN DITCH --------? _ -- 1 --- \ ?_^ 2-Ll 1 - -------- _ ?J ? --- F _ + - 2 COLLARS I p[ rrs . ?r OYE 2-d lit, V u y `? 3 -?? ?`T--GAT-1 Q u +60 + PE OUTLET tUV 25' ? T STOW 75 RR PROP. W.x FDKE RAMP B t. EST. 18 S.Y. Y\ +c s EDCE KETWOS EDGE WEILA 10S - y =PE STAKE UD9T .' , 00] SPECIAL DITCH 14?EJ1 ME FENCE )f7111A1! T. LdNLCL ?\ w RR/JWW ?QM x ' Dt 791 PG 197 {7 +00 ST 16+47.03 COLL BC DB ??ro`3t4 O9 ?1 (j3L! t00 W n6 *, x ' in RP. Et room '[J () \ ® \ 5. a al- pROPO"Ep pGNT OF VIAY .? \ RODY D CSTON C+19 10 i \ D0 791 PG 196 + P! 9 PG to 6. /?yQS Jos rLOIZRS w .. I`•'••?r;'.' DENOTES ELIHIIATIOH OF YETLAHDS SATE 2? ® DENOTES FILL IN WETUWOS ® MOTES FILL BELOI O.m. f HORIZOITAL SCALE'S 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGMAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT B.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 MVASS FROM EXISTING US 264 VeMT OF W1LSON TO EAST Of SR 1136 SCALP. 1' - 100' /utov 114 c? ?Z?f3ioo / vo /la 00 ED66 ?ROPOSED COLL. ??l3C" ?RAO? I L. /7? 00 too .21 200 Z i-Va0 46 E?vE hlEft?Nos P80Po5EA COLT' Grath t 1 o Exisi44f PRDP066D PRo b 7?1?. 206."CoN6. 0 f5 RcP NCB /5"RC,P v V. S? rE n10. 2l? ® D®oraS UM nS VERTICAL SCALE HOBIZOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' w 100• JS40' 1 _y- ` I I, I I ? I , I 1 I ? I I p,?UPD??D CXT?NSIQN L? c' ?X ? rlJt Gt ?1 4 SEGT ioN N ?,CUf:'O?ED Cf a/f r; HORIZONTAL SCALE So' ?S' a' 2.5 ?srr?. 2o-ra0 C?cc,.??C?? EDGE /?rzano?Ep ` ?-. W?TLRr1D j ?CJf)L ?/GDrRN ? ? v 27i,-cN ?- - - HORIZONTAL SCALE e) O. N•}J• `2 --/ V6 2, E/JM J XW 44O N d 4C -44JC f 14 A7d S Flu &--L4ti Q ?Dln/f)ILY M611 W*Tap VERTICAL SCALE 3U a' s iIJ " (vU, /'n'oPo0E0 F/C,?. ova ,?eCr/ o/J Z 1 VERTICAL SCALE DENOTES YETLUDS ® DENOTES FILL IN WETUNOS DENOTES FILL DaDW OROINAIRY MCH WATER DENOTES ELIMINATION OF WETLANDS /'/b? _ .? . _1rJL -L 5ir? ?1a.2? N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 ErrPISS FROM EXJSTINC US 264 WEST OF WILSCH TO EAST OF SR Ilyj I._ c30 Z, . I MEET 20 OF 3? ANY 31, 1994 N,*).5a,j Cowvey ?uPGrf'itS p DD 1454 P( 366 48.96 AC PROP. R12iT OF WAY •• •,••• +90.12 -F Q V. loo' 2s' o ?p ,tiJ S Q EST, 9 g0 Q ? ? TOMS f EST. 167 S Y. Ull +61.38 +71.49 FcC? I RV RAP $ Wpt N EST ?D4 TOttS N 100' 100' rcr N j PROP ; 1 EST, 4" SY _ C F OP. GU a ++ i AUX IANE!? 7® ?T-t 1 r ^ R +ts s # r _ _ 2 _ KE7LANDS REMOVE ??I Q ? - _ - _ - = _q a I 18 F t ? -_ _- C. Q I- _ _ -...__ -- - ------ ----- 7 ----------- -- ---------- - ------------ SPECIAL MEDIAN DITCH ------ -_----------------------- ___=_-=====K----- __ Q k N ? ? 1 I DE * ?f3*4*a*d4p*?? _ [3_ p p* pw Go p* (3*Q*fQ*C1*U ylitsoa C.?w1fY P?orfies \Q ??o E ?Q,,O?a ® n 5 ?pt? Jr. $9ap GQO QF `i1? G LOS R 'Et EIP a? JHIl9 6 ?ixS ?lo?ue?b o Q QF. r, AN EXIST CA R W ® o r =\ 4t _ PPE ?v/ELeOW ice/ L DENOTES ELIMINATIC14 OF WETLANDS. DENOTES FILL IN WEnmDS D%IOUS PILL BEL0I O.H.T. - HOflIZOIiAL SCALE SO' 25' 0' 50' 100' --F--- - _-J I O Ln M ? I I I I I r?'?' tLCti 2 i-i-GV i I I I I I ?DUL= C? r2pj i?D C?LC?`r1l7 U?f;L.G Jj26R?ER ? 2L Cc•ln" CO!)C? . . . It? I o0 2di ?D ; ' ?I I ? i f?20PO5?p CoL L, `i9D `G/? 1?Q .?1oU 3ItaU I ' ESE L?ETLHNDS r/ ® DENOTES VETLANDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZONTAL SCALE [J S' / 6 1 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' AGO L? i? v ioU So -Y5 ?i'A. Z! ?7 Cc /1 r> I 41 / 1. U. C.. I?lUr27?ED ?T=?r?/cIJ ? ? ?? ? ? ,f U 0. N. I,/ a 'R* r?rST/Ni r 2 C ?? CONS • o HORIZOYTAL SCALE ?o zs ' u zJ' Ba'u ?0 Lso ,5bM/oPl/on/ FILL - r /? ??E'TLf1^/D? J /30 . G?i/jJN'b?: HORIZOYTAL SCALE zoo ?0° ??? l"/c L S6LOIJ D?D1 NAPy tf/Uf! 1'?fl rC VERTICAL SCALE a? 1 ? io qo' 20' o . 26 ",P- l' j7p, ??¢t vU CaGL.'f'D!? o?h?ETLA?l05 v ??/c.;...LECoc.? a,Zo??IFJrcy HIC,?I 1?/r9TE2 Jt J/ ? ?EYOTES YETLAYDS DEVOTES ELIMIYATIOY 0e YETLAYDS i / DENOTES FlLL IN WETLMOS DENOTa FILL [lEILW ORCMNAY HCH WINTER VERTICAL SCALE K- k a? S? is S l T? Nv. 2 S N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIMYAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 6.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 MPASZ; FFOU E =T.NO US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 11M SHAT 2- 3 OF 1A. ALLY 31, 1994 O d SPII`1r5 ?oG FLoI?RS COL ,? ?? ?s tr 0 0 :? ©C O . el) ,lot- N LCD \ / \ \ \ y? C\ i A X PON D\(C) P-A I N) /',(\ Da,???rc to/\ / ,';1 4<`' / ( `? \/.I \i l / ?\ `/ GLASS e,"sTON?a. \ 1 C3 / /\ r /\ \ ?)IL7Ff,FAG,tt v,, Pe/W ZION. \ A G?I?L??: V PRO, OVL\I WIRL C \\ \ Ron.a;w / t\ a" \ \/ {? ?? " I t :;r..111E ?.. • .._ I?G?f! ' ' ,? •? I '!ice 1 t IX PROP. 5:.OPL- 5,AKE LINE fl t\ ?4 y/? 1 I ?' W/ GLA°?5'6' STL1: r +(ILiEP,F-Aertc FUNN`Ll.. /F?v,J {`l,o 17?I.^ W' CS 12" G. O. P I PL h/ 110005 '??' ------ N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Si IG 29 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE RATERS STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 ' (R-1023AA) DENOTES ELIHIIATIOI OF SUF.FACE ffATERS PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROM EXISTING HORIZOITAL SCALE US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 rA' 25' 0' 50' 100' CALF 1? 100' AD q O i, l; / TRN 65 e4 y NOS ,o ?G PI cr 4a 021 9 Q'O?Q 1 sire 30 ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DgIOi&S ZLI2iIIATIOI OF Y&TLAIDS HORIZOITAL SCAL& 50' 25' 0' S0' 100' +30 120 y0E E Ficw6+zs 2 00 Z9? D0 ??'?co 2? Z z5i,-o0 I I ELY>E ? I ?tXtE ?/?L?3NLLS r?Er??ns Z?? S /110 I `? eFycL f ? ,? ,P?)Mp`A "C1=45? cf ? 5 SirE No • 3? 14 rl ,r THIS SITE HAS BEE N' DELETED AS OF 4-26-95 D I I 1 I i ? a?w I / G V ? OGC vF .<u2FF.?'G ?FJT ? S PROrC r? ,?PMY %? C.?'?J?CY,QFI.rio No. 2,9 \L Xx'ly2l. DI 0 W DENOTES YEMUDS + ® DENOTES PILL 11 SDA?ACE WEBS /O? F'7 7 VERTICAL SCALE :JO' 25' 0' °A' 100' HORIZOITAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HICHRAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROM E?OST= US 264 K=T OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 JV?L 1, ? 100' sxa7 2.6 OF 3? "ky 3L, 1994 EDh? yr d tc/eFf);E ? I I GU STA. 50-,`00 PFNP "i9''C2- 95? 9:1 L ?17E No. 2c( I i I , I I I ?nISTiNb GZ9M 5,6?c rioiy ?- r-kopospD DcSi&j / ZE4jcu26, p2,9INiNb POi`1C. / A HORIZOITAL SCALE /Oa ? So , d S'o ? ? l'` './`.l, yam.,. E1iM1A/gr?cN of SueF?e?;ti/ArEres VERTICAL SCALE o S' id DI I /GYM V D? 50/?? /50 2? I I I I i I e THIS SITE.HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-95' ?r- 'I S) 28 00 BgHp W "Cr-q5? .? 1 r? Nm . 3? I ? EoU6 1.?/Er?tavv.5 SU EDbC `? D ?J?TL?li1l DS ??MiF?n? a . r j'?ETU?ND? PRQPO;?D z %?5c /¢D 60RIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE so ' zs ' o zS ' a' s' io' DRIOTES ELIHIIATIOI Of VETLAIDS ® DENOTES FILL IN WETIMOS DEIOIRS IETLAIDS N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HK? WAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 20-4 WPA.S FROM DU T1NC US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 SHEET 2-7 OF 3q WAY 31 , 1994 I 12' JOYCE S. TrILLIA21S 1 2j? 6" C k G 2 4. as 1J67 PC 787 :S AC I M , w SOM PA1 00 CC) r LOOP A Eo°E ° M ?' 7 $ BCT-1 -GI .? ? ?AOtSD / x ? +90, PROP. GUAR R 11 ;ova I ? a I cl- \ a p) a> > 170ODS,- I ` ` . PIPE `` ` ? OUTLET -A '0 ,,oa `\ \ o?? Zc`C?J XSS ??1?\? Q Qp`\? ? V maxQ p cl) 0 A, r 61-F .31 DENOTES FILL IN YfULANDS QORIZONYAL SCALE 30' 23' 0' SO' 100' DD 344CO 3:PtCY3 3? i 00 ?,r X80 PRq?5ED -L- laRRDE? c ol?E 101-14p05- -9=*D h/Er??Nns ? CovE Z IJEr?yNDs r <}z Pa-- D Cv-C /1 I L1 IS-6 - v I, I I cCG Lam: /cd ? D? /?o I• I / o v I/ ?ovE 115-6 S ECT wn1 NA S, rs n/o . 31 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ® DENOTES MAIDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZ00AL SCALE 50' 25. 0. 110' 100' z Im izt I Fu. 170 h/?r?NOs j /G U i N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HKA-T iAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT S.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM EX=NC US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SOA1E 1' - 100' SHEET 29 of 3 1 UAY 31, 1994 / PROP;; j WN `. • Cxlyt,r,c??? \100 rl2'"FUN1.LGt_,,4 //• / DWairt PIP::. ?,?,?n/ dj?? ?\ (? ?8 \ ?; PROP Q i WOOD 5 pROPRi`r \\.* SPECIAL OITC-H p ( RaDE yJ `PROPOSED ? ` I, I GL_.OI r- 5TAKG 01 1 y LING- \ wry o? ! I ? Q y,, r'ft..acar7 ,sc I • -? f I • w/FI?T?tFA?alc ? Q io ? LOOP G JOYCE S. WILLIAMSON l? y. U- SPECIAL-DITCkI WOODS PRDPO5LD Z f?LGI? L 2'BA5t PITCH QS?LfI`tEfA1CL `r7 _ PRoPo?- n \ I Rig, ; P U' \?\\?? Y ?Y a rf.&IA . o ltryi laRPDG I - I /- PR _ F J rip --? _ -L» a--- t-r? l O'FCJ? ry? LynJC _ .J •? -- ??'-------- ?-r----7,--L- --? -?'-•PROPOSED ?1-O(?E S?AKf.•_ 1_INr yc Q SPEUA?j?P,e!?EOIT[r1 - Pt1^7C?r15?i7 N Q Cq I ? x L PRO wry y: c ICJ LINE / ?WE7lo? NL7 L- I.,A IZS i 17156 Coc6tit?N '? N.C. DEPARTb1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION y Jr DENOTES WEILANDS DMSION OF HIGHWAYS ® DENOTES RLL IN WEMMOS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT S.T340302 (R-1023AA) HORIZONTAL SCALE PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FRGA ExLSnNc US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO FAST OF SR 1130 :A' 23' 0' 50' 100' SCJLE: 1' - 100' SL-HEET 30 OF ?ja wAY 31) 1994 ©a0.0pERiY 4 b \` 1, ? ` .\\ c \\ YYY\\ \ Jti \ D ` C WETLAND LIM1T5 a\ ?\ o \ Q S?oO,po \?.MON. (3? \\ ??. ? Z??F \ ? \? W ETLANDS 211- JOYCE S. t /t LL1.4,NSO,Y I •t `? t3?;. \?\ ?p '' PROPER-^i LINE 'I Ii rO C PR0Po1f_D St-OPE-5TAKE. LINL O LIMITS Q_ h U o PROPERTY LINE -? PROPOSED R/L4 x 015e (201cml?ll /D PF20p=.D 5LOP..5TAXE LINE. J PROPERTY LANE STCPirre COLZA,w ItZIRS ` !v :.z 'O carrrsvlu r? ' P8 lI Fy 160 ` J.OJ AC 61TE 24- MOTES MUDS DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ?.? MOTES ElDMATIO1 OF MUM. HORIZOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' SO' 1 DO' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 DYYASS FROM EXISTING US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SOALF: 1' - 100' SHE-7 31 OF 24- LAAY 317 1994 ? "? tip NQ ?O roO w, . NOIQ 4rO?Orj 4? wONOIrOr ? `` ``` / lOr)OryONO w N _ a n Z R? s U c c Z O V MOTES KETLAEDS ® D040TES Flu IN WEfLANOS DEVOTES ELaTT%ATIOI OF VULARDS . QORIZOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' SO' 100' c 3c1? b g9x C' 16. 6B . c ?010 0-.4 S 8S ?s ? 6, 9g Jj N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM EXlST1NC US 264 WM OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SC14E: 1' - 100' SHEET 32 OF 3q MAY 31, 1994 i i I I 1 - ? I I ? I 1 l?l?-?tlJ1Jd,?, I 2 .. PR?s Po-?o Z?-"f~GP ii4 I I I I I too ? 1 I I I I U ( _ Pf,'IJPD65D RI;M? `C CT 95? C???%D,: ( FDbE L?lc T1.fJNDS .!?rr,5 n1D . 3¢ © MOTES YETLAYOS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZONTAL SCALE 50, 25' 0• 50' 100' 6 1 r .`, a7 0 ? 0 p 1 W I d- o ) I, I I : 1n ? ? 13 I ? e J N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMVAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 254 BYPASS FROM EX-MNG US 264 WEST of MLSOM TO EAST of SR 1136 1 SCA - 1' - 100' SH cT 34 OF 39 VAY 3I 1094 I I I ? I ? I /Le0 /(n0 so SECTION D-D 1.1 (r. L" I/oI t I n T r -/ c? I I I I I 2D` d ? 40' &0I Y" f?i?oFo=?D r?r 1, pwPC?EO ??PI?I? ,CG?3aWn: Y DiT ° , 5?=C7larl P ? ?c.i/r???r/a? of ???r?n?Jc? /yv D OTES'ELIZMATIOI OF nTLAIDS DENOTES FILL IN WE 1ANDS O MOTES VEMUiDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE ZOn N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.17340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 284 m?ASS FROM EXISTING US 284 WEST OF WILSON TO DST OF SR 1138 Slim 3 5 OF mAy 317 1994 FILL ELiHIYATI01 FILL ELIl'IImia FILL IH OF IH OF BRLOW TOTAL SITE STATIOY STP,UCTM WETWDS WETLA H SURFACE WATERS SURFACE WATERS O.H.X. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.Y.) (c.Y.) 1 -L- 871+50 to 881+50 Lt. 0 0 0.06 0 0 633 2 RP'B'(264) 12+75 to 16+60 36'RCP 22 3.31 0 0 0 932 3 -L- 895+03 to -Y- 32+50 0 3 0.20 0 0 2260 4 -L- 884+03 to RP'B'(264) 19+50 0 0 0.22 0 0 2783 5 -Y- 53+00 0.12 0 0.04 0 0 2150 6 -Y- 57+75 to 58+85 Rt. 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 7 -Y- 61+70 to 62+90 Rt, 0.08 0 0 0 0 00 8 -Y1- 31+03 to 43+00 24'RCP 0 0 0.06 0.03 0 270 9 -Yl- 25+50 to 28+00 18', 21-RCP 0 0 0.02 0 0 170 10 -Y1- i0+00 to 22+50 0 0 0.09 0.01 0 923 11 -Y- 17+30 to 30+00 Lt. 0 0 0.09 0 0 1390 12 -Y- 21+25 Rt. 18'RCP 0 0 0 0.002 0 0 13 RP'B'(264) 33+25 Lt. 18'CONC 0 0 0.01 0 0 75 14 -L- 911+60 to 912+70 18'RCP 0.08 0 0.07 3.03 0 670 15 -L- 916+70 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 60 16 t -L- 922+00 '42'RCP 0 0 0.01 0 0 370 17 -L- 925+50 0.18 0 0 0 0 4000 18 -L- 928+90 18'RCP 0 0 0.02 0 0 450 19 -L- 938+50 36', 36'CS 0 0 0.12 0 0 1800 20 ` -L- 954+50 to 962+75 24 'RCP, 7x5 RCBC 1.34 0.03 0 0 63 41000 21 -L- 967+00 24'CONC 0 0 0,08 0 0 550 ' DENOTES TEAT A PEPYIT DRAWING HAS BEER CREATED N.C.. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OMSION OF NICHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT B.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 M?"- MOM EMS71NC US 204 1YEST OF 151LSON TO FAST OF SR 1136 SH,E L -T ^^?? Of 39 MAY N. 1J94 FILL ulmiHLTIOE FILL ELILI MOZ FILL Il of IH OF BELOW TOTAL SITE STATIOI STRUCTURE ML.'LRDS WETLANDS SURFACE WATERS SURFACE PATERS O.R.W. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.Y. ) (c.Y. ) 22 ' -L- 913+00 to 915+40 Rt. 