HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220901_Mine_MapsBOU D R ASSOCIAT S C I� ARI� IMIN I� If\ 1. 11006)1 a� ��0 SHEET INDEX LU 0 LAND USE 101 (Us, 4, Existing Conditions SP 1 Site Preparation ]EC 0 ER"OSION CONTROL [EC] KEY ]EC 1 Drainage area detail for S10LJ-1 ]EC 2 Drainage area detail for SH-2 ]EC 3 Drainage area detail for SIB-3 ]EC 4 EC Details— 1131asins and Ditches ]EC 5 EC Notes— Inspection and Maintenance ]EC 6 EC Notes— Stabilization and Materials LU 1 LAND USE PHASE 1 T,i 2 I,ANI) S h P Irl A S F 2 Site Overview This site was previously mined under permit 84-06; however, that permit was allowed to expire. Previously disturbed areas are shown on the Existing Conditions sheet. The general construction sequence is illustrated on the Site Preparation sheet and will be undertaken upon authorization: 1. Rock will be added to stabilize existing internal roads to prevent erosion and facilitate access into the site. 2. Sediment basins will be installed according to approved designs 3. Diversion ditches will be installed to direct runoff into the basins. 4. The plant area will be prepared, with drainage directed to a basin for treatment prior to discharge. 5. Silt fence and rock dams will be installed as shown on the Erosion Control sheets and Land Use plan for Phase 1. 6. Perimeter berms will be installed within the silt fencing to provide additional drainage control. 7. Once drainage controls and treatment structures are installed and functional, land disturbance to remove and store overburden will begin. Proposed mining activity after the initial site preparation phase is shown on the enclosed 'Land Use' plan sheets for Phases 1 and 2. The proposed permit boundary is the property line and encompasses the entire 297—acre site. Within the permit area, a 25—ft perimeter buffer is established, and the streams and wetlands are separated from mining activity by undisturbed 50—ft buffer zones. 'Phase 1' avoids water features previously identified in a report by Atlas Environmental [see "Aquatic Resource Sketch Map", 9 pages, May 21, 2021, previously submitted]. These features are shown on the site plans. Section 401 / 404 authorizations have not yet been obtained for impacts to these features, and Phase 1 is designed for initial site development without impacts. Phase 1 activities are primarily on the eastern side of the property. We have included a Phase 2 site plan for unavoidable impacts to water features in the center of the site, pending 401 /404 authorization. In general, Phase 2 includes westward expansion of the quarry pit, which will also serve to capture runoff and provide some of the needed drainage control in Phase 2. Phase 2 activities will not proceed without all needed authorizations. Future phases after Phase 2 are likely to impact additional water features and will also be authorized prior to impact. For Phase 1, the site plans show Plant Area, Pit [Overburden removal], and Overburden Storage Area. These areas will be disturbed in initial site development, with runoff and mining —related wastewater controlled as shown on the plans and described as follows: Most runoff will be collected in one of the diversion ditches and conveyed to a sediment basin for treatment prior to discharge. Basins include a baffle—forebay system to enhance sediment retention. Basins will treat all disturbed areas upslope of a diversion ditch. For Phase 1 activities, drainage from overburden storage will not be directed into the diversion ditches or basins. For the overburden storage areas, silt fence will