HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Deny new rock mine - save taaaahe Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 8:41 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny new rock mine - save the Odd Fellows Tract From: Angie Brummitt [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 8:09 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny new rock mine - save the Odd Fellows Tract Dan Saims, HeHo, l aim widting to request that DEQ deny Wake Stone Corp's appfication for a inew crock mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts on U imstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation llin the Old Reedy Greek Corridor and the thiree adjacent homeowners. The �precious Ilaind, wiNfife, air and water should Ibe Ipreseirved for current and future generations as a sacred gireein space for the coimmuii to enjoy, �protect, and learn how we can ireslpeotfulllly llinteiract with inatuire and treasure ii resources. To the elected offic4ls, (please see my message to the DEQ as an In6cation of my opposition agallinst the quarry, and (please send a message to the DEQ imaking your opposition agallinst the quarry known, as weH. Kind Regards, Angus 1Biruirnrnitt 1 Angie 1Biruirnmitt ang.e.brummitt(cD_gmail.com 2613 McN61EI St, C Ralleiglh, North Cairohina 27608