'HIS S[TE HAS SEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-75 23 ' -L- 983+50 to 10+80 18', 18-RCP 2.45 0 0 0 0 18000 24 ' RP'B'(I-95) 15+40 to 16+80 0 0.36 0 0 0 0 25 ' RP'8'(I-95) 17+C3 to 26+25 30', 30'RCP 2.57 0 0 0 0 19103 26 ' COLL'BC' 10+00 to 21+50 2@66'CONC 0.62 0.04 3 0 17 5200 27 COLL'AD' 11+50 to 21+50 Lt. 0 0 0.07 0 0 440 28 ' COLL'AD' 21+15 to 30+60 2@66'CONC 1.47 0.07 0 0 75 12100 29 ' RP'A'(1-95) 30+13 to 34+03 30'RCP 0 0 0.65 4.6 0 5908 30 ' RP'A'(I-95) 27+60 to 30+00 THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED PS OF 4 ?S-95 31 ' -L- 33+80 to 36+75 0.96 0 0 0 0 37500 32 COLL'P.D' 30+50 to 60+00 0 0 0.20 0 0 2920 33 COLL'8C' 20+50 to 61+50 0 0 0.20 0 0 2303 34 ' RP'C' 18+50 to 35+70 24'RCP 3,18 0.34 0.03 0 0 10030 35 COLL'AD' 50+00 to 51+55 Lt. 30'RCP 0.04 0.01 0 0 0 133 36 COLL'AD' 55+0O Lt. 30'CONC 0 0 0.01 0 0 100 37 COLL'AD' 62+50 to -Y6- 15+00 Lt. 0.07 0 0.04 0.02 0 363 38 COLL'EC' 64+50 to -Y6- 25+30 0.08 0 0.08 0 0 263 39 RP'D'(I-95) 20+35 24'RCP 0 0 0.03 0 0 170 40 -L- 40+40 to 42+35 Rt. 0.29 0 0 0 0 9300 41 RP'A' 22+20 0 0 0.01 0 0 150 ' DENOTES TUT A PERHIT DRAWING HAS BEEN CREATED FILL ELIMAH01 FILL El 2KI%ATiOI FILL II OF Ii OF BELOW TOTAL SITE STATIOY STRUCTURE WETL.'LSDS WETLAFDS SURFACE WATERS SURFACE WATERS O.H.X. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.y.) 42 -Y7- 9+00 to 15+50 Lt. 0.03 a 0.01 0.01 0 130 43 -Y7- 12+0a to 21+50 0 0 0.04 0 0 140 44 -Y7- 21+30 24'COHC 0 0 0.01 0 0 170 45 -Y7- 21+50 to 29+75 Lt. 0 0 0.04 0 0 610 46 -L- 57+70 to 60+50 181COYC 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 47 -L- 60+50 Lt. 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 48 -L- 62+75 to 64+25 54'RCP 0 3 0.03 0 a 660 49 -Y7- 30+20 301COYC 0 0 0.01 0 0 450 50 -Y1- 3000 to 45+50 0 0 0.07 0 0 1150 51 -Y7- 28+50 to 40+50 Lt. 0 0 0.05 0 0 180 52 -Y7- 36+80 18'P,CP 0 0 0.002 0 0 10 53 -Y7- 39+50 24'COKC 0 . 0 0.003 0 0 20 54 -Y7- 61+00 to 68+50 0 0 0.03 0 0 110 55 -Y7- 62+00 to 68+00 Lt. 0 0 0.03 0 0 130 56 47- 64+00 H48'COWC 0 0 0.01 0 0 120 r 57 -Y1B REV- 16+80 to 18+50 30'RCP 0.18 0 0.0x4 0 0 870 TOTALS :3.36 0.31 2.77 4.72 155 1 a a 7 6 5 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOWATION DMSION OF HIGHIYAYS WILSON COMly STATE PROJECT 3.T34,0302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 MWLS FROM DIJS7ni4c US 204 V=j OF IMLON TO Farr of SR 1IN "P.M 36 OF 3 / MY 31, 1004 ? ADDRESSES 1. Korth Carolina Department of Transportat,on P.0. Box 25201 Raleigh, KC 21611-5201 2. William McKinley Finch Route 1 Box 13 Sias, KC 21880 3. David William Compe THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-95 Falls Church, VA 22041 4. J. Hoover Lama, Jr, Route 2 Box 325 613 City, KC 27822 5. Stella Flowers Wiqqs Walker Route 2 Box 698 Wilson, RC 27822 6. James Joe Flowers Route 2 Box 8,14 Wilson, KC 27393 7. Ruby D, Langston 78"32 Deforest Drive Chesapeake Beach, HD 20732 B. Wiliam T. Daniel Route 2 Box 639 Wilson, WC 27893 9. Wilson County Properties P.0. Box 3775 ` Wilson, KC 21993 10. Joyce S. Williamson Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, KC 27893 11. Oise Coleman Route 1 Lucama, KC 27651 12. Drab T. Williamson, Jr. Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, WC 27893 13. Stephen Coleman, Heirs Route 1 Box 235 Lucama, KC 27651 y. surf .,,s J J gIt STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION )AMEs B. HUNT )R. R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I GOVERNOK P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY June 9, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele Regulatory Field Office U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Ms. Manuele: SUBJECT: Wilson County, First Segment of the Wilson By-Pass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. 8.1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219. Please find enclosed a copy of the permit application, drawings, and wetland classification and quality analysis for the above referenced project. This application package is for the,first,segment of the project which begins at US 264 west of Wilson and ends east of Interstate 95 at SR 1136. The project includes a four lane divided highway with interchanges at US 264 and I-95. ' The project will impact 14.87 acres of wetlands and 7.49 acres of surface waters (see sheets 36-38). As you will recall two wetland sites (22 and 30, totaling .99 ac.) were determined to be non-jurisdictional during the April 12 agency site meeting. Measures have been taken to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands and waters. In April of last year NCDOT's Design Unit completed a study to determine if wetland impacts could be minimized by reducing median widths. Based on this study your agency agreed that "the differences in wetland impacts between 0, 46, and 60-foot wide medians are minimal" (August 16, 1994 COE Letter). On several occasions, including the April 12 agency site visit, the issue of roadside ditches was raised. NCDOT's Hydraulics Unit reviewed the plans and has removed all ditches in wetlands except for site 34 (see sheet 35 of 39). However, based on the cross-sections for the project this ditch will only be 1 to 2 feet deep with 2:1 side slopes. This ditch is necessary for drainage because the road will be cut below grade at this location. All other excavation in wetlands, indicated as elimination of wetlands on permit drawings, will be the result of installation of culvert pipes, cutting below grade, or stream relocation. 3 June 9, 1995 Page 2 It is NCDOT's opinion that these impacts will satisfy the criteria of a Nationwide or Regional Permit. To assist in your review of the project we have performed a wetland classification and quality analysis (see enclosed report) for all wetland sites impacted by the project. The wetlands were analyzed using the numerical rating system (0-100, with 100 being the highest value) developed by the Division of Environmental Management. Fifteen wetland sites (14.56 acres) were inspected and classified during the field study. Sites 25 and 28 required several sampling points because of different vegetation or moisture regime. An additional seven sites (0.31 acres) were evaluated from the roadway plans and determined to be of low quality due to their location and minimal size. The quality analysis revealed that 14 of the 19 data points (11.52 acres) are rated below 40. The remaining five sample points (3.04 acres) are rated between 59 and 73 with only one site above 70. The results of the study indicates that 80% (11.83 acres) of the wetlands impacted by the project are below average quality and the remaining 20% are only slightly above average quality. The field study also revealed that many of the wetlands that will be impacted by the project are either isolated, have been disturbed, are at the head of a drainageway, or have been harvested. As discussed above, an estimated 7.49 acres of waters will also be impacted by the project. However, the majority of these impacts (5.25 acres) will occur when the farm pond east of I-95 is drained. As you will recall, this pond has already been partially drained. It is NCDOT's opinion that the impacts associated with this project will not result in more than minimal adverse environmental effects either individually or cumulatively (33 CFR 330)'. Therefore, NCDOT requests that the project be authorized under Nationwide Permits. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141, ext. 307. ?t rSincer y, klin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch SPG/rfm Enclosures cc: District Engineer, COE Wilmington Mr. John Parker, DEM Mr. Kelly Barger, P. E. Project Management Unit Mr. Don Morton, P. E., Highway Design Branch Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Mr. D. R. Dupree, P. E., Division 4 Engineer Mr. Charles Cox, P. E., Project Planning Engineer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY 'J '. June 199: MEMORANDUM TO: Stephanie Brig-s. Permits Suoervisor . l'ROM P:rmits _tinr `.,i:'_^ation rni: _ :) o'_';' i=t _ . 0'.": a _ LJ 01021St SUBJECT: assi iCation all' 0Uca iLv na1ysi5 o C :i"a :ld S i,es o. i,.,a Id , i S _o-)• !';ii . cn ?.n:lss rctn exi?_ir.c C5 ?, est of V, ATTL;lTION Cott' tot iri..... !=_1':r.:_, ar niS !.t I!-C:711,.!;'.: e? _!Zll ?a- us .? :n anaivzin_ i:an,?cts to j1risdi^tipr.ai «'-tiar:cis for t7e LS 2?54 Bypass of Wiison. 5ectian AA from existina US '0- to Just east of ?. 1 ?. Sites were visited on 17 `-fay' L995 by '?ioloaists Phillip Todd and Scott Gott?ried as we II as engineer trainee Aileen Sc6tt. if The foi towing table (Tabie 1) incluc.es a guaiity ;anaivsis of wetlands impacted b.: the proposed protect as well as site classifications and hectare (acre) im-)acts per site. Stud' area wet' Lands are anal,, ed usinz a numerical ratin^ system (0-100 with 100 being the hi27htest vaiue) developed b;' the Division of Environmental `Ianagement (DE`•I) to ?zau?,t wetland auality. This wetland ratink sN-stem (Fourth Version) emphasizes water storage. bank/ shoreline stabilization. pollutant removal and aquatic life vaiues. Other wetland attributes considered in this rating system include wildlife habitat and recreational/educational vaiues. The second mechanism used to describe wetlands in the. Project study area involves a classification s}stem developed by Cowardin. et at (1979). This system provides a uniform approach in describing concepts and terms used in classifying eco lo,ica I tala found within a wetland svstem.. 11?L idii l ' !:1! It; nt LOCAT I OPT DE`.1 COWARD I N AREA IMPACTED Site 02 63 PFO1C 0.09 (0.23) Site 0: 16 PFO1/4A 0.05 (0.13) Site 1= 1? PF0 1 -,. 0.03 (0.05) Site 1 11 PF01A 0.G (0.15) Site 20 40 ! :Oi.. 0.55 (1.3-) Site 13 i? PSS6A 0.95 (_'.'.`) Site 14 T-170 1A 0- i (0.361 Site 25A 1- PSS1/1A 0.16 (0.4_) Site ;B 12 PE>11A 0.21 lU.52 Site _?c_ .5 -`.11A 0. ''_ (_.03) Site ?_`D 63 ri 0. 4 (0.61 Site 26 3 ?F(DIA 0.2o (0.661 Site 31 1 1" 01A 0.35 (0.96) site ?,1 PSS4/6A 1.=1 13.50 Site Site -10 __ (0. Site 1Y ??u:A l .0- 1 iI .:6 ) ?V,OL.° Va!LI°S I'o'?Or l.ccl_ . 1)E,,1i=palLis trine . emer_(:nL perslst,ert G=C.eCLOUs PFO=palustrine. forested A=temporarily flooded PSS=palustrine, scrui)/shr ub, (_=seasonally flooded 1=broad-leaved deciduous H=permanently flooded '=ever`reen denotes that site i5 now cleared and the Cowardin classification signifies the site prior to disturbance. Other sites are not classified. but ^iven a bri-.f description. These impacts are considered minim^.l with the maximum amount of jurisdictional wetl=.nd impact total ina 0.1? ha (0.31 ac). Site 6 is a small, isoiated wetland adjacent to an existing roadway. Site - is a non-forested wetland swale located along the roadside. Sites 37. 3S. Y2 and 46 are roadside drainage ditches. Site 4 involves impacting an isolated wetland adjacent to a barn. Sites not mentioned in this memorandum are surface water impacts. c: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Unit Head Hal Bain. Environmental Supervisor File: R-1023 NOTIFICATION FORM INFORMATION SHEET Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification A. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT ENGINEER. (REFER TO ITEM B. BELOW FOR DIVISION OF ENVIRONNLENTAL NIANAGEMENT APPLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICALLY NOTE NWP 26 DIFFERENCE.) Certain nationwide permits require notification to the Corps of Engineers before work can proceed. They are as follows: NWP 5 (only for discharges of 10 to 25 cubic yards) NWP7 NWP 13 (only for stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot) NWP 14 (only for fills in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites) NWP 17 ,N'VP 1 g (required when discharge exceeds 10 cubic yards or the discharge is in a special aquatic site and must include a delineation of the affected special aquatic site, including wetlands) NWP 21 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 26 (only for greater than 1 acre total impacts and must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) NWP 33 (must include a restoration plan of reasonable measures to avoid and minimize impacts to aquatic resources) N`'WP 37 NWT 38 (must include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands) For activities that may be authorized by the above listed nationwide permits that require notification, the applicant shall not begin work a. Until notified that the work may proceed under the nationwide permit with any special conditions imposed by the District Engineer, or b. If notified that an individual permit may be required, or c. Unless 30 days (calendar) have passed from the time a complete notification is received by the District Engineer and`rio notice has been received from the District Engineer, and required state approvals have been obtained. Required state approvals include: 1) a Section 401 water quality certification if authorization is requested for a discharge of dredged or fill material, and 2) an approved coastal zone management consistency determination if the activity will affect the coastal area. ? Use of NWP 12 also requires notification to the District Engineer, but work may not begin until written concurrence is received from the District Engineer. The time periods described above do not apply. Furthermore, requirements to notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), as indicated below and on the notification form, do not apply. B. APPLICATION TO DEM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION. Certain nationwide permits require an application to DEM in order to obtain Section 401 water quality certification. lbey are NWP 6, NWP 12, NWP 15, NWP 16, NWP 17, NWP 21, NWP 33, NWP 34, NWP 38, and NWP 40. Certain nationwide permits were issued general certifications and require no application. They are NWP 3, NAT 4, NWP 5, NWP 7, NWP 20, NWP 22, NNVP 23 (requires notification to DEM), NWP 25, NWP 27, NWP 32, NWP 36, and NWP 37. 