HomeMy WebLinkAbout33-13_5_RedactedROY COOPER w nor MICHAEL S. REGAN smnon Energy. Mlrteral8 WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JR. 9Y mrxlm atmnor Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY May 21, 2010 Mr. Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2101 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 100 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 RE: Permit No. 33-13 Rocky Mount 11 Quarry Edgecombe County Tar River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: Your recent request to have the above referenced mining permit modified has been approved. The modification is to increase the affected acreage at this site to 348.94 acres as indicated on the Mine Plan dated April 2019. The modification includes utilization of certain existing mine permit areas for overburden storage. The modification comprises of the removal of three process water ponds, extension of the existing overburden pile through the make-up water pond located west of Springfield Road, installation of a new male -up pond east of Springfield Road, excavation of sand north of the new pit with the understanding the area may be filled with overburden or left as a lake, revisions to cross sections to correct pit elevations and the installation of a 42 inch CMP to convey drainage under the merged overburden piles. A copy of the modified permit is enclosed. The conditions in the modified permit were based primarily upon the initial application. Modifications were made as indicated by the modification request and as required to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 1971. The mine name and permit number shall remain the same as before the modification. I would like to draw your particular attention to the following conditions where minor additions or changes were made: Operating Comdition Nos. 3C, 4G, 12E, 13 and 14 and Reclamation Condition No. 2E. The issuance of a mining permit and/or any modification to it does not supersede local zoning regulations. The responsibility of compliance with any applicable zoning regulations lies with you. As a reminder, your permitted acreage at this site is 499.6 acres and the amount of land you are approved to disturb is 348.94 acres. -] Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Envhonmereal Qualhy I Energy. Mineral and Land Nn Umes 512 N. Saisbury Street I halt NO Service Center I Raleigh North Carolina 27A99-I612 4197079200 Mr. Garvey Page Two Please review the modified permit and contact Judy Wehner, Assistant Mining Specialist, at (919) 707-9220 should you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, David Miller, PE State Mining Engineer DMfjw Enclosu res cc: Mr. Bill Denton, PE Mr. William Gerringer-Mine and Quarry Bureau, w/o enclosures DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL (.QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance with the provisions of G.S. 74-46 through 68, "The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15A NCAC 5 B, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County - Permit No. 33-13 for the operation of a Crushed Stone Quarry which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. Page 2 In accordance with the application for this mining permit, which is hereby approved by the Department of Environmental Quality hereinafter referred to as the Department, and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the permitted mining operation, by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have complied with the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security. In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complying with the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit, or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to the above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-49. Modifications October 19, 1990: This permit has been modified to include the addition and development of the 325 acres of land west of and contiguous to the original mining permit area as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan and Details dated December 1989 and revised August 16, 1990 with several stipulations. November 1, 1991: This permit has been modified to allow on -site remediation of petroleum contaminated soils. September 4, 1992: This permit has been modified to allow the expansion of the pit and the relocation of the closed circuit settling ponds. Page 3 July 15, 1993: This permit has been modified to include the sediment and erosion control measure improvements as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, Sheet EC-1, dated January 1992 and revised May 1993 and noted in the calculations package prepared by McKim and Creed dated May 1991 April 24 1995: The permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Nello L. Teer Company to Benchmark Carolina Aggregates Inc. May_21, 1999: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Benchmark Carolina Aggregates, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. June 6, 2000: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 496.64 acres and the affected acreage to 261.0 acres as indicated on the Mine Maps, Sheets C2 and C4, dated March 2000, Sheet D1 dated April 2000, and Sheets C1, C3 and D2 last revised May 25, 2000. The modification includes a clarification of the overall affected acreage at the site, the addition of an overburden disposal area located east of the existing pit area, and all associated erosion and sediment control measures designed for said disposal area. June 19, 2001: This permit has been modified to include a stockpile area east of the existing pit and the associated erosion and sediment control measures as indicated on Sheet C3 last revised May 11, 2001. The modification also includes a clarification of the permitted and affected acreage as provided in a letter to the Department dated May 14, 2001. The permitted acreage for this site is 492.82 acres and the affected acreage is 252.18 acres. March 1„9_, 2002: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. October 26, 2009: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC. May 4.2010: This permit has been modified to increase the affected acreage at this site to 278.1 acres as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project - Site Development Plan received by the Land Quality Section on March 22, 2010. The modification includes changes to the expansion of the mine site on the west side of the Tar River, including stockpiling overburden in an area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250, altering the pit area to avoid the floodway and increasing the riparian buffer as requested by the City of Rocky Mount, and installing and maintaining comprehensive erosion and sediment control measures to address these approved affected areas. May 24, 2010: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 499.60 acres and the affected acreage at this site to 284.88 acres as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010. The modification includes the 6.78 acre expansion of the permit boundary to the east and includes the addition of an overburden disposal area on said expansion. The modification also includes the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures. Page 4 July 6, 2015: This permit has been modified to allow the operator to mine sand before backfilling the overburden stockpile area located off Springfield Road as indicated on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015with the stipulation that this activity shall not undermine the state road right-of-way. There is no change in the permitted and affected acreage at this site. December 1, 2017: This permit has been issued for the life of site or the duration of the lease term. May 21, 2018: This permit has been modified to increase the affected acreage at this site to 348.94 acres as indicated on the Mine Plan dated April 2019. The modification includes utilization of certain existing mine permit areas for overburden storage. The modification comprises of the removal of three process water ponds, extension of the existing overburden pile through the make-up water pond located west of Springfield Road, installation of a new male -up pond east of Springfield Road, excavation of sand north of the new pit with the understanding the area may be filled with overburden or left as a lake, revisions to cross sections to correct pit elevations and the installation of a 42 inch CMP to convey drainage under the merged overburden piles. This permit is valid for the life of the site or life of lease, if applicable, as defined by Session Law 2017-209 and has no expiration date. However, all provisions of GS 74-51 and GS 74-52 still apply for new, transferred and modified mining permits. Conditions This Permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et. seq., and to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: Wastewater and Quarry Dewatering_ A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accordance with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Any storm water runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Stormwater Program to secure any necessary storm water permits or other approval documents. Page 5 2. Air Quality and Dust Control A. Any mining related process producing air contaminant emissions including fugitive dust shall be subject to the requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B. During processing operation, water trucks or other means that may be necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the permitted area. 3. Buffer Zones A. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S., or wetlands shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations promulgated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Sufficient buffer shall be maintained between any affected land and any adjoining waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integrity of the natural watercourse or wetland. C. All buffer zones shown on the Mine Plan dated April 2019 shall be maintained to protect adjoining property. These buffer zones, with the exception of the installation of required sediment control measures and approved earthen berms, shall remain undisturbed. 4. Erosion and Sediment Control A. Adequate mechanical barriers including, but not limited to diversions, earthen dikes, check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or natural watercourse in proximity to the affected land. B. A drop inlet/conduit slope drain system shall be installed and maintained on the overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the pit in those areas where water will be diverted into the mine excavation to direct runoff to the first safety bench and prevent severe erosion of said overburden slopes. C. All mining activities associated with the additional overburden storage area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250 and the changes to the expansion of the mine west of the Tar River, including the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project _ Site Development Plan received on March 22, 2010, including the supplemental information dated October 19, 2009, January 22, 2010, March 12, 2010 and March 22, 2010. Page 6 D. Mining activities associated with the expansion of the eastern permit boundary to include an overburden expansion area, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010 and supplemental information received on January 22, 2010, January 27, 2010, February 18, 2010 and April 8, 2010. E. All mining activities, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit Renewal Maps, Sheets 1 through 6 of 6, dated September 2012 and the supplemental information received on September 20, 2012. F. Mining activities associated with the sand mining under the overburden storage area located off Springfield Road shall be conducted as indicated on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015 and supplemental information received on May 19, 2015 and June 18, 2015. G. All mining activities associated with the removal of three process water ponds, extension of the existing overburden pile through the make-up water pond, installation of a new male -up pond east of Springfield Road, excavation of sand north of the new pit, and the installation of a 42 inch CMP, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sedimentation control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Mine Permit Modification Maps last revised April 2018 and the supplemental information received October 20, 2017, February 22, 2018 and April19, 2018. H. An erosion and sediment control plan(s) shall be submitted to the Department for approval prior to any land disturbing activities not indicated on the revised erosion control plan or mine maps submitted with the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Such areas include, but are not limited to, expansion outside of the approved pit area, creek crossings, or expansion of overburden or waste disposal areas. 5. Groundwater Protection Groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed and monitored as deemed appropriate by the Department. 6. Graded Slopes and Fills A. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels, the erosion of which may cause off -site damage because of siltation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. Page 7 B. Overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the quarry opening shall be graded to a minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and shall be stabilized within 60 days of completion. Furthermore, a minimum ten (10) foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the top of the rock and at the toe of any overburden slope. C. Any pit walls disturbed after September 4, 1992 shall be provided with a five foot wide safety bench every 35 feet of vertical height. C. All cut slopes and fill slopes in unconsolidated material shall be graded to a two horizontal to one vertical or flatter slope and appropriately stabilized to prevent erosion. 7. Surface Drainage The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. 8. Blasting The operator shall monitor each blast with a seismograph located at a distance no farther than the closest off site regularly occupied structure not owned or leased by the operator. A seismographic record including peak particle velocity, air overpressure, and vibration frequency levels shall be kept for each blast (except as provided under Operating Condition Nos. 8B and 8D of this permit). The following blasting conditions shall be observed by the mine operator to prevent hazard to persons and adjacent property from surface blasting: A. Ground Vibration with Monitoring: In all blasting operations, the maximum peak particle velocity of any component of ground motion shall not exceed Figure 1 (below) at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building. Page 9 C. Air blast with Monitoring: Air blast overpressure resulting from surface blasting shall not exceed 129 decibels linear (dBL) as measured at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building not owned or leased by the operator outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building, unless an alternate level based on the sensitivity of the seismograph microphone as specified below is being used: Lower Frequency Limit of Max Level, Measurinq System, in Hz in dBL 0.1 Hz or lower -flat response 134 peak 2.0 Hz or lower -flat response 133 peak 6.0 Hz or lower -flat response 129 peak D. Air blast Without Monitoring: In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: To convert U (psi) to P (dBL): U = 82 (Dr'W0.33)-1.2 P = 20 x log (U/2.9x10-9) Confined Air blast/Overpressure (dBL) for quarry situation: A=P-35 U = Unconfined air overpressure (pounds per square inch). W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). P = Unconfined air overpressure (decibels). A = Air blast or air overpressure for typical quarry situations (decibels). The air blastfoverpressure shall not exceed 129 decibels, for the purposes of this Section. Page 10 E. Record Keeping: The operator shall maintain records on each individual blast describing: the total number of holes; pattern of holes and delay of intervals; depth and size of holes; type and total pounds of explosives; maximum pounds per delay interval; amount of stemming and burden for each hole; blast location; distance from blast to closest offsite regularly occupied structure; and weather conditions at the time of the blast. Records shall be maintained at the permittee's mine office and copies shall be provided to the Department upon request. F. Excessive Ground Vibration/Air blast Reporting If ground vibration or Air blast limits are exceeded, the operator will immediately report the event with causes and corrective actions to the Department. Use of explosives at the blast site that produced the excessive reading shall cease until corrective actions approved by the Department are taken. However, blasting may occur in other approved areas within the permitted boundary. Authorization to blast at the blast site may be granted at the time of the verbal reporting of the high ground vibration or high air blast reading if the circumstances justify verbal approval. Failure to report will constitute a permit violation. G. Flyrock Prevention: The operator shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that flyrock is not thrown beyond areas where the access is temporarily or permanently guarded by the operator. Failure to take corrective measures to prevent flyrock and repeated instances of flyrock shall be considered a violation of the Mining Permit, H. Flyrock Reporting_ Should flyrock occur beyond the permitted and guarded areas, the operator shall immediately report the incident to the Department. Further use of explosives on the mine site shall be suspended until the following actions have been taken: A thorough investigation as to the cause(s) of the incident shall be conducted. 2. A report detailing the investigation shall be provided to the Department within 10 days of the incident. The report shall, at a minimum, document the cause(s) of the incident along with technical and management actions that will be taken to prevent further incidents. The report shall meet with the approval of the Department before blasting may resume at the mine site. Page 11 Studies: The operator shall provide to the Department a copy of the findings of any seismic studies conducted at the mine site in response to an exceedence of a level allowed by these blasting conditions. The operator shall make every reasonable effort to incorporate the studies' recommendations into the production blasting program. J. Notice: The operator shall, when requested by the Department, give 24-hour advance notice to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources' Regional Office prior to any blast during a period for which notice is requested. 9. High Wall Barrier A physical barrier consisting of large boulders placed end -to -end or fencing shall be maintained at all times along the perimeter of any highwall to prevent inadvertent public access. In addition, a minimum 10 foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the junction between the top of rock and the toe of any overburden cut slope. 10. Visual Screening A. Existing vegetation shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares to screen the operation from the public_ Additional screening methods, such as constructing earthen berms, shall be employed as deemed appropriate by the Department. B. Vegetated earthen berms shall be located and constructed as shown on the Mine Plan dated April 2019. In addition to grasses, long leaf and/or Virginia pines or other acceptable evergreen species shall be planted as deemed appropriate by the Department to improve visual and noise buffering. 11. Plan Modification The operator shall notify the Department in writing of the desire to delete, modify or otherwise change any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosion/sediment control plan contained in the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Approval to implement such changes must be obtained from the Department prior to on -site implementation of the revisions. Page 12 12. Refuse Disposal A. No on -site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the mining permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries of the mining permit area unless authorization to conduct said disposal has first been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, Department of Environmental Quality. The method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B. Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Mining Act of 1971 generated on -site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste products must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division of Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or their storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit, the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources considers the following materials to be "mining refuse" (in addition to those specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971): 1. on -site generated land clearing debris 2. conveyor belts 3. wire cables 4. v-belts 5. steel reinforced air hoses 6. drill steel D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal: 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area; 2. a list of refuse items to be disposed; 3. verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and 5. verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established E. Used, clean concrete shall only be allowed on permitted quarry sites that have obtained a valid air permit and are allowed to operate crushing operations for the purposes of recycling and reuse provided that the following conditions are met: Page 13 Appropriate quality control measures shall be taken when the used concrete arrives onsite to ensure that all such concrete processed onsite is clean, inert material. 2. Used, clean concrete shall be temporarily stockpiled and processed within existing approved affected areas draining to existing approved erosion and sedimentation control measures. 3. No used, clean concrete material shall be permanently disposed of onsite. 4. Any foreign material that may be found within the used concrete must be separated from the concrete and properly recycled or disposed off -site. 13. Annual Reclamation Report and Annual Operating Fee Submittal An Annual Reclamation Report and Annual Operating Fee of $400.00 shall be submitted to the Department by July 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved for release by the Department. 14. Bondinq The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54 in the form of a $1,000,000.00 blanket bond, is sufficient to cover the operation as indicated in the approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to be valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. 15. Archaeological Resources Authorized representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. Page 14 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum Standards as Provided by G.S. 74-53 The final slopes in all excavations in soil, sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or foul. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. 6. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities pursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining. RECLAMATION CONDITIONS: Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation Schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to allow the quarry excavation to fill with water, provide a permanent barricade (fence) along the top of any high wall, and grade and revegetate any areas in unconsolidated material. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: Page 15 A. All areas of unconsolidated material such as overburden or waste piles shall be graded to a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter slope and terraced as necessary to insure slope stability. B. Any settling ponds and sediment control basins shall be backfilled, graded, and stabilized or cleaned out and made into acceptable lake areas. C. The processing, stockpile, and other disturbed areas neighboring the mine excavation shall be leveled and smoothed. D. Compacted surfaces shall be disced, subsoiled or otherwise prepared before revegetation. E. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site. On -site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Conditions Nos. 12.A, through E. F. The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection of noxious or foul water. 3. Reve etation Plan: Disturbed areas shall be permanently revegetated according to the following: Permanent Seeding Specifications Dates February 15- April 1 April 1- July 31 August 1- October 25 Species Korean Lespedeza Fescue Redtop Winter rye (grain) Common Bermuda Lespedeza (unscarified) German millet October 25- February 15 Rye (grain- temporary) Soil Amendments Rate, Lbs/Acre 10 40 1 15 50 30 40 120 Lime: 2000 Ibslacre or follow recommendations from a soil test. Page 16 Fertilizer: 1000 Ibslacre 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, or follow recommendations from a soil test. Mulch: All seeded areas shall be mulched using small grain straw at a rate of 2000 lbslacre and anchored appropriately. Whenever possible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm season grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass, bluestem and gamma grass. In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post -project wildlife habitat at the site. 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. In any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination of mining of any mine segment under permit. Final reclamation, including revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining. This permit, issued October 31, 1974, renewed February 23, 1982, modified October 19, 1990 and November 1, 1991, renewed and modified September 4, 1992, modified July 15, 1993, April 21, 1995, May 21, 1999, June 6, 2000, June 19, 2001 and March 19, 2002, renewed September 30, 2002, and modified October 26, 2009, May 4, 2010 and May 24, 2010, renewed October 30, 2012, and modified July 6, 2015 and December 1, 2017, is hereby modified this 211h day of May, 2018 pursuant to G.S. 74- 52. William E. Vinson, Jr. Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environmental Quality MEN MEN "'Hanson HEIDELBERGCEMENTGroup HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLC SHEET INDEX Sheet Number Sheet Title 0.0 Cover M&ECP=1 Mine Plan M&ECP=2 Existing Conditions Plan M&ECP=3 Mine Plan Phase 1 M&ECP=4 Pipe Plan & Profile M&ECP=5 Erosion Control Plan X-4 Cross Sections X=5 Details X=6 Details RR-1 Reclamation Plan SOUTH REGION 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd. Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone (919) 380=2610 ROCKY MOUNT 11 QUARRY 10471 NC Highway 97 West Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Lwr: ss.auyt- N LONG:-77,75430 W P�- q APR 12018 MINING PERMIT NO: 33=13 PERMIT MODIFICATION REVISED APRIL 2018 2 X B I NI IIIIP, A1��1 A L 'p4110 ZGRAPHIC SCALE Dlp�► wSEEK Ilion iiiffi DSPENS CHARLES ROCKY WESEIT NORMAN JOEL Ws iza e6 r ,es ,92 IAEATIIERFORD PEGGY KEEL NEW MINE AREAM2 MINEAREAT029DEEPWITX 6 3:1 MAX SIDE SLOPES 5D TAR RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER j NEW MINE AREAp1 MINE AREA TO 20' DEEP WITH 3:1 MAX. SIDE SLOPES NEW SETTLINGCELLNOND TO REPLACE SETTLING CELL ON WEST SIDE OF SPRINGFIELD ROAD 592 L 1 • 0-9 1 42 I 1 1 8. OE, E MINING IS 1 REMOVE 8 COMPLEGINO OVERBURDEN BEGIN OVERECONSTRUCAGE 1 STORAGE 1 PILE CONSTRUCTION 6 ,1z 0 PROVIDE 45 LF OF 18' RCP AT MIN. 125% SLOPE M DIVERSION OITCH 1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SEE DETAIL SHEET X-6 1 1 a.l ]1.2 n.i 72 / NEW PIT NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 ENTRANCES.SEE / DEAIL SHEET XF6 l n.1 1 / 655 LF OF 47 CAAP AT MIN.S5%SLOPE j 'I 3" W/BANDED AND GASKETED JOINTS Y DESIGNED TO HANDLE MAX. 80' OF 1 OVERBURDEN FILL WI MANUFACTURER'S +' RECOMMENDATION FOR BEDDING. 1 I 6nl I • 696 `� 1 I + 4 I11 NPDES002MPOS" ANDUMWED ONCE PUMPOND 1 POND REMOVED REMOVED ea i .�n1Noo ,- ,- _ SHOwM. FRL IN EXIBTING BETRINGi 1 CELLIPOND WITH OVERBURDEN. NET F, I 76.4 — �I IIII111' 1 I 1 REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: ■ ■ IS CONTRAC7�� cum PALI 3m.5 2ne -281 a a77.2 281, I s zeoe OLD PIT o ']ar. ]zs� Q288 .2831 100, sn ]96 Af 6 133 Ernest win in/ *70IIIEW01"I 726 1 P' 9 crn ]ss P9 DEWATERING LINES TO BE ABANDONED IN EXCAVATION AREAS (TYP) �� 12.5 -TIE-IN DIVERSION DITCHES `\ 127 \ �] iv _52 AND SEDIMENT TRAPS INTO \ DISSIPATOR RADIDITCH - - PROVIDE 45 LF OF 42' CAAP FOR eas HAUL ROAD CROSSING 'E �GGr PEP STIR EAMFEATUREASTAR3DATE FER \ DETERMINATION TIRO d11423 DATED 1i1012C18 0 :1 5002 50'TARRIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER f / NPOE5801 Nfos o}\ �I y OUTLET PROTECTION 31SW 715WQBLx18'DIA, CLASS NPDE5003 TO BE CHANGED v.] TOSDOU3STORMWATER DISCHARGE ONCE SETTLING 73s 731 MR AND PUMPING STATION sa.5 REMOVED N'�' e ITH 16" DR. SLOPE DRAIN U5P O.C. MAII., P.L SLOPE � - DRAM POHAW MRl."IDS DISSIPATOR PAD AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE DRAIN WITH CLASS B RIP RAP. QYP. FOR ALL SLOPE DRAINS) G ® HAREAR r � PILEEACCESS ACCE99 (T (TVP-) f—�T\ SEE ALLAIONRETFOR MENTS DRAIN - {INSTALLATION RWUIREMENTS 753 W U NW 1's it Beazer Malyd ,o r s.rrKaa L wnFxCc. )3. w¢ �IOLDIFIC � PHILLIPS m MINE AREAS SUMMARY CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 27.40 ACRES STOCKPILES 15.96 ACRES WASTEPILES 120.09 ACRES PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 34.21 ACRES MINE EXCAVATION 151.28 ACRES OTHER (EXPLAIN) 0.00 ACRES TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE 348.94 ACRES OTHER AREA: (BUFFERS, WETLANDS, ETC.) 150.66ACRE5 TOTAL MINE PERMITTED ACRES 499.60 ACRES I. FILE nml me Ic NAOTEN WDHAELW 1I CAMP -CORRUGATED ALUMINUM ALLOY PIPE RCP -REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary - CI - Chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved Internal Permit Boundary Road Access Property Line Body of water - Existing Pit 0 Settling Cell Future Limits of Excavation 0 Berm -Existing & stabilized Pipe with Vegetation. Temporary EC structure no longer required. �- slope Drain Berm - Under Construction Or Diversion Ditch To Be Built Level Spreader undisturbed Buffer Temporary sediment Trap Treeline •NPOES Om NPDES Sample Location Effective Floodway soon stormwater Sample Location contour index { Sediment Fence Contour Intermediate OStructure J dEr D a■ �0 g IS rvN-N u u I m MNN ZOO UE SEE Q 0 unez AONE00 0 C RE pury b_mw O_ EJ1( o S G rvHiFLL O z cm RW W W 4 DATE: J } J F Z N Uj U Uj W z O V H 111111111 0 LU LLI H W Z W Q T i 7 D Z W CS IS O Ine N Y C >0 Z O N 19 Y V Z M Z O - � MA V d F W LL NINE Z W Lf� S0 DESIGNED: WR DRAWN: WR CHECKED: WR DAZE.. APRIL 2019 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT nwRaoRwllxTJs-t DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1 • = 300, VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: MBECP-1 OF: ro l MINE REVISION AREA JOEL ]94 80" 80] ]09 712 65 6 A F---\ IMCKENS CHARLES 4EA HI FETCH FEEL All I ,10 FRUSTEEUNI // MINE PERMIT BOUNDARY INO CHANGES PROPOSED) 50'TAR RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER — STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION zENTRANCES 12 �0a HAUL ROAD 1 ae 1 ]. z I 1 I 1 131 1 m 0 1 708 I 1 I � n.]72 1 NEW PIT 1 I 1 ]1 1 31 7 ];° PREVIOUSLY APPROVED HAUL ROAD CROSSING WI 1 42 CMP PIPE 1 I 1 601 EXISTING X ' 690 BOX 1 CULVERT 1 ,ns a-u3NSTABILIZED TRUCTION�II '1 ENTRANCE DEWATERING MAKE-UP POND TO LE GAT 3 BE RELOCATED PER MINE PLAN 1 I 1 _ I _ SIAPIE LNE WAT I xl FEW_ _ PUMP TO D END PO MINE REMOV 1 DEWATERING WAATERTER POND 1 I 1 I _ _ LOCKABLE GATE 764 0 0 SPIKES „2 NANCYY 770 71 t ,z4 REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: 4 : DEMLR — LOS COMMENTS 1 DEMUR — LOS COMMENTS DATE 8 ' iIfi LOCKABLE GATE rz PROPERTIES PARKER TEEN SARNEALL CONTRACTING CIO INC 690 602 � I 67B• 61 00 EXISTINGLEVEL SPREADER I OVERLAND CONVEYOR /� RE 20 HDPE PROCESS AND CLEAN WATER // \ RETURN LINES TO BE ABANDONED �P 1 P 3 50 UNDISTURBEBBUFFER SP TAR RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER rn. ]a6 !9' STREAM FEATURE ASTART \ 716 PER BUFFER DETER MINION RRoa7423 DATED vlMe \ DEWATERING UNESTO BE E�N ABASH NEDIREMOVED AFTER PUMP STATION REMOVED SUMP STATION TO BE �'^E'°"\ REMOVED AFTER I SETTLING CELLS ABANDONED ui 5•= 8-24- ONES TO �� BE REMOVED SETRINGCELLS TOBE DEWATL-tuI IU nt EO L-- Nvu nucu m w oewnm 0 aj7STOCKPILE AREA F F= L SMITH Ym� PRIORTO 9 IiANSITILD MERCER JIMMY LEE OLD PIT -2e0e -2610 ret ]zs 2831 71 d96 b28 u�IN C.CNTRAOR AM COINC Materials And IARI 710 LAWRENCE 73.3 o ,3E n6 61] 733 /\ EDO 2 NPDES Mi /708 • ]3 3/ na SMITH FILAR SW VNINSTEAD LNREETTAJ HOLDING PC P fPROCTER WOLTER AUUTEN ea I 0 x GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 1 inch = 300 FL. LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary - Chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved Internal Permit Boundary Road Access Property Line Body of water Existing Pit 0 Settling Cell Future Limits of Excavation Berm -Existing & Stabilized Pipe 0 with Vegetation. Temporary EC structure no longer required. Slope Drain Berm - under construction or Diversion Ditch TO Be Built ,. Level Spreader undisturbed Buffer Temporary Sediment Trap Treeline O NPDES 001 NODES Sample Location Effective Floodway 5002 5tormwater Sample Location Contour Index >( Sediment Fence Contour intermediate OStructure �m i N AZoo o n m uP1 NSF a g« 010 S �I NY3�FLL a C 0 H- z O � HW w C" W W s MEN mum SEE DATE: c.� J J F Z � a V = Zam In OCYo v O LU N W= Q W �Z w aX D t1 W Z)2Z Iw- y Y 0 Z O� N Y V W I Z a J a M Z v_f T O Iwo `tea r Z Ig o u W G Z a� v X W DESIGNED: WR DRAWN: WR CHECKED: WR DATE: APRIL 2019 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT HAAODfM101MTJIP-1 DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1' = 300' VERTICAL• SHEET NOI MBECP=2 OF: 1 DICKENS CHARLES ROSEMAN JOEL ANOTHERFURD LESSON KERL NEW MINE AREA#2 MINE AREA T020' DEEP WITH 3:1 MAX. SIDE SLOPES HAUL RI n SIDEGLOP� MY TAR RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER 3-1 SIDE SLOPE NEW MINE AREA SIT SS MINE AREA TO 211 CIT^` 3 -. MAX. SIDE SLCPES f 1 I 1 I 1 I I , I - , 1 1 I 1 I 1 I , I 1 I I / ( i New PIT IUD I 1 I INSTALL STOCKPILE EXPANSION. AND SION.P TSI PRIOR 1 TO STTO BE EMOVED WHEN TILT IS , TO BE REMOVED WHEN PILE IS EXPANDED NORTHWARDS. � C 1 1 _ I I � / •.RTV"Ct _. A U EXPAND EXISTING STOCKPILE TO LIMITS SHOWN ONCE POND IS REMOVED 1 1 _ - N NO REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: I SMIKES NAMI PAU-ROAD 1 1 I 1 MINE AREA 43 1 MINE AREA T040' 1 DEEP WITH 1 751 MAX. SIDE SLOPES 1 1 / 701: I_ BARNEI EJMJ UNAUN RDA SILAS EDGECOMBE COUNTY I RED PROI PARKER SARNI CONTRACTING /8 \ A, P / 5V TAR RIVER RIPARAN BUFFER \� EXISTING DRAINAGE \ \ FEATURE TO REMAIN DURING PHASE \ r FOR PHASE 1. EXPAND N\ EXISTING STOCKPILE TO UMBS SHOWN '. STREF/ AM \EATURE A ART PER BJFFER \ DETERMINATION RRO #17-423 DATED 1110,2018 C CLAWRENCE LAN GUN OLD PIT NPOESoal WINSTEAD UJINSTRAD MERCER JAWYLIC 0 O RISe3lBartelf SW 2 r�tj 1L �' DEAL ~e u Exslnq cunEcw All SS KFNT z 0 x GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 ISO 300 600 1 inch = 300 it uc SI \i HAEiw LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary Chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line S Road Paved Internal Permit Boundary Road Access Property Line Body of Water Existing Pit 0 Settling cell Future Limits of Excavation u J J 6 t O A Y f • W 0 pp • NON U niK • x zoo m O iN •q� Orw q C S O. •J% NOMMA z 0 V c u /R m �11 w O a NEE NEE ONE DATE: V J J F Z N O to = am Z 7 OOO yLLI W W Z W a =�ci W O Z ' p�]ME N l7 Y O Z0 >0 W V 09 Z .. Z W N � _ M d �� a LL IL UJ C � W a� Z v DESIGNED: WR DRAWN: WR CHECKED: WR DATE: APRIL 2019 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT HAJIOd(H1(XINTJA—t DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1' = 300' VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: MBECP-3 OR ' REINFORCE PI Q � 9 / ¢= CORRUGATED ALUMINUM WINGWALI y 40\ "OwoIRECTION 7f `EXISTING 36' BOX CULVERT REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: I Ib la ■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■II ■■■■■■■N■■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■\�■■■■■tutu■N■■■■■■■■■■ ■■N■�����■����■����■�I��■�■��������n�������������■���\��� N�■■fir■��� ■■■■■■■N■■■■►1■■■■■■■■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N■■■■■■tutu■\1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■I/■■■■■■■■■N■■■N■■■N■■■■■■■■■■tutu■■■■■■■■�■■1\■■■■■■N■■■N■ N■NN■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N■■tutu■■N■tutu■■■■N■■■iC7■e7!!■■iii ■:\!n■�■■■■■■■ N■NN■■■■■■■■■N■■■■■N■N■■■■■■■N■■■■■■■■■■■N■■■■■■■■tutu■■■■■■■■■■N■ 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 '✓ l/ it I V I I Y i o m y 4 d C v �=e r n00 x2 R 0a GRAPHIC SCALE a "o O M 40 0 20 40 00 COOP 0 n g C P 0=IJyIX C Z IIImCll NOEF 4 I - 40 ft. IGWALL STREAM FEATURE A START PER BUFFER DETERMINATION RRO 417423 DATED 111MO18 W TAR RIVER/ RIPARIAN BUFFER SCALE: 1" — 40' HORIZ. 1" = 4' VERT. 2 0 0° Z v C C Rm J W i V J OilZ F y IX HNN O U Z W O 0 N 0 0 =LU W W 1ZZ 0 W Q = D V G Z W D 0 O X O Q �� O Z a �° x W _ M �0 Z LL 0 M �LL, it a Z a G � ., a W a a PIPE INSTALLATION SEQUENCE ILuI,AHUM NuucT MuuNl I. Prior to pipe installation, all pipe materials and wingwalls shall be delivered to the site and inspected prior to any 16VtoGR1IWNTJ 1 I construction activities. DWG FILE: 2. AN pipe installation shall be done in the dry. Temporary dams and pump arounds may be needed 10 divert existing water around the proposed pipe installation. Dams and pump arounds may need to be relocated as work SCALE: progresses. 3. Excavate pipe installation location 7' below existing streambed elevation. For wingwalls, follow manufacturer's IZ HORIZONTAL:- 1' NTAL requirements for installation. 4. Install pipe in continuous manner during dry periods until completion. When construction is not occurring, VERTICAL downstream sediment control measures (check dams, silt fence and sediment traps) are to be maintained to prevent any downstream sedimentation. 5. Once pipe installation is complete, contractor to stabilize disturbed areas per NCDWR's SBEC Manual for this SHEET NO.: area and seed according to NPDES requirements. M&ECP-4 OF: v, 12° IN m ED :ww 00 TAR RIVER mm om EXISTING MINING OPERATION RAW -aom EXISTING GRAD PIT FLOOR DATUM AY.0 tmw Hmm tzaom naoao tmm IMOM Imm tmo.m tm.m Imo.w -Uoo.00 4.m tmm m.w mm mm mw m.w roam m.w mm A A' NSTmI PR SECTION - OVERBURDEN STORAGE AREA ELEVATION tb FT-MSL VISUAL BARRIER 14p PERIMETER BERM VISUAL BARRIER ELEVATION 85 FT- MSL PERIMETER BERM ELEVATION 85 FT-MSL 3 Ir ACCESS ROAD IN \�I MACCESS ROAD EXISTING GRADE i/ Ir �I it I r W III MINE AREA%2 IIIIII—III—III—III—III—III - 175 �1 I — —III—III—III—III— y G 1.75 1 r III- III- APPROXIMATE WATER SURFACE ELEVATION UPON RECLAMATION III—III—III—I� III —III —III— SAFETY BENCH TYR —III CONVENOR RAMP 20 SAFETY BENCH TNP. p FINAL GRADE ED 0+00 2+00 4+00 61 SHOD 10400 12+W 14+03 18+00 18+00 20+W 22+00 24+C0 26+00 CAHN 30+00 32+00 33+80 34+00 MHOO SECTION B - B' AGE FT-MSL IN' AS PEERRNCDLOOT OVERBURDEN STORAGE ELEVATION LENTERUNE or 50'UNDISTURBEO E 135 HE 50'USEE FILED135 SPRINGFIELD ROAD BUFFER SWIDE BENCH N0 VISUAL BARRIER BUFFER SR 1250 140 PERIMETER BERM ELEVATION OS FT -MSL VISUAL BARRIER PERIMETER BERM ELEVATION 85 FT-MBL 30-ACCESS 100 ROAD 00 3 3 2 EXISTING GRADE 30'ACCEBS 2r t 3 �I 1 ROAD 1 So- -------------------------1 °° IIII III -III So III VFT.MRL —�— APPROXIMATE WATER SURFACE 1 �1 ELEVATION UPON RECLAMATION T 1,75 29 WIDE SAFETY BENCH TYR ED III III' 20 EOGE OF PAYI_ -. PROPOSED 20 IN BPRINOFIELD H-.� BORROW PIT AREA 1 TYPICAL .m 20' WIDE SAFETY BENCH TYP. -20 "20 _ EXISTING ROADWAY ij ACCESS ROAD AREkOFCCNCERN BACKSLOPKSLOPE 40 HU I .i90 MORMOMTILL SCALE: 1 BO' HORO`ANTAL SCALEI I•CHRo 4m 200 IN 0 IN 203 400 400 no 100 0 100 200 400 0+00 ZRX 4+00 8+00 SMO 10M0 12+00 14+00 HIROO 16+00 AHM 22, 24+C0 26HA VERTICAL SCALE: 1— 4 VERTICAL SCALE:1^=40- 68 40 20 0 20 °° BD SECTION D - D' So 0 20 20 °° "° MINE ..PEEII'. Dwo 2+00 4+00 6+0 BIN 10+00 12+00 14.00 16+00 1840 20+00 22+00 24+00 26+00 28+00 30+oo 32+00 3a+00 m+Do 38+Do 40+W 42+00 4a+oo SECTION C - Cl 400 200 100 0 ISO 200 400 VERTICAL SCALE:1•=w• 60 4D 20 0 20 40 6° REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE a :I DFMLR — LOS COMMENTS 1 4 12/18 120 100 SO 60 2 VEHICLE DIVERSION BERM UNDISTURBED (SEE DETAIL) 'MIN. = BUFFER J � / f K W O 3 ENCH TO BE SLOPED TO INTERIOR a 2' 11 LOPES WILL BE TRACKED BY CONSTRUCTION —I 5' MIN. i— EQUIPMENT TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATIVE COVER. t ELEV. 80.0 OVERBURDEN STORAGE PILE INITIAL BARRIER BERM 1 1 r CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION CHANNEL SECTION A - A' NOT TO SCALE 1% SLOPE TOWARD RIVER 4i J J F t 9 0 • "m b m now n � u P4 `mN r N IT 20p AO cnw SR>„a= 0 Mr w g'2 M i NmzF d O V N c w m Rw W O a now DATE: + V J J � z O y Z � " z Qm O (y 0 H SEE 0 = W W 19 Z w LLI c� H0z p�111111 N C7 C z O� �V N Q 0 `= G z M F I�• V H SEE� UJUJ p o 01 0.2 DESIGNED: WR DRAWN: WR CHECKED: WR DATE: APRIL 2019 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROOKY MOUNT XA_ROODMaIRTJB-1 DWG FlLE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL• vERncu: SHEET NO.: u-a OF: NOTES. 