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�1 U' i;y' J J h J A 7 J J 7 S 3 F i r S 7 SITE. DATA TABLE OWNER: CHARLES DAVID ANDREWS 2700 NC HWY 72 WEST LUMBERTON, NO 28358 P1N:0355CC316187 DEED BOOK: 0696 PAGE #: 061 TOTAL. PARCEL AREA: 48.0 AC +1 EXISTING ZONING: RA PROPOSED USE: BORROW SOURCE PROPOSED MINING AREAS INTIAL PiT 7.5 AC PIT EXPANSIONS 11.7 AC PLANT SITE 3.3 AC UNDISTURBED BUFFER 10.5 AC OTHER MISC. AREA 9.8 AC (BERMS, TEMP. DIVERSIONS, ETC,) TOTAL PROJECT AREA 42.8 AC LEGEND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BOUNDARY WETLAND PROPOSED PIT BUFFER PLANT SITE AFFECTED AREA CREEK — — BERM +++++++++ 300 , GENERAL NOTES: SINGLETARY MAVIS H LIE �~ 1 Kip ,v''f - - RAFTING AND DESIGN �.g PINA: 0355C0334579 G\�6 GG,�' CCUPIED RESIDENCE .---- ZOANING: RA = ^� 5\ e\N �o�a\�' �' 65z FT+1- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY 1. EXISTING TOPO IS STATE LIDAR FROM BLADEN COUNTY GIs DATA, 2. 51BRVFCES. INC. / 3, STREAM LOCATION BASED ON U GSGIs. MAPPING AND AERIAL VERIFICATION, 5.. SITE TO BE RECLAMATED TO MEET THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT RECLAMATION BOND REQUIREMENTS. �j72$ Car130ntOn Road PHASE RECLAMATION PLANS. 6. AS PART OF THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO BOND THE RECLAMATION OF Sanford, North Carolina 27330 i CCUPIED RESIDENCE ,V1E 398 FT+I- FROM PERMITBOUN6] RY THE AFFECTED AREA OF PROJECT BASED ON THE STATE MINING PROGRAM REQUIRED AMOUNTS" (919) 499-8759 phone 7. THE TEMPORARY ERECTION AND OPERATION OF PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE draftinaanddC'Si n@rrTail.COriT DISTRICT DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE RA ZONING DISTRICT, 8. DUST SUPPRESSION ON ACCESS ROADS AND PLANT SITE SHALL MEET THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT. 9. A PROPOSED 50 FOOT WDE MINIMUM UNDISTURBED BUFFER WITH AN ADDITIONAL 50 FT WiDE X 6.25 FT HIGH VEGETATED BERM FOR A TOTAL OF 100 FOOT MINIMUM BUFFER WILL BE MAINTAINED \ EDGE rriARY BETH EXISTING SITE ACCESS (LYP' BETWEEN THE EXCAVATION AND ANY ADJOINING PROPERTY BOUNDARY. 2� O'er'\ PINI,: D355D0227315 ,GATE sp ID au �i '+ -OCCUPIED RESIDENCE ZONING: RA 4V%i s�A \ 5 Fl +f- FROM PERti1€T BOUNDARY ++++ " 0' ACCESS ROAD (TYP} ' *+ r + + * * + + +� + } + + + + $� �v ++++++ ++++ + + + + ++ I I! I + ++*� "0 VIEGETA3IVE BERM (TYP) a,•' \ +*++*+++++ H=6.2.5 FT s + + + ! I i ++ i + + t SIDE SLOPE= 4:1 ✓r ++++++ + I i ! +++++ G\ + + + + + I I I I } + + + j ♦t K * I~ N I I I +++ U MIN UNDISTURBFD VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP! I I I I I ✓ / \ �4y��\�5��O3��ORA, + 1 I I *+++$vTATIVE BERM (TYP +++++H♦ ++ 0 �SIDE SLOPE= 2:1 ++`+ + iI *II III ilII I€iIi i!II iIiIIf iI!I€ i!lIII IIIIII +lII++! +3lI+ ++ 1++ II +� + SfNGLZEOiNAIRNYG:KDDEYL. ++++* ++ PIN#: 035500424055 + * + ++++RAFUTURE + +++ ++ arSTRucTION DEBRIS BINSCOMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT + ++++ RECYCLE AREA (TYP) CCUPIED RESIDENCE +++ IPLANI�I +*+ 5.2 AC +I- + i I +++877 FT+,FROM PERMI T BOUNDARY +Ioy + OCCUPIED RESIDENC / X/ co + PIT EXPANSION 110'I FT FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY + ++ I ++ ++++ +}+OCCUPIED RESIDENC Z$ uA ++++0'UVDE 470 FT FROM PERMIT BOUN➢AR0ob % rC + ++ PIT ACCESSrHAULROAD (TYPI+ + +++++++CCUFRESIDENCE,''' AFFECTED AREA (TYP ++ l + 0 ++ *49FT+!+I ROMERO HEIDIR32'3 AC +I `\ f FRON ` l ++ PIN#' 035500511868 /\ i,' ~;-Q'oM'�Gotn �\ 0 f \ S.a!O2PqHO o9 \` ` • 2p�p jO,``2' \ � +++++++++++ ++ +*+ + + + I*+ ++ +I ]II III 1I I I I I I +I ++ ZONINGRA * +} + +G ++ + ++ + + ++ + * RDPOSED t++t++*+ + +++t++++INEMIT BOUNDARY (TYP) OCCU PIED RESILIENCE + + + + + ++++ PER BLADEN COUNTY GIS 916 FT FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY+ + + 42.8 AC +/.+ ++' ++ / - / ✓ CCUPIED RESIDENCE + \ + FT 974 I- FROM PERMIT. BOUNDARY CCUPIED RESIDENCE .vali(�D'=F—,4_ F'RG3li`gPr—H?Tdi1" I—RouW�ibxe'T{.`V" r�"Cry�1� i' •` +' }++a++ OCCUPIED'RESIDENC � G`�'�j•'si�, .'$'�J \ / vq\�py�'1 ,.off ¢++.*+.+ }+I k . .+ + I: I I 'P ��'3r�GG+*++}++ I ++* + I +*++ - ` 851 FT+i- FROM,PERMITHOUNDARY - - CCUPIED RESIDENCE �P N + + + 700 FT l- FkOTv1 PERMIT BOCINDARY P\ LO +++++ ++ ++++*+� L OF STREAM (TYPI / ++++++++ +*+* 2�0 `% CCUPIED RESIDENCE \ `\ + + + + + +� + + + + + + �ow 875 FT+J- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY *++++ 0' MIN STREAM BUFFER (T YP1 ROBESON LISHOUS P 9 P tia2 ++%+ i ++++� FROM'iOP OF BANK PIN#: 035500514444 c,Gp�aP + + + + ZONING: RA OCCUPIED RESIDCIVC + } I I I IAL P T ! + + + 171 FT +!-,F'R0M PERMIT F30UNDARY \O Q pa, + + + + + + /` +++ + ++ +++++ TEMPORARY BRIDGE +++ I ! + ++* WI ABUTMENTS + + + + NO STREAM IMPACT \ ONL\S 14g6 + + j + + s G CCUPEEU RESIDENCE ~ % G0,�564pLR? ! 3 + * + I + + + + / RO ag5b p5¢P 80 FT+'-'FRON3 PERiviJY80UND.ARY OQ260 Q�F OOP\�C +++t+ ++++*++++ + X. GiREAM CROSSING P1N O{SSNC' +*++ ! +%%+*+ + ® - HVf PIPE + TO BE REMOVED %r oA q0 OCCUP) ,RESIDE + + + + + + + + N \ } + + + + +� + + + / OCCUPIED RESIDENC- `, + + + + * + \, + + 745 FT +F= FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY. 477 FT FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY + + + + + + + + \ + + \P n�f 4A g04 ' y° VG + } + + + + + + + / ++++++++++ +� // + ° ++++ / lAq p \�G.P OCCUPIED RESIDENC � a \ C\C<SQ�03�4 ++�++ °*++++++ � � " + +++++' +*++++� S PINkA 355JIppRED 501772 710-F� 1- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY r�� \� Y\� p3 \�C �+ + + ++}+++� + + + } + + ZONING: RA TO tJ + + + + + A° + ++++++++ ++++� JOHNSON TERESSA LESA J' \ �J' ` + + + + + + } + PIN#035500500925 O EXISTING EXCAVATION,{.T`7P + + + +r } *++ + + + + + + + + ZONING: RA + + + + + + +++++++*++ t + p Q i \ ESTERS ALTON LEE + + + + * * 4 o Q i + ++++,y* + I `` r p + + + PiN#f:03�50050795'1 Q •j,O�VCA� �\`-��pg��'p0'.'/ 'l Y ,9� \-' ++++++ +a++++ —ram+ ++++++++++ + ++++++�```-•.,. - �4�� ?� i ZONING: RA OCCUPIED RESIDENC \ + + + + + + + + + + + r ,� + -D'VEGETATIVE BERM ('rYPj �' O PF�� 440 FT+` FROM PERMLT BOUNDARY ++++++ ® ++++++++++ + +++++ H-6.?5 FT f �+ + + + + + + SIDF SLOPE= 4:1 . CCUPIED RESIDENCE + + + + ++++, + + + 1140 FT+1- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY i \�9 \ S \Y1 � ++++++ ++++ �pq� 5g -0 ° !, �JO a + * + + �I 3 +*+++ ° OCCUPIED RESIDENC ��r�E�Ga a�� 1G4 FT +I_; OCCLIP€ED RESIDENC COI LpOh +++*++ + + + 730 FT+ FROM PERMIT BOUIJDARY pG\P �/ �5C00 6��G �a n0 F 2LlM PERMIT BOUNDARY PJ°�3GCy FP +++++++ ! ++}++ 50'MIN 1iN UNDfSTURBE6 VEGETATIVE SUFFER (TYP) \YWA l O P�� ON��G P�Q\[.pa\ ,'1� cOZ\P\`e\�-�O�\a }+++++ +*+++ + + + } + + OCCUPIED RESIDENC v 6 L G + + + + + + ERMITBOUNDARY + + o 360 FT+!- FROM P - ° +*++ +++++ e \ WH QH MAGAILL D ¢Q� y� `\ � ✓� �s �iy �� , ++++++ + + + + / ° PIN#:'035500600621 --p \� "�/ ++++ t+++t.y� /' - - if ZONING: RA {G D- p1 7i ✓ + + + + + CCUPIED RESIDENCE'`,-,, i +++++ ++++� O� �J2y 1 ^Y 0 '\ 50FT-!- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY / ++*+ I EXPANSION I ++++4- i g. F"jam fi s 2 IV q +++ +++ v CCUPIED RESIDENCE \ `� �n- Z G o00 ti7 H + + + + + v1160 FT+! -~FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY: �. ! v° ''\� Q� �Y r� s�'S� + + + + + t + + + } + q � \ ++++ +++++++ \`` WRAY HERBERT + jsZc \ C\ O v + + PIN#:035600505346 Q Ci \ ZONING RA L os \ \ + + + + + +� �+ + + + + + \ 796 FT+1- FROM PERM6FROM6pVNDARY COUPLED RESIDENCE + + + + + 703 FT 4- FROM PERMI P BOUNDARY + + I I + + +� - ! + + + _ c'O ��S 'j'°'° 40�+++++ I I ++t+t+� s C !2 + + 3pG2�� ya i q �o� �ao,y� + + + + + + �9 ��� ® * + t + + + +� 0 ' CCUPIED RESIDENCE Z�so flp \`\ *+t+++ ++++ + \ 350 FT I- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY OCCUPIED RESIDENC + + +++ �\S05pp \ \ o�O \ 113FT+1- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY �+++++ + +*++ s, R \ 2 s+ + + JySG \ o \ \ ps ® + + + ++++ � 1 + + + + + + LUVEE FARMS LLC PIN#_ 03540059195o \S off✓ `°° OL p old SyA(V +++*++++ ZONING: RA �s y p ug rfiflti �0 ��QOD y` zD,y�o °9 Q +++++ 9 C EAST HONIELLSVILLE HUNTING \ A PIN#:035400492663 OCCUP€EDRESIDENC R ti / 13i F1',1 ZONING RA I s 33'0,FT+,- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY QyC �' �'VILKINS BARB.ARA MONROE psi PIN1k: 035400498257 OCCUPIED RESIDENC�00 S ZONING: RA 1051 FT +I- FROM PERMIT BOUNDARY i i `��� ° P9`cd00� o� �q �rL2-Q�A' U FT iFp RESIDENCE 725 +1FROM PERNTIT BOUNDARY / �, / .ZQ m 1jj LUVEE FARMS LLC PIN#: 035400494592 ZONING: RA _ m* N i OCCUPIED RESIDENC � CCUPIED RESIDENCE 915 FT 1- FROM.PEP-,MIT BOUNDARY IJ D_ 630 FT FROM PER,' iIT BOUNDARY CCUPIED RESIDENCE ' 803 FT -?- FROM PERMIT BOUPIDARY 450 BLADEN COUNTY ZONING: RA ROBESON, LACY. JR- / PIN#_D354D9989500 ZONING RA e � REVISIONS _-.—._._ C — — .. - -- - --- .-_-_._ e 0 L h _._._._. _ _._...-_ c C t c C e AGENCY REVIEW ONLY c NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -c c C Scale: Drawn by: r MTB "=150' = Sheet: Designed by: MTB Reviewed by: a CC //++ 42 of .1 3 MTB c Project Number: Date: DDS JOB #: 2021-10 MAR 2021 .~ � \ / '' \ \\ - \ � './ / | / 120 O 120 240 380 � Soo��1^=12O DA #6 3.6 AC+� DA#1O3 6.2 AC j / ~ / -� ^ \ / ``\ ' / — --- ---- ---- ---- \ / \ \ ' / e CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE MINING ACTIVITY PHASE I - INITIAL PIT 1. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTACT NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION (910) 433-330(). 2. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON TARl ROAD. 3- INSTALL SILT FENCE PER PLAN BELOW ALL BERMS, PERMANENT/TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS, AND BASIN/TRAPS W/ SILT FENCE OUTLETS IN LOW AREAS PER PLAN. 4. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASIN #1, STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWNSTREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED, 5. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL DIVERSIONS, MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARY/PERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. 6, INSTALL PLANT SITE W/ BERMS AND BEGIN REMOVAL OF OVERBURDEN FROM PIT. 7. INSTALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BERMS AROUND PIT. 8. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL BERMS ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED AROUND PLANT SITE AND EXCAVATION AREA, REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED, 9. ONCE GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED AND NO RUTTING OF SLOPES IS OCCURRING REMOVE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE AAAW-rAll SILT T7=Kl11r_ ON DOWN TREAM /30'XI00'CONSTRUCTION ENTANCF-,,,,, .......... PROPOSED BASIN TABLE BASIN ID TOP WEIR BOTTOM POOL TOP WEIR BOTTOM VOLUME VOLUME WEIR WEIR WIER RISER BARREL RISER SKiMMER SKIMMER BAFFLES . DIM DIM DIM DEPTH El EL. EL, REQUIRED PROPOSED LENGTH DEPTH LINING SIZE SIZE BASE ORFICE SIZE SB#1 189x366 177X:!I54 147x,324 5 130.0 128.0 125.0 79920 CF 275715 CIF NO OUTLET - NO DISCHARGE SKB#2 67x122 55X1 10 37x92 3 128.0 126.0 124.0 10080 CF 14181 CF 10.0 2,0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.4" 3 SKB43 70x128 SBX116 40x98 3 132.0 130.0 129.0 111GO CF 15972 CF 10.0 2.0 CLASS A NA NA NA 4" 1.51, 3 SE - SEDIMENT BASIN SK8 - SKIMMER BASIN STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY EMERGENCY SPiLLWAY TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN CUT ONLY PROPOSED DIVERSION TABLE CHANNEL ID CHANNELSLOPE SIDE SLOPES CHANNEL DEPTH BOTTOM WIDTH TEMPORARY LINING PERMANENT LINING LINING DEPTH TD#1 0.5% 3A 1,5 FT 2.0 FT STRAW W/ N ETTI N G BERMUDAGRASS TD#2 1.0 % 3A 2.0 FT 0.0 FT STRAWW1 NETTING BERMUDAGRASS TD#3 (),5% 31 1.5 FT 3.0 FT STRAW W1 NETTING BERMUDAGRASS TD#4 0.5% 31 1.5 FT 2,0 FT STRAW W/ N ETTI N G BERMUDAGRASS SIDE' I + + �..' X111111 % LHK) U.z) Yo 'J.I � '�) r- 1 U.0 11 L I", I IMPIVV V V1 IN rz " I IN Q� BERMUDAGRASS + + TD#6 0.3% 3:1 1.5 FT 3.0 FT STRAWW/ NETTING BERMUDAGRASS 1C. BEGIN MINING ACTIVITIES.M1Ly TING BERMUDAGRASS TD47 0.5% 3:1 1.5 FT 0.0 FT STRAW W1 NET --- - --- ------ -------- . . . . PHASE 2 - PIT EXPANSION + INSTALL CHECK DAMS IN CHANNELS WITH STRAW W/ NETTING I. REMOVE EXISTING CROSSING. STREAM BED IS TO BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL ELEVATION AND SIDE SLOPES. + + + + 2. INSTALL TEMPORARY BRIDGE ACROSS STREAM WITH APPROPRIATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AS SHOWN ON +++ + + . . . +++. . . . + + SHEET C1 1. + + + ,+-- + +++ 0' VEGETATIVE BERM (TYP) -LETS IN .4� 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE PER PLAN BELOW ALL BERMS, P ERMAN ENTITEMPORARY DIVERSIONS, AND BASIN/TRAPS W/ SILT FENCE OUI + '=6 + + + ).2,) - ----- + + + + + + F1 LOW AREAS PER PLAN. SIDE SLOPE= 4:1 4. INSTALL SKIMMER BASIN #2&3. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. + + + + + + MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. + + + + C'MIN UNDISTURBED VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) 5. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL + + + + . . . . . . + % + + + DIVERSIONS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARYIPERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. 6. INSTALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BERMS AROUND PIT, 7. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL BERMS ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED AROUND EXCAVATION AREA. REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. S. ONCE GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED AND NO RUTTING OF SLOPES IS OCCURRING REMOVE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE MAINTAINING SILT FENCE ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE. 9. BEGIN MIN ING ACTIVITIES. PHASE 3 - MINING PLANT SITE 1, ANY DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED PRIOR TO MINING THE PLANT AREA. NO DEBRIS WILL BE PLACED IN THE MINE EXCAVATION. IF THE PLANT AREA IS NOT MINED, THE DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND ALL AFFECTED AREAS IN AND AROUND THE PLANT SITE WILL BE PROPERLY GRADED AND PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITH GROUNDCOVER. 2, ALL MATERIAL WILL BE EXCAVATED AND REMOVED WITH MINIMUM STOCKPILE AREAS, ALLPHASES L AS EXCAVATION AREA dS EXPANDED PO&TIVE DRAINAGE TO BE [1WNTAJh.E-D TO EXCAVATION AIT. Z TEMPORARY SEED STOCKPILE AREAS THAT WILL BE DENUDED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE. 3. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AFTER MAJOR RAIN EVENTS. 4. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS IN WHICH WORK WILL NOT RECOMMENCE WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS. 5. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WEEKLY AND AFTER MAJOR STORM EVENTS. 6. DFVVATER ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AND SKIMMER BASINS FOR MAINTANANCE AND REMOVAL WTH SILT BAG PER DETAIL, IF NEEDED. 7. CALL NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION FOR INSPECTION (910) 433-3300. v", DISTURBED AREAS TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS SIDE' I + + �..' X111111 % LHK) U.z) Yo 'J.I � '�) r- 1 U.0 11 L I", I IMPIVV V V1 IN rz " I IN Q� BERMUDAGRASS + + TD#6 0.3% 3:1 1.5 FT 3.0 FT STRAWW/ NETTING BERMUDAGRASS 1C. BEGIN MINING ACTIVITIES.M1Ly TING BERMUDAGRASS TD47 0.5% 3:1 1.5 FT 0.0 FT STRAW W1 NET --- - --- ------ -------- . . . . PHASE 2 - PIT EXPANSION + INSTALL CHECK DAMS IN CHANNELS WITH STRAW W/ NETTING I. REMOVE EXISTING CROSSING. STREAM BED IS TO BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL ELEVATION AND SIDE SLOPES. + + + + 2. INSTALL TEMPORARY BRIDGE ACROSS STREAM WITH APPROPRIATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AS SHOWN ON +++ + + . . . +++. . . . + + SHEET C1 1. + + + ,+-- + +++ 0' VEGETATIVE BERM (TYP) -LETS IN .4� 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE PER PLAN BELOW ALL BERMS, P ERMAN ENTITEMPORARY DIVERSIONS, AND BASIN/TRAPS W/ SILT FENCE OUI + '=6 + + + ).2,) - ----- + + + + + + F1 LOW AREAS PER PLAN. SIDE SLOPE= 4:1 4. INSTALL SKIMMER BASIN #2&3. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL BASINS. + + + + + + MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. + + + + C'MIN UNDISTURBED VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) 5. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES IMMEDIATELY. ONLY CLEAR AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL + + + + . . . . . . + % + + + DIVERSIONS. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AND SILT FENCE OUTLETS DOWN STREAM UNTIL TEMPORARYIPERMANENT LINING, AND GOOD GROUND COVER ON FILL SLOPES IS ESTABLISHED. 6. INSTALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY BERMS AROUND PIT, 7. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE UNTIL BERMS ARE STABILIZED AND SEEDED AROUND EXCAVATION AREA. REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASINS ONCE POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS ACHIEVED TO THE PIT. MAINTAIN ALL DOWNSTREAM DIVERSIONS AND SILT FENCE UNTIL GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. S. ONCE GOOD GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED AND NO RUTTING OF SLOPES IS OCCURRING REMOVE ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHILE MAINTAINING SILT FENCE ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE. 9. BEGIN MIN ING ACTIVITIES. PHASE 3 - MINING PLANT SITE 1, ANY DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED PRIOR TO MINING THE PLANT AREA. NO DEBRIS WILL BE PLACED IN THE MINE EXCAVATION. IF THE PLANT AREA IS NOT MINED, THE DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND ALL AFFECTED AREAS IN AND AROUND THE PLANT SITE WILL BE PROPERLY GRADED AND PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITH GROUNDCOVER. 2, ALL MATERIAL WILL BE EXCAVATED AND REMOVED WITH MINIMUM STOCKPILE AREAS, ALLPHASES L AS EXCAVATION AREA dS EXPANDED PO&TIVE DRAINAGE TO BE [1WNTAJh.E-D TO EXCAVATION AIT. Z TEMPORARY SEED STOCKPILE AREAS THAT WILL BE DENUDED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE. 3. MAINTAIN SILT FENCE AFTER MAJOR RAIN EVENTS. 4. STABILIZE AND SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS IN WHICH WORK WILL NOT RECOMMENCE WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS OR 14 CALENDAR DAYS. 5. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WEEKLY AND AFTER MAJOR STORM EVENTS. 6. DFVVATER ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AND SKIMMER BASINS FOR MAINTANANCE AND REMOVAL WTH SILT BAG PER DETAIL, IF NEEDED. 7. CALL NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION FOR INSPECTION (910) 433-3300. v", DISTURBED AREAS TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS 1A AC STOCKPILES 0.9 AC PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 1.0 AC MINE EXCAVATION 19.2 AC OTHER MISC EXCAVATION 9.8 AC (BERMS, DIVERSIONS, ETCJ TOTAL AFFECTED AREA 32.3 AC INTERNAL DRAINAGE::-- 26.7 AC EXTERNAL DRAINAGE= 5.6 AC LEGEND PERMIT BOUNDARY EXIlISTiNG CONTOUR WETLAND I. W W W J BUFFER AFFECTED AREA CREEK BERM POND SF - SF 2 FT SAFETY BERM ci) STOCKPILE (TYP) AS - is - AS - is - is - is + ++ + + + AFFECTED AREA (TYP) + + + + 32.3 AC + + ++ + + FUTURE + + + + COMMERCIAL M DEVELOPENT +++ + + + + + + + + 5.2 AC +I- ++ + ++++ + ++ PLANT SITE + + + + + FUTURE +++ + + + + + PIT EXPANSION + + + 3.3 AC +I- + + + + Is + + + + + 4. + + + + t . ..... + --SILT FENCE (TYF, .......... + + +,+ + + +.++++ I ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + ... +++++ ++++,+ .... ... + + J+1 2:1 MAX SIDE SLOPES (TYP) + + ......... + + + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++, + + + + + + ___2SILTFENCE (TYP) 5F - SF - SF - SF NOTES- STABLIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES PER NCDEQ STANDARDS FOR TIME FRAMES FOR DENUDED SLOPES INSTALL SILT FENCE PER SILT FENCE DETAIL TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED WITH 31 MAX SLOPES ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED AND PERMANENTLY SEEDED AT 10 FT HEIGHT TOP OF BERM SEDIMENT BASIN / WIER BAFFLES ROCK CHECK DAMS V SILT FENCE SF TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH OUTLET PROTECTION J-HOOK W/ SILT FENCE OUTLET SILT FENCE OUTLET gill, '12 NTS + 11, + . . . TEMPORARY DIVERSIO + + + CLASS A RIP RAP + + d=12" // INITIAL PIT + 7.5 AC +I- + D#2 + + '4 7F + + + + NOOUTLET + + + 4- + + TEMPORARY DIVERSION TD # 3 + + + + I 't'� + + + +1 .4 CLASS A RIP RAP d=12" + + +++ 77- + + 4- + + + + + + + + + ;+ I + + + T + + + + + + T FENCE (TYP) + +/ + + +/ + + U'VEOETATIVE BERM (TYP) 0 , TD #4 + H=6.2,5 FT 13 + 12++ + + +1 + +++/ + SIGN + S� SLOPE= 4:1 + "if 9; - '11wil 1" -1 + /+ /+ /+ + D# + + + +/+ + O'MIN Ut6STURBED VEGETATIVE BUFFER (TYP) + 14 EMFORARY DIVERSION TEMPORARY DINVERSIO SKIMMER '2 + CCXSS A RIP RAP CLASS k,�Z I P RAP + 4: OUTLET PROTECTION-,\ + +i + + + + 00, i SKi# 2 SILT FENC4/OUTLF + _T (T 3) BAFFLES + + +\t + E$-,FF LES JYP� k STONE 0= CLASS. A. RIP RAF/ I , LETE BERKVAT' SKIMMF '14 SK#_ + + + =�,'OUTLET + + �COMPLETE B8,RM AT SKIMMER OUTLET ONGF-Ski-MMER I&ODECOMMIPSIONED 9 tsl + + ONCE S�IMMER IS DECOMMISSIONED IT TO -UTLETS--""/ TEMPORARY DIVERSION TEMPORARY DWERSIO P DRNN WITHIN NO 0 " '? CLASS A RIP RAP PIT TO RAIN WITHIN NO OUTLETS SKIMMEF, LASS A RIP RA + c . . . ........ �OUTLET P�ROTtCTION.-` - ------ D # d=12" PIT EXPANSION d=12" + + + +1 + 11.7 AC 2 1+ + +J + �A �61\!E 0* GLAS�$ A`RIP,'RAP l+ + I-D # 7__,+ + + '�s 'MM + KI ER + ++ + + EMERGENCY + + + + + + + "Oil I tlll� + . ........ + + + + + SKIM M + + + + + MER, 4:1 SPILD +++++ + + + + + + +++++ + `7 + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + N v .43 2 + + • s" + 13 + + + + '++ + + + + + + + + + ++++++ + + f's 0. 120 ULM" 0 120 240 360 RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone draftinganddesign@ymail.com ul z M Ail D < 0 LU 2 1@6 LLI LU >0 71 UJ Z As IVA UJ REVISIONS . ......... . ................... ........ ....... .......... .... . . - ------ -- - - - ------------ ........ . ... ................... .... AGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION -A Scale:. Drawn by: MTB 1 "=I 20' Sheet: Designed by: MTB Reviewed by: C4 of 13 MTB Project Number: 1Date: NOTES: 1. EXISTING, TOPO IS STATE LIDAR FROM CUMBERLAND COUNTY GIS DATA. 2. STREAM AND WETLAND LOCATIONS BASED ON USGS MAPPING AND NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY. 3. SITE TO BE RECLAMATOD TO MEET CUMBERLAND COUNTY SECTION 919 QUARRY AND THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT RECLAMATION BOND REQUIREMENTS, 4, AS PART OF THE NCDEQ MINE PERMIT THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO BOND THE RECLAMATION OF THE TOTAL PROJECT BASED ON THE STATE MINING PROGRAM REQUIRED AMOUNTS. 5. TOPSOIL STOCKPILE MATERIAL SHALL BE USED TO PROVIDE FERTILE SOIL DURING, RECLAMATION TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER, UNUSED TOPSOIL MATERIAL IN THE STOCKPILE AREAS SHALL BE REGRADED PER DETAIL TO PROVIDE STABLE SLOPES. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AND SEEDED. 6. ANY DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY D6SPOSED PRIOR TO RECLAMATING PLANT AREA. IF THE PLANT AREA IS NOT MINED, THE DEBRIS AND DEBRIS BINS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND ALL AFFECTED AREAS IN AND AROUND THE PLANT SITE WILL BE PROPERLY GRADED AND PERMANENTLY STABILIZED WITH GROUNDCOVER• „- °- �, / - ' , __._. �w 4 ,1j . , . s ,' / E r, , , , ._._.._ _._... .,_- SITE ENTRANC v\' ' % _ / " g WI GATE '// TO REMAIN s / `� I / �; � �; ''v '" ., v I '� / -I- _ .. ,� }}+" + // - + ._._"-.-,_.��,11_-,_-____","_,.1_" ",-I, �x, � 1 ,�',o"V e%�h11-4.- - �. / . ,f + + + \ c _ * + + r' . _ .._ .._ - r'' + + ® + + + + BERM + " + + } .F + + 4 4 "I, �� + + �� � ate + + + + + + /� :Tv �°,� + + + + + + + + + . f - E WATER LEVEL (APPROX.) C7 + +++++ .. �, %'' + + ,z I. �! - E E - TOPSOILIOVERBURDEN +++++ + + * \ 1 NOTES; ;'' + + + + E 3, ` /' 3:1 MAX SLOPE ABOVE WATER LINE + + + + + + + + + + v �� �///, j�j %yam //�j%%�"' j� j7� / ++++++++ + ++ + }++++ \ I /j%�/j j%%�j%//%/ i/!/ �/%/ j�—//�j�z /`'/ ' 3:1 MAX SLOPE BELOW WATER LINE AT MIN 20' /E t +++++ ++ t+++ //� %%///%�//%//'/�D�E�O�T /;`/j////// // j//�/, HDRT. AND 1{7' VERTICAL DESTA1tCE // + + + + +� /- /,..x/, /// , ////// ./ ///////j/� %// /////', + + ���/� %// //j//. ./ 1. jj%%/%//; j%, /j/j//, / , - x ALL DENUDED AREAS ABOVE WATER LINE TO 11 *+++ +*+++ �� !;l/////jj �jj///j//j%' 'i//j//jj/-///////ji BE VEGETATED .c' + + + + + + _.. .. • 11 // i%%///%///' %///%//j/� � //j%//j% �% + * + * + + + + + /� 1 . + + + it/;i/i //i//// ' !/ // , .i/ F U TIC Fa E . /i ' //i iy , C®Iid1 E�OI L C EOiEL�P II��T +*+++ + + + . , .,/r,,', 1 `' 5.2 AC +I- � + + + PLANT SITE + + +� 3:1 MAXSLOP,E . . + + FUTURE + � � ABOVE V A; ER LINE � . � ` / + *+++ *+++++ TO BE VEGETATED , ' . \ I1 + + + + + 4 l - - . - {/I NTS +++ . \ + + � + + + + � . , _I-"-- ++++ :. + +® /" "'' 12' WIDE ACCESS ROAD f'z t ✓' /' +*+*+i'+*+ +'++++:+ + + ++ \"' TO EXPANSION AREA r + .+ + :+ .� `,+ + =O' rILA]LIri I�i94147IrVIv NNr1 _= \ \ + + + + + + .. + ++� / ASSUMED WATER..�INE._-_...._. + + + + + + 111 e� + + + + A P _.._ I,\ + + + L= f24 -- + + + PRX. E + + + + + + + �° + + + + + + +++++ i DISTURBED AREAS TAILINGS/SEDIMENT PONDS i 1 A AC STOCKPILES i 0.9 AC PROCESSING AREA/HAUL ROADS 1.0 AC MINE EXCAVATION 19.2 AC OTHER MISC EXCAVATION 9.8 AC (BERMS, DIVERSIONS, ETC.) TOTAL. AFFECTED AREA - 32.3 AC - > ;. INTIAL PIT 7.5 AC PIT EXPANSIONS 11.7 AC PLANT SITE 3.3 AC UNDISTURBED BUFFER 10.5 AC OTHER MISC. AREA 9.8 AC (BERMS, TEMP. DIVERSIONS, ETC-) TOTAL PROJECT AREA 42.8 AC LEGEND PERMIT BOUNDARY EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED BUFFER �—w w w w AFFECTED AREA CREEK ... . . BERM , � POND � �..�._ 120 0 120 240 360 Scale: 1" = 120' tN + } + + + / + } + + + . � .::.:/.: ../. ��� ,,:'�/:.���-.-�I� I: ,/, �--:-. � °�+ + + + + + I �,.. + } } + FlALJL ROA + + + /r { ' \1� �+ ++++++ } :TO-BEREMO,VED DURING. *+t++® r'r } } + { TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS MINING ACTIVITIES + + + + REMOVED DURING t + + �� ® , \, /\ *+*+}+ MfNING:ACTIVITIES:(Tl P) ++}+++� / ,,,/ / + t + /I + + ` jj !!l } + + } _ i + + INIT AL IT + + } > ro O /'� _.. + t + '� �,J� ��Ia } + + \ } , LA.. E ACREAGE= 9.7:AC + + /", '� �` '\ �/ /` - z \ \ / \, ++*++ TOP OF WATER EL=124 -(APPRX,) —+++{+** /' TEMPORARY BRIDGE / A + + . .STABILIZE AND SEED ALL SLOPES . � � � --- �+ + } { + / TO BE REM VEQ / + + PIT:SEEDED AREA 1 1-AC i i .__ _ , .... / w S DI]ViENT BASIN + +}+++ + - �/ // a ,-1 . ,,r ,,, + + : TO BE REMOVED D + + } + §,,. \ + + + ,: U 4 STR;IND BARBELI.-V511RE FENCE (TYP)/ ;' + + + MINING OPERATION + t+++++++ \ � + + + + * } } ^- .\ WARNING -SIGNS ALONG FENCE / y0 G + 11, + } } + + } + + + \ ,,yIy „(" -- + + + + + +++ +}++ /+ "/ / / } + r +++++ `/ ' " \ + + + + �•�' + + + / + + + + -_; 0 s ' }+t+ _ �1 .. A } . y® __Y— r� ++ ++}� / / , ++++}+ ++� `\ ++ ; .� v `x + + + + + X /� + +}++++}} + + + + �\ + + + + + �� �} } + + + _,. 11 \y }+ +++ J ++}}+ ++ , ' r + � �: ,/ 2P, t + + ' J O / + + + f� } + + � � ,.,fit... ___ + + �/ � � }+}+ * \ J / / _._, si ,, - f +{+}+}+ SKIMMER MSIN *+++ •` ` "•,I" ,,� I :.�r' _ L .. __, -_ s } + + TC? BI REMOVED DURING + +11 , \ , S — s a. + INIG'QPERFTIp ++ }{+ }+ / i N ! + + } + • i 11: M ! `. / i ,/" \. , , ' / + } + + + + +� /�\ - , -_,_. / �- cQ "��t;, + + SKIMIV ER BA I + + + f \ . + \ + + + TO B ' F2EIV01IED Dl1RIN + + / rr , `k \. G \ + + \ e �E, iiVG O. �Rariov + \ 1 "� \, "w r i �\ J s_11 ..._.__..._ i ' �qri, " , -I IQ 1 .. °: '� p� i PIT t �`' r „- i � ,j{ / it, a . I I.: : - - � .: --�.. � .:- 1 I r , 11 ...... i� � �:�� A�.. \ � -, \ �°° \ 11 11 %` \ + + } + + 1/ i + + :LAKE. ACREAGE 10.:5 AG + ( ! ' ! ,< + + + TOP Ol :V1IATER ELm124:WPRX) TEMF':ORARI DN + + + `� 1.w `' " I % + + + EIRSION + + + �_ J \ A ! , STASiLIZE AND:SEED ALL SLOPES . REMOVED DURING + + {' / \ / /' ° t + + PI:T S MININGAC�IV T!E + + + ` -11 / / / + + EEDEt� P,REA 1,2 AC ! S.(TYP) + } + } + 'ram i / / S + + + ; / // / A , 1, i E i 1 ); � + + + +++*+* / + + + \ ' ./` / /�� f' r. _ 4\` it z ++*+ + + + , , --•' / r + + + + +® \\ V — i 1 \ /' 1\ / ,. it ,4 t f 'I - 1� ;,\ , 1. , I _-. ; ___. +}+} ASSUMED WATER LINE i / / ® _ `, r E + + ' r w } } ++}� ,_ ' ", it `' ! , \ A 1 [ , + + + + + \v - / j } ® 3:1 MAX SLOPE ,I °f %/ + + + { + ABOVE WATER LINE \ • �,`, - ! Ir 1v; \ v' ++*} }+}* �* ® vv,v TO BE VEGETATED - /,, -- / 1 < v + + + + ,� f , _. — _ , -}+ y \ � I r , i \ ' w ,, + + t \ 0 ' 1 i ..,, ,' r i \ ++ ;, . __ -\ , , / i /, ° v `\ A \ �w 'aa0-v �, - -, � ......... " " ", ,� .1 , 11� .1, I !"., � � : � ! 1\ � - J - �",,1"1,I,��� , ,, \" .',�'I "1-1,I-I, ,I \I ,,, \ " __"1�11' I',ll- ,"-rIl,l. -_,1__11\1, . 1,.1..I./ _- . .�,1I.1.//.,../. r'/ �/ , "�//,I ,",� "'/ ,I- , ", -I�\I, "� \,1I "1-�_.'"1""'/" -,/ �"� ,"I//1 ,�,1�I1, /, I,/ � _�" / I I /I , /I , ,I .11 a 1I �I �11 ,," ,Ix�� \ 'I I � ,!\ �q ,, . ""/1II I 1,I11 1 I ,, � I I I "\." / , r"..,..-..Ir__-,". " /;',, 11'" ��1.-I .! � � , , ',Ii � 1'I, �, " "'" �1,1 1. 11 i ma`s �? %� : ,1s r 1 I A '��/�' \ �°\.r =1 �..... v - '/ i \ i \, 1_1,� - . / v , , �`" \ r s `„ , , ,. 1 ' \' `mow 'o / s s , r i i /__X 1, _. \ . - I - _ m C C, z G 6 z _� c a c s c ♦` I C, Y c c c I- C 4 MAINTENANCE PLAN THE OPERATOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EROSION CONTROL DEVICES THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT DURATION. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING, EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL DEVICES AS DESIGNED. SKIMMER BASINS: 1. BASINS ARE TO BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT WHEN ITS STORAGE CAPACITY IS REDUCED BY 50%. PLACE SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM THE BASIN IN A STOCKPILE AREA AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN OR AN AREA THAT HAS ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 2. CHECK BERM STRUCTURE, SPILLWAYS, AND SKIMMER PIPE EVERY WEEK FOR EROSION AND PIPING. 3. MAINTAIN BAFFLES AS DIRECTED BELOW, 4, ANY RIP RAP DISPLACED FROM SPILLWAY MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 5. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE BASIN (PHASE 2 OF CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE) AND ALL UNSTABLE SEDIMENT, GRADE ACCORDING TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND IN WITH ADJACENT GRADES - ADDITIONAL COMPACTION EFFORTS MAY BE REQUIRED IF STRUCTURE IS PROPOSED FOR THAT AREA, STABILIZE AREA. BAFFLES: 1. MAINTAIN ACCESS TO BAFFLES. SHOULD THE FABRIC COLLAPSE, DECOMPOSE, TEAR, OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 2. REMOVE BUILDUP SEDIMENT WHEN IT REACHES ONE-HALF FULL. TAKE CARE NOT TO DISTURB BAFFLES DURING CLEANOUT. SILT FENCE: 1. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES ABOUT 0.5 FT DEEP AT THE FENCE, THE FENCE SHALL BE REPAIRED AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A SUFFICIENT BARRIER. 2. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, DECOMPOSE, TEAR. OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 3. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. GRADE AREA TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND WITH ADJACENT GRADES. STABILIZE AREA. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS: 1, IMMEDIATELY REMOVE EXCESS SEDIMENT FROM FLOW AREA AND REPAIR DIVERSION RIDGE. 2. CAREFULLY CHECK OUTLETS AND MAKE TIMELY REPAIRS AS NEEDED. 3. AFTER ALL AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED REMOVE THE RIDGE AND THE CHANNEL AND GRADE ACCORDING TO GRADING PLAN OR BLEND WITH ADJACENT GRADES. STABILIZE AREA. RIP RAP LINED DITCHESICHANNELSIOUTLETS: 1. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO INLET AND OUTLET SECTIONS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOW ENTERS. 2. INSPECT FOR INDICATIONS OF PIPING, SCOUR HOLES, OR BANK FAILURES. MAKE REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 3, MAINTAIN VEGETATION ADJACENT TO THE ROCK LINING IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION TO PROTECT THE AREA FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. GRASS LINED DITCHESICHANNELSISWALES. 1, FDLYRIIINrG PIEF' YrCD,11!143rPEIr ii.R,r r-_=r 'EVERYRA9NrAUL. 2. AFTER GRASS HAS ESTABLISHED, INSPECT PERIODICALLY AND AFTER HEAVY RAINFALL, IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. 3. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO INLET AND OUTLET SECTIONS WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOW ENTERS. 4. GRASS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY VIGOROUS CONDITION AT ALL TIMES, SINCE IT IS THE PRIMARY EROSION PROTECTION. