HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW2_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Protect our Park entranceJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:57 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Protect our Park entrance From: Matthew Tabor <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:53 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our Park entrance 1 To local our elected officials, (please see irr7y irnessage to the DEQ as an Iindlieation of irr7y opposition agaliinst the quarry, and (please send a irnessage to the DEQ snaking your opposition agaliinst the quarry (known, as weIH. EM My fairnilly requests DEQ deiny Welke Stone Coup"s appBlioation for a anew irock mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative liirnpaots on Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the Past Coast Greeii recreation liin the OM Reedy Creek Corridor and the tlhiree adjacent Ihorneowineirs. We also ask DEQ to restore the Sunset Clause to the current Welke Stone quarry operations that were (promised to eind liin 2031, 50 years from 1931. We Ihave Ibeein using tlhlis area with great enjoyment, (lasting IheaIltlh Ibeinefits and an outlet for day to day stress for 20 years snow. Most IImportaintly, the eoonornio liirnpaot to our iregion from tlhlis resource fair outweighs the peinainoe that Welke Stone is offeir9iing for tlhlis Ilaind. This liirnpaot oain be seen daily at the Ipairk, as Ipairt of oine of (best Ipllaoes to (hive liin the US, year over year eoonornio girowtlh, and is evein snore lImportaint snow with it belling a (key outside resource duir9iing tlhlis Ipaindeirnio. We all Ihope to ineveir see these tunes agalin, but thus is a somewhat i iive global perspective. This Ipandeirnio is on track to continue through inext year and oain be irepllaoed by the inext oine at any tune. Ilosiing up, the filip side of all tlhlis (positive growth and develloprneint is snow tlheire is Ipreoious hitfle undevebped gireein space heft llin the Tiriainglle airea. We s1hoUld Ibe Iloolking (protect these resources as there wH ineveir Ibe more of tlheim. Best iregairds, Matt Mattlhew Taboir matt.taborl 2(a-)_qmail.com 1009 Ellue Riveir Fairm Rd. Ralleiglh, North Cairohina 27603