1. TBAPORARYONERSION DITCH TO BE USED TO INTERCEPT FLOW ANO'OR DIVERT TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE OR BMP. 2. SILT SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN DITCH IS ONE-HALF FULL 3. DITCH SHALL BE RECONSTRUCTED WHEN GAMAGED BY EQUIPMENT OR COVERED BY FILL. 4. STABILIZE DIVERSION DITCH BERM WITH TEMPORARY SEEDING, MULCH WITH TAC, ANDIOR EROSION CONTROL NETTING. VAR WASTE MAIERULLOMPACT, SEED&MULCHAFIER CONSTRUCTION OF DITCH VAR. CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW STANDARD TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH TOP ELEVATION OF STORMWATER ENISTING SLOPE FRONT VIEW BAFFLES WITH METAL T—POST, WOVEN FABRIC BACKING AND CUR FIBER NETD SEE BAFFLE DETAIL (MIS SHEET) BOTTOM ANCHORED WITH STAPLES SKIMMER 'AIM RETRIEVAL ROPE (SEE DETAIL 04000.18) - TOP DAM 5' s'-a•� *7 WASHED STONE STANDARD CHECK DAM gt RIP -RAP SIDE VIEW NOTES• 1. DRIVE STEEL FENCE POST AT LEAST 10 '< INCHES INTO SOLID GROUND. E WOOD POST ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 3. DIRECT WATER TO TOP OF BASIN USING NLO STABILIZED DITCH, SLOPE DRAIN PIPE OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD. ZIP OIR STAPLES WOVEN TWRE FABRIC. SECURE VAIN NYLON DP STANDARD TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP - DETAIL 1 OF 2 REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: MB&MUM M t3AI WIRES B'-04MAXIMUM MUM 12-W GAUGE INTERMEDIATE ES l'7�..bsa NOTE: 1. USE SILT114ACRE FENAND EONLYVERT AREASEN OF CONCENAREA TRATED LOi EXCEED 114 ACRE AND NEVER IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. T 2. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITED AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE 4 STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXTRAWAND TOREMOVE PRESSURE ON ME SILT FENCE, STEEL POST ,� WOVEN WIRE FABRIC i SILT FENCE FABRIC FILL SLOPE GRADE TMINIMUMCOVERMER SKIRT' ANCHOR SKIRT AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER' SIDE VIEW STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE Diversion 4 Dike I- mm it /Island over inlet -Z Issr 3-1 1.5" min 10' spacingInc/WF[t�� =�1 Inlet . Plastic L corrugated rk Pipe ek . Tap of hard ted _ i f�f II fill (island) Stabilize Q Tap at 4•nrin w r outlet' q - -. t) I! diversiatTY ...,. r Os' ttrn _. li 1 � 1 all Natufal 1_5 trn y� 3:1 IIr__{If f ({_111i_i I_IifIIR r �Ntl�ll� I� 4 " min �I Dltveralon — — — _III =,,•,—e level section 1�USEE FOR MMAM AREAS NOT EXCEEDING FIVE ACRES. 2. EARTH BERM SHALL BE STABILIZED w/SEEDINC ACCORDING TO TOWN SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS DRAINAGE AREA WEIR LENGTH I (ACRES) (F'r) 1 4.0 2 6.0 3 &0 4 100 5 12.0 IMMERSIONS SHAW ME MINIMUM TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN SEDIMENT TRAP CROSS SECTION WEIR CROSS SECTION MAINTENANCE • INSPECT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP AND EMPTRY MAP OF ALL DEBRIS AFTER EACH PERIOD OF SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESRNiE BASIN TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN ME SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE—HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE BASIN. PUCE THE SEDIMENT THAT IS REMOVED IN A DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA REPAIR BAFFLES. • CHECK ME STRUCTURE FOR DAMAGE FROM EROSION OR PIPING. PERIODICALLY CHECK THE DEPTH OF ME SPILLWAY TO ENSURE IT IS A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FEET BELOW ME LOW PUNT OF ME 04BANKMENT. IMMEDIATELY FILL ANY SETTLEMENT OF ME EMBANKMENT TO SLIGHTLY MOVE DESIGN GRACE MY RIPRM DISPLACED FROM THE SPILLWAY MUST BE REPUCED IMMEDIATELY. • STABILIZE ME EMBANKMENT AND ALL DISMISSED AREAS MOPE ME SEDIMENT POOL AND DOWNSTREAM FROM ME BASIN IMMEDIATELY A It CONSTRUCTION VAIN SEEDING AND MATTING, AS NEEDED. STANDARD TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP - DETAIL 2 OF 2 RY EDGE 7MMC) MWETHUMN Te WI&EDSMW BIEfLimQ RW WIRE KHCE aVPwnccwrx RIEv6R] WA4YO BIPIE MW WIRE i E NA HAR WARE CLOTH SECTION VIEW c ail. FRONT VIEW SILTEENCE 104 1EiuWz"ers) MWO Bpm I.� 6PWH) NOTES: 1. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN HALF OF STONE OUTLET IS COVERED. 2. REPLACE STONE AS NEEDED TO ENSURE MWATERING. STANDARD SILT FENCE OUTLET Clam B Rip pop Baffin �%it Yi �� A w ti j Ale 1 r .: � ;t doss a Rip Rap Baffle Dimwbu Top Width - 2' Height - 3' mttmn Width - B' a4 AANa,�a k ei� �� • :_�v,.�.,fy -��'=rs3= -�--.,vim?•= Class B Rip Rap Baffle Elevation Detail Material & Construction SoeciRcations Clang RI Rap Specifications Smne Thickness; dNallaches Baffle Width Man 2, Ma a' Tensile Strer 244,TM Ib/a Flow Vabd a12 sec welgln Zap s/d Minimum Width IO F•m Open Ne• -40% • The beats ET■ be constructed being rlat mmpected Class B RIP Rap meeting Me 2012 NCDOT Stardard Speciliratlom for Ronda M Structures in Table 1041-1. TABLE 10424 Basin Outlet .ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR RIP RAP AND STONE FOR EROSION CONTROL Class Required Stone Sizes, inches Minimum Midrange Maximum A 2 4 6 B 5 S 12 1 5 10 17 2 9 14 27 No more Man 5.0%of the material furnished can be lax than the minimum she nor no more Man 10%0Me material run esreed the maximum she specified. Maintenance • The baffles will be Inspected at least nose a week and after every Into event • Access m the baffles and Me basin will need to be maintained for the III* of Me basin to allow he repair and maintenance of Me bnalm and basin. • Once the sediment accumulation has reached 5o% of the designed storage depth the sediment will need to be removed. • If the Rip Rap baffle becomes dogged due to sediment amumulation ra.Mriating the flow of water through the bathe it will need to be replaced. ALTERNATE SEDIMENT TRAP BAFFLE DETAIL J J e £ 9 a a ma m 0 I. e a iU we • NCO w 0p d TUNN Soo b m < dm� mo=a m e MOM $Zeiss i nmaFfu 2 tC V m RW J W S DATE: V J J F Z a V Lu W less Z M 0 0 N Q = � W W �Z°w a x :11 LU 0 lee NYO 0 O� Z H Y V Q C x MZ �0 repair r repair Use Joe UJ E+ IJ arl LUp a� v DESIGNED: WR DRAWN: WR CHECKED: WR DATE APRIL 2019 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT NAJmIXW WNTJiP-1 DWG FlLE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL' 1" = 300' VERTICAL - SHEET NO.: X-5 OF: R ea PERMIT pJ]AJ j 9 tl R'R� ip i IMOOIFICGTION) IORSpI AGGREGATES WUTMFABT,LLE. _ SOUTH REGION eFi01]SOB , • P R �1 ffi g R o ETA a ROCKY MOUNT 11 QUARRY Ruur..m SSA"' ROCKY MOUNT WC - _ _ g R� I (PERMIT ON)MOOIMGa YMONROORU.C. g SOUTH:i:FIBiISOiR m.�„ e 6 Rg ROCKY MOUNT 11 QUARRY � ROCKY MOUNT xT a mil 11NANSON pnGRUTH RE IOTxurt, LLc. SOYTxxEYIOM ROMOYMOUNT NC.ODONOUARRYRTT �� • Complete items JMPand 3. Also complete than 4 If React cted Delivery Is desired. • Print your name and address on [he reverse so that we can.raturt that card to you. •-Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front If apace permits. a MR JACK GARVEY HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST LLC 2101. GATEWAY CENTRE BLVD SUITE 100 MORRISVILLE NC 27560 ❑ Npant B. RecalveE by(PMfad Marry C. Date of calvary D. Is dI wassail diflerenl born Item 17 0V e YES, enter delivery address below: O No S•vba Type 0 Cartfied ❑ eea Mall I3. ❑ gissait ❑ Resume Racal for MercM1antltm 0lassaMel 0 C.O.D. z. A,nd. Number r 7015 0640 0007�_9831 32001 •- R� t�mam-n� . PS Form 3811.Fbruary 2004•r -�_Lgmestlo RaWm Raaadpt S_A741025 - 15VI UNITED $TATf. % ERVICE t-Class Mail Iage & Fees Paid PS Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box NOUN CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND IAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1612 1740--7401 bud"ourlFill lgdml,bl Fgh1,1.6LiNI,r4h,ImIIb1 • PJ Wehner, Judy From: Summers, Kimberly M Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 201812:59 PM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Denton, Bill Subject: Comments for Rocky Mount II Quarry 33-13 Hi Judy, It appears that the two outstanding comments have been addressed in Hansen's response. We have no additional comments. Thanks, Kimberly Kimberly Summers Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Raleigh Regional Office 0:(919) 791.4200 F:(919) 571-4718 kimberlv.su mmers@ncdenr.eov &M Jlwe,wpmdeom mend bow eb6edd.e„ „objmt to"Nor db Carol nnPub] icPm,k lawood i,dndo,olm(bud ;,,ams twim d,o mnlent 1, e,eont by.mmmo,aM, reaoktiorr. rto-ur mctY a� M NING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING / �( Applicant's Namf e: OS M A ProjectName: It/iL4 ////y Q4 tel n Applit./Permit No: 3'�5 County: 14LA&_ Date Received: �-7 Reviewer: N,k. River Basin Name: I ou4.1 ❑ New ki/Modification(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification (outside ,Vboundaries) El Transfer El Release ElPartial Release Additional Information ❑ Fee Nee". ❑Fee Received: f Ple io%e entire application package to: fJA& J Regional Office (atompkk op n;a ahtk"LQS Regional OJjuc MinmgApptirwion Rsoirur Checklla" to mecopy and attach book & DAQand DWR Wining Applimtvm Retina Fonn"to du Ww ropy; send kth copies to the Reglaml Engineer) Date: Routed 19 /L1 Rec d ❑ Division of Water Resources r Date: Routed Ret d ❑ NC Wildlife Resounes Commission Date: Routed Recd ❑ US Fish d Wildlife Service Date: Routed Recd (Wy met appliv16= and nudi famian rrymsrs thin add land m tk pemdt) Please route f"t 3 Pages of the application and any location maps to: ❑ Division of Parks b Recreation Date: Routed Recd ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date: Routed R«d ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date. Routed Ret'd ❑ Division of Soil a Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date: Routed Recd (Only mwappliewimu admodifnmiom repass that add land w the puma) ❑ Division of Archives all History Date: Routed Rec d (t)nly murappRrmus) ❑ Other: Doe. Routed Recd ** Suspme Date for Comments: I /' (no later than zs days from receipt) ❑ Please note the fallowing: e e son M. M m"Hanson HEIDELSERGCEMENT Group April 19, 2018 Ms. Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC South Region North Carolina Territory Office 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560-9626 Te! 919 380 2610 Fax 919 380 2616 www.hanson.com RECEIVE] APR 112W LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM Subject: Revised Information as per Land Quality Section 03/28/2018 Letter Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC — Rocky Mount II Quarry NCDENR LQS Mine Permit No. 33-13 Mine Permit Modification Application Dear Ms. Wehner: Enclosed is the revised information requested in your letter dated March 28, 2018, Ryan Fisher, P.E. with WithersRavenel, has addressed each item and cited which mine map the item could be referenced. We are submitting two (2) complete new sets of mine maps addressing the revised information. Enclosed, please find: Two Copies of this Cover Letter - Two Copies of a Response Letter from Ryan Fisher of WithersRavenel Two Complete Sets of Mine Maps Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at our Morrisville office: (919) 380-2746, or you may contact Ryan Fisher of Withers Ravenel: (919) 535-5175. Sincerely, &W_,�Jac Garve Environmental Manager cc: Daren McMorris, NC Operations Manager Donald Lane, Plant Manager, Rocky Mount II Quarry Ryan Fisher, PE, Withers Ravenel • WithersRavenel Our People Your Success, April 16, 2018 Ms. Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC - Rocky Mount II Quarry NCDENR LQS Mine Permit No. 33-13 Mine Permit Modification Application WR No. 02170184.00 Response to Plan Review Comments Please find our responses to your comments (in blue) below for the above referenced project: Provide more details regarding the staged construction and seeding of the overburden expansion area. This may include construction in lifts, benching and staged seeding. Provide a construction sequence and cross -sections that show bench lengths and lift heights. Response: Additional notes have been added to Sheet M&ECP-5 (Phase 1 notes 7, 8 & 9 and Phase 2 notes 5, 6, & 7). The detail on X-4 has been revised to show maximum bench heights, lengths and slopes. Describe how your company will bridge the diversion ditch on the new access to the overburden expansion. If pipes will be used, provide supporting calculations and construction details. Response: A driveway pipe (18") will be provided in the diversion ditch. A construction detail has been provided on Sheet X-6. Pipe calculations have been provided with this resubmittal. We believe these responses sufficiently address the comments issued by your second review. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our responses or need further information. Sincerely WithersRavenel Ryan Fisher, PE CC: Jack Garvey - Hanson Aggregates WR File 137 S Wilmington Street I Suite 200 1 Raleigh, NC 27601 t: 919.4.69.33401 f: 919.467,6C08 I www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Cary I Greensboro 1 Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington Driveway Pipe Project Description Function Method Manning Formula Solve Far Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coemciam 0013 Channel Slope 1,25000 % Diameter 1.50 ft Discharge 452 0'v5 Results Normal Depth 0.65 R Flow Area 0.73 W1 Wetted Perimeter 2,15 It Hydraulic Phone 036 ft Top Wilm 149 ft Critical Depth 0.62 R Percentopull Critical Slope 0.00559 the p; '%veloary 6.21 Ns ` II 2 ' D% 9 velnciry Head ON ft m SEAL 03975 SpedOC Energy 1.25 A ��ap�F'yGINEF'Q'A,\ Fmude Number 1.56 Maximum Discuage 12,63 Oliva //qN 9/I(a Discharge full 11J4 nvs Slope Full O00185 Nft Have Type Superic iipoo ._'.. .. ..2. Oawsludim Depth O.W R Length ow it Number DI Steps 0 GVF Output Data.'` ... ',. ... _ .. ... , Upstream Depth 0.00 it Profile Description Profile Headfirst; O.W R Average End Depth Duey Rise 0.0) % Normal Depth Doer Rise 42.06 % Dovmsrcam vetocry military Ms Bentley Systnas. Inc. Haserad Nepods So1iWQilesed r V51(SELECTsuies 1l NO, 11.01031 enLMfa 1512a PM PSkmans Comoro"[Mve Suiu 200W WatenOwn, CT 06795 USA V1 203-755-16e11 Page 1 or 2 � • • Driveway Pipe GVF Output Data Upstream Velocity Infinity fits Normal Depth 0.65 ft Critical Depth 0.82 It Channel Slope 1.25000 % Critical Slope C.D0559 ftlft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sol G*atll}efibmMaster V81 (SELECTserles 11 (] 411212018 1;51:24 PM 27 Siamons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT06795 USA 41-203-756-1666 Page 2 of 2 • Kra Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVJR0NwE14TRI.Ouau1v March 23, 2018 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9831 3200 Mr. Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2101 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 100 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 RE: Rocky Mount Quarry Permit No. 33-13 Edgecombe County Tar River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: • ROY COOPER coaernor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secnary WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JR. In erim Director We have reviewed the modification and additional information your company submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: Provide more details regarding the staged construction and seeding of the overburden expansion area. This may include construction in lifts, benching and staged seeding. Provide a construction sequence and cross sections that show bench lengths and lift heights. Describe how your company will bridge the diversion ditch on the new access to the overburden expansion. If pipes will be used, provide supporting calculations and construction details. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In addition, please note this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Nothing Compares Stale or North Carolina I I Energy, Mineral and land Resources 52N.Sal6thury Strian 11612MAService Censer I Raleigli North Carolina27699-1612 91970792U0 • 0 Certified Mail Mr. Garvey Page Two Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 As required by 15A NCAC 5B.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of therequested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. S' cerely, Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist CC' Mr. Bill Denton, PE Wehner, Judy From: Denton, Bill Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 201912:59 PM To: Werner, Judy Subject: FW: Revised - RE: Comments on Rocky Mount Quarry 11 Per your voicemail, I am re -sending this e-mail that I sent last Thursday. Thanks. William H. Denton, IV, PE Regional Engineer— RRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — Land Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 919 7914200 office bil I. denton0mcde nr, aov 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -/ Nol hint' Compares--... Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Denton, Bill Sent: Thursday, March 15, 20184:52 PM To: Judy Wehner<judy.wehner@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Miller, David <david.miller@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Revised - RE: Comments on Rocky Mount Quarry II Mine Permit No.: 33-13 Mine Name: Rocky Mount Quarry II SUSPENSE DATE: March 16, 2018 Judy, Scroll down for Kimberly's comments. I'll be out tomorrow, so if you have questions, call Kimberly at 919-791-4213 Thanks. "I William H. Denton, IV, PE Regional Engineer — RRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — Land Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 919 791 4200 office bil I. denton Oricden r.aov 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 0 0 57�^Nothing Compares..,..._ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Summers, Kimberly M Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 2:21 PM To: Denton, Bill <bill.denton@ncdenr.eov> Subject: Revised - RE: Comments on Rocky Mount Quarry II Disregard my previous email. See comment below: 33-13 Rocky Mount Quarry II Edgecombe County Permit Modification Request Review The most recent submittal on February 26 was a response to previous comments regarding a permit modification. New comment: In the cover letter, it states that they will install another crossing between the two existing crossings along Springfield Road. This can be found on sheet M&ECP-1. It appears the new access will cross a sediment trap (P-TST-05.) There is a diversion ditch running along Springfield Road leading to the trap. If a pipe is proposed under the access road, pipe calculations will be needed. Thanks, Kimberly Kimberly Summers Environmental Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Raleigh Regional Office 0: (919) 791-4200 F: (919) 571--4718 kimberly.su mmers@ ncdenr.gov )-Mall corresj�ndenco io and from this address is subiect to the Niorth Carolina Public Records La -and is disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other rmulation. ,Y £mv�w�ne�nlnl Q�,:Sry It3INING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Applicant's Name: Applic./Permit No: 33- (nL3J County:_ DateReceived: a a k Reviearer: _I/ River Basin Nome: AA ❑ New klModificotion (inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification (outside permi boundaries) ❑ Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release NAdditional Information ❑ Fee Needed: S ❑ Fee Received.• s Plem ro ve entire ap location package to: Regional Office G<omplae copies: amch the"LQS Regimd OffmMmimsApplication Renew hmcklinm copy mdamach both tlm DAQmd DWR "Mhdng Applicmim Renew Form" m theot6 copy, mnd both copes m tk RBimd Engineer) Date: Routed 02 da Ret'd ❑ DioisionofWater Resources Date: Routed Reed ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date: Routed Reed ❑ US Fisk & Wildlife Service Doe: Routed Reed (Ody nw appli mm u r s wsd modifira ume repeas that add Ld to as pemd) Please route frrst7 pages of the application and any location maps tw ❑ Division of Parks & Recreation Date: Routed Reed ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Dare: Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisherus Date: Routed Reed ❑,.IDiuiiiiiof Soil & Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date: Routed Rec'd ,(Onlp �maapplwmimnod madipratims rt9mm dmt ddlmdm dm.permit) ❑ Division of Archives b History Date: Routed Reed (Odynewnppliemw) ❑ Other: Date: Routed Rec'd *A' Suspense Date for Comments: ,� u� I i (no later than =5 days from receipt) ❑ Plem note the following: February 21, 2018 Ms. Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 0flIla ®■ ® Hanson H EIDELBERGCE ME NT Group Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC South Region North Carolina Territory Office 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560.9626 Tel 919 380 2610 Fax 919 380 2616 VMhanson.conn ULI V ED MININ- ,-KOGR M Subject: Revised Information as per Land Quality Section 11/14/2017 Letter Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC — Rocky Mount li Quarry NCDENR LQS Mine Permit No. 33-13 Mine Permit Modification Application Dear Ms. Wehner: Enclosed is the revised information requested in your letter dated November 14, 2017. Ryan Fisher, P.E. with WithersRavenel, has addressed each item and cited which mine map the item could be referenced. We are submitting two (2) complete new sets of mine maps addressing the revised information. In addition, since our modification submittal, Hanson has made plans to install another crossing between the two existing crossings along Springfield Road. The proposed crossing can be viewed on Mine Map M&ECP-1, and the driveway details can be viewed on Mine Map X-6. Also, the mine manager stated on our application has changed from John Warlick to Donald Lane at the same office number (252) 977-1611, ext 225. Enclosed, please find: - Two Copies of this Cover Letter - Two Copies of a Response Letter from Ryan Fisher of WithersRavenel - Two Copies of the RRO DWR 01/10/2018 Buffer Determination - Two Complete Sets of Mine Maps Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at our Morrisville office: (919) 380-2746, or you may contact Ryan Fisher of Withers Ravenel: (919) 535-5175. Sincerely, y J? Garvey En Environmental Manager cc: Daren McMorris, NC Operations Manager Donald Lane, Plant Manager, Rocky Mount II Quarry Ryan Fisher, PE, Withers Ravenel .y WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. February 20, 2018 Ms. Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Hanson Aggregates Southeast. LLC - Rocky Mount II Quarry NCDENR LQS Mine Permit No. 33-13 Mine Permit Modification Application WR No. 02170184.00 Response to Plan Review Comments Please find our responses to your comments (in blue) below for the above referenced project: Provide cross sections for all of the proposed berms that includes staged construction and seeding details. Response: Cross sections for berms have been provided on Sheet X-6. Provide a construction detail for the dissipater pads. Provide erosion and sediment control measures for the new crossing installations. Specify the method of dewatering Mine Areas #1 and 2. It appears Basins #1, 4, 6 and 8 have more than 5 acres of drainage. Provide skimmers or other devices to dewater from the top. Provide rock check dams at the lowest point of disturbance downstream from the 42 inch culvert installation. Provide design details that include bedding conditions, cross section, culvert material, etc., for the proposed 42 inch culvert. Specify the type of erosion control liner and construction detail. Response: A construction detail for the dissipater pads has been added to new Sheet X-6. Silt fence has been provided along the edge of the new haul road at the new crossings on Sheet M&ECP-5. Based on site conditions, the applicant does not believe dewatering will be needed, If it is determined to be needed, pumps will be installed and connected to existing dewatering lines that convey water to the old pit. Two additional sediment traps have been added to reduce the drainage areas to below five (5) acres. There were also some double -counting of drainage areas which resulted in areas over five (5) acres. Those errors have been fixed. Refer to Sheet M&ECP-5. A rock check dam has been added to the downstream ditch of the culvert installation. See Sheet M&ECP-5. Bedding design details have been provided on Sheet X-6. Ditch erosion control liners have been provided on Sheet X-6. Properly label all 50 foot Tar River Riparian buffers on the mine maps. Provide a valid stream determination for the areas to be impacted. Response: The 50' Tar River Riparian Buffers have been labeled on the maps. A stream determination has been completed and is included with this resubmittal. 137 S Wilmington Street I Suite 2001 Raleigh. NC 27601 t: 919.469.33401 f: 919,467.60081 www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Cary i Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington • ::WithersRavenel Our People. VOW Success. We believe these responses sufficiently address the comments issued by your irst review. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our responses or need further information. Sincerely WithersRavenet Ryan Fisher, PE CC: Jack Garvey - Hanson Aggregates WR File Page 2 of 2 ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGANunv s�cr LINDA CULPEPPER hwh, Water Resources anm nYwaelNEarAe QUXL" ,January 10, 2018 Manson Aggregates Southeast LLC 320 Piedmont Road Suite 419 Atlanta, CA 30305 Subject: Buffer Determination letter RRO 917-423 GA..�.n...4. fnn..n. Determination Type: Buffer Intermiaent/Perennlal ❑ Neuse (15A NCAC 28.0233) ® Tar -Pamlico (15A NCAC 28.0259) 0 Intermittentflamennial Determination (where local buffer ordinances apply) 1] Jordan 05A NCAC 2B.0267) (governments] and/or interjurisdlc0onel projects) Project Name: Hanson -Rocky Mount Quarry AddressfLocation: Adjacent Springfield Road between NC 97 West and Leeueu Road Stream(s): Determination Date: 1/10/2018 Staff: Rick Trone, Jeremiah Dow Feature EIRP` Not Subject Subject Start@ Stop@ Soil Survey USCS To o A UP X 35.96991 -�- -77.75257 -- -Ter River X B Not evaluated X C X Not Jumpedt within pmJect hounds" X D X Throughout X E P X Throw hour X X Pond I X Not present X EE/I/P m EPhemerrJ/lniermilienr/Perenninl Explanation: The features(s) listed above Ins been located on the most recent published NRCS Soil Survey of Edgecombe County, North Carolina and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 124,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined to not be at least intermittent or is not present. Streams that are checked "Subject"have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be Division of Wato Reeouces, Raleigh Regional Office. Water Ouality OPemtions Section hut"://pnnaLnMencoryjweWwq/aps I628 Mail Sa vicc Ccnua. Raleigh. NC 27699-1628 Phone: (919) 79142M Locaiuu: 1900 Barren [love, Rnleigh, NC 27609 Fax: (919) 798-7159 RECEIVED JAN 2 3 2018 at least an intermittent stream. There may be other features located on the property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers. This on -site determination shall expire rive (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWR may request a determination by the Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) days of date of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing. If sending via US Postal Service: c/o Karen Higgins; D FVR -- 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit; 1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1617, If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEr, etc.): Karen Higgins; DWR — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit; 512 N. Salisbury Street; Raleigh, NC 27604. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, an appeal is requested within sixty (60) days. This project may require a Section 4041401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-554-4884. If you have questions regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Rick Trone at (919) 791-4257, or by email at rick.tronc ncdenr. Si cere , Danny Smi Supervisor ater Quality Regional Operations Center cc: RRO DWR File Copy Martin Richmond, Withers Ravenel (via laserfiche hyperlink) Hanson -Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County, NC-DWR Project # 17-423 ` E: Subject D( 4- y aA� /.-WkB,. VIM 7�- • �AaA � �. a. i, AaA� ¢d ----- l�A: Subject C 0: Not Sublect Q �_� _. / C Ro "0 W bB C: Not Subject �. ta Rii AaA t/ s V °o 4a: B: Not Evaluated MRCS Soil Survey Sheet 12 �ya,t pe Etlgecambe Co., N[1919 q ;;Laannns are approximate 3 ?' y t' - and are provided for refer- ence only:: M -projett boundary Q .r t Hanson -Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County, NC-DWR Project # 17-423 -� E: Subject Pond 1: Not Subject t Ab.l C-W �^ i USGS Topographical Map a gocky Mount Quatlrangle 2016 Loonons are apWo.lmate Legend: andareprovidedforrefer- r_,ellU011Ya-Project boundary 1 IN Complete Items 1, 2, and 2. Also con hem 4If Restricted Delivery Is daslrec • Print your name and address on the r so that we can return the card to you • Attach this card to the back of the me or on the front if space yern 1. ArtiGa Atltlressetl tc: MR JACK GARVIFY HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST 2101 GATEWA, ENTRE BLVD SUITE 100 'MORRISVILLE NC 27560 ❑ Agent '� NI' � ❑ AEtlmiwe B. Received by (Fld,W �0.MMly Mar" C. Date of Delivery D. Ir tlgNary Mtlm¢tliflamN horn learn l9 OYm It YES. enter delivery atltluess Below: ❑No 33 -13 3. Sevlrelype rr� Cami Mall ❑ Express Mall ❑ Registered Return Recelm fir Mwtandise 9C.O.D. O law Man 4. Raedmad Delivery? (Bane Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Arida Number 7015 0640 0007 9831 2593 fr nsrerfremsen Wsall I PS Fonn 3811, Febmary 2004 Domertk Return Recelpt [ I- 15--1 7 lnssaaam-saab UNITED STATEiPOiAAVIWICE First -Glass Mail pti S 17 NOV°1? I II II I Postage &Fees Paid USES Pemut No. GAG • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4,in this box NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1612 1740-7401 0 • Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENNpONNEN1q QUALITY November 14, 2017 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9831 2593 -- -- Mr. -Jack Garvey_ Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2101 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 100 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 RE: Rocky Mount Quarry Permit No. 33-13 Edgecombe County Tar River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: ROY COOPER eo.er or MICHAEL S. REGAN Sennett TRACY DAVIS mreaor We have reviewed the modification your company submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete. its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. Provide cross sections for all of the proposed berms that includes staged construction and seeding details. 2. Provide a construction detail for the dissipator pads. Provide erosion and sediment control measures for the new crossing installations. Specify the method of dewatering Mine Areas #1 and 2. It appears Basins #1, 4, 6 and 8 have more than 5 acres of drainage. Provide skimmers or other devices to dewater from the top. Provide rock check dams at the lowest point of disturbance downstream from the 42 inch culvert installation. Provide design details that include bedding conditions, cross section, culvert material, etc., for the proposed 42 inch culvert. Specify the type of erosion control liner and construction detail. 3. Properly label all 50 foot Tar River Riparian buffers on the mine maps. Provide a valid stream determination for the areas to be impacted. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In addition, please note this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. Stale of North retain a I Envirunlnentnl Qutllry I Energy, M11neral and Land Resources' 52N.Sallshoy5treet I1e12 Ma115ervMe Center I Ralega North Csohna27699-1512 919 M792W A 0 Certified Mail Mr. Galvey:.. Page Two In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality _1612. Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1612 As required by 15A NCAC 5B.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Tncerely,IWIW'' II A. Wehne� Assistant State Mining Specialist cc: Mr. Bill Denton, PE i F4 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY October 20, 2017 c.+q.10.2s, di MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Maria Dunn Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Brenda M. Harris h -�'v Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount 11 Quarry Edgecombe County ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Mr� e 4 A17 ►._� �uALIT-y JWN114G PROGRAM Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by November 10, 2017 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. Bill Denton State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 Wehner, Judy From: Summers, Kimberly M Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 12:52 PM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Denton, Bill Subject: 33-13 Rocky Mount Quarry 11 Permit Modification Request Hi Judy, Below are the review comments regardingthe 33-13 Rocky Mount Quarry II Permit Modification Request (October 2017). Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks, Kimberly 33-13 Rocky Mount Quarry II Edgecombe County Permit Modification Request Review Comments: 1 Provide dissipater pad construction detail. Provide sediment and erosion control measures around new crossings. Specify method for any dewatering prior to reclamation of new Mine Areas #1 and 2 (silt bag, etc.) 4. New sediment traps #1, 4, 6, and 8 have a drainage area>Sac. Should these have skimmers because they are new measures and subject to new guidelines? gInstall a check dam at lowest point of disturbance downstream from 42" culvert installation. Provide design details, i.e., bedding condition, cross-section, etc., for proposed 42" culvert. Specify type of erosion control lining and provide construction detail. g8. The DWR stream determination dated September 22, 2009 has expired and it appears re-evaluation is required. Are there any plans to extend New Pit north to New Mine Area #2. Kimberly Summers n.. �'Io ���,,/�Doi Environmental Specialist /� �(l,(,{J/p�'' MAP Raleigh Re Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ��""-� V � V 1•,ci Raleigh Regional Office 0:(919) 791-4200 F: (919) .summ kim be rlvsu mmers Cd ncd en r.eov Chbdm,"a nde baud Gam &,add.v..... 6iR«t6eN,rt6Cmhm NUmPam d.lewand n d,.damd b i6md eamn„nIa kbmabm na.amer 6y.er,nna.a6a, ,e6ulalbn. Wehner, Judy From: Smith, Danny Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 4:29 PM To: Wehner, Judy cc Denton, Bill; Dupree, Joe Subject: RE: 33-13 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013 Attachments: 33-13 DWR REVIEW SHEET-2017.doc Please see attached comments. Most notably the applicant does not depict the Tar -Pamlico Riparian buffers on their site map(s). That said, new riparian buffer impacts do not appear to be proposed with this expansion. • A concern is that unauthorized impacts to the protected streamside area could occur because permittee is unaware of applicability riparian buffers to the site. Danny Smith, Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Division of Water Resources (919)791-4252 From: Wehner, Judy Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 3:10 PM To: Smith, Danny <danny.smith@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Denton, Bill <bill.denton@ncdenr.gov>; Dupree, Joe <joe.dupree@ncdenr.gov> Subject: 33-13 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013 Here's the review sheet for the modification of the Rocky Mount II Quarry in Edgecombe County. Print this form ru PDF Rehun PDF of this form to DEMLR CO by email. cc DEMLR DWR SPU. Seth a copy to the pemttee. MINING PAMIT APPLICATION R IEW FORM for the DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Project Name: Rocky Mount II Quarry DEMLR Permit # 33-13 County: Edgecombe Applicant's Email: Jack.Garvey@hanson.biz PERMIT ACTION TYPE: Modification YES NO Date Commencine rr r( Have land disturbing activities started? Date? Fr r r 1974 Latitude: 36.974 Longitude:-77.7496 Please return comments to : Judy Wehner SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? None with Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: Tar- River, Tar -Pamlico River Basin, Class C. Nutrient Sensitive Waters. DWR Compliance Status of Mine: no outstanding violations Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? no If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in RIMS? Yes NCG020212 YES NO y401 We tlandlCert.:regmredt7;- �3- #, rA. 401 Wetland Cart. existing? f r Permi`t# rr, pe4WR}e o'—rO tba ' 'erD• lregrired?IDdemmefa40$eertrgcaforil i Eg Is an O & M Plan needed? YES NO 'Y{ye gW it Are rr iY '�,) w' wetlands disturbed at this sitei y., ,rr_ tom'..} rr �. w Gag, ReMpmhPr Cnln Print this form to PDF Return FDF of WS form to DEMLR CO by email. cc DEMLR O, DWR SPU. Send a copy to the permefee. Does DWR RO suspect or kno f nearby r ( r wetlands to the site? — Is'a wetlandtdellneadon required pnornto- (Consultant DWR tissumg the: permit? r(Onstfe:? _ (Offslfe0? , Stream Determination Needed? 'St ream+Determinait(onCompleted Does DWR RO need a statement that no wetlandsistreams are disturbed r( r( for this project from applicant? DeterminationtNeeded?�s" ` ypyffer Buffer Determination Completed? r ( r r. Recycle systenvpermd extstmgTt. a r( .ermit# +;r(_ New Recycle System permit required?` r ( r ( Enough information to determine? — .Non=d(sdharge.petmltextstng? - ."• „r(Permil# /(Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HOW waters �-( r(7010 Permittee with a 7g10=07 Flow:must — determine. Ir( HasYolation ,�''-r " ,lry r(O&M'.Requirements r •? - o .r( HOWN%7010 Concerns D;oes,DWR regwre DEMLR tmBold the r ( Payback feesor, renew ' • " perrnit isg so,DlNRtcan„revtety tt furti- or DO t�ryy /)Other. R permit 1 - - ( .. ,because D,WR'rdguires more;informationj?. 1!. - _-Please describe the reason ton, t ' 'hold�dhe;permit:_ ,:. RO�cdntact a n v qs. .,r(HolilUntil .'.i Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is r ( r approved? — Reviewed by: DWR RO Surface Water: Danny Smith Regional Office: RRO Date: 1 November 2017 If you have any questions please call me at (919)791.4252 RO Aquifer Protection Section: — Regional Office: — Date: — Rav a,nmmh>, enm ri • Wehner, Judy From: Novak, Gary Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2017 2:14 PM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Dumpor, Samir Subject Turkey Path Pit Judy, I finished the review of the ADI from Mr. Everett and Para mounte and I do not have any further comments to add. Thank you, Gary A. Novak Environmental Senior Specialist Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 252-946-6481 ext. 3860 gary.novak(cDncdenr.aov Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Nothing Compares _ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties "Keep Calm and Carry on" Winston Churchill ROY COOPER GNrenmr MICIIAEL S. RFGAN secramn. L INDA CULPEPPER bnrrN, nhwTeN- Water Resources ENVIRONMENT A� QUALITY - November 9, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Judy Wchner NCDEMLR-Land Quality Se ion FROM: Gabrielle Chianese Ground Water Manage ent Branch Division of Water Resources SUBJECT: Comments on the Mining Permit Modification Request for: Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombc County Please find attached a copy of the mining permit modification request I'or the above referenced project. The Rocky Mount Quarry located in Edgecombc County has a CCPCUA water withdrawal permit #CU3030. The permitted maximum water withdrawal for this mine is 4,320,000 gallons per day. If you have further questions please contact the Division of Water Resources at (919) 707-9008 or send correspondence to 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1611 1611or go online to www.iicwaler.org/CCPCUA. RECEIVE® NOV 0 9 Z017 LANDOUAUTv MINING PROGRAM Suu ommM1 CRm1iv I Fmim mmul Wmuyl u'uR0.®Rrr<s Tau M.i�.wrkc cm� N.me4 EJotA rrotm.nw9.ien 919IUY9UDJ 0 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIPONMr NTAL OVALITV MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT October 20, 2017 Mr. Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources Brenda M. Harris d�5� Mining Program Secre ary— t_and Quality Section Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director OF WATER M40040 ® Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable water supplies (GS 74-51 (2). Please respond by November 10, 2017 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review, any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. lbmh Attachments cc: Mr. Bill Denton State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 1 lb12 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 • • MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Appliount's Name: dJBh�s��•. 