1 he following nationwide permits were issued general certifications for only limited activities: NWP 13 (for projec'Z less than 500 feet in length), NN P 14 (for projects that impact waters only), NR'P 18 (for projects with less than 10 cubic yards of fill in waters only), and NWP 26 (for projects with less than or equal to one-third acre fill of waters or wetlands). Projects chat do not meet these crt.ria require application for Section 401 water quaiiry certifications. C. NOTIFICATION/APPLICATION PROCEDURES. The attached form should be used to obtain approval from the Corps of Engineers and/or the N.C. Division of Environmental Management as specified above. The permittee should make sure that all necessary information is provided in order to avoid delays. One copy of the completed form is required by the Corps of Engineers and seven copies are required by DEM. Plans and maps must be on 8 1/2 x l l inch paper. Endangered species requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding the presence of endangered species that may be affected by the proposed project. U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE RALEIGH FIELD OFFICE P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone (919) 856-4520 NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE HABITAT CONSERVATION DIVISION Pivers Island Beaufort, NC 28516 Telephone (919) 728-5090 Historic resources requirement: For Corps of Engineers notifications only, applicants must notify the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the presence of historic properties that may be affected by the proposed project. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE N.C. DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Telephone (919) 733-4763 Information obtained from these agencies should be forwarded to the Corps. rtr DEM ID ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit ?): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P.O. Bor. 29535 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. jOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name North Carolina Department of Transportation; Planning & Environmental Branch =. Owners Address: P. 0. Box 25201; Raleigh, NC 27611 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): --- (Work): (919) 733-3141 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: H. Franklin Vick, P.E. Manager 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Nearest Town or City: Wilson Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): See Site Map t 5. Name of'Closest Stream/River: Shephards Branch . River Basin: Contentnea Creek 3. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [ ] NO (X] ?. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [ ] NO (X] If yes, explain. '0. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: 22.4 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: - Drained: _ Flooded: _ Excavated: Wilson 16.7 acres 4.6 acres 0.0 acre 1.0 acre Total Impacted: 22.4 acres 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): (See Individual Drawings) Proposed construction of Wilson Bypass from existing US 264 West of Wilson to East of SR 1136. A four lane divided highway with interchanges at US 264 and I-95. 13. Purpose of proposed work: Public Highway 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetland. Also, ,tote measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. This is the preferred alternative. Minimization measures included median width reduction and elimination of ditches in wetlands. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES [ X] INTO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [X ] NO[ J RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DE\i: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Predominately farmland-, some rural F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? n? a S 61V? Owner's Signature Date xt }.? , _ .. /1 f, l....;. ?.• __ \_ .? illlcluun,louun,.•nnplul/ •?^Y•(fi.... r.. :I;;`; r / I / IV Oi I"•,N, I\I P I O W1 / /rnulalnsburu 1l/ ;1. I df.cwar i I''q r awn ,I''` EVdlcas:n ,..,. r 1{,> llcldow- -• "A I 1? Ll r?? Ya11/,11.1 I J X11 /,, ' 1 \ ,U ••? - ',tilwaukCC, I y I /. u Q_ VT?. rc(h\Lk Gr? 1 LiLcn ar / ?1 e 1??L-1 l 11 Vloodland d V,FI_LC , f')cy;lonC l ?' Lt .c i / n rllc Ink Hahlacl ' Georcc % ? I E Crcek 1 .. ?,1 ?, A 'S• /!? 151 r 1 ' IS IIICIIOCfS00? LIUefun / y ! ??, I Al cu?:a / .r Unnhlc•IVdlr. (%•i Ur/a ,toAIT wn .--??JI ! -I GIIIUurg/ 1, t . ( y fHlCll J(IVafC 105 ?1 /A 1 ,C Inc: +i....?Jr .: e• Hcalhsvillc Tillery 17s 5 l / 3ne III ? /?? ,sl Y1 S Aulandcr .? ' J'Cpsun/ Alcrl IHOlh;lcr H A ' L I !f, A X 5 7 , o0el ^ E5X /?IJ?Irr 17 is ? Rinl;woad h / l• ?? Hill 2 62 7 Spri ng ./ , r \ R r ?''/ Kcllord C ",( Ccitlcrvdlr I'rn_nd hnKl We ^" v / r let %JCnhcld 10 I 5 / 9L. 1 / r Glenncw. [[l ? 'nil 5 sta l?-'? i V'I r Avenlun J Scolland eck Wilton, I`i l \ 5'j It 1 I l fi xl ( R A-"L I N 1 J;: 1 Le 'slon- ?(r? 414 fi -YOOdrillc Imuur +[ouisUurl'A rl \1 IR , 5. Whitaker. I) , ,{ Us Iln7yra , Franklinlon ?,"1?5K?I 56 Castal.a 7 ? Rusuaca Ul ?i e I E 10 5/ '+ $r, , i Y. Gold Back ( { ?• /u`+ .t } a aplcvdle IusUCC / I ?Oh Ualtleboro KLHnUI II Cah ht ?6 Rcd Oak YOUngsrdlc 10 :0Rocl\yP11ouu P? `cif i 710 t IN A S 41 1. + IA 5 7 7 1 Lcagcil 61i 'OakClly , 9 n ;• DccJ ?l Quit ? Y/ah1?F )resll / rcw HoPe ',un,crr• ) r ?C?--G "y O.; M/E E 5 I lsamll lon Sunng :? l 1 !0 7 U mU, i"-r' Ncrx r rD-- E rti Jd!" l 5 1 l?'"?? Hone \. 11a?hYIRC , ii';? i 42 J t^ ?. 1' , 'Ulcv? s 6 9R r /., 7 ?,. I "c s, ?°vl ?vSl: i/ 14 l; w l 1'e rees ? l0 11aGcll 9 1t,.e:' la% / I 1 4IJ;)' 4 +Tarbaro.'? .I,. III 1 N.s. Role:Ydlo F? 1 ?? V Pf,fIC CYIIIC //a e j A Gold Point ?l \r; Irn,} \ BEG. IN It "?. 4 n o r r AJ Cvcrcit• . 96 I? , I CWako llcld S rlI? PROJECT c '' - fir` '3 -, 13 i• I }?„ 1 l:?rr-5.,.... ?,,::,-=• 0 +E / //}? / / ] e I RuUcrsunvill r M,IIUrnbh + Llck +\.S. it ^ 1 /` y Conclnc Sx [hard r i RR 7 (1. e /CS, 1 un y' S_?<I^.r• Jrmrlc I•. 7 it 47 %r ?S clhcla 7 M p, TL` 71s Ullal,h l,.t'• ? U ' ?`l ?':... '//? CIm GIY'rJ ?rnwn ' PInC M U / 1'> 1. C feel, \ fi 1 'n ?, 1 Ilea( Grass 1,p GA Q ,7A"taRlr 1 R Slddlc , sca Wilba 7 , IN 3_ t / ' i,' .10 9 1rty K,i hWale Hoc _ ` n Uade'y •T_w.,, // E I; iJ A FCnsD/ 1? ?? b,; +.•,,.' ?, PROPOSED n'1 7c7 y'?? \t '741• r Al Alac`Ic:hcld \.::III Al aN, , I JIOkC3 ' ) I I ^• ' ? I. r Wilson 61: Falkland ?. 11 a e x.{ it t-,?... US-264 BYPASS 33 ? `"• - !. .6:;r. vI \? \ .1 ? -Founlaln III - IAi 7 17 ?? IIVUJC { ?.-ems ..Toddy ul 43 'r 7PUlom: Garncr9, NIL, ,.x uav,lnl, .3 g / . I END ?ROJECT .??? fi "\ \ A 4 l z?,4;- I ' rCCC(IYIII ?II :•v. o \ y \?/irk j _ --1,3 C.Ocit-,\ r _ lllur ?G ?'. ?-. ;I;: 1I Slanton:UurP Jib L?\ 'I±.',- 0p ",_ ^In ' `•.'?= Ifll, y, •. 11 O H N.,. 5` 'J T IIa O NN;1'? wa lonuuf' Farmvdlc r1 In, on , 't - h+iu.o r.7 fi ?5 1 prc:land 50 Grl / 6 III 1Yd:un's \Mdl'. AAA l i '/?\ Curcka I lI] ?7i nrI P I "r ] T .. r1 L I . •.b ?OA I I lG?. SII _ Little Frcmunt,: to r IJ SR 11 t ,,??Ty?? ( v ,..Little ), ?/•" Pinkocy, oS 1, ;milhliclA" ,, %v / i j•, (fi "' 131 onnd I r c ( 1'linlcrvillc Black lacks Pine LCVCI Plkcvdl It Cho[Owlni 117 G E _ , E Maury III r /.) - ?^ 1 7 ' sz?? II :I' I 1/1 pr , ?I In ll,•ltr i ( Ihmtcloll I Palcluwn nydcn IIShclmcrdlnc Id III r. `?? / r` .7 _ ?YYYr r Caul:lon /??SQ^w Hill / r'ogUar IV r ,?? Four Oaksf, t ! ?•?,l ili,` i\'.,? 14 '?-? a "x`/51 C?c I ?. 74UJ t? 'V Ilk, 1U ',, uo / / ??1 4 7 1 IV CJIICD I? ,.Its IfoscwooJ•/t'\ Aldsboro . ? U r 11 , 171 \ l / ?r Cm Iton 'to 17 i /v% _\ I 17 ' 4. +r la -nn' I- \ ?I 10 V 11 III' Ucns Q\r !K 11111 Ir n ?, a 4? 5,S ?,? , Ile f? rr 10 rla f^'I),,I E'\r?s/ In•litutc ll Uwson ?. 7 )? a ? 1 , . ... ^?',.. `... s ^ . I , 7 ?Crfingcf: a0 Yanrehnrn SCALE 0 5 10 20 30 SCALE Of MMES ONE INCH EQUALS APPROX. 13 MACS ONE INCH EQUALS APPROX. 21 KILOMETERS 10 2U JO 40 43 SCALE OF KILOMETERS I MILE IS EQUAL TO LEM KILOMETERS I C I N I T \( ? /l A P N.C. DCPA RENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMVAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 21 MTASS FROM oar 1,rc US 26: VIZST OF VeIL,OK N EAlST OF SR 1136 SHOT I OF ?j 1AAY 31, 1994 TO RALEIGH r N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHIYAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 DYPAS.^, FROM EXISTING HOHIZOXTAL SCAL& US 264 NEST OF 1111;On TO EA-')T OF SR 1IN 500 0 ,0n 1000 SCULL: 1' - 1000 SHEET 2 OF ?? my 31, 1094 S i?F M/ P; 5)TE 1,iAP N.C. DEPMT>.IENT OF TRANSPORTATION OMSION OF HICMVAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 1-34-0302 (R-1023.M) PROPOSED U3 204 D-T?",- FROM IX1TNC HORIZONTAL SCALE US 2c4 WEST OF 1',1L;ON TO V,-jr OF SR 1136 500 0 560 1000 SCALE: 11 - 1ooo? SHCET 3 OF 2q LLky 31, 1004 SITE i"A° THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4 - 2 6 - 9 5. -Y5 - 20 \? ?? ?? r'07 / 3 2G -?_ 21 30 ?0 \ i? / 32 PC)(, C-,7+00 -1 i i \?/ • ?D ?.,\ EN D P K 0 J SGT ' n m 31 C 24 25 labo \\ / 41 Y7_ < 43 'to 34- 00 ?-o 33 ? ? 1. ^y° _ \•' \ ? 5, .,` (? ??? X52 ? ? '? ?.:?17 ? -/ _ 30 c 7-0 45 51 i ¢q ?- • ?• , 60 ?r ? s?, s? j , POT 12QQ -?'h -- ?• /- ` ^?,?67 t6Z.l? -Y4- 2O' LT.= ?? , ?II IiI?'> y POT '70 17.;0 -Y5- 2-0'91. , ? . 38 III ,. Y6, ..•\ ?? ?i i III ?? ?; } I _...-• . N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION / II DIV SION OF HICHWIAYS ?III,n N71LSON COUNTY cn ?I II STATE PROJECT C.T340302 (R-1023.x.',) ?? ?t 30 PROPCSCD US 20-? O ID= FROM EXIsm4c. HORIZOITAL SCALE 100 0 ;,00 IOOD ° lni ?, - ?• p 1 SG": L: 1' - 1000 SXCEi "}- OF 3•? A:w 31, 1004 PROPOSED GUARDRAIL X STD. PIPE OUTLET O ?VCG2p7- + O o ? ?; R? ?StL ?5?61? Q4i + .1?!Y u ? ?o f F X STD. 4'-36 ENDI mO?Q? ??kKt *o SPECIAL ra '-r \\ RETAIN 95 RPMp EtN? 1 S 0"T - j'sTsu lyi FALSE SUMP O MDI-A _ RAMP C 60 N- _ F C 0 Q r rfs `?tt1 Y C6 WOODS 9 O N p?• ?? 2 BASE TAIL DITCH WICLASS N .BRIP RAP & FILTER FABRIC /? P 05 ?ooas T. 14 TONS & EST. 38 S.Y. WETLANDS S ? d, $ gINP t? 6s ,C- EXIST R ' Jr b a_}yl x DEtOTES FILL IN WETLANDS LORNOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' S0' .100' n?m N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-1023x+.1) PROPOSED US 2Cr4 MASS FROM EXISTING US 204 YfEST OF Yi1LSON TO EAST Of SR 111,33 SO?L_- 1' = 109' SHEET 5 OF ^9 MAY31, 1V9: 205.69 STD. PIPE OUTLET SPECIAL 2' BASE DITCH x +02.45 P 100' ` RAMP B u0 BEGIN ENCE a lf ^ • `Y ?,Ey ??• x C ? EXIST R? o r 1itTLANDSF 20'- 6" /3to4) ivtoo isfoo /&-oco /74100 /b?tao I ? I I I I EbDE l?/?;TGRNt75 I EDC1E {?ErLRNDS O ?.?D?aSED ?f1MP';C3" ?RAIJ? ' a HORIZOITAL SCALE PERTICAL SCALE d _' ??<< o BU '! G U ' vv ' ?`,? 20 ' o ao 2f „TR. ? St D U `C?1?CJ PRVpO_?D FILL (, 1. J Y FJ7GC ? ?q/LTCRNQj -?'ECTI vnl ?I -?9 HOAIZOITAL SCALE z0' io' v' ?o? VERTICAL SCALE 4, ® DE140TES FILL IN WULMOS It + HIM YET MS 5 ? J A ti Sz+ J F f l W wry I I a Q 1 1 N H •: yy Gr N ? p H n 096 ` O + . w 7 h g" v1?. } u Z4 ? aza m? I ? a .a7 h ? 0a+ ova ? O O N ' qz+ r '19?'? '/ p pQ{, t0 QM b N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRAN5PORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS S96 WILSON COUNTY xj STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 MASS FROM EXISTING US 234 'AE ST OF WILSON TO. EAST OF SR I IM SOA -'- I' 0 100' SHEET 7 OF 3 9, VAY31, 1994 . 100, ? I 501 1 1 I I 11. ? /00 I I 9 v ern • I 9?7f ao -L- , ' ° . /Y.v 1/-70 1/(10 D .L )Ir9 Nv. 20 P? DENOTES FILL IN t7ETL1ND3 ?{L?] MOTES YEMDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZONTAL SCALE Z5, Eo, LJ - iJ -rv - c }1) G \p ? c 1 4 t1 0 cl _ try ? n o 0 U ? Q v v` I \ \ I Q Ci i 1 l1J ? ? I l? i ? r\ I 1 i ? I I o < I N ? }V 1 s I C `' J1 1 O a ?o J. R 0 .Q 1 \ I N a / ' h a s T u ?I , n ` o ? ? -1• \ 7- ? `? ty ?o m o o Ear ? o H 0 M a r .-7 v.. fi L-] a M w, O u M f? Nl A Q "'] `yQ? 1- M1•. P•1 0 4 Uzi \ W }? 11} O W? '4i Q wU r 3 is . 'r N Z 92 7. v O I . N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGKNAYS WILSON COUNTY STATZ PROJECT 8.T3h0302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 2G4 OYP/---S FROM EQSnNG US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF S.4 1130 -Err - 9 OF 3q MAY 31, 1434 J C] J '. y J O ruuAx x?vvrrr frxcrr rvuas ,,-CCIAL CATCH MILE MILE u 11 V J. rrsovrR LAXW, JrL a M Pu us F nCPQ;£D C C rD 14 rC 144 rL1CE Mrs Ac GD - PftOPO.= R=T C' VAY - 57N?E U::T AIP :;Lop :,PEgAL DITCH 4 g C ? J 4 Wit ~ r I? CUSS 'A' M.J EST. 1 t 4 ? - :? EQK. D t ; !' Y '?,? PROf'0`.,ED CsVY'Jl w, 5E FE ® DENOTES FILL N rrnl zos f? DENIES ELL4. MTI05 OF 27LIMS QORIZORTIL SCALE 30• 23, 0' :ol 100, Qom: ?v DAUD fARxrR COUPS rRl 744-104 lJ 477 PC 47, 1 co "i IV tri DJ 1414 PC w pJ 1440 ro N DJ 1471 PC N7 OJ is, PC 4T0 A7 1JJO r0 ue 14414 k O X S?rc 2Z /?`"I ? ?? I I I I v C) ?o HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCAT ' v Sa ? ' io ? O Srr?• `? %?r ;•UJ V r Y 1 I I ?? i I, i / yo L 1JC7L' ,9 p ?I ?,?,vPa??D FILL ?A?y ? l 7- ?/v Z Z N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS DEROTES YETLUDS WILSON COUNTY D040TES FILL IN WET"iDS STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-1023M) JJT DEYDTES ELLUNATIOH 0: YET1•ASDS PnPOSM US eat M? SS FROM IX1snNC VERTICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE US gas WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 11M max. mCE 0'' T`M'107 U V ? \ W a 4 ?? Y-1 -I- 00.00+01 lod -at -?- la ss+sr3s is N ` ww \ ', 1 ry' e < 4 1 h4 IN. -414 v \ , \ b? k -l- ll'GS+98G SO ,oo^ \ t \ a v 986 99'01+ r .9. .n f ° at 00 \ 30? 