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`\� \ '1�,,,\111�'. III I I _ ti\\\\\\ \\`'\\ �`+` \\\ I �:\ LEGEND:09 ao \ �j 1 I \\ \ \ \ u Perm t Boundary �' \\\ \ \1�U \+ \ \\\ \ i \ N, l i 1 `I1I�It Property Line ® Existing Pit Pit Limits I!I \-�,_._-- Buffer r� ��\ \\\ \ \\\\` `\ \\ \� \ \ \ \ t�rm� v� Berm - Existing \\ \� \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \\\\` \ ��\ \\ \ \\ \� \\ \ \\ ` \\ \ • \V �l B rm � • �vv ,v� �� v �;.�,v v v �``�. ,, v� ! 50 UNDISTURBED � v ).(to be built based o� �\ ,�� \V BUFFER \\\ on overburden supply) � \ \�\ � \� � �� � �\ \\ \\ � \ �� �\ iAl Contour Index �S - Contour intermediate �� �/ WIDE TALL Structure �r --`s \� PLANTED I ,I fllf� �����vv�vv R E E N I N �) Road Paved �\\) ((r---� � � �� S'C VII Road Access , it ���1� BERM Body of waterfl �� i l �� .--��/� j � -- • �_ \ �� ; ; O Sediment Basin/Trap as noted \�\�'�j \ �/ % ®® // ��\ INS J .; Energy Dissipater I I, 1 , / (1 r / , // � � .� ZPipe n `-=-E.--�- Diversion Ditch Temporary h(� \ � `� / / r / M �RV�� Diversion Ditch Permanent \ ` /� -. 'Etlt'rance th GatDraina a Directioncreek(.-wi ti.JsRbw O stockpile Existing if Slope Drain / OB-6 J SEDIMENT / OB-4 iN:67643 Phi 1 i Basin#6 E/ E� R Y/ � _\ (Z. . \ %����--�i' (Exlstln9) ilil� `\ rt t' , , , '•��„.-� _ �' POWeie �_ r/ill WHIMl seolMEHri r ASIN Sediment Basin #5 f '%rl LdrU2 /�- �/�i 1 1 (I (Existing) if/ it SEDIMENT,10 / - PSIN 25 � Rock Lined Channel Imo, i \NiOtES' ` \ 1 BERMS MAY EXPAND DUE TO MINE NEEDS, ANY '! FUTURE IMPACTS TO WETLANDS OR STREAMS WILL \BE PERMITTED THROUGH THE PROPER AUTHORITIES. 2. FENCING TO BE INSTALLED BEHIND SCREENING T.(: BERM ALONG PROPERTY WITH EXISTING SOCPROTECTER FIELD TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM ENTERING THE !- \ MINE SIT. J �\� \ \ { 1 =� 1 �.�--- /� ► ,. "_ ,�jw � \� �^� a � ,� \� �'�__�- -�=--" '/j/"!` III �1 t N:677539.12 ".'.\` �� `•,`• \,. i 1 t \ \l \\ r \ \\ �, 1� \� N: 6i7549.75 N/ E: 2035365.50 \\ f E:2034436.88 LA RUE M POWELL /TOWN OF % SPRINGS STEPHEN"& TANYA �� / S CHURCHILL SEDIMENT _ BASIN 27 __ �_f � J N:677452.50 --_____-- E: 2035120 13 THERESA L TYLER p �NT� 4 OE L JO AN SHAM BEFt John tiICK X/Y";t - J j��� / \ ✓ :EA� / O� S SEI I.MEN� / P lip & rum P If -Lisa, Todq0 Pkfi I l i /�%/r__;�� l IN \\ � (// John, Emm1e;� N _ l i _I I ? 1121, Nick & Marea j Existing Visual Barrier Berm 370 , / 1111 Opoul Os % Stabilized with ve etaft. I .� SEDIMENTg / Existing BASIN /G ^�� Pipe #3 �� EDIMENT �� �� 2-54° RCP A IN 1 3A0 B er _ 390.72 � ( �j yAV A� 1 HansonPro PERMANENT SLOPE ,:/ V 1•�� ,%'-,,/J� ! / Sediment Basin #8 j�/� / SEE RX-S / See Details j ; < a© !s (Existing) Sheet X-5 ove den Existing �f/ DIVERSION \ Area J N r ! <. 0 / DITCH ,j.• ./ 1 - N Pipes :< o / Fy Sao J/ F i I EDIMENT Q \1 N/F'% - �! \/ / 572'CMP 3 - - OB-4 / i Sty Margd-ret ( y ! Sheila M. Stln3t-�`^.�- o i���" WEST ASI�o % �'��z V �� _' �� _ 9 aoo Mul lens V 1 / - 111 \ 1 Irene S.bnJOn Shav'n Levi' 9° 330 �' urr' -w .... f 350 \ _ �" - )]VERSION �� ENIRY ROAD l 10% J ! I F Red Rock Disposal LLC \ ✓ // [��-- �" sediment I \ I I �' "'gyp :- See Enlarged Plan Sheet x-4 / r' \ \ !� PT OS // Existing Dirt Rodd '",� _,. ,:..,.., >. ,..:, 3zo.sz t I I TCH 360__ GRADE _ �..t' - NF ' /0 Wdste Ind. USA Inc., ,\ \ / I P / Basin #7'' OVERBURDEN f Proposed 18' g T� SLOPES \ di Existin Pi e , with ri ra g33I. o \ ,LOPES F aS f;i:4-,m..