be installed on contours in multiple rows as needed to limit the drainage area to 0.25—acres per 100 feet of silt fence. A continuous berm will be built of overburden material on the upslope side of the silt fencing placed along the perimeter and riparian buffers, so that silt fencing controls runoff from the outslope of the berm until it is stabilized with respect to erosion. Rock dams will be placed in natural swales as shown on the Site Prep sheet [SP1 ]. Areas below the ditches will thus be controlled with a combination of silt fence and berms. The ground will be prepared for overburden placement by clearing and grubbing. Overburden will be placed in small lifts [approximately 1—ft thick] and compacted with a bulldozer or similar heavy equipment. To the extent practical, topsoil will be segregated for future reclamation use, and will also be stored within the overburden storage area. The ESC measures are shown on the Site Prep sheet [SP1 ], with additional related information on the Erosion Control sheets [EC1—EC3] and the Land Use sheets [LU1 and LU2]. Overburden will be placed in the Overburden Storage Areas by working upslope from the berms, so that runoff from overburden placement is primarily controlled by the berms, and with the upslope face of the overburden used to retain runoff. The 'Typical Overburden Storage Detail' on the plan sheets shows the overburden will be placed to slope back into the site and away from streams or the site perimeter. Phase I]�]�� L��][��][� N�� In Phase 1, only a 100—ft wide segment in the outer [southernmost] portion of the overburden storage area will be utilized. In future phases, overburden storage will proceed upslope to the point that it meets the diversion ditch, so that all runoff from the disturbed areas IF),2 Phase2—�ECLAMATION AP is directed to basins or captured in the pit. VICINITY MAP 317 W. Gold Street New London, Stanly Co., NC The following measures will mitigate the potential to overtop and erode the berm that will be installed along the southern edge of the Phase 1 activity: a. The existing drainage area above each swale will be reduced by the diversion ditch 2—SI31. b. The swales represent low areas that will be filled first. The top of the overburden storage areas slope back into the site, so that the fill material will serve as an additional berm to retain runoff, promote infiltration and reduce stormwater runoff. c. Rock dams are shown on the Site Prep Sheet SP1 and will be installed below fill material that is placed in the swales. The rock dams will supplement the silt fencing placed below the fill areas. The installation of rock dams will follow the specifications described at Chapter 6.63 in the NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. The mining pit will start small and expand in area and depth. As it does, it will also serve to capture and treat runoff; however, the runoff calculations for Phase 1 do not rely on pit storage. The basins are designed to control all runoff with the pit providing supplemental control. The areas shown as Future Yard Area will be undisturbed in Phase 1, with drainage from these areas allowed to flow naturally to the nearest stream or drainage feature. These areas will therefore not contribute runoff to sediment basins and are not accounted for in basin calculations. The plans for Phase 2 and subsequent phases will be submitted for approval before site development proceeds beyond the activities described and shown for Phase 1. However, in general terms, it is expected that the initial pit will be