3 ?. Q oc+ X p V \ K 2 : ; O N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION gat ^ DMSION OF HIGHWAYS s>+ WILSON COUNTY 99.0 + STATE PROJECT 3.T,3440302 (R-1023AA) if ,tr PROPOSED US 204 GYPASS FROM Mj-nNG US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAT OF SR 1130 SCGL_ 1' - 100' SHEET 12 OF `3? MAY317 1994 ti ti Q ? o? 1 C?- r 1 I I I I I I I? I I 1 1 roo Ng, I ? is j n !a ?n D } c L'?I a u a .n u ? r-? oe na 'S. v a d% a ? r As O N ?-+ Y o? O ,t d i ?- U Zl- 113 ? "?????,llllll {. lQZ n 10 U ? 4 M 1 N na `Q I ? +n ? M \?I V m M u a ? 1 rr-. \ N ?, T ~ ^ V3 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION O DIVISION OF HIGWIAYS WILSON COUNTY ! STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM alSTING US 264 WEST OF W'ISON TO EAST OF SR 1136 St1EET 3 OF 7? VAY 31, 1994 L PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY EDGE OF WETLAN t) 7f00DS JAMES JOE FLO c ® DENOTES FILL IN WErLMDS [?? DS50iES ELIliIS9iI0! OY ifSTL.'?DS HORIZOIYAL SCALE O' 25, of W 100, tUUL Lt WL ILANUS JAMES JOE FLO HERS F \ 4 uO x a0e ? 4 `\ RW ON 0?06g. 0 + O S 00 S? JAXIS JOE PLOW9F-S .o p /p o, EDGE OF WETLANDS rO??uQ? ' ?' w STD. PIPE ?? 25 OUTLET • ? 4 foJ - POND • \Or\ '?" 4 333\000 \ ? • ? ? SLOPE STAKE LIMIT 101 \ N O0 1 +OO U 100' P 50 `E3 RAMP B v I t LOOP B N t 1 PROPOSED WOVEN WIRE FENCE Nl r? rc? LINE ?'??'1 P ".(?" STP.. 2?f 00 si 25 N.C. DEPART1dENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY 7i DENOTES FILL IN WEMNDS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) HORIZOIiAL SCALE - PROPOSED US 264 M?AS:S FROM D=nNG US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' SCALE: 1' - 100' SHEET 15 OF ? { UAY 311 1994 0 N N o ( ^? 4 I P 2 1 s? ? i Q Z ? ? l N O y.l Z W \ o 0 0 8 a .a v t/] 2 o 8 ? N ? ,o ? v N a V .o y O• a 0 •• `vv 0 m N o 0 0 N 14 a I I I l I I ? r .N 1 I yl I 1 I I -?f 1 0 O isv'c,f, ivy' „I,' I I ?ET1ilNf>5 NE7 1, /y() 1 1.5ej 116 0 " so ?DCyE hJ?crnNoS i t I/so c' so' ivo • iso;??; ? s I •"?na?r95? J9?? ?a ? ? ? /? PKoPoSED Fjc.L ?, / l??TLr?ND,y 517E /J 0 , 2 5 ScC-rlof,! 6-C7 0 45 E'r'LNnIOS ?SrA. 1 ??-Sv SEcTi (o F SITE NO . 2¢ ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS MOTES ELIKIIIATIOI OF YETLAIDS 500 25 o" 25' YKITICAL SCALE HOAIZOITAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FROM EXISTING US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EXST OF SR 1138 SHEET 17 OF 34- VAY 317 1994 6 T 9+75.00 -Y4- _ 0 -Y4--\ 5-E6AL t"EDIAN DITCHO ----------------- ---- --- -------------- 1 ?s su 24, aara r -----------------------------A ------------ ----- ---------- ------------------------------\-------------- ' \4 4 dA In Iii o" o o a 00 o arrow _ 10PE STAKE UTAT O Ora" Qy py ?y 10 L- + +89.02 O 16 U BC ST ?.? CS =12+0,3.16 TIE PROP. FENC£ To DOST. FENCE PROpo= RIGHT CF MAY STtLLI FWyrRS?r1= YALU O -r fyC3" C3 }? _ \? pNQ? J ?e + t ,OVE O + J Oy + itr mw a \ r?.e?u tQ' A r V CS 14+47.03 COIN BC \ J a \ SC 14+03.16 COLL BC of \ ---•- -- - '---' --- --'-- - - Qom"-- \?- -' ?- Ar 1rr r n O Oµp?p ? °_ Oap??y?,?q,?p?C$* _y4- , • o ?cuvc ;... o -- S 29'55'38" W c ---------- - -------- ?I ______________y 1 1 l-SI'MAL MEDIAN DITCH -j ?'---------------- - T 2----Q-- -------- F r * 2 COLLARS 1 pr dr ? rr" - 2-a ? n + ... q Q4 yCQ 4 2 15, +---- \ yy + F a. ! f• f x}60 t Q - - n PRDPDRA? C F r? t µ Vol 1} 3 ' t 5 j PE W11..ET t 25' CUSS 'D' sTUNE R s PROP. w.1K FI7+CE RAMP 8 I17 E,7 1n?u 75 EST. 15 S.Y. R "L\ Y mcc VXTLA DS 2 EDGE r?,w+os _ _ ,. ? ? SLCPE STANCE LOAIT \q .1 Rj SPECIAL DITCH .riWw >wTiE FMCE t?ILilU! T. LAX= .0• Di 791 PG 197 }OD ST 16+47.03 COLL, BC Di ?? rc`x+ 4 ? , '? ?* 100 RP. D .Ia m room \ k = 4 O PRCWWFD FJGHT OF MAY \ Dt 791 PG 196 Lt a+ \ wcl: PD 9 PG 10 \;?? n+ ?! Oft AYIS JOI'FIA>rzw Q 2020 AC EAUUFNT rI? _°• ?.? ?=t-; ? MOTES E L I H I H A T I O H Of ifs" T L A If D S. N• C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION G G 2 / - DIVISION OF HQiVAYS •J ` CQ WILSON COUNTY ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) ® MOM IILL BROT O.H.T. PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FROW EXISTING HO&IZOtidL SCdLE US 204 WEST Of VALSON M FAST Of SA 11-36 50' 25' 0' S0' 100' SG1E: 1' - 1 ar SHEET 8 OF ?q "Y 31 F 1294 ?itoo 11 cx? /2?a-) 43i60 144oo l-?w 00 ED6-- WEtu9NO ?R4P4.5?D COLL. "C3C" GRFiO?-? ? 1-15:-6 /7? od /Ioo /5'? oa ,Zak 2f? 00 22-100 r U E'x151N(?r PRDP06E0 Pgoposw AA, 2OG?"CoNG, ? l5 RCP /Ay l5"RcP ? _ vv- Sl rE jo. 2!? ® DEIOUS HTLUnS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE /a ' 50• 25' 0• 50• 100• Y; v I a1 EflbE hlEf[ANos PROPOSED CoLL "c3C" GKf30? I I ??? c-r<: o so iov ;s o 200 ?.7" I I I ? I I P('OP05P.D CxT•NSlQN Ird-on 61 1-7 I-L, ?%oPo?Go HOWL / y n Z. C? 6 4o"G?cnG, I N ?. ?i - - - = v '5e ?onl pb?C'DLo%tr",2 E/%A+0,vafloA, aF kJctlaAuds P,C'D \F/LL LST4,0J 0,WllIAILY ltr?,rt ht?r? HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE /?y 3v So' 2S' a z5 ? D' S /v I._ I ? I ? I ? I ?srr?. 2o-?Qa CoC? ?t?C ? ? ('??oPo0E0 ?l(.C.. Eb& 1-21?j Po-, 6D ? D :)& / / . / i d / //b GAL r?lGDrf,N L uv r . ??TI onl .? 1 HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE / 3 U 10? i0 a' is o? f /v 5ir9 ?1a.24 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OMSION OF HIGHWAYS DEIOTES W37LAIDS WILSON COUNTY ® DENOTES Flu IN WETLANDS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023.M) DENOTES FILL DELGtf ORDINARY F7GH WATER PROPOSED US 264 DYPASS FROU DCJS NG DENOTES ELIMINATION OF WETLANDS US 204 NEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 SHEET 20 OF 139 MAY 31r 1994 )/1'1.504 eouNTy ?uPc?ti es D2 1456 PG 366 4&% AC rn-\ SKaAL MEDIAN DITCH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - k N , ylilsaa Comfy P?o?er+?ies kp0 ;?fJ O ? Wis. EIP CNANNG -- W- F PROP. Rlatr OF WAY T J DENOTES ELIMINATION OF WETLANDS! DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS ?1 D®OiBS FILL B?OI O.H.X.._ ? . - -' HO&IZOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' L- . O D N t V Z ti F --- -' -- --------------- I O _?_? --- ,Woi I I I I I I -'o0 "'`? ? I I I I I L-DUr Cr L5 6 / 50 vjZbf?-QED i lS "R!: P ? 2? Can" COn? • . . rJ ? v --Lc, o ESE t ( 1?/Er?RN0.5 • ?}ZoPOSED CoLL,`iF1D"C7/?1?p? S O 150 -.- ? ? ? - ?? -- •5? rc nlo. 2 B N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRMSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY ® DE80TES KE[LAgDS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) VERTICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE PROPOSED US 264 13YPASS FROV EXISTING US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 d S ' a 50' 25' 0' S0' 100' .7-77771 100' SYEET 22 OF 5q IMY 3Ij 1004 E'S 1.5 n/N J•'A. Zit-??Cc?.?. '??7? I ??tr ?1.1J.L. 14 Lt,E'o' - - - I ?rrS7'1N? 2 G?'' Co?? • I - - - 17 ... ^?? r /-/LL eEGOIJ oeoi?1?P_y 1414,P, D HORIZOETAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE U S? ZS 2r a• 1/ io / . BO'w /f ?j 0 ' 20 A . 26 jTFJ, 2'Y?-UU CALL. /F?D C?-(>? of IY?TLf3ND5 i U i N? Gi;?.LcCa:..i 4lZD/?/f7/Ly HI(?f 1?/aTEZ / Sv EL./rl/nJ?F^7 lan/ lti/Er1f7ND P,?'OPO ? c.17 F/L G f ?:COf????J 5i°HO? Gll?NNEI.. C`//rJnlbc: HORIZOYTAL SCALE .20 DE%OTES UILUDS DRIOTES ELIKIIATI01 0: HTLAIDS DENOi>~i FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES FILL 0.0W ORD'.t1MY "CH WATER VERTICAL SCALE 5 l 7"E Nv . 2 S N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGh[WAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 UYPASS FROM DuSTWG us 214 WEST of WILSON TO EA5T OF sR 1110 5.4EET 2:3 OF ?A MY 31, 1924 PROP. 5L.OPL• 5TPKE LINE W w Y / r 1 ?r i E7 X, C ED ?K Q V 0 O Srit1?5 Soc F?oWz=RS r. <? L - TOG 1tiMf?.?CJp 1d?©? X? 4o FUNNC.I? "X ? 2•• r:. o, r r Pt v G - rA1L 01-,0-I FILTER e;.tc ';V A?Co?TC, WOODS Sic 29 MOTES FILL 11 SURFACE HATERS DEXOTES =u IATICI OF SURFACE PATERS HORINITAL SCALE :0' 25' 0' SOo100, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT B.T340302 •(R-1023AA) PROPO?'m US 2G4 BYPASS FROM DUSTING US 204 WEST of WILSON TO EAST Of SR 11-30 SCALE 1 * - 100' SHEET Z4 OF 3q MAY 31 , 1994 10 0? 4 NOS 'w 4? ti?y si rff 3v DENOTES FILL IN WETLMDS DEIOIKS ELIXIIAiIOI OF XE'ILAIDS HOU ZOITAL SCALE 50, 25, o• w 100• °o ` o\ On - 4 +30 12 /0 r. i ? yj DE A `? Dy Y l j ,. cr &; fftN Iss -,70-E' FLOWERS NG P' X 1 r, o v '- 0 /G v 1 T ' ? I i E0&15 rtlYa,-WL 5 Zy,? S I ?ret"ficL I pR6 PC,- 5,--7 ' ??IrE No. 30 ' Al! THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-95 YI? 115-11-1- /N ??,r r,? 1?,?r_= r? 1 I 1 1 -9: 06 :;ciao 9Z-?oU i I ?'lflo0 ?-O?UG? G-"OGC vF .(uizFF??: ?r?rEZS. p?Oru?r? j?PMP 7 No- z9 A DEIOTES rTLAIDS yv MOTES FILL IY SURFACE VAIERS O , S / p 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' }?A PERTICAL SCALE HORISOITAL SCALE 01 /yo N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DNISION OF HIGHNAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROM EXISTING US 264 WMT OF W SON TO^^EAST OF SR 1136 SCALr .. I' - 100' SHEET 2 6 CF 3? 1lAY 31 , 1994 E?hE yr o Gov 2016 3oa' 00' Sod, ??Fr+? I I ? I I I jl/NTGjC? G? ?xisr?Nb LZ9M /?? 51A. 3Z?OD el;I(P"?1 'C2-95) SAC TJD/V L- L - - Fi rr L ly ?y Y?OPa:?D \ So rkop°=P-D 0c.5i6tJ I \ O r ' C jf?IN1NLr Rv?1C, HORIZOITAL SCALE /00 So . v S6 ?/i?f??/fiT/?/V of ?u?F7eE {,/RrEIZS VERTICAL SCALE o S' ' /o I ?, I I I ?O G% /(b 50 I t t I I THIS SITE.HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-1-6-95 v Govi?'f3„?F-9s) 5179 zBf40 ZAMPw"Cr-95? v . ?? rE NO.30 ? FOCrE l,lErG?.vv.5 ? / /?ROFtz EIS Fjt..li ? Fa?E f M/ rL.eNDS FUMa?R770W t 1-?ETI.?ND? HORIZOITAL SCALE SE?'rroN NI-/? o' S 2S o zS ?'l f DBOTES ELIXIIATIOI OF YETLAIDS ® DENOTES FlLL IN WETLANDS y ,y y DRIOTES IETIMS PROPo,?n z i?i? of rC q VERTICAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HK;HWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 "ASS FROM EX=NG US 204 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST Of SR 1136 I 12 JOYCE S. WILLMMS? 21- G" C Lc G 2 DD I :C7 PC 780 I ? I CID IS AC qq ???Jl "' io Io A I og I w o sots P.a? s- O S r ' o?, LOOP' s- Eo ?' <\ - BOT-1 -GI +90 706D ?,z . $ +a PROP. GUAR R U .g3 ?D? ? ? 0, ? k r + o I I i \ a \ ? to ? •>\ pp I// ?\ A Q) c > TTOODS/ I 121 J/? kop? h PIPE OUTLET `? v x I -A W f ??\? A \ ?CT\ XSS ??^?\ Q?O ?K ^aX O cl) I ? ?\? ?CA ?? 2? „yam \?\ c\`?? pOe dIN s P t=. 31 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS UORIZOATAL SCALE SO' 25' 0• 50' 100, EaJ c -r ezz?zT,"? 1 I OU 3?q? ttb :?crCb ,?,7t0U ? I t I 1 I I -? IA O PRgcvSED -L &R6DE ?ZpPoSED c'OGE / 7 D h?E7'LHNDS C (3RJGL'?E F11. cDbE Z 1JErGf?iV Ds r f}ZoPa58D Cvt C . "ht i L 1 y 2GY , LY: I IRO &&,5 h/ErLI91Y ico ' D, ico I• I ?57R. i- -,550 L- i 15-6 SECT??? N-N DENOTES FILL IN WETLMOS O MOTES MLAIDS VERTICAL SCALE RORIZOIYAL SCALE O ' S ' I 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' N.C. DEPAM IMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WSION OF HIGMAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM EX=NC US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SCAL, 1' - 100' SHEET 2q OF 3 1 mAY 31 ,, 1894 i-7 D /Sa I 5m Fw /7U h/arL?NDs //s V j l DPAirI PIPS ©?i, ? '??? C?\ BC '`, PROF: GuAp,*RaIL ' PROPER'K \??, .j' / (1 5FEGIAL oITGH/ 0 C.RA pL- i f !lA'?PRoPO5ED Q SLOPS STAKE" Of ,? • 1 AIX I LIrdL \ tier r,? I I . ?\\QI \ W rTt?c?? ? I \? ,.1 1 ? ?\ LIMI`(? ?f? I \ I .' GLA5?'jT'C+JC ' II f W/FIL'rE.R FAL3RIG \ ? /p 1 1 d a`,w `` LOOP G ? J01'CE S. WILLIA41SON © 2 -6!'c ?l 5Pr-CIAL- DITCH WOODS ::I?GIf L 2' l;ASt DI';G+?I \ ? ?'?--- p_.? _` "?? - '=`t ? SLOPS 5 TAKC• 'A Li m E. 0711 ZA. r7P -? -- 2 C'T'----- --- C-r-- '71 - ^-`"• PROPOSED ?i-O('t: 5`AKt,: 1_INr. ? © _ 1 r SyEUA?-?'VA"SI 0itu-1 PrA-)VnSFn R/1-1 a I u X L I PROPER T `! '? rc ik ICJ LINE / --?L'. . t.: W E'tLAN 0 L-1. /A I'?5 =Y U15E CoLc"MF1N ''? 5jr? ??r N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION y DEIOTES KETLAIDS DMSION OF HIGHYIAYS WILSON DENOTES FILL IN WER.ANDS COUNTY ® STATE PROJECT 8.T3440302 (R-1023AA) H O R I Z O I T A L SCALE PROPOSED US 204 GYPIS5 FROM EXJST1Nc US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 50, 25, o• 50• 1Oo• scaLE t' - 1 Go, SHEET 30 OF ^?Q 1NY 312 1994 \ ` \ ,?, \\` \ \ \ \ \? C'O` y?\ T\ DP0.0PEfZTY\`\ .? ?, © Inl 0005 a ? ` •? <?". sr 3 \ . \ ti? \\ \ \ \` • 0 yc W ET LAN D LIMITS nn ,S "JA MON. WETLANDS ? C, FsTFb ?\ ? • ?:• ?- JOYCE S. IP/LLI.4,VsoAr \ ? •t r3\•, ?\ ?? ?" ? P PR ' OPER' ^i LINE ? PROI- o;,f_D 5L-OPi:S TaKc. LINE- I ' F /_? yt urwr r. YIL. .umzmv,, JR.) WF_`I LAND 'v Q ?? h L I M) T5 _ r o PROPERTY LINE _L' O F ZLI- PFtOPOa DSLOP, LIIJE ?L,?,\. % J'y?v PROP05EO R/w tc c a D15-6 Co%rrs3 PROPERTY LINE ?{ srcpirrrr coLZAL-. Jrrrtts v ea J f v fig ' O ]G Da It pa Ju pa Jr iv ' ,eo O.CJ AC f T?5 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DEIOTES MLAIDS DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY DENOTES FILL IN wETLANOS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) ® DEIOTES nDMATIOI OF IrbTLAIDS . PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM EXISTING HORIZOITAL SCAL E US 264 WEST of MLSON To EAST OF SR 1136 50' 25' 0' 50' 100' ,. °.:A:F: 1' - 100' SHEET 1 OF 2?4- my 317 1994 a i Drah T. Yilliaison, Jr. Ilya. J y ? O ; ?s 0,0 i?l?7L D o ,SL?M?Tg o ,rjl ( 7 • 46 S4? ? JD 10 g- T d p C1 ?4',? ? ?£fRS ?958, T ° ? ?s x68,0 °0•c.'? < ? 40,E?S R 2 O W ?f r'3 34- DENOTES WETLUDS ® DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS DENOTES ELIMINATION OF M%TLANDS . HORIZONTAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' SO' 100' i I I I I i I I ? I i k??-?LFJt! D, PRePO? Z?•"P.GP I I I :,lfoo ,?iC fG2? 4 ;-(16 , c??? 7vrfLY1 -epOn ? I I ? I I v Pf'UPO?,c'D RFiM? tG" C.?.=9.?? CyR?D.