HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mining Permit 92-10 Deny a new rock quarry permit - protect Crabtree Creek (5)Johnson, Robert E Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l aim widting to request that DECK deny Walke Stone Corp's appfication for a inew i mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts on Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Creek, the East Coast Gireenway, and recreation in the Old Reedy Creelk Corridor l also ask the DECK to restore the Sunset Clause to the current Walke Stone quarry operations that were promised to end in 2031, 50 years from 1981. As a Ibilke advocate and enthusiast, irecreationall gireenways should have a 250ft undisturbed Ibuffeir to irnalintalin the gireenway experience, wNich means no Ibeirms or walkls WtNin that Ibuffeir zone. The Odd Felklows Tract has been identified as a "Ciriificall IL.and Acquisition Tiract" Iby NC State Parks for Urnstead State Park for water quality protection and Ipotentiall forested Ibilke traHs. The 1Boy Scouts have camped, Inflked, and bilked on this (property since 1958. The RIDU Airport Authoidty was offered a fallr deal to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and should ireconsideir that offer in(Hight of the IpubBlic beinefits and touidsm it would Iproviide. Fiinalkly, a inew quarry at Odd Felklows Tract would seveir the one known wHdfife corridor connecting Ralleigh to the rest of the Eastern VVi that iruns from Canada to Florida. More info about Eastern WHdway can Ibe found Iheire With interactive map: httr)s:Hwildlandsnetwork.ora/wiIdways/eastern/ Thank you, Jaimes Jaimes NisNlimuta jnisN!muta@gimal!Lcoim 1617 Slhawinee Street Duirhaim, North afro Gina 27701