This application is for the preceding fiscal year July 1st through June 30th.
Discarded Computer Equipment and Television Management Act
In order to be eligible for funds, this application must be submitted by December 31st annually. Application submittal period begins November 1st.
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section Expanded
Covered Device means, in part, computer equipment (including laptops, desktops, tablets, notebooks, gaming systems, monitors, printers, scanners, and virtual reality headsets) and televisions used by consumers primarily for personal or home business use.
Consumer means a covered device used for personal or home business use and for a nonprofit with fewer than 10 employees.
Other Electronics means devices that are not computer equipment or televisions.
B. Total Electronics Tons Reporting:
6. List the ULG's electronics management program budget account information for the preceeding fiscal year:
If no, the ULG is not eligible to receive funding.
9. List the ULG's discarded computer equipment, televisions, and other electronics devices recycler:
If the ULG uses a third-party hauler that is not certified, the ULG is responsible to ensure that the discarded computer equipment, televisions, and other electronic devices are not dismantled and are delivered to a certified recycler in a timely manner.
This application is required to be completed in full in order to be considered for a fund distribution.
I certify that by applying to the Electronics Management Fund that the information provided is an accurate description of the unit of local government's electronics management program.