= FD&E Wc'TLfWO5 ?U © DEVOTES YETLAIDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZO;ITAL SCALE D S ' lU ' So' :5* 0' F0' 100' L ?rE n!D . 3¢ ? Q v r v ?? 1 d- N ( 0 Q V ? a N; w d 0. I .I 1J O o w? to ?o A a -o h >y 0 J N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMYAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 2a4 OYPASS FROM D:=N0 US 264 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 11M SCN E: 1' - 100' SH-,7 34 OF 39 "?Y S l 1204 COL i0 Flo ?Zoe ao6o zt: NCB / ??CTJUN D-U 4 ,V,C'VPf?ED ?YGI?F) ?![7. FGI?GWnY c?iTc.l-I St_.C7/U?I p-p ?c..??/??/f?T/air o? ?????.n??ry DF%OUS' ELDOATIO1 OF V'STLAEDS F DENOTES FILL IN WE LMOS O MOTES HTLUIDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE /o/ Ap 0' /D' z0? --r N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT B.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 BYPASS FROM DUSTING US 204 WEST OF VILSON TO E/.ST OF SR 1130 SHEcf 35 OF ?lq ?kY 317 1sa4 FILL IN SITE STATION STRUCTM YETLANDS (ac.) 1 -L- 871+50 to 881+50 Lt. 0 2 RP'B'(264) 12+75 to 16+60 36'RCP .22 3 -L- 885+00 to -Y- 32+50 0 4 -L- 684+00 to RP'B'(264) 19 +50 0 5 -Y- 53+00 0.12 6 -Y- 57+75 to 58+85 Rt. 0 7 -Y- 61+70 to 62+90 Rt. 0.08 8 -Yl- 31+00 to 43+00 24'RCP 0 9 -Yl- 25+50 to 28+03 18', 24-RC? 0 10 -Y1- i0+00 to 22+50 0 11 -Y- 17+30 to 30+00 Lt. 0 12 -Y- 21+25 Rt. 18'RC? 0 13 RP'B'(254) 33+25 Lt. 181CONC 0 14 -L- 911+60 to 912+70 18'RCP 0.08 15 -L- 916+70 0 16 -L- 922+00 ' 42'RCP 0 17 -L- 925+50 0.18 18 -L- 928+90 18'RCP 0 19 -L- 938+50 36', 36-CS 0 20 ` -L- 954+50 to 962+75 24'R CP, 1x5 RC8C 1.34 21 -L- 967+00 241CONC 0 ' DENOTES THAT A PEMIT DRAPING HAS BEEN CREATED ELIllIIIATIOI FILL RLIMATIG.7 FILL OF Ili - OF BELOY TOIAL WETLANDS SURFACE WATERS SURFACE WATERS O.B.Y. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.Y.) (c.y.) 0 0.06 0 0 603 0.31 0 0 0 902 @ 0.20 0 0 2260 0 0.22 0 0 2780 0 0.04 0 0 2153 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0.06 0.03 0 270 0 0.02 0 0 170 @ 0.09 0.01 0 920 0 0.09 0 0 1390 0 0 0.002 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 75 0 0.07 0.03 0 670 0 0.01 0.01 0 60 0 0.01 0 0 370 @ 0 0 0 4000 0 0.02 0 0 450 0 0.12 0 0 180@ 0.03 0 0 63 41000 0 0.08 0 0 550 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY SATs PROJECT O.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 254 OVA= FROM Exism4C US 254 mm or mLSON TO DST OF SR 11:6 SHEET ^^, (0 OF 3 q MAY -It. 1004 FILL uLIHIMI01 FILL ELIH lAlIL10 FILL II OF IH OF BELOY TOTAL SITE STATIOI STRUCTURE YETLAN S YETLAYDS SURFACE WATERS SURFACE HATERS O.H.Y. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.Y.) (c.y.) 22 ' -L- 913+00 to 975+40 Rt. THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4-26-95 23 ' -L- 983+50 to 10+80 18', 18'RCP 2.45 0 0 0 0 18020 24 ' RP'B'(I-95) 15+40 to 16+80 a 0.36 0 0 0 0 25 ' RP'8'(I-95) 17+00 to 26+25 30', 30'RCP 2.57 0 0 0 0 13703 26 ` COLL'BC' 10+00 to 21+50 2e66'CONC 0.62 0.04 3 0 17 5200 27 COLL'AD' 11+50 to 21+50 Lt. 0 0 0.07 0 0 440 28 ` COLL'AD' 21+15 to 30+60 2@66'CONC 1.47 0.07 0 0 75 12100 29 ' RP'A'(I-95) 30+10 to 34+00 301RCP 0 0 0.65 4.6 0 5900 30 ' RP'A'(I-95) 21+60 to 30+00 ?HIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED AS OF 4 26-45 31 ' -L- 33+80 to 36+15 0.96 0 0 0 0 37500 32 COLL'AD' 30+50 to 6a+00 0 0 0.20 0 0 2900 33 COLL'8C' 20+50 to 61+50 0 0 0.20 0 0 2303 34 ' RP'C' 18+50 to 35+70 24'RCP 3,18 . 0.34 0.03 0 0 10000 35 COLL'AO' S0+00 to 51+55 Lt. 33'RCP 0.04 0.01 0 0 0 133 36 COLL'AD' 55+00 Lt. 301CONC 0 0 0.01 0 0 100 37 r COLL'AO' 62+50 to -Y6- 15+00 Lt. 0.07 0 0.04 0.02 0 360 38 COLL'BC' 64+SO to -Y6- 25+00 0.08 0 0.0E 0 0 263 39 RP'D'(I-95) 20+35 24'RCP 0 0 0.03 0 0 170 40 -L- 40+40 to 42+35 Rt. 0.29 0 0 0 0 9303 41 RP'A' 22+20 0 0 0.01 0 0 150 ' DENOTES THAT A PE!{iT DRIVING HAS BEEN CREATED FILL ELIMATH01 FILL 11ININATH01 FILL II OF II OF BELOW TOTAL SITE STAT101 STRUCTURE XETLAIDS XETLUDS SURFACE RATERS SURFACE WATERS O.H.X. FILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.y.) (c.y.) 42 -Y7- 9+00 to 15+50 Lt. 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0 130 43 -Y7- 12+00 to 21+S0 0 0 0.04 0 0 140 44 -Y7- 21+30 24'COHC 0 0 0.01 0 0 170 45 -Y7- 21+50 to 29+75 Lt. 0 0 0.04 0 0 610 46 -L- 57+70 to 60+50 181CHYC 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 47 -L- 60+50 Lt. 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 48 -L- 62+75 to 64+25 54'RCP 0 0 0.03 0 0 660 49 -Y7- 30+20 301COHC 0 0 0.01 0 0 450 50 -Y1- 30+00 to 45+50 0 0 0.07 0 0 1150 51 47- 28+50 to 40+50 Lt. 0 0 0.06 0 0 180 52 -Y7- 36+80 18'RCP 0 0 0.022 0 0 10 53 -Y7- 39+50 24'CONC 0 0 . 0.003 0 0 20 54 -Y7- 61+00 to 68+50 0 0 0.03 0 0 110 55 -Y7- 62+00 to 6N O Lt. 0 0 0.03 0 0 130 56 -Y1- 64+00 3@48'C09C 0 0 0.01 0 0 120 57 -Y1B REV- 16+80 to 18+50 30'RCP 0.18 0 0.004 0 0 870 TOTALS 3.3 6 0 .31 2.11 4.72 155 18 9 7 6 5 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 3.T34-0302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 IIMPA= FROM EY'.1SnNC US ZG4 vaST OF 111LSOK TO FAST OF SR 11,16 SHELT 36 OF 3 j itky 31, ,004 V . -- ADDR_SScS 1. North Caroliaa OepaItmeat or tIaSSDOltctlvi P.O. 3 o x 25201 Raleigh, NC 21611-5:01 2. Williaa XcKialey Finch Route 1 Boy 13 Sias, 4C 27880 3. David William Compe THIS SITE HAS BEEN DELETED"AS OF 4-26-95 Faiis C*urch, GA 22'041 4. J. Hoover Laam, Jr. Route 2 Box 325 61a City, NC 27822 5. Stella Flowers Wiggs Walker Rouse 2 Box 698 Wilson, NC 27622 6. Janes Jae Flowers Route 2 Box 834 Wilson, NC 27393 7. Ruby D. Langston 1832 Deforest Drive Chesapeake Beach, F.0 20732 8. Williaa ',. Daniel Route 2 Box 63: Wilson, HC 2789.3 9. Wilson County Properties ?.0. Box 3115 Wilson, NC 27891, 10. Joyce S. iilliasson Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, NC 27893 11. Oise Coleaan Route 1 Lucaaa, NC 21651 12. Urab T. Williaason, Jr. Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, NC 27893 13. Stephen Coieaan, Heirs Route 1 Box 235 Lucaaa, NC 27651 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGhVAYS ' . WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM EXISTING US 264 WEST OF Y LSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 'Ha 7 ?? OF 3q jY':5 I, 1 94 N. C. I)EPARTIIENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE --? / C L. TO: 1 It L???r.Qd?n1 ?- RLF. NJ. OR ROOM, BLDG. a-1(r In . FROM: I RLF. NO. OR ROOM, DLDG. ACTION ? NOTE AND FILE ? PER OUR CONVERSATION ? NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ? PER YOUR REQUEST ? RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION ? PLEASE ANSWER ? FOR YOUR COMMENTS ? PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ? SIGNATURE ? TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ? INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: I ?? I . I ? ?1J-.li C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. )R. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAM HUNT GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY July 11, 1994 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field office 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Jean Manuele Subject: Wilson County, US 264 Bypass, State Project No. 3.1340301, TIP No. R-1023AA. Dear Ms. Manuele: During the June 16, 1994, Permit Review meeting, the North Carolina Department of Transportation requested concurrence from your office for the proposed "useable segments" as shown in the preliminary plans. We understand that your definition of "useable segment" includes a functional segment from intersection to intersection, with some leeway for any safety concerns. Our present preliminary plans show R-1023AA extending beyond the intersection with Interstate 95 to approximately 700 feet (213 m.) beyond the centerline of the proposed SR 1136 overpass (near Station 60 on Sheet 13 of the preliminary plans, see also Project Breakdown Map). NCDOT Design Services staff designed the road to be brought down to grade at the terminus and also were able to complete drainage control at that point. This prevents erosion, and also allows for convenient and thus less costly start-up for the contractor on the following section. The proposed work on the overpasses for SR 1136 over I-95 and over the proposed bypass will be completed more efficiently and quickly by including both in the AA section, resulting in less traffic disruption and less compromise of public safety. Due to the intensive wetland review by NCDOT and scrutiny by the review agencies during the alternatve selection process, NCDOT proposes that although the end of project as shown beyond I-95 may not meet the functional utility definition, the preliminary plans be approved as shown for the above reasons. On July 5, 1994, preliminary plans were submitted to you for the subject project. The plans included shaded areas of impacted wetlands to aid in the discussion of minimization and avoidance. We had discussed the median width issue at the June 16, 1994 Permit Review Meeting, and also need concurrence from you on the median widths and avoidance within the selected altenative corridor as shown in the preliminary plans. We discussed the minor differences in acreages of wetland impacts between the 0, 46 and 60 foot median widths and agreed that the 60 foot median would be acceptable as long as it did not preclude decreasing the width in future sections (AB, BA and BB). We also agreed that shifting the centerline within the corridor did not change the impact acreages signicantly, due to the configuration of the wetland areas, as shown in the preliminary plans. On June 15, 1994, we visited several proposed mitigation sites, which we agreed had good potential for mitigating the impacts of R-1023AA. At this time, NCDOT is proceeding with investigations of these sites by surveying relative elevations and delineating hydric soil and wetland boundaries. We have also requested that a joint site visit be made to review the staked alignment and the proposed mitigation sites, which has tentatvely been scheduled with you on August 24, 1994. We hope to have more information on the mitigation `y sites before the August Permit Review meeting. We appreciate the level of effort from your office in resolving these issues and await concurrence from you on the proposed preliminary plans as submitted. Please contact Robin Little at 733-3141 if you have any questions. Sincerely, .D? B. 'Q u' n, P.E. Assistan Branch Manager Planning and Environmental Branch rml/bjo enc cc: Dennis Pipkin, P.E., Permits and Mitigation Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Environmental Unit Charles Cox, P.E., Project Engineer Wilson Stroud, P.E., Project Planning Lubin Prevatt, P.E., Asst. Branch Manager Davidian Byrd, P.E., Design Services Eric Galamb, DEM-DEHNR David Cox, NCWRC David Dell, USFWS Ron Sechler, NMFS R-1023AA US 264-WILSON BYPASS 5/94 WETLAND IMPACT COMPARISON AREA NUMBER 60-FOOT MEDIAN 46-FOOT MEDIAN 0-FOOT MEDIAN (RECOMMENDED) 1 0.07 AC 0.03 AC 0.01 AC 2 0.19 AC 0.17 AC 0.15 AC 3 1.44 AC 1.15 AC 0.95 AC 4 0.37 AC 0.32 AC 0.26 AC 5 2.46 AC 2.12 AC 1.70 AC 6 0.36 AC 0.36 AC 0.36 AC 7 1.01 AC 1.01 AC 1.01 AC 8 0.33 AC 0.33 AC 0.33 AC 9 0.01 AC 0.01 AC 0.01 AC TOTAL: 6.24 AC 5.50 AC 4.78 AC Note: 1. Refer to design plans for locations of wetlands. 2. These impacts refer to mainline only; no y-line impacts were included. ,'? R a.: 1 c 'J f b;/?. , .,. '.11. .. ,lS'J> Zvi dl}. ??4g12w Gti• ,1 .i _ :a`if ?1'. ?' + `wt ?> Ia, l rCt '. »? 3 '?? t ? 1 1 , `fit, Yr 1 H -i 1:??'°; ,Y } ?• t, i4 yi ?, It _ w??Y'??1f ,?,!>'t >•*r 141- ;??.. .?,..,?,. ',? -.,+' P `` •. ,.?„I}'f• .?t?i?l!i.?tYf? c •r,r?R1?',???tf??4?Lnt. t3?.}?11t?1u1`•h;Arlrt,??+Y;?i?.r?ri>i?i.a9 r.:. ..r•Mbr.n.t?•lj ir?„NT^,RHj#??•1 +? OAij}I'.I I 1 I ?ij{? lki ?: 1,??•'?9+ ;f1?? ?iJ ?'?? O Z N c r A C D u L V Fri a n c n - 2 m O c r ' m Ip z Im iN )p m ,o ?C-) ?o nW vp nm ;n -in c) -Ti c D ;i, A p C)m ? p rn (n m Zo -1 m = rz mn ovp F- -I mm p to 00 o? N d i 0 R-1 02 0 C Cn N :?E r - C/) 0 Z D^ V I U) -n 70 0 3: I `W Cn 0 zn (P (DO W ?:7 -0 FFJ ?:o D O D ?