HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Protect the integrity of wildlife corridors by protecting Odd Fellows Tract (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:10 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Protect the integrity of wildlife corridors by protecting Odd Fellows Tract From: Nancy Merrick [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:02 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect the integrity of wildlife corridors by protecting Odd Fellows Tract II aim wirliting to express my concerns iregairdliing Welke Stone Corporation's application for rno6 ication to Permit 92 10. II aim greatly concerned about the negative consequences of IbulH61ng a anew quarry Duirliing this tGirne of social dlistaincing due to the IpandeirnGc it has Ibecome iincreasinglly evident that the Ipublic ineeds clean open space to use for Iboth physical and rneii health. The inuirnbeir of Ipeople using the local tralills, pairks and gireeinways liin the area have sky irocketed duirliing this time. l-easing Ipublic Ilaind Iboirdeirliing on oine of the area's Ipreir ieir state Ipairks to a private company is an egireglious misuse of highly valued Ilaind. The negative and costly effects of this (proposed quarry are mainy • Water Ipollution from irock dust washed off (processed giravell • Air Ipollution from fiine Ipairticles of irock dust • Wear and teair on roads and Ibridges from liincreased liindustri4l trucks and equliprneint • Increased ruinoff from ireirnovall of tree cover and cullverts for 41inwater • Creating an eyesore of a vast, gaping, slheeir sided, daingeirous (pit when Welke Stone's 30 year Meese is up - Cost to Welke County to Beall Wth the ineed llinfirastructuire and einviiroinirneintall daimage - Unusable Ilaind for the allrport or any otlheir Ipuirposes at the eind of the �lease Ipeir9iod 1I stroinglly urge the Noirtlh Cair6lhlina Department of Einviiroinirneintall Quallhlty to abandon t1his Ipllain and to urge the RDU Airport Autlhoir9lty to reconsider the Conservation Fund's offer to Ipuirchase the Ilaind outright and therefore �preserve tlNis Ilovelly Ilaind for the citizens of Noirtlh Cair6lhlina. 1I Request that DECK deny Walke Stone Corp's appfication for a inew iroclk mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative lImpacts on Uirnstead State Park, Crabtree Creelk, the East Coast Gireenway, recreation llin the OM Reedy Cireelk Corridor and the t1hiree adjacent Ihomeowineirs. To the ellected offic4ls, Iplease see my message to the DECK as an lin6cation of my opposition agallinst the quarry, and Iplease send a message to the DECK imalking your opposition agallinst the quarry known, as weH. Thank you, Nancy Menriclk Ul marmiffloDim Cary NC 27513 Nancy Menriclk n me rri ck 1 (a-)- n c. rr. co m 108 Sirnallklwood Ct Cary, North Cairohina 27513