HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Mini44ng Permit 92-10 Give us an end to the quarry trucks at Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E Michael Regain, Secretary DEQ, l aim wilting agallin to request that the NC DEQ deiny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew rock imiine (Permit 92 10) due to the inegative llimpacts oin Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Greek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation llin the Old Reedy Greek Corridor and the thiree adjacent homeowners Wake Stone quarry oin Harrison Ave llin Cary has Ibeein a Ibad ineighbor for Uirnstead State Park (trucks, inoise, dust, moire) and there have Ibeein scientific rea61ngs showiiing that SilIlIca is belling irelleased at levels that are Ipeirmaineintly daimaging to the Iluings of anyone using the recreafioinall spaces llin Cary or Uirnstead State Park, too. We ineed the DEQ to restore the Sunset Clause to the current Wake Stone quarry operations that were promised to eind llin 2031, 50 years from 1981. Much has chainged and we ineed the recreafioinall space to ma�lintallin healthy quafity of life, the forest to clean the surrouin6ing areas, and to close the existing quarry oin schedule so lit cain also become irecreatloinall space Recreation area gireeinways should have a 250ft undisturbed Ibuffer (old Reedy Greek Road) to ma�lintallin the gireeinway experience. No Ibeirms or walls wiitNlin that Ibuffeir zoine wHl Ibe The Odd Fell ows Tract has Ibeein identified as a "Ciriificall IL.aind Acquisition Direct" Iby NC State Parks for Uirnstead State Park for water quafity protection and Ipoteintiall forested Ibilke traHs. The 1Boy Scouts have camped, Inflked, and bilked oin this Ipropeirty since 1958. This is uiniquelly situated Ibetweein Uirnstead State Park and L.ake Crabtree wheire so imainy (people from Cary wheire l live and surrouin6ing areas come to einjoy inatuire. RDU Airport Autlhoir9lty was offered a fair deal to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and s1hoUld reconsider that offer lin light of the Ipublic beinefits it would Iprovlide to add the Odd Fellows Tract to Uimstead State Park. Uimstead staff are ready to haii t1his added area. We Ihave so little undeveloped gireen space (left lin the Tiriaii area; it s1hoUld Ibe treasured and protected iratlheir than destroyed. l imoved to Iby c1hoice with a Ibusiness coEleague lin 1989 and Ihave seen the changes. One of the imost attractive tNlings about NC are the forested areas. We need to retallin thus one so speciaHy situated to enhance the qualhlty of life and our Ibottom line as a great state for touir9ism, too. Air Ipollllution from quarry miii operations can fuirtlheir negafivelly impact the visitors of Uimstead State Park Ipeir year for the next 25+ years if a new quarry is at work. As mentioned above silica Ihas been detected and t1his cannot Ibe treated once lin the(bungs of any Ipeirson. It is not iresponsilble to Ihave t1his next to a irecreationall area like Uimstead State Ipairk. We are Ilearnling imore daily about wildlife corridors. High fences and disturbing of habit for a new quarry at Odd Fellows Tract would sever the one known wildlife coriddoir connecting Ralleiglh to the rest of the Eastern Wildway that iruns from Canada to Florida. Moire info about Eastern WHdway can Ibe found Iheire with linteiractive map: httr)s:Hwildlandsnetwork.ora/wiIdways/eastern/ Thank you for your time and attention. Flease oppose the Ipeirmit to the NC DECK or if you serve on the DECK do not approve it. Mary C61fins vegainimairyc@gmallll.com 211 Howland Ave. Cary, North Cairofina 27513