expanded westward in Phase 2 to encompass a larger area and will increase in depth, so that the pit will provide substantial water storage capacity. Phase 2 is also contingent upon authorization for impacting streams and wetlands located within the proposed permit boundary. a oQ f o Q _ — D O - Q 1 937 0 9R�°P0o'<>00 Q,titi O tL i i M,� ` ' 08-2 5-22 Note: These plans were originally prepared under the direction of Denver Toler, PE. The Professional Engineer's seal and: signature affixed hereto is limited to the technical review of revisions made in response to review comments outlined in letter from Adam Parr, PE, Assistant State Mining Engineer, DEMLR, NC DEQ dated August 10, 2022. Richard L. Modlin, PE 7215 Terrace Drive Charlotte, NC 28211 980.322.4191 richardmodiin@att.net n z L=J O y fi Griffin Culp Lungbe � r Co, Nor fol k Southern n MW Boulder Assoc. Rfird Gordon Roberts Roberts 0 s_ U R Gy r G,p 0 � O / 0 OXS 0 0 0 � a rn 0 0 Frick GCWar l— l— Cn SCALE: DRAWN BY: m C 1 "=300' EMK DATE: CHECKED BY: 6/24/22 DDT ------------- O aringen ES S SEAL = 67 = - GINE� 1, 11111111\NN\\ 6129122 Cir LAND USE DESIGNATION USE TYPE ACRES TREATMENT STRUCTURE PROCESSING AREA 19.6 SB3 MINE EXCAVATION 42.3 SB1 & SB2 UNDISTURBED 213.4 N/A WASTE PILES 14.9 BMP'S SEDIMENT PONDS 3.0 BMP'S BERMS 3.8 BMP'S TOTAL 297 Co. p p p LLLLLL`LL L 1 / / /A ❑ p p p p p LLLLLL ♦ o LLL L p p p ppp LLLLL D /— pp p p ❑pp pp p p pp pp L L L pp p L ♦®♦ /I/// ❑pp pp pp p pp p LLL LL ♦♦ \ p ppp pp p pp p p p LL ;o L ,� ❑ pp pp p p ppp pp pp ❑❑ p p p pp p pp p ❑ p p ❑ pp p pp p pp ppp ' ❑ ❑ p p pp p p p pp p p p pp❑ ❑❑ p pp p p pp pp p pp 13 p pp ❑❑❑ p p / 13 pp p p p ❑ pp p p • .❑ p p pp pp p p p pp O p p pp pp p p p pp rig q pp p p pp ppp pp p p p p p ppppp d ppppp p p pppp pp p p p p p pppppp '('L p p pp p P pp pp pp" d`0 ° p 00000iz000 p pp pp pp pp p 0 0 0 0-0,0 pp p ppp pp pppppp p ppp ppp pp LOrOnO LLC p p p p ppp coo 01 p p pp pp p pp ppp p p a a p pp a ppp pppp p a pa a aria p pp p p pp p ppp pp pp ppp a pppp ❑ pp pp a p a a ppp pp pp pp pp pppp ❑ pp a p a a pp pppppp pppp pp pppp ❑ pp a p aria pppp a p p pp ppp pp pp pa ppp a a ppa pp pp ppp ppp ❑ \ p a a a pp p pp pp ppp pa a a p pp ppp pp pp pa a p p p p p p p pa pp ppp a p p p pa"a `pp pp 1. SEA E IS 1 pa pp p p p p p as ppp p pppp a p p apppa p p pp ❑ pa pp pp ❑ ❑00 pp ppp a pp pa a pp o a ri a pp pp ❑❑❑❑❑ apppp a ri a pp pppp p p a s ppp ppppa a p❑ ❑❑pa ppa a pp ppppa p p p p p ppppp ppa pa pa p p p ppp❑ p p p °G pp a p p p 13 p ppp appa o pppa ❑ p a � 5p a pp a pa pa pa a a pppp ❑❑ pp pp ❑I ❑p p p p pp p ppp p ppp ❑❑❑❑ ppppp ❑❑ ❑❑ ` �„ ❑ a a pa pa ppp pppp❑❑ ppp00000 ppp ❑ as ri a p d d p p p ppa a a ppp appa a ppp 1CFEU-3 a ppa pp pppppppppp p p pp p 13 a p a ppa p 00001 ppp a�pp a p p pppppp aria a pp pppp p s (7p p ppp p .pppppppp p"ppp9,9 pppp ppp 000 000001 9 p p p ppp 9-p'[Sp pp p p pppppppp 6 p p pp a pa a aria pp aria ❑ o - , p pp pa a rid' a a a a pppp p a a pa a pp pa aria � a p ppp pa a ri 11 a pp a pp a aria ♦ ♦g p ppp p p pEll p a a p p p p pppp a pp p pa p ppppp m to ppppp ppp o0 p p p pp ,pppp p ppppp ppp p ❑ p pp pppp ppp O� p pp pp p p p p pp pp pppp ♦ 00 a p 00 ❑°d "` p p p UNDI URB pp p pppp p ❑❑ II a ppppp pppp p pp pppp p 13000 ppp 4 m p pp Opp❑❑❑, aQ ap p p p h-------H d pp 00 a❑ "1 p pa a p p 10 p p a p p a a p p a a s ' Griffin Griffin Pam 11041a mm 0 51 . /,j Dam A. approx 65 ft long L—Rock Dam B. approx 60 ft long Rock Dam C. approx 70 ft long griffin TYPICAL BERM CROSS SECTION MINIMUM 4' TOP OF BERM I I 1 *FINAL STABILIZATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY ESTABLISHING PERMANENT VEGETATION (NTS) Boulder Associates LLC 317 W. Gold Street New London, Stanly Co., NC LAND USE MAP [Phase 1] y�`,1•�I1a.