4R RI NectName: t Applic./Permit No: 33-l3 County: 'GtW�,(�d1tM1�jiP Date Racists& / 0/ 90 1 1 /J J V �(A' Revietuer: lJll{(//(.ft }}R--ii�ur Basin Name: ld4j ❑ Neru ❑ Resentedeft Madifuntion(itride permit boundaries) ❑ Modiifi (autsideperma6oudaries) ❑ Transfer ❑Rekase t� Partial Re4ate ❑Additional Information ❑ Fa Nadel: t l `J Fa Raeioed: f 00 Pku./.yh emue ap/plir/ationpackage to: �` FC %/Fl1 Re atdOfftc (e mmpinccepim mwrh the Regvm lxf= Miniq Applinotian Review CkeHirt" to one a" and attach both the DAQasdDWR "MimngAWiwion Review Porn" w tkathnapy; send bah eopen w tln Regioml Engineer) Date: Routed 1 C btu t 1 Ra'd I C `%C• l% QDivision t f Water R<swrns Date: Routed l- Re2d l �[L] NCWiWifeResourcesCommission Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ US Fish dr Wildlife Service Date: Routed Rtc'd (Only reftens thw add lard w tk permit) Plem route first c cares otthe application and any location maps to ❑ Division of Parks dl Reneadon Date: Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date: Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Soil AWata Conservation (plus LEA) Date: Routed Rec'd (Qlymw appkatiom mvl modifuatiam nqurav that add tdd w tk perndt) ❑ Division of Archives dl History Dote: Routed Rec'd (Odyawapplicmus) ❑ Other. Date: Routed Rec'd ** Suspense Date for Comments: (I' /� (w later than zs days from receipt) ❑ Please wte the (nllominr: 0 0 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY October 20, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Maria Dunn Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount_ If Quarry Edgecombe County ' ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information. and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by November 10, 2017 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended. that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application, RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. .Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. Bill Denton State or North Carolina I Environmental Quality i Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street � t612 Mail Service Center j Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1612 919 707 9200 0 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY October 20, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water -Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Secre a Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director ® Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable water supplies (GS 74-51 (2). Please respond by November 10, 2017 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review, any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. Bill Denton State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 0 • Wehner, Judy From: Wehner, Judy Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 3:10 PM To: Smith, Danny Cc: Denton, Bill; Dupree, Joe Subject: 33-13 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013 Attachments: 33-13 DWR RENEW SHEET 2013.doc Here's the review sheet for the modification of the Rocky Mount II quarry in Edgecombe County, Pont Ws loan to POP Reamm PDF of Ws loin to DEMLR CO by email. cc OEMLR•O, DWR SPU. Send a ropy to fba permittoo MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM for the DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Project Name: Rocky Mount II Quarry DEMLR Permit # 33-13 County: Edgecombe Applicant's Email: Jack.Garvey@hanson.biz PERMIT ACTION TYPE: Modification YES NO Date Commencing rr rr Have land disturbing activities started? Date? F ( r r 1974 Latitude: 35.974 Longitude:-77.7496 Please return comments to : Judy Wehner Comments due by: 11110/2017 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? Comments: Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: DWR Compliance Status of Mine: Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? YES NO 401 Wetland Certtire uued� a r(- �. :.err 401 Wetland Cart. existing? r( Permit#_ r(_ Doe'srDWRRO!have enoughinformationfoqr(( deteiinin'ifa"kcertificationils required?' Is an O & M Plan needed? YES NO 'Are wetlandsdistarbed'attthisfsde? 4?, rr ; Does DWR RO suspect or know of nearby f-( r wetlands to the site? — Is a wetlanA delineation tegw[e_dApnor to; , r �, 7P',.� DWR*isswng the.germd? 0.c rConsultant - f #?''Y�'� , rOnsiteo t RP, Fnnlwm1wr9nin Print fbls Iwm b PDF Retum PDF of thls form to DEMLR CO by email cc DEMLR RD, 0W SPV Send a copy to the parmifteo. iLlfeifffsite?_ - +,' h e Stream Determination Needed? r r r ;r Stream Determmation CompletedT fr('`. -',r(_.�; - I Does DWR RO need a statement that no wetlandsistreams are disturbed r ( rr for this project from applicant? Buffer Determibatioh Needed? AFT, ' - (• r ' - ` ` - BufferDeterminationCompleted? rrf r_ �.Recydie�systemipermite3ei!iting,7t ermit#__ •- i'rr New Recycle System permit required?' r Enough information to determine? — Nbd'edfsehar e. ermftexistin T - 9 P 9t rpeimit.# _ (Unknown. Will Will wastewaters discharge to HOW waters r ( r (7Q10 Permiheemust with a 70110=0? " Flow:— determine. 'r(HasViolation (JO&M,'Requirements- -r, ..' p r HQW/r7Q10.Concems Doe§IDWR rogoiretDEMLR to.hold the r Pay back,fees•or.renew permit (erg so. DWR can rev`•i 1 ttiucther qr �. permd (because DWR regmres mOne mformationj?' - t` '1. i�Other.. Please;descnbe theireason to I hold the•permit: - :: Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is r ( r approved? Reviewed by: DWR RO Surface Water Regional Office: — Date: RO Aquifer Protection Section: Regional Office: Date: Rav samomhar 7nm 0 October 12, 2017 Ms. Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 was mom ... Ha1" son HEIDELD RGCEMENTGroup Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC South Region North Carolina Territory Office 2101 Gateway Centre Bivd, Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 2756D•9626 RE C E J V FFax 919 380 2616 www.hanson.com OCT 202017 LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM Subject: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC — Rocky Mount II Quarry NCDENR LQS Mine Permit No. 33-13 Mine Permit Modification Apptication Dear Ms. Wehner: Hanson Aggregates is requesting to modify Rocky Mount II Quarry mine permit to utilize certain existing mine permitted areas for overburden storage. The modification application covers only the acreage under the existing mining permit. The mine maps have been updated by Ryan Fisher with Withers Ravenel to reflect the proposed changes since our last modification in 2015 to install a sand borrow pit below a future permitted overburden pile, On the Phase 1 Mine Map, M&ECP-3, this sand borrow pit is labeled Mine Area #3, and excavation for sand has started_ When sand excavation is complete, the hole will be flied, and then, the previously approved temporary sediment traps will be installed prior any construction of the previously approved overburden pile. Changes requiring a mine permit modification are described below: On the opposite side of the drainage feature south of the sand borrow pit, there are three (3) process water ponds that Hanson has elected to no longer use. For this modification, Hanson plans to dewater, demuck, and fill these three (3) process water ponds to prepare the area for overburden storage. The overburden storage pile will merge with the existing pile just south of the ponds. With the process waste removed, the three (3) x 24-inch overflow CMPs will be removed, and the NPDES-003 outfall will change from a wastewater outfall to a stormwater outfall. These changes are described on the M&ECP-2 Mine Map. Erosion control measures are shown on the M&ECP-3 Phase 1 Mine Map, and the control structure specifications are shown on the M&ECP-5 Erosion Control Map. Calculations are included in the WithersRavenel Erosion Control packet_ Hanson will pump its pit water from the new pit across Springfield Road and across the river to the old pit process water pond. The water will be used for secondary plant operations, and water from the new pit sump will be used for the primary operations. Spent water from the secondary plant will either be returned to the process water pond or fed into the old pit. 0 0 Ms. Judith Wehner Rocky Mount II Quarry - Mine Permit Modification October I2, 2017 Page 2 of 3 2. Another change Hanson plans is to extend the existing overburden pile across the make-up watering pond that is located on the west side of Springfield Road and south of the new pit. As with the settling ponds, this pond will be dewatered, demucked, and filled to support an overburden pile. Temporary erosion control structures are already in place for the overburden pile extension. With the pond removed, there will no longer be an NPDES-002 outfall. The pond to be removed can be seen on the M&ECP-2 Existing Conditions Mine Map, nad the proposed overburden pile extension can be seen on the M&ECP-3 Phase 1 Mine Map. 3. Another makeup water pond having the same acreage as the former make-up pond has been proposed to install on the east side of Springfield Road just north of the overland conveyor, However, currently Hanson sees no need to install it. The proposed pond location can be seen on the M&ECP-3 Phase 1 Mine Map. 4. At the areas north of the new pit and north of the overland conveyor located in the floodway, Hanson proposes to excavate sand no lower than 20-feet deep and with slopes 3-to-1 or flatter. The resulting holes will be filled with water or overburden. if filled with overburden, the final elevation will match the existing elevation, and area will be stabilized with low growing crops they are currently. These two (2) areas, one (1) on each side of Springfield Road, can be seen on the M&ECP-3 Phase 1 Mine Map and are labeled as Mine Areas 1 & 2. 5. On the X-4 Cross Section Mine Map, cross section have been updated to include the proposed changes, and the pit elevations have been changed to match the pit elevations previously approved from the mine application. The approved expected max mine depth is 450-feet, and the expected average depth is 425-feet. 6. As Mine Area #3 and the overburden pile above the former settling ponds is nearing completion, Hanson plans to install 42-inch DIA x 633-feet long CMP into the drainage feature located between the piles. The 42-inch CMP that was approved in 2015 for a ditch crossing has not yet been installed, and the planned 633-feet long pipe will include a crossing upstream (west) of the overburden pile_ The piles will merge above the pipe with no more than 80-feet of fill. This portion of the drainage feature, Stream "D" (ditch), was determined "not subject" to the Tar River Buffer on 9/15/2009 by Martin Richmond with the DWR. Please see Appendix 1 for the stream determination. A second 42-inch pipe will be installed downstream (east) of the overburden pile for an access road crossing. Head and tail walls will be installed on the culverts. The pipe plan for this installation can be seen on the M&ECP-4 Pipe Plan & Profile Mine Map. The erosion control specifications can be found on the M&ECP-5 Erosion Control Plan Mine Map, and the pipe calculations can be found in the WithersRavenel EC Calculations packet in the pipe calculations section, 7. Check No. 214219929 was made out for $1,000.00 to cover the mine modification application fee and is attached to this cover letter. Enclosed please find the following: - 5 (five) sets of the mine permit modification mine maps - 1 (one) original mine application and 4 (four) copies - 1 (one) original set of the Erosion Control Calculations and 4 (four) copies - 1 (one) original set of this cover letter with the project description and Appendix 1 - 1 (one) Check No. 21421929 for $1,000.00 to cover the mine permit modification application fee Ms. Judith Wehner Rocky Mount 11 Quarry - Mine Permit Modification October 12, 2017 Page 3 of 3 Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at our Morrisville office: (919) 380-2746, or you may contact Ryan Fisher of Withers Ravenel: (919) 535-5175. Sincerely, Garvey Environmental Manager cc: Daren McMorris, NC Operations Manager John Warlick, Plant Manager, Rocky Mount II Quarry Ryan Fisher, PE, Withers Ravenel APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA MINING PERMIT APPLICATION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 707-9220 Revised: February 24, 2012 Mine Permit Modification Application Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount II Quarry Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, NC APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name of Mine Rocky Mount 11 Quarry County Edpecombe River Basin Tar Latitude (decimal degrees to four places) 35.9667 Longitude (decimal degrees to four places) 77.7167 2. Name of Applicant* Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 100 Morrisville. NC 27560 Telephone (919) 380-2746 Alternate No, (336) 669-7565 4. Mine Office Address 10471 NC HM 97 West Mine Manager. Rocky Mount, NC 27801Telephone (252) 977-161 1, ext. 225 John Warlick We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Signature _ . Date 9 A) Print Name Daren McMorris "Title NC Operations Manager * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond (security) that corresponds to this site. * * The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent address or telephone number. ***.Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-5 l provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 60 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. 0 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered regarding your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE 1. Answer all of the following that apply: ❑ If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that�e "new permit" fee will be based upon): Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: Acres leased: Property owner if leased: ❑ If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered y Me existing permit: Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): ® If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: 33-13 Total permitted acreage: 499.60 Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes N No ❑. If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No N. If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: . (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (i.e.: disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes ❑ No ❑ (lino, a "minor modification" fee of $100.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): ❑ I[ this is an application for TRANSFER of mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered y the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage: SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Granite 3. Mining method: ❑Hydraulic Dredge �Front-end Loader & TruckX Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck Self -loading Scraper Other (explain): 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) 450 Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 425 5. I-las any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes ® No ❑ 0 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 0 If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Hanson and companies now a part of Hanson 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years is no longer the maximum): Life -of -Mine B. MAPS I . Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six 6 copies of 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) conies ofall mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C. Geological Survey: Mailing; Address: Physical Address: 1612 Mail Service Center OR 512 North Salisbury Street, 5`h Floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 733-2423 www.LeoloL�v.enr.state.nc.us/ County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C. Department of Transportation: North Carolina Department of Transportation — Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mailing Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 1587 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1587 Physical Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 3401 Carl Sandburg Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 (919) 212-6000 www.ncdot.org/it/gisContact/default.htnil 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation reaps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings_ m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of' the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway, creek, stream, river, or other watercourse, railroad track, or utility or other public right-of-way. If an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map(s). NOTE: "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: I . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-49 Acres l inch = 50 feet 50-199 Acres I inch = 100 feet 200+ Acres I inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT • A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tail ings/sediment ponds, stockpiles, waslepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 27.40 Stockpiles 15.96 Wastepiles 120.09 Processing Area/Haul Roads 34.21 Mine Excavation 151.28 Other (buffers, wetlands, etc) 150.66 Total Acres to be Affected 348.94 Total Mine Permitted Acres 499.60 NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITF-SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONSISTATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. APPLICATION FOR A MININNGG PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The, following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond (based upon a range of SSU(l to $5,000 per gJfecied acre),for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved b}, the Department.to be affected during the life o f the twining permit. Please insert the upj7roximate acreage, for each A security bond has been posted by Hanson Aggregates ates Southeast, LLC pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54. F. NOTIFICATION OF ADJOINING LANDOWNERS The "Notice" form, or a facsimile thereof, attached to this application must be sent certified or registered trail to: (1)the chief administrative officer of each county and municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located as indicated on the mine map(s); (2)all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s); and (3)all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and is contiguous to any highway; creek, stream, river, or other watercourse; railroad track; or utility or other public right-of-way; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s). "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or Iess and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. The only exception to the above method ofgiving notice is ifanother means of'notice is approved in advance by the Director, Division of Land Resources. A copy of a tax map (or other alternative acceptable to the Department) must be mailed with the completed "Notice" form (the proposed overall permit boundaries and the names and locations of all owners of record of lands adjoining said boundaries must be clearly denoted on the tax map). The "Affidavit of Notification" attached to this application must be completed, notarized and submitted to the Department, with the remainder of the completed application form, before the application will be considered complete. N/A: Additional permitted acreage is not requested in the mine permit modification application. APPLICATION FOR A MININC6'RMIT • MINING FEE SCHEDULE Hanson Aggregates —Rocky Mount 11 Quarry Mine Permit Modification Application Anon refundable permit application processing fee when tiling for anew mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit is required as follows: 0-25 acres 26+acres New Permit Applications $3,750.00 $5,000.00 Permit Modifications $750.00 $1,000.00 Permit Renewals $750.00 $1,000.00 Transfers/M'lnor Modifications* $100.00 $100.00 " A nonrefundable S100.00 permit application processing fee is required for minor permit modifications. Minor permit modifiRtions include oaaership transfers, name changes, hand substitutions and permit renewals where the mine is inactive and fully stabilized. A minor permit modificationabto includes lands added to a permitted area, outside of the minimum permit huller zone requirements, where no plans for mining related disturbance of the added lands have been approved. All other changes are considered major permit modiroes tit) ns, Acres for new permits and renewal permits means the total acreage at the site. Acres for major modification of permits means that area of land affected by the mndifiration within the permitted mine area, or any additional land that is to he disturbed and added to an existing permitted area, or lih. Make checks payable to: NCDENR-Land Quality 1620 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Please see attached check no. 21421929 for $1,000.00. -9- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971 pursuant to G.S. 74-56. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: Signature:s l�. 1K Print Name: Daren McMorris (Title, if applicable) Company Hanson A , ,re gates Southeast LLC (If applicable) Address: 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 Telephone: 919 380-2620 Date Signed: _ C) /c)s /12 APPLICANT: Signature:* Print Name: Daren McMorris Title: NC Operations Manager .. Company: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Mine Name: Hanson A ire ,aces— Durham Quagy Telephone: (919) 380-2620 Date Signe C;�/Q L I I *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page I of this application. One original and five f5) conies of the completed annlication, six (6) conics of all location mans, mine mans and reclamation mans, and the appropriate Processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) in the form a check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at (919) 707-9220. %0 WithersRavenel 00 Our People. Your Success. EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS ROCKY MOUNT II QUARRY Rocky Mount, NC Prepared For Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 100 Morrisville. NC 27560 (919) 380-2746 ATTN: Jack Garvey Prepared By: WithersRavenel 1375. Wilmington St, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27601 (919)469-3340 License No. C-0832 September 2017 W R No.02170184.00 Ryan Fisher, PE u 0 SEDIMENT TRAP CALCULATIONS Rocky Mount II Quarry Erosion Control Calculations W R No. 02170184 September 2017 Q25 yr SEDIMENT TRAP DESIGN - HANSON AGGREGATES -ROCKY MOUNT QUARRY Basin N Drainage Area fact (Da) Denuded Area(ac) (Du) Storage Volume Recfd(d) (3600 di Denuded Acre) Surface Area Req'd(sf) (O25)(435 sf/cfs) Length (ft) (f0(cf) Widthb4low olume Provided SurfaceArea Provided (at) Wev Length Req'tl (h)' Weir Length Provided (ff) POST-01 8.56 Z75 27900 9160 375 25]5W 9375 20.00 20 P-TST 02 3.53 3.53 12708 3777 160 256000 4000 9.00 10 P-TST-03 2.32 2.32 8352 2483 tOD 250000 2500 6.00 1D P-TST-04 6.84 3.29 71844 7319 300 250000 7500 16.00 20 P-TST-05 4.52 4.52 16272 4837 200 250000 5000 11.00 20 P-TST-06 7.84 332 11952 8390 340 254000 8500 19.00 20 P-TST-07 1.81 1.81 6516 1937 80 258000 2000 5.00 10 P-TST-08 5.59 3.06 11016 5982 240 254000 6000 13.00 20 P-TST-09 2.53 2.53 9108 2707 110 25 1 2750 1 6.00 1 10 Note: 1' of freeboard is provided for each Basin (40' Total max depth). Geanoot Basin vfien 1/2 full. Im = 8.20 in8rr Surface Area Required based on 025 (hews (C=0.30: Tc=Smin; 125=8.20 inlhr) Weir length based on 025 flows (C=0.30; TGSmin; 125=8.20 in/hr) 0 0 DIVERSION DITCH CALCULATIONS Rocky Mount II Quarry WR No, 02170184 Erosion Control CalCulations September 201.7 Diversion Ditch Calculations 025 Rainfall Intensity Discharge {CFS) Minimum Slope Normal Depth Calculated Shear Permissible Shear Calculated Ditch # Drainage Area {AC) C (inlhr) {070) (8) Stress {psf) Stress {pso Velocity (ftls) 01 8.56 0.30 8.20 21.06 1.00% 1.85 1.15 4.20 2.05 D2 3.53 0.30 8.20 8.68 1.00% 1.48 0.92 4.20 1.32 D3 2.32 0.30 8.20 5.71 1.00% 1.34 0.84 4.20 1.06 D4 6.84 0.30 8.20 16.83 1.00% 1.74 1.09 4.20 1.84 D5 4.52 0.30 8.20 11.12 1.00% 1.57 0.98 4.20 1.50 D6 7.84 0.30 8.20 19.29 1.00% 1.81 1.13 4.20 1.97 D7 1.81 0.30 8.20 4.45 1.00% 1.27 0.79 4.20 1.27 D8 5.59 0.30 8.20 13.75 1.00% 1.66 1.03 4.20 1.67 D9 2.53 0.30 8.20 6.22 1.00% 1.37 0.85 4.20 1.11 ALL DIVERSION DITCHES TO BE LINED WITH TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 0 4 North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fag 812.867.0247 wwwmagreen.com lion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: DI Discharge 21.06 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope .01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Vegiation Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unreinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% use Reach DsaWrg tlm ois Norms]a n Permissible Shear Calculated Shear safety Remarks Staple Depth \ Stms St Farrar Pattern Unreinforced Straigh 21.06 1 2.05 1 1.85 ft 0,066 4.2 lbSIft2 1.15 lbs/ft2 3.64 STABLE -- Vaineration CPS ftl 1 Underlying Straigh 21.06 2.05 1.85 it — 0.02 lbS/R2 0.057 lbstft2 0.35 UNSTABL -- Substrate cfs 1 ft/S 1 I 1 1 a NORTH AMERICAN GREEN- sion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D2 Discharge 8.68 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bonom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Vegtation Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unrcinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com Phan Rn<b Riubrg <o[f) \ormal Manningrm ss,ble5hrar n Cal[uafed Tr Safvp Remarks nape Depth N SVeas 5rrtu hWor Papers Unaeinforced Straigh 9.68 cfs 1.32 1.48It 0.089 4.21bs/ft2 0.921bsM 4.55 STABLE -- Vegetation ft/s Underlying traigh 8.68 cfs 1.32 1.48It -- 0.02 Ibs/ft2 0.0251b8 tt2 0.79 UNSTABL -- Substrate ft!s 0 0 North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. NORTH Poseyville, Indiarea47633 ki AM E R I CA N Fax 8.967.0247 GREEN' www.nagreen.com lion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D3 Discharge 5.71 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Remrdance Class C Vegettton Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unreinforeed Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 5W19 Phase Reach iuharg Velod Normalhlanoing, erm n ale Shear a culate i Shear Sa cry Itemarkx Staple Deal n N Stnas Stnss h'¢mr Panels Unreinforced Straigh 5.71 cis 1.06 1.34 ft 0.104 4.2 Ibs/ft2 0.84 lbs/ft2 5.01 STABL — Vegetation B/s Underlying Straight 5.71 cfs 1.06 1.34It — 0.02 lbs/112 0.017 lbs1112 1.19 TABL — Substrate I I B/s EI J �aN,.Y.. a a 1 �'t 0 sion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D4 Discharge 16.83 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Remittance Class C Vegtation Type Bunch Ty Vegetation Density Poor<50^/, Soil Type Sand Unreinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 900.772.2040 Fax 812.967.0247 www.nagreen.com Phase licath Darharg san) \arena Maamng ermiesibe bear ' elcuaird Shear aeq ®a Simple Mirk ry 5tnu Slnae F1ebr Pattern Unreinforced Straigh 16.83 1.84 1.74 It0.071 4.21bs/ft2 1.09 lbs/R2 3.86 STABLE -- Vegetation cfs R/s Underlying Straigh 16.83 L84 1.74 1 — 0.02 lbs/tit 0.047 lbs/tl2 0.43 UNSTABLE -- Substrate cfs fUs C7 • NORTH AMERICAN GREEN' sion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D5 Discharge 11.12 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0,01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Vegunion Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unminforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor <50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthians Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fax 812.967.0247 www.nagreen.com Phase Reach Disvhsrg e 0 Norms annIng Permisn a hear aleu ate Shear Safety Remarks Staple Depth N Strcas Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Stmigh IL12 1.5 1.57 it 0.081 4.2 Ibs/ft2 0.98 lbslft2 4.29 STABLE Vegetation efs 0/s Underlying Straigh 11.12 1.5 1.57 ft -- 0.021bs/ft2 0.032 Ibs/R2 0.62 UNSTABLE — Substrate 1 cfs ft/s 0 • a uersi d sion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D6 Discharge 19.29 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Vegtation Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unrcinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagrean.com Phase Reach Di"hem 0lucM1 Normal alanniaa Permissible Shear Calculated Shear Sandy Remarks Staple ntidle N atms Steav Faelar Pattern Unreinforced Straigh 19.29 1.97 1.81 ft 0.068 4.21bs/ft2 1.13 lbs/ft2 3.73 STABLE -- Vegetation cfs ft/s 1 Underlying Straigh 19.29 1.97 1.81 ft — 0.021bs/ft2 0.053 lbs/112 0.38 UNSTABL -- Substrate I cis R/s E :7 NORTH AMERICAN GREEN' lion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D7 Discharge 4.45 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Vegtation Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unreinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiano Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fax 812,867.0247 www.nagreen.com Plant Reach Lac arg cock Normal slamming ermnsibre Shear calealattilslator Safety Remarks Staple Depth N Srrt>r Strear Parlor Pattern Unreinforced Straigh 4.45 cfs 0.93 1.27 fl 0.114 4.2 lbs/112 0.79lbs/ft2 5.32 STABLE — Vegetation Underlying Straigh 4.45 cis 0.93 1.27It -- 0.02 lbs/112 0.013 lbs/R2 1.53 STABLE — Substrate a �\ NORTH ®� AMERICAN GREEN - lion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: D8 Discharge 13.75 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Chancel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardara:e Class C Vegtation Type Bunch Type Vegetation Density Poor <5(t Soil Type Sand Unreinforced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor < 50% North American Green 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800,772.2040 Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com Phase Reach Diu s ekxYh Formal Manning PermnP kShear atmble0 ear are) Rema s ea e = Depsh N Stern Sven hS Unreinforced Straigh 13.75 1.67 1.66 ft 0.076 4.2 IbsM 1.03 Ibs/ft2 4.06 STABLE — Vegetation efs ft/s 1 Underlying Stmigh 13.75 1.67 1.66It — 0.021bs/R2 0.03911bsftl2 0.51 UNSTABL -- Substrate I efs ft/s 0 • NORTH AMERICAN GREEN' lion Control Materials Design Software Version 5.0 Project Name: Hanson Rocky Mount Project Number: 125528 Channel Name: 09 Discharge 6.22 Peak Flow Period 0.01 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 0 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardance Class C Veglalion Type Bunch Ty Vegetation Density Poor <50% Soil Type Sand Unreinfsiced Vegetation - Class C - Bunch Type - Poor <50a/a North American Green 5401 St Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Paseyvitie, Indiana 47633 Tel. 800.772.2040 Fax 812.867.0247 www.nsgrcen.com now Reach Decharg e e Normal lanmo omissible Shear ucuetnd Shear So ry' c emar s Simple Depth K Saco Strtaa F'eelar Pattern Unreinfomed Straight 6.22 cis 1.11 1.37 ft 0.101 4.216s/112 0.85 lbs/ft2 4.92 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straigh 6.22 cis 1.11 1.37 f1 — 0.02 lbs/ft2 0.013 lbs/ft2 1.1 STABLE -- Substrate ft/s 0 • PIPE CALCULATIONS Rocky Mount II Quarry WR No. 02170184 Erosion Control Calculations September 2017 Line Profile (Line 1) - P-1 Page loft Line t - P-1 D (f) 74.00 74.00 — ----- ---- 71.00 71.00 _...:.._ —-- 68.00 35.130 - - ---- -- : - _-- 4 io. -- — ------------ 62.00 32.CD 69.00 —---------- HID 0 50 100 150 200 250 3X 35D LOD 450 500 557 6D0 650 70D 750 Rea=h (ft) Invert Elevation Depth of Flow Hydraulic Grade Line Velocity Cover Lim # D Ws) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) Hw DU Dn (ft) Up (ft) Jnct (it) Dn Offs) Up (ft) Dn (ft) Up (ft) 1 47.97 63.99 69.49 3.50 2.83 3.35 67.49 72.32 72.84 4.99 5.75 0.18 0.18 Project File: No. Lines: 1 Run Date: 9/13/2017 i sa"r.s...a Storm Sewer Summary Report Page i Line No. Line ID Flow rate (cfs) Line Size (in) Line shape Line length (ft) Invert EL Dn (tt) Invert EL Up (it) Line Slope M HGL Down (ft) HGL Up M Minor loss (ft) HGL Junct (ft) Dns Line No. Junction Type 1 P-1 47.97 42 Cir 632.549 63.99 69.49 0.869 67.49 72.32 0.51 72.84 End None Project File: Pipe Calcs.stm Number of lines: 1 Run Date: 911312017 NOTES: Return period = 25 Yrs. ob J Storm Sewers 00,40 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size 0 Downstream Len upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vol Vol EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vol Vol EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev eleV head elev Sf loss (1) (in) (2) (Cfs) (3) (ft) (4) (ft) (5) {ft} (6) (sgft) (7) (ftls) (8) (ft) (9) (ft) (10) N (11) (ft) (12) (ft) (13) (ft) (14) (ft) (15) (soft) (16) (ftls) (17) (ft) (18) (ft) {%) (19) (20) 1%) (21) (ft) (22) (K) (23) (ft) (24) 1 42 47.97 63.99 67.49 3.50 9.62 4.99 0,39 67.88 0.775 632.54 69.49 72.32 2.83 8.34 5.75 0.51 72.84 0.793 0.784 4,959 1.00 0.51 project File: Pipe Calcs.stm Number of lines: 1 Run Date: 9J13t2017 ; c = cir e = ellip b = box 1 J Slam Sew$ V10,40 Hydraflow HGL Computation Procedure General Procedure: Hydraflow computes the HGL using the Bernoulli energy equation. Manning's equation is used to determine energy losses due to pipe friction. In a standard step, iterative procedure, Hydraflow assumes upstream HGL-s until the energy equation balances. if the energy equation cannot balance, supercritical flow exists and critical depth is temporarily assumed at the upstream end. A supercritical flow Profile is then computed using the same procedure in a downstream direction using momentum principles. Col. 1 The line number being computed. Calculations begin at Line 1 and proceed upstream. Cot 2 The line size In the case of non -circular pipes, the line rise is printed above the span. Col. 3 Total Row rate in the line. Col. 4 The elevation of the downstream invert. Col. 5 Elevation of the hydraulic grade line at the downstream end. This is computed as the upstream HGL + Minor loss of this line's downstream line. Col. 6 The downstream depth of flow inside the pipe (HGL - Invert elevation) but not greater than the line size, Col. 7 Cross -sectional area of the flow at the downstream end. Col. 8 The velocity of the now at the downstream end, (Col. 3 f Col_ 7). COI. 9 Veimty head (Velocity squared / 2g). CoL 10 The elevation of the energy grade line at the downstream end. HGL + Velocity head, (Col. 5 + Col. 9). Col. 11 The friction slope at the downstream and (the S or Slope term in Manning's equation). Col. 12 The line length. Col. 13 The elevation of the upstream invert. Col 14 Elevation of the hydraulic grade line at the upstream end Col, 15 The upstream depth of flow inside the pipe (HGL - Invert elevation) but not greater than the line size. Col. 16 Cross -sectional area of the flow at the upstream end. Col. 17 The velocity of the flow at the upstream end, (Col. 31 Col 16). Col. 18 Velocity head (Velocity squared 12g). Cot. 19 The elevation of the energy grade line at the upstream end, HGL + Velocity head, (Col. 14 + Coi. 18) . Col. 20 The faction slope at the upstream end (the S or Slope term in Manning's equation). Col. 21 The average of the downstream and upstream friction slopes_ Col. 22 Energy loss. Average 5ftt00 x Line Length (Col. 211100 x Col_ 12). Equals (EGL upstream - EGL downstream) +!- tolerance. Col. 23 The junction loss coefficient (i Col. 24 Minor loss. (Col. 23 x Col. 18). Is added to upstream HGL and used as the starting HGL for the next upstream line(s) Page 1 0 \J OUTLET PROTECTION DESIGN Rocky Mount II Quarry Erosion Control Calculations W R No. 021701 84 September 2017 7 PHASE KI Storm Outlet Structure FES No.= FE5700 1t of Barrels 010/0full = 0.94 Pipe Die= 42 in 1 VNfull= 1.14 025 = 47.A7 cis V = 8.6 fps Mull = 50.83 cis Mill = 5.28 fps Use 02in for chart From Fig. 8.O6.1 Zone =� From Fig, 8.08.b.2: D5o 10 in DM = 15 in Riprap Class = i Apron Thickness = 18 in Apron Length 28.0 8 Apron Width 1 = 3xDia = 10.5 8 Apron Width 2 = Dia+Length = 31.5 8 Login -. CNOssipalors Design,xtsin LATEST REVISION: SAM017 5:3BAM PAGE 10F1 • " • • DATE DESIGN PHASE PRELIM ii4p 09A 3l17 Hanson - Rock Mount - Pie Outlet Protection Calculations 2/70184.00 BV CONSTR % REVISION LOCA N Rock Mount, NC RSF CHECKED BV RECORD (SPECIFY) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WR Storm Outlet Structure FES No.= Slope Drains # of Barrels Om/Ofull = 0.03 Pipe Dia= 18 in 1 VlVfull = 0.42 010 = 2.17 cfs V = 8.6 fps Olull = 78 44 cfs Vfoll = 44.39 fps Use 181n for chart From Fig. 8.06.b.1: Zone =0 From Fig. 8.06.b.2: Dso = 8 in DMAx = 12 in - —- Riprap Class B Apron Thickness 18 in Apron Length 9.0 fl Apron Width 1 = 3zDia _ 4.5 ft Apron Width 2 = Dia+Length = 10.5 It 025 is half of flow. For multiple barrels, Zone and length talcs include 1 25 factor of correction. CDe Dissipslos Design Asm i.ATESTREVIVON:811](10176.12PM PAGE OF 0 i Appendix 1 Hanson Aggregates —Rocky Mount II Quarry Drainage Feature "D" NCDENR DWR Determination 0 • AVIA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 22, 2009 Steven Ball Soil & Environmental Consultants 11010 Raven Ridge Rd Raleigh, NC 27614 IPN"RRO#09-121 Edgecombe County BASIN: ❑ Neuse (15A NCAC 2B .0233) ®'Far -Pamlico (I 5A NCAC 2B .0259) ® Ephemeralflntermittent/Perennial Determination ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination Project Name: Hanson Aggregates Location/Directions: Subject property is south of Hwy 97 in Rocky Mount Subject Stream: UT to Tar River Date of Determination: September 15, 2009 Feature U/1/P* Not Subject Subject Start@ Stop@ Stream Form Pts. Soil Survey USGS To o A _ I X Flag 'Start TRB01 ' X B X X C X X D j X X Pond X X *E/UP = Ephemeral/Intermittent/Perennia! Explanation: The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Edgecombe County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1.24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There may be other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Quality. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing do Cyndi Karoly , DWQ NhCaro atura)r Forth Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791-4200 Customer Service Internet wvm.nmaterquality,org 1629 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1629 FAX (919) 571-4719 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunftylAEflnnative Action Employer-50% Recycled110%Post Consumer Paper 0 • Hanson Aggregates Edgecombe County September 22, 2009 Page 2 of 2 Wetlands/401 Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260. individuals that dispute a determination by the D'WQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an ad judicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. The (owner/future owners) should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 4041401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Quality (Central Office) at (919)-733-1786, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919)-876-8441. Respectfully, i ��j—1 XA— r 2� Martin Richjond Environmental Specialist cc: Wetlands/ Stormwater Branch, 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604 RROISWP File Copy I -:."'. Wk8 IV n !' Wk8 nj.'.o I(joinr uooer rinh/) f h'ountalnr MR3 7 he Rift 820000 y LI `Cei4! V E1121r�$�=--a =• FEET k�fpu`_ n iCFimi Rrineh If - `, Avalon ^ J Troile n i ch Parij �. B7 l.. _ a I ,� ii' :Creek 7 -� " I Brick • (IIOD 1. n J 92 n d Ion to / A II p —ItM1 14C It lu .:OfA 82' `�aBi6B-Statf6'n I"!', t I Q 97 95 Op PGI t��.; / 1i5O ".,, �t 1 •, Pilotlop 1 Y Pf `POA' � Jr -♦rJ' I ® . 84 1249 .. ` L ice' j • �... �ccc_—=I.. 75 .. Springfield •n4i Kro Energy. Mineral III Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OVALITY December 1, 2017 Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2101 Gateway Centre Blvd Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 RE: Mining Permit No. 33-13 Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County Dear Jack Garvey: ROY COOPER co,rrnol MICHAEL S. REGAN secw,l TRACY DAVIS arecror This letter is to advise you of recent amendments to the North Carolina Mining Act of 1971 which. impact the permit term of your existing mining permit. Pursuant to the passage of House Bill 56, which became law on October 4, 2017 as SL 2017-209, all existing mining permits and any newly issued mining permits are to be issued for the life of site or for the duration of the lease term. The "life of site' means the period from the initial receipt of a permit for the operation until the mining operation terminates and the required reclamation is completed. Considering the above, this letter hereby modifies your existing mining permit to removeall references to the prior expiration date to convert your permit to a life of site or lease permit effective immediately. No action is required on your part for this modification to be effective. Please attach this letter to your existing mining permit for future reference. The mine name and permit number on The permit document, and all existing operating and reclamation conditions contained therein, shall remain in full force and effect. Furthermore, all provisions of GS §74-51 and GS §74-52 still apply to all new, transferred and modified mining permits. In addition to the life of site or lease mining permit provision, SL 2017-209 also enacted a new annual mining permit operating fee of $400 per mining permit number. By statute, the initial payment of this annual $400 fee must be submitted to this office by December 31, 2017 — see the attached Invoice to remit the initial annual fee payment by this deadline. Beginning in 201 B, the $400 annual operating fee must be submitted by July 1 of each year with the required Annual Reclamation Report as required by GS §74-55. Failure to submit the fee by the requireddeadline will result in a $50/month late fee and could result in the denial of future permit actions and/or revocation of your mining permit. Lastly, pursuant to GS §74-54, the cap on reclamation bonds has been raised from $500,000 to $1 million. Any adjustments needed in existing bonds will be initiated by this office or addressed during your next requested permit action unless you contact this office with a written request to have your bond reevaluated. The issuance of a mining permit andlor any modification to it does not supersede local zoning. regulations. The responsibility of compliance with any applicable zoning regulations remains with you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions. on the above, please contact Ms. Judy Wenner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, or me at (919) 707-9220. Sincerely, �/, , 2 v William "Toby' Vinson, Jr., PE, CPM Interim Director. DEMLR $IJW ulNorth C tulinn I Ell il'oil nreNal Qralll I Energy, MRwrdl and Land Rerourege 513FSallspury Weer I IH3 Mall Wrae Coma I Raleigh. Nor Or Carol in a 27{3Wel] 9191079200 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor July 6, 2015 Mr. Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard Morrisville, North Carolina 27560-9626 RE: Permit No. 33-13 Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County Tar River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary Your recent request to have the above referenced mining permit modified has been approved. The modification is to allow the operator to mine sand before backfilling the overburden stockpile area located off Springfield Road Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015with the stipulation that this activity shall not undermine the state road right-of-way. There is no change in the permitted and affected acreage at this site. A copy of the modified permit is enclosed, The conditions in the modified permit were based primarily upon the initial application. Modifications were made as indicated by the modification request and as required to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 1971, The expiration date, mine name and permit number shall remain the same as before the modification. 1 would like to draw your particular attention to the following conditions where minor additions or changes were made: Operating Condition Nos. 3C, 4F and 10B. The issuance of a mining permit and/or any modification to it does not supersede local zoning regulations. The responsibility of compliance with any applicable zoning regulations lies with you. As a reminder, your permitted acreage at this site is 499.6 acres and the amount of land you are approved to disturb is 284.89 acres. Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section - Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: http://Portal.ncdenr.or, Ig webllrl Mailing Address; 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-92001 FAX, 919-715-8801 An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirma0e Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Garvey Page Two Please review the modified permit and contact Judy Wehner, Assistant Mining Specialist, at (919) 707-9220 should you have any questions concerning this matter, Sincerely, �- -5.- a et S. Boyer, PE t to Mining Specialist L Ad Quality Section JSBIjw Enclosures cc: Mr. John Holley, PE Mr. William Gerringer-Mine and Quarry Bureau, w/o enclosures DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance with the provisions of G.S. 74-46 through 68, "The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15A NCAC 5 B, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County - Permit No. 33-13 for the operation of a Crushed Stone Quarry which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. MINING PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: October 30, 2022 Page 2 In accordance with the application for this mining permit, which is hereby approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources hereinafter referred to as the Department, and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the expiration, revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the permitted mining operation, by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have complied with the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security. In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complying with the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit, or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to the above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N,C.G.S. 74-49. Modifications October 19, 1990: This permit has been modified to include the addition and development of the 325 acres of land west of and contiguous to the original mining permit area as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan and Details dated December 1989 and revised August 16, 1990 with several stipulations. November 1, 1991: This permit has been modified to allow on -site remediation of petroleum contaminated soils. September 4, 1992: This permit has been modified to allow the expansion of the pit and the relocation of the closed circuit settling ponds. Page 3 July 15, 1993: This permit has been modified to include the sediment and erosion control measure improvements as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, Sheet EC-1, dated January 1'992 and revised May 1993 and noted in the calculations package prepared by McKim and Creed dated May 1993. April 24, 1995. The permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Nello L. Teer Company to Benchmark Carolina Aggregates Inc. May 21, 1999:. This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Benchmark Carolina Aggregates, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. June 6, 2000: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 496.64 acres and the affected acreage to 261.0 acres as indicated on the Mine Maps, Sheets C2 and C4, dated March 2000, Sheet D1 dated April 2000, and Sheets C1, C3 and D2 last revised May 25, 2000. The modification includes a clarification of the overall affected acreage at the site, the addition of an overburden disposal area located east of the existing pit area, and all associated erosion and sediment control measures designed for said disposal area. June 19 2001: This permit has been modified to include a stockpile area east of the existing pit and the associated erosion and sediment control measures as indicated on Sheet C3 last revised May 11, 2001. The modification also includes a clarification of the permitted and affected acreage as provided in a letter to the Department dated May 14, 2001. The permitted acreage for this site is 492.82 acres and the affected acreage is 252.18 acres. March 19, 2002: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. October 26, 2009: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC. May 4, 2010: This permit has been modified to increase the affected acreage at this site to 278.1 acres as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project - Site Development Plan received by the Land Quality Section on March 22, 2010. The modification includes changes to the expansion of the mine site on the west side of the Tar River, including stockpiling overburden in an area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250, altering the pit area to avoid the floodway and increasing the riparian buffer as requested by the City of Rocky Mount, and installing and maintaining comprehensive erosion and sediment control measures to address these approved affected areas. May 24 2010: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 499.60 acres and the affected acreage at this site to 284.88 acres as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010. The modification includes the 6.78 acre expansion of the permit boundary to the east and includes the addition of an overburden disposal area on said expansion. The modification also includes the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures. Page 4 July 6,_ 2015: This permit has been modified to allow the operator to mine sand before backfilling the overburden stockpile area located off Springfield Road as indicated on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015with the stipulation that this activity shall not undermine the state road right-of-way. There is no change in the permitted and affected acreage at this site. Expiration Date This permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until October 30, 2022. Conditions This Permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et, seq., and to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: Wastewater and Quarry_Dewaterin A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accordance with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Any storm water runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Stormwater Program to secure any necessary storm water permits or other approval documents. 2. Air Quality and Dust Control A. Any mining related process producing air contaminant emissions including fugitive dust shall be subject to the requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B, During processing operation, water trucks or other means that may be necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the permitted area. 3. Buffer Zones A. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S., or wetlands shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations promulgated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. Page 5 B. Sufficient buffer shall be maintained between any affected land and any adjoining waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integrity of the natural watercourse or wetland. CC). All buffer zones shown on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015 shall be maintained to protect adjoining property. These buffer zones, with the exception of the installation of required sediment control measures and approved earthen berms, shall remain undisturbed. 4. Erosion and Sediment Control A. Adequate mechanical barriers including, but not limited to diversions, earthen dikes, check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or natural watercourse in proximity to the affected land. B. A drop inlet/conduit slope drain system shall be installed and maintained on the overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the pit in those areas where water will be diverted into the mine excavation toy direct runoff to the first safety bench and prevent severe erosion of said overburden slopes. C. All mining activities associated with the additional overburden storage area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250 and the changes to the expansion of the mine west of the Tar River, including the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project - Site Development Plan received by the Land Quality Section on March 22, 2010, including the supplemental information dated -- October 19, 2009, January 22, 2010, March 12, 2010 and March 22, 2010. D. Mining activities associated with the expansion of the eastern permit boundary to include an overburden expansion area, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010 and supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on January 22, 2010, January 27, 2010, February 18, 2010 and April 8, 2010, E. All mining activities, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit -Renewal Maps, Sheets 1 through 6 of 6, dated September 2012 and the supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on September 20, 2012. Page 6 F. Mining activities associated with the sand mining under the overburden storage area located off Springfield Road shall be conducted as indicated on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015 and supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on May 19, 2015 and June 18, 2015. G. An erosion and sediment control plan(s) shall be submitted to the Department for approval prior to any land disturbing activities not indicated on the revised erosion control plan or mine maps submitted with the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Such areas include, but are not limited to, expansion outside of the approved pit area, creek crossings, or expansion of overburden or waste disposal areas. 5. Groundwater Protection Groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed and monitored 'as deemed appropriate by the Department. 6. Graded Slopes and Fills A. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels, the erosion of which may cause off -site damage because of siltation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. B. Overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the quarry opening shall be graded to a minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and shall be stabilized within 60 days of completion. Furthermore, a minimum twenty (20) foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the top of the rock and at the toe of any overburden slope. C. Any pit walls disturbed after September 4, 1992 shall be provided with a five foot wide safety bench every 35 feet of vertical height. D. All cut slopes and fill slopes in unconsolidated material shall be graded to a two horizontal to one vertical or flatter slope and appropriately stabilized to prevent erosion. 7. Surface Drainage The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. Page 7 8. Blasting The operator shall monitor each blast with a seismograph located at a distance no farther than the closest off site regularly occupied structure not owned or leased by the operator. A seismographic record including peak particle velocity, air overpressure, and vibration frequency levels shall be kept for each blast (except as provided under Operating Condition Nos. BB and 8D of this permit). The following blasting conditions shall be observed by the mine operator to prevent hazard to persons and adjacent property from surface blasting: A, Ground Vibration With Monitoring: In all blasting operations, the maximum peak particle velocity of any component of ground motion shall not exceed Figure 1 (below) at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building. 10.0 2.0 7.5 L0 0.9 0. 0.G 0.5 0.4 k3 0.2 -- - - . .- - �- — - Blast'Abration Frequency, Hz Figure i Atternalive blasting levei criteria (Source modified from figure & 1. Bureau of;wines Rt.$507) B. Ground Vibration Without Monitoring: In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: W = (D/Ds)z Ds = D Wv2 V = 160(Ds)-re W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). . D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). D3 = Scaled distance factor. V = Peak Particle Velocity (inches per second). The peak particle velocity of any component shall not exceed 1.0 inch per second, for the purposes of this Section. C. Air blast With Monitoring: Air blast overpressure resulting from surface blasting shall not exceed 129 decibels linear (dBL) as measured at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building not owned or leased by the operator outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building, unless an alternate level based on the sensitivity of the seismograph microphone as specified below is being used: Lower Frequency Limit of Max Level, Measuring System in Hz in dBL 0.1 Hz or lower -flat response 134 peak 2.0 Hz or lower -flat response 133 peak 6.0 Hz or lower -flat response 129 peak D. Air blast Without Monitoring: _. In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents -monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: U = 82 (DAND.33)-is To convert U (psi) to P (dBL): Page 9 P = 20 x log (U/2.gx10-9) Confined Air blast/Overpressure (dBL) for quarry situation: A=P-35 U = Unconfined air overpressure (pounds per square inch). W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). P = Unconfined air overpressure (decibels). A = Air blast or air overpressure for typical quarry situations (decibels). The air blast/overpressure shall not exceed 129 decibels, for the purposes of this Section. E. Record Keeping: The operator shall maintain records on each individual blast describing: the total number of holes; pattern of holes and delay of intervals; depth and size of holes; type and total pounds of explosives; maximum pounds per delay interval; amount of stemming and burden for each hole; blast location; distance from blast to closest offsite regularly occupied structure; and weather conditions at the time of the blast. Records shall be maintained at the permittee's mine office and copies shall be provided to the Department upon request. Excessive Ground Vibration/Air blast Reporting: If ground vibration or Air blast limits are exceeded, the operator will immediately report the event with causes and corrective actions to the Department. Use of explosives at the blast site that produced the excessive reading shall cease until corrective actions approved by the Department are taken. However, blasting may occur in other approved areas within the permitted boundary, Authorization to blast at the blast site may be granted at the time of the verbal reporting of the high ground vibration or high air blast reading if the circumstances justify verbal approval. Failure to report will constitute a permit violation. G. Flvrock Prevention: The operator shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that flyrock is not thrown beyond areas where the access is temporarily or permanently guarded by the operator. Failure to take corrective measures to prevent flyrock and repeated instances of flyrock shall be considered a violation of the Mining Permit. Page 10 H. FlVrock Reporting: Should flyrock occur beyond the permitted and guarded areas, the operator shall immediately report the incident to the Department. Further use of explosives on the mine site shall be suspended until the following actions have been taken: A thorough investigation as to the cause(s) of the incident shall be conducted. 2. A report detailing the investigation shall be provided to the Department within 10 days of the incident. The report shall, at a minimum, document the cause(s) of the incident along with technical and management actions that will be taken to prevent further incidents. The report shall meet with the approval of the Department before blasting may resume at the mine site. Studies: The operator shall provide to the Department a copy of the findings of any seismic studies conducted at the mine site in response to an exceedence of a level allowed by these blasting conditions. The operator shall make every reasonable effort to incorporate the studies' recommendations into the production blasting program. Notice - The operator shall, when requested by the Department, give 24-hour advance notice to the Land Quality Section Regional Office prior to any blast during a period for which notice is requested. 9. High Wall Barrier A physical barrier consisting of large boulders placed end -to -end or fencing shall be maintained at all times along the perimeter of any highwall to prevent inadvertent public access. In addition, a minimum 20 foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the junction between the top of rock and the toe of any overburden cut slope. 10. Visual Screening A. Existing vegetation shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares to screen the operation from the public. Additional screening methods, suchas constructing earthen berms, shall be employed as deemed appropriate by the Department. Page 11 B. Vegetated earthen berms shall be located and constructed as shown on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map last revised May 19, 2015. In addition to grasses, long leaf and/or Virginia pines or other acceptable evergreen species shall be planted as deemed appropriate by the Department to improve visual and noise buffering. 11. Plan Modification The operator shall notify the Department in writing of the desire to delete, modify or otherwise change any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosion/sediment control plan contained in the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Approval to implement such changes must be obtained from the Department prior to on -site implementation of the revisions. 12. Refuse Disposal A, No on -site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the mining permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries of the mining permit area unless authorization to conduct said disposal has first been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Land Quality Section, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B, Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Mining Act of 1971 generated on -site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste products must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division of Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or their storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit, the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources considers the following materials to be "mining refuse" (in addition to those specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. on -site generated land clearing debris conveyor belts wire cables v-be Its steel reinforced air hoses drill steel D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal: Page 12 13 14 15 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area; 2. a list of refuse items to Eye disposed; 3. verification that a minim 1 m of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and 5. verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established. Annual Reclamation Report An Annual Reclamation Report shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Department by February 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved. Bonding The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54 in the form of a $500,000.00 blanket bond, is sufficient t, cover the operation as indicated in the approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to be valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. Archaeological Resources Authorized representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. Page 13 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum Standards As Provided_ By G.S. 74-53 The final slopes in all excavations in soil, sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or foul. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. 6. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities pursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining. RECLAMATION CONDITIONS: 1. Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation Schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to allow the quarry excavation to fill with water, provide a permanent barricade (fence) along the top of any high wall, and grade and revegetate any areas in unconsolidated material. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: Page 14 A. All areas of unconsolidated material such as overburden or waste piles shall be graded to a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter slope and terraced as necessary to insure slope stability. B. Any settling ponds and sediment control basins shall be backfilled, graded, and stabilized or cleaned out and made into acceptable lake areas. C. The processing, stockpile, and other disturbed areas neighboring the mine excavation shall be leveled and smoothed. D. Compacted surfaces shall be disced, subsoiled or otherwise prepared before revegetation. E. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site, On -site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Conditions Nos. 12.A. through D. F, The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection of noxious or foul water. 3. Revegetation Plan -.- After site preparation, all disturbed areas shall be revegetated as per the following:. Permanent Seeding Specifications Dates Species Rate, Lbs/Acre February 15- April 1 April 1- July 31 August 1- October 25 Korean Lespedeza Fescue Redtop Winter rye (grain) Common Bermuda Lespedeza (unscarified) German millet October 25- February 15 Rye (grain- temporary) 10 40 1 15 50 30 40 120 Soil Amendments Lime: 2000 lbs/acre or follow recommendations from a soil test. Fertilizer: 1000 Ibs/acre 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, or follow recommendations from a soil test. Page 15 Mulch: All seeded areas shall be mulched using small grain straw at a rate of 2000 Ibs/acre and anchored appropriately. Whenever possible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm season grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass, bluestem and gamma grass. In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post -project wildlife habitat at the site. 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. In any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination of mining of any mine segment under permit. Final reclamation, including revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining. This permit, issued October 31, 1974, renewed February 23, 1982, modified October 19, 1990 and November 1, 1991, renewed and modified September 4, 1992, modified July 15, 1993, April 21, 1995, May 21, 1999, June 6, 2000, June 19, 2001 and March 19, 2002, renewed September 30, 2002, and modified October 26, 2009, May 4, 2010 and May 24, 2010 and renewed October 30, 2012, is hereby modified this 6th day of July, 2015 pursuant to G.S_ 74-52, By: JC' 1) - Tracy E. Davis, Director Divisio of Energy, Mineral, Land Resources �' By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ipf II 00y bI MWCS 1 GRAPHIC SCALEa HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=300' CA Clip L 600 300 150 0 150 300 600 E3 Ell Al Irf ILL 'am a bDn _ u �' co .+o it aolprldlu CATAGORY East Side of River Affected Acreage West Side of River Affected Acreage Total Permitted To Be Affected Acreage TAILING/SEDIMENT PONDS 7.8 137 215 STOCKPILES 16.2 0.0 16.2 WASTEPILES 19.47 63.6 83,07 PROCESSING AREA / HAUL ROADS 25.2 91 34.9 MINE EXCAVATION 38.0 657 1031 OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 BUFFER 1271 12.8 2551 TOTAL PER ITTED TO BE AFFECTED 119.38 161 264.88 TOTAL PERNI ACREAGE =O or Berm iD Fee had Ink ,5.. .. -_ - _ __. - -- - p avi6 pne, - _ with f 9 1 _ �`of rush1 lia swpedTgopra�n 794 4 i 1J, A BnYLILL O ahle � Starlit t9J � 2C J' Br s � TST2 r / — DG2J — Plpanan no- o — fallBuffer - e 70 kis1 L,t ILL 592 till n I u F Dump J 1 �. 1 A 1 I I $taboo < � '�i_ � "E rm Leve/aP' ]er g I' ak� ik�e r sing ri / i Or l , I _ _ I sµ li AI 0l'1.1 1 n ,T e_ I Dana y Suffer ll 1 1. h e P adr \ 1\ al inGaildery near 1 A ,... \ Spun I This Anne \HOP Fracture 0 Rem Lines O na T me In p r p sang I � r,w tetlng Ll o er I II mI Lined 1 rw. Lr36'D, a �r ) Panel' '• 1 0 �. •F �� �� aN oA (nP. � MPStatellivel - ., construction n,Entrance — 2 ] L able _ in, y m 11 r enni we Gate I I �.. -_—Z B g0' Undisturbed Buffer C �I J I� 772 SEAL SEAL IN L,,,LI,IW IIr ,rr,Q spStSS A��/�9,, f4�Q3 CT 028419 05/19/2015 O c ' TJ J Lsa E.r o 9Him WasI A return 24' Col r n — Let//^^�\ I f.a 1pi p —� a /I l ECTION A-A� e II ppI4 d t_ ` Rn] I l _ t ._ � ft I =- D 2.13 0 ya ` O IC ` I '(y` oO / ` o �, ���� � oD�ffs d it / I i'1 •V — I �,a , ns Stockpile � Area Tel R 9 111I -'e3.1 SSS 1 ceo 1 I `U' / sa it I II III ` 1 1v 713: - misting I I it Plant / � I az.e � �0 � Processing �2 I, IS�Picked RRRRRR 200' / nb ❑ e i} rea Riparian 9 I Buffer ((�Stoc Ile 11 IYl °�. ! t 6,c �� a� Lpek �o R� ia SDO2 �NPOES9°1LILL / \\ ` T ve D I, EanS "1 IT \\ Tell J Drgmyw re IEXISllrg C& Landig�, n Begone Ea- I (not on neon 1his Arne Prope t Y) r ( CIN_— - IL / Existing { � 1 Pond rzs 717 _ ❑ — to I _ r 73 vIMFIQM&CREED 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 500 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone:(919)233-8091, Fax:(919)233-8031 F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com ■E■ MEN �O 'Han n HEIDELBERGCEMENTGroup L1 E L I, 90 a Slop o Dow Type sR Cure �L hsArea�_- L11 1 I, a r' Cu l CI rN ��da eSnReor T emoved And' Footh G a e0 TpRNelue r I sr EtfeWrr{FloOdwey NOTE' REVISED PLANS FOR MODIFICATION TO ORIGINAL PERMIT #3313. MODIFICATION TO INCLUDE PROPOSED BORROW PIT AREA, HAUL ROAD EXTENSION AND CROSSING ALONG WITH TEMPORARY 42' CMP CULVERT AND EMERGENCY SPILLWAY AS DEPICTED IN PLAN. NOTE / Based own sitecoregreary. allial forapperfournal 4 it of stoplage depth iN. sediment storage available within the " 1 g sariverawfor basin s 367900 cfTM1 ed' 1 stional volumple recturedl 62000 d. (1805or x decturband emerge) RECEI Under the same vocational the searram,_b des a surface area of IM 503 at The surrace was nal25 near storm events 744U0 d (435 x Peak Runoff Rate in cis) ' -r Prior to gremrrq opa'alions on the 6. far ance procal n area, temporary sift 'AND OU, fencing a be nawled on the beat al wentt m bank of the existing MINING PR( announce cnannd. As the 42top (ace e)'s candled ard Emporium s It fencing in be removed LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary - chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved Internal Permit Boundary f_ _ J Road Access — Property Line Body of water Existing Pit Settling cell Future Limits of Excavation 'T­ ® p Berm-Existing & stabilized Pipe - with Vegetation. Temporary EC O structure no longer required. 7s1r Slope Drain Berm - Under Construction or RNPDEOOi Diversion Ditch To Be Built SOO2 Level Spreader Undisturbed Buffer Temporary sediment Trap ireeline NPDES sample Location Effective Floodway stormwater Sample Locatior - -- Contour Index —k---1 Sediment Fence Contour intermediate Structure HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLC SOUTH REGION ROCKY MOUNT QUARRY PERMIT #33-13 (MODIFICATION) leeliewleell vp II F,-tall L XSEC�..wln,NL1N0iM&ECP' MINING AND STATUS EROSION � ONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY DATE: MARCH 19. 2015 MCE PROD. At 02697-0015 DRAWN Due DESIGNED DES CHECKED DJB PROD MGR. GML 1AI IN "BITING VARIABLE WIDTH "HITTING VARIABLE WIDTH NATURAL VEGETATVR BUFFER NIITUM VEGETATIVE BUFFER O MUROEN MEA Z IS 7 RO.N MT. TAR E.N O.N EN EXISTING ININ OPE TION ..� -.. HJUJIf ROAD ',....... I HAUL I tOAD INm EX TINO OR WE -IE N -zN.N FLOOR DATUAF EL8V —250.00 ow ,ODE 200.00 EDN 4NN MEAN 6CO.aa TICK MEAN ENN INGN 110000 120100 130DN IMICN VEBN $Cm TO I?ww REAR IWI GROUP SECTIMIN PIT SECTION A - A' OVERBURDEN STORAGE AREA ELEVATION IN ET43L VISUAL BARRIER GENTEFUNE OVERBURDEN STORAGE ,4B PENMETERBERM VISUAL BARRIER 140 BY SEEINGFIELDROAD AREA ELEVATION ELEVATIONS5FT-MSL FERMETERBERM vISWL BARRIER BUFFER 9R 12M 114 FT-MBL IQ 0 ELEVATION 00 FT -MSL PERIMETER BERM VISUAL BARRIER \ tN ROW AS ELEVATION BS FT BERM MSL 3' PERMETEBEENE PER NCOOT ACCESS ROAD YI, ACCESS EIEVATION�FT-MSL BU UNNSTURBEO 1N WACCESS ROAD 100 N READ BUFFER/ ! 1N EXISTINGGRADE 7 0 , 2 0 3\ 3 1F I, 1 1 FJIIBTING GRADE R04DALCE86 1 1 1 1 r� F uET-usL 1.T0 �I� 60 6p I]i YET.MSI 1]6 N APPROXIMATE WATER SURFACE _ r III —III -III=III—III—III—III—III-I ELEVATION UFON RECLAMATION I II— —F—III MPRO%IMATEWATERSURFACE ELEVATION UPON RECIMATION L J II-III=III-III-III-III-III- SAFETY SENCR,YP T III r 5 ]B GONVEYORRAMP _ 20 m'WIDE SAFETY BENCR TTP. 20 —1 EDG N F IELD ROAD PROPOSED m 114 SpgINGFIELO ROAD ggggpyy SAFETY BENCH TIP. PITAREA tiYPILAL -20 -20 m 21T WIDE SAFETY 6E NCY TIP. - -m FINALGHADE ACCESS ROAD 4W AO A E MORQNTW Ef.AIt4 Y-MC b0 -36° NdOSONTILL ECRlJl1'�'!BO 100 2N IN O IN 2N 4N 4N 2N iN O 1N 1N IN 0+00 200 NDO BRO BRO 1aN 1VW 14+00 HERB VERB 2MN 224E 24010 2B,N 2Bm w+W V+W 0,00 2R0 4+00 B+N S+00 10+N IV law 15+00 Ie+00 m+N zz.00 24+00 m+N VERTICAL BCLLL I' VEAnCl11. BOALB, I - SECTION B - B' °° '° m N E SECTION D - D' SO20 20 '° °° 0+00 2,00 4+m BRB BRU 10R0 12RO CAR° 16,00 18+N 20R0 2VN 24+00 26w8 m+00 30+N 32,00 x+DO 36,00 SECTION C - C' IIIII I I '"114 \ IIIII I I I I I I I `W10 'WIN I I I I I I L 1m IN E N 1 /dU Varsity Urive, J01te bUU Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone: (919)233-8091, Fax: (919)233-8031 F-1222 www.mckimcreed.com UNDISTURBED W z BUFFER J W a C a t ELEV. 80.0 DIVERSION CHANNEL (SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET) _� Hanson HEIDELBERGCEMENT Group 3 17 VEHICLE DIVERSION BERM (SEE DETAIL) OVERBURDEN STORAGE PILE INITIAL BARRIER BERM CONSTRUCTION SECTION A - A' NOT TO SCALE HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLC SOUTH REGION ROCKY MOUNT QUARRY PERMIT #33-13 (MODIFICATION) MINING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1% SLOPE TOWARD RIVER DATE: APRIL, 2015 MCE PROJ. N 02697-0015 DRAWN DJI3 DESIGNED DJB CHECKED 0JI3 PROJ. MGR. GML RECEIVED 11w 19,.. (AND QUALITY SECTION SCALE R� �� XSEC HORIZONTAL: DRAING NUMBER AS SHOWN VERTICAL: X-4 NA sTATus:PRELIMINARY DESIGN FEA ° FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY Wehner, Judy From: Holley, John Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 11:06 AM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Dupree, Joe; Valentine, Thad Subject: RE: Rocky Mount Permit Modifications (33-13), Edgecombe Co. As we have discussed, Joe and I spoke about this proposal last week, and it appears to be acceptableusing the typical details available from theiroverall plans as this is internal to the operation and is well contained. We can support approval of this change. If there are further questions, please advise. ,John L. Holley, Jr., PE, CPESC Regional Engineer NC Dept. of Givirmunent and Natural Resources Division ol'Enurgy, Mineral and Land Rcsources 1-and Quality Section, Raleigh Regional Office: 1629 Mail Service Cuinon, 3800 Barret) Drive Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 Phone: 919-791-4200, Fas: 919-571-4718 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Werner, Judy Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2015 1:27 PM To: Valentine, Thad; Holley, John Subject: FW: Rocky Mount Permit Modifications For your fike. From: Don Bataille froailto:DBatailler&mckimcrecii Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 12:14 PM To: Werner, Judy Cc: Garvey, Jack H (Morrisville) USA; Grant Livengood Subject: Rocky Mount Permit Modifications Judy, I talked with Jack this morning about the status of the permit modifications. He mentioned you have concerns about undermining the existing roadway. I have attached a PDF showing a 1:1 slope from the existing edge of pavement. You will notice this slope does not interfere with the proposed excavation as shown on the attached PDF. I will give you a call shortly to discuss further. Thanks, Don Bataille I Senior Designer Tel 919.233.5261 ext 185 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 5001 Raleigh, NC 27606 DBataille(a mckimereed.com I http.11 w .mckimcreed.com 0 4MCKIM&CREED ENGINEERS SURVIYORS KANNrPS Follow us on: YouTube � twitter I facebook I Linkedln Visit our NEW website, www.mckimcreed.com To send me a fate larger than 20MB or a zip file please click here This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the system manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this e-mail and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. s • Wehner, Judy From: Don Bataille <DBataille@mckimcreedcom> Sent: Thursday, June;18, 2P1512:14 P.M& To: WehnerrJudy' Cc: Garvey, Jack H (Morrisville) USA; Grant Livengood Subject: Rocky Mount Permit Modifications Attachments: 2015.06.18.Roadway Exhibit.pdf Judy, I talked with lack this morning about the status of the permit modifications. He mentioned you have concerns about undermining the existing roadway. I have attached a PDF showing a 1:1 slope from the existing edge of pavement. You will notice this slope does not interfere with the proposed excavation as shown on the attached PDF. I will give you a call shortly to discuss further. Thanks, Don Bataille I Senior Designer Tel 919.233.5261 ext 185 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 5001 Raleigh, NC 27606 DBataillegilmckimcreed.ccm I hftollwww.mckimcreed.com U WKIM&CREED Follow us on: YouTub I twiner I facebookI Linkedln Visit our NEW website, www.mckimcreedeom To send me a file larger than 20MB or a zip fife Please click here 'Phis e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to ✓1 whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in JJ error please notify the system manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of 4 r the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this e-mail and l IT) R any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company lJJ accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. ELEEvnliYWG4rt n xM/7 YES UEwTl 65 n.ustiE�\w�aplEx �POM fm Ln �swnEwrEnou..nxm. sm» SECTION D - D' 0Y40 9N 9�6Wa4E M N�'yR J MAREA • Wehner, Judy From: Valentine, Thad Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3A7 PM To: Wehner, Judy Subject: Benson Quarry Mod. Inspection Judy No big deal with the modification for the entrance, I saw no problems. FYI, they are still waiting on USACE approval for the Stream diversion and stockpile. No work has begun to date on the modification aAJO �' S e WIDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Pat McCrory Governor MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT May 19, 2015 Ms, Maria Tripp Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission Brenda M. Harris l d y Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section • Natural Resources Don van der Vaart Secretary RECEIVED JUN 12 2015 LAND QUALITKC.e MINING PROGIRMAY [y2015 RECEI Y ED 1� 1 awtat Cozvvtion PrMM Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount 11 Quarry Edgecombe County Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal 1 modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by June 12, 2015 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh t4 <-9,� I Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section • Geological Survey Section - Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919.707.92001 FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: hup: //portal, ncde n r. orq/web/10 An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper r� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor June 8, 2015 MEMORANI)UM I,0: Ms..1udy Wehner NCDEMLR-Land Quality Section FROM: Gabrielle Chianese F-11 Ground Water Manigement Branch Division of Water Resources SUBJECT: Comments on the Mining Permit Modification Request for: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount I I Quarry Edgecombe County Donald van der Vaart Secretary RECEIVED JUN 0 8 2015 MINNE) QUATY ING ROGRAm Please find attached a copy of the mining permit application request for the above referenced project. The Rocky Mount Quarry located in Edgecombe County has a CCPCUA water withdrawal permit #CU3030. The permitted maximum water withdrawal for this mine is 4,320,000 gallons per day. f you have further questions please contact the Division of Water Resources at (919) 707-9008 or send correspondence to 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-161 1 161 for go online to www.ncwater.org/CCPCUA. 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 Phone: 919.707-90001 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - Made in part by recycled paper 0 • NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor MEMORANDUM May 19, 2015 TO; Mr. Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris 1 of;' 'D V Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section Don van der Vaart Secretary SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County © Mine Dewatering Proposed Li No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable water supplies (GS 74-51 (2). Please respond by June 12, 2015 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review, any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley MAY 1 9 2015 Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources DVL%N QF WAS � Energy Section - Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section -------------- - �S 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-9200 I FAX 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: http:llportal.ncdenr.org/web/Irl An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper O O MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING II n(� Applicant's Name: I`WASV 11941ej ProjatName: p'I� 'shC✓✓„y Applic./Permit No: 33—IS � County: q4wvm& Date Reeeivd: Reviewer: �Rim Basin Name: Ar. ❑ New ❑ Renewal LIB /Madiftcation(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification(outsidepermit Additadaries) ❑ Transfer ❑Release ❑ Partial Release 3 imml Information ❑ Fa Needed: g ❑ Fee Received: $ Please rouse entire application package k: ❑ ( Regional 0ffice(zmmpine copia;auuAthe"LQS Rcgimd Ofpa Mining Apoicaron Review ,1=6117 toaempyadavak kth tk DWQad DWR "Mming Appltrmon Revive Fan" to to attar copy; send bKh apies a the Regand Enginter)' Date: Rented r J fflad [IDivisiou of Water Resources Date Routed Ra d ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ US Fish b Wildlife Service Date: Routed Rec d (Ody Mo applications and ndi ficativn requests that add led m the "it) Wemrow first 3 pates of the application and any location maps to: ❑ Division of Paris & Recreation Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ NC Geological Survey Satin Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date: Routed Ra'd ❑ Division of Soil ir Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date: Routed Ra'd (Only as applications and mo&firatiaa requests that add lad to the pemdt) ❑ Division of Archives & History Date: Routed Ra'd (01mly nno,whknas) ❑ Other: Dam: Routed Reed »*StspewDateforCmnments: (a « dr (nalater than zsdaysfrmnraript) FFS r3 t= r-arzE ❑ Plmse rote thefoDmattg: e d� NK.vt. dbE �t vMCMM&&ED R" NCDENR—Div. Energy, Mineral Sc Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 5w Floor Arr1NTiON: Ms. Judy Wehner is LETTER O TRANSMITTAL onrE May 19, 2015 rRoPc'NO: 02697-0015 [AK60. ExP Ri" HansonAggregatesSoutheast,:LLC— Rocky Mount II Quarry NUNsmmal.NO: i rote 1or 1 WE ARE SENDING: ❑ Originals ® Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Calculations ❑ Other - Check Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 2 Full size M&ECP-1 map (2 Copies) G Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other 4. Amend & Resubmit 5. Rejected -See Remarks REMARKS: Judy, Please find attached an overall sheet showing the area of modification. Please add this to our other information and let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. onip onm Sulu a Koimyn. NCb 9W6 A 1 N 919 ua i Cc: McKIM& CREED, INC. Signed Don Bataille Senior Designer 0 1 • MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Applicant's Name: /----. -- P I ProjectName: IW(J�[r T-F 01/ Applic./Permit No: 33'13 County: eLexoJe DateReceived. 