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE WINTER & EARLY SPRING Seeding mixture Species Rate (lblacre) Rye (grain) 120 Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) 50 Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. Seeding dates Mountains ---Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15 Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont ---".tan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain --Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 Soil amendments Follow recommendations of sail tests or apply 2,000 Iblacre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lblacre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE FALL Seeding mixture Species Rate (lbfac.;re) Rye (gra<.fy :20 Seeding dates Mr unlalns Aug, € 5 •- Dec. 15 oastal Plain and Piedmont —Aug, 15 - Dec, 30 Soil ama'nd ants Follow soil tests or apply 2,€000 lbfacre ground limestone'I and 1,0010 lknfacre 10-10--10 t rtilir�r. Mulch Apply 4,000 Vacre straw. Anchor straw by talking with as halt, netting, or a: mulch arIrhoring toot A disk with dlad > set nearly s€raigh', can be 'I used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance Repair and refertilize darnaged areas irnrnadiat ;yTcap cross with 00 lb, ,'acre of nitrogen ir: March, If st is necessary to extento temporary I. cover beyond dune 15, over -seed with 50 lblacre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) or Korean fVkourltairls) lespedeza in late February or early farcll, ----------------- PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE SOURCE: NCDEQ EROSION CONTROL MANUAL. 6.11b HERBACEOUS PLANTS -Seeding recommendations for primary stabilization Successful development depends on planting data (effectiveness goal: 6 mo. - 3 yrs. without an ongoing maintenance program) Table 6.11.15 op Emal %nfing Dates Commoit Name Botanical Name / CuP4 var Native ! nfroduced [3roadcas[ �,.;� Rates Ibsfaora Ferttlix&Tionf limestone lbsfacre Momla�- - Piedmont Goaetm PI.- Sunishade tOOTanf Wetlands Ripaian Buffers invasive Xes or h1p I,nstalWflon / Malnlenance Cc itHaraiiona p4har infurmatitJn. crammanta Sericea Lespedeza .. tespedaza wrreata ournmV 1 1565 8 sail t4+st 911 .611 9!1 - 5/1 10f1 -411 Sun NR NR Y®; Responds welt to controlled burns Swore T4;eal _ '- lrn+er�ve s ecies I _ S soil fast 3115-4Y3i1 NR NR Sun tJR NR Yes - Highy r;nmpstiEive, F'ref•rs neutrsl sa>Os Crown Ye1ch Sncuri ern vans F 15Itrs _ Coron 1fa varfa not reca nmendad unless an arcs table aRemat'�re f is not available. Genii de Grass Erurrrochloe lurci _1 _ 5 Ibs 10 Ibs. far road By soil test shoulders NR Eastern ontv 971 - 5/1 Sun NR NR 22 lficant maintenance _- may be required to obtain Oaes_nal leteratb high ttafrle. Accaptable, for acddin desired cover _ - KY 31 TaA Fescue Schsdar ores hoanr I 1GG Itrs 9 sail test Sr15.511 911-4715 9'30 -3A 5 Sun! NR NR Yes If utilized, it is imperative Acce table tar saddin - (Eesft+ca arundinacev mod. Shade - - - ------ acaniainment plar --- KY &lee Grass hfR Sun i+IR NR Yes If ubllzed, it i5 tm ®rntive Prefers neutrr5i soils, hl9hh Pea rerrsis l 16 Ibs B sotE fast 81155,1 NR _ that mainlengnca includes a mo Lm plan _--_ Rpmpaftve, not recorar*nded unless an acts table allemative -- is not ova€cable. Acceptable for sodd!na_ - Ha d Fescue - Fesh �a-brevipills ___ FEtthlCa fo nb) a ___._).... _ _ 15Ihs By sail test t311 - 6I1,- NR __. _ 'W, shade _ _ -- NR _ NR 'io _ Not recom.'mrlded for __. - slo os grealw than 5 % Law-grawing,_t unoh brass -- - — Bermuda Grass C modun dac -orr _ E 2S Ibs B sail test NR 4115 UM 4115-&M Sun NR game a ressiva, nal recommended and should be NR as It utilized it is imparalive that imintenance tndudas - ------ --. -.� _._. __---- -- --- - - . -.. _.... - __ _ _— _ .. — _ - a containment !an _.... —. — - avoided unless an acts table - _ _. _ --------- a€fermativa is not available. May be sodded at, ed -_.— TEMPORARY SEEDING PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING TO ALL DENUDED AREAS THAT WELL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: PERMANENT DITCHES --> IMMEDIATELY (ROCK LINED) SLOPES 4:1 OR STEEPER --> 7 DAYS ALL OTHER AREAS — 14 DAYS IF SOILS BECOME COMPACTED DURING GRADING, LOOSEN THEM TO A DEPTH OF 6-8 INCHES. SEEDBED PREPARATION: LIME: APPLY LIME ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. IF THE SOIL PH IS NOT KNOWN, APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 TO I %2 TONS PER ACRE ON COARSE -TEXTURED SOILS AND 2-3 TONS PER ACRE OF FINE -TEXTURED SOILS. APPLY LIME UNIFORMLY AND INCORPORATE INTO THE TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL, SOILS WITH PH HIGHER THAN 6 DO NOT NEED LIME. FEERTILIZER; FERTILIZE ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. WHERE SOIL TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, APPLY A 10-10-10 GRADE FERTILIZER AT 700-1,000 LBIACRE. INCORPORATE FERTILIZER INTO THE TOP 4-6 INCHES OF SOIL. IF A HYDRAULIC SEEDER IS USED, DO NOT MIX SEED AND FERTILIZER MORE THAN 30 MINUTES BEFORE APPLICATION, SURFACE ROUGHENING: IF AREAS TO BE SEEDED BECOME HARDENED. SEALED, OR CRUSTED, LOOSEN IT JUST PRIOR TO SEEDING BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS. GROOVE OR FURROW SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 ON THE CONTOUR BEFORE SEEDING. PLANT SELECTION: SELECT THE APPROPRIATE SPECIES BASED ON THE PLANTING SEASON. SEEDING: APPLY SEED WITH A BROADCAST SEEDER, DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDROSEEDER. USE SEEDING RATES GIVEN IN TABLES. BROADCAST SEEDING AND HYDROSEEDING IS ACCEPTABLE ON STEEP SLOPES WHERE EQUIPMENT CANNOT BE DRIVEN HAND BROADCASTING IS NOT RECOMMENDED, SMALL GRAINS SHOULD BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN ONE INCH DEEP AND GRASSES AND LEGUMES ON MORE THAN INCH, BROADCAST SEED MUST BE COVERED BY RAKING OR CHAIN DRAGGING, AND THEN LIGHTLY FIRMED WITH A ROLLER OR CULTIPACKER. HYDROSEEDED MIXTURES SHOULD NOT INCLUDE A WOOD FIBER MULCH. MULCHING: MULCHING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL TEMPORARY SEEDING AT A MIN RATE OF 2 TONSIACRE WITH ASPHALT TACK. MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO MONITOR GRASS ESTABLISHMENT. PROMPTLY RESEEED AREAS WHERE A HEALTHY, DENSE GROWTH DOES NOT ESTABLISH. CONTRACTOR MAY NEED TO PROVIDE NETTING OR TEMPORARY LINERS TO AREAS WHERE GRASS CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED DUE TO EROSION. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SUMMER Seeding Mixture specir;'i' Pate (l l cre) Cefn`ian islet 40 In the €'iedrnont and Mountains, r, a 5m,:A-sternrned Sudangrass may be substituted at a rate of 20 Ibfacre_ Seeding dates N1ountains- N1ay 15 - A u,g. 15 Piedmo nt—s to 1 -Aug, 45 L CoaslaE Plain----Apn 15 - Aug 15 Soil arnon dments Follow rcco yen€#afir s of said tests or as p)y 2,000 lblacre ground acgricuk, lsal 'in1 s`one and 750 1blaufe 10-10-10 fertilizer, Mulch Apply 4,000l faore !z�Er w. Anchor straw bYtacking with as Emit, netting, or a meldh anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring toot. Maintenance Re;ertllize if grog; is not fL€i,'y adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately folla."Aiincg erosion or cs<her damage: P, HERFACEOLIS PLAPIFS-Seed'€ng recommendafions for primary stabFization ' Silrcrssiull develnpruent depends on pl.anbnq date iefferliveness goal- G Tale. -3 yrs.><:irtwue an onyninrt maintenance pragran,) Table 5.11.c ;VliTlllr �PF('!l=5`. I I ............., ^N T — t I 4 i F -Y _, 3_e T . , i7u. ,. •. P, _¢I last fJ 3 '. --1 i.! -V „ 21i 4;1 . Ir sls• [+ ._ �erll 1p I I ell.,, ant I I 4i1-1=1 'Jn I I 3L1a J 3 , � ` r -�.3=. Fehr• ,r r a.:.w - .._.... .- .. z13. -rJ.r j a "I''1 III: i I Intl.l - i_til _ €'r4 +-01I T, %s1 �ellt elf s= Ur- I09:-'iCY.56 tir r, GI = :TIN :,<il 14-: "uxl+' aI_-LI.lr -aJ v yq w PERMANENT SEEDING SEE SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR SEED TYPE AND RATE. PROVIDE PERMANENT SEEDING TO ALL DENUDED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE COVERED BY PAVING, BUILDINGS, OR OTHER LANDSCAPING. AREAS RECEIVING PERMANENT VEGETATION MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TIMEFRAMES AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED, UNLESS TEMPORARY STABILIZATION IS APPLIED. PERMANENT DITCHES --> IMMEDIATELY (ROCK LINED) SLOPES 4:1 OR STEEPER --> 7 DAYS ALL OTHER AREAS — 14 DAYS COMPLETE GRADING BEFORE PREPARING SEEDBEDS. IF SOILS BECOME COMPACTED DURING GRADING, LOOSEN THEM TO A DEPTH OF 6-8 INCHES. SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS: THE SOIL SHOULD MEET THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT: o ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED (SILT AND CLAY) MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY (AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF AT LEAST 0.05 INCHES OF WATER TO 1 INCH OF SOIL • SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. • SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE DEPTH OF ROCK OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS SHOULD BE 12 INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE. • A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0-6.5. • NO LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES, STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, AND TRASH. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE TO BE HYDROSEEDED. IF THE ABOVE CRITERIA CANNOT BE MET, SPECIAL SOIL CONDITIONERS OR TOPSOIL MAY BE APPUED. SEEDBED PREPARATION: LIME: APPLY LIME ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. IF THE SOIL PH IS NOT KNOWN, FOLLOW RATES ON THE SEEDING SPEC TABLE. FERTILIZER: FERTILIZE ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS. WHERE SOIL TESTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, FOLLOW RATES ON THE SEEDING SPEC TABLE. SURFACE ROUGHENING: IF AREAS TO BE SEEDED BECOME HARDENED, SEALED, OR CRUSTED, LOOSEN IT JUST PRIOR TO SEEDING BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS. GROOVE OR FURROW SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 ON THE CONTOUR BEFORE SEEDING. PLANT SELECTION: SELECT THE APPROPRIATE SPECIES BASED ON THE PLANTING SEASON, SOIL. TYPE, SLOPES, AND LAND USES. SEE SEEDING SPEC TABLES IN PLANS FOR RECOMMENDED PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE. SEEDING-. USE CERTIFIED SEED (INSPECTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION), APPLY SEED WITH A BROADCAST SEEDER, DRILL, CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDROSEEDER ON A FIRM, FRIABLE SEEDBED. USE SEEDING RATES GIVEN IN TABLES. WHEN USING A DRILL OR CULTIPACKER SEEDER. SMALL GRAINS SHOULD BE PLANTED NO MORE THAN ONE INCH DEEP AND GRASSES AND LEGUMES ON MORE THAN'/z INCH. WHEN BROADCAST SEEDING, SUBDIVIDE AREA INTO WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE. THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY ONE-HALF THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE AREA AND APPLY THE REMAINING SEED IN THE SAME MANNER BUT AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. COVER SEED BY RAKING OR CHAIN DRAGGING, AND THEN LIGHTLY FIRM WITH A ROLLER OR CULTIPACKER. MULCH AREAS IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH RATES GIVEN IN TABLES, ANCHOR MULCH WITH NETTING OR LIQUID ASPHALT AT A RATE OF 0.10 GALLON