HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 The public deserves our public lands to be protected - deny rock mine (10)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, 1I aim wilting to state imy stroing objection to imiinliing Ipeirmit application 92 10, Ibeca use it's cilear that continued miinlling/quairirylling directly adjacent to Uimstead State Park and ineighboiding towin Ipairks & gireeinways MH have a siginllficaint adverse effect oin air & water quallkty for residents & Mldllkfe that depend upoin these viitall inatui4l recreation areas. Approval) of this �peirmit would imuftiply the rinyidad Iplhysicall hazards to Ipubllic IheaIltlh and safety that aIliready exist Ibeca use of the current quarry. Why was the suinset clause oin the Ipeirmit for the current quarry inext to Uimstead reimoved?? ClIfizeins have a ir9ight to Ikinow. NEW quairirylling inext to Urnstead State Park is the imost destructive use of the Ilaind it would substainfiallkly degrade the current ecosystem's inatui4l water fiftration, which lhellps to (protect the downstream watershed of Crabtree Creelk. It would aininflNlOate ain llimportaint cilean air & inoise Ibuffeir for Ipairk users. Flease deiny this Ipeirmit. 1I hope that RDUAA cain evalluate afteirnative uses for this Ilaind and MH consider accepting a Ipuirchase offer from the Conservation Fund so that the Ilaind cain �become Ipairt of Urnstead State Park and Iproviide ineeded funds for airport Ipuirposes. That way citizens and visitors who travel) to the Tarr 4nglle iregion Iby way of the airport MH continue to have a thiriiviiing, IheaIltlhy destination to einjoy whein they arrive. Bud Firainlk �budfnc@gimalll.com 3312 Thomas Rd. RaIleiglh, North Cairofina 27607