5 19 15— Revteuxr: Rion Basin Name: JC{�t/ ❑ Nem ❑ Renewal ZMadiftcation (inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification (outside permitboundaries) ❑ Transfer ❑�elow El Partial Release ❑ Additional Information ElFee Needed s Fn Rneived• $ p% o Pleas route entire application package to : V lelb14-- .nmplae a"attach the"LQS Rermal Offier Minut App&ation 9mm (7mddin"roone mdmpy�6m6 Ew DWR" irony Appleatin buim Fmm" to she other mWad path mpzrmrb Regind Enginerr) t �. .9 I' Date:Routed iJ 10ti Reid 151/J t J� Division of Water Resources �f Date: Routed Rey d � s� r NC Wildlife Resourceomm s Cission ) Date; Routed Recd�,/ t ❑ US Fish& Wildlife Service Date•. R4W Recd (Odyeum appl�and madif Ddim.tq"uts that add led ro tk "t) a Pleaseroute f rst) pages of the application and any location maps to: Q ❑ Division of Parks L Recreation Date: Routed Rec d ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date: Routed Rey d ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date: Routed Rei d ❑ Division of Soil all Water Cmtseration (phis LEA) Date: Routed Rey d (Only new upplirmwmand madifwaaem mqueas that add land ro thepn a) k. ❑ Division of Archives JrHistory Date: Routed Rec d (Onlynno appliwsa) '- ❑ Other: Date: Routed Reed ** Suspme Datefor Commnts: Qomj aJl (m later than 35 ds frm receipt) i ElPleasemurthefolh(o/ lallfrvdne: ^ — ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor MEMORANDUM May 19, 2015 TO: Ms. Maria Tripp Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Brenda M. Harris N�h Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County Don van der Vaart Secretary Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal 1 modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by June 12, 2015 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW. COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. John Halley Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section • Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-9200 I FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: htt :11 ortal.ncderr.Q /web/Ir/ An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper ®®�ATA RCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Pat McCrory Governor May 19, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr, Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section Natural Resources Don van der Vaart Secretary SUBJECT: Mining Permit Modification for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Il Quarry Edgecombe County N Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit modification request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable water supplies (GS 74-51 (2). Please respond by June 12, 2015 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review, any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. 97, i Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Energy Section - Geological Survey Section - Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-92001 FAX: 919-715-8801 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: http:l/portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/ An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer -- 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Wehner, Judy From: Wenner, Judy Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 201510:53 AM To: Smith, Danny Cc Holley, John; Dupree, Joe Subject: 33-13 CAR REVIEW SHEET 2013 Attachments: 33-13 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013.doc Here's the review sheet for the modification of the Rocky Mount 11 Quarry in Edgecombe County. Print this form to POP Return PDF or this fomr to DEMLR CO by email, or; DEMLR RO, DWR SPU. Seno a copy b the permi(tee. MINING PERST APPLICATION REAW FORM forthe DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Project Name: Rocky Mount II Quarry DEMLR Permit # 33-13 County: Edgecombe Applicant's Email: Jack.Garvey@hanson.biz PERMIT ACTION TYPE: Modification YES NO Date Commencing I—r r( — — Have land disturbing activities started? Date? F ( r ( 1974 Latitude: 35.974 Longitude:-77.7496 Please return comments to : Judy Wehner Comments due by: 06112/2015 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR Is the RD concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? Comments:_ Watershed/Stream Name & Classification:. DWR Compliance Status of Mine: Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in RIMS? YES NO 401 Wetland Gert-required? r( r( 401 Wetland Cart. existing? r(Permit# (—( Boas DWR RO have enough information tc determine if a 40,11 certification is required? r r I—t Is an O & M Plan needed? YES NO Are wetlands disturbed at this Site? r r r (- Does DWR RO suspect or know of nearby I ( f wetlands to the site? — r IJD Is a wetland delineation required prior to r (C-onsultant '� DWR issuing the permit? (Qnsitel ,I 1 Rau Bnntamhar 9n1n Print this form to PI Refum Poo of this form to DEMLR CO by email cc DEMLR R0, DWR SPU. Send a copy to the permltfee. .' 'y c., s :,',_ • Y L,Offsite? ... ; Stream Determination Needed? Stream Determiiiatron Corripibtetl? Does DWR RO need a statement thatno wetlands/streams are disturbed for this project from applicant? Buf... ina ferDetermination.Needed?' .. Buffer Determination Completed? r( r( Recyclesystem,permitexisting?•, •. Permil# •',r(_ New Recycle System permit required?" F f F- Enough information to determine? — ,Non -discharge permit existing?" , . Permit.# U— r -(Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HOW waters r( r (7010 Permittee with a 7Q10=0? " Flow: — must determine. Has VlolaGon r"; `•. ' - r (jO&M:Requirements "• - r f H6101/7Q10 Concerns ,, ' Does'owR require DEMLR to hold the . (Pay back fees or renew . . I permit (e.g. so,DWR can review H further or DWR peymR •... , rf Other - i r (— because DWRtregmres more information)?. ,. .Please describe thtereason toI - 'hold the permit: •RO contact. Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is I-( r- approved? — "To obtain 7Q/0 flows, permiffees must contact the DWR S(onnwaterPemeffing Unit. ItOWR does not have a flow estimate fora specific stream, pemeffees will be asked to obtain one. Penniffecs should correct.). Curtis Weaver at the USGS; 919-571-4043, for more information on obtaining a 7010 flow. USGS will not determine a 7Q10 flow for tidally influenced water bodies. "' If there is net crouch information to oive a correlate answer. write in the SDI provided what you will need to answer this detention completely. If you mo m DEMLR to hold the comfit until furlhernotice indicate that in the oueslion below. Rpws.moroe rvmn Print this form to PDF Retum PDF of this form to DJ=MLR CO by email. cc D1=Ml_R RO, DWR SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. Reviewed by: S is DWR RO Surface Water: Regional Office: Date: RO Aquifer Protection Section: Regional Office: Date: Rate Sanfamhar gnin 4MCKIM&CREED in NCDENR— Div. Energy, Minera l&Land Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 AMINmoN: Ms. Judy Wehner LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DArr.: May 19, 2015 PRn➢tel'&Q 02697-0015 TASK N(�EXP RE. -HansonAggregatesSoutheast,LLC— Rocky Mount II Quarry '1a NSNrr1'AL No: i rncu: 7 of 7 WE ARE SENDING: ® Originals ® Prints ❑ Shop Drawings [:]Samples ❑Specifications ❑Calculations ®Other - Check Quantity Drawing No. Rev. Description Status 6 NC Mining Permit Applications— Signed (I Original, 5 Copies) G 6 Cover Letter —Signed (1 Original., 5 Copies) C 6 Revised Mine Maps (1 Original, 5 Copies) G 1 Check 921269204 ($750.00) C Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. Forinformation D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks Action Status Code: 1. No Exceptions Taken 4. Amend & Resubmit REMARKS: 2. Make Corrections Noted 3. Other 5. Rejected -See Remarks Judy, Please find attached our submittal for the additional borrow pit area at the Rocky Mount ll Quarry for Hanson Aggregate Southeast, LLC. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. 19ID Vaoi12Dive 5... 5W RA,gF NC276% 919R}i8091 4,,9192iD80.11 Cc: McKIM& CREED, INC. RECEIVED Signed iiinr 1 9 .... Don Bataille Senior Designer I AWES At IAI 1W Q=rTlnet V • v, MCKIM&CREED May 15, 2015 NCDENR Div. of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Ms. Judy Weliner Assistant State Mining Specialist 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 40 E 14 G I N E E R S SURVEYORS P L A N N E R 5 RECEI\/Fp LAND QUALITY SECTION RE: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC — Rocky Mount II Quarry NC Mine Permit No. 33-13 Modification Application Dear Ms. Wchner: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC is requesting a modification to its existing mining permit #33-13. This request.is-to.include-a borrow_pit areaas.depicted-old sheets:M&ECP-1- and-X-4:=.':t The purpose of this borrow pit is to mine-this-area:before-utilizing- t-as-anz overburden storage area as previously permitted7"A dewatering line will be installed and tied to the existing dewatering system. There will also be an extension of an existing haul road along with an additional haul road crossing for access. Both are within the existing limits of disturbance. Standard erosion control measures are to be utilized including riprap outlet protection, check dams and temporary and permanent stabilization. An "emergency spillway" will be installed to the toe of slope to assist dewatering operations during heavy rainfall event. We respectfully submit the following for your review: Venlvre IV Building One (1) original application w/cover letter and five (5) copies 1730 Varsity Drive - One (1) original set of mine maps and five (5) copies - One (1) original set of calculations and five (5) copies Roleigh, NC 27606 - .One Check #21269204 for the $750.00 application processing fee 91 9.233.8091 FaK 919.233.8031 www,mckimcreed.com S:A2697\f1015190-1'erniit12015.05.08.1st Submittal - NCDF.NR Mining - Judyl l7ocumcnts12015.05.08.Cox,cr Letter.doc • TOHS Planning Department Ms. Gina Clapp April 24, 2015 Page 2 Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Respectfully submitted, 4) W Don Bataille McKim & Creed, PA cc: Jack Garvey, Environmental Manager Toby Lee, NC Operations Manager 5:12697 y0015 %d0-1'ermi 112015.05.08.1 st Submit to I - \'CD6NK \lining -I udV 1, Docu men Is 12n I', 05.DS,Cover Letjer.doc •Culvert Calculator Report Hanson Aggregates Southeast - Rocky Mount II Rock Quarry Solve For: Headwater Elevation CulvertSummary Allowable HW Elevation 7SOO It Headwater DepthWeighl 1.07 Computed Headwater Elevation 7476 1t Discharge 47.97 Ols Inlet Control HW Elev. 7455 It Tailwaler Elevation 71,50 0 Outlet Control HW Elev. 7476 It Control Type Outlet Control Grades Upstream Invert 71,00 It Downstream Invert 70.50 It Length 50.00 It Constructed Slope 0.01➢eal] IMt Hydraulic Profile Profile M2 Depth, Downstream 2.16 It Slope Type Mild Normal Depth 2.551t Flow Regime Sumnitical Critical Depth 2.16 IT Velocity Downstream 7,68 Na Critiwl Slope 1015698 8IX Section Section Shape Circular Mannings Coefficient 0.024 Section Material CMP Span 3.50 It Section Size 42 inch Rise 3.50 It Number Sections 1 Outlet Control Properties Outer Control HW Elev. 74.76 It Upstream Velocity Head 0.66 11 Ke 0.90 Entrance Loss 0.60 IT Inlet Control Properties Intel Control HW Elev. 74.58 It Flow Control Unsubmerged Inlet Type Projecting Area Full R6 W K 0,03400 HDS 5 Chart 2 M 1 60000 HDS 5 Scale 3 C. 0.05530 Equation Form 1 v 0;fi460o Project Engineer: realistic S92697100I5@0-techlprojectl. cvm McKim B Creed Raleigh CulvertMsster v3.3103.03.00.041 05115M5 03:35,56 PM196entley Systems, Inc. tested Methods Solution Center Watertown, UT O6795 USA 1-203-756-1666 Page 1 • ' " • • • DATE: 5118/2015 DESIGNED BY'. DJB Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount Quarry PROJECT NO: CHECKED BY PROJECT LOCATION: Rocky Mount, NC 02697-0015 GML Storm Outlet Structure Structure= CMP-1 Oto/Ofull= 048 Size— 42 in VA/full= 0.99 010= 47,97 cfs V= 113 fps Ofull= 100.44 cfs Vfull = 10.44 fps From Fig. 6.66.b. h Zone = 6 From Fig. 8.0612. D50 = 14 in Duvv = 21 in } Riprap Class 2 Apron Thickness — 36. in ` = Apron Length 35.0 ft ' Apron Width = 3 x Dia 11.0 ft i aavB • s NORTH CAROLINA MINING PERMIT APPLICATION State of North Carolina Department of ]Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources RECEIVED Land Quality Section IAA%l > `� LAND QUALITY SECTION 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 707-9220 Revised: January 30, 2008 Mite Permit Modification Application Manson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County, NC NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name of Mine Rocky Mount II Quarry County I duecombe River Basin Tar Latitude (decimal degrees to four places) 35.9667 Longitude (decimal degrees to four places) 77.7167 2. Name of Applicant* Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC 3. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 2101 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Suite 100 Morrisville, NC 27560 Telephone (919) 380-2746 Alternate No, 036) 669-7565 4, Mine Office Address 10471 NC Hwy 97 West Rocky Mount. NC 27801 Telephone (252) 977-1611. ext. 225 5. Mine Manager John Warlick We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Si Print Name / 'Fdby Lee 'f itie NC Operations Manager Date . 15, * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond_Isecurity) that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 60 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. -2- i 0 NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered regarding your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE 1. Answer all of the following that apply: ❑ If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that the "new permit" fee will be based upon): Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: Acres leased: Property owner if leased:.. _ ❑ if this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): X If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: 33-13 Total permitted acreage: 284.89 Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ NoEl. If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No ❑. If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: . (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (i.e.: disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes ❑ No ❑ (If no, a "minor modification" fee of $100.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): ❑ If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered byte existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage: SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: 3. Mining method: H I•lydraulic Dredge X Front-end Loader & Truck X Shovel & Truck Dragline & "Truck ❑ Self -loading Scraper Other (explain): 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) 450 Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 425 -3. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes X No ❑ If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Hanson and companies now a part of Hanson 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS 1. Clearly mark and label the location ofyour mining operation on six 6 copies of 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six 6 copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C. Geological Survey: Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center OR Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 707-9220 www.j,,eolof,ly.elIT.state.nc.us/ Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street, 5"' Floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C. Department of Transportation: North Carolina Department of `transportation — Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mailing Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 1587 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1587 Physical Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 3401 Carl Sandburg Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 (919)212-6000 www.ncdot.or ,/it/ ,isContact/delault.htmi 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, trust be provided on the mine map. -4- 0 p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway, creek, stream, river, or other watercourse, railroad track, or utility or other public right-of-way. If an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of' the mining permit boundary, must be provide on the mine map(s). NOTE: "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: I . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-49 Acres 1 inch = 50 feet 50-199 Acres 1 inch = 100 feet 200+ Acres 1 inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) -5- .„plso, 0 l COO TO HAVE A MINIMUM OF 4.0' OF COVER AND BE GAUGE to STEEL CMP Installation: L Contmdor to install 42' CUP as shown on plans. 2. contractor to install Whet protection as shown and detailed on plans. 3. Contractor to Install cued dams a3 stwwn on plans. V, e. Comramor to Install ememency spillway as �—t shown on plans spillway a he a minimum of WW {pwide and to mslaled to be toe of slope. ti ssrF osn u3, L, RT"' y„�bl'A. LIVExa�o'dit er Crro 11g It.\ "aeomnnno TS \ 1 \ 9.2 J li 1 I \ `I Over RP; n Conve 70.' zo i,ev preader 'NOTEi. Water Lines Are To 7 Be AHaphed To 71 7? $ Convey r Gallery . 1 Tt s Sectio n This Area non-/f/ HOPE Process And Clean Water Do Return Lines IDO °' Dewatering Line n To Tie Into Existing l Dewaterina Lines ! ET posetl 1' W x 3 L x 36" D, But Road S Class 2 RlpRap If Crossing ` a - - -� Lined \�hannel Existing 36" i t~ d In v Box Culvert — % r1 \ NPDE Ol, 3 T-YP. - - �lPERMIT R33-13 MINING 6EROSIGN CONTROL PLAN NIMM& RE—R) NSGN AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LL M6ECP-1 nun au© a s on HEIOELSERGCEMENTGkoop Hanson Aggregates Southeast. LLC Atlanta office 2310 Pa Wake D"e, Suite 550 Plana, GA 30345 rl V r r e 770 4912777 Fax no 4912768 January 2, 2013 Ms. Judy Wclmer NCDENR Land Quality Section 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building, Room 519 Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Delegation of Authority of Signature Requirements All Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Owned NC Mine Permitted Facilities Dear Ms. Welmer: Please be advised that Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC has undergone some management changes. As Vice President/General Manager for the Hanson Aggregates Southeast area, I hereby delegate the authority of any signature requirements for the NC Mine Permitted facilities to Toby Lee, Operations Manager of the NC area. His address is 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard, Morrisville, NC 27560, The authority applies to the following NC sites: NC Mine Permit Mine Name Company Name Company Official 51-38 Buckleberry Sand Mine Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 43-21 Cape Fear Sand & Gravel Mine Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 92-03 Crabtree Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 32-01 Durham Sales Yard Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC Toby Lee 43-03 Elliott Sand & Gravel Mine Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 98-13 Elm City Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 43-08 Gardner Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 92-13 HollySprings uarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 29-13 Lexin on Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 98-02 Neverson Quarry Hanson A ales Southeast, LLC Toby Lee 51-05 Princeton Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Tab Lee 92-02 Raleigh, North Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLCjTob ob Lee 33-13 Rack Mount Quarry Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLCob Lee 32-07 Rou emonl —N. Durham Co. QuarryHanson A e ales Southeast, LLCob Lee 68-06 Rou emont— N. Orange Co. a Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLCTab Lee 43-01 Scatter Sand & Gravel Mine Hanson A e ales Southeast, LLCo Lce 26-01 Vander Sand &Gravel Mine Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Lee We would appreciate it if you would please amend your records to reflect this change. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (919) 380-2746. Sincerely, L Chris Ward Vice President/General Manager Cc: Toby Lee, NC Operations Manager Jack Garvey, Environmental Manager STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources RALEIGH CENTRAL Office FILE ACCESS RECORD SECTION LW Minin Pro ram DATE/TIME i 17114 NAME off N V REPRESENTING Guidelines for Access: The staff of the Central Office is dedicated to making public ecords in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following before signing the form- 1. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance -to schedule an appointment for file review so you can be accommodated. Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Viewing time ends at 4:45 p.m. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and staff supervision are available. 2. You must specify files you want to review by mine name/permit ro., as appropriate. The number of files that You may review at one appointment will be limited to five. 3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy is 2.5 cents for ALL copies if you make more than 25 copies — there is no charge for 25 or less copies. Payment is to be made by check, money order, or cash in the administrative offices. 4. Files must be kept in the order you received them. Files may not be taken from the office. No briefcases, large totes, etc. are permitted in the file review area. To remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material in public files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up to $500,00. 5. In accordance with GS 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused. 6. The customer must present a photo ID, sign -in, and receive a visitor sticker prior to reviewing files. MINE,Y+�NAME t PERMIT NO. COUNTY ,. tor►/ s3-13 f 1/7// Signature/Na of Firm or Business Date Time In Time Out F. i" � _: '� I NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM I Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Director October 30, 2012 Dee Freeman, Secretary Mr. Jack Garvey Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard Morrisville, North Carolina 27560-9626 RE: Permit No. 33-13 Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County Tar River Basin Dear Mr. Garvey: Your application for renewal of the above referenced mining permit has been approved. A copy of the renewed permit is enclosed. The new expiration date is October 30, 2022. The conditions in the permit renewal were based primarily upon the initial application. Modifications were made as indicated by the renewal request and as required to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 1971. 1 would like to draw your particular attention to the following conditions where minor additions or changes were made: Operating Condition Nos. 3C, 4E, and 10B and Reclamation Condition Nos. 2E and 3. As a reminder, your permitted acreage at this site is 499.6 acres and the amount of land you are approved to disturb is 284.89 acres. Please review the renewed permit and contact Judy Wishner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, at (919) 707-9220 should you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, 5, 5 qk Janet S. Boyer, PE State Mining Specialist nd Quality Section JSB/jw Enclosures cc: Mr. John Holley, PE Ms, Shannon Deaton-WRC, w/enclosures Mr. William Gerringer-DOL, Mine and Quarry Bureau, w/o enclosures 1812 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 • Telephone 919-707-91 FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: httoaloortal.ncdenrom/webllrllandauan An Equal opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 11 D% Post Consumer Paper DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance with the provisions of G.S. 74-46 through 68, 'The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15A NCAC 5 B, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount II Quarry Edgecombe County - Permit No. 33-13 for the operation of a Crushed Stone Quarry which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. MINING PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: October 30, 2022 Page 2 In accordance with the application for this mining permit, which is hereby approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources hereinafter referred to as the Department, and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the expiration, revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the permitted mining operation, by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have complied with the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security. In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complying with the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit, or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to the above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. r Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 7449. Modifications October 19, 1990: This permit has been modified to include the addition and development of the 325 acres of land west of and contiguous to the original mining permit area as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan and Details dated December 1989 and revised August 16, 199D with several stipulations. November 1, 1991: This permit has been modified to allow on -site remediation of petroleum Contaminated soils. September 4, 1992: This permit has been modified to allow the expansion of the pit and the relocation of the closed circuit settling ponds. Page 3 July 15, 1993: This permit has been modified to include the sediment and erosion control measure improvements as indicated on the Erosion Control Plan, Sheet EC-1, dated January 1992 and revised May 1993 and noted in the calculations package prepared by McKim and Creed dated May 1993. April 24, 1995: The permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Nello L. Teer Company to Benchmark Carolina Aggregates Inc. May 21, 1999: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Benchmark Carolina Aggregates, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. June 6, 2000: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 496.64 acres and the affected acreage to 261.0 acres as indicated on the Mine Maps, Sheets C2 and C4, dated March 2000, Sheet D1 dated April 2000, and Sheets C1, C3 and D2 last revised May 25, 2000. The modification includes a clarification of the overall affected acreage at the site, the addition of an overburden disposal area located east of the existing pit area, and all associated erosion and sediment control measures designed for said disposal area. June 19, 2001: This permit has been modified to include a stockpile area east of the existing pit and the associated erosion and sediment control measures as indicated on Sheet C3 last revised May 11, 2001. The modification also includes a clarification of the permitted and affected acreage as provided in a letter to the Department dated May 14, 2001. The permitted acreage for this site is 492.82 acres and the affected acreage is 252.18 acres. March _1 9, 2002: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Carolina, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. October 26, 2009: This permit has been modified to change the corporate name from Hanson Aggregates Southeast, Inc. to Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC. May 4, 2010: This permit has been modified to increase the affected acreage at this site to 278.1 acres as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project - Site Development Plan received by the Land Quality Section on March 22, 2010. The modification includes changes to the expansion of the mine site on the west side of the Tar River, including stockpiling overburden in an area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250, altering the pit area to avoid the floodway and increasing the riparian buffer as requested by the City of Rocky Mount, and installing and maintaining comprehensive erosion and sediment control measures to address these approved affected areas. May 24, 2010: This permit has been modified to increase the permitted acreage to 499.60 acres and the affected acreage at this site to 284.88 acres as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010. The modification includes the 6.78 acre expansion of the permit boundary to the east and includes the addition of an overburden disposal area on said expansion. The modification also includes the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures. Page 4 Expiration Date This permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until October 30, 2022. Conditions This Permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et. seq., and to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: Wastewater and Quarry Dewatering. A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accordance with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Any storm water runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Division of Water Quality to secure any necessary storm water permits or other approval documents. 2. Air Quality and Dust Control A. Any mining related process producing air contaminant emissions including fugitive dust shall be subject to the requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B. During processing operation, water trucks or other means that may be necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the permitted area. 3. Buffer Zones A. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S., or wetlands shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations promulgated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Sufficient buffer shall be maintained between any affected land and any adjoining waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integrity of the natural watercourse or wetland. Page 5 C. All buffer zones shown on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map, Sheet 1 of 6, dated September 2012 shall be maintained to protect adjoining property. These buffer zones, with the exception of the installation of required sediment control measures and approved earthen berms, shall remain undisturbed. 4. Erosion and Sediment Control A. Adequate mechanical barriers including, but not limited to diversions, earthen dikes, check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or natural watercourse in proximity to the affected land. B. A drop inlet/conduit slope drain system shall be installed and maintained on the overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the pit in those areas where water will be diverted into the mitre excavation to direct runoff to the first safety bench and prevent severe erosion of said overburden slopes. C. All mining activities associated with the additional overburden storage area west of the Tar River and east of SR 1250 and the changes to the expansion of the mine west of the Tar River, including the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Primary Relocation Project - Site Development Plan received by the Land Quality Section on March 22, 2010, including the supplemental information dated October 19, 2009, January 22, 2010, March 12, 2010 and March 22, 2010. D. Mining activities associated with the expansion of the eastern permit boundary to include an overburden expansion area, including the installation and maintenance of all associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit Modification 6.78 acre Tract Maps last revised March 2010 and supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on January 22, 2010, January 27, 2010, February 18, 2010 and April 8, 2010. E. All mining activities, including the installation and maintenance of all `associated erosion and sediment control measures, shall be conducted as indicated on the Permit Renewal Maps, Sheets 1 through 6 of 6, dated September 2012 and the supplemental information received by the Land Quality Section on September 20, 2012. F. An erosion and sediment control plan(s) shall be submitted to the Department for approval prior to any land disturbing activities not indicated on the revised erosion control plan or mine maps submitted with the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Such areas include, but are not limited to, expansion outside of the approved pit area, creek crossings, or expansion of overburden or waste disposal areas. Page 6 5. Groundwater Protection Groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed and monitored as deemed appropriate by the Department. 6, Graded Slopes and Fills A. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels, the erosion of which may cause off -site damage because of siltation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. B. Overburden cut slopes along the perimeter of the quarry opening shall be graded to a minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and shall be stabilized within 60 days of completion. Furthermore, a minimum twenty (20) foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the top of the rock and at the toe of any overburden slope. C. Any pit walls disturbed after September 4, 1992 shall be provided with a five foot wide safety bench every 35 feet of vertical height. D. All cut slopes and fill slopes in unconsolidated material shall be graded to a two horizontal to one vertical or flatter slope and appropriately stabilized to prevent erosion. 7. Surface Drainage The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. 8. Blasting The operator shall monitor each blast with a seismograph located at a distance no farther than the closest off site regularly occupied structure not owned or leased by the operator. A seismographic record including peak particle velocity, air overpressure, and vibration frequency levels shall be kept for each blast (except as provided under Operating Condition Nos. 8B and 8D of this permit). The following blasting conditions shall be observed by the mine operator to prevent hazard to persons and adjacent property from surface blasting: Page 7 A. Ground Vibration With Monitorin In all blasting operations, the maximum peak particle velocity of any component of ground motion shall not exceed Figure 1 (below) at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building. 1-M 1,0 13 0, 1.6 7.5 3fast "Jibrati c;i Frepuenc �, hiz =^ vrG .ltr�rrae.. ", v,7r; i' Cri2�t. B. Ground Vibration Without Monitoring, In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: W = (D/Ds)2 Ds = D W1n Page 8 V = 160(Ds)-''a W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). Ds = Scaled distance factor. V = Peak Particle Velocity (inches per second). The peak particle velocity of any component shall not exceed 1.0 inch per second, for the purposes of this Section. C. Air blast With Monitoring: Air blast overpressure resulting from surface blasting shall not exceed 129 decibels linear (dBL) as measured at the immediate location of any regularly occupied building not owned or leased by the operator outside of the permitted area such as a dwelling house, church, school, or public, commercial or institutional building, unless an alternate level based on the sensitivity of the seismograph microphone as specified below is being used: Lower Frequency Limit of Max Level, Measuring System in Hz in dBL 0.1 Hz or lower -flat response. 134 peak 2.0 Hz or lower -flat response 133 peak 6.0 Hz or lower -flat response 129 peak D. Air blast Without Monitoring: In the event of seismograph malfunction or other condition which prevents monitoring, blasting shall be conducted in accordance with the following formulas: To convert U (psi) to P (dBL): U = 82 (D/W"3)-ta P = 20 x log (U12.9x10'9) Confined Air blast/Overpressure (dBL) for quarry situation: A=P-35 U = Unconfined air overpressure (pounds per square inch). Page 9 W = Maximum charge weight of explosives per delay period. of 8.0 milliseconds or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast site to the nearest inhabited building not owned or leased by the mine operator (feet). P = Unconfined air overpressure (decibels). A = Air blast or air overpressure for typical quarry situations (decibels). The air blast/overpressure shall not exceed 129 decibels, for the purposes of this Section. E. Record Keepi The operator shall maintain records on each individual blast describing: the total number of holes; pattern of holes and delay of intervals; depth and size of holes, - type and total pounds of explosives; maximum pounds per delay interval; amount of stemming and burden for each hole; blast location; distance from blast to closest offsite regularly occupied structure; and weather conditions at the time of the blast. Records shall be maintained at the permittee's mine office and copies shall be provided to the Department upon request. F. Excessive Ground Vibration/Air blast Reporting: If ground vibration or Air blast limits are exceeded, the operator will immediately report the event with causes and corrective actions to the Department. Use of explosives at the blast site that produced the excessive reading shall cease until corrective actions approved by the Department are taken. However, blasting may occur in other approved areas within the permitted boundary. Authorization to blast at the blast site may be granted at the time of the verbal reporting of the high ground vibration or high air blast reading if the circumstances justify verbal approval. Failure to report will constitute a permit violation. G. Flvrock Prevention: The operator shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that flyrock is not thrown beyond areas where the access is temporarily or permanently guarded by the operator. Failure to take corrective measures to prevent flyrock and repeated instances of flyrock shall be considered a violation of the Mining Permit. H. Flvrock Reporting_ Should flyrock occur beyond the permitted and guarded areas, the operator shall immediately report the incident to the Department. Further use of explosives on the mine site shall be suspended until the following actions have been taken: A thorough investigation as to the cause(s) of the incident shall be conducted. Page 10 2. A report detailing the investigation shall be provided to the Department within 10 days of the incident. The report shall, at a minimum, document the cause(s) of the incident along with technical and management actions that will be taken to prevent further incidents. The report shall meet with the approval of the Department before blasting may resume at the mine site. I. Studies. The operator shall provide to the Department a copy of the findings of any seismic studies conducted at the mine site in response to an exceedence of a level allowed by these blasting conditions. The operator shall make every reasonable effort to incorporate the studies' recommendations into the production blasting program. J. Notice: The operator shall, when requested by the Department, give 24-hour advance notice to the Land Quality Section Regional Office prior to any blast during a period for which notice is requested. 9. High Wall Barrier A physical barrier consisting of large boulders placed end -to -end or fencing shall be maintained at all times along the perimeter of any highwall to prevent inadvertent public access. In addition, a minimum 20 foot wide horizontal safety bench shall be provided at the junction between the top of rock and the toe of any overburden cut slope. 10. Visual Screening A. Existing vegetation shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares to screen the operation from the public. Additional screening methods, such as constructing earthen berms, shall be employed as deemed appropriate by the Department. B. Vegetated earthen berms shall be located and constructed as shown on the Mining and Erosion Control Plan Map, Sheet 1 of 6, dated September 2012. In addition to grasses, long leaf and/or Virginia pines or other acceptable evergreen species shall be planted as deemed appropriate by the Department to improve visual and noise buffering. Page 11 11 12 Plan Modification The operator shall .notify the Department in writing of the desire to delete, modify or otherwise change any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosion/sediment control plan contained in the approved application for a mining permit and any approved revisions to it. Approval to implement such changes must be obtained from the Department prior to on -site implementation of the revisions. Refuse Disposal A. No on -site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the mining permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries of the mining permit area unless authorization'to conduct said disposal has first been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Land Quality Section, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B. Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Mining Act of 1971 generated on -site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste products must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division of Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or their storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit, the Division of Land Resources considers the following materials to be "mining refuse" (in addition to those specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. on -site generated conveyor belts wire cables land clearing debris v-belts steel reinforced air hoses drill steel D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by the Division of Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal: 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area; 2. a list of refuse items to be disposed; 3. verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and 5. verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established. Page 12 13. Annual Reclamation Report An Annual Reclamation Report shall be submitted on a form supplied by the Department by February 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved. 14. Bonding The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54 in the form of a $500,000.00 blanket bond, is sufficient to cover the operation as indicated in the approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to be valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. 15. Archaeological Resources Authorized representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. Page 13 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum Standards As Provided By G.S. 74_-53 The final slopes in all excavations in soil, sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or foul. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. 6. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities pursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining. RECLAMATION CONDITIONS: Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation Schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to allow the quarry excavation to fill with water, provide a permanent barricade (fence) along the top of any high wall, and grade and revegetate any areas in unconsolidated material. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: 3 Page 14 A. All areas of unconsolidated material such as overburden or waste piles shall be graded to a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter slope and terraced as necessary to insure slope stability. B. Any settling ponds and sediment control basins shall be backfilled, graded, and stabilized or cleaned out and made into acceptable lake areas. C. The processing, stockpile, and other disturbed areas neighboring the mine excavation shall be leveled and smoothed. D. Compacted surfaces shall be disced, subsoiled or otherwise prepared before revegetation. E. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site. On -site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Conditions Nos. 12.A. through D. F. The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection of noxious or foul water. Reveqetation Plan: After site preparation, all disturbed areas shall be revegetated as per the following:. Permanent Seedina Specifications Dates Species February 15- April 1 Korean Lespedeza Fescue Redtop Winter rye (grain) April 1- July 31 August 1- October 25 Common Bermuda Lespedeza (unscarified) German millet October 25- February 15 Rye (grain- temporary) Soil Amendments Rate, Lbs/Acre 10 40 1 15 50 30 40 120 Lime: 2000 Ibslacre or follow recommendations from a soil test. Fertilizer: 1000 Ibslacre 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, or follow recommendations from a soil test. Page 15 Mulch: All seeded areas shall be mulched using small grain straw at a rate of 2000 Ibs/acre and anchored appropriately. Whenever possible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm season grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass, bluestem and gamma grass. In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C_ Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post -project wildlife habitat at the site. 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. In any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination of mining of any mine segment under permit. Final reclamation, including revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining. This permit, issued October 31, 1974, renewed February 23, 1982, modified October 19, 1990 and November 1, 1991, - renewed and modified September 4, 1992, modified July 15, 1993, April 21, 1995, May 21, 1999, June 6, 2000, June 19, 2001 and March 19, 2002, renewed September 30, 2002, and modified October 26, 2009, May 4, 2010 and May 24, 2010, is hereby renewed this 301h day of October, 2012 pursuant to G.S. 74-52. rof cy E. Davis, Director Divisioergy, Mineral, Land Resources By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Map 13 wx 8� Mines 'r1EIDELBERGCEMENT Group HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLCm SHEET INDEX: COVER SHEET MINING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN M&ECP-1 RECLAMATION PLAN RP-1 CROSS -SECTIONS & DETAILS X-1, X-2, X-3, X=4 SOUTH REGION AAAw Oft _i_... ___ w___i___ ...■___■ 2300 Gaiawcay Centre rsiva. Suite 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: (919) 380-2610 ROCKY MOUNT QUARRY 10471 NC 97 West Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Edgecombe County Phone: (252) 977-161 1 ' o s 5 v � m n a ¢a tia�e A 6 � w�> 5 N v VICINITY MAP NO SCALE LAT: 35.8724W N LONG: •77.75174" W MINING PERMIT No: 33-13 PERMIT RENEWAL SEPT 2012 GRAPHIC SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1A 300' ae er ! e e re .11 JOiiL A.e aaa vE°oYY+R ,13 FLOODWAY m: 71.5 j1AA U IS IDS ASS B _..Dili. as 719 na 71.8 ^r � as el 7 te i ,.O_e200 � s.• fi RlhallaD R eL A4 / Buffer III - — m 729 _ W �--• - � � `�'�� J � � mA J FI av / -- P N- �a,empoary Sc,(onole �. - - ( Awe4Fw I I},I�n et l ,az our6 `� ( PYercmang I 1 saluren 4 • 4 ( overland e.ersP eaa.- / �rei .�00, 14 / al Ire l Future ) _ r 712 a31 V I Overburden 200} d i Ai - Storage Area b Riparian Buffer p of A w i IROD ]ae I If a Ier If ore . 6` ms r VZW: sore To z ( ee Al6awe Te \ K ]v r rR" axjpll in TNe Nye\ n '/� ba� �� Rr HOPE And clean �waNr 0 ° '. Perim LWa \ \ � x m P r }, 4 I // A 3 I y I 'I \ r IF i 1 `M i RA RrRap, �. L ped Se Y EB.I a6 3P4'-_S Cnan rel 1 r E nl l6' l CLIPS Jy 9 a _ 9707B , camas — (� 4 2 TO g, � CanunanaNn ;ALLp $le Gr1 R45 Y REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: CATAGORY East Side of River Affected Acreage West Side of River Affected Acreage Total Perrnilted To Be Affected Acreage TAILING/SEDIMENT PONDS 7.8 13.7 21.5 STOCKPILES 162 0.0 16.2 WASTEPILES 19.47 63.6 8307 PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 25.2 9.7 34.9 MINE EXCAVATION 38.0 65.7 103.7 OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 BUFFER 12,71 12.8 25.51 TOTAL PERMITTED TO BE AFFECTED 119.38 165.5 284.88 TOTAL PERMITTED ACREAGE = 0 r ^ o.Dnn HERR I Cp5 f'rVEARN aAcres, SW W w, VWYSTID�!SAtx 1 W1Debut SuRn Ava rnEnA, Rn tc.URRDN U 1 Aona p Lp 1 ] f 1f p ]L6 1 ° / 2}20 � f SECTION A-A2814 �I i 731 2e1 - Storkpde / Area sad j StArea a Bear si- Area --. 2ArE � Y .w1m ':a.c 72Z Stockpile) 27ha -2 1 Area I r—, - '°11 a9 s001 715 5 Rea Existing }an ]36 ]" _ - Plant -Rzn , ProCBS6ing eras Area n2 Storkpi I 200' 73'B Area I, Riparian / Buller / - Stockpile 725 Area I I a] ' }33 E �Oanrqt aobway. 5 nYw FI water � Pond Control - _� 11 �t(ucture - �� raaa� �-----elRera mama i� sop} NPOE3 OOi / me nn n3 Tar Rrvel - _ ]ao L„nf vane Existing C&D Landfill (not on Hansom Property) t _ .s Line I __ exSIS a oa ro e ,a '_'' st Pu rk unin T x sLng C D n -�� Pump 1 1 1)v �— 1, ovu F« (notOn an N Mine Dewatedr Make -U �y-- SPKCS no aANCVP }I t WORDS CRAIN RADIO .AI.. INe Nye Prope Tr, ms �o E)htlng Pond � r ns Ara a spruces LY o'a n g ch.a .awl SpreeG[- 125�0 n o ❑ O 00 NOTE: Seeed upon She bpowaphy, alloelrlg for eplYmdmetey 48 of axoge dean the adunnit emrege ewilaode v;min the e.IK:1g ebwmWaler de.in W 387.900 a. TM Reementabrege volume required W Bz,lloo a. (1806 of x dmwroad.oeege) Underan Rams condone, B1e Warrant MSn Prowl a °urkln area or 180,5gosi The a4eaemmdrora25ya eanln74,d .r. (43e Y Pea RwlPtl PNa W cW) Pdwbgredng oPeretlorn an tlN 8.70 ava eRpanelon era W pars.. .. brador rananaR an 42-emlerld war mPalma do a dNeng atonal. An Bie 4z•rcp (aWp e)WIaldbd and Imana� fandry W Mrerrpved. LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary —lr —R— chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved — internal Permit Boundary - -. Road Access Property Line Body of Water Existing Pit �, Settling Cell +� Six Six as "S Limits of Excavation 7 ME m � � ME air 0 Berm -Existing & stabilized Pipe with Vegetation. Temporary EC structure no longer required. slope Drain Berm -Under Construction or -_OCAA �a Diversion Ditch To Be Built ® Level Spreader undisturbed Buffer ,sn Temporary Sediment Trap Treel i ne Same uPt NPDES Sample Location Effective Floodway -- Wsooz stormwater Sample Location contour index —�-"—*-- Sediment Fence contour Intermediate OStructure d J 1 W 9 9 L > i m W V NON T VNN a Sg opw q °N ;' IS 8=J� IS i nR�i gl Fre 0 = a LL O Z NJw C" 0 W S ONE man MEN DATE 6 J F J N >av Zug Gwas W Z c to �' W F W Z 00 a Z 0� y C jc N V Q � Z 32 W v IL RSJ Sam v Q F Z LLI M ag Z_ v F a 0 SEE MEN o'. W 0 d' W m W d DESIGNED: ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT Nn�tax»douN,�.lz<Ea-I DWG FILE: SCALE'. HORIZONTAL: 1' = 300, VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: M&ECP=1 I OF: N 1 2 3 4 6 1 mg 11� ox Mikes GRAPHIC SCALEIN HORIZONTAL SCALE 1' 03W 600 300 150 0 150 300 600 m. 799 mC2 me 592 r 712 FLOODWAY 727 24' 11OR ELoUDIIr A r & 911 uI n I� 715 ne . . . . .��,� .K, or sphal i1r Area TO Re ✓� \ av ll 1 \ s� ttne- Tom. ulo pin v As avil,i> Ald GdLrl 1 At faltrrilKe 7071 6 FL 0. High Chain Link ; WJ I riI t ` ' Fence With Three 13 1 T \ i1A nq 112 ' �. A Strands Of Barbed III C ee3 To Be Installed Around 7 lebk to - m.e. FLOODWAV �OvS`;v\ y High Wen. 1 na _ ;� in ii, '°s row "°' .:,. * p r , i ne ' l ou ( Sta Listed, m9 I FRESH WATER SUPPLY ]]o 725 0i CONtVEYOR AND FOOTI�S 1 l J TO BE REMOVEq. / P 990 i 1 1 ciR IGHT-OF-WAY - m n�m 4RADE0 AND VEGETATED � "] 9p'I /T sae Tyo ♦ �� �' 1 .lama aSr 1 e.noee.i Ar i n] (if �� % Regrs'tii f a KIDnT 1 r iovraac+s Pit Ar 3PdEe - 1 herded V tt tnhc n �. _ - / Beneh nl ure 1 t w'3 / dos a T vxs 12 I w _ 1 1 ° t A ,V r d Sanity cif ]lp ].° - '��� (� AI a swnej� Oran dA3ifill 73r Left 1 1 1 �sAnd `T FRESH WATER SUPPLY' 4 "' ;, 1, if I )39 �yrrvs Roads� 1I To Rsaa n- all , cwmseaonTo ��r.-". w� � )a3 RisaiR see SRI I all Andiforkrot � .� Conveyc Tunnel To Be '1 Removes. Highway 1' i Surface Shoulder And 9 Ditches Io Be Restored TONCDO T Specifications 6 Ft. High Chain Link �' - ---rcnce With Three ,I Strands Cif Bart]ea WUe 1 ` 0 efbu*den DI d 1 To Be Instated Around 1 Are 'To Remain E 6 High Wall. ' i 1 Side byes Are Sc 1 B ` & SFaBtlaed 1• /.Ip EvlFo aa' 1 I�� f nos all 7 ,,/ ty f� v ivwTal .urrRe .,] .tl �.' na aem,m icatill Holds and 5 Sice a reds _ t tied srone)in �) 0 Remo, --�- // Make-up Water Pond To Remain „t G— x l knpb L no rs e 730 70.0 '713 oloas Rimier 1 n.a Tar Ri Existing C&D Landfill —���- (not on Hansew Property) 9]O xisting C LandA (not on anon Prope ) 13] ] Existing Pond i _ rzs n.T VAY LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary Chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved — Internal Permit Boundary -__ Road Access Property Line Body of Water ,+ ";" Existing Pit Area to Be Grassed Future Limits of Excavation Pipe Berm Treeline -= Effective Floodway - Contour Index Contour Intermediate OStructure J J W Y G 9 > ] a 0 • m s sow C r UNN 10 Z i ! u�am am 8 a Gn amPmp m gaeJwe S NNiFLL O =u m 2 W C OEM won OEM [.ATE V J J F ,Z y >0V LLI III Oho Omon 0 U) till Q U) LLIW i Z W NUo 02 z �Y O U) V J Q d LU z •• O M � M� M Q �t � W W DESIGNED: ARK. LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGIOW SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT HAJiOCxYMOUNTJiP-I DWG FILE: SCALE, HORIZONTAL: 1' = 300' VERTICAL. SHEET NO.: RP-1 I I Map �ox !�I M'IMS TYPE ^A^ SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR RABILIUTION GRASS DATE TYPE — PLANTING RATE M lo1 MAY 1G PERRENNIAL SEED MIX 10 LBSIACRE M.L. WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION MAIL 1 - JUN.1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARIFIED) 50 LS&ACKE 6 (MAIL - APR. ADD TALL FESCUE 110 LBSIACRE I (MAR.I-JUN. 3O) ") OR ADD WEEPING 10 LBSIACRE (MA& t -JUN. COMMON BERMUDAGRA56 OR ADDALL SS LBSIACRE JUN. & - S!F 1 p I F9SCU9 AND "' TALL AND 135 LESIACRE •• • BROWNTOP MILLET TOP MI 35 LBEIACRE •"EA EOSCIIUM-(UDANMED-Uf 30 LBSIACRE ESP.t-MAR.t SANDTAL (UNXULLED-UNaQARIFIED) TO LSSIACKE AND TALL FESCUE 125 LIESIACRE (MOV.1 -MAR 1) M RYE ARID ABRUZL RYE 25 LB&ACRE TYRE T SEEDING SCHEDULE aHOULDEIM, SIDE OrrCN6a, !LOPES (Max. S11) DATE Type RAMTIMO MATE AM 15 - NOV. 1 TALL FESCUE 300 LBWACR NOV. I - MAR. 1 TALL Palms ]YY LSSIAOR B ABMIID RYE 2E LBWACR MAR 1 - AFR. 1E TALL FESCUE ]BG LBSIACR AP&IS -JUN. 30 HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRABS 2a L6WACR JUL 1 -AUG. 13 TALL PlaCUE AND In LSWACRE • • BROV N P MILLET 35 LOSIACR •••OR SORGHUM -SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 LBEIACR SLOPES (3:1 TO 2:1) MAR.I -JUN.I 8E111CRA LESPEDEM(SCARIFIEDI SO LBWACR b (NAB. 1 - AP& is) ARA TALL FESCUE 120 LBEIACR (NAR.I-JUN. "I OR ADD 10 LAIVACR (MA& 1 -JUN. W) HULLED COMMERGRAR OR ADD HULLED COMMON BCRMUDAORABa 2E LACK JUN_ 1- eEP.1 - I ''• TALL FESCUE AND 135 LBNACR "• MILLI OR 33 LOSIACR . •^OR EOROXVM-SUOAM HYBRIDS SORGHUM 30 LBWACR RP.I - MEN. 1 SERICNA LESPODPTA (UNXULLED - UNSCARIFIED) TO LBSIACR AND TALL FESCUE In LHBIACRE NOV. I - MAR. I ADD ABRUZZI RYE 25 LBSIACR SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR R MRTATION BENEFICIAL TO W1lM1F! DATE TYPE FLOATING MAT! FEB.I -APR.I KOBE L EDQ mAB IJFWACIB I'M I - APR. 15 ORCHARD 6RASS 1525 LCWACR MAR. - APR. SHRUB LEBPEDEZA 16 LBWACR MAR. - APR. 5WITCHGRASS "L■SIACR APR. - MAY BAHIA ORALM 20.35 LENACR APR. IS -JUN. IS LOVEGRASa AJI LBLACRE MCDOT STANDARD SEEDING MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. ..• TEMPORARY -RESEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM SEASON FOR DESIRED PERMANENT VEGETATION. DO NOT ALLOW TEMPORARY COVER TO GROW OVER IT A "am"T BEFORE MOYRNG,OTRERYRSE FESCUE MAY BE SHADED OUT. SEEDBED PREPARATION 1. CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND &PIERCE TOPSOIL ]INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS, IF AVAILABLE 2 RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO 61NCHES DEPTH. & REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS LEAVING SURFACE RER60NABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. &APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL (ME BELOW'). 5. CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A &FELL- PULVERIZED, FIRM, REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO B INC"" DEEP. 6. SEED ON A FR LY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. T. MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. & INSPECT ALL 6EEREG AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEOINGS WITHIN THE FLOWING SEASON, IF POSSIBLE IF STAND SHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED REESTABLISHED FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEEDING RATES. 9. CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT READ FERTILIZATION AFTER PERMANENT COVER 18 ESTABLISHED. APPLY: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONWACRE OR 3 TOMSIACRE IN CLAY SOILS FERTILRER -1000 LBSIACR (10.1610) &UPENH08PRArE - ME LaSM cNa (20%) MULCH - 2 TONSIACRE (SMALL GRAIN STRAND ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT An GALJACR COMPACTED !ANTHEM BERM. STASILRED WITH ME Y VEMETAL COVE& aP u 1B TRAFFIC SURFAC VEHICLE DIVERSION NIW DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TREES DESIGNATED SNALL NEVER CUT A LEADER BE WRAPPED WITH A' WIDE TRUNK WMPFINO MATERIAL MAOE OF TWO COURSES OF CRINKLED PAKR CEMENTID WITH BITUMINOUS MATERIAL THIN BRANCHES BY 10 OBTAIN NORMAL TREE SHAPE 2 - T X T ROUGH SAWED HARDWOOD STORM FEES OF DEFECTS THAT IMPAIR ST MW. DAMAGED WOOD ON OAK! TOPS WALL BE CUT OFF EVENLY TWISTED GALV. WIRE 12 GAUGE TRANSPLANTED TREE SMALL R T MEW OR USED 2 - PLY REINFORCED RUBBER DANDER HOSE HIGHER IN RELATIONSHIP TO FINISHED GRADE AS TO WHERE PREVIOUSLY 2'PM"6 WMULCH AROUND PLANTED TOE! PR REMOVE BURLAP FROM SAUCER TOP 113 OF ROOTBA . � TOPSOIL MIXTUR — —' 18• TER PLAIRINO DRAB NOT TO SCALE S. 6• 1— 1 I nBLF 1' A SMALL BERM axALL ME CONSTRUCTED ALONG TOP OF BMIMTB PRESENT BIBWFF ALONG ELOPES. META& NOTEe 1. SLOPES WALL BE TRACKED WITH A DOZER DURING CONSTRUCTION TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATIVE COVEN Z ALL EXPOSED ARMAB WALL BE RAMMULD BY ESTABLISHING PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER AND MULCH WITHIN 21 RAYS OF CONSTRUCTION. vlBUAI.ARRIeR RBM wlTlMur SLOP! DRAM BRA& NOT TD SCALE ROADIADJACENT OFMNlb11 YE PROKRTY BM[ M ITS. / eMRIMO GROUND TYWGLOROaiif■T10N — T I k TYPICILL FLIIM NIl111 NOTES: 1. STAGGER THE PLANTING OF LOW MARL NA TRIG ANDRW BNRYBB M oI TO FROVID! VISUAL BCIIEEMINO. 2, PLANT TOO ROWS OF TREES N101011 WHIM ALONG TOP OF OM1M (BID ALONG BRIM M.MB IF PGBBIBLE). & SMALL SEEM AND TOM ANDIOR GMRUB PUNTING& SHALL BE A MMIIIIM OF 6 R.IN HEIGHT. COMBINATION THEE PY MOB =ME DOMICIL NOT TO SCALE LA wo aisAMM 00 0■ 'O�i;:;::::::;., EXTENSION ARMS (YFF 7 (w� MG.) COMER EXTENSION ON LINE POST AMR (TYR-It :r_ JIBWrM: Jr�"•::•:ti•::':O •.00 �0 III i•rO�i '1 :i:.:�,•'r.� �•3: :::::�:•::`�:" BOTTOM OF BOTTOM �im ,�—�r-i �IIIIIIII�III fIlIII Tr Lj VIVID I I � 7 S• .__._ _._.� 7J 11 �' r VENE I'�:4pi �J 11 IIIII 0• r IIIIFABRIC N I116: JI L � J: %s TIGHTENER 6�GATEDIETAUJI `,. C (LLMIMO CLABNFlCATION) 3 a 1 A 1� ■ MRTOSGBB OURBT Mrs CLASS B NP-RAP UNINO 24' BEDOINO THICKNESS OUREF OP A H W ft. DM) OFF.) OTJ Orr.) PIPE W IS Is 16611 PIPE u 11 2! MS SLOPE DRAINS IS u • a PS-3 Fw:rwa ATONE — SUSLAYER A BEDDING THICKNESS SECTION OUTLET PROTlOTIOR DRAIN _ -- ROT To acne DCm RATION A awn C TO 1 0.00 I NY I1J)T 0.00 ORASi WREN TEIIlORIRY fTMAW W1111MR LINER MOG 2•M TS ORASM NRN TEMPORARY ALR AB 2rW NTS OS0 OUR 0.0E WITH NET OPIUM MTLI TEMPORARY aTRAMIWWRNR LIxER ] Or00 4rffi 1.10 &W ORAaE WRH TEMPORARY JYR NR LIMQ 1. GRASS CLASSIFICATION, RETAROANCE CLASS B. FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND MOMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN NO RIAL SECTION THRU WEIR MT IVASHED STONE SEDIMENT L W D VIL A TRAP (Fn (m (Fn (Fn FLOW �- •WEIR LENGTHISO 6 Ef0 a CLAEe S MINRAP TST3 IT$ a SAID a TRJ 205 12 SAM 10 PLAN OF TEMPORARY UNM TRY TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRIO DETAIL MOT TO SCALE TOP a' ■EIW TYPOPCHMI :.p..0000 �u 1 1l 1r :00000 IS 000000000oO0 RO000p000000 oc wBRoOo 00OOOCO 00 00 r Sur WAY T s J J �M R 2S� e S=�P gOgN�PP g Ask' 6 v O Z IA w c u C Z ■on ■ Now DATE. V J J F Z low a Ig V Lu W .iB Co O mor V rn WLu EM� N Z� W 1 Z .� 2 Z W 7 y a 00 0 O YB IA Q ai 1-F RPM I J � 3 OEM ERI W IRS 12 � a W L DESIGNED: ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT XAJi0OCT116RNT-A1_I DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1' = 50' VERTICAL: 1,=5, SHEET NO.: X-1 2 OF: 6 A1Nfl00 38W003003 - �N `1Nf10W Jl)100�! O�wz pes wow •l31 dnoi7,�3W3�7tl3813U13N A2RIdAb 1Nf10W AH�021 SlIV13a N pgsu ,„•.,,,..,...,, �•„.-m.�,�sp a I.IOS�I�H NOI�J321 H1f10S (lVM3N32!) w � 'Ott'>....ew.■ . � G o 2 � w•■•�■■♦ uosu.„ ■ W '011 `1SV3H1f10S S31t/�J321'J�JV NOSNVH £6-££# 11W213d � \� es P i ° s p p{S{a ayzd n p ♦ . p 26�•� 6�� Wm W ^ ON 9� C"NN s 1 E num' up 3 i R J Vp ra mm $ } t■S �X as 5 F j 0 S Ie� Y • 9 "ao > ¢ 00� o f a 00 i w O W Y t1 1. ��_ c � i r 1 a m 9 Is z z R $ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R m 4 i � e I alLffl e€ •. R R I B. R g. 9 9� 3 c0a ) a.m ggY y`y R f �eeEElleeeBeElE�1��E wmalt r o _ � Y ^ EIN sL ■ s = ■ ■ 9 wMMR111 8 �r� a IF a m a o . 0 o a0.0 p O pOOp ■ Who . F8{ ■ L! ■■ Op Oo0 M a 3 g F ■ ii OooOo ■ a 0 O 00 °O 00 OO i OOp 0 • F xz O OO 00 ` p 00p u z . yy t 0 w q a Y p « 0 s L r ^ 71c ' am _ " EEE N �� 4 w e N 1 4 W ■ d I � < IN EEg �; } E g s i0i i rLV �11 _ > _ 41 g1E0 z z 30 Z5 < pc, t3R dd ; 5 i r % eR aui S li ��I^i and wl H m rO y < TIs ypaL m W E" 8 E 3 6 el 3 ■ z ^�,41 o °z41as a I i z a_ 0 w 66 ]7 n i66 �I�I��t�6iilltll ____ _ t�� ____ 1 ��I�t� __ ___ _g fi�e�fii�i�iiEi�iEF�fE� 3�m..& ����d§.3 �d3d32. ♦.3d !u![[gg u°qqgg x 1 � ga.X q �d ii$S e�e.m . gxzz5 mzz$Sm gk pp�Z g$p$$ �1 �1 �R �k sA € a � w w WKl� MN. 12 DRUGS W X W OR T N T WELDED WIRE HOOKED ONTO PREFORMED CMANNELf ON NBTAL POSTS OF FASTENED TO WOOD POSTS W1 ME. S STAPLER. ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR EDULIVALENT SECRUED TO WIRE WITH METAL CLIPS OR WIRE AT SM. OFF CENTER. MAX. SEDIMENT STORAGE LEVEL IS N2 HEIGHT. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN THIS LEVEL IS REACHED OR" DIRECTED BY THE CONSERVATIONINSPECTOR. r SHEET DRAINAGE ONLY. ... .. .. .. .. ..... NATURAL GRADE r PERRY 121NCNES OF FABRIC INTO TRENCH, COVER W. Sal. TRAMP AND RACHFILL. 1 CARRY 61H. OF WIRE INTO TRENCH. METAL, OR 4 X 4 TRRATED WOOD OR CEDAR POSTS AT B' O.C. MAX. WOOD POSTS MUST BE 2- DEEP MINIMUM. NOTEI SILT FENCES SHOULD NOT BE USED AT PIPE OUTLETS OR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW (CREEKS, DITCHLINES, SMIALES. ETC.'. r D.C. MAX' 1 SILT PIERCE l TYPICAL SILT PENCE DETAIL- SEE PLANS NOT TO SCALE HOLILDOWN WEBB= STABILIZED NOTES: 1. SLOPE INLET TaECTION UNDER THE DIKE TOWARD OUTLET END. 2. HAND TAMP THE BOIL UNDER AND AROUND ENTRANCE SECTIONS IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED V. S. ENSURE THAT ALL SLOPE DRAIN CONNECTIONS ARE WATER TIGHT. MOPE BRAIN DETAIL NOTTOSCA E__— REV N0: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: PLAN VIEW STAND TJiOTMIM CONSTRUCTION "IMAINCE EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES ON THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN PILE AND ADJOINING 6.76 ACRES SHALL BEGIN %TTH INSTALLATION OF THE FLOOOWAY CONTROL STRUCTURES. RNER CROSSING AREA AND AREAS REQUIRING GRADING FOR TINE INSTALLATION OF THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE CONVEYOR. AS EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES PROGRESS, THE WEST SIDE OF THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL AREA SHALL BE DEVELOPED. THIS AREA IS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SP DIAMETER RCP (PIPE A), ASSOCIATED CUTLET PROTECTION AND SILT FENCING. AS THESE MEASURES ARE INSTALLED, GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIMES IN THESE AREAS ARE TO BE CONDUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUN OFF INTO THE EXISTING STORM WATER DETENTION BASIN, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. AS THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL AREA IS BROUGHT TO THE DIVIDE AND SHAPE. EXPANSION OF THIS AREA TOWARD THE EAST ON TO THE B.TB ACRE EXPANSION AREA SRALL BEGIN. THIS AREA IS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR TIE INSTALLATION OF O 1,O 2A OC-26, DCJ, TST-1, TST-2, TST-SAND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AAY DLM.fETER RCP (PIPE B), ASSOCIATED OUTLET PROTECTION AND SILT FENCING. AS THE EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES PROGRESS IN THE OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL EXPANSION AREA, OVERBURDEN MATERIAL SHALL BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE INITIAL VISUAL BARRIER BERM. THIS BERM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION SHALL BEGIN IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EXISTING PERMITTED AREA, ADJACENT TO HAY 97, THENCE PROGRESSING EAST, PARALLEL TO HWY W. THENCE TURNING SOUTH ALONG ME EASTERN SIDE OF THE EXPANSION AREA THENCE TO THE WEST TOWARDS THE EXISTING STORM WATER DETENTION BASIN, AS SHOWN ON PLANS. AS OVERBURDEN IS DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIS AREA, THE GRADING AND EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES SHALT. BE CONDUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER SUCH THE RUN OFF IS DIRECTED INTO THE EXISTING STORM WATER DETENTION BASIN. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. OVERBURDEN MATERIAL STORED IN THIS AREA IS TO BE SHAPED AND GRADED TO THE ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. AS NECESSARY, AS EACH FILL HEIGHT BENCH IS REACHED, DIVERSIONS AND SLOPE DRMNS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER PLANS. THESE AREAS ARE TO BE SEEDED, GRASSED ANDDR LANDSCAPED AS PER APPROVED PLANS. IN SUMMARY, IN ORDER TO PREVENT OFF SITE SILTATION, PRIOR TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS AREAS, ALL ADJACENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES. UPON DEVELOPMENT SNAIL. BE STABILIZED AND MAINTAINED AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PUNS. 70 A EXISTING GRADE / 0. 9% PI GRADE TST I DIVERSION CHANNEL 1 �O r+ A N n IVI N ri n O VN ID 10 TI' 3+00 a 80 N ' EXISTING GRADE 0.9% DIVERSION CHANNEL 2A 70 1.2% PROPOSED GRADE On'ER51 ON CNANNEL 2B i 1,1 L 60 I:i7 70 (y 80 TST 2 1 70 DIVERSION CHANNEL 2 N n n M1 n h � VJ V IO b 0+00 1+00 70 I'1 3+00 4+00 70 5+00 60 ! DIVERSION CHANNEL 3 60 fD b b tND ID b t0 tD b m:. 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 GRAPHIC SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE' 1"050' 100 50 25 0 25 50 100 VERTICAL SCALE: I" V 10 5 0 5 10 I r g D P low V pb U_pPpN m a game P PP 2 Yq NWih O c2 u O Z N Cu m 0 W S ■E■ MEN EM oaTE J F J Z INN 14 CMG V W O NINE� CI Lu WINSIS � Z log=Z 0 FIM E Z O H Z Q uo 02 Z O U) V a °MINE x M I � 3 FW F IBM W OTC � o W d DESIGNED: ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT HAJi0C1lYNOUIT�II�I OWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1' = 50' VERTICAL: 1'=5' SHEET NO.: X-3 4 OF: 6 mg �01 Mies ERI67I1,10 VARU F-F MOTH 1001111111111 VABWIE MOTH NATURAL WOETAT1VE BUFFER "TU1YLV WATIVE BUFA � I p� 6 I I W.00 TAR RIVER W.W -rsouo -10aec 1w 0e -2Wm OVERBURDEN AREA ovFRwRDB2 STORAGE AREA ELF:VATIGN1W f'fJABL WSUAL BARRIER 1N PEPoMETEA eeBA VISLNL BARRIER ELEVAMHBBFI-MBL PFPoAEIFR BERM 3 BEVATDN86 FT-MBL r�t ADCFABPMD� IN W AOCEBB ROID 1 N 8 l FTC s i A1PROwAaTE WATpiHUKPLE FIEVATIDN UPON RECUMATgN 1 SAFELY BENLN IYP. Bt CONVEYORRAMP eAFETv e1]lGITYP. ae FINAL GRAOE EXISTING MINING OPERATION HAUL ROAD HAUL ROAD EIDSTING GRADE - PIT FLOOR SECTION A - At b VISUAL. BARRER TERBFAM BF/ATIGN Bd FT- ELIVAT 1W 1W 9 9 It 1 W � � RI -20 � d0 CEM RIR£ SPUNDISTURBED OF BUFFER 61,111WHELD ROP➢ SR 1M0 V1311A1 BARRIER IN ROWAS PERIMETERSEW PEII El ATION M FT -MRL r 4A1D / ] E%IsnNB GRADE � tm TTe ��� 1 APPROIONA,EwATERBUREACE it EIEVATKM1lFON REUA1MTpN W WIDE SAFETY BBATH TTP. Im ItTnWcu 20' WIGESAFEIY BFHGt TYP. V=EBBRMD AREA ELEVATOR BTORAUE AREAELEVAIION 114FT#Ol taa ,1 eo eO1RdMBT1AOiED&IFFFA EDG WPAV 20 aRIBxBRGn RGAD IHW 2,W d,W S+N BWO 10Nw 12Nw 14+00 16Nw ieN 2M00 22M0 N+ ieMO ]BMO WQQ 321W 0�00 M0 D ANw bW SqJ 1pW 12NI4:00 18M0 ,firW 2MW "QO 24*W N�00 SECTION B - B' SECTION D - D' I/III BT�BT� \\11111 CGVEY011 BYBUBB BY GREPS o.'13mu1Del ataPAOE FlNAL GRADE MEA D.EVATDNMfT#18L IN 110 S ] ACCESS ,6' BNM (Iyp) RGAD IN 3 BETRHG P01✓DB 3 t IN t ,I EXIBTND GRADE 3 AccFse a RGAG �� t p t ae mlo —T8.a m W oND 2NI0 A,aB e.ae BNw twe6 txND tA.eB ,eal 16100 2ONW 2Na0 NF00 281U0 2H1DD WIN ax.BB NFW 3B.W SECTION C - Cl Tr. IIIII I \ \ /I/11 III I I II \\'11/t1 UNDISTURBED W Z BUFFER )J F 2 W 6 O Z 6 2 ELEV. 80.0 DIVERSION CHANNEL (SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET) F7 120' 7 INITIAL BARRIER BERM CONSTRUCTION SECTION A - A' NOT TO SCALE 1 1 1 1 1 BT" BTU _\ 1 1 1 1 I VEHICLE DIVERSION BERM (SEE DETAIL) OVERBURDEN STORAGE PILE 1 % SLOPE TOWARD RIVER J W r 9 ] � m e m E r U FZOO IF i 6n ei a 8O$Tpam W 1'Ii WWJ` I NN'EFw £R a D,IE V >0 Z Q IW V LLI W zap O v W o t/� Z Z W 1 T Ir 00 G Z Lu 0 F Z N00 Q C Z Q_ gyp/ BY c� 1 J , H W a H Zuj W OTC 1% C W d DESIGNED: ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT NA�laacrMaxr�Ml1�.K DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: As Shown VERTICAL: As Shown SHEET NO.: X=4 5 OF: 6 HEIDELBERGCEMENT Group HANSON AGGREGATES SOUTHEAST, LLCm SOUTH REGION 23uu Gateway centre Blvd. Suite 200 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: (919) 380=2610 ROCKY MOUNT QUARRY 10471 NC 97 West Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Edgecombe County Phone: (252) 977-161 1 h� SHEET INDEX: COVER SHEET MINING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN M&ECP-1 RECLAMATION PLAN RP-1 CROSSmSECTIONS & DETAILS X01, X-2, X-3, X=4 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE LAT: 96.9724W N LONG: .77.751740 W MINING PERMIT No: 33-13 PERMIT RENEWAL SEPT 2012 M4 2] bL�x gl Ah-vIeS GRAPHIC SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: I w=300' 600 300 150 0 150 300 600 CHARLISS 712 FLOODWAY r LAN 1 era /A RTICEri aTRFC .. wan�p. r ,Ee PROPEPEI RTIES PARFulk P. uy Kul lue APSTFAC BAIRNWHIL �.. `./ 6aaln W '.' crPRr-�1� a /cam x� SIRE#Wa951mmWater,nn a ✓ ImPo 4meax Dal -. ,1uo 1 v., e ,wrr Aaea - lJmIh:3C.1 Arms FLOGGWAY J nA ms us Thy eBD \� •` �' i J�"iy`( $ 8 / »6 _ nn TTa e �� I� eaa / SECTIONAA 1 / 71s 272 U 200' Dam 1 nI e r5 -zeu Riparian B .E 11 ..0 y Tat Buffer % 704 FLODWAY vz6 .; okpde / Itl1 fk $to Area I_ --�`Z- ro 1 v2a aAr Area s e ; ` _ Area a. boa IJ 1 e ,{"¢ -aeo.e yi 4 ( r RuerF mel FI ay -solo 'Tss ns OtOu1r ,e ® ♦ ', .2 n rol .n6a r, v,, soot \�'L r / e!' r I 1` Temwmn / S n lure -anr r I ' 1�� Aa For In et a 74E Dump fay - d 1l r l `. R"urCmuw9 >t� 1 m 1 l aea a1mM ��ur° " - O%heflalld merSc <,... m I 0.. ®See, " >A , ^ ��\ - � ' 7\ -795 eie Existing Trio I / l f I -a• � -ai �R'Ilr �1proArea c sing a.3 I. 1Y �_ "ll if HP2o 1 1 7`1 716LL � f Fu ure _ 'r 712 roQI I ) OVerblll'de0 a� 200' >i �'.. r Storage Area ( wl r r, rsr_"'m_ -CP Riparian . (1 4 � �. ) � 003 I m Puffer i Q n1 ' 1 1 aIe s a x 706 d �� rl. 1 NOTE: IH I m� w.mrl;w As To a1 Ba Aaaard To �1 r ` ' Comeyor0elmry 7R� ry RI ]tfi r Or, aeEe]II In TNaAm And croon were. ,1qt N o rII ( v RNum Lnr" 'e 71,1 i 55.. y � I Nap N.7 c X 1 l 696 ���� CMPa r %t E i(ull lW' �� / v o 8 era am n d Sir - 7 709 o bn ,�mm� alnbiln -pp en st !- s' Ell I _ od O 717 Q /r 1 ; I sc _ Supply Line1' Hall g Y1 Pr u _ . 134 _ _— � Pumpr:o �- Dewatenng Make -Up 1 _ —�'�- Water Ford 776 as eeMsell —�"I I' Gale I I ifZ�'� t 52 .. _ 50'UndisWr�Bu1d I 750 oft r1 z xnncy. I !1 STD. n pL13 Ire , ne LOOP p P . r �: c1YF © �A ` S Ph,SIXTH 'I a�p,.x b rent 511 La.R. _ r REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: i Stocirl I 200' i68 / f no Q iqa '' Area `� Riparian Buffer/ Stockpile Illy 726 alFa j ryrn 3762 I "T� ExiNnB ` Exelil6 seems Flodnwow smlinq �� j' " control �� +. P� Pond - �ueture \ $m2 / \ Ol19etR%arleanel� NPDE5601 / 708 i1] TO, Preer T30 WEI Existing CSD Landfill . (not on Hanson: Property) n re Aleut e" Die acme 3rwn Try xlsting C Landfi tanulred FM (not on neon I>xa Area Prope ) - - 75.3 CANiuILLr OnO Eda6ng rm _ Ford M AnCi d 0 Q o n 0r1 H CO CATAGORY East Side of River Affected Acreage West Side of River Abetted Acreage Total Pamni ted To Be Affected Acreage TAILING / SEDIMENT PONDS 7A 13.7 21.6 STOCKPILES 16.2 0.0 16.2 WASTEPILES 1947 63.6 111 PROCESSING AREA HAUL ROADS 25.2 9.7 34.9 MINE EXCAVATION 38.0 65-7 1037 OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 BUFFER 12,71 12.8 j 2&51 TOTAL PERMITTED TO BE AFFECTED 119.38 165.5 284 88 TOTAL PERMITTED ACREAGE = 0 nor TBlim iD Fool ahruder 9.Ola slop i O Onion Try. Iftelawnio1arrimArer O O o nay TRw Amer pinhurfixi - Q M,cxirE2ixw NOTE: B upon eftsreRvR;nl Ry.eavdnstarapploxlmawN4 emsloma> deem Se aen rnt soma m+aYanro wlmm the exrou dowmwder Remain IS W7,900 dl The aeiawnt Nxp volume required IS 82000 or. (1905 ax dreN veepe) orderer awm conditions. Ce eeMwe RWn provides a surfecle moves or .rem (435 x Peak Rump Rare in de) Fedor So eMkV opw+Oma on ere 6,78 acre exPemdn wan, Wnpomry SIR lemep m W a IW on me aed and east OR mewl mew amend divardan dwnnel. As Ne 42'nee (plop a) IS inereped and ma 1W. el0 Iii id IS be mnoned. LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved — Internal Permit Boundary Road Access Property Line Body of water `. -p. Existing Pit ® Settling Cell 1Mmmm��' Future Limits of excavation 0 Berm -Existing & Stabilized Pipe with vegetation. Temporary EC structure no longer required. �� Slope Drain Berm -under construction or IleoGaA Diversion Ditch To Be Built ® Level Spreader undisturbed Buffer Tsn Temporary Sediment Trap Treel i ne rwoEa m1 NPDES Sample Location Effective Floodway •aooz Stormwater Sample Location Contour Index Sediment Fenc2 Contour Intermediate OStructure J a m s v > i 0 m m . o d e nemr Sr V III, yO d IS ZOO m ^n e i e ON3ww m�mw L mpow Null CFFI O Z HW V C= t� m W W S now ■E■ a/■ D-TC J J F Z N >0v H Z72 In O 0 W W�� = W H 1 W Z n y00 a 2 Z IXY O H V Im _ r L 3 tr> J W v d L ..,Z Z aF 1% LLI Z_ O aka •' I .4 Z_ H a O O o'. W W m W no SCALE', HORIZONTAL: l' = 300' VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: M&ECP-1 _ '..rF N 1 2 3 4 6 Mq 2-1 GRAPHIC SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=31I 600 300 150 0 150 300 600 it Foot High Che s FLOODW<aWMTI AI' mod+'^ "--- Fen �'-' p g tra�Or t of dAP543 �rf ac pp t roe �a � --lie n.o � � It _ ._ s •...�, — :n si al/ue ; � ,.-.,gpea•n"�q" i 4 ---- � - ♦ IFz 11 -li � +u fire T1.6' I �� �� � H to Pa•oA-� gw in7rAnCe roue ...tr,1 8 FL High Chain Link "'$'n �/�' ❑ eo.r rnr rT,e a z ! Fence With Three 1 rd u nanJ`' .0H o ' ^?� I Strands of Barbed Wire To Be Installed Around �. � �o<xede .,:--—"___ _ $ High Wall.VA OBIB ✓ Oulk( X _ FLOODMv {fe X o 735 a ,zed,` t _ aara m�eN.n e ed& �� L�iu+e.� V 1 z _ t --� ,1 'raarzs r , 3 f � r _ Exlfllne t �' •za ^` Y ... .- 'TO j } FRESH WATER SUPPLY PCh , _ Igma ! , 1 CONVEYOR AND FOO'� S 4 1YO OBEREMOVEq Jv� i f { I d cp O �, 1 1I m.T _LiRIGHT-OFWAYTO rkj' ^ ( toRem. . 1 M1BO Road" onveo r Hi hwa f n na - I .` yItADED AND VEGE7AjE0 ConveyorTunnel TO Be !� �4t �. v �) rX+�.� r zee 1 130 > 9 Y ��fj _ 9udace. shoulder And 1' 1.: \• �, i '� XX L pint oe x^ f ! 2 :eq J ea TJ r rea VAMy` 1 10 Be Restol'ed g To NCDOfi Speoifwtions ! keq �1 T c 11 s(in Ditches T J„_ ( / JJ , ss z1 ' ! - RP'i Z r A,3tfi L Q .l Iry�P �/ 6 Ft HI h Chain link � qo mfivn � /t rde P M1h J Fence With Three '. AT To: „'". ,, ,Raw �i`- Y X4 -n zoe hlQhfr,% and ' Strands Of Barbed Wire ! z 0ertq (tleg e,.v 'f X d ' To Be Installed Around ! - 9 s [ High Wall. � i L � � � Stae u� �, � 'T 'y ras w,rvwse T dun f \ — n2 r 1 ti r...wv. e l a Roadsd� Settling Pond TAill a r?d e.L 1, N.emne) Drained Ana F Ind GrLeft - FL ODWAY X' ! �, y y f c Hllled tgefatHI nesAnd FLOODWAY fXf FRESH WATER SUPPLY ! , 1 Vegetates / ! - R'rad R¢ 114111.nsure to i 91ab,. I /// d .E713 na r EaMin936• . _-.73 1120 Bo%CuNed sae 572 Tar RIVE1 ' Ira ed And d rI -ti TII „rM1. / d Existing C8D Landfill -- R pt ne,m 1, .ne. le,. (not on Hanson Property) bxReew f y) oPre a.5 t l .Ln d And 1! •�� (s Ied s,onq) o --�� / Make Up G (notton anon jfJ /'� Water nn z Props ) / lo,l lei s, Overburden DI J 153 r--- > y Area, 1 o Remain Ecru � �:.. Sk1ej$op�'1:Ate See.. if oi� Existing ) w L: Pond 74.2 12 _ L I 75A 0 I n0 r3i n ree Q na ❑ ow LEGEND: LEGEND: Permit Boundary Chain Link Fence Adjacent Property Line Road Paved Internal Permit Boundary Road Access Property Line Body of water Existing Pit Area to Be Grassed Future Limits of Excavation Pipe Berm Treeline Effective Floodway = ---. ---- Contour Index Contour Intermediate OStructure s J R 2 > 5 � m � 1 uhry sz 0 RO Sbq 4yO4R�h y"wq Z O r1 :2 v s ■W■ MINE MEN DATE: V J J F Z Ne t1 Oho W W F V0 Vill �' W H r 2 W 11, 0 pa y 00 a (A) �� O H V 2 � a d LU Z O M � T a M M a F W cc WL DESIGNED: ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WE CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE'. SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION : ROCKY MOUNT HAl OCKWOUNTRP-i DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: i' = 300' VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: RP=1 6 DF. 6 rl I I,I I !NI!1 I 11 i� 1 lal U 1 I ,1l1 ! I iiiiu !! illi i!lril i! i!�!o !! III i ! F �I il!!i n Jilin III.l, III 1 I I S�IIl11!•I I l l fiil!IIII 1 !� Aft It I 11111(I a...n,i . {{I1iIIII I .x at I INS I! - - ' I If{ii{{li 111! I� I; II I I� s�I E�I !III F I !!!fItl ! fll 'Iiii I !Il.l! ! 17 4if ! ;E � sl1 it III �! { e - a . m.0 { e I ... { illliliff iillil.11l 44 p5 '- 0.. y tea. p I !III�i 10111 i PHI I NIT I11 ���u.X s� !m!! oIli,Nl I 'liiiili i III {'°'fill i l III f ! I! fIIllllli II ! IIIIIla! a iillii �: Iflffffif I iiff{lu I= iiili!ili 16'� a a. ? x- e � ry Wo 2y box � Mules RMNL NOTE ENT *,wvMN:u*E WATER & FORCE MOMTO 59 BOOTEE STANDARD BORE ENCASEMENT NOT TO SCALE CLAN A NIPRAP , NOTE: MMOR1 rON TO IUC END 26 LINEAR FEET UPSTREAM AND DOWx3TREAM FROM CHARNEL BEND MMORIZM CHANNEL BEND DETAIL HUTTO 1LLE aE L Mir D W L IMOR TRAP (R) 11T (FT) (PT) M WASHED STONE M. TST4 IN 14 SAO 12 m4 1s a SAID 4 FLOW amIS :::., - 00 o MIL a WEIR LENGTH TST43 110 10 a.TA a iMMABE m4(1) ��� a CLASS RIP -RAP TST411) 4" a, 93 ASa m4(1) 170 M0 40 MIT (a) 1411 10 ILSE A lIJ1M W TEMPORARY eB1MeNT TRAR m2(2) IIN 14 !.N 12 m4(2) R!p 14 3.50 1E TSTJID (a) I6 a 250 4 PIT-11 eo to 2.50 6 m-12 220 14 250 la TOF OF elMa n mwe 15p t0 2.50 a TOF OF f3tAMNeL p O o0 -1l TST-14 140 10 1.60 a p aB �1 _ 1 .. OOOOCp 00 U :....Op000p0 m-ta 330 14 a.60 la O �1 p .:-:' 00 00 000 O TST.16 M 14 SAO 1E Bn arom F'9 0000Q00000a0000 fLAeB eINMwAP ''oo m-n (:) To 10 z.ao e 00 0 00 00 PIT-IB(a) 1" 13 SAO III BUT WAY 1 Y m-10 Rplac4 By TST-Ti m41 Raplaw By m4a SECTION THRU WEIR 1181142 Rp1ace By TST-za TBT.n fro ID TAW-D4(1) 1.9 IS Tdro1GRYSmIMO1T TRAP GRAIL m-m(1) 4i0— '4 iW IS m4e lap 10 LN 10 TIOT To acALE TI T-27 1N 10 SAID a MabS1 (1) ReTwo nmailum alMl VasNa n am Laal DlabrMM CEMpleta. No leaw ra4Mrae. (a) Arw Nob Yet DIELOI Traps aM Inat lam TEM►ORMY DplERS10M MH EL DIMn1SMNIS Nm To afar N r 1• c (uxlxo eLAmlFlwnoq + a a —I 1 • 1 � s mND. RTATM AfFn c TO 1a. ORAEE wHM TLWOgAgY JIWI NET YNRI 1MM O.M OIWB PATH TLIPONAl1Y JUTE NET UNE1l MN MM OJMWITH TeMFf1NARY JUTE NET LImR low 11Tf 0.>dBASSWITHT itowo MMRYJFTENnYMR . W WITHTEMPORARYJUTENBTuM SH00 IM F WITHTWPOMNYJUTENBTTINMR 31m 1.19 WITH TeNPOgENr JUST MST MER pwID 6ET1 1sa NNTN TmroRMY JUTE MET LMER FHN SHIFT Smm TFN RARY JUTE NET men SMOD EARS PITIES WWM Te mro TJOTE NETY En Oc-1as 0lO0 4111131 11A1 SAO FRAaB WITH TeMroRAnr JUTE NET oxen 11G10G lowlill 7+401.1E LOF ORAfe Sam TBPONMY JUTE NET oxen DI DEW 4413 1 &M OAO ORAIm WITH TBPOMRY JUTE M!T llI1LR DI MOO SO RUN 0.M OWN WITNTMPOMRY JUTE NET IJNlR DC-13 SH00 1.17 QAO ORNSWIll1 TEMPORARY JYTE MET USHER pC1U 1111410 LOO FRAFF WITH TEMPOIIMYJUTE NET LMER 0111415 01MIDIOM A 1AF LIFO �mm TBPOYRYJUTEMETuN 0415 0110 1 CLTE --dlki 9RAISB OFpp SHa3 I 0.N ONANTM" TEMPORARY JUTE NET LINm F+M ll 0 I on Soo OBAN W1M TeMroMRY w w Hw uxm o.oID 3E711 1 QUIRS Lop FRAsa W TEmmq y nRAw BIRTH NET uxm MID 2.111111 1 Y.00 GRAM WITH TMnO VI! NET MW 3HI2 1JNI LOY GRAN WITH iBMORANY JVTE MR oC4oA C DD-me law OCAS 0100 SEW IDJB ____ _ MOO 1. WRN TeMro1WlY JUTE MET LINER Oc c OHIO I M1 I I IOIW TnAP0 JUTE NET UMER DC31D OMp 714e 1 V BNAm MTII TEMPoRARY JVTE MET uxsq 01IF0 TM4 1 W WN TEMro11MY JUTE MR LINER De -a] Mm s< 000 SHAH wax TEMroNANr BITIIIW WTTx N!T N11@II NSW: (11 Alw Sbb11UM wIM Y4Babtlon a11IF Ld DbMEbIM Camplab. Nn lalraal rBpalrW. (S) Sraa Nab YET DhturbK Traps Nat bMISBN (3) Draw C1aEMBeaXM, Rabr4arrva nap er PrPM TM NOHb GrPllna lrvalp ar14 BMImar1[ C011trvl PbraMM am DwISn Manual. IF aE RQABWAr IF W w a 1111rTT. 1MOLIPT. 1MeLYT. 11MJlT. f 3 I-,I-11I- �� vAMC SISw1Ee a• N NOTES: 1) ROADWAY SHOULDERS AND SIDE LINE ORCNES E11NLL BE VEOnAnD ON OTNE WRAM 0. ]) MOADWAY MUST BE STABILIZED WTH STORE OR PAVEMENT). MM:11L NDAO NCTMMI Norto eeAIIN .NDDIYIn .NFF,Dm PIPE A FlM s a LF WMARCF aaE lR.4T MA m1 60.5%stAw BSaex mAPe IMV. IN ODA M .IN Y INV. OUT EST Mv.pm nJl OYEIIT PIIOTEOTFON OIIRlI PROTEQTNINI LexsrN=tort LEVd NRE tnOTME IEMOTNa Y3lT lUPMl U GIAE! 6 MPP (IIP OIPTN) MODTX • ]u PT CLAN ■ nIM11! IOU• pOMI) PIPE IMFOEMATION FILL we N O.D' DETAIN. Nm m BCALE M NW SEDIMENT NT W'ZL_ L Bill TARP fFT) (FT) AFT) No. t6 SEDIMENT op TST4 4 12.5 Mail TST4 B 14 tTslT L PUN NOIILMN YMM NOUN\ MINL Nor To KW � FmmoAm VOLYME OF aT0Rl1M AVAILABLE, 1BAO0 CF MOTs BPaKBENMMTem WJ1aN. �. MM 0 M ApppNAgN TgIN1 MMmT aNlw BaRTr B IMLTE AMNaTATIM ABSILN MMYYIIMIL STORAGE SPACE REWIRED BASED UPON DRAINAGE AREAS FOR DC-13 AND DC-16 IM CF x LS ACRES • 4613 CF SURFACE AREA REQUIRE. Q.x O.Otx4MMH)•3=OSQFT SURFACE AREA PROVIDED: 6571 Slat FF oPUAnM MM SIM NApUaA PwOPmr aB WAWMAI PIMa r IALArM CYPRESS 9PC RIWERP WLOAL EUWu m w plasruneeo Purr" k�51 YIwLL EMulu PERM oPwnoxLL vMDu SLRERIN WHO FYIRIIIe �1 ABDUL tr ILW1M 1 A NT / ImAor AaaeER Orwr WOE r PgOAgTY MDE U)ML ® PINE ;, 1lE.LARINn WO.C.0 PACNLUT M.TflY11L EtqueE,gla AAU v !]nETIN YE4RAnM Ts PUNnxa l TREE PLANTING AgEw•w• MwTElllu ffORAnI.LEEI. LxMCEEEPi NEEENINC 1IB PEJ4ITBM r tANYMP! OBI'AN YFITEen a rws PtANTeW AREAr pNCRWIMII: PIANTBq A YTMNLfTO11bEARG LOM.OLLY WMW LAMDMLAR EOREENIND Mr p6lAWIYFT vlwwL BARMER SEMI vINRaI1MNN rLaAr CYPRMa oPeUTwNLL vupu aewERlNo ae oe RABOMN C YluuL aroNxne MlEa WNLOLLT PNMa YMCCYIFRIMIMC RO.p. YCN IRF s vxuLL SARMER SEMI vu4MAnraALMAlM CY1mM MgxIWMLL VRVLL ICNNIN Ml O.S. RAe0Ms E YIWDALR011AOl AREA IOBLOLLY FMB 1ANOKYlatYlEewxa Mr O.CL MAIM MR ti J J g M C@O 10�� T Q_pN fpi 4 3' AN eNN i OF: 5 M4 g �DX 81 Mules 12 GAUGE W X W OR 2' X Y WELOEO WIRE HOOKED ONTO PREFORMING CHANNELS ON METAL FOSTS OF FASTENED TO WOOD POSTS WI NO.8 STAPLES. ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANT OEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR E LIVALENT SECRUED TO WIRE WITH METAL BLIPS OR WIRE AT SM. OFF CENTER. OWL. SEDIMENT STORAGE LEVEL IS 1/2 HEIGHT. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN THIS LEVEL 13 REACHED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CON3ERVATIONINSPECTOM Y SHEET DRAINAGE ONLY. NATURAL GRADE R' I CARRY 12 INCHES OF FABRIC INTO TRENCH, COVER W. SOIL, TAMP AND BACHFIIL. IV CARRY SIN. OF FIRMS Iwo TRENCH. 1 s METAL. OR 1' X e TREATED WOOD OR CEDAR POSTS AT S' O.C. �! \ MAX. WOOD POSTS MUST BE 2DEEP MINIMUM. mom SILT FENCES SHOULD NOT BE USED AT PIPE OUTLETS OR IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW IGNEOUS, ORCHLINES, SWALES, ETC.). r G.C. NUL — ISOBEL1TT7 is SILT FEBOE TYPICAL SILT FENCE DRTRIL- Bs PLANE Nor TD wALE PLASTIC CORRUGATED PIPE K4ECTION NOTES: 1. SLOPE INLET T4ECTION UNDER THE MKE TOWARD OUTLET END. 2. HAND TAMP THE SOIL UNDER AND AROUND ENTRANCE SECTIONS IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 3'. 3. ENSURE THAT ALL SLOPE BRAIN GONMEOTIONS ARE WATER TIGHT. SLOPE BRAIN DETAIL NOT TO KALE f PLAN VIEW STANDARD T4ECTION CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES ON THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN PILE AND ADJOINING 5.18 ACRES SHALL BEGIN WITH INSTALLATION OF THE FLOOOWAY GCNTROL BTiIICTURES, RWER GROSSING AREA AND AREAS REQUIRING GRADING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF THE CONVEYOR. AS EARTHWORK ACTIVITIES PROGRESS, THE WEST SIDE OF THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL AREA SHALL HE CEVELOPED. THIS AREA IS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A 3P DIAMETER RCP RIPE A), ASSOCIATED OUTLET PROTECTION AND SILT FENCING. AS THESE MEASURES ARE INSTALLED, GRADING MID CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN THESE ARE/SARE TO BE CONDUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUN OFF INTO THE EXISTING STORM WATER DETEMION BASIN. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. AS THE EXISTING OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL AREA IS BROUGHT TO TIE GRADE AND SHARE, EXPANSION OF THIS AREA TOWARD THE EAST ON TO THE &M ACRE EXPANSM AREA SHALL BEGIN. THIS AREA IS TO BE CLEARED AND GRUBBED FOR TIE INSTALLATION OF 0p1, DO2A DG2B, DC3, TST-1. TST-2. TST-3 AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A4T DIAMETER RCP (PIPE BL ASSOCIATED OUTLET PROTECTION AND SILT FENCING. AS THE EARTHWORK ADTVITIES PROGRESS IN THE OVERBURDEN DISPOSAL EXPANSION AREA OVERBURDEN MATERIAL SHALL SE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE INITIAL VENAL BARRIER BERM. THIS BERM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION SHALL BEGIN IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE EXISTING PERMITTED AREA, ADACENT TO HVfY BT, THENCE PROGRESSING EAST, PARALLEL TO HWY BT, THENCE TURNING SOUTH ALONG THE EASTERN SIDE OF THE EXPANSION AREA THENCE TO THE WEST TOWARDS THE EXIST IG STORM WATER DETENTION BASIN, AS SHOWN ON PLANS. AS OVERBURDEN IS DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIS AREA. THE GRADING AND EARTHWORK ACTNITIES SMALL BE CONDUCTED IN SUCH A MANNER SUCH THE RUN OFF IS DIRECTED INTO THE EXISTING STORM WATER DETENTION BASIN. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. OVERBURDEN MATERIAL STORED IN THIS AREA IS TO BE SHAPED AND GRADED TO THE ELEVATIONS AS SIiOWN ON THE PLANS. AS NECESSARY. AS EACH FILL HEIGHT BENCH IS REACHED, DIVERSKONS AND SLOPE DRAMS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS PER PLANS. THESE AREAS ARE TO BE SEEDED, GRASSED ANDWOR LANDSCAPED AS PER APPROVED PLANS. IN SUMMARY, IN ORDER TO PREVENT OFF STIE SILTATION, PRIOR TO TIE DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS AREAS, ALL ADJACENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES, UPON DE MUCPMENT SHALL BE STABILIZED AND MAINTAINED AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANE. 80 _. _.._ /-EXISTING GRADE 70 \PROPOSED GRADE TST 1 M 60 0+00 L ---- 0.9% DNERSION C:LWMEL IA 70 60H n EXISTING GRADE \PROPOSED GRADE � CHANNEL 2B M-1 70 60 TST 2 Grvexsxan 4AMIEL Z M N N PI r4 O O OI b T M n n n n n n n b m m b 0+00 1+00 2+00 �ISTING GRADE 70 _-- PROPOSED GRADE 60 DIVERSION CHANNEL 3 O W VJ l TST 3 4+00 n N N Q, WD O O O N n n n b b M M M •G b IO 10 b b WO b b WO 70 W 5+00 m 70 60 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 GRAPHIC SCALE: HORIZONTAL SCALE: VOW LwARIIRLrwexa 100 50 25 0 25 50 100 VERTICAL SCALE: I^ W 10 5 0 5 10 m m ow 9C Ypm V mO 9 SNmC `0 8rmm 0^Ipma cc $:€-Ix S pMRiFLL W Somme T7 zu DATE: J F J = Q lzV Lu W ap Zo G O ONEQv Lu W F! c U) Z W ZL o z _ wn yt�0 a 02 O i V M J J �9 3 REF a W INSZ W � OWG � OR DESIGNED: ARK. LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2072 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT HAJ10O(WOlNT�11 t DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1'=50' VERTICAL: 1'=5' SHEET NO.: X=3 46 Map 2�o % SI Mines BIBBTRIBVMW{RHIYTR EgBTINO VARIABLE W1oTN NATURAL VBOBTATRIR MRFFA RATURAL VEGETATIVE BUFFER OVERBURDEN AREA INN TAR 10W= MOOT pm mm HAUL ROAD HAUL ROAD Im.m Iw.m -xoo.m OAMM -250.00 ON tm.m VON VON 'Imm wD.m TIMM Rpm Npm "M GK P a =TIM PIT SECTION A - At OVERBURDEN STO" AREA ELt ATICRI IVF'fABL VISUAL BARRI 140 _ PEM.ILiFRBfliM V18UA� BARRIER 6EVAlION BS F'F-M0L PEPoI.ETERBFAM 0 3 EIEVAlpB.6 FT- WL IN tr �' ACff86 RDAD� 2CAC0E69 ROAD 9 m ,.10 APPROXIMATEWAlTEFt BIIPFACE ELEVATION UPON RECLAMATION , BAFETYBENCN M. m CONVEYOR RAMP BAFETY BEIA]I TYP. FNAI- GRADE EXISTING MINING OPERATION ulm tnu uRwuc y. PIT FLOOR b I WRIER! p N PE3IMEIERBEFT EtEVAl10N 06 FT 1m IN S it m _ m m 40 410 0+00 2+m Nm B+BD SPIN I" 1Nm 14+m N+W 18w0 2OgD 22+m N+m m+m m+m m+W U400 SECTION B - BI Im 9 tE'BRWI(ryp1 IN m mm m S� ATBP— J RNALORADE 11111 i a• � �11111 WFA.URBEN ercaAOE AREA ELEVAl10N IB FTA10L 1m ACCEBB ROAD FF. 9 11 m m 0-m 2+00 4+m 6+0 04m 10400 iNOO WIG 10000 18400 20+10 i2+00 N+OO 10+m 28+m 90+m 02+m %+m m+m SECTION C - Cl IIIII� I � �11111 IIIII I I � �11111 . UNDISTURBED = BUFFER 7 1 6 3 ELEV. S" DIVERSION CHANNEL (SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET) CENTERLINE � BTCMOE V UNDISTURBED NE,AEIEVAION ePRINGFIELD ROAD BUFFER �S0.12R1 „4 F'f 1b VISUAL BAPRER RBROYYAB PBtIMEIER TERN PFR NCOOT FIEVATIONNFT-MBL 3 0 Im �1 ;, r uFr-AIBL I.m b APPRm01MTE WAT6, BUFACE I r ELEVATION UPON REUlMMTON fip UMBIIIR®BUFF6I - 2P WOE 9AFETYBDICN TYP. tM FOOEOPPAVEAFNF 20 OPPoNOFI3DROAD TYPNYL m WIDE BAFEIY BFNLII TY.. A 015RaG --f 04m NOD fq0 B.BB e.Bo ,04m 12000 14+00 10400 ,O+OD mb0 22+0o m+m m.OD SECTION D - DI I ZIP ' I / � INITIAL SRBERM CONSTRUCTION SECTION A - A' NOT TO SCALE IIIII I �I111„ VEHICLE DIVERSION BERM (SEE DETAIL) OVERBURDEN STORAGE PILE 1% SLOPE TOWARD RIVER J a L > F 21g m unF'T G p OJWy% I H�f FLL C� BERM ■■ MEN ■ S' DATE J >0 J z Z >0 0 a ILI oW O cy O V Who HILI Z W 0 IBE E Z wo y 00 a 02 O Im Y rn a °� s 07 J N � 3 � IR. W F MEMO Z W r W d DESIGNED. ARK, LAB DRAWN: ARK, AS, WR CHECKED: ARK, LAB DATE: SEPT 2012 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: ROCKY MOUNT NAJIOd(waNTjX111' Jxc DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: As Shown VERTICAL: As Shown SHEET NO.: X=4 5 OF: 6 Wehner, Judy - I` From: Garvey, Jack H (Morrisville) USA [Jack.Garvey@mmson.biz] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 1008 AM To: Werner, Judy Subject: RE: Rocky Point Quarry Prior the 2D10 mine modification to add the Wooten property, our existing permit covered 492.82 acres. The Wooten property was 6.78 acres. 492.82 acres + 6.78 acres 499.60 acres Jack Garvey Environmental Manager Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC 2300 Gateway Centre Blvd. Morrisville. NC 27560 Tel. 919 380 2745 Cell: 336669 7565 Fax 9193802756 Jack.GanevAlralverraom vmw.hanaon.com From: Weimer, Judy Finailto:iudv:wehner&ncdenraovj Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:57 AM To: Garvey, Jack H (Morrisville) USA Subject: Rocky Point Quarry Please verify the total permitted acreage is 499.6. It's not in the application or on the mine map. Judy Werner Assistant State Mining Specialist 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919)707-9220 (919)715-9801 fax ------------------------------------------ E-marl correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. C> OCT-17-2012 WED 10:46 PM DE\R C FAX NO. 19195714718 FAX COVER SHEET DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT NCDVR�� @����..p�� AND NATURAL RESOURCES Rawl" Regloaal Oelc• �.�. a...... 1628 ww 8arvlc• cenbw Raalph, NC 278W18ge Z Pages, Including cover sheet TO: �.1 ��-U,�flL I W C- A FROM: kit' i SUBJECT: 13-13 MESSAGE: FAX - DATE: 11 you do not receive all pages, cal 919 791.4200 arflur pack to 919, 571.4718. • • : ;J . IsA.: Wea 07-17-2012 WED 10:46 PM DEN 40 FAX NO, 1919571.4718 P, 02 MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM for the DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Project/Number: 33-13, Rocky Mount Quarry_Ceunty: Cbathem--- Please return comments back to: Comments due by: Will the operation, as proposed, violate standards of air quality? No. Comments: The facility has an air permit. YES Air permit required X Air permit existing 3300006_(Permit# 03285R21) Other Reviewed Print Name: David Miller Rev Dec 2W6 Date: 10/22012 Cen6 l IXM1m Rewi r Werner, Judy From: Holley, John Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 12:00 AM To: Wehner, Judy Cc: Boyer, Janet; Nevils, Mell; Dupree, Joe Subject: RE: comments for Rocky Point Quarry As we discussed earlier this afternoon, we can support renewal of this application/permit. The proposed affected areas have been previously approved. DWQ comments were sent to you separately, and I have faxed DAQ comments. Sorry for the delay; Joe has been out sick recently again, and he and I had not connected until today. I wanted to get his input before commenting. If there are any questions, please advise. From: Werner, Judy Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:15 AM To: Holley, John; Dupree, Joe Cc: Boyer, Janet Subject: Comments for Rocky Point Quarry Do you have comments for this renewal? They were due Monday, Oct. 15. Judy Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919)707-9220 (919)715-8801 fax E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. . 0 0 4 ' Wet North Carolina Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor MEMORANDUM X92i NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Water Resources Thomas A. Reeder, Director October 16, 2012 TO: Ms. Judy Wehner Land Quality Section )e FROM: Gabrielle Chianese Ground Water Management Branch Division of Water Resources SUB.IECT: Comments on the Mining Permit Renewal Request for: Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County 0 Natural Resources Dee Freeman, Secretary RECEIVE® OCT 16 Z012 LAND QUALITY SECTION Please find attached a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. The Rocky Mount Quarry located in Edgecombe County does not appear to have an unduly adverse efTect on ground water supplies. This mine was issued a CCPCUA water withdrawal permit (CU3030) for the amount of 4,320,000 gallons per day. A Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area (CCPCUA) permit must be obtained from the Division of Water Resources if the withdrawal exceeds 100,000 gallons per day and occurs in Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Edgecombe, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Onslow, Pamlico, Pitt, Washington, Wayne, or Wilson County. If you have further questions, you may go to the www.ncwater.org and click on the link for Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area or contact the Division of Water Resources at (919) 715-5370 or send correspondence to 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1611. 1611 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 One Phone: 919-707-90001 FAX: 919-733-35581 Internet: www.ncwater.org NorthCarolina An Equal opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer - 50 % Recycled 110 % Post Consumer Paper Naturally v NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Director September 20, 2012 u u4:tNO- u. TO: Mr. Nat Wilson Habitat Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: .Brenda M. Har sr� e�l.w� Mining Progra4 eretary-- Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Des Freeman, Secretary ® Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable groundwater supplies (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by October 15, 2012 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on potable groundwater supplies would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time, Also, please send a coov of vour comments to the person noted in the application. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated, Please contact Ms. Judy Wenner at (919) 733-4574 if you have any questions. /bmh Attachments 5EP 20 2012 cc: Mr. John Holley LL�Jll 31.11:.r.., r a 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 • Telephone 919-707.92201 FAX: 919-733.2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: hap:Ilnortal.ncdenr.orgAvaNlrAand-duality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer -50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper o 1 t.� Wenner, Judy From: Smith, Danny Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 3,44 PM To: Holley, John; Wenner, Judy Subject: Hanson Rocky Mt Quarry DLR# 33-13 Attachments: 33-13 DLR - Water Quality Review Sheet (2).doc Please see attached comment sheet for Hanson Aggregate Rocky Mount Quarry— DLR H 33-13. John I will return package to you in few mins. Danny Print this roan to POF Rmum PDF or this room to DLR CO by email. cc DLR RO, DWQ SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. MINING PEROT APPLICATION RE�%W FORM forthe DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY DLR: Project Name: Rocky Mount Quarrel DLR Permit #: 33-13 County: Edgecombe Applicant's Email: Jack. Garvey(a),Hanson.biz Applicant's Mailing Address: 2300 Gateway Centre Blvd., Morrisville, NC 27560 Mine Physical Address: 1D471 NC Hwy. 97, Rocky Mount, NC 27801 YES NO Date Commencing Is this mine a new mine? r r 1974 Have land disturbing activities started? Date? Ir r 1974 Latitude: 35.9740 Longitude:-77,7476 Please return comments to (at DLR CO): Judy Wehner_ Comments due by: 10115112 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWQ: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? Not with Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: Tar Pamlico —C NSW DWQ Compliance Status of Mine, compliant as of August 10 2010 Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWQ back fees to pay? fee date Nov. 2. 2011 If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? yes ncg020121 YES NO NPDES permit required?- NPDES permit existing? X (Permit #ncg020121 ) r If an NPDES-permit is not required, isDW4 - - stillconcernedaboutwetlanddegradation by dewatering4 - Should permittee contact DWQ RO immediately? (e.g. to schedule a site visit if r - RO Contact Name' r mine has already begun digging or is Contact Reason: dewatering without DWQ permit) aav gpmamhar anm Prin( this form to PDF Refum POF of this Iwm to DLR CO by email. Lx DLR RO, DWQ SPU. Send a copy to the pemihee. 401 Wetland Cert. required? 11 LE —hat .. it 401 Wetland Cert. existing? yes Permit # r Does DWO RO have enough information to determine if a 401 certification is. required? r application failed to indicate' lr .wetlands"or streams in expansion area d- Acv Aanfamhar 9ni n Print this loan to PDF Refum POF of this loan to DLR 00 by email cc DLR RO, DWO SPU Send a copy to the peard ea. • • YES NO Are wetlands disturbed at this site? (r I_ ° �r Does DWQ RO suspect or know of nearby 7- wetlands to the site? — Is a wetland delineation required prior to ILill-ConsultantConsultant _ rr DWQ issuing the permit? Onsite? " "— _ F ,Offsite? Stream Determination Needed? f r Stream Determination Completed? : ,, Lr d + Does DWO RO need a statement that no wetlands/streams are disturbed r r for this project from applicant? Buffer Determination Needed? Buffer Determination Completed? r r Recycle system permit existing?* dr ,Permit # 'r •l New Recycle System permit required?* r r Enough information to determine? — Non -discharge permit existing?' ir_Permit # it•' Does this applicant need to contact the regional of Central DWQ Office to �- r determine if a State Stormwater Permit is — needed? r kUnknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HOW waters i- r ,7Q10 Perri with a 70110=0? "* Flow: — must determine. • Has Violation er=i O&M 'Requirements - F J HQWf7Q10 Concerns '{l�] Pay back fees or renew - Does DWO require DLR to hold the permit (e.g. so DWQ can review it further or DWQ permit Ir-Other. r _I because DWO requires more Information)? Pleassclescribe the reason to - hold the permit, - - RO contact: - - �.,-r1Hold Until, Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is i- • t- approved? — 'The Ni SWand WWpemtit NCGO20000covers closed -loon recycle systems designed to exclude alistorrnwatermn-off fmm the system and operate at or below two -feet offreeboard. These systems maybe permitted by a Nan-dischame Recycle System Permit from the Aquifer Protection Section fAPSI. OR may instead be permitted under NCG020000 to eliminate an additional oertnil. Rcu BenlemM1er gain Pant this ! to PDF Return PDF of this form to DLR CO by audit. oc DLR RO, DWQ SPU. Send a copy to the permitted. "To obtain 7Q70 flows, permitted; must contact the DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit. If DWQ does not have a flow estimate for a specific stream, permitmes will be asked to obtain one. Panni ttees should contactJ. Curtis Weaver at the USGS: 919-571-4043, for more information on obtaining a 7Q10 flow. USGS will not determine a. 7010 now for tidally influenced water bodies. *** If them is not enough information to give a complete answer, write in the space myided what you will need t0 answer this question comoletely. if you require DLR to hold the permit until further notice. indicate that In the question below. Reviewed by: DWQ RO Surface Water:_ Regional Office: _ Dale: _ RO Aquifer Protection Section: _ Regional Office: _ Date: SPU DWQ Central Office Reviewer (if applicable); _ Rav Fwnlemenr 9n1n A7; LA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, GPM Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Director Dee Freeman, Secretary e-It .o4. 1.3.01 September 20, 2012 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM OCT 02 2012 LIMO C�w,urti,2F2i 1P,�9,7� TO: Ms. Maria Tripp IvIII�IftG PRO^ Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator tip,' 2p12 Wildlife Resources Commission ti ivesta FROM:Brenda M. Harri Mining Program Secretary !ei �MLand Quality Section ljo, SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by October 15, 2012 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms, Judy Werner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. /bmh Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 • Telephone 919-707-92201 FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Internet: httpillportal.ncdenr.orqlwebilrAand-guali An Equal Opportunity 1 Affrmallve Action Employer— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING AphW&JNant: PM)nf Nan[: IRl4 I//CIM l^A �t D✓{, A)Tht./Pmntt No.:,3' -13 CWltr. 7i AJWAC. Da4 RM-N . RmnR: - �lQ 1 D ,., �. /Rtm >ttn Nam: AA,) ❑ NO X/Rmaral ❑ Mahf4atton (wUtymm& M pdA ) ❑ Mwltouu m (mbik rtrm t kaadarta) ❑ vw*r 3u P0.rdd Rd ❑ AAAmaMI iowma m ❑ Fa NaArk E FU RUdya 6 /DOD° Plwut mite OUR gyhnnan PA&W ta: A 0 Al : (z � jfiM &Kh av W RVOR4 Opa M" yyhtdn" �R to oat ton' and cxk ttldl DWQ A Mb"*COW RtNR ram' to tht do M PLt bd t9la to L6 Rotaw DdU RMW q 2c ra tteed�-2-0�1(�' yDtMan#wda R,MW v Dah: ROW !U NC WM� RWR CWMdWO DdC ROW \ RWd ❑ us Ptsk A wOft soma Ddr ROW Rend (only as gykc m ad wd*dlan mptds the as lad to Om Jerr&) PkW radt_ftnt 3 Pqa 0 t6 a7Phrdlat ad My ( NUM aaPs to-. ❑ DW R of Pales a RUndlan oak: ROW ReCd ❑ NC GmLbl l Parvtl salt" Dah: Rdttd Red ❑ DtKdM of Ma4K FlStlarla Dail: RYAW RA ❑ DWM of SA S Wda Ca gftan (phd LEA) Ddr ROW Rtrd (Only nn gykw tm and madlfttdlnn mrm the add lad fe thtperwR) ❑ DWM �ARklnd A HIdor' D&: ROW Rrrd (Omit' a anheAffM) ❑ Dtktr. IDaft: ROW Rrrd "SR9m Datefor Coments: 0 I S ) ) `d (M lattr tkan 25 days from nat t) ❑ PWx Mte the folio": 00,+06te )St SO I a t Ft KrW NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, CPM Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Director Dee Freeman, Secretary September 20, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO- Mr. Nat Wilson Habitat Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Har s il;'�A Mining Progra cretary-. Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County ® Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable groundwater supplies (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by October 15, 2012 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on potable groundwater supplies would be greatly appreciated. ff your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 733-4574 if you have any questions. /bmh Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 • Telephone 919-707-92201 FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: http:llportal.n6denr,org/web/Irlland-quality An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section Tracy E. Davis, PE, GPM Director September 20, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Maria Tripp Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Brenda M. Harri 1 Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal for Hanson Aggregates Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by October 15, 2012 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS ri729fy;;l Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms- Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. John Holley 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 -Telephone 919-707-92201 FAX: 919-733-2876 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: httpalportal.ncdenr,orolweb/lr/land-quaff An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper O Wehner, Judy From: Wehner, Judy Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 11:45 AM To: Smith, Danny Cc: Halley, John; Dupree, Joe', Wehner, Judy Subject: Rocky Mount Quarry renewal checklist Attachments: 33-13 DLR - Water Quality Review Sheet.doc Here's the checklist for the Rocky Mount Quarry renewal. Judy Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919)707-9220 (919)715-8801 fax E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Print this form to PDF Pelur, POP of this form to DLR CO by email. ee DLR RO, DWQ SPU. Send a copy to the permihee. MINING PERST APPLICATION REAW FORM for the DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY DLR: Project Name: Rocky Mount Quarrel DLR Permit #: 33-13 County: Edgecombet Applicant's Email: Jack. GarveyAlilanson. biz Applicant's Mailing Address: 2300 Gateway Centre Blvd., Morrisville. NC 27560 Mine Physical Address: 10471 NC Hwy. 97, Rockv Mount NC 27801 YES NO Date Commencing Is this mine a new mine? r • t✓ 1974 Have land disturbing activities started? Date? r , r 1974 Latitude: 35.9740 Longitude:-77.7476 Please return comments to (at DLR CO): Judy Wehner Comments due by: 10115112 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWQ: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality?_ Comments:_ Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: DWQ Compliance Status of Mine: Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWQ back fees to pay? If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? YES NO NPDES permit required? r If- NPDES permit existing? r-(Permit# ) r If an NPDES permit is not required, is DWQ I - still concerned about wetland degradation r — by dewatering? - Should permittee contact DWO RO immediately? (e.g. to schedule a site visit if r RO Contact Name: _ i- mine has already begun digging or is Contact Reason: dewatering without DWQ permit) 401 Wetland Cart. required?rt— �r• 401 Wetland Cert existing? r � Permit # r •_ aau.c>m>mhmrnnm Punt this ft m to POF Reim POP of ads term to OLR CO by email. cc OLR RO, OWQ SPU. Send a copy to the peimittee. Does DWQ RO have enough info ion to r determine if a 401 certification is required? - -- R>v SprepT rmin Print this fomr to PDF Return PDF of this fetm 10 DLR CO by email. cc DLR Re, DWO SPU Send a way to the parmittee. • • YES NO Are wetlands disturbed at this site? r -r i Does DWQ RO suspect or know of nearby r • r wetlands to the site? . riJD— Is a wetland delineation required prior to r kCorisultant— DWQ issuing the permit? - r Onsite? r Offsite? Stream Determination Needed? r r Stream Determination Completed? - r_ :r -- Does DWQ RO need a statement that no wetlandsistreams are disturbed r r for this project from applicant? Buffer Determination Needed? r Buffer Determination Completed? r r Recycle system permit existing?' r (Permit #_ �r New Recycle System permit required?' r • r Enough information to determine? — Non -discharge permit existing?' r Permit # Does this applicant need to contact the regional of Central DWQ Office to r, r determine if a State Stormwater Permit is — needed? Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HOW waters t••• r •7Q10 Permittee with a 7Q10=0? " Flow: must determine. r • Has Violation ..- r • O&M Requirements r • HQW17Q 10 Concerns Does DWQ require DLR to hold the permit rPay back fees or renew". . (e.g. so DWQ can review it further or DWQ permit r • Other. -- because DWQ requires more information(? Please describe the reason to hold the permit:- RO•contact: r •,.Hold Until: Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is r• r . approved? 'The NPDES SWand WW permit NCG020000 covers closed -loop recycle Svsfems designed to exclude all stormwafernm-off from the system and o erate at orbolow two feet of beeboani. Theses stems maybe rennitted five ischa a Recycle Sitstent Pemrit from the Aquifer Protection Section (APSi OR may instead be fiermttled undorNCGO20000 to eliminate an additional nermft aaip cPmPmhar onm Print this &an to Pea Rolum POF of this form to DLR CO by email. cc DLR RO, DWQ SPO. Sand a copy to the permutes Recycle systems that do not meet those crite� considered dischamino systems and are Aral to the NCG020000 dowharee Donald. 'To obtain 7010 flows, peanillees must contact the DWQ StomrwaterPennitfing Unit. It Dill does not have a flow estimate Fora spectfic stream, permittees will he asked to obtain one. Ponniffees should contact J. Curtis Weaverat the USGS: 919-5774043, for more information on obtaining a 7010 flow. USGS will not determine a 7Q10 flow lortidally influenced waterbodies. DWQ RO Surface Water Regional Office: _ Date: RO Aquifer Protection Section. Regional Office: _ Date: SPU DWQ Central Office Reviewer (if applicable): Rnv RnnlemFar Jn10 ■■■ ■■N RECEIVED...Hanson HEIDELBERGUAAENTGroup SEP�02012 Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC South Region LAND QUALITY SECTION North Carolina Territory Office September 20, 2012 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard Morrisville, NC 27560-9626 Tel 919 380 2610 Fax 919 380 2616 www.hanson.com Ms. Judy Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist DEHNR — Division of Land Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Subject: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC — Rocky Mount Quarry NC Mine Permit No. 33-13 10-year Mine Permit Renewal Application Dear Ms. Judy Wehner: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC is hereby requesting renewal of the above referenced mine permit for a period of ten years. Please find the enclosed following documents: - 1 (one) original mine application and 4 (four) copies - 1 (one) original set of calculations and 4 (four) copies - 1 (one) original set of mine plans and 4 (four) copies - 1 (one) Check No. 21033330 for $1000.00 mine permit renewal processing fee This renewal only covers acreage under the existing mine permit; there is no additional acreage to be affected by mining. Drawings have been revised to show the entire property, including the 6.78-acre Wooten property that was added to the mine permit in 2010. Erosion Control calculations have been included for those structures not installed. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at our Morrisville office: (919) 380-2746, and you may also contact our contracted engineer, Don Bright: (919) 961-2496. Sincerely, Jack Garvey, Environmental Manager Enclosures: cc: David Morgan, NC Operations Manager TJ Stinchcomb, Plant Manager APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA MINING PERMIT APPLICATION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 733-4574 Revised: January 30, 2009 Mine Permit Renewal Application Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC Rocky Mount Quarry Edgecombe County, NC APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) 1. Name of Mine Rocky Mount lI QuagyCounty ^ Edgccombe River Basin 'far Latitude (decimal degrees to four places) 35.9667 Longitude (decimal degrees to four places) 77.7167 2. Name of Applicant* Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC 3. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 2300 Gateway Centre Boulevard Morrisville, NC 27560 Telephone 919 380-2746 Alternate No. (336) 669-7565 4. Minc Office Address 10471 NC Hwy 97 West Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Telephone (252) 977-161 i, ext. 225 Minc Manager T.J. Stinchcomb We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Signature Date Print Name David Moruan Title NC Operations Manager _ This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond(security),that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permancnt address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a pcmiit within 60 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following; the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required raps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. % 0 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 0 NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered regarding your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE 1. Answer- all of the following that apply: ❑ If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that the "new pennit" fee will be based upon): Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is ]eased? Acres owned: Acres leased: Property owner if leased: X If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining pennit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing pennit: Mining Permit No.: 33-13 Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): ❑ If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining pennit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage: Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ NoEl. If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No ❑. If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (i.e.: disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes ❑ No ❑ (Ifno, a "minor modification" fee of $100,00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the pennit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): ❑ If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage: SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR TH E PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTiON(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Granite 3. Mining method: ❑Hydraulic Dredge X Front-end Loader & Truck X Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck ❑ Self -loading Scraper Other (explain): 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) 450 Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 5. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes X No 11 E APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Hanson and companies now a art of Hanson 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS Clearly mark and labci the location of your mining operation on six (6) copies of a 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C. Geological Survey: Mailina Address: 1612 Mail Service Center OR Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 733-2423 www.gcology. enr. state. nc.us/ Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street, 5°i floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C. Department of Transportation: North Carolina Department of Transportation — Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mailing Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 1587 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1587 Physical Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 3401 Carl Sandburg Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 (919) 212-6000 www.ncdot.org; itlgisContacUdefault.litml 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic Snaps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). c. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or pennanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining pen -nit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the minim permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway, creek, stream, river, or other watercourse, railroad track, or utility or other public right-of-way. If an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map(s). NOTE: "Highway" means a road that has four lanes oftravel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale b. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-49 Acres I inch = 50 feet 50-199 Acres I inch = 100 feet 200-+- Acres 1 inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be pmvidod on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY Existing Quarry East Side of River Affected Acreage Future Quarry West Side of River Affected. Acreage Rocky Mount Total Affected Acreage Tailings/Sediment Ponds 7.8 13.7 21.5 Stockpiles 16.2 0 16.2 Wastepiles 19.47 63.6 83.07 Processing Arca/Haul Roads 25.2 9.7 34.9 Mine Excavation 38 65.7 103.7 Other (Explain) 0 0 0 Buffer 12.71 12.8 25.51 Total Disturbed Acreage 119.38 165.5 284.88 NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN TH E ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ONTHE MINE MAPS. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES I . Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed, The existing Rocky Mount Quarry, Old (East) Pit, is almost completely developed at this present time. Some continuing minor expansion of the quarry to the southeast and southwest will take place during the life of this permit. All necessary erosion and sedimentation control structures, visual buffers, etc. are in place to support this minor development. The quarry to the west of Tar River was opened in 2010, prior to this 2012 renewal application submittal. All erosion and sedimentation control structures indicated on the attached plans for that area were installed prior any land disturbance. Construction of the visual barrier berms indicated on the drawings were installed first, using overburden removed from the site. Plant site preparation followed with additional overburden removed. Plant erection was completed. Overburden removal and quarrying began in the north of this site, adjacent to the primary and will continue southward with a permanent ramp developed along the west wall to access lower benches of the developing quarry. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation (include specific plans, foi• sediment and erosion control, for urine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for- maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine maps) and provide typical ci-oss-seelioilslcoiisti-uclioil details of each ineasure. Engineering designs and calculations are required to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. See attached plans for locations of erosion and sedimentation controls and supporting calculations with specific detail. The installation of controls will take place prior any storage of overburden. The development of the quarry west of the Tar River was conducted as described in (1) above. The erosion and sedimentation control measures indicated on the attached plans, as approved, were instituted prior to beginning any land disturbing activities in that area. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste water handling? Yes X No ❑. If ycs, briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. The crushed stone production process requires water for washing the sized stone products at the wash screen to remove dust and fines for the eventual use in asphalt and ready mix concrete. The water is recycled through a closed circuit process water settling pond system. Wash water from the plant is collected and delivered to the primary pond, where most of the fines are removed by simply settling out of suspension. The water then flows to the secondary pond where settling of additional finer particles takes place. The secondary pond also serves as a fresh water pond, and the clean water is pumped back to the plant for re -use in the stone washing process. Due to loss to evaporation from the ponds and loss into the stone products, the water balance is periodically restored by supplementing with groundwater pumped from the quarry as part of the dewatering process. Water is also used for dust control at the facility. Water is used at the processing plants by introduction through sprays at crushers and at conveyor transfer points to control dust emissions. It is also used in the water truck to control dust emanating from haul roads, stockpiles, and the shot rock pile in the pit. Water used in dust suppression is usually pulled either from the quarry dewatering or from the secondary settling/fresh water pond. At the present time, no chemicals are used in any of these processes; however, it may be necessary to use DWQ approved flocculants in the recycle system to help achieve a cleaner source of water for the plant washing and dust control. It may also become necessary to use chemicals such as calcium chloride or organic surfactants on the haul roads and crusting agents on the stone product stockpiles. APPLICATION FOR A MiNING PERMIT b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or wastewater from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? Yes X No ❑. byes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along ivith their method ofstabilization) on your mine We currently operate under the NPDES COC No. NCG020121 General Permit that covers the discharge of excess groundwater from the quarry dewatering process, as well as any excess water from our closed circuit settling pond system. The discharge water passes through a separate settling pond prior to being discharged through a riser to the Tar River. The ponds and discharge points are shown on the attached plans. The NPDES Permit also covers stormwater from the mine sites through multiple point source discharge points. These stormwater outfalls from active mine areas are indicated on the attached mine maps. Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s) extend below the water table? Yes X No ❑. If yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes X NoEl. If yes, what impact, ifany, will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells? Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: Old (East) Pit Average 813,000 GPD; New (West) Pit Average 336,000 GPD Locate all existing wells on the mine map(s) that Ile within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statements made, including any monitoring well data, well construction data and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. From analysis of the core retrieved from exploratory drilling and the east quarry, the granite appears to have very little primary permeability. The only means in which water may be transported will be through secondary permeability (i.e. joints, fractures, shears, etc.); however, from core analysis, RQD values are in the 85% to 95%range below the weathered rock interface, and these joints and shears do not appearto be interconnected. The surfaces of the fractures and joints show very little evidence of mineralized coatings as a result of water transportation. Removal of the overburden has very little effect on shallow wells in the area since the pits, for the most part, sit on a topographic high and very little recharge area for shallow wells will be disturbed. The overburden materials in the pit areas are silts, clays, and sand which inhibit groundwater migration. No impact to wells within 500 feet of the quarries have been reported. d. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s) (i.e., non-dischargc, NPDES, Stormwater, etc.) from the Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. In addition, the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. The Rocky Mount Quarry operates under the NPDES COC No. NCG020121 issued by the NCDENR DWQ. We maintain a Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area (CCPCUA) Permit No. CU3030 and are permitted to withdraw 4,320,000 GPD. 4, a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes X No ❑. If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. NC Air Permit No. 3285, issued by NCDENR DAQ is in place for quarrying. A complete system of water sprays is in place at all crushers and conveyor transfer points to control particulate emissions from these sources. b. How will dust from stockpiles, haul roads, etc., be controlled? A water truck is used to wet the haul roads, muck piles, and stockpiles as needed to control fugitive emissions from these sources. 