NOTE: If you save a draft of this application, do not save it with uploaded attachments. This may cause problems when you resume editing the draft and try to submit it. Remove all uploaded attachments before saving a draft. Upload necessary documents only when you are ready to submit the eNOI.
section Expanded
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The information for 1b. and 1c. is not captured from a previously rejected eNOI form. Be sure to enter.
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If you do not know the latitude and longitude coordinates for this project, you can search the location on this map of North Carolina. Look for the coordinates in the bottom left corner.
Below you must enter waterbody information for surface waters affected by this project. Please consult DWR's Surface Water Classifications Map Viewer to find waterbody name and corresponding index number. Please enter only immediate receiving waterbodies - not waters downstream of those unless the project extends there. You may enter up to 3 waterbodies if needed.
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Ensure the right box is checked and review previous waterbody entries.
This project will be issued a Certificate of Coverage under NCG250000 rather than NCG010000. The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the appropriate DEMLR Regional Office, and then this Notice of Intent form shall be completed and submitted.
DO NOT PROCEED WITH THIS APPLICATION! An NPDES stormwater permit is not required.
Note: Stormwater discharges from construction activities associated with oil and gas exploration, production, processing, treatment, or transmission facilities are eligible for the exemption from NPDES permit coverage except in very limited instances. Do not proceed with this application before consulting this EPA fact sheet and verifying a permit applies.
NOTE: This pertains only to N.C. distributed ARPA funding. If your project is funded with ARPA funds directly from the federal level only and not with ARPA funds distributed by N.C. Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI), please answer "No" to the question above -- UNLESS it is dually funded with ARPA funds from N.C. DWI as well, and you can provide the Letter of Intent to Fund from N.C. DWI. The information in questions 18a-19a only apply to ARPA funds distributed at the State level by N.C. DWI.
Important: The person who signs the NOI Certification Form and signs the Certification in Section E of this application form must be the same person as listed in THIS SECTION, or an authorized responsible individual within the same organization. That person must be a responsible corporate officer who owns or operates the construction activity, such as a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president, or a manager that is authorized in accordance with Part IV, Section B, Item (6) of the NCG010000 General Permit. For more information on signatory requirements, see Part IV, Section B, Item (6) of that permit.
Note: If the permittee is a business, the business must be registered with the NC Secretary of State. You can verify the registration here. Permittee must be the same entity that is responsible for the land-disturbing activity as listed on the NC SPCA Financial Responsibility/Ownership (FRO) Form.
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Enter Permittee Title. This information may not be captured from a previously rejected eNOI form.
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Enter consultant contact details below (if applicable). This information may not be captured from a previously rejected eNOI form.
Verify billing contact information and revise if necessary.
Ensure the right approved by option is chosen and review previous entries.
Documentation of E&SC Plan approval and the signed Notice of Intent (NOI) Certification Form is required for a complete application. Please also upload a site map showing the overall extent of the project (for linear projects, can include the beginning point and end point coordinates in the "Notes" box below).
YOU MUST MAIL THE ORIGINAL SIGNED NOI CERTIFICATION FORM (click on this link) to The Stormwater Program at the address on the form for the application to fulfill federal application requirements. The Certification Form must be signed by the person listed in Section B (Permittee Information) or by an authorized responsible person within the same organization. NOTE: The person who signs the paper form must be the same person to electronically certify and sign the eNOI.
North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6B (i) provides that:
Important: The person who electronically signs this Certification above must be the same person who signs the NOI Certification Form. If that person is signing on behalf of the Permittee, that individual must be an authorized responsible person within the same organization as the Permittee.
*An authorized individual is a responsible corporate officer who owns or operates the construction activity, such as a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president, or a manager that is authorized in accordance with Part IV, Section B, Item (6) of the NCG010000 General Permit. For more information on signatory requirements, see Part IV, Section B, Item (6) of that permit.
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