•r r r Nye' ,11`ti ' � r oFplib''9 wwPolW 'A p'"m1*d !■ dw**Wv*3• cfONw ToW. PE h1F Elm ti 9� a r Fri it $I~ a NI dA d i jM4 lu 10 41 R*&d Fn fires k 4Frd % mo FICA Nm 1 ti Nrl&e bfftrWmil�emdi h 6Wmbb 16 w%um ft... IIII. .I1and-n Wmn iwi Awn Ptir FE :4m wo ri mar W n Em Q DE Y IJ_ H C CEJO do wIc Ai pxst 14 20 22 _ 5 FKWd L • III W b I fn o LNw% ';11,IID 3a3 A 12' '' r' ' rLiyrirrfid I � rr. r r I JMA Fcrm LLC .•3•�•G•i•3•�•G•i•�•vr•G•i•�•G•i•� • s�0•=•S•O•G•L•S•O•G•L•S•O•G•S•?•_'�•_G•S•?•_^_`•_L • MAXIMUM HEIGHT (VARIES) BERM AT TOE OF •• WITH SILT FENCE STABILIZATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY ESTABLISHING PERMANENT VEGETATION -BENCHES WILL BE PROVIDED EVERY 10'ELEVATION.•NS SHOWN HERE FOR ILLUSTRATION. Engineer - Denver Toler, PE 5917 Tillery Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 (704)526-7994 denvertoler@gmail.com Allen Legend ® PROCESSING AREA V DIVERSION DITCH PIT ~ FLOW DIRECTION ® WASTE STORAGE 1 PERENNIAL STREAM ® BERM WETLAND ® FUTURE MINE AREA \ INTERMITTENT STREAM SEDIMENT POND ` EPHEMERAL STREAM ENTRANCE ROAD ROAD SILT FENCE �.•� PROPERTY/PERMIT LINE PERIMETER BUFFER BOUNDARY DRAINAGE AREAS Revisions: NO. DATE: COMMENTS: 8/25/22 Response to comments dated 8/10/22 0 O fi N O Boulder Assoc. Gordon 0XS nn Vcnhoy Frick arward Griffin Cn SCALE: DRAWN BY- m 1 "=300' EMK DATE: CHECKED BY: 6/24/22 DDT j yo O J1��8 NO NEW DISTURBANCE IN PHASE 1.)MISE ARE EXISTING ROADS. Swcr*rgen I Room .wi-------------------------------- www�� M v�M /r~ �] Griffin Griffin griffin r W ♦`♦♦j WOO" `♦♦I ♦♦♦ WOO" \♦♦1 WOO" WOO" .OWOO" _ °. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ �. rG------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ .r-------------- ------------ -. ------------ �. A Reclamation Plan for Phase 1 is included with this submittal as required by NC—DEQ; however, activities are expected to progress beyond Phase 1 to Phase 2 and other future phases. 'Phase 1' in our submittal avoids water features previously identified in a report by Atlas Environmental [see "Aquatic Resource Sketch Map", 9 pages, May 21, 2021, previously submitted]. These features are shown on the site plans. Section 401/ 404 authorizations have not yet been obtained for impacts to these features, and Phase 1 is designed for initial site development without impacts. Phase 1 activities are primarily on the eastern side of the property. We have included a Phase 2 site plan for unavoidable impacts to water features in the center of the site, pending 401 /404 authorization. In general, Phase 2 includes westward expansion of the quarry pit, which will also serve to capture runoff and provide some of the needed drainage control in Phase 2. Phase 2 activities will not proceed without all needed authorizations. Future phases after Phase 2 are likely to impact additional water features and will also be authorized prior to impact. A reclamation plan for each subsequent phase will be submitted with applications to modify the site plan to accommodate such future development. AR 0 ;��.