�.:Natn+1Y �.( *, ~ to u�yl>l"r�' /1 379 Existing f ,_�\- �a`� c lohn, Erlmie, \, ACCESS POINT J : ( / a 11 down slope to basin bottom so _ i � 1� � �, - :_n Nick & �a�aea o �,. Existing, M \� / Water � ') I / � \ '' � channel F - _ - �, Retention , \ j v I o �-___ `� � ,� 11 i opoi has� l Pipe 18" ; `3$ Propane`- ., / / I P Sediment Trap #1 ( 9) ~ 33 Pond #1 ` ' Propane' - Tank -- 3✓_ ~ Sediment Trap#4 (Existing) Existin \, 520 EXISTING -_ 2 -- x I \ \ TENANT'S HOT \ o_/ ' _ (Existing) --- �'a - 330 1, I i MIX ASPHAI- - t ( 9) .. Check Dam �` 1 I ,, \ 'cz� 144 Sediment 32annomm n°'. PROPo \ PLANT L/ SDO # (Existing) % p, 330-■ `�` SILT FENCE % /OI D {- 1 'I , 38p I Basin #4 /y' - (Existing) e °l I [ �-`� SEDIMENT III{ ! 1 1 �\ "ROPOSE. Existin ASIN S 2 9 I f RCP Pipe R< L� • � �' Existing PITRRENT L LIMITS o ) "��4m > �I, r rl' g \ i.. E\ iSTING RIP -RAP of RCP Pipe �4 uIaNNEL c (j 1 " N DS O #4 Sediment Trap #2 3,1 EXISTING GRASS /x' 3 '1'II` \ Rock Existin tj SUU #3 J (Existing) FUTURE PIT LIMITS CHANNEL E \ SDO #2 �� e _ Check Dam 1 r , j1 I \ rr ) / t/' l' .� ! .. ,_ - DIVERSION'• 3... 11�-ti (Existing) Seale Rip Rap , - �' ! / o s Channel G (Existing) d Rock Disposal LLG aste Ind. USA Inc. ` N/F Al i Ce Naotili- l Jack Rogers & Eva R Ve'lcttrrt REV NO: DESCRIPTION of REVISION: DATE: < MINE MODIFICATION 5.22 Q MINE MODIFICATION 6.29.21 Q ADDED INSET 2 AND NOTES REVISIONS 12.20.16 n MINE MODIFICATION 11.1.16 + \\ \ DITCH o �� .ij 31p / / - v �P °d Future_- \:! "' stock i I ° �I Sediment Trap J \ ` �. cr p --- #3 (Existing) �Stockp i l e i" i ->a° Area Area % �; \_ Existing„ P i t F an50n y._ Stockpile "o s- RCP Pipe , PROPOSED MINE -\ �> , , PropertyO , 0 LIMITS EXPANSION 'S Expansion 68.4r3 AC ;Ared Properrty / \ \ Area �i 30.09 AC / ,327. Future Mine Area 310 ■ "� _ \ �.'' _ 320 a \ Rook4n#1 e. Stockpi t ,i (soo-6) Area/ e @ elev. 30 U S; p� R' _- i -- `� \� ry `- Existing' j Plant 4 \L` Existing \,, aoPipe No.1; ! \ vo 2 42 RCP j 390 Hanson Property- \ 105.75 AC - tiGxisI ,ng_ / ' 9 Sop c e r� \FXl rg N� % A+pT' S V-- cn ..d nment V \\ + ting \ y c. ab ` Existing \ Training, ff `� •ice n �� -, m s Permitted to be Affected Permitted & Affected Acreage Hanson Aggregates Sou LC Hans A Southeast 99 9 HollySprings Quarry 2016 Modification 2022 Modification Total Tailings/Sediment Ponds 32.8 0.0 32.8 Stockpiles 34.3 17.5 51.8 Wastepiles 26.0 62.1 88.1 Processing/Haul Roads 17.2 0.8 18.0 Mine Excavation 56.8 1.7 58.5 Other Areas Permitted for Disturbance: As halt Plant, etc 11.5 0.0 11.5 Total Area to be Affected 178.6 82.1 260.7 Other: Buffers, Wetlands, etc 107 7 25.8 133.5 Total Mine Permitted Acres 286.32 107.90 394.22 -190 1 SDO #7 c, 4 I N� F Frvir,T/Y h Judd . �fl N/ j�P- ' Ervin 1Judd4 Yueli Wanq x,,y �I 8" Natural Gas Line Hanson J 4o _ a V C N W 0) H IL Z Z W D Z c� 0yd N J m t9 Z j 0 N = _ a Z J v M ~ � r Q � Q J O 1616 gill Zap LU O Z V a _Z W O L W O m W DESIGNED: LAB DRAWN: LAB CHECKED: LAB DATE: NOVEMBER 2014 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: HOLLY SPRINGS HA_HOLLYSPRINGS-M&ECP-1 DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1' = 200' VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: