HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Min1 92-10 Deny the permit! (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Marcee Silver <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 11:06 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Deny the permit! Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l aim concerned that the quarry would cause Iiinterirulption and Ipeirmaineint daimage to the groundwater supplies wind to the continued existence of wildlife llin ain area fair greater thain the pairaimeteirs of the Iproposed quarry. 1Because of the Ilocatioin of the Iproposed quarry, the inegative effects oin water wind air wind the llincreased inoise would spread to the Jordain IL.alke forested areas wind Ibeyond. The inegative effect would Ibe aimpfified. This area is Ipairt of wildlife train sportation routes; they ineed it Illilke we ineed Interstate 40. In ad6fioin, we Ihuirnains ineed open spaces, as has Ibeein so clearly demonstrated these last few moinths with the choice of so mainy of us to head to the open spaces, the parks and woods to flind irellief from our stress ffliled lives. The gireeinways are a IpulbBlicized treasure of Raleigh, and ir9iglhtly so. These gireeinways ineed a 250 undisturbed Ibuffeir to mallintallin the much valued experience of the gireeinway. l think the Iloingteirm Ibeinefits of more accessible state Ipairk Ilaind easily outweigh the shoirteirm �beinefits of leasing the Ilaind for a quarry. In Ipairticullair, the economic Ibeinefits of the inatui4l laindscape will continue to draw visitoirs and slkflkled people of mainy walllks of life to the area, to the Ibeinefit of all. Maircee &Iveir maircee.sflveir@gimalILcoim 1025 Harvey St. Raleigh, North Cairohina 27608 1