�FESSIpN.II% Boulder Associates LLC 317 W. Gold Street SEAL = 67 = - New London, Stanly Co., NC RECLAMATION MAP (PHASE 1) 6129122 N ate: These plans were originally prepared under the direction of Denver Toler, PE. The -SS/ fl 'f• _ Professional Engineer's seal and signature affixed hereto is limited to the technical o review of revisions made in response to review comments outlined in letter from Adam q o - Parr, PE, Assistant State Mining Engineer, DEMLR, NC DEC dated August 10, 2022. O O fl 1 937 Richard L. Modlin, PE 7215 Terrace Drive Charlotte, NC28211 980.322.4191 L. M�©,t{�, �I ► r r r, r i l''018-25-22 richardmodlin@att.net Engineer - SECTION A —A' Dev. 62W — 650' 600' 500' 400' rrrr .eon TS) E PROTECTED BY A PERIMETER FENCE NAY DETAIL 1627' 625' co. Loroho LLC LLC Denver Toler, PE 5917 Tillery Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 (704)526-7994 denvertoler@gmail.com TOP VIEW Allen Legend ® PROCESSING AREA PIT ® WASTE STORAGE ® BERM RECLAIMED SEDIMENT POND ENTRANCE ROAD SILT FENCE PERIMETER BUFFER BOUNDARY DIVERSION DITCH FLOW DIRECTION 1 PERENNIAL STREAM \� WETLAND \ INTERMITTENT STREAM EPHEMERAL STREAM ROAD �.•� PROPERTY/PERMIT LINE DRAINAGE AREAS Revisions: NO. DATE: COMMENTS: 8/25122 Response to comments dated 8/10/22 Boulder Assoc. Gordon 0 O r-� fi Lumber Nor fob k Southern Lilly / •.... ibso :•-• •... \AeC\ � . ' . R f i rd ••*_ Allen ° Ste hO • use R °°d •TMwtlYm Allen e -_`- ` ©. -�. .- TG Holdin s•• . a- 0 Roberts Roberts Gird'-`-`-`-------------------------- i. W• IOXS a n 10 %� ,�wiww.� ♦L G i g� N O O O � . a . a . . • . Vcnhoy ......... .......... ........... ........... ........... ............ .......... ..... ..... .............. ....... .... ....... .............. ........ ... 5t� ...... .. ..................... ................. ................ F h o C .. ..................... yo. ............. `•� ........... ....... ...... . .......... .............. ............ ......... ........... .. ........... ... ............... ........... ........... ......... ........ ..................... ............. ................... .............. ............. ................. .... ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ** ...... ....... ...... h� ..... .... .................... ............. ..... � N� ........... ............ .......... .... H ......... a hC a CH ............ ..... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ...... ................... ............ ....................... �. .. . ... .. .. . ...................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ............................................ ti ..................... ................... ................... 0 lO ............... . • V � ............ ............. Q� o 0 C f f n Griffin Cn SCALE: DRAWN BY- m 1 "=300' EMK i \J DATE: CHECKED BY: 4/6/22 DDT ,1 i' /i f f *� n Griffin S w c ri n g e n 1 166 ISIS 6166 ISIS 61 ISO, 01 01 so 011 \♦i \• nl► s� CROSS SECTION A —A' MNDMUM 'normal pod' EI 62V MAMMUM PIT DEPTH 45W (NTS) *ABANDONED PIT WILL BE PROTECTED BY A PERIMETER FENCE SPILLWAY DETA, 50' min. FRONT VIEW Co. Loroho LLC JVA Form LLC This Phase 2 site plan is included for unavoidable impacts to water features in the center of the site, pending 401 /404 authorization. In general, Phase 2 includes westward expansion of the quarry pit, which will also serve to capture runoff and provide some of the needed drainage control in Phase 2. Phase 2 activities will not proceed without all needed authorizations. Future phases after Phase 2 are likely to impact additional water features and will also be authorized prior to impact. A reclamation plan for each subsequent phase will be submitted with applications to modify the site plan to accommodate such future development. cAR° s - Boulder Associates LLC Es � a�l%y` f; 317 W. Gold Street SEAL = 67 = - New London, Stanly Co., NC ^;GINE� D RECLAMATION MAP PHASE 2 �1111IIIII0 416122 �}ti�VLllli�f,'t* CAoI