PER SQUARE YARD (10 GAL / 1 D00 SQ FT). HYDROSEEDING: SURFACE ROUGHENING IS REQUIRED, FINE SEEDBED PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY. RATE OF WOOD FIBER APPLICATION SHOULD BE AT LEAST 4,000-6,000 LBIACRE. APPLY LEGUME INOCULANTS AT FOUR TIMES THE RECOMMENDED RATE WHEN ADDING INOCULANT TO HYDROSEEDER SLURRY. APPLY LIME IN DRY FORM, APPLICATION STEP 1 -113 MULCH RATE ALL D SEE LNG AND ALL INOCLfLANT SPREAD IN ONE DIRECTION STEP 2 - 2f3 MULCH RATE APPLIED IN OPPOSING DIRECTION MAINTENANCE: IF STAND IS INADEQUATE, RE-EVALUATE PLANT CHOICE AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER, REESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER -SEED THE STAND. CONSIDER SEEDING TEMPORARY, ANNUAL SPECIES IF THE TIME OF YEAR IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PERMANENT SEEDING. RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICE S,INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone . draftinganddesign@ymail.com Uj F� LU Z 0 C0 0 111111 LU I II i REVISIONS AGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: Drawn by: l S MTB Sheet: Designed by: MTB C6 of 13 Reviewed by: MTB Project Number: . Date: DDS JOB #: 2021-10 MAR 2021 NOTE: GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH NCG01 PERMIT PROVISIONS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AS GENERAL GUIDE THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT- EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE oNs1T� CONORCTURE Ti_ LINER T 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. srauc�uREw��H truaa WITH MINING OPERATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction THE PROJECT AS A BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. o a 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the HOWEVER, MINING OPERATIONS ARE CURRENTLY EXEMPT FROM THESE sections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections 1 and F, respectively). The o o o permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the project. o D o REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE iVCG02 PERMIT. delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as C_ may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdictionhazardous waste (recycle when possible). ) 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem .ems r� SECTION E: GROUND STAB€LiZATION has been corrected. Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. - -� a : Stabilize within this many calendar ee3aNrRAn V� -,urs:rt=uorurE. AeovroR4aex1�9H)VTsrrccrusE Site Area Description Timeframe variations - .sta days after ceasing LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE land disturbance 1, Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. (a) Perimeter dikes. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS . swales, ditches, and 7 None receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. D° not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local (b) High Quality Water waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. g approved facility. (HQW) Zones 7 None 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff and state solid waste regulations m and at an 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in If slopes are 10' or less in len th and are from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. addition lace the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within (c) Slopes steeper than p g p p 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. allowed provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow, Clean up immediately if review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail, (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk Zones 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers, sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE be pumped out and removed from project. ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it (e) Areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 Feet away from storm drain inlets and surface can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum,install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spills or overflow. Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. activity. Temporary ground stabilization shalt be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. S. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. PORTABLE TOILETS GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events. Replace the tar Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the p p, sand bags or other temporary structural streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary techniques In the table below: offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place :.- -- -- products, follow manufacturer's instructions. fgmparey,5tabill#fafi a 3,...:. a P.,errrranent;Stb,[,zaii€n on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. I . Temporary toss seed covered with straw or •Permanent toss seed covered with straw or a 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of p y g 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high in an a other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers foot traffic areas. pproved disposal Facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance I • Hydroseeding • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil caused by removal of washout. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking, andproperly dispose of any leaked. material.. t *l lll�der fi �zr rzllprodiuc-_";,&dt;,or riref,tcsmmpmtr,.-,% tuff; iJtilGize,alrreenedl�sarvita,ry,waste'hadlertoremove lledkingportduleTdiletsand °reoace without temporary grass seed . Hydroseeding with properly operating unit. s Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES • Plastic sheeting with mulch Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Store and apply ,herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 2, Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the • structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls p E retainingwalls label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably I accidental poisoning. Rolled erns_io_ n c_o_n_tro_i products 4vitli grass seedavailable. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of 3. POLYACRYLRMIDES (PADS) AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile. possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. I. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. or or not stockpile these materials onsite. construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants• 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. offsite. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. or surrounded by secondary containment structures. C O1 I� STA ILI ,TI N ITT ATE I L,S HANDLING EF.FECTIVE: 04/01/19 PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to or greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Frequency Inspect (during normal Inspection records must include: business hours) - (1) Rain gnugp Daily Daily rainfall.amnuntc. i maintained m If no daily rain gauge abserva#ions are made during weekend or goad working holiday periods, and no indMdual-clay rainfall information is arder available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- attended days (and this will determine if a site inspection is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero." The permittee may use anethcr rain -monitoring device j approved by the Division. (zJ E&sc At least once per v� 1. Identification of the measures inspected, I .Measure. 7 calendardays "L. Date and time of the inspection, arrd Nrthn 24 3- ;Pane ofttbe person pcearmrng. tfte in zrQtnarr,. l hoursof a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were aperatinv event> 1,0 inch in properly, 24 hours 5. Description of;naintenance needs for the measure, G. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3j Stormwater At least once per 1. Identification of the dkcheirs;e outfalls inspected, discharge 7 ralendar days 2. Datc and time of the inspection, l outfalls (SDOO and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4- Evidence of irdlc.itors of stormwnter pollution such as oil event . 1.0 inch in sheen, floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 24 (,ours 5. Indication of visible sediment icaving the site, 6. Description, evidence, and (fate of corrective actions taken. (4) f crimeter of At least once per I`visible sedimentation is found outside site limits, then a record site 7 calcndar days ofthc followne, shall be made; and within 24 1. Actionstnken to clean up crstabr]ize the sediment that has left hours of a rain the site limits, evcnt? 1.D inch in Z. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 24 hours 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. l5l Streams or At Ieastonce per If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation ara wetlands onsite 7 calendar days stream has visible increased turbidity from the construction or offsite and within 24 actiulty, then a record of the fallowing, shall be made: ;where hours of n rain 1. Description, cvidz:nce and date of corrective actions taken, and accessible) event> 1.0 inch in 2. Records orthe required reportsto the appropriate Division 24 hours Regional offico per Part III, section C, Item (2)(n) of-Ju-,permit of this permit. (6) Ground After each phase -{ 1. The phnse of Uading (installation of perimeter E&SC stabilization of grading measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm mcnsures - drainage facilities, completion ofall land -disturbing activity, construction or redeveiopment, permanent ground cover). 2. Documenration That the required ground stabihzat7on measures have been provided within the required timOrame or an assurance thatthcy will be provided as soon as possible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. PART iII SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. The following items pertaining to the F&SC plan shall be documented in the manner described: i Item to Document Documentation Requirements j (a) Each E&5C Measure has been installed Initial and date each E&5C Measure on a copy and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date locations, dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each shown on the approved E&SC Plan. E&SC Measure shown on the approved E&SC Plan. This docurnentaUrin is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC Measures or if the E&SC Measures are modified after initial installation. (h) A phase ol'grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection to indicate construction phase. (c) Ground rover is located and installed Initial and date a cony of the approved E&SC in accordance with the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection Plan. report to indicate compliance with approved ground coverspec1icaCons. (d) The maintenance and reoair Complete, date and sign an inspection report. require mentsfor all E&SC Measures have been performed. (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC to E&SC Measures. Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that must be reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements fisted below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. deposition in a • Within7calendar days, a report that contains a description of the stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the ,Ai : o3((' list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. (b) Oil spills and Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification release of shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and hazardous location of the spill or release. substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above (c) Anticipated • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass, if possible. bypasses [40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. bypasses [40 CFR • Within 7calendar days, a report that includes an evaluation of the 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. with the conditions • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the of this permit that noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, may endanger including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to environment[40 continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and CFR 122.41(I)(7)] prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. I RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone draftin anddesignC mai[.coiTl Z 0 0 VOL Z LLI ��0 -�.r+ a.. VJ Z 0 LU REVISIONS AGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR COI ISTRUCTION Scale: Drawn by: N1 S MTB Sheet: Designed by MTB Reviewed by: 7 of 13 MTB Project Number:. Date: DDS JOB #: 2021-10 MAR 2021 Practice Standards and Specifrcation,,c Construction 1. Clear, rub, and strip the area under the embankment dl`all vegetation and g P S 9. Erosion - con€Yol- Construct the., structure so trier the disturbed area is � $er Aflcsva e sr t uul ale-dden n' loaWore the Specifications Foot Lnat. Remove all surRiCC soil containing high amounts of organic matter minimized. Divert surface water away loom bare areas. Complete the basin- S'C4:tt llv {ievvateW (at .lma 48 hutrss). Inflow and stockpile or. dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the embankment before the area is cleared, Stabilize the emergency spillway ztttw t the irkflzwv velcxty and divert all qelimeaf fr designated disposal area- Place temporary se[iirreot control measures below embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal runoff, LEVEL PORTION � CONTROL SECTION basin as necded. spillway iminccliately afterconstmction (References: SrerJuce,Stanilealh>r,). APPROACH 2. Ensure that fill material for the ernbankrrrent is free of roots, woody 10. Install porous baf#lcs as specified in Practice 6.65, Porous Ecr#&s. CHANNEL f vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material. Place the sill in It. After all the sediment -producing areas have been perrnatlently stabilized,. lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it. Over }ill the embankment rcinove the structure and alt the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to 6 inches to allow for settlement. blend with the adjoining I' iotning areas and stabilize properly (References: Surfhcr. (x({ Viewy � —a - � 3. Shape the basin to the specified dimensions. Prevent the skzrtLmist[n, device StaGiliautiorri: !'fgt'a,';=IP%>Slll2;;�':;:frti11111iyF<:3�°,r,/; � '.., ...,:. : from settling into the mud by excavolio a shalIoW pit under the SkLlnmCf OF ,lei€Fie::z:ag;ei=E<»:9ghv:E:.::z:E:;°..... ,.. ..°.°.,:;:;:•:;:;:€¢,:§'fqi'.>..,..<.; ,>..aEx>»::°. .,_ f - .. providing a low support under the 3k€mrn,.r ofstone Or timber. - - ;atlIE;EF:?;:;E:jaS€€ ::ti3:8j::lt;I;;^x};'°Ili. t'i✓°'�Y.'I?ea:%°'s'>r ./�`; s Inspect .kimmer seciimenY basins at least weekly otter each significant Maintenance } ;;;;€.E,':.t: i19.E».,.f.,.,...<.3::>°:;e:fai6•,,;,:t;./.,.;,•,,/;;.;,,,,,�, r;::- 4. Place the barrel t ' Ica l 4-inch Schedule 4{) PVC pipe) on a firm smooth P(one-half >a[er} inch or >rc v.repair t, rainfatl event end inimediatLity, Remove ..,...,E .. °3:°:•.:F..:¢." ;: E; ?`°;::`•=tilt- € .E.E6:;,:::-:;:,..,°. � BERM - foundation of impervious SOIL. 1)o not lrSC eYVLOnS material such aS sand, Pdim SCL1SrnCnt and r'CSt(1rL• 1bC baSIlt l0 Its (SFIL'inal CIISIUti5-w 5 flea ,Gdl m£n1 z ..... f � 3..»...,,.,:•I:'F:3:;1'%".°.:%' gravel, or crushed stone. as beet Gll around the pipe. Place the fit] material P p - _+ accumulates to one-half the. height of the List ita121c. Pull the skrmzncr to S ,6.E f <,",.,.Y,-,FE,., .. ,.. .,:3 96.6,.:.:":3::::E'I.:.I::::::E:�:'"1:;:,:e t :Es :;I:";E;..6:.;>.tIE:.:[<'•::";:=;;.I;..,.,E,,....t.,.,.° ..E<...,.,.:9,,° Ev,°....<..,...: ° ==•t`<<'Et a•E °'••=F:E:F'E9: 6', jE ;",F:t:•I:`�:.:;:,.°e 9,.,,� � 9:F E€ • : :. E;EsEEE:'I;E;,,.F;.=:.:,:;:..":9. �, =' a=.a E9.° J.,,,,s., 4 6....% i .. EMBANKMENT EMBANKMENT around the € c spillway m 4 loco la ors and com af.t it midcr and around pipe P y Y P one side so filet the. sediment underneath it can be excavated. Excavate the .,,.99.E,. ,.. .,..6 .6.'.tt rtc .f9E;6::.E.E....,. ,..:.,4.4... E r s&i��° .<. <F 6., .,::°�:::':;:;:3eEE; a:,.3�,�.6<E,,, •,?;;:e.;.:3'3'E:;;E99..<.,E.. ..<.,.»., ;'F:r:`3`«:`.;;.,.,.,.....»».,,�,. ,.,.�',!�," m <; ': sz:EE:6:E:6:;•EEf. : t:a:3';'r.,p,•:/%':J:2, f:M:" � . � ��..E,I<.<. ;:;.v E°.:,::';:::'. 9, h 3 3 .. the pipe to at least the same density as the ad aced[ embankment. Care must P - - first sctlinic.nt from ihc. €.nhr not tF:,E?"9'E`f:E=. e basin, of us, around t}ic skimmer or the cull.E., ..<.<E,.- ,:.:.:'rf.e>4;E:t:: :3 ::.. fir:;:.de€:,..,,., 6 E ., t..F........ .....<. E<.<. , • •..,,^.^<.<a»,,..., <.<...,;;�:°, �„ ° E9.•E€i.a.,.°.°.. R.;';E.......E<....:,:�3.r.....,<..,.....a..,.3E:;r.°„Jos„ . a •"_ ..w . <„ a t NOTE: be taken not to raitiu the pipe from the firm contact with its foundanon when P P Blake sure v e station growing rn in the bottom of the basin does rta hold I su' g $ g t down ❑ .. <.,It. -!•,. I.< .,, ,...F:s;E,.,.yE<.a>,.t:9rE:e :°::F:.::E':E;6EE':`<: ::':'.EEF:Y:;';;:°.. .............<...». ;.:.::F:'[ff:.: <. .., :. �it.:`,,,..°b - <,-E....a. , :E' u ;;I'°'•...,.", , . <.., �,.,.; e I, << 4, ... i9:e€,v =. EiiE�.6. ;a§84`i °ii:i�'r9:E;¢m€; :E .€'i:iiiii3i7°3�i:ii' >E :.:F:la i:,.,r, ✓.,.,j'� s°.:a i?,t _4— 4 — NEITHER ER THE LOCATION NOR compacting pipe P b P P the skimmer. .S':,,w,.,.:, ..A,9,9E.F: '. :`.'EE. ��E°•:' .',:w»r:>=,.ra.;f'��� E;Esc;f€€'•::: ..»,.,.,.. »» •. .:' ALIGNMENT OF TH E CONTROL Place a minimum depth of 2 feet of P: com acted backfill over the c spillway P P P - , . .°:; .. - rdamaged, Repair the bathes it the are v L, damn ed. Rc anchor the baffles rt water r, �, f.':E.E.°.... ..:. w::;:•: ;,,, 'Er°:-:>:=:r:9:E:�Ei:.3.Jy .....°. <.<. <.,.>., ....,.,.°„<. <. te<. _:.:. .... a:;E,:>:':3:;: 'w,>3>il;E,tlt' .: 9;;,,, 3> r.•;:?.:-.s3! E � " "a:=?:;9:. •'::::;E, ':;:;°;:e:.l ^„°:...<.<.::,•°:,:..,.,.,.°.°..E-aq� ;,a. 9r<4...6.E3:::x::3::::::.. 3 :,..E:,:.:.3,F96. ,...E........aa::....:... s>�!�Ef:�ii',�° SECTION HAS TO COINCIDE ._ ... ,g before crossing It with construction equipment. meat. In no case, should the pipe ..» _.,.,.°.°.1.. ,;;;,,%.-. E':3=<.:. ;9;.;:E:E9°E`.;.a,.,,.E....<::E;.ss, R::,.::::3EP::i<`E;<:a':: i;a;:::'E:::°t: :: 89:9°<a3d..,.3ee :4:.S.1V%t.'.".��<� . , conClutt be installedby cutting a trench through the clam otter rite embankment tlou t t undemcath or around tlicni. g a., m :3ii%>(if.a=IE.°.e <E a:> m 3'<E<€'i:,:;E; a ;:3.=:9:•.f3 ; s -E:E ....,.,.E °".. •a:;la-::9:E::;..,.., °..:• f'.3".''E", E"9EvE,.E. ,.,..�.,.�' it`g=,•.>,3.:.,°°<6.:3�� f f PLAN WITH TH E CENTERLINE OF THE is.com ietL. P ll ttte sklrnmfr is clogged with trash and there is water to the basin usuatll! is .. OI, J r='3 a.<.<.,..:°;er, 'F:F°:F;<<3:i"ii: : 6.6:E.; ,°,°....... :I-;::9° ...:�3.9::x;,:�• » ::.:: i?i;r:»<.,,.;.e,e „ 1=, {;;a":::.:.¢ ": :'3:d.<........ ... .. >.'>E.39[E a:3:::.e .:a:.:'=:i::3 �::',.<,.S�..a...,..�. E9:9 ,tc:;E9a?JIFF:::;:.^:'� •3i3'E;.,.....E:<,;;3;:te, [sa:€:'.lsi3'::t€t,= Ee€[:.:.::t.:::.�r� �� g ..E.EIa.,.,....E DAM. .� - - -• ., instructions, - S n Assemble the skmtmcr Following the mrnnkuuirets tnstruetiotn al as . , ss � - i - . ,. jerking on the rope w s 3 S P ill make ihc. ktramf„ bon u . and down •rncl dislodge i. 9E'ah ' designed. . J_ _ - .- dl� ut,btr, �1 S t id tc.tarG flow. ff Cills dn,:s not Work act h .krl n t v t u s to e over r .a , p .,.,....... ,�, ffvf3E;-/.'✓.`:b"<6. / . a„->: Ercf�i�g�nCy -.�:: � ::E`✓<23:3A... =4o�5iIFi Ei`:�q'.,�:>:_ �t WATER with b. Lay the assembled sknnmer on the bottom of She basin wl.h the }]exilic Y tllu side of the basin and remove the debrrc. c t _ _ AI,t Chuck lhf. arII1Ce 11751dC till ,i:.% °.°n>� ,i. i ra.9:6�:o:I€;i,,.,.,.,..•;;1E>t<:6:;,;.;::•..:.:.:..E:<':It:t;::ti:t€I,E;E;E;;.3,;�;.ae.�,.<�.;;��.3„ ,3,.. =i��' FG.,,.,,�✓o, [, t.Ej.9::6,:E: SURFACE ACE ' - 'Dint a[ the inlet of the barrel i7c- Attach the flexible Dint to the barrel pipe 1 pipe. i P P Skimmer to see if it is c to ed ifsoramovathcdebris. $g 2: ;•EtE_::,.,.,....,..E"E:E-;:<:.3E.>':t; <:Etaala3::;:b°'�'°"�,�'::� .�' '��',� f €€Ei E.i,ar"°i:fE65^•§°'"°E»<`:a,,,,...<.<E. 3-.,.,.,,, =•4 s'.9 .,�' ��iFi .'. _.,...,...s,; ,. y�1 €'ri?9;>s;;;t;3r:,g<:<:.:..:;r9t<;::.:;:;E:::::r;.:at,,.,.ee°,....,.s.,,,.;,,,. �� .. b q...,9•E;E::f;3;E:I9EE;t,;ita,;i;:,,:':-' 'E[:t''.39•E.<:<:«.E.>I"..'.,t<;Ej.l3e BERM — CONTROL SECTION and position the, skimmer over the excavated pit or support, Be sure to attach If tlx^ skimmer urn€ or Betio€ pipe is chugged,the orifice can be removed and �$ a�./�/B% Nqy/✓1�-.. :: �te!°f.'ydeA✓.���.