HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permiaaat 92-10_ Protect our state park!Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:32 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our state park! From: Blake Clayton [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 6:32 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our state park! l Iheireby request that the DEC. deny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew crock mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts on U imstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation llin the OM Reedy Greek Corridor and the t1hiree adjacent Ihomeowineirs. l Ibellieve that water qualhlty data would uindoubtedlly Iprove the adverse effects of the existing quarry on our groundwater and surface water quafifies. Another quarry on the otheir side of Crabtree Greek would meirelly enhance the negative effects already witinessed llin t1his area. l aim also concerned for the IheaIltlh and safety of the Ipublic during tunes of recreation and for those w1ho liii ineiglhboir9ling Ihouses. Umstead and Crabtree Parks are Ibotlh Ihliglhlly trafficked areas that Iprovlide thousands of people outdoor oppoirtuii that would otherwise Ibe very Illirnited. This operation will obviously Ihave a direct and substaii liirnpact to those w1ho use t1his area, wNich is ever liincreasing. Not oii constructing a quarry �beside a Ihliglhlly trafficked IpulbBlic Ipairk and state Ipairk, Ibut also slhair9ling an access way through these very pairks, eindaingeirs the IpeopNe w1ho use these areas with coinstaint construction, Marge imaclhliinery, and Ipooir air quafity through dust generation and fuirne IbulHd up from equllprneint. 1I tlNlinlk this is a horrible idea and shows (lack of concern for einsuirrling the safety of �people who use our Ipublic Ipairlk spaces. This allso shows Ilaclk of foresight for the einviiroinirneintall damage that woUld deposit se6ment llinto our streams and further Ipollllute the IIIimited inatuirall resources we have llin this area. RDU Airport Authority was offered a fair Beall to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and shoUld irecoinsideir that offer llin Illight of the �public Ibeinefits it woUld Iprovlide. The use of this IpubBlic space as a quarry woUld stifle actuall Ibeinefits to the IpubBlic, rather than Iprovli61ng ad6fioinall outdoor opportuinllty that is cVeaidy ineeded llin this area as evidenced Iby the lincreasing traffic through the adjacent Ipairks. 1:11alke CIIaytoin baclayto(a-)_qmail.com 8429 Wyndiridge Drive Apex, North Cairofina 27539