HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter1nal Mi1ning Permit 92-10 Protect our state park! (1)Johnson, Robert E From: Blake Clayton <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 6:32 PM To: Regan, Michael S Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect our state park! Michaell Regain, Secretary DEQ, l Iheireby request that the DEQ deiny Wake Stone Corp's application for a inew crock mine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative impacts oin Uimstead State Park, Crabtree Creek, the East Coast Gireeinway, recreation llin the ON Reedy Greek Corridor and the thiree adjacent Ihomeowineirs. l Ibellieve that water qualIlIty data would uindoubtedlly Iprove the adverse effects of the existing quarry oin our groundwater and surface water qualIlIfies. Another quarry oin the otheir side of Crabtree Creek would imerelly einhaince the negative effects aIliready witinessed llin this area l aim also concerned for the health and safety of the Ipublic during fimes of recreation wind for those who llinlhalbit ineighboiding Ihouses. Uimstead wind Crabtree Parks are Ibotlh highly trafficked areas that Iprovlide thousainds of IpeopNe outdoor oppoirtuinllfies that would otheirwise �be very IIlImited. This operation will obviously Ihave a direct wind substaint4l liirnpact to those who use this area, which is ever llincreasing. Not oinlly constructing a quarry (beside a highly trafficked IpulbNlic Ipairk wind state Ipairk, (but also shaiding ain access way thirough these very parks, eindaingeirs the IpeopNe who use these areas with coinstaint construction, (large macNlineiry, wind Ipooir air qualIlIty thirough dust generation wind fuime Ibulilld up from equllpmeint. l think this is a Ihorirlible idea wind shows lack of coinceirn for einsuiding the safety of IpeopNe who use our Ipublic Ipairk spaces. This also shows lack of foresight for the einviiroinimeintall daimage that would deposit se6meint llinto our streams wind furtheir Ipollllute the limited inatui4l resources we Ihave llin this area. RIDU Airport Authoir9lty was offered a fair deal to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and should reconsider that offer llin light of the Ipublic Ibeinefits it would Iprovlide. The use of this Ipublic space as a quarry would stifle actuall Ibeinefits to the IpulbNlic, iratlheir thain Iprovii61ng addition outdoor oppoirtu6ity that is deady needed A t1his area as evidenced lby the increasing traffic through the adjacent �pairks. 1:11alke C%ytoin bads to@girn2Lcoirn 8429 Wyndiridge Drive Apex, North Cairofina 27539