- -70 O z N . nAQ 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 July 11, 1994 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Attention: Jean Manuele Subject: Nilson County, US 264 Bypass, State Project No. 3.1340301, TIP No. R-1023AA. Dear Nts. 114anue 1 e : SAM HUNT SECRETARY During the June 16, 1994, Permit Review meeting, the North Carolina Department of Transportation requested concurrence from your office for the proposed "useable segments" as shown in the preliminary plans. We understand that your definition of "useable segment" includes a functional segment from intersection to intersection, Nvith some leeway for any safety concerns. Our present preliminary plans show R-1023AA extending beyond the intersection with Interstate 95 to approximately 700 feet (213 m.) beyond the centerline of the proposed SR 1136 overpass (near Station 60 on Sheet 13 of the preliminary plans, see also Project Breakdown Map). NCDOT Design Services staff designed the road to be brought down to grade at the terminus and also were able to complete drainage control at that point. This prevents erosion, and also allows for convenient and thus less costly start-up for the contractor on the following section. The proposed work on the overpasses for SR 1136 over I-95 and over the proposed bypass will be completed more efficiently and quickly by including both in the AA section, resulting in less traffic disruption and less compromise of public?safety. Due to the intensive wetland review by NCDOT and scrutiny by the review agencies during the alternatve selection process, NCDOT proposes that although the end of project as shown beyond I-95 may not meet the functional utility definition, the preliminary plans be approved as shown for the above reasons. On July 5, 1994, preliminary plans Nvere submitted to you for the subject project. The plans included shaded areas of CDx ??I?b r impacted wetlands to aid in the discussion of minimization and avoidance. We had discussed the median width issue at the June 16, 1994 Permit Review Meeting, and also need concurrence from you on the median widths and avoidance within the selected altenative corridor as shown in the preliminary plans. We discussed the minor differences in acreages of wetland impacts between the 0, 46 and 60 foot median widths and agreed that the 60 foot median would be acceptable as long as it did not preclude decreasing the width in future sections (AB, BA and BB). We also agreed that shifting the centerline within the corridor did not change the impact acreages signicantly, due to the configuration of the wetland areas, as shown in the preliminary plans. On June 15, 1994, we visited several proposed mitigation sites, which we agreed had good potential for mitigating the impacts of R-1023AA. At this time,.NCDOT is proceeding with investigations of these sites by surveying relative elevations and delineating hydric soil and wetland boundaries. We have also requested that a joint site visit be made to rev'ew the staked alignment and the proposed 11 iga i -ffe`s, w i has tentatvely been scheduled with u on August 24, 1994. e hope to have more information on the mitigation e ore the August Permit Review meeting. We appreciate the level of effort from your office in resolving these issues and await concurrence from you on the proposed preliminary plans as submitted. Please contact Robin Little at 733-3141 if you have any questions. Sincerely, -D? B. 'Qu' n, P.E. Assistant Branch Manager Planning and Environmental Branch rml/bjo enc cc: Dennis Pipkin, P.E., Ptrmits and Mitigation Charles Bruton, Ph.D., Environmental Unit Charles Cox, P.E., Project Engineer Wilson Stroud, P.E., Project Planning Lubin Prevatt, P.E., Asst. Branch Manager Davidian Byrd, P.E., Design Services Eric Galamb, DEM-DEHNR David Cox, NCWRC David Dell, USFWS Ron Sechler, NNIFS R-1023AA. US 264-WILSON BYPASS 5/94 WETLAND IMPACT COMPARISON AREA NUMBER 60-FOOT MEDIAN 46-FOOT MEDIAN 0-FOOT MEDIAN (RECOMMENDED) 1 0.07 AC 0.03 AC 0.01 AC 2 0.19 AC 0.17 AC 0.15 AC 3 1.44 AC 1.15 AC 0.95 AC 4 0.37 AC 0.32 AC 0.26 AC 5 2.46 AC 2.12 AC 1.70 AC 6 0.36 AC 0.36 AC 0.36 AC 7 1.01 AC 1.01 AC 1.01 AC 8 0.33 AC 0.33 AC 0.33 AC 9 0.01 AC 0.01 AC 0.01 AC TOTAL: 6.24 AC 5.50 AC 4.78 AC Note: 1. Refer to design plans for locations of wetlands. 2. These impacts refer to mainline only; no y-line impacts were included. z (-)0 W D 0-- D,? Q O Q 75 Cr W n fy m (DO ?Z o 0111 Zo u. Q m r Z C`ry O N J O ? vm ?N kl'?'; cl, f, rJ.tr :. 1i I,r..« r" .-.r. Q 4 w 0 Z _????, ?r?r??,,,,1i i..: _ d;?t .?".!?? .'r>y?",[.. ,l.y t?t? l'?"Fe-..'?Y?,tt?{}Sr,?...Sy,a ?'^1?w:t!Vl ?'('JI :.,i? n-njt •'1 I?;tAr<..5!s,,Y*?,..I?.??.w,{(1+41 1 :, ?pl. ?i j:,. lII1 , :, I. riY .r r! ? ? ??' ?r- I..?^ ,T= J ? . 17 +a a ? r?i ,N=J . Wry?KY1+i??; ra'+,=J sy.r isva?.N mt Yl9a'.et ltaWls w+\I a.wi'?.;...wY : !' ? + , r •+,{6 a lJ', l + ? i ?? 4f-- •S ? •. r?.. ,,. ?,y .{1..? :S .. ?' ?.t ?a, +d . ??: bN7; tj: ???S.t . o . 1 +1HF'-l' -"?5 THiJ 11:14 ID: TEL PICT: t;5-12 Fir 71 1 fly y IIAQ s t~t s STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 February 23, 1995 Ms. Jean Manuele Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6512 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Dear Ms. Manuele, R. SAMUEL HUNT III S EC RETARY RECEIVED FEB 2 719951 ENVIRONb1ENTAL SCIENCES RRd w'w SUBJECT: Wilson County, First segment of the Wilson Bypass Project, TIP No. R-1023AA, Federal Aid Project No. F-38-1(54), State Project No. S. 1340301, USACOE Action ID No. 199201219 Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation, this correspondence is to confirm the joint site visit concerning the above referenced project on Thursday March 23 at 8:30 A.M. As discussed, we will meet at the BP gas station on US 264 east of the Interstate 95 interchange. The purpose of the meeting will be to review wetland impact sites and discuss permitting issues associated with this segment and future phases of the project. Please find enclosed a draft copy of the permit application and drawings for your review. If you have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to call Scott P. Gottfried at 919-733-3141. Sincerely, Stephanie Briggs, Supervisor Permits Unit Enclosures cc: Mr. Eric Galamb, DEHNR-DEM Mr. Ron Sechler, NNIFS, Beaufort Mr. David Dell, USFWS Mr. David Cox, NCWRC Mr. Charles Cox, PE, Project Engineer Mr. Randy Turner, NCDOT P&E V-W .y , :widc Pzaznit Requested (Provide Nationwide Pcrmit n): JOINT FO FOR . _ _....:: :..., .....; . ___.::. • _. ...... : Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers .`- Nationwide ` Nationwide permits that require application. for Section.401 cerLiEcation 71L.MINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING :ORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT )EPAR'I KENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH., '.0. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES 3 J'ili ington, NC-2.8402-1890 P.O. Box 29535 CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 'clcphouc (919) 251-4511• ATTN. MR. JOHN D0RNEY . . Telephone (919) 733-5083 1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO -THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. 4 (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF Eli V1 ONMENiAL MANAGaVEE1IT. 3E PRINT. hers Name: i iers Address: lers Phone Number (Home): (Work): pplicablc: Agcnt's name or responsi'blc corporate official, ad.dress,.phone number.. ; ,;..• Trion of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: 111iL4a,y e. )UAJ7-/ (,?? 'V/C/nJ/-r/ Town or City: _ W/ LSoAl c Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): 9 /Tc /?IAP vi D r i ?'l?V??P T ©F l !(L /J. P ' F/zfN- ?r?ri?v?'l1? Purpose of proposed work: ?641A ?A? State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in e ands. Ali? tc measures: ., .-en to minimize wetland impacts.. 'Z415 /s . You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National- Marinc'Fishcri es'Service'- MFS) regarding the presence or any Fed crally-listcd orproposcd for listing endangered or threatened sveci s or critical Jitat.in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project.. Have you done so? YES [ N0 [ ] ?SPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. You are required to contact the State Historic. Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic'-- Dpertics in the pcimit area which may be affected by the proposcd project? Have you done so? YES [ NO [ J 7SPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing ail wetlands, streams, and lakes on flit property. ' B. If available, represcntative.photograph of wetlands to be impacted by'project.' C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. _.. ...:? ::- E. -What is land use of surrounding property?62"'f etJiZ L, L?"YELUPrx1?N?• 't: f,?1F?TF-l?y Ary`/ iVl7' F.• If applicable, what is proposcd method of sewage disposal? Owner's Signature ' .. _ .._ - ... - _ ........., - - • -- - _. .. Date 1 ublic roponing twrdon for this coWc1ion of information is oatimalod to avoraou S hours por rosponro for the majority of ci.oa, including itw limo lor;roviowing.ins nxtens,. 7 soarching oxisting data sourcos, gathoring and maintaining the data noodod, and comploting and roviowino tho colloction of in(orma ien. App iwdons loc target or Moro wmplox f projoctr, or thoso In ocologicafly sonsitivo aroas, could tako up to 500 hours: Sond commons rogarding this burdon osdmato or any othor =poct of this cofloction of inlorniation,:;' .; j aw4uding suggostiona for ruducinp this burdon, to Dopanimni of Doloruo, Washington Hoadquartors Sosvico, Diroctorato for Inlorma?on Oporat;ons and Projocts, 1215',Wforson Davis Hiotmay, Suilo 1204, Arlinoton, VA 22." 02-4002; and to Ow 01,1co of Mariagomont and Budgot, Paporwork Roductlon Projoa (0710-000.1), Washington, DC 20500. Pleaai.;: DO NOT RETURN your complotod form to either of these addresses. Completed appllcallon must be submitted to the District Englnw having judadkllon over the">: CAlion of the proposed activity. i the Depa=ont of 1114 Army pormil program is authorizod by Socdon 10 of tho Rivers and Harbors Act of 1400. Soction 404 of Uw Cloan Walar Act and Soction 10.1 of 11-4 Marino, I'roioction, Rosoarch and Sanctuaries AcL Thoso laws roquiro pormits authorizing araviiios in or affocting nw it;Wo wators of Lho Unitod Stator, tw discharbo of drodood or G(1 r matorial Into Waters of 1114 Unitod Stator, and tho transportation of drodood maiorial for tho purpose of dumping it into ocoan wators:• Information providod on this form wiU be usod, + in avaluatino tfw application for a pormit Wormadon in this application is mado a mattor of public record through issuance of a public notica. Disdosurn'of Cw infamation i•, roquostod is voluntary; however, tho data roquastod arc nocossary In ordor to communicato with tho applicant and to ovaluate tho porrnit application. If necossary intormation Is not providod, thwpormil application cannot bo procossod nor can a pormil bo issuod. One sot or original drawkV3 or good reproduciblo copies which show f5o location and chwactor of itw. proposed activity musl•bo attachod to this application (soo samplo drawingi*.' and instructions) and bo su"ltod to the District Enginoor having jurisdiction ovor tho lxation of t:to proposod ac iviry.• An application that is not completod,In full will bo.roturnod 1, APPLICATION NUMBER ((o bo a:signod by Corps) :. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT' ?lo,?'t? C?.euziN? f??`r?Nr vF T,e?NS??rAT?oN `. E S ET. • off . of t aGt? ApP y ;M.j ATERDOOY AND LOCATION ON WAM--RI3O0Y WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED Tiu8u7,X7-,pa?5s . 7'?J &W7116W7 ? Ct° K /N tiJ•%sa? COVN7y -CATION ON LAND WHERE ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED ,=RESS: STREET, ROAD, ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION L?/G s o? . L'ctun/ n/ /?C?iLTN . ?P. -TZU/ /Nfi :OUNTY STATE ZIP CODE C/ry X7-7 Ofheri?iSe !J,Ijo,•> ea, _OCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION VERSrrE my portion of tho activity for which authorization is sought now complolo7 ? YES ? NO ,nswor is 'yas', give roasons, month and yoar lho activity was complotod. Indicato tho ox1zling work on the drawings. I all approvals or eortificalions and donials rocoivod from other federal, inlorstato, state or local agencies for any structures, contrur;lion, discharges or other' :ivities described in this application SSUING AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NO. DATE OF APPLICATION DATE OF APPROVAL PATE OF DENIAL plication is horoby mado for a pormil or pormils to authorize the octivilios doscribd heroin. I cattily that I am familiar with the information contained In tha plication, and that to tho best of my knowledge and boliot such information is true., eomploto, and accurala. I further ccrlity that I possoss, iho authority to dortako tho proposed activilios or.I am acting as the duly authorized agent of Iho applicant. 'GNATURE OF APPLICANT: -..:, . , DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE _ o application must be signed by the person who desires to underfake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a,duly 'thorizod agent it tho statement in block 3 has boon fillod out and signod. U.S.C. Soction 1001 provides that Whoever, in any manor within tho jurisdiction of any departmont or z0oncy of Tho Unitod States owingy, and willfully falsif•,os, eo?s,-or covers" up by any trick; scheme, or dovico a matoriai fact or makes any Use, fictitious or fraudulent ttomonts or reprozontations or makes or uses any [also writirg or document knowiN same to contain any lalso fictitious or udulont staton=1 cr entry, shall bo f'tnod not mo(o•than 510,000 or impdronod not mono than five years, or both. 0 or C."U r'un'w 4715) •lI nni Prk ^+•1t . cx.??u?n•+r. I 4X 1 ?, stu SG !moor lF . 43L1 Y G?fn Min/? ? • 11 ? L l 1 1.11s \ 71 s U;Cnsur yP u? /H E J1 s10i ? . $10- fille E1 rl I1 Gah al Quit n AY.. 11 ! " l 1 rGold Point EYcrclis ,ttobcrsonriU M A (I cat Gra," lli J' mill t ic:ISnJ ?? t? I ' L \ Ghocowini Ulaa lacA JFr t S ClUE . 0 S 10 20 70 SCALE OF MRCS ONE It" EQUALS APPROX. 13 MILES - 10--F"1•-f"'? 0 ?0 30 1 ' 0 ?S SCALE OF AILOMCTERS ONE INCA EQUALS APPROX..1 MOWERS . 1 MILE IS EQUAL. TO I.W3 AILOMETEFS VICINITY ?1 N.C.. DEPARMENf OF -IRANSPORTATIO 1 DMSION OF HIGhWAYS WISION COUNTY STATE PROJECT 0.7340302 (R71023M) PROPOzm u5 204 DV= FROM EXISTING us 26/, YIMT OF VZON TO EAST OF SR 1130 SHEEP I OF :'T 'my 311 1004 70 -2--- RALEIGH SOAIZOA7AL SCALE S00 0 ;0n 1000 N.C. • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMYAYS VILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT V Z40302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSCO US 2C4 MASS FROM CCSlNG US ZC4 1%-ST OF ZiLSON TO EAST OF SR 11.',O SOLE: 1' - 1000, SHEET 2 OF ?11 mxy 31, lov4 sillE1-1PI 51T E 1,-IAP HRIZOBZAL SCALE 5000 Soo 1000 N.C.. DEPART.(ENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMS10N OF HIGMMYS WILSON COUNT , STATE PROJCCT 3.