HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Give us an end to the quarry trucks at Umstead State Park (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:10 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us an end to the quarry trucks at Umstead State Park From: Laura & Walter Zee [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:05 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Give us an end to the quarry trucks at Umstead State Park Thainik you for the opportuinlity to speak Mr Cairns. There are irnainy areas wlheire Needed Minliing CAN Ibe doine without destroying a Pristine inatui4l Forrest adjacent to a thriving state Ipairk iin ain area with excelHeint schools and (businesses. Many Ipreseinteirs have already asked DEC. to deiny the Ipeirrnit for cause wlhlich the Ipreseinteirs expllliined in detalill The (proposed dean to (lease their Ipropeirty for irniinliing DOES NOT make irnoinetairy sense for the airport authority they cain get considerably irrtore irnoiney in a GAII...E to a Conservatory rather tlhain aIlllowiing the (property to Ibe (leased and imined. Who Ibeinefits from mi16ling the site"? Why did The alirlport authority Rush liinto a (lease dean with wake stoine with oinlly 2 days notice to the (public? 1 why would The cities of RaIleiglh & Duirhaim .. and the counties of Welke and Duirhaim w6lcome a inew amine which wiVll lirnpalir the regions appeal) and discourage growing the inew tax Ibase Iby fireducing the opportuinllfies of enticing Ilairge successfUl companies llinto IbUil61ng inew sites llin our region? Why have imany of our state and IlocaIl Ipofificians Ibeein quiet about this issue which wiVll reshape the region for the inext 50 years and beyond? These issues are inot wellkl studied or Ipllainined. Tirylling to rush this through during a Ipandeir ic spealks to walke stones strategies and tactics. When did it iinlling inew adjacent sites (become part of the walke stone Iloing term Strategy? Who at walke stone thought of the Ilegall TACTIC of imalking "adimiinlistrative changes to correct typos" llin 2018 to the agreement which Welke Stone imade llin 1981 with DEQ llin order to Ibe aIlklowed to amine the current Ipropeirty These armor "administrative Typo chainges" iruslhed through llin 2018 were done to 1l NVAL.] DATE THE SUNSET CL..AUSE ..... THIS 1BREACH OF TRUST AL -ONE SHOUL-D DISALL.OWWAKE STONE FROM 1BEIING GRANTED ANY PERMITS UNTIL.. THIS IS RESOL-VED. If it was accideintall , Welke Stone shoUld Ibe happy to work to have the imistalke fixed and the Sunset cVa use restored and honored. The sad fact that Welke Stone has Ibeein using strategies and tactics to VIOL -ATE THEIR AGREEMENTS spealks to the fact that they are oimly imotivated Iby (profits and their word and good deeds llin certain Ilocalles MEAN NOTHING. THEY CANNOT 113E TRUSTED. THE SUNSET OL.AUSE SHOUL-D 113E REINSTATED THEY SHOUL-D FACE FINES AND L.EGAL.. JUDGEMENTS for their dishonest rna6lpUlafioin. They allso cVallim they have had 0 accidents, discharges of Ipairticullates llin the allir and iruinoff waters, yet considerable data has Ibeein colllected and weM documented that show the cVallim is fallse. MI of these issues and questions shoUld geneirate a sense of PAUSE AND CAUTION , inot a qullclk approvall to a Iprovein dishonest entity. Just (because this is a GREAT DEAL for walke stone and tlhellr Connections llin government doesn't mean lit is an acceptable trade off for MERIBM 1...et's inot rush llinto sometINling that can ineveir Ibe undone. P61kficiains ..... spealk up inow! your silleince imalkes you compficit. WiM our shidinlking Iprlistiine inatui4l areas and Nilking and cycfing oppoirtui6ifies DISTINGUISH the RDU area, and attract (big Ibusiinesses to j6lin our area (because our area offers inatui4l (beauty wNich Ipeople inow CRAVE? Or, Mlkl these areas Ibe destroyed and RDU Ibe inllclkinairned THE PIT ? lirnaglline einteir9ling the RDU allrspace and seeking a massive mime wheire trees , waterways , and ainllmalls once Flourished. Once lit is goine, lit is goine. This lis a teiridble dealt for our region. THIS IS YOUR Il...EGACY. Do inot giraint a rubber stamp approvall llin favor of Wping out the Odd FeMows tract, just (because some Ipowerfull Ipeople and RimizoldiniMMMOMIM alwiWiMMMM llin the Iloing term, VWlkl your descendants Ibe (proud of your decisions? Laura & Wafter Zee auggie521 (d)-yahoo.com 6364 1BraindyMne road Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27607 3