fit w Qpaa�pQ � � °oQ ss° 0 C, o _ p q q 1 937 0 4 1 r}7f r l 1 MO LiVLi `G +..i— L N ote: These plans were originally prepared under the direction of Denver Toler, PE. The Professional Engineer's seal and signature affixed hereto is limited to the technical review of revisions made in responseto review comments outlined in letter from Adarn Parr, PE, Assistant State Mining Engineer, DEMLR, NC DEC dated August 10, 2022. Richard L. Modlin, PE 7216 Terrace Drive Charlotte, NC 28211 980.322.4191 richardmodlin@att.net Engineer - Denver Toler, PE 5917 Tillery Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 526-7994 denvertoler@gmail.com TOP VIEW Allen Legend ® PROCESSING AREA PIT ® WASTE STORAGE ® BERM RECLAIMED SEDIMENT POND ENTRANCE ROAD SILT FENCE PERIMETER BUFFER BOUNDARY 650' 600' 500' 400' V DIVERSION DITCH FLOW DIRECTION 1 PERENNIAL STREAM \� WETLAND \ INTERMITTENT STREAM EPHEMERAL STREAM ROAD �.•� PROPERTY/PERMIT LINE DRAINAGE AREAS Revisions: NO. DATE: COMMENTS: 8/25/22 Response to comments dated 8/10/22 Culp Eungbe � r Co, Nor fob k Southern n MW Boulder Assoc. Gordon Roberts m Roberts U O / O OXS Cn a � 8 C� N O O Frick CrWCr l— l— Griffin a (� Cn SCALE: DRAWN BY: �J m 1 "=300' EMK DATE: CHECKED BY: 6/24/22 DDT -0 O waringen \\\,,,III II II „ ,,//// C A.R6 SEAL _ 67 = - D. 612s/22 Efird 7 Gir 11MIST!/R6 Griffin Griffin sBQ °. 22.3 A u D r co. Loroho LLC l I Rock Dam A. approx 65 ft long L—Rock Dam B. approx 60 ft long Rock Dam C. approx 70 ft long Rock Dams to be tied in to berm across natural swales. See table on this sheet for dimensions. Griffin TYPICAL BERM CROSS SECTION MINIMUM 4' TOP OF BERM I I , *FINAL STABILIZATION WILL BE PROVIDED BY ESTABLISHING PERMANENT VEGETATION (NTS) Boulder Associates LLC 317 W. Gold Street New London, Stanly Co., NC SITE PREPARATION PLAN ��•�' Cgiq •,, ` �DpDODDOODp O� Note: �� These plans were originally prepared under the direction of Denver Toler, PE. The o�ESS / D :_ Professional Engineer's seal and signature affixed hereto is limited to the technical review of revisions made in response to review comments outlined in letter from Adam _ D Q o Parr, PE, Assistant State Mining Engineer, DEMLR, NC DEQ dated August 10, 2022. D 1 937 p D Richard L. Modlin, PE DO 7216 Terrace Drive DDoDODDODDGlNEoD° q Charlotte NC28211 L. 980.322.4191 r, 7,11 08-25-22 richardmodlin@att.net JVA Form LLC CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Rock will be added to existing internal roads to prevent erosion and allow access into the site. 2. Sediment basins will be installed according to approved designs 3. Diversion ditches will be installed to direct runoff into the basins. 4. The plant area will be prepared, with drainage directed to a basin for treatment prior to discharge. 5. Silt fence and rock dams will be installed. 6. Perimeter berms will be installed within the silt fencing to provide additional drainage control 7. Once drainage controls and treatment structures are installed and functional, land disturbance to remove and store overburden will begin. Engineer: Denver Toler, PE 5917 Tillery Drive Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 526-7994 denvertoler@gmail.com Allen Legend ® PROCESSING AREA PIT V DIVERSION DITCH ® WASTE STORAGE ~ FLOW DIRECTION ® FUTURE WASTE STORAGE 1 PERENNIAL STREAM ® BERM WETLAND ® FUTURE MINE AREA \ INTERMITTENT STREAM SEDIMENT POND ` EPHEMERAL STREAM ENTRANCE ROAD ROAD SILT FENCE �.•� PROPERTY/PERMIT LINE PERIMETER BUFFER BOUNDARY DRAINAGE AREAS Revisions: NO. DATE: COMMENTS: 1 8/25/22 Response to comments dated 8/10/22