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPQSLD US 2e4 M?= FROM D=NG US 261• YtZ5T OF WILSON TO 5Wr OF SR 11ZG SC?IIp: 1• .. 1000 5HME 3 OF 2-7 1L-ky 31, 1004 Y°G ?o SITE f"AP Y5 - 30 \? . 29 30 32 POC (,7+00 -L- END PRO Jr-,:,T 24 /2.5 ?A \ 41 Q 10 ? .. ' 2° AAD 42. q0 l ` l J 40 7,0 r ?1 V 30 45 pot %y 10 60 1i S t S or X00 -Y6- POT 67 *(o2)cT -Y4- 20' LT. _ ?' 11 IIII? POT ;0+-17.$0 -Y5- ZO'PI. n /GO Ala 1 r, Y6- i? II 1 ,Ill SCALE I 500 0 500 1000 ° w N.C.. DEPNM(ENT OF TRANSPORTATION OMSiON OF HICMYAYS • WILSON COUNTY STATE Pr4ECT 3.1340302 (R-1023AA) 0 PROPOSED US 204 QYP= FROM ExST1NG US ZVr Vi=T of MLSOX TO EAST of SR 1130 SCNS: t' - 1000 SHEET - GF 33 mAy 31, lovi .SECTION, SEE SHEET 4 STD. PIPE OUTLET SPECIAL 2' BASE DITCH LAT. 2' BASE DITCH W/ CLASS 'B" STONE tt FILTER FABRIC EST. AB TONS Lc EST. 103 S.Y. p +02.45- A? oTo ' °?• RB c X U ,p ?q( ClN FENCE C < 3 2 +?X? xE RI tfJ- N?/ ? a0-.6 ?t ?txct ti /1 p ? \p. SPECIAL DITCH Q.n ?A ETdiN -N f oti k z-ct GS ?o ""? Grb fiETAIN -T g0 FALS sv 2?cl -?' it 50 nut?+?" "O 4??-moo' ? + F C y 4 'p 7YOODS d ?. V,yy. C-4 2' BASE TAIL DITCH Y!/CLASS. B' STONE Lc FILTER FABRIC Y'ETLWDS EST. 3 TONS 4: EST. 22 S. Y. f P C? 'R 'Q Ea .sr F 119 d b N.C. - DEPARTMENT OF TR ANSPORTATION DMSION OF HICHWAYS ALSON COUNTY ® DEMO= FILL IN YfEMNDS STATE PROJECT 3.T34W02 (R-1023AA) . DEHOiuS F,I.ILT?1iI03 0: j??E7L:DDS . PROPOSED US 204 MP= FROM EX15l1NG aflizQA4AL SCALE Us 204 WEST of M LON TO LIk? Of. 2 IlZ0 0' 25' • of so' 100, sc ?' m 1CO. SHU-T 5 CF mAY31. im, aa /3to a ?ytav /Stop +ao, /7?1 a0 1 I I I I i I FE1DE ll(ETtRN?S I EovE 1?ErcANDs PROPOSED RRMP`;f3" ?Ri1DE I 0 6 0 HOHIZOITAL SCALE- YEITICAL SCHU e6'&. e. o , E/i?fimgriotq ?; l,&rlRN05 '° I /?16 1 /40 zo .SrH. Est o? PRVpo?,D F/LL I r, I 2'3F1_-e Lfi L DITCX Ail CllaS' :o /CO HORIZOITAL SCALE- 'o D' io' ' YSEiIC11; SCALE o ? v ie ' ??`•? DBIOISS BLIxIIbTIOI OY Y%iLbYDS ® DENOTES FILL W WETLANDS mom umns / FIJG? ytJETGRNP? ?- /SNCy SEC,rI01 ! A-19 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGMAYS .WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 "ASS FROM DOSTM US 264 wM OF mLSON TO Dsr OF SR 1136 0 /G6 SHEET 6 OF 3q WAY -3 1 1994 C4 ol+ l J Sfl+ S IL r as ? ? sz+ w I J \ Cv('?1 ILI 4 X r, LLI U ? N + y 40? Li 096 I ,? L.h G d ? ? Z L'J V) t O(rl + OR+ 04 !? y? 1111 °a, O t. ? ? Oy0` ? ? , 47 _ f w 51, N s cz+ i O tip Dko N.C. DEPARTMENT OF.TRMSPORTATION OMSION OF HIGHWAYS., so rZ WILSON COUNTY • STATE PROJECT 8.1`340302 ; (R-1023AA) PROPOSM.US 204 DYPASi FROM EXnNG r+ k US 204 'WEST OF WILSON TO. EAST OF SR 11:.0 u SCALE 1' a 100' SHEET 7 OF '? G IIAY 31. 1004 ' i /So Lf; / v 50 u 5? I I I /9v 1/70 I// 0 iZ, DQNOTF'a F)LL 1,4 Yren.mos DW,OiES'YETLIlEDS YERTICAL SCALE QORIZOITAL SCALE /oho I /Sa , ,d? 0 1 ,I? U I Virg /Vv. 20 N.C.. DIDDART?.(Ca of TRANSPORTAMON DMSION OF HIGHWAYS • .WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJ'LCT 8.T3?f0302 (R7102'.AA) PROPGSm US 2C4 E VY mom M's-nuG US 264 Y=r OF WILSON TO E%ST OF SR 11:x6 SHM t3 OF :g ASHY 31, 1404 a o- 8 1t? G 10 ? C` 1 v1 V• Q 1? . Q? Q i n I ?. sa ? N j i ? ? 4r i u± J a 1 ? a rn i a r? Pit V py , t ..7 r? rrs '•4 ti N ' M N a ?O r~ N 7 Cp ? Fz? V) ?\J? I? i/ oa . • :Y a Ir? ? u w O f h ."iG ctJ1 >? CD, -4'x!1' _.? Ill t?- • ;-,? 4 r I? J • I J ~ I K? V ? I ?a 1 - ? o ? ? ? ` 71 ? ? IY? • ?v W Tz I. ?J • Q ? Q 1 \s) 4 r I R N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TWIS PORTATION DMSION OF HIGHtYAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT ILT340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 2G4 DYPA.,a FROM DUSTING US 204 rMT OF YALSON TO EA5T OF SR 1130 JEET 9 OF J q mm 31, 1094 J? O TIL11lX XcIIZYLrr ILYC:I YO= :,FCCVL D(TCH aLzc 1100YIR LU[X. 1R. pIcpwo wDm r.PZ FENCE DJ IN ro4" to I1 ro rav TILTS k pRCPO"M WiT G YJAY a1r p ZLO?: STAKE L:.T \ ? ? ? 5 PE" gTCt1 ti Q1 Z. ?CIXv-_'A' STOCtC ?Q. CST. J •iUtl S r-,-- GT. 12 S,Y. + ?? A a°Cpfl.'Ct 111 xCC'C STNZ UNIT w / x J LAY.'D I.UWLR GO1LPd pR040:,C0 t=1 Y.??E fL'iG. rr z ns-rcu ..a Jar rc na CJ HJ N sit JL1 tits ro 4471 1.7 IJ49 N JI DI 7171 ro N7 AS fast ro s70 IW.IS JC O S??c 22 ® DENOTES FILL IN YrUlmcs MOTES ELI2i ' TIO1 OZ 1 EMUDS IIOIIIZ0?4bb SCbI,E 50, 25• 0• A' 1 CO' i 472-rM g73tDO 97`J-;Da 17:>F? a7G i00 a71tA? /R43 nORIZOETAL SCALE VERTICAL SOLE Srt?. %?1- va L D 20? Q!?1? Go G4 ioa I ?OJ6 JJC T?,^JD / yo U(!L ,LD FILL, L-2-0 y DENOTES XETLA'S T / DENOTES FILL 114 Y(LTLM.DS ?EIIOTES ELI2iI9ATI0S 01 KETI MS VERTICAL SCALE 10RIZOITAL SCALE I /T? ?1v• Z Z . N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY • 1 STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 264 DYPAS; FROM EDC 4-nNG US 204 WEST OF W1L50H TO FAST OF SR 1130 SHEET I OF : iVY 311 1924 axc CC r =.N103 Q 0t Yl -l- 00'00+01 10d Hl -l- 1Z'64+H666 1S t: J V1 ?© l s x r? J) . -l- tZ'6S+vGG so r 986 x ? sY+ ? I flfl'0 + YZ ? + q !i kk?ik, O 3 g y m v a d U g ? r p ?`• HW1 - O iA Lzl N x a a. Q 00+ U 1 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US Z04 MASS FROM EX35i1NC .US Z04 tSc F OF 151LON TO FAST OF SR 1134 SGLE: 1• - 100, Z;H=r 12 OF MAY 311 1994 pW? N 8 p 4 ryryryAry y M ? O : 'I p ? h A O ^t 4 ??09099 1 u I I w o? IQ ra C. a ? I 4 u V] ti F+ 2 PO y El ` I {as ?..? y ? 1 v I ? ?? \\ ? f G `V • ?11 ? I j ?? m h '. ` U 1 I I Q ?clo- I J 4 M .>I l N' -G r I \ll A V ti a ^J Q ..7 A r? u 0 0 n N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 3.T340302 (R-102W) PROPOSm US 204 MASS FROM' DQSTINO US 204 11>~iT OF WILSON TO EA5T OF SR 11ZrG r SHEET 13 OF ?? MAY 31? 1994 PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY Si-rE 25 EDGE OF WETLANDS. -f O.O%OM O?p401 QVO} If00DS JAMES JOE FLO RS s/TE- 24- DENOTES FILL IN WEIWNDS DUOTES ELI2iIEDTIOE OF XETLHDS EORIZOITAL SCALE ao• :s• 0• s0• 100• d _U . 214-10n EDGE OF WETLANDS ?"ES JOEFLOMERS ('F^ZJ N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 234 DYPA= FROM EX=NG US 264 WEST OF n1L50N TO LAST OF SR 1130 SCAM 1' - 100• SHEET 14• OF 3q NAY211 1&04 s???- 25 ® DENOTES FU IN WMMDS HOLIZOITAL SCALE 50, 251 0• "o. 100, N.C. DEPARTIAENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PRdJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 M?AS3 FROM D=NG US 204 WEST OF MESON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SC A E. 1' - 100• SHEET 16 OF 3q MAY 311 1924 I` 8'reP LrM& A,-?MP'145" sTR. OiL60 o a 1 N N yl cY q I _ _ I ? ? 0 1 1 c? ? 2 Sr I .q •„? 1? 1 8 ? ? ? H Q 1Q ? \ Q 0. i Q 1 g 1 N V) f •? ? N I a l W •? ;oo tv ? N ? I o ? I Z yl i ' N ? a o z 1 W N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOa q W ,J DMSION OF HQMAYS W -3 ` WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPO;ID US 204 MASS FROM EXISi1NG US 264 VEST OF AILSON TO EAST OF SR 1138 SGLE: i? tar SHEET I (o OF 3? 11AY 31) 1994 I I I ? s I.,?a?s95> i9fa? I, /Sole: /vU /G u o ?DbE??? i? PRopo?lU FLL- I?ETLAN!)J . SU N4 cJ I/y U ' ' sa ISv 160 ?D[>E kle???/os too ??? ? i I/s° 517E ?1a, -2.5 EoF.E' l1/??l.t7n/o5 Z-15 -0 S?CTIo?I ?-? , a d' so boa', lso R?: t I I I Eov? _ L I ' "' ET: AN05 ¢57?.17?SU SCCT/ Dn1 ?- ? 5rre No. 2¢ ® DQOOTES FILL IN WMANDS DEIOSgS );I.I?SIIbiIOI OY iBiLdIDS ` 25 4 S-' /4) 50 ` 26 VIRTICIL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE sa N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS • MLSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT B.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPO= Us 204 M?A= Pi VA ex1.i11NG US ZG4 n'M7. OF WILSON TO FAST OF SR 1130 SHEET 17 OF 34 mAY 31, 1994 T 9+75.00 -Y4- SPEq MEDIAN DITWCb? O ? ------------ ---------- ------------- •- .• os7 t ,s sss .. mm J. -----------------------------\ -------------- --- ------------------ ---------- ----------------------------- \-------------- \ + - o? o? U O 00 0 pr pv > V- . a anur O O ?? dM Qy Q? C• 4• epa \'t ?„O. CS 9+69.00 C?LL BC +62.02 o ST 11+69.00 COLL BC O \\ loo, cm O TS 12+03.16 COLL BC CCU. TE PROP. FE]+C: m E= ? CS 14+47.03 COLL BC \ PROP?D Fu T CF WAY Q \ O SC 14+03.16 COLL BC k - -- -- - u U Owp,p'' S 29-55-38-, W ~ Y ¢ v ------------ ----------------=1•' ---------------- Z_Q-l-------- - J _ \F ?Q 0 F _ -- ----- j N r\ V o 2w CLAM 'a* STOK tU EST. JUNS 75 EST. ib S.Y. R ? Z EDGE V&TUwos 1%l SL PE STAKE LOAT . XOWN WARE FENCE W= " r' i isi791, PG V . ST 16+47.03 COLT BC rl 7837 SF o.owo+oMo?o o cq a 7 {------ --- T--- ?,?; --- ----------------- - --- ------------------- ? ? -SPECL4L KEDAAN OITOFI i i ' R r PROP. XX F NCE RA! 1P B j : ?1 1 EDGE VETLAj& , J -3 , V NGo Q . +oo \ ® row sv a PM P= NGiT CF WAY ' Z \ Ranr o: ruNGrrvx Cis \ 2? O DD 791 PG I" tb4\ laxx: `h \•-• . i \'y Pi 9 PG IO © pR/JNj`( \t 0 r-? 4AYlS JQl-FL01dRS Q?c6.:0 AC EJ33ffNT •N•? sr7"E 2& DENOTES FILL IN WETLMOS ® DZINKS FILL MOT 0.1.1. , HOBIZOITAL SCAL& SO' 25' 0' 50' loo. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOITTATiON DIVISION OF HKMAYS • . WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 BYPASS FROM DOSTING US 254 WEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SCALF: 1' - 100' SHEET 8 OF ?9 IAAY 311 1294 /utoo /? c? l2tQ'? I,?fCU / v0 lStCb Al I i I I I I ' • lf?tu9ND 2 PROPOSED COLL. "C3C" ?2H0? I I14-0 17460 /f3 too HeD6 ?KJ ? I I 1 E'nC?E • J'1I?TLRNDS PRoPoSEA COLL. ? '' (7Y_FID? I , I 166 //';e) I I So' I 2100 Z ja?0 CX/s/tJC-t PROPOSED P-b 24Gia"CoNG, L5`i rZCP NL-? l5JORW --,•!G_,_ U? ??? III ???,--- - _-_ UV SrrB X10. 2?0 ® ? D?OiBS YSTL3IDS : VKITICAL SCALg HOHIZOEi?L SCAL& d' S' ?a i `,0' 23' 0' S0' 100• 1 sue. I r+ 4-91 c?c c,. "rte . I 1 1 l i1 pcOPOS.?.D CXT?NSION •• L? y ?X hDTltt Gr .Z-?J5 ?; L• V r7 U-, o?D s"v C AxoposGo 9D1?L ?. Ta SEC,'T I oN N" N ?,cv o?Cv ?Jr;2 L.?E? • <U 3 U HOLIZO17AL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE 3D Soy z5, 26 226 I/0 /V ,1 . ? I ? /'?o?ooED FILC.. EDGE' `// ?// :?C?.CJJf1L 1?IGDIf1N \? _ L/?/ /,l f? HORIZOI<TAL SCALE is , VERTICAL SCALE DUMS HILUDS DE NarES FILL IN WMANDS DENOTES FILL M LW OROWRY KCH Y.ATER H.C. DEPAMWENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMAYS • X(1LSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT O.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPO;ED US 204 MPASS FROM E=NC US 204 WEST OF mLSON TO EAST OF S3 11M SY,EST 20 OF '39 MY 31, 1094 hh'JSaM eQ0,V7-Y ?uperties 9J 1456 PG 366 48.96 AC PROP. RIGliT CF wAY +90.39 -F ?7 O 1o0' M 23' CLASS 1 gLlq? EST. 90 TONS m EST. 167 s y. +81.38 +71.49 e ASS 1 FCP RAP at LICR N EST. 270tG, EST 4" 1 100' IO0' s>t'i PT?p SY f N N = ?,t.r p ? C F OP. cu 4 Q FCJOVE 2 rK uw . d •.-,...,..... - 2 Y.L71./JA$ + ?, _____ ___-------- -- -------- ------ ---- WEM-L ------------ii 1 1 lry I ??Q p1 , r O? 0` all Qq Qq 0e0M0100*0110eQ l_ . $? wrisoa C,ocu7+y Pro?erfics Rio Es?? X0,#0 0 ?c,os S?c.\ o O?) \ Q f3 F'? k , tt' EIP a ® .00 Chi, AN g0°Oa 4 ?, {??? EXIST CA 13r e ?A _ .ate S?Z? F•D• NPIPE W? ELBOW sires 28 DCNOTFS FILL IN WETLANDS DKIOTES FILL BEMY O.H.Y. HOEIZOITAL SCALE 50' 25' 0' so' 100• - - - - --? _ -f ------ __. 52'07"W SID o.. N.C. DEPART1dENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS • .IYILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T34=2 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 264 ETYPASS FROM E]QSTINC US 264 YtEST OF MLSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SCALY 1' - 100' SHEET 9-1 OF 39 LAAY 31, 1994 I 20 r-v11 2y Z'LC[?i ;U ADC: ar C? • ? i axaP.?EV vv tsn?lG ?V 2LCrln"CDI1G. 1? 0 ?J I •. • I 2?t? 27 o0 2gi co 2! ?? o ao 3l oa (L? ° ?- I ?/?rcRfla5 PIZOPOSE'D CoGL.`LID?C7R?pE Id . /Vol 213 N.C. DEPAMWCNT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF. HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY ' ® DOTES xETL15DS STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023M) V)SRZICilL SCALE HOBIZOR4AL SOLE PROPO.SM US 20+ QYPASS FIROU 'US 204 YfEST OF YALSON TO FAST OF SR 113(3 ',0• 251 0- 50' 100' SCALE: 1' 100 SHM 22 OF 3'T AMY 31; 1004 24i-v v ?? I c-?'-? I I i 50 , o s? 7 LYE L?: /So ? /cU ` I I . PFOFb ED ?T1=!`I?JD/J ? ? '?? . 7' L?,, P I ???15rlNcx ZC (oloCONG• - - ?? I J..F/LL G??LOIJ-D,Cp1NA:L.y.1flC7HI?F?1: ?; HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE v SOS 0 2.r v• S? /o .Ir/1' I A, ' ZS*. ...y N .+ i_-ham„n ??/??`O1? •?r? eo?l?: ?Q ? ? ` 20 ? D • Za ??t S7F1. 2;?tvv CoGL.'RD? ??' of J?ErL??ns . D LSv /5 13,'Za4.j a2oI,1?117rcy M&Y P( 7-4E /0_ HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE ??Cr/UN K- K S?7, Nv. 20 yr •V ?r DEVOTES iiETLAIN N.C. DEPARTMEKP OF TRA iSPORTATION DMSION OF. HIGMYAYS DEfiOTES EI,ItitEATIOV Oi YETLAIIDS MLSON COUNTY DENS FILL IN WEWDS STATE PROJECT O.T340302 (R-1023M) DENOTES FILL DAY OROINKrf HCH V.ATFR PROPOSED US 264 DYPASS MOM EX=NO US 204 WwT OF V1501i TO EASE OF SR 11Z'G SHEET Z 3 OF ?A. ALLY 31, 1024 J St?M?s hoc FcpWeRS Tot ,? ? ? Q ? ' p. ? ? f P ?y \ ?o q .? PC?N D DRAIN \ \\ \ \ \f ?FILSFP CAUK,C, 0./W 110 PROP. L?O?L f ? N •Q V"TAIL O17GN PROP. SLOPE STAKE UNE 7 W/ Gt A55't3' S7(?.E 43. / h FILTER FACivG Ol7GN • ??? ? ? ?` ? / /• At LUNNEt_ WI /G ?1 • / ` Rt?W tjl?j ll,? cp C? 1,10005 51 T? 29 DENOTES FILL 11 SUHACE EATERS DENOTES EL IATION OF •SOP.FLCS NATEpS HORIZONTAL SCALE ?O. n. 0• 50• 100• ?V .1- SAM ES 'JoE F1oWE?5 co u, +301 + 120' / / k?QODS N -F ?98 ? . `• 100' ??'? ' «d • J`?• O / /' 2 'BASE I(I ?// SPED AL DITCR' -TDE WETLANDS I T\ a `?+O JOYCE S. WILLIAMSM D3 (767 PC :83 a AC HG PLZP, • Ql? C0NT0UR -'0 ` woµ p ra ? o? o? • S 1 T? 3v ® DENOTES FILL IN WETIMOS DgIOiES gLIHIEbSIOI OF YST1dIDS••"- HOBIZOIYbL SCALE W. 25• 0' S0' too' ? - ; ? o v zq 00 ?.8-vv Z?t? Zo; 3 Z5,,- co r ? ? r I 1 E'LYsE I ?pGE ?/?ItINLZS A -rL Np5 I c-oGC dF I f?Z?