HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _Externa1l_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarryJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:45 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry From: Judith Strickland [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:23 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Keep the Old Reedy Creek Road Corridor for recreation - not a new rock quarry I'm Ju6th Strllcklaind, iresi61ng at 202 Chiseflhuirst Way, Cary, albout 300' from Winstead Road and Weston Parkway Iiinteirsection (cain see crosswalk flashes). My faimily and l frequently utflize the 1:11ac1k Greek Gireeinway and traHs at Umstead State Park, are liincoinveinlienced Iby current mine operation frequent Ibooms (drywall cracks and au14l assauft), and vehemently oppose an ad6fioinall quarry Ibeliing aIHowed to operate closer to imy home. Quarry operation expansion adjacent to Ipublic access recreation and education areas at Umstead State Park are (huge IpubBlic health and safety concerns. Members of DEML..R, please deny Wake Stone's Ipeirmit application (because mine operation wiH vi6late vital) standards of water and air qualIlIty, (plus Ihave a sig6ificantly adverse effect on the Ipuirposes of Umstead State Park, a IpubBlicly owned Ipairk. The quarry application as proposed vi6lates citizens' rights and NO laws iregairdlling clean air and clean water, and reduces quality of Ilife: *61miinisNling air qualIlIty Iby the ireduction of foliage, AND quarry operation pairticUlate imatteir AND macNlineiry and transport vehicle emissions breathed lien Iby tral!ll users and nearby Ihomeowneirs, especially daingeirous for Iparlk exercisers Ibecause silica and other Iparticulate smatter Mll go deeper Unto the Iluings, a tremendous Ipublic health Ihazaird; a clear violation of air qualkty standards under the 11 i6ling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(3). Imposes a Iplhysical and rneintall health Ihazaird Iby fireducing airnount of accessible space for irecreatGoinall and therapeutic usage lien a time whein Increased access to inatuire should Ibe Ihalppe6ling, especially lImportaint due to consistent inuirneric lIncreases lien residents, and also a sig6lficaint adverse effect on the Ipuirposes of a Ipubllicly owned Ipairk, forest or recreation area under the tl i6ling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(5). *ireducing quafity of surface water and ground water via quarry operation iruinoff, and vehicle and quarry irracNiinery emissions entering Crabtree creelk. Vi6latioin of surface water and groundwater qualkty under the 11 i6ling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat. '74 51 (d)(3). *reduces surface water and ground water qualkty Iby fireducing airnount of earth with limpervlious surface. A iroclk fined Ilalke left lien the walke of operation ceasing is inot einviroinimentaEly sound inor is it a Ipulbllic Ibeinefit. VVIation of surface water and groundwater qualkty under the Miinlling Act. N.C. Gen. Stat.'74 51 (d)(3). *eindaingeiding Ipedestrlian and Ibicycllist safety transport veNlcles wiH exit onto ON Reedy Creek, at times a one Maine road. The Town of Cary Ibulillt a pairking and irestroom facility on this road and specificaEly designated and thus Ipallinted for Ibicycllists to access the traHhead facility and traHs at IL.alke Crabtree and Urnstead via ORC. 1:11cyclists and 2 ton transport veNlcles 'shaiding' a one Maine road is a safety Ihazaird. Transport trucks passing t4lll users are health and safety hazards. The estimated 500 daily truck trips aIloing Weston Parkway and Harrison Avenue woUld excee61nglly inegativelly affect veNlcWair traffic at already Iprovein to be fal!lIking traffic lInteirsections, via traffic studies Ipeirforimed Iby the Town of Cary. *ireducing quafity of life for Ihuindreds of residents Ikving adjacent to IL.alke Crabtree, lien addition to reduces qualkty of experience of 1:11ack Creelk Gireenway, with liincreasiing in6lse Ilevells (bombastic dyinaimite (blasts, opeirafioinall rnacNlineiry and huge transport veNlcles), AND decreases to air N quafity llin dose (proximity to t1h6lir Ihomes llincreases tlhellir Iluings' exposuire to cairdinogeinllc IpairticUlate imatteir. *ellhlmiinates the Ipossibilllity of expansion of Ibilke tralOs and abifity to Ihost top Revell competitions, a cruslNling (blow to Ilocall cyclists abifity to expaind sIdIkIs, and allso ehiminates)immense food&beveirage and lhotell tax ireveinue liinlput firom Ipairticilpaints and attendees at a top fieir Iprofessioinall cyching event. Air qudhity, wateir quallhlty, and citizens' quallhlty of Illife imust Ibe vital) considerations of Ipublic stewairds. Members of Department of Einviroinimeintall Management, (please Iput citizens' imeintall heaft1h, Iplhysicall heaft1h and weEl belling, and einviiroinimeintall degradation llin the forefront of youir decision imalking (process and deny the �peirmit foir an addlfioinall quarry adjacent to Iiirirepllacealble Uimstead State Pairk. Thank you! Mmiffe milmm, niqhtskyqazer2(c-)-aol.com 202 Clhisedhuirst Way Cary, North Cairohina 27513