- Ar W[z =11�� „y / �`� �,x FREEBOARD (1' MIN) EXIT SECTOR \ a rope to the skins nor and anchor it to the side of the basin. This wit] be used the obstruction cleared with a plumber's snake or by bushing with water. Be Width L !i „r \ SEE PLANS FOR LINER LENGTH to pull the skimmer to the side for maintenance. P sure and replace the orifice before repn.sitronrng the skimmer. °� ' SPILLWAY INVERT ELEV � \ 7, Earthen spillways -Install the spillway in undisturbed soil to the greatest ° Amavf EMain wagracemcecat 4hIlS. 2°J° extent possible, The achievement of•planued elevations. grade, design width, Check the fabric lined spillway for damage and make any required repairs with fabric that spans the fill width of the spillway. Check the tap of principal sTtlSt y.ulcvcti�r tiftl EXTEND LINER 1' BELOW � and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation embankment, 20' I of the spillway. The spillway should be lined with laminated plastic or spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and inspect the embankment for BOTTOM ELEV. LEVEL OR S �_-_ impermeable geol le fabric, The fabric must be wide aril long enough to piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately.. l2etnove all 1 OO' GREATER cover the bottom and sides and extend onto the top of the -dint for anchoring trash and other debris from the skimmer and pool areas. P in a trench. The edges may be secured with or pins.'e fabric Freezing weather can result in. ice forming in the basin. Some special a� Eett`�atrikterit i fs APPROACH PF20FILEALONGCENTERLINE slope a d exits must be long enough _to extend dawn the slope and exit otno stable ground. g precautions should be taken in the winter to prevent €tic skimmer from n�l�� xia<uctt ; CHANNEL f1 c width of the Fabric must Ise one piece, not joined. or spaced; otherwise : plugging with ice. water can get under the fabric. If the length gi'tlie taboo is insufficient for the d . / •� entire length of the spillway, multiple sections, spanning the complete width, r may be used. The upper section(s) should overlap the lower sectioti(s) so- -•d`. _ that stater cannot flaw ender the Fabric. Secure rite upper ed e and side, PP g <'.3:,° 9° _.,...,.°.°. ��n 9.°.......,. .. 3..<. <.,3 E ..<F:3:;E -1 - of the fabric in a trench with staples aY ping. (Adapted from "A Manual for p P ( P '. - ,°,°..6:.::I,;.°9( ...°. B:e;E:;:E:3°:°:..:;:;:.:;:;:;e.e :;✓,,;.f.t,..•r�;;�J;':; ., .,,..,.,, „:° r..s:su9°.¢:E.e;',:;,::.::,:e3:;:x'es;E Ir:.i'�k'lI&"C�C'11t�'� spiiluruv b O RIP RAP LINED 1 Designing, tnstallin and Maiufainin 4kimmer.Sed merit Fsasins" Febr La g $ g ' rS,fnt E=i gerEC r ' si €ilw ay O 1999, J. %V, Faircloth & Son,). 8' inlets-Disc}iarge. water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. I 5a�t)sP1 rr: 5 - fie Icmpnrary slope drains or diversions with nutlet protection to divert sediment- View 25' laden water to the upper end of the pool area m improve basin trap efficiency (AeFerences:'.Rt(n(tf.,; 0„l r3l tfracflrPxall� O.:lda P1rlrNel:tGt }� i ter - zt l W � ii:aary l ware@;h kir rt�r l §1 r r r f. a it a vJ rn, r � CROSS SECTION „ X CONTROL SECTION 'l and Sedirrent Po lulion Cr)ntrol Menu 1, hAPrcit,2wo. 6.64.8 Rt•v-6f06 Re,,&06 6.64,9 TYPICAL EXCAVATED EARTH SPILLWAY licv.5ft3' 6. NTS SIFIOUMMER/SEDI M ENT BASIN SHKPIMMER BASIN NTS DIMENSIONED AND NOTED ON PLANS W! STONE LINING PERSPECTIVE VIEW BOTTOM OF BAFFLE IN 6" X 6" TRENCH AND FILLED WITH SOIL AND COMPACTED HOG WIRE ATTACHED -" TO POSTS VVITE LENGTHS OF WERE BAFFLE INSTALLATION Construction MATERIALS 7. Extend 9 SauL, tnininium high tension ware. strand to side of basin ar install steel '1'-posts to anchor hall to side; of basin and :secure to vertical end po,tg as Specifications 1, iJse rnaiFing made of100°4Enoconutfihc7 (coir) twine urovcn into high -- shown its li tgitro 6.65tt. strength matrix with the propettics shown in TabtaG.G5a- 8. Dropti the coir fiber mat over Ili wire strand mountccl at it height of 6 inches 2. above the spillway elevalian. SW ur: fire coin fiber *oat to i1Lc evit� strand vr`ith 'L'I shape [lot Jess than 12 inelies in length with a throat of 1 inch in width. T'he plastic tics or ivirc ticv ncrs. Anchor the nuittinb; to the sides wire floor of the topics anGltar the Pardus baffles into the sides and lrottom attire b, sir. basin with 12 inch wire staples, approximately I $ :apart, along the bottom attd 3.-F,nsurc that steel posts for porous. ha€Tics are of'a str(iicienC height to support side slopes of the basin. baT.iles at dfsirud height. Posts should be approcimatelw_ 1- 'S ' wide mcas:urcd 9, Do not splice 7liU the lahl'IC but Lye a COntIF3ni3i€c piece aCCC15S fire basin partllcl to the fence:, and have a :minimum wciRlit of 1.25 Ibitincar 11. Thu posts most he r tri a sad with an anchor flare having m i Y um ai r of 14 11 sr trtlrc 1 11 I 1 � mti tin l jgy. Adjustments may [tc rcduire;d in Clrc stapling r;:quircinents to lit individual inches and he of the se;f-fastener angh Ste, I type, tp haVi, a Means of tetaiuiag site condirimm. wire and coir fiber utat in the desired position without dispiaeement, Matfitenance Ins act baffles A least once a wecf,and aftur each rainfall. `Make ant rec1 Hired 4,' I15c, ?-gauvu:.11ir�;lt'tcns.ian vt�irc.for support relic. - p- Table 6.65a Specifications repairs immediately. for Porous Baffle Material Coir Finer Baffle Material Property Requirements Thickness 0.30 in. minimum Tensile Strength (Wet) 900 x 680 Iblft minimum t=lon ation LLet 69% x 34% maximum Flow Veloci 10-12 ftisec Weight 20 ozlSY 660 glminwirrum Minimum Width Open Area _6.5_feet 50% maximum- --- - Bemire to maintain access to the baffles. Should the fabric of a batCile cotfapse, tear_ decompose, or become ineffective, t•cplacc it pram ly • Remove s,sdimeilt di vvhai it rcacheu hal£Tull, to pro vide adcquate Storage valuilte for tic nest rainand t reduce pressilre on the baffles. Tale care to avoid dam iginv the baffics dur-itur cicanout, anti mplacc ii dantageri dart €is cdc;an out opctati on::. Sediment dclith should nci,c r cxcced half the dEsigaud storage depth. After the contiributinu drainage area liar been 11170 rl�• stabihzed, cCl110ve ail. CONSTRUCTION baffeu matu-rials and umfobte sediment deposits, bring the area to grade, and 1. Grade the basin so that the bottom is level i'runtfo back and sidc to side srahilirc it 2.Installthe colt riper: baf7lcs immediately up011' evc:n,atipn of the basins, 3. Instep posts across the width of the scditnent. trap (Practice 6.62,.Sedimunt Fe,1ce ). 4, Stcul pasts should be driven to a depth cif 24 intones .¢rid spaced it ma;citrturil of 4 feet apart. The top of the fall `ic S11otdd be a minimum of ft inches higherthan the invert of the,• spillway: Tolt% of bafTlea should be a millimunt ol'2 inches lott•er than the top of the earthen embanktactit, 6. lnstalf, at least three rows of baffles between the inlet and outlet discharge paint. Basins less than 20 feet in length may use 2 baffles. 6. Attach a 9 gauge high tension wire strand to the steel fists at a height or 6 iiwhes abo"Q the spilhva}«-cicv:ation. withplastic tics of wire 6ocuo", to prevent sat Bing. If the t'emp[nary sediment basin will be converted to a. permanent sfcirnlwatcr basin of a Treater depth, the hatlle height: should be based -on the I l _ depth during rise as a'temporary sediment basin. TEM ICY S I P& L. S NTS PVC END CAP a S SI OUTLET NTSPhil ACCCnab3 l• END VIEW NTS 1 �_Jr" VICVV IL-NIMMERTiVIN V "C" ENCLOSURE JER ENTRY UNIT PVC VENT PIPE \ SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE (SEE PLAN FOR DIA-) END CAP IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE E (SEE PLAN FOR DIA.) FLEXIBLE HOSE \ ORIFICE PLATE (SEE PLAN FOR DIA.) PVC TEE Pipe Outlet to Fiat Area - No Weil -defined Channel 3dr, p �✓ " �o I �.- Notes 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. 2, d = 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter but not less than 6". 3. In a well-defined channel ex- tend the apron upthe channel banks to an elevation of 6" above the maximum taiiwater depth or to the toga( the bank, whichever is less. 4, A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation. Plan t- I':nsuro that the sus, gr nde for the filter and ri r- s fotlows dic roc ii rcd lines CclnstrLlcti©n � t p tl 1 a La Specifications and grades shownin the plan. Conli;aetunvfillrcqui:cd inthe sulgrade tothe dcnstty' of the surroundingundisturbed ni it e pal, Love areas tnthesubgradc on undisturbed soil may also 1 e filled by increasing the riprap thickness. I!-'._�I Z. The ri a arc] t,3ravel Biter must eonferm to th;: s' e �ified e. -Ling limits P 1 , 'rlic sbowr on i lee plan.. Filter p Section AA blanket 3. Filter cloth, tit'llem2 used, must meet design requirements raid lie properly otected fmm sLaiching or tcarinc dAirin ; installation. 'Rc airLni da i, c l t 1r I P g', removing the riprap and placing anothcrpiece oEfther cloth over the damaged Pipe Outlet to Well -delisted area :'`tilt cormecting ioints shouicl over]. p w the top laver is atx_n''e the Channel vvunstremn dlaver a niirimLIM of I fciot. ICthettarrieu'e ig e:;i[ LSive,. replace the entire fitter cloth. `t. Kiprap may be. placed by cctuipment, but take care to avoid damaging, the filter. A ' A 5. The minimum tliic}„-nesS of the riprap should be -1.5 trmc`s'the maa€rrium - A I -ore diameter- -- 6. t2iprar may b(,, field Stone or rough [luarry sil It should be hsLrd, -- angular, highly weather-resisiantand well graded. 7. C ris ruct die apron on' -cr© ,rade witli no overfill at the and. Iltake the Plan top of the riprap at rite downsir earl encl Level with the receiving area cr sl ightly below: it. 8. Ensure- that the apron is proper].- aligned tvitn the receiving, stream - dud preferably,- titraigl throui7hnat Its Icngth. ll a C'.Srl'U 19 nCCCICiI_tli fit 51tC- co ndiLions, plao,? It in theillipor section of the al:ron. .�___-__�yd � a. lmntecli3[cla offer aanstrfmctiun, sts€Utl_z3' all c? isturbcd ctrea� ct rtrrve` oration __-� ..1 L' rzrnt c rcr. v x ec titre > stud t, rIr r > 4 `-"r > f G, .it,Fe rcr.ra,zttiz�,rti�€. r �i yd ifs Section AA i �-2!l "lill_II;�E cilritOiiciilCt' inslert.rirrapoutlet:;Lru.:t]rrr.St FtI_Ir><mds€t"tccsiLn+'icant(1% ir<;Ftor ea[eri Filter rain[a'11 events to sec if arty crosion arouaicl or below the riprap h,:.� ;open place, t3lapket Car if 'stones liave Iocn Is1p fnCC( .Inlniediatel!: mall alt needed rc xai.[; to Flgare 6,4 to Rlpmp aullot prort?efi3:, {modif'ratd Iron V:, 3'N=. prevent: further clout agcC References Sur,ace SlaBii--tio- 6.10, Ter pormy Seeding. 6.41.4 0,1I, Feruiancm Scedirrg 6-1 5_ .Ripraip <-3pp;•nciir 8.L)6, Design ol: Ripral' OwIct;ar,ot2cti.on Rice, C.L., Ill K:C 'Tiprap Dcsign for Pipe Shilhv ays at -1 <TWT) •' 0,7" Pres'ente:t at the Dcceinbo- 13, 1994 hit anational ,� rotor 'Cectuzg,.Americon Socicty of A.grictdtural Engincers, l'apzi-Y-umber 9425-4l . Rice, C,l . and K.C. Itadavy. 1994, T'lur ge PooI Design at S ubm: rged F'ipe SpillwayOAI(tis.Trammctionsofti37(-l):1167-1173. i EM,A. 1983. I3y'ttralic Liesign of:Gncrg} F issipaters f<v Culverts Find Chamicla. Hydraulic I;sn�ine£ring Circular Nutnbar 14, OUTLET PROTECTION NTS FRONT VIEW Nq Construction 1m clea' the foundalioll area of [teas, R rnps, roojs, loose rascb, aad 01ho'i lita;eoioaablu nhaieri's�. Specifications �ro ( "� . l .slate tiie clo➢ s 3CL a60r1. to ille lialw5 aild D, 7We5', of �7c Al)I,jrlda{. on of the l inor as &l➢owi2 on Lbt plans, �i9f2 t3'�C-CAC11 x7i:: �"a r$i"{,"si:; ii3 �.',YiFCIL Y4' iriCg"8wa.`6f� y d➢t� Chick tess o the fine m by bat.kf'allingr -,vith moist compacted to the density of the s4rntoundiP8 ra xehal. . concrete.lanings: • Place concrete 6mugs to Lbe thickness ;nfiaawn an l i,s pla:ls load food[ tfie : in a wori£niaaalike lnamwr. • Take toVi_ot£ictilreshl. pilactdi�vnci'eta.