=a'MP`A'?C? 4?? cry i(00 .Sr eFyc? ,yirE No. 30 Nay}? Z. L, v 5- L ? t t t i i r r I r 1. i? v .COG[:' vF . /rte Na 2,9 Fro ,IM7- 0 W y DE30TES YZIL.UDS v DE%OTES YILL I3 SDAYACE RIM M, 29, 0, SO, 100, YERTICAL SCALE HOBIZOITAL SCALE //_0 I 0 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMIAYS • WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.7340:,02 (R-1023M) PROPOSED US 204 MASS FMM DOSM4 US 204 WEST OF MLSON TO EAST OF SR 11M S:uE t' - t 00' SHEET 2 G OF 3q LM 31, 1994 FD6E v? o' boo. I ytlHTGjCS /6/9 ?00 ,PpHP'F3''Lr 95) yTA, 30 r?oPas?D FI L L .Gil-(? nlo. 2? (U Sao' ¢OD' $O ' 0Kf; ?srsr?Nb LAM ) '5Ec7-IoIV L-L / j, ?oPo=g,D DcSi6N 11?L?5 RIN?N6r Pon 0.. PEd \ _ / 3c 11AIAr.',O of ?5u.Jfle&J?f77-9- ,'F1LL /N -uz c Qc5 P/f3rEr?S HORIZOITAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE /00 So ' u Sa o S • /o 50 `- 1 ? I v L o "fJ „ L i - 9s) 28fdD ,CAMP `f9 "C£-?JS? 1? I ??re NO..,d ?,ea,?v Fjt.r? EDIrE 1,IETLt??v05 Eobc HORIZOITAL SCALE - ?•/'? 1 DEIOTES fl-MIATIOI OF MLHDS ® DENOTEs FILL IN WETLMDS w •v MOTES YSTLAIDS ?UMi ?A7?/af a N/E'T1t?NGZS 5,5e-nom M-M ?P?Gr?t? Dr r?,N VERTICAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAMON DMSION OF HKMAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT C.T340302 (R-102W) PROPOSED US 204 MASS FROM DUSTING US 204 'NEST OF WILSON TO EAST OF SR 1130 StiEET 27 OF 3q my 31, 1994 2j?6' C It G - i 1 1 o? ?q \ ?i ice/ L00° A a' \ 7? $ 8+90 PROP. GUAR R I r op?r JOYCE S. WiLLLIMS 4, DD f?W PC T8Y AC S014 PA1 n O, ? G•Q? ? 1 ? ??, Ong ?? 6 rr 31 DENOTES FILL IN WEMANDS QORIZOITAL SCALE 0• 50•. 100• i i I . Q I 1 y, \ o t A co > Tr'OODS/' 1100 x :11PE /`O Io O?\K\ ^a O c N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF. HIGhVAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT O.T340302 . (R-1023M) . PROPO:;rD US 204 MPA55 •I ROM W N-v US 204 YC=T OF 1YILSON TO EAST OF Sa 11N scan 1' - 100' SHEET 28 OF 3"! MAY. 31, 1024 33 i OD 344CO ? 37 Oo i ?..iJ / 0 PRISED -L- CyRf?DE 0 ?'RIA'?E Ft L 17 D /7 h/E ANDS . covE .. r J,IErLf1N D5 0 " ?oPoS?D Cvc C . "fi i / y-1 IS-6 r /so Y 'eo1 Lf: /co 57f? 3,54-.50-1: ? U /7V ?DC7? 'LYRE wET N572.191VDs /so SECnoti 1 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF Hr"AYS WILSON COUNTY DENOTES FILL IN WEMNDS STATE PROJECT 8.7340302 (R-1023AA) ® DgI0t8S Y&IL3YDS _ PROPO;FD US 204 MASS FROM D=NC VIRTICAL SCIL& HORIZOITAL SCILK US 204 WEST OF rnLSOM TO EST OF SR IIM W' 25- 0- 50' t D0' . - _ scup: t' - t oa SHEET 2q OF 3 "/ W1Y 31, IN4 PROP ?, uNG Q 4 FwMi:wi f?\? a Q ?0 OO /f! J t2" FuNI.1GL? c /' DRAIrI Pip - ? PRO f: GxuARf? mat:.. tQ Q I ;D I WOODS //. k PaoPeuTr?\\?, p t3 LtNr; ? ?• I C1 J 5PGGIAt. DITG1i d ?? Cj f ? ``5 `. C L4 ??PROPoSED St-0P- 5TAt<G 1 , I LINE. QJ • I QJ LtMt'f5 I GLA-f?"r; I,TC4J I C - r W/FI1TEA FAe)RIr- 1 ?t LOOP G s3q ..JOYCE S. II'ILLUVSON ' I N q p 2-6"GrG• , i 4 ? J WOODS i I • `??`: \ ? ?,.? ? ?,, ^-•. . ?\ / y 141, y? - - PROPOSED SYCGIt;L 2'LASC PIfG}t J+_ _ , SWPE5TA&C. `n \\ -"c' 0 LINE RAMP crts????- IZtJ1 Gt+r oc _ - _ _ _ ?' LrniG 37 ? --. _, _? Q------- -_'_-' _1--PPOPOrGD ?t-OPC S;AKC: t?N? ? SrEua-?'v,?sepitrrt Pa?a?SCn R ?- G L x_ I PROPI.R-N x k? LjN 1?- v J v ?` W E7LAN C7 t-IM ITS =1 1DI56 COLEMAN N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION .j. Dams 11Emus DIVISION OF NlGMNAYS WILSON COUNTY ® DENOTES FILL IN 1YE L.N4DS STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1=AA) HORIZOITAL SCALK PROPOSED US 264 MASS FROM DCISTING US 2G4 VZE T OF 1ML ON TO EAST OF SR 11M 50, 25' o• 50• too' SCALL. 1' - i o0' SHEET. 30 OF 59 ANY 31) 1934 pPROPERN Q LINE \? \` ?\ \ ` \ -qO x: CJ: c? \-C ?o? p` C3 p m 3 Q `* p fl K'zr fJ?``? WETLAND LIMITS \ 91) `\ a tJ` b` Q p QZ , \\ Q SAQ?po^??? j_ p,/wy© W ET LA 1\1 DS 1 .SIG -?- O /?f F?F I Q ? ? ? ??\\? \F^?JC? ` w`\ JOYCE S. Il'lLLl VfSON \ ?c p PROP05L•D St-0PF-5TAKZ. LINZ -f--- _A. r-? o PROPERTY L1NE.-?`? : p - yc - ?c^ j PROP05ED FVw ZV JL ? D?.r-,@ Colem/?? ZF?FE DENOTES YETLuDS F PROPER-r- Ll .lG ;:c f UM11 r. arctcu ox,• rtt 'vr WET LAND ?Q ?/ F . i 0 LIM?iTS SFEGa? t1tTGN -"'T PROPOL.1 D LOPS STAKF- C PROPERTY LINE -Tapir x coir w rrrrz; v as sr f- O ca fit m sAa c{ I 'pall Pi ta". O.OJ AC 617-15 ?? - DENOTES FILL IN wEiUWDS DENOTES FTINTIATIOY OE YETLUDS HORIZOITAL SCILE W. 25• 0• So' 100' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HICKWAYS • . WILSON COUNTY STATE PRWECT 8.T34O302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 M?AS5 FROM DC1S'11NG US 264 WM OF MLSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 Sri 1' - 100• SHEET 31 OF ?i?+ MAY 31, 1994 . ?wac?gQ ?droOw . O O°Q? G0 9 y n? U w 0 0 Q W 1 DENIES MUDS ® DMOTES FILL IN Y(ET MOS DUOIES ELTMT AN01 01 YE LAFDS _ QORIZOH4flL SCALE 50' 25' 0' 50' 100• 4+ N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS • WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 2G4 MASS MOM D=nNG US 264 WEST OF YALSON TO EAST OF SR 1136 SCJ1Llr i' - 100' 5tim 32. OF MAY 3I, 1924 ?Q 10 ?T v p?, ltd 0? 49,E 1 G T o ??. 6B C 040. R o ?0? a ?S? 6 o . 4 J), I ? L? PROAO-S D 99VIP `, "Cs °5) G ?? 2 7 ??E?v7f?o5 I . n PRaPO?v Z¢"RGP I I I I I ? I I I I I v I _ P.?UPO??D iPF;r ?P `C" CT 9>> C?'?D? I ?D64c WG T?flNvs 5)r,5 No . 3¢ ® DEFOTES kBfLAEDS VERTICAL SCALE HORIZONTAL SCALE 50, 23' 0' w 100' a 1 r \ ? 0 ? ? v W° I d- 14 1 ? v I a Q ? I I ?f J ? D ?Q h 4? Z J ? W h ° I N.C. DEPARTMENT OF -TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGhWAYS: VIILSON COUNTY . STATE PROJECT IT340302 (R-.1 023M) PROPOSED US 264 UYFASS FROM EXJS11NG US 264..1%= OF Y ISCH TO LtiS( OF SR 11ZO SC&E. 1' - 100' SHEET 3Q OF 39 )NY 31 1004 I I I ' 1, I, I, l (001.7' 40 „o Lo ?j 0 6O A I I c.l ? 1 I I OPD-?D ?JLL• . S?cT?vN D-D . n In 0 ?L?. 40 2,01 40 I 11 I t I I I?aFO?D j'l I` P r 10 Yp1, 7L p,?DPG? SLE??rle)"Nj top ???T,/?' . ' DZfiO2P,S' ELIxI?bTIOH OP YR'tL',IfiDS - ® DM= FILL IN WETLANDS DSEOTES YSiLUDS YKETICAL SCALE HORIZOITAL SCALE N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 26+ ENPASS FROM EXISTING US 264 W= OF YALSON TO EAST Of SR I IM sm T 3?J OF :/ { ?MY 36 1094 YILL ELIt ATIOI YILL ELIliIIATIOI FILL Il OP II OF BUOY T0 ;1L SITE STAN01 STUCTORE YETLUDS YEMUDS EOPIRE MTK.S SQRYGCE PATERS O.H.W. ML (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (c.Y.) (c.Y.) 1 -L- 811+50 to 881+50 Lt. 0 0 0.06 0 0 600 2 ` RF'B'(264) 12+75 to 16+60 - 36'RCP 0.37 0.11 0 0 0 13,00 3 -L- 895+00 to -Y- 32+50 0 0 0.20 0 0 2263 4 -L- 884+00 to RP'B'(264) 19+50 0 0 0.22 0 0 2183 5 -Y- 53+00 0.12 0 0.04 0 0 2150 6 -Y- 57+75 to S8+8S Rt. 0 0.02 0 0 0 0 7 -Y- 61+70 to 62+90 Rt. 0.08 0 0 0 0 90 8 -Yl- 31+00 to 43+00 24'RCP 0 0 0.06 0.03 0 270 9 -Yl- 25+50 to 28+00 18', 24'RCP 0 0 0.02 0 0 170 10 -Yl- 10+03 to 22+50 0 0 0.09 0.01 0 920 11 -Y- 17+30 to 30+00 Lt. 0 0 0.09 0 0 1390 12 -Y- 21+25 Rt. 19'RCP 0 0 0 0.002 3 0 13 RP'B'(264) 33+25 Lt. 19'CONC 0 0 0.01 0 0 75 14 -L- 911+60 to 912+70 18'RCP 0.09 0 0.07 0.03 0 673 15 -L- 916+70 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 60 16 -L- 922+00 •42'RCP 0 0 0.01 0 0 370 17 -L- 925+50 0.18 0 0 0 0 4000 19 -L- 928+90 18'RCP 0 0 0.02 0 0 450 19 -L- 938+50 36', 36-CS 0 0 0.12 0 0 1900 20 ` -L- 954+50 to 962+75 24'RCP, 7x5 RC8C 1.34 0.03 0 0 63 41000 21 -L- 967+00 24'CONC 0 0 0.08 0 0 550 ` DENOTES THAT A PEMIIT HAVING HAS BEET CREATED / PILL r ?" 03 PILL ELI2iI3.1' 1I0 PILL II OY 11 OY ELM TOTAL SITE STATIOI STRDCTDRE YETLUDS Elms SMACK kATERS EMUS YAMS O.H.E. PILL (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (ac.) (C-Y-) (C.Y.) 22 ' -L- 973+00 to 975+40 Rt. 0.36 0.03 0 0 0 2000 23 ' -L- 983+50 to 10+80 18', 18-RC? 2.45 0 0 0 0 18003 24 ` RP'B'(I-95) 15+40 to 16+80 0 0.36 0 0 0 0 25 I ' R2'B'(1-95) 17+00 to 26+25 30', 30*RCP 2.57 0 0 0 6 1003 16 ` COLL'BC' 10+00 to 21+50 2866'C05C 0.62 0.04 0 0 17 5200 27 COLL'AD' 11+50 to 21+50 Lt. 0 0 0.07 0 0 440 28 ` COLL'P.D' 21+15 to 30+60 2E?66'CONC 1.47 0.07 0 0 75 12100 29 ' RP'A'(1-95) 30+10 to 34+00 30'RCP 0 0 0.65 4.6 0 590 33 27+60 to 30+03 0.48 0.12 0 0 0 2500 31 ' -L- 33+80 to 36+75 0.96 0 0 0 0 37500 32 COLL'N' 30+50 to 60+00 0 0 0.20 0 0 2930 33 COLL'EC' 20+50 to 61+50 0 0 0.20 0 .0 2303 31 ` RP'C' 18+50 to 35+70 24'RCP 3.18 0.34 0.03 0 0 10000 35 CUM' 50+00 to 51+55 Lt. 30'RCP 034 0.01 0 0 0 133 36 COLL'AD' 55+03 Lt. 301C09C 0 0 0.01 D 0 IN 37 COLL'!.0' 62+50 to -Y6- 15+0 0 Lt. 0.07 0 0.04 0.02 0 360 38 COLL'BC' 64+50 to -Y6- 25+0 0 0.C8 0 3.08 0 0 260 39 RP'D'(I-95) 10+35 24'RCP 0 0 0.03 0 0 170 40 -L- 40+40 to 42+35 Rt. 0.29 0 0 0 0 9303 41 RP'A' 22+20 0 0 031 0 0 150 ` MOTES TEMP A PEMIT HAHN HU BEEX CREATED N.C.- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGMYIAYS WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT 8.T340302 (R-1023M) PROPOSM US 264 M?AZ FROM EX.-SnUG US 264 Y,-EST OF YALSON TO ELST OF SR 11ZG SHOT ?l or 3q 1NY gl, 1004 1 FILL ELI21Is*ITIOl fiLL 2=1IOY FIDE Ill of lI OF BUOY TOTIL SITE STATIOI STRQCTuRs 1iETLI5DS MLIROS SHIRE TITERS MACK >: im 0.a.x. FILL (ac.? (ac.) (ac.) (ac.l (c.Y•) lc.Y:l 42 -Y7- 9+00 to 15+50 Lt. 0.03 0 0.01 0.01 0 130 43 -Y7- 12+00 to 21+50 0 0 0.04 0 0 140 44 -Y7- 21+30 24'COYC 0 0 0.01 0 0 170 45 -Y7- 21+50 to 29+75 Lt. 0 0 0.04 0 0 610 46 -L- 57+70 to 60+50 181COYC 0 0.02 0 0.01 0 0 47 -L- 60+50 Lt. 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 48 -L- 62+75 to 64+25 54'PICP 0 0 0.03 0 0 660 49 -Y7- 30+20 301C0;(C 0 0 . 0.01 0 0 450 50 -Y7- 30+00 to 45+50 0 0 0.07 0 0 1150 51 -Y7- 28+50 to 40+50 Lt. 0 0 0.06 0 0 183 52 -Y7- 36+80 18'RCP 0 0 0.002 0 0, 10 53 47- 39+50 24'C05C 0 0 0.003 0 0 20 54 -Y7- 61+00 to 68+50 0 0 0.03 0 0 110 55 -Y7- 62+00 to 68+00 Lt. 0 0 0.03 0 0 133 56 -Y7- 64+00 RWCONC 0 0 0.01 0 0 120 57 -Y1B REV- 16+80 to 18+50 301RCP 0,18 0 0404 0 0 870 TOTALS 14.95 1.16 2.77 4.72 155 193665 N.C.- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSICN OF HIGHWAYS 'WILSON COUNTY STATE PROJECT O.T3? 302 (R-1023AA) PROPOSED US 204 DYPr= MI OM C=N0 US 2G4 lt'E,;T OF WL CH TO EAST OF SR 1136 S?1EE7 36 OF ?9 ay 31, 1004 ADDRESSES 1. Xorth Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleiqh, NC 27611-5201 2. Killian RcKialey Finch Route 1 Box.13 Sias, XC 21880 3. Davia William Compe 3812 Lakeview Terrace Falls Church, VA 22041 4. J. Hoover Lana, Jr. Route 2 Box 325 Sla City, HC 27822 5. Stella Flowers Wiqqs Walker Route 2 Sox 698 Wilson, NC 27822 6. Jaaes Joe Flowers Route 2 Box 834 Wilson, IC 27893 7. Ruby 0. Langston 7332 Deforest Drive Chesapeake Beach, RD 20732 8. William T. Daniel Route 2 Box 639 Wilson, HC 27893 9. Wilson County Properties P.O. Box 3775 Wilson, RC 27393 10. Joyce S. Williamson Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, XC 27893 11. Oise Coleman _ Route 1 Lucaaa, HC 27651 12. Drah T. Williamson, Jr. Route 2 Box 537A Wilson, IC 27893 13. Stephen Colenaa, Heirs Route 1 Box 235 Lucaaa, XC 27651 N.C. DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS WILSON COUNTY... STATE PROJECT S.T340302 (R-'l 023M) PROPOSM US 264 WA.SS FROM C=N0• US 264 Yi= OF WILSOH TO EAS? OF SR 11M SHE OF 3-t MAY SI. 1004 c? 56)?6-- 5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. 11.0. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 E. NORRIS TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY April 16, 1999 Z ; 4 MEMO TO: John Hennessey 1?? cz5c NCDOT Coordinator Division of Water Quality FROM: Tanner Holland Project Development and Environmental Analysis SUBJECT: Wiggins Mill Wetland and Stream Mitigation Site, 95% Plan Submittal, TIP No. R-1023, R-1030. Attached are a copy of the design plans (95%) and the "Project Special Conditions" for your review. A meeting to discuss the design plans with NCDOT and the resource agencies has been scheduled for May 6, 1999. The meeting will be held in the Division 4 Conference Room in Wilson, North Carolina from 9am - lpm (3 hours of mtg + field visit, 1 hour lunch). Thanks again for your continued support on this project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in calling me at 919-733-1200. cc: Phil Harris, P.E., Natural Systems Unit Head Wiggins Mill Mitigation Site Meeting Agenda May 4, 1999 Wilson, North Carolina 1. Description of Mitigation Plan 2. Addressing Agency Concerns 3. Plan Sheet Review Wetland Stream 4. Field Review Wi ; ;ins Mill Miti ration Site Stream Restoration: Non-Riverine Restoration Non-Riverine Enhancement Riverine Restoration: Riverine Preservation: -TL,- C t.W i f-f e.9 W-1 I C S ?;•n.? ?cc? 7,600 linear feet ?- 65.2 acres 4.5 acres 18 acres 1.3 acres COJe,.cGt w` /!a?.s lz? 5o,l S wOulG? ?o C i ?C3 ??41/'?v.v. ?C C M. t G( ty !i?t /-c I Y u t? Gv .LT . t- 7 "`? J07- 44, ?O? ?i J ? 1 ,?0 Q )?k ?/ L C`O/JS?i?C!?OSJ (w ?Jtt??f 57,-C? C?re Tai 0 r-e Q -Z?,as. I st. t bttttFEftllJ i:fJ !-FMS L36b1}.y j,t ldL ? 1 P.R,U.ZLo ?JJIE8oT3403"02 ? R -10 23" Ul (T _ O NJ ? A 1 rn O -O m - n = O i N (n i . C N (n to n O o o ? j -? o 0 til b a a r -I m O G1 D --1 r S O n r z A D -•1 b > m Z C7 O Z n V u co P 10 o n -n rn N ' C7 b r q rT Nil, ? o a?N d y b O ? ,.; '--r rn `n ro P7 b ? y ar ?y Cry ° ?? !C? w M Z O 151 a ca co -3 Z • O 0 CO CO (D? C S, Co W?\ // O COr.m e'1 CA CA) OOZ y v t. N N O -V R 10 3p O L ° Cf) C) 0 -V W N kI a OWZ x O r Y -04? O I_______________________ - 4 -___-__-_-___-___________? f? - 9 H I fr"/ 1 \ ? ? - r I _ I ? ut I 1 /„ I ? - I i 1 ? r 1 VV I } .? ?, f r I ' 11 1' \ ' ,'1'\lr 1 j `''\( 11 ,r %gY ?Y \1 - 11 2°,''.-^?? 1Jr I ! 1 h h?tj7 I y II , r , 1 I y? ' V1 .''? H4 I ? 1? 1"?1 I ?- .?/ 1 1111 , ' III tv? 11 1' 1 I?l` I \ \\``\1111 111 \`?' \\ r1i t?? -? f4-z? 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