HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Give us clean air Umstead State Park (3)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:36 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us clean air Umstead State Park From: Marian Norton [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:17 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us clean air Umstead State Park As a iresident of the state of NC and Chathaim County l wish to request that you deny a mi6ling Ipeirmit to Wake Stone for what is Iknown as the OddfelHows Tract adjacent to Unstead State Park. State Ipairks are for the use and eini . oyment of alH North Cair6ll164ns. l have Ibeen Ipeirsoinalllly able to witiness what Nasting does to ineliglhlborliing Ipropeirties as a former owneir of a iresidence inear a mine lin GoNston, NC. As the Nasting Ibegain lin 2018 l thought l was experiencing an earthquake! Earlier this year (2020) l was able to video a Nast as iroclk flew Ihliglh above the Ibeirm and the trees that surround the mine. The dust and inolise is ineveir ein6ing. Should a Ipeirmit �be issued to Wake Stone, the Ipairk and ineliglhlborliing Ipropeirty owneirs wHH experience the negative effects of massive Nasts, excessive inoise, and dust. The Ihlistorlicall aspects of this Ipropeirty as welly as the inearby traHs ineed to �be protected. Do inot destroy IpulbBlic Ipropeirty. Deny this Ipeirmit and protect the Ipairk. Marian Norton Marian Norton nortonmarian01 (a-)_qmail.com 1 8481 NC Hwy 902 Fittsboro, North Cairofina 27312