£rcarn�:.cfre.irse telxapertgp'taa:es l£t ;:mure plop er cairjnp, n L-L. U:re 01Hi subgrade is ruoisl 1t'1lem €ojlcretc i!s poured- lris€lift liwndatiou drain or w p iacdes w�:ere m-ixled to latotto againEt uldifi aaid piping. " TflT=9 C£i-d3254`L7$£3{COXIt3 C1riltl jfJaritSrt?er�satat3i9raGkaat. tltapproximaliIj 2:i-i'ees unersals, ` hi se joints i aay be foranecl by using a Ii2=-iazch thick - removable, template car b sat++ia g io a depili of at 1 st 6 inch, lnsit lr c i, ar atn-icir Ls at inien'aals not ies osc xd I(K)Tees, 4. Rock npraps linings: Practice 6,15, 5. Pfacc filters, Leddings, mull iounda6on drains to line acid grade is the manner g3eciiaeil. Place, ;➢lint' maim b4:dd ng rml,t iais; imfn dlateiy alga Lfopc pareparavom For se°rathetio filter t6izs_ uVerlap Elie dim nstrewu ddge kd' at ImM 12 inches with the aipstrexii edge whim h is buried a minimum 12 Faqirs in a tn�iich. See hgiare 6.14a, p agtu 6.14(, Space ancimr pins wets 3 feet along 1hV ovtd%ql. Spread d,ranu:ar r meal d i in a iia➢Yfonii Li0, ur. When mix° thaia orie garada,)n is t<t❑it ti, spread a so ?here is nlin€ilia) fluxing. FAler maten-al slwWd comist of at Least 3 incises Of i2lateiiat on all side cal' that drain )?'fair 11e dram ripe c:onduiff should be a inininium of 4 inches in diwnetet: Accepaiable nn;aterials include pedblaLed, contiixurins, cfose£1 j6nt conduits E?f chi)'; concrete, inartai, plastic_ ca'r outer sturabte material ('ractice 6, 81, Sub.£us f %v Dt im), 6. Perform tell criannef Construction tit keep erosion and water pcsfitrtikln to a minimum, Iraarncdimt ,J) upon comp ietion of 1he shamed, ve;;eror£- all jist@➢ Nxi areas Car €ithen"ise parakeet Ifle i agail m soil a(Aioll. ��'d;.1;T� �li`eb'1➢%iui Girlmrli':::Etil1 will MLli tofz"i Yhun aO daNs, stabifiz.ochannols .fA- reaches, Maintenance laspec:l ch-els at z t,-lar ini-als as t ]' as der ai or rains, ;md mare repairs, prz mpLl�% Givc special aamticn to Ific oul]F aad inlet a€:aiwas bald odlufrpuiklts 'Ailere flub emcra. Carefullyebock- sCtsiliEyacwad crossings, and loci: fir indk� aliions of piprra�, scour k oles, 'Dr [rank failures. Make immediately. Ma inwa all vet eumion act,i=lst to the channel in aheaiih , vigorous condition to proieei site ama 1Tom erosio3l said sc,€ ur drain€; that -elf tutu boar, LI T f DIVERSIO'No Do ITS H NTS NTS Figuro 0.17dTemporary Channel Liners: Washington State Department of Ecology Figure 6.17e Channel Installation and Slope Installation, Washington State Ecology Department cavat channel to design LIAT % dQ Overlap 6" min.rcde n cross-section W 213 VV IIlII=�rTIIl lIllil -'I€IEillll11111-i1In d -- 4. 18"-1111[=i III O � 0-II�I`I€Ill. 4"i092,: FILTER FABRIC OR GRAVEL BEDDING PARABOLIC -SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN (SHAPED HY BJLLD02FR) vv �I E111111Tu-lllil- d r--- 11-1II11 IIIII-FEE[:- 18'� �a 4" to 12" 'III ILII sail'` FILTER FABRIC OR GRAVEL BEDDING V-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN (SHAPED BY MOTOR GRADER) TYPICAL RIP RAP CHANNEL ![III ki 'llil=lil-11111-IIIII�lilli-llilillllll FILTER FABRIC OR GRAVEL BEDDING TRAPEZOIDAL Lorgitudinal anchor trench T rmir l slope and channel anchor trench bear n depth � r r / A g�+gs�p,�ypb}�y.�j: {e Eby yryj:¢gq �v/ b/ tl G.aP^gyk6,°�'dp�t c B{?LA�,ytl 66 9gSyyeg�&y �g � 4ga8 gy£1 lggq�(q`f °W.�bgY�y9'k Stake dy� r.5y 4yyfv''`� €' ,� during 91�.+y� wS ✓,vWR.S%,'w yyygi T-w�yp Li£ ;B. Y fi>-i 3 C -3 E4 i i. t 3 € �y✓g•.l�i K" £4.«'f{ �'f916« l6P Las i fi3 �Ed i r k.e'&FCC at +d.�€ '. p,a,„✓ , -` e.i A F 3� L 4 4irtervnls 'T m., '-scot at ' Intermittent check slot Intermittent check slot hin le -lap spliced ends or begin new Typical irrstellation with erosion control blankets or turf r einf orcerr°ent mats Construction L. Rumove all trees, brush, stumps, and other a7bjeciionable material from the Spe03fClOf`ie furrrldation area, and dispose of%properly, 2 Excavate the channel, and shape; it w great li.nc:s and dilr ensiorls Shown on the plans phis a 0.2-font overcut :around the channel perimeter to all.€rvs for bulking dtir•ing seedbed preparations and sod bu ld€lp. . Remove and properly dispose of all excess sell so th2tsurface eater may Qnter the chamlel f-r•eely. 4. The procedure used to establish Morass in the channel will depend Upon the severity of the conditions and selection.. of species. Protect the channel with mulch or a temporary liner sufiic;ierit to withstand a ntic`spatt;d vclocitles during the establish.iT..ent period. (Appendix & 0 ). Maintenance During thtc�stalblishrttentperiod, chi�ckgi,ass-linedchannelsafter every rainfall. After grass is established, periodically clrt.& the chaimel; check it after every heavy rainfall event. lnr:nrediately rna.erepaias. If isparr;icrrhtrl> inrperriatrtt c:ll.eck the channel outlet and all road crossinu5 for bank stability end evi-crane° of piping or s,Ovur 110[QS. .R:Illovc all significam sediment accumulations to maintain the designed carrying capacity, Keep tb.e grass inalicalthy, vigorous condition at all til es, sbice it is the primary erosion pr:otection for the chailnel (Pracetic:e 6.11, Permanent Seedingj, DIVERSION DITCH MEN Lon itudi tl anchor trench 1. Check slots to be constructed per manufacturers specifications. cations. y I - 43 } 8 t'y /• . Stakingar� st piing layout p manufacturers specifications. 5 r✓4n' (,_€ € 3 j 3 E I. _� � b � r Et / 9 f E.3 % � l f.a4y P 3• Etta§ � ' � I j } Ya {P qJJ E ✓ �k E✓ i ��3ty.'�/3 § 6 Sq�9y�y��!q p a {berm at 8h op }�q y�gy3�✓p,h g ore, Slopesurfaceshall.be I§,s4• �d�5 p A,hGRw v7@.:b�V R.?Ti �Eb44%iY$EH b�ime�iJ�L d'-i there 5w % [A berm U.O �iA� §a£.Y V If 4 )f F� J . Y� / f /2 � 3} f I ; 3 ' 9 £ 4 4e.> �� fd % E 3/4a i F E) q ✓°'9 € � § J� , 3 SR G / iy/N/J'•:%�f":. '' `'.iia.;^::'..`F:.,q,J,%,6,.<. <.,t..}t:,.:>:::,,.,,.._'., �.a...Pbi`<o<>�l.�i.��.: d>e y r � ,R ��43 F ` •:`g :l f qY ✓?/ P 4i6�t!a`� fF tvs«.q. placement 'V6 Y LF rrd vB tl &.Gill b&6m3 y� i �s p contact, .y+; .a�s�g��q sgyw proper�1 � I�gV,sp crricl�rrr� l..rgy��.ig��ee t berm. slope, upslope ✓S�SI>.s % /.. :%,yPY Y.y=%� yt Y E�Y e'/ :i�m�"i': 6�' «.'%�3�.✓....£ . "i{ 6F> ` E' � :;". Eb.., .° '.�'r:3.S.E4Y«.tE6,,.,.1..... ,.. « 6 i.: .ay a l� f :' _. �vE %>/s ,d,rd%� , ..,v; EF ,[:v.,.,>.:.....1,. ,%.,.;:.:seE•9Ei.=.<'?3 ,..�6 < f 3. , J r e.. ,%s.- >^r „•errs=F'r.. � .�j4'°'> - f,=.. .. r ,�;,§�^,�J e�,.'"�._� v. r'sR .bs v r°/ �,✓.✓..... r'6 � ��'..te°J.'F;':. .»-"✓,.: 2...a..i: ^:K;:..'.,...°e.. "... t ✓%-5:r. as -� / / % 6w' e^,!r,� J.s-,3 , .�� �:) ,v.4a/'ga.�� �{� :^r' ,y. ✓� �q�. ��d`���,°td4: °K'`=>>,. ,y � ✓=;:9.'.YN4�,'_S°..b u /, i' � 7, 9N ...EE uv =..r. �i4;C:4; ::✓fi3. ^9gl3:,'tr >"' ^ ; %.�✓�� - // .:.%:.„/>b :i.?i.., ly,.:°/e.r1. / rf' m a��+w�m r"masn ,% ? )%."<>.T:4:!°ef`h" �:�.J6Yt..[� °�'� ,3'✓: /%'���yyyy'FSy 4'>/.., ,.tl iYl £. "iFf CJ✓n: i`' ,..'s4 l'.:. i:lie-°`i::i€;�: <5�!,b /° 'l:/ %idt%F" P%��;°�JE�:::UUU��':% ✓ _✓'�, '�> ✓ -; � � �" `•, �/��� Y:�§ 1:".%^4.`:tt .�3td� 9"E;l;gi98;FEd[¢' �/(� y. �f,` °��� �_° > . eP. ,=tlY' g♦�pB�S�y . r. ?••.`:+,.�ty,pei .g, b TiiY9. � 8a Stapling u tern �� g m,�`°'?-°'> �.,,,,,«,'�,'''',» 8"tr'i�=4t�i" 1r°l 6✓ i� � rn{�?„ Trench :°l� .r 6"'rf' Y .� .a' ".!!.""`® t°'" E.,a/✓ ,i"'°Fsd"�.,✓y,Is�v'y,f �.v✓'" f�i✓/y>"'-".���iie5�e b/✓.i. � .>!i'"/F%' ✓b�,%f�/-1'. f , e �j.�,%! o✓,;'y'� J P i ¢f, .,.i',;hlp :)3 9i�6":`: .,.. "s �i�sf :'=':�'`'�brb� =%�'S�/�.e!s�✓r4 m: .r' ��.f:/�s.'%'�/�9�r ¢."> (°ie9` �: � /Y/:.-p.�.�; f=..,=s/in/.rr/ a (., � /!:,�g ,/,.p� r"•J / i� �` i �1 � p*ag � .q ae � s�v y!�y. manufacturers G..6 YSd�§II4i�Rdi..�139 ��� °� „$ staple �g d. $ - _ �d �t .gls intervals, �, . Yb; /,,e T> >.' .�:?� .i8�`+��(./�/:.'�"`e%�q�.3✓` V.. r� .✓." ...,r�' �.v�.f£y..v: Ji /' .,`�.%Y j.lF ta,a ,6l:,:: "%9.JH.i .,p"d/£:: .��,I'i ../.r✓'J.r i.,.n: ,6 E"> ,r �°�'V INN, r.;"4'�'3<f%'aF�.F"^9:�:a;`¢'S�S'(^:1 ;6- r'�f �j.46:�E:� ".'.,t .: ✓'yb .i ✓3•:'9:.:;;;,, � .;�!:;#r.✓,e. ,: �:,�:¢• � Je, 99,<f �er:'°;<:.�. "` J:. ?3« - �.; t:-��/ :,,, °� ' J[^ff?'rs.. `'. ��r� y �JP/�4!/.�E,'t,:�.'EY- .p> yq,p� J� k G6mid G' 0gq! S ®£ tee.. recommendations- E:.feFE✓.l,?aa,,,",�', .:y,=.,°:Y ;f.,3,.,¢:.... .;9.i<. .,<;t�,�.Et„»u.;=:?;9.;69°=r..: F>.,..,?�/i �:':fa=.. F :: a.JtS;�•e96§✓.��g'.v�;;:°lFeeu.9r,- v:;e3E:,°:,.:F,�:;gay,;:et.3:4..;E4raE:e ,�.,y[3. 9.»t.:«...>.X...../✓.(v,'.f":1:V4`5'3r <[F; E, 'r='f,:.J ,,.3. ..y�:.✓ ..Et.3.,i? �.tJ.,,....,al..''w°„%yya, .:.;!>t"."/.''.s:EeC'i., �,. iiV.,'3E 3.':•Y�,ti'1-9.'.'< Gbi>(F":;: s°� 8a 6pq /y&p.Nk aggq [ c h« Min. VYGriLi �e4�S:'[''3.'`.:t4t^f ..,,..; '» ..,.i..... ,•...F ;t «Y9.«. x r'..>,°:/.. .^✓�. 4. _- 6 .; /•.T S::F•:..,E EU=l:[.»: .4,ii,..9, 3¢✓3 ..,.9...<:xt. ;:; u>C.;.F.¢ .,.9> i ,[:, f 4, A:E.-Y. t:fl .°.tY; i..ti/'.t,.;;q�;,,�... .y.,t.✓33'E'F:,.:✓.....".'..3..�EEa"�'�'F>¢E:.,e:E°3`i.�%�B. 9.>£;;; ".[,yi e:::.[�s "...4: ..:(F: ?i4°.� E:f°S-°° E3';•'•.3.,A. F., tfE;9. :, :t¢':. ,.9-�� ?°I(.i ::"":-FFs. ,,:,Y•3i .;':J.g .r:l;ld,6t�;i;;°a4�::r xv.33e> �i4 ,°,.s Sa >. ,. F.:.,.6...<[..,,.,°..pE_.<_.f...F,b.,,6.q.w.::E j,[.,-.,,,..E,.,.°, Eft[:«t9;F:;::;.;.E L .� . rt : m f : _ .. , was Fe^'+a.b $e. a. ....,,,: °.°......,. .... ...............5{::f.' �.;.. ..,.°°..... .a......, ,,...°:� ,<....« .,.,, .,. °. ..:i>.>«.°.°...,.,�...............<.......,.,....«....,..,...,....,,,.«,.<.<.,...-.,.,.. ..,- .....4.,.aa..,.P..<3[:[.E'.3 :=9,...^,.,,..F...3 .,.. ..<._ .,9.: ;:;E;:;' - .,_.,",a°[:;..'E i.>�e.;..l[ .,... e. .......... a .,..,.�:..< . A=.....e.>.. <.... <. F,3.....,,.,,.....,.. ...E_....<. ....[, .F.,>..°,°. .,.[.. ,. ., <,,.,, ,..3a...°.,.u>".»....,_. ..«:_.€.':c:-. ,F..,. ...t.x,.:.;»-...F' 3 .. i,..... � .:.......,.<........ .....:,. °.,..:.......f., ......Y:«., ... . 3,..,.°.°.°. aL., d.. .., i<.<..., .' }, 3. •.. � S d f 4 3 3 3 t qy� �i /g overlaps 4 i.kJ G 4d YA lxb Staple � k max. " spcciriq. 3 Yt f 9�ce f i ✓':y."m ;/ O/ f Bring material down to a level area, NOTES., t o not stretch b1iink is/matting fight-cilow turn the end [larder 4" and staple of 12" L Design velocities exceeding 2 °fit/sec reqOre temporary lonket mats or similar liners to protect the riffs to corifar to any irr gall riti sx inter°v ls. , seed crud sail until vegetation becomes estoblish d. thin �,f Lime, fertilize, and seed before instal lcrtiz n. pinnti trip . Grass -lined channels with design velocities exceeding 6 ft/sec should includeturf reinforcement f d i of snarls, trees, etc, should occur after installati a e placed t� be peed in #��r°i��a�itcrl s't°�ips. mats TEMPO"RARY LINING FOR TEMPO t'' y. Y PERAE ENT DIVERSION DITCH NTS PERMAINEI&SIT D1 VERSION BERERAN NTS TE ERTAN• +r ; R" DIVERSION RDITCH Constructiononstr Lion Specifications velar ifx properly designed, if not properly installer), RECPs �Wl probably riot function as desired, Proper installation is it perativ e. Even if properly instal d, if not properly timed and nourished, vegetation will probably. ,not row as desired, Prober seed/vegetation selection is also imperative, Circe the surface of iristall.adon areas so ihat the eround is smooth and loose. Aron secding prior to installation, .follo'kv the steps for seed. bed preparation, soil. amendments, and seeