HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Deny the permit! (3)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:09 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny the permit! From: Charlotte Jones -Roe [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:55 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny the permit! l aim widting to request that the Welke Stone miii Ipeirmit 92 10 Ibe deii �because expansion of the quarry willll damage Ipublic Ilainds and have a negative effect on the visitoir experience at Uimstead State Park; coiie to Ipollllution llin Crabtree Creek; and violate standards of air qualkty. To esseii give away this IpubBlic (property, a treasure of the Tidaii is totally unacceptable. My faimHy lives i Umstead Park and we have visited the traHs and campsites theire for four decades. l aim especially llinteirested llin the fate of the "Oddf6klows Tract" inext to Umstead Park (because l have camped there mainy times as a chapeiroine for scout giroup associated with my church. We always had to contact the airport authority to request peirmission to use the site and we did so, giratefUl for the oppoirtuii l was always told that when the Oddf6klows frateimall organization gave up use of the Ilaind adi . aceint to the airport and to Umstead Park, they did so on coii was that the site would ALWAYS continue to Ibe avaHable for youth camping and day activities. The Oddf6klows site was especially usefull for Iprliirnitive camping Iby youth giroups who were dolling mouii Ibilkiing or oirienteeiring activities, as well 1 as for younger scouts Ilear6ling geinei4l camping skiEls. The other good tlNling about the OddfeElows campsite and its proximity to RaIleiglh was that it aElowed high scho6l age Scouts who (played footbaEl or had band obligations, and their Ipaireints, to join the group after the 8:00 Ipm gate cbsing for group campsites within the Iboundary of Urnstead Park. The Occoneechee CouncH 1Boy Scout caimp is inow about'75 irrHes away liin Moore County, and this IlocaIl camping option aElowed imany young imein to continue their liinv6llveirneint with Scouting and Iprovlide Ileaderslhlip for the younger scouts. When 1I have llinqullired ireceintly about the (promise to have the site ireirnaalin avalOable for youth camping, 1I have Ibeein t6ld that the OddfeElows ffle and any documentation of the agreement had Ibeein 'lost," or even that current imeimbeirs of the organization it have Ibeein (lobbied Iby parties that stood to imake imoney from the destruction of the site, Wake Stone and the Airport Autlhoir9lty. 1I hope this is inot true, Ibut llin any case 1I tlNlinlk it is regirettable that a promise to the youth of our area is(belling Ibrolkein and that future scouts wiH inot have the opportuinllty to use this site adjacent to Uirnstead Park. When 1I was working and commuting, 1I dodged Wake Stone trucks dal!lIy on 1I 40 and Harrison Avenue with their (big sigins saylling that ino one shoUld drive within 200 feet to avoid daimage from flylling rocks. In traffic that is simply inot (possible. Wake Stone is inot a good ineighbor, and 1I can't lirnag�line how (people who(hive inear the proposed quarry site wiH Ibe able to stay. The incise from the blasting and the Ihuindreds of trucks that wiH carry away rnateid4ls from the quarry dal!lIy wiH take away the llinteinded use of our public land, daimage Mldfife corridors, degrade water quallllty, and Iprovlide a great Beall of dust and inoise that WEI imake Illiviing nearby or using our Ipublic park unpleasant and unheafthy. This is cleairiy a (profit motivated taking of our Ipublic lands as weEl as a brolken promise to youth of our area and IlocaIl residents. 1I urge you to acfivelly oppose the granting of airiinlling Ipeirmit 92 10 to Wake Stone, and to look llinto why the Airport Autlh&lty would support having this (bad neighbor destroylling the site and the vallues of our Ipubllic Uirnstead State Park. Chaidotte Joines Roe mimmwml== a onesroeCcD_Mindspring.com 6410 Aridingtoin Road Ralleiglh, NC, Noirtlh Cairofina 27607