0 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 5. a. A buffer will be required between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of- way. It may be an unexcavatcd buffer (no excavation, but roadways, berms and erosion & sedimentation control measures may be installed within it), an undisturbed butler (no disturbance within the buffer whatsoever), or a combination of the two, depending upon the site conditions. Note that all buffers must be located within the mining permit boundaries. I -low wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right -of way at this site? A minimum buffcr of 25 feet is recommended, although a wider buffer may be needed depending on site conditions. Show all buffer locations and widths on the ,nine map(v). It is anticipated that a minimum 50 foot undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and existing property line or highway right of way. An additional 50 foot unexcavated buffer will be maintained and may include visual screening via visual berm or tree plantings. Buffer locations and widths can be viewed on the attached mine maps. b. A minimum 50 foot wide undisturbed buffer will be required between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands unless smaller undisturbed buffers can be justified. Depending on site conditions, a buffer wider than 50 feet may be needed. How wide an undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands at this site? Sham all buffer" locations and widths on the Mille nzall(s). The attached plans show specific details relevant to buffers at each location. A 200 foot riparian buffer will be maintained. 6. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining pen -nit boundaries during minim;. Minimum 2 horizontal to I vertical slopes or flatter for clayey material and minimum 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for sandy material are generally required, unless technical justification can be provided to allow steeper slopes. To prevent landslides and/or slope failure adjacent to adjoining properties, cut slopes will be graded no steeper than 1-1/2 to 1, and fill slopes will be graded no steeper than 2:1, and proper compaction procedures will be utilized. All slopes will be stabilized by seeding as soon as possible aftcrgrading has been completed. Necessary erosion controls will be used to prevent slope failure by concentrated stormwater runoff. Excavation or fill will not generally occur within 100' or 50' respectively of any adjoining property boundary or right of way except for the installation of visual screen berms. b. Provide a cross-section on the mine nlap(s),for all.fill slopes (berms, wastepiles, overburden disposal areas, etc.), clearly indicating the intended side slope gradient, installation of ally benches andlor slope drains (with supporting design infortnalion) if needed, and the ►nethod of final stabilization. See attached previously approved mine plans for generalized locations and specific details. c. In excavation(s) of unconsolidated (non -rack) materials, specify the ankle of all cut slopes including specifications for benching; and sloping. Cross-sections.for all cut slopes mast be provided oil the mine map(s). The maximum slope within the pit excavations will be 1-1 /2 to 1 in unconsolidated overburden with a 20-foot wide safety bench at the rock/unconsolidated overburden interface. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT d. In hardrock excavations, specify proposed bench widths and heights in feet. Provide cross -sections of the mine excavation clearly noting the angles of the cut slol.)es, widths of all safety benches and rinine benches, and the expected ntaxi,num de of the excavation. At the Rocky Mount Quarry, the slope in hard rock has historically been % to 1 with no bench. This slope has been adequate throughout the history of this site since the deposit is relatively uniform and does not have a tendency to slide. In accordance with the previous mine permit, in the Old (East) Pit, a minimum 5' safety bench has been left for every 35' of vertical height in all rock excavations since September 2002. It is typical of our operations currently to leave a l 5' wide safety bench for every 35' of vertical height. 7. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine snap if they are within 300 feet ofany proposed excavation. Sufficient buffers and proper berm construction ensure minimum impact to adjoining property owners. 8. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. A conslructioz detail/cross-section and location of each hype of barricade to be used must be indicated on the mine map(s). Access to the property itself is restricted by gates and cables that are kept locked when the quarry is not in operation. Much of the Old (East) Pit is fenced. Berms and overburden disposal areas also block access to much of the site and inactive highwalls. During the life of the quarry, barricades of either oversized rock or concrete are used adjacent to active highwalls and are relocated as the pit is developed. A fence with locked gates surround the New (West) Pit on three sides. The fourth side is adjacent to the Tar River. 9. Are acid producing minerals or soils present'? Yes ❑ No X. If yes, how will acid water pollution from the excavation, stockpiles and waste areas he controlled? 10. a. Describe specific plans (including a schedule of implementation) for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees, bushes or other vegetation, building; benns or other measures. Show the location ofall visual screening or the mine nmp(s) and provide cross -sections through all proposed berms or proposed spacing, sizes and species.for tree plantings. Plans are to install vegetated visual berms per mine plan. b. Could the operation have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area? if so, how will such effects (i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) be mitigated? No publicly owned park, forest, or recreation area per se adjoins the Rocky Mount Quarry. Except for a single conveyor crossing the river, the site is well screened from the Tar River which is frequently used for recreation along this stretch, and the quarries have little or no impact on this watercourse. �J APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 11. Will explosives be used? Yes X No ❑ If yes, specify the types of explosive(s) and describe what precaution(s) will be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Depending on the mine's location to nearby structures, more detailed technical information may be required on the blasting program (such as a third -party blasting study). Locate the nearest oj(site occupied structure(s) to the proposed excai�ation(s) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excai,ation. Ensign Bickford or comparable nonel blast initiation system is used to inadvertent blast initiation especially during possible thunderstorms. An electronic initiation system may be substituted for the none] system if it is deemed a better overall system. Weather conditions are monitored continuously before, during, and after loading of each shot to insure that the shot will not be initiated under adverse weather conditions that might cause blast emissions to drift in an unacceptable direction or might prevent proper venting of the blast wave away from adjoining properties. ANFO premixed powder is used in dry holes. A cap -sensitive high explosive emulsion is used for wet holes and initiation of the ANFO. Since blasting is an integral part of this operation, each blast is monitored with a seismograph to insure that peak particle velocities and peak over pressures are within the limits established by local, state, and federal authorities. Hanson works closely with consultants (often Vibratech) to monitor and review each blast and seismographic recording. Along with the seismograph results, fragmentation and flyrock conditions are constantly monitored, and the blasting program, including direction of blasting, hole size and pattern, stemming, etc. are adjusted as needed to insure best and safest results. 12. Will fuel tanks, solvents, or other chemical reagents be stored on -site? Ycs X No ❑. Ifyes, describe these materials, hoii, they will be stored and method ofcontainment in case ofspill. Indicate the location(s) of all storage.racilities on the mine map(s). Onsite storage of diesel fuel, gasoline, and various oils and greases is necessary to facilitate the operation of various equipment needed to mine and process crushed stone aggregates. The bulk storage tanks for diesel fuel, gasoline, and oils are approved aboveground storage tanks having concrete secondary containment. Any major spill or leak from these tanks would be contained within the concrete containment structures. Greases and other oils are stored in aboveground storage tanks and 55-gallon drums and are stored -in a concrete containment structure. An oil/water separator is located at the shop and servicing area to treat spent water from vehicle and equipment washing. Used oil is collected from equipment and picked up for offsite recycling by properly certified contractors. Empty oil and grease barrels are returned to the supplier or cleaned and placed into the metal scrap bin for offsite recycling. The Rocky Mount facility has a Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan that requires monthly inspections of all bulk fuel and lube storage units. All employees are trained on a regular basis in the proper handling of petroleum products, managing and cleaning of spills, and proper disposal of rags, absorbent materials, and any contaminated soils. • APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT D. RECLAMATION PLAN Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the sequence and general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. 'phis must include the method of reclamation of settling ponds and/or sediment control basins and the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. This information must be illustrated on a reclamation map and must correspond directly with the information provided on the mine map(s). In addition, design information, including typical cross -sections, of airy pen•nnanent channels to be constructed cis part of the reclamation plan and the location(s) of all permanent channels nnust be indicated on the reclamation rnap. The mine excavations will be allowed to fill with groundwater and stornnwater runoff from adjoining areas once the mining operations are completed. The resulting deep water lake will be used for recreation, and potentially as a Hoof control structure and/or fresh water supply. The plant sites, stockpile areas, and overburden disposal areas will be graded and seeded with grasses suitable for establishment of grasslands and wildlife areas. Process and pit water settling ponds will be filled and similarly reclaimed to grasslands unless they are a part of the overall site drainage and reclamation plan. See attached reclamation drawings for specific details. 2. Is an excavated or impounded body of water to be left as apart of the reclamation? Yes X NoEl. if yes, illustrate the location of the body(s) of water or the reclamation map and provide a scaled cross-section(v) through the proposed body(v) of water. The minimum water depth must be at least 4 feet, measured from the normal low water table elevation, unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s) of water be stocked with fish? Yes ❑ No X. If yes, specify species. It is Hanson's intent to convert the two quarries into fresh water lakes upon completion of mining activities. In addition, the detention pond in the overburden disposal area east of the Old (East) Pit plant site will remain. See attached drawings for specific details and cross sections. 3. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent barricade will be left. Acceptable permanent barricades arc appropriate fencing, large boulders placed end -to -end, etc. Construction details and locations of all permanent barricades must be shown or the reclamation map. As a safety precaution, a 20-foot wide safety bench will be left at the rock/unconsolidated soil interface. A permanent fence will be erected around the completed quarries to prevent unauthorized entry, and danger signs will be posted at regular intervals along the fence to warn folks of the open pits. • APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 0 4. Indicate the ]nethod(s) of reclamation of overburden, refuse, spoil banks or other such on -site minc waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. Final cross-seclions and locallons for such areas must be provided on the reclamation map. As overburden is placed in designated areas, it is spread and compacted by dozer and haul units. Slopes in waste areas will be graded 2:1 or flatter and vegetated as soon as possible to prevent erosion. Erosion control measures and runoff conveyances will be established as the wastepile develops and then maintained throughout the process until final reclamation is achieved. Drainage on top of the waste areas will be established to prevent pooling and stagnation of water and to control runoff. Final reclamation of waste areas will include final top and slope dressing as required followed by seeding in accordance with the attached revegetation plan. See attached drawings for specific detail. 5. a. Describe reclamation of'processing facilities, stockpile areas, and on -site roadways. Reclamation in these areas will occur as follows. First, the product stockpiles will be sold down. Then the processing plants will be dismantled and removed from the site. Any remaining piles, waste piles, and areas graded for plant layout and operation (including ramps to the primary stations) will be graded 2:1 maximum slope but generally 3:1 or flatter. Finally, these areas will be scarified and seeded according to the revegetation plan. Any site access roads not utilized in the end use development plan will be treated in the same manner. Any erosion control structures in these areas to be incorporated into the end use development of the site will be cleaned out and left in good working condition. b. Will any on -site roadways be left as part of the reclamation? Yes X No ❑. ]ryes, rdenttry such roadways on the reclamation map and provide details on permanent road and ditch line stabilization, The main road into the Old (East) Pit plant area will remain for access purposes and will be stabilized by rock surfacing. 6. Describe the method of control of contaminants and disposal of scrap metal, junk machinery, cables, or other such waste products.of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971.) No off -site P-enerated waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and either the Division of Waste Management (DWM) or local governing body. If a disposal permit has been issued by DWM for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and pernianesal refuse disposal areas must be clearly delineated on the mine map(s) and reclamation map, along with a list of items to be disposed in said areas. As previously approved, temporary scrap and used equipment storage areas have been developed at this site. The scrap material and used equipment which accumulate as a result of mining and processing activities are stored in these areas until sold to an independent recycling contractor. A scrap bin is maintained on site for disposal by recycling of small metal scrap. Tires are recycled through the various tire suppliers. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 7. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. "Phis plan must include recommendations for_year-round seeding, including the time of seeding and the amount and t}�)c of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seeding instructions for both permanent and temporary revcgetation. Revcgetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. Recommendations can be sought from: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District; b. Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; c. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; f N.C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual; g. N.C. Surface Mining Manual: A Guide for Permitting, Operation and Reclamation; h. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIME - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): FERTILIZER - ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre): SEED - TYPE(S) AND RATE(S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR-ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): [NOTE: Include Legumes Seed Types: Seedinp, Dates: Seeding Rates: MULCH - TYPE AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre) AND METHOD OF ANCHORING: OTHER VEGETATIVE COVERS — TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre, trees/acre, spacing; of trees/shrubs, etc): Rcvegetation and/or reforestation plan approved by: Signature Date Print Name "Title Agency SEE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED REVEGETATION PLAN DATED 411812000 SUBMITTED BY NIGEL F. WILLS • APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 11 E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation workshea is to be used to establish an appropriac bond (based upon a ra of $500 to $5.000 per uffected acre) far each permitted mine site based upon lire aceenge approved by Department to be a fecled during the life ofthe mining permU. Please insert die apnroainrate acreage for' e AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST Tailings/Sediment Ponds: Ac. X S /Ac. _ $ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Processing Area/Haul Roads: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Mine Excavation: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Other: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: Ac.) 1'emnorary & Pennanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/orb) affected acres that wil I be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsitc sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage Ac. b) Positive Drainage Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ SUBTOTAL COST: $ Inflation Factory 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ X Permit Life (1 to 10 years): INFLATION COST: $ TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = $ Total Reclamation Bond Cost: S (round down to the nearest $100.00) Note: Hanson Aggregates Southeast, LLC has a maximum bond of $500,000.00 in place at this time. • APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT F. NOTIFICATION OF ADJOINING LANDOWNERS (This Section not applicable to Renewal with No Addition of Land to Permit) The "Notice" form, or a facsimile thereof, attached to this application must be sent certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to: (1) the chief administrative officer of each county and municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located as indicated on the mine map(s); (2) all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s); and (3) all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway, creek, stream, river, or other watercourse, railroad track, or utility or other public right-of-way. If an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s). "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. The only exception to the above method of giving notice is if another means of notice is approved in advance by the Director, Division of I1and Resources. A copy of a tax map (or other alternative acceptable to the Department) must be mailed with the completed "Notice" form (the proposed overall permit boundaries and the names and locations of all owners of record of lands adjoining said boundaries must be clearly denoted on the tax map). The "Affidavit of Notification" attached to this application must be completed, notarized and submitted to the Department, with the remainder of the completed application form, before the application will be considered complete. Tins SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS FOR NEW MINING PERMITS AND ALL MODIFICATIONS OF A MINING PERMIT TO ADD LAND TO THE PERMITTED AREA, AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 74-50(bl). SEE THE NEXT TWO PAGES FOR THE "NOTICE" FORM AND THE "AFFIDAVI'T OF NOTIFICATION" APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMI`l' G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971 pursuant to G.S. 74-56. We further- grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: Signature: Print Name: David Mor an critic, if applicable) Company Hanson Aggregates Southeast _LLC (If applicable) Address: 2300 Gateway Centre Blvd. Morrisville, NC 27560 Telephone: 919 380-2622 Date Signed: APPLICANT: Signature:* Print Name: David Morgan Title: NCOperations Mana ►er Company: Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC Mine Name: Hanson Aggregates — Rocky Mount Quarry Telephone: (919) 380-2622 Date Signed: *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page 1 of this application. of all location mans, mine maps and reclamation maps, and the appropriate processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) in the forma check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must he sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at (919) 733-4574. •APPLICATION FOR A MINING Plerr is MINING FEE SCHEDULE 2012 Hanson Aggregates— Rocky Mount Mine Permit Renewal Application A nonrefundable permit application processing fee when tiling for a new mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit is required as follows: 0-25 acres 26+acres New Permit Applications $3,750.00 $5,000.00 Permit Modifications $750.00 $ l ,000.00 Permit Renewals. $750,00 $1,000.00 Transfers/Minor Modifications* $100.00 $100.00 * A nonrefundable $100.00 permit application processing fee is required for minor permit modifications. Minor permit modifications include ownership transfers, name changes, bond substitutions and permit renewals where the rninc is inactive and fully stabilized. A minor permit modification also includes lands added to a permitted area, outside of the mininurnt permit buffer zone requirements, A'here no phurs for mining related disturbance of the added lands have been approved. All other changes are considered major permit modifications. Acres for new permits and renewal permits means the total acreage nt the site. Acres for major modification of permits means that area of land affected by the modification within the permitted rninc area, or any additional land that is to he disturbed and added to an existing permitted area, or both. Make checks payable to: NCDENR-Land Quality 1620 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 -18- ® 0 RECEIVED stv I- U tul2 LAND QUALITY SECTION EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ' CALCULATIONS AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR HANSON AGGREAGATES SOUTHEAST LLC SOUTH REGION ROCKY MOUNTY QUARRY MINING PERMIT NO: 33-13 EDGECOMBE COUNTY, NOR-ri i CAROLINA CITY OF ROCKY MOUNT SEPTEMBER 2012 HANSON AGGREAGATES SOUTHEAST LLC SOUTH REGION ROCKY MOUNTY QUARRY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL CALCULATIONS AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION CONTENTS: TEMPORARYCHANNEL DESIGN TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DESIGN Rocky Mount Quarry Diversion Channel Design DIVERSION DRAINAGE TIME OF CONCENTRATION CHANNEL AREA L H Tc NUMBER (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 9A 2.3 631.1 29.4 5.0 9B 4.6 960.2 50.1 5.0 9C 4.1 820.4 50.1 5.0 10A 0.5 322.3 47.5 5.0 17 1.3 651.6 52.5 5.0 18 3.4 773.1 52.5 5.0 19A 2.3 653.3 47.8 5.0 19 B 2.9 693.1 48.5 5.0 Where; Diversion number: From Plans Drainage Area: from Plans (ac) Time of Concentration (Tc): Tc = [(LA3 / H)^0.385] 1 128 12 : Intensity (in/hr) - 2 yr. 24 hr (Raleigh IDFC Curve) 1 10 : Intensity (in/hr) - 10 yr. 24 hr (Raleigh IDFC Curve) 125 : Intensity (in/hr) - 25 yr. 24 hr (Raleigh IDFC Curve) 1 100 : Intensity (in/hr) - 100 yr. 24 hr (Raleigh IDFC Curve) C: Run off coefficient (dimensionless) Q 2 : 2 yr. 24 hr run off (cfs) Q 10 : 10 yr. 24 hr run off (cfs) Q 25 : 25 yr. 24 hr run off (cfs) Q 100 : 100 yr. 24 hr run off (cfs) 12 1 10 125 1 100 02 010 025 Q 100 C (in/hr) (in/hr) (in/hr) (in/hr) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 7.6 10.4 11.2 13.2 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 14.8 20.2 21.9 25.7 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 13.2 18.1 19.6 23 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 1.6 2.2 2.3 2.7 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 4.3 5.9 6.4 7.5 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 11.1 15.2 16.4 19.3 5.40 7.4 8.00 9A 0.6 7.4 10.2 11 12.9 5.40 7.4 8.00 9.4 0.6 9.4 12.8 13.9 16.3 E 5 10 20 40 60 2 3 4 6 8 12 18 24 Minutes Hours Duration Figure 8.03e Rainfall intensity duration curves —Raleigh. Rocky FJbunt Quarry Diversion Cx4zMMf Des4n Diversion Channel Dimensions: DAmrsion Channel 9A Sa=rn Width (b); 0 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Avorage Scope (FV-rt): 0.005 FttF1 Rottghr>ess Coefficient: 0.03 (Grass) Q10 REQUIRED; 10.4 eft ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V OEPTH COMMENT: (FT) (SF) (Ft) (CFS) (FPS) OS 0.7500 3.0000 0.2500 1.04 1.39 Q =1.04 c 10.4 Too Shallow 0.T5 1.6875 4.5000 0.3750 3.07 1.82 0 = 3.07 < 10.4 Too Shatf )w 1.19 1 4.2483 1 7.1400 1 0.5950 10.54 1 2.4$ V = 2.48 < 5.5(Fescue)grassed 0ned O.K. Check fo►eemporary finer mquiremeni: Diversion Channel Dimensions: DIvarslon Changer 9A Bottom Width (b): 0 Ft Side Slope (M),- 3 to 1 Average Slope (FVFQ: 0.005 Ft/Ft Roughness Coeffrtient: 0.02 (Rare Earth) 02 REQUIRED- 7.6 cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: (FT) SF (Ft) CFS (FPS) 0.5 0.7500 10000 0.2500 1.56 2.08 0 =1.56 < T.6 Too Shadow 0.75 1.6875 4.5000 0.3750 4.61 2.73 IV 0 = 4.61 < 7.6 Tao Shallow 0.91 1 2.4843 1 5.4600 1 0.4550 7.72 3.11 = 3.11 > 2.5 Temporary Liner Is Required PemuSs}31e Shear Stress: = 7 = yds lvhere: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water = 62.4 lb51Cf d = flow death = ft s = gw ie:it = Wit T= 0.28 lCalcuLated shear sUess is less than 0.45. ttxlrerore a temporary Jute Net Liner is acceptable. ik 1114 201•: lr u Rocky Mount Quarry -Diversion Channel Design Diversion Chanter Dimenslons: Divcr7f = Channel 9B Bottom width (b): 2 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 t0 1 Average Slope (Ft1Ft): 0.005 FVFt Roughness Coeffident: 0.03 (Grass) 010 RP-OUIRED- 202 cfs EST1MATEC A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: (FT) (SF) (Ft) CFS (FPS) 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 3.04 1.74 O = 3.D4 c 202 Too Sha(iow 0.75 3.1875 6.5000 0.4904 6.94 2.18 Q = 6.94 < 2D.2 Too Shallow 1.23 6,9987 1 9.3800 1 0.7461 20.20 2.89 IV =2.89 a 5.5 (Fescue) grassed lined O.K. Check for temporary liner requirement Diversion Channel Dimensions: Diversian Channel 9B Bottom width (b): 2 Fr Side Slope (M►: 3 to 1 Average Slope (FVFI): 0.005 Ft/Ft Roughness Coefficient: 0.02 (Bare Earth) Q2 REQUIRED; 14.8 cis ESTIMATED A rip R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: (FT) SF) (Ft) CFS) (FPS) 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0,3500 4.56 2,61 10 = 4.56 c TO Top Shallow 0.75 3.1875 6.5000 0,4904 10,42 3.27 Q n 10.42 c 14.8 Too Shallow 0.89 4.1563 7.3400 1 0.5663 14.96 1 3.60 IV >=3.60 > 2.5 Ternpomry liner Is Required Permissible Shear Stress: = T = yrts where: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water - 62.4 malt! d - flow depth = ft s = gradient = ltM T= 0.28 Calculated shear stress is less than 0.45, ttteretpte a temptfrary.fum He[ Uner is acceptatte. 111412010 0 Rocky Mount Quarry Diversion Channel pesign DYvLrslan Channel D ne s an5; Diversion Channel 4C Bottom Width (b): 2 Fi Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (Ft/Ft): 0.005 FVFt Rougnness Cocfftc(enr. 0.03 (Grass) 010 REQUIRED: 18.1 cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: IED (SF) (FI) (CFS) (FPS) 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 3.04 1.74 C = 3.04 < 18.1 Too Straliaw 0.75 3.1875 6,5000 0.4904 6.94 2.18 = 6,94 < 18,1 Tao ShaDow 1.18 6,5372 9.0800 0.7200 1842 2.82 = 2,82 < 5.5 (Fescue) gra&ied lined O.K. Check for temporary liner requirement: Diversion Channel Dirnema ons: Diversion Channel 9C Bottom Width (b): 2 Fi Side Slope (f.A): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FVFi): 0.005 FVF[ Roughness Coefficient. 0,02 (bare Earth) Q2 REQUIRED: 13.2 eft ESTIMATED A I Wp R a V DEPTH COMMENT: (Fn (SF) (Ft) CFS (FPS) 0.5 1.'S00 5.0000 0.3500 4.56 2.61 Q = 4.56 < 13.2 Too Shallaw 0.75 3.1875 6.5000 0.4904 10.42 3.27 0 = 10.42 < 13.2 Too Shallow 0,84 3.1968 7.0400 0.5393 13.22 3.48 V= 3,48 > 2.5 Temporary Liner Is Required Perrr:lssible Shear Stress: = T = yds where. T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water = 62.4 Wcf c1 = flaw depth = f! 5 = gradient =11Rt T= 0.26 Cwcula= shear s7ess is less than 0.45. therefore a temporary Arta Net L. ner is acceptable 13 1/1412010 0 0 Rocky Mount Quarry Diversion Channel Design Diversion Channel Dimensions: Airerslon Channel f M Bottom Width (0): Side Slope (M): Averaga Stripe (FUF1): Roughness Coefficient 010 REQUIRED: 2.2 cis 0 Ft 3to1 0.011 FuFt 0.03 (Grass] ESTIMATED A WP R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: (FT] (SFI (Ft) (CFS) FPS] 0.25 0.1875 1,5000 0.1250 1 0.30 1.60 Q = 0.30 < 2.2 Tao Shallow 0.5 0.7500 3.0000 0.2W() 1.91 2.55 0 = 1.91 < 22 Too Shallow 0.53 0.0427 3.180t 0.26SQ 2.24 2.85 V = 2.65 < 5.5 (Fescue} grassed linen OX Check for temporary liner requirement: Diversion Charulel Mmensi; ns: D1ve/slon Channel 10A 3c-Zom widen (b). 0 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FIIFt): 0.017 FVFt Roughness Coefficient: 0.02 (Bare Earth) 02 REQUIRED_ 1.6 cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q Y DEPTH COMMENT: (FT) (5F7 (Ft) (CFS} (FPS) 0.25 0.1875 1.5040 0,1250 0.45 2,40 0 = 0.45 < 1.6 Too Shallow 0.4 0.4800 z-4000 0.2000 1.58 3.29 0 - 1-58 < 1.6 Too Shallow 0.41 F 0.5043 1 2.4604 1 0.2050 1.69 3.35 V = 3.35 r 2.5 Temporary Liner Is Required Permissible Shear Stress: - T = yds where: Te Sneer Sum y = unit weight of water = 62.4 IbslCf d = flow depth = if a = gradient = Wft T= 0.43 Calculated shear s,:ess is less than 0.45, rherefore a temporary Jute Nei Line's &m4ptaWe. 1I14rzolc 0 Rocky Mount Quarry Diversion Channel Design Diversion Channel Dimensions; Diversion Channel 17 Bottom Width (b): 0 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FtlFq: 0.022 Ft/Ft Roughness Coefficient 0.03 (Grass) 010 REQUIRED: 5.9 cf9 ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTh COMMENT: (FT) (SF) EF7 CFS) (FPS) 0.25 0.1875 1.5000 0.1250 0.34 1.82 0 = 0.34 < 5.9 Too Shallow 0.5 0.7500 3.0000 02-%0 2.17 2.89 Q =2.17 � 5.9 Too Shaw llo 0.73 1.5987 1 4.3800 0.3650 5.95 1 3.72 IV = 3.72 < 5.5 {Fescue) grassed fined O.K. Chock for temporary linar requirement. Diversion Channel Dimensions: 0hrers1on Channel 17 $ottom Width (3): 0 Ft Sloe Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Sbpe (Ft1Ft): 0.022 FtiFt Roughness Coefficient: 0.02 (Bare Earth) Q2 REQUIRED: 4.3 cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT; (FT} (SF) (Ftj CFS (FPS) 0.25 0.1875 1.5000 0.1250 0.51 2.72 0 = 0.51 < 4.3 Too Shallow 0.5 0.7500 3.0000 0.2500 3.25 4.33 0 = 325 < 42 Too Shallow 0.56 1 0.9408 1 3.3600 1 0.2800 4.40 4.67 - 4.67 � 2.5 Temporary Liner is Requtrod Permissible Shear Stress' = T r yds wtwre: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water - 62.4 I6sicf d = flow depth = It s = gradient a ftM T= 0.76 fCalculated shear stress is less than 1.45, therefore a temporary Straw With Not Liner is acceptable. 24 1/14/2010 0 Racsy Mour,: Cuarry Diversion Channel Design Diversion Channel aimensions: Diversion Channel 18 Bottom Width (b): 2 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FY-Fq; 0.016 FtlFt Roughness Coefftcien:_ 0.03 ;Grass) Q10 REQUIRED: 15.2 cis ESTIMATED A I Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT: 1FT) (SF) Ft1 CFs FPS 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 5.42 3.10 Q = 5.42 4 152 Too Shallow 0.75 3.1875 6.5000 0.490a 12.37 3.88 Q = 12.37 r 152 Too Shallow 0.83 3.7267 6.9800 0.533E 15.31 4.11 V = 4.11 4 5.5 (Fescue) grassed:;ned o.K. Check for temporary liner requirement: Diverion Channel Dirnerwions: Dhvrsion Channel 18 Sonom Width (b): 2 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FttFI): 0.016 FVFT Roughness Coefficient: 0.02 (bare Earth) Q2 REQUiREA: 11.1 cts ESTFMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH iCOMMENT, (FT] SF (Ft) CFS) (FPS) 0.25 0.6a75 3.5000 0.1964 2.17 3.15 Q = 2.17 4 11.1 Too Shallow 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 8.13 4.64 a = 8.13 < 11_i Too Shallow 0.59 2.2243 5.5400 0.4015 11.33 5.09 V = 5.09 > 2.5 Tempomry tine Is Required Permissible Shear Stress: = T = yds where: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water = 62.4 Ibvcf d=flo%vdepth =R s = gradient = fVtt T= 0.58 Calculated shear sa'ess is ?ers than 1.45, therefore a temporary Straw With Not Liner is aereptable, 25 1114/201 U 0 Rocky Mount Quarry Diversion Chancel Design Diversion Channel DiTlensiom, Divorsforr Channe719A Bonom V:icth (b). 2 Ft Site Stopa (M): 3 to 1 Average Slope (Ft/Ft): 0.005 FtIFt Roughness Coef6c(en> 0.03 (Grass) 010 REQUIRED: 10.2 cfa ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT - (FT) (SF) (Ft► (CFS) (FPS) 0.5 1,7500 5,0000 0.3500 3.04 1.74 0 = 3,04 < 10.2 Too Shaliaw 0.75 3.1,875 6,5000 0.4904 6.94 2.18 1 0 = 6.54 < 10.2 Too ShaWw 0.9 4,2300 7,4000 1 0.5716 10.21 2.41 V = 2,41 < 5.5 (Fescue) grusscd lined O.K. Check for temporary tlner regvtrtmerrf: Diversion Channel 01mermons: Diversion Channel 19A Bottom Width (b): 2 Ft Side Slope (M): 3 to f Average Slope (FVFt): 0.005 Ft1Ft Rougtmuss Coelfscienr 0.02 (Bare Earth) C12 REQUIRED: 7A cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMENT, (FT) (SF) Ft) (CFS (FPS) 0.25 0.6875 3.5000 0.1964 1.22 1.77 0 = 1.22 < 7.4 Too Shallow 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 4.56 2.61 0 = 4.56 < 7.4 Too Shallow 0.64 2.5088 1 5.8400 0.4296 7.50 2.99 V = 2.09 > 2.5 Tomperary Uner is Required Permissible Shear Snu: = T m yds where: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water = 62.4 Ibsfcf d = Now depth = ft s = gradient = firft T= 0.20 CalCLaa:ed shear stress is less than 0.45, therefore a temporary Jute Net liner is acceptahle. 26 V14r2010 0 .Rocky Moun: QL:37j Oiver$ion Channel Design Diversion Channel ❑imensions: Diversion Channd 148 aotwm Wicn (n): 2 Ft Side Slope (M), 3 to 1 Average Slope (Ft/Fl)l 0.005 FOR Roughness Coefficient: 0.03 (Grass) QZO REQUIRED: 12.8 cts ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH =m M ENT: ( (SF) (Ft) CFS) (FPS) 0.s 1.7500 S.0004 0.350a 3.04 1 1.74 Q = 3.04 < t2.8 Too Shallow 0.75 3.1875 6.5000 0.4904 6.94 2.18 O = 6.94 < 12.8 Too Snaibw 1 5.0000 8.0000 0.6250 12.82 Z56 W 2.56 < 5.5 (Fescue) grassed lined O.K. Check for temporary liner requirement: Diversion Channel Dimensions: Dlvorsiwr Channel 19E Uvom width (h): 2 Ft Side Slope (1u): 3 to 1 Average Slope (FtlFf): 0.005 FUR Roughness Coencient= 0.02 (Bare Earji) Q2 REQUERED: 9.4 cfs ESTIMATED A Wp R Q V DEPTH COMMEW: FT) (SF) (Ft) CFS) (FPS) 0.25 0.6075 3.5000 0.1964 122 1.77 Q = 122 c 9.4 Too Shallow 0.5 1.7500 5.0000 0.3500 4.56 2.61 Q = 4.566 < 9.4 Too Shallow 0.72 2.9952 6.3200 0.4739 9.57 3.19 V = 3.19 � 2.5 Temporary Liner is Required Permissible Shear SL'ress: _ T = yds where: T= Sheer Stress y = unit weight of water = 62.4 Ibslcf d = flow depth = ft s = gradient = ftlft TCaicuWad shear stress is teas than 0.45. therefore a temporary Jute Net Linens acceptmEln. 27 1/14/2010 0 Appendices Table 6.06g Permissible Shear Stresses for Riprtap and Temporary Liners Permissible Unit Shear Stress, T� Uning Category Lining Type (lb/1t ) Temporary Woven Paper Net 0.15 Jute Net 0,45 Fiberglass Roving: Single 0.60 Double 0,85 Straw with Not 1,45 Curled Wood mat 1,55 Synthetic Mat 2.00 dao Stone Size (inches) Gravol Riprap 1 0.33 2 0.67 Rock Rlprap 6 2.00 9 3,00 12 4.00 Is 5-00 118 6.00 21 7,60 24 8.00 Adapted From: FHWA, t1T-15, April 1983, pgs. 17 & 37. ❑ esign Procedure- The following is a step-by-step procedure for designing a temporary liner for a Temporary Liners channel. Because temporary liners have a short period of service, the design Q may be reduced. For liners that are needed for six months or less, the 2-yr frequency storm is recommended. Step 1. Select a liner material suitable for site conditions and application. Determine roughness coefficient from manufacturer's specifications or Table 8.05e, pg. 8,05.10. Step 2, Calculate the normal flow depth using Manning's equation (Figure 8.05d). Check to see that depth is consistent with that assumed for selection of Manning's n in Figure 8.05d, pg. 8.05, t 1. For smaller runoffs Figure 8,05d is not as Clearly definers. Recommended solutions can be determined by using the Manning equation. Step 3. Calculate sheer stress at normal depth. Step 4. Compare computed shear stress with the permissible shear stress for the liner. Step 5. If computed shear is greater than permissible shear, adjust channel dimensions to reduce shcar or select a more rusistam listing and repent steps 1 through 4. Design of a channel With temporary lining is illustrated in Sample Problem 8.05b, pg. 8,05.14. Rev. 12/93 8.OS,13 Rocky Mount Quarry Temporary Sediment Trap Dimensions REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SURFACE BOTTOM BOTTOM BASIN SURFACE STORAGE STORAGE DRAINAGE WIER TRAP STORAGE AREA WIDTH LENGTH DEPTH AREA DEPTH VOLUME AREA LENGTH (cf) (sf) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sf) (ft) (co (ac) (ft) TST-7 2927 4514.5 10.0 140.0 4.00 4800.0 2.50 6039 2.3 8 TST-8 5926 8816.7 14.0 240.0 4.00 8840.0 2.50 12564 4.6 12 TST-9 5012 7893.1 14.0 220.0 4.00 8160.0 2.50 11552 4.1 12 TST-10 437 937.5 8.0 16.0 4.00 1008.0 2.50 890 0.5 4 TST-17 2415 2588.1 10.0 70.0 4.00 2700.0 2.50 3195 1.3 6 TST-18 6175 6616.4 12.0 190.0 4.00 6720.0 2.50 9052 3.4 10 TST-19 4129 4424.6 10 130.0 4.00 4500.0 2.50 5633 2.3 8 COLUMN No. 1: BASIN DESIGNATION (SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN) COLUMN No. 2: FROM PREVIOUS CALCULATIONS COLUMN No. 3: FROM PREVIOUS CALCULATIONS COLUMN No. 4: EXCAVATED BASIN BOTTOM WIDTH COLUMN No. 5: EXCAVATED BASIN BOTTOM LENGTH COLUMN No. 6: BASIN DEPTH COLUMN No. 7: TOP SURFACE AREA AT TOTAL BASIN DEPTH COLUMN No. 8: SEDIMENT STORAGE DEPTH PROVIDED COLUMN No. 9: SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED COLUMN No. 10: DRAINAGE AREA COLUMN No. 11: WIER LENGTH FROM CHART PG 6,60.03 0 0 Rocky Mount Quarry Temporary Sediment Trap Dimensions REQUIRED REQUIRED TOTAL SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SEDIMENT SURFACE BOTTOM BOTTOM BASIN SURFACE STORAGE STORAGE DRAINAGE WIER TRAP STORAGE AREA WIDTH LENGTH DEPTH AREA DEPTH VOLUME AREA LENGTH (cf) (sf) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sf) (ft) (cf) (ac) (ft) TST-7 2927 4514.5 10.0 140.0 4.00 4800.0 2.50 6039 2.3 8 TST-8 5926 8816.7 14.0 240.0 4.00 8840.0 2.50 12564 4.6 12 TST-9 5012 7893.1 14.0 220.0 4.00 8160.0 2.50 11552 4.1 12 TST-10 437 937.5 8.0 16.0 4.00 1008.0 2.50 890 0.5 4 TST-17 2415 2588.1 10.0 70.0 4.00 2700.0 2.50 3195 1.3 6 TST-18 6175 6616.4 ' 12.0 190.0 4.00 6720.0 2.50 9052 3.4 10 TST-19 4129 4424.6 10 130.0 4.00 4500.0 2.50 5633 2.3 8 COLUMN No. 1: BASIN DESIGNATION (SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN) COLUMN No. 2: FROM PREVIOUS CALCULATIONS COLUMN No. 3: FROM PREVIOUS CALCULATIONS COLUMN No. 4: EXCAVATED BASIN BOTTOM WIDTH COLUMN No. 5: EXCAVATED BASIN BOTTOM LENGTH COLUMN No. 6: BASIN DEPTH COLUMN No. 7: TOP SURFACE AREA AT TOTAL BASIN DEPTH COLUMN No. 8: SEDIMENT STORAGE DEPTH PROVIDED COLUMN No. 9: SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED COLUMN No. 10: DRAINAGE AREA COLUMN No. 11: WIER LENGTH FROM CHART PG 6.60.03 0 • 0 Practice Standards and Specifications Table 6.60a Design of Spillways Weir length and depth —Keep the spillway weir at least 4 ft long and sized to pass the peak discharge of the IPyr storm (Figure 6.60a). A maximum flow depth of 1 fl, a minimum ftee6oerd of 0.5 0. and maximum side slopes of 2:1 are recommended. Wen length may be selected from Table 6.60a shown for most site locations in NoNI Carolina. Drainage Area Weir length' (acres) (it) 1 4.0 2 8.0 3 8.0 4 10.0 5 12.0 Dimensions shown are minimum Cross section Filter fabric Design 21" overfill a" settled min f( for smnement lop -ml' 1� — .fey n-. �,. _ 40 min 'F't'�rm 15mr ' j 2:1 side Emergency 511 iy j ! �� ail ' i slaAe max by-pass max fill Rua 1 f V below made a 1:1 side slope settled top max Natural of dam ground 3 tt min Stone section Figures 0.90e Temporary sediment trap. Construction 1. Clem, grab, and strip the area ander the embankment of all vegetation and Specifications rual mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpile a dispose of it properly, Haul all objectionable material to dm designated disposal area. 6.60.3