HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Minaaing Permit 92-10_ Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operation (4)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:32 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operation From: John Antilety [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 7:27 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Umstead State Park from PCB contamination by stopping the quarry operation II aim wirliting to express my opiiions and observations iregairdliing the Uirnstead Miming Operation. As Ipart of eairnliing my IIBaclhelloir°s Degree liin Aquaculltu14l Einglineeir9iing from SUNY CobleskflH, II was required to Ihave an EPA Water Quallity Aii So wlhein II look at the dlischairge of these sorts of facilities, II (know what I'm looking at. II Ihave experience with tlhlis facility, and II do snot feel that they Ihave been acting, inor conducting (business, liin a good falitlh rnanner. 1. This operation will Ihave undully adverse effects on (potable groundwater supplies, willdlllife, or fresh water, estuarine, or mairine fiislheir9ies; 1 That the operation wiH vi6late standards of air quallkty, surface water quafity, or groundwater quallkty. 1I have visited this facifity imany firnes. The effluent d14lins do *inot* Iprovlide sufficient settfing of iroclk dust and se61ment. The discharge llinto Crabtree Cireelk is Iheavully contaminated with fine IpairtucUlates that smotheir fish and The company has it seve14l attempts at ireirne6ating this Iprobleim, Ibut those efforts have eintiirelly falOed. Moreover, there is ino overflow protection, inor is there any actuall daim that WEI Ipreveint cut through llin the event of a They just dug a Ih6lle and (let the water flow over the top, and down a ditch, �linto Crabtree Creelk. 2. That the operation WEI constitute a direct and substainfiall Iplhysicall Ihazaird to IpulbBlic IheaIltlh and safety or to a inelighlboiring dweElking house, school, church, lhospitall, cornrneirciall or Bindustri4l IbulH61ng, IpulbBlic road or other Ipublic Ipropeirty The aforementioned discharge Ipoind is irouglKly 200 feet from Crabtree Cireelk, and has ino rip rap, ino iretaliinliing waH, and ino imeans of Ipreveintiing overflow. There is ino spflklway, ino treatment to Ipreveint cut through. If there is any heavy flow, such as during a storim or Ihurirlicane, there is a sig6lficaint risk that the discharge Ipoind wiH c6lklapse llinto Crabtree Creelk. 3. That the operation WEI have a siginllficainfly adverse effect on the purposes of a IpubBlicVy owned Ipairk, forest or recreation area; This is a state Ipairk, inot an Bindustri4l area. This area Ibelbings to the (people or North Cairofina, and the (people are inot jusfly served Iby the expansion of 4. That Iprevlious experience with simflair operations lIn6cates a substainfiall possibHkty that the operation wiH iresullt llin substainfiall deposits of se6ment �lin stream (beds or Ilalkes, Ilandsllides, or acid water IpoMution; or N No Iprevlious experience With other operations, is irequllired. 1I have seein the vi6lafioins of *this* operation With my owin eyes. 5. That the appficaint or any Ipaireint, subsi6airy, or other affifiate of the applicant or Ipaireint has inot Ibeein llin substaint4l compliance With tNis ArficVe, rWes adopted under this ArficVe, or other (laws or rWes of this State for the protection of the einviiroinimeint or has inot corrected aH vi6lafioins that the applicant or any Ipaireint, subsidiary, or other affifiate of the appficaint or �paireint may have committed under this ArficVe or roes adopted under tNis ArficVe They airein't Ipllaylling mice, inor are they Ipllaylling fakir. There is ino ireasoin to dive them moire chainces to foW our Ilainds, or our waters. Thank you for your coin sid eiration llin tNis imatteir. John A AintHety John AintHety a ohn.antilety(q-)_qmail.com 2431 Government Road CIIaytoin, North Cairofina 27520