In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0404,
(j) The closure plan shall include the following information:
(1) a description of all activities, including the removal of any remaining solid wastes or materials
from the site, activities required for the closure of the site, and abandonment of all on-site systems;
(2) a schedule for completing the closure activities as set forth in Rule .0406 of this Section;
(3) the cost estimate for closure and post-closure care activities; and
(4) a plan for retention of operating record and receipts including those from closure activities.
(k) Sites shall comply with financial responsibility requirements in accordance with G.S. 130A-295.2 and Section
.1800 of this Subchapter. If the Division requires the site to conduct post-closure care in accordance with Rule
.0406(c) of this Section, the site shall maintain financial assurance during the post-closure care period until released
from post-closure care by the Division
In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0406,
(b) The owner or operator shall complete the following closure activities to close the site:
(1) The owner or operator shall remove all waste from the site in accordance with the requirements of
this Subchapter.
(2) Leachate collection systems, if present, shall be closed in accordance with the leachate
management plan incorporated into the permit by Rule .0404(d) of this Section.
(3) The owner or operator shall complete any closure activities stated in the closure plan incorporated
into the permit by Rule .0404(d) of this Section.
(4) If the site has been required by the Division to conduct a corrective action program following
closure of the site in accordance with this Rule, or elects to leave a leachate collection system or
tank in place for future use, the owner or operator shall submit to the Division a notice for the site
property that has been recorded at the county Register of Deeds office that meets the following
(A) The notice shall be discoverable during a title search for the site property deed.
(B) The notice shall be in accordance with G.S. 130A-310.71(e) or G.S. 143B-279.10.
(C) The notice shall notify any potential purchaser of the property that the land has been used
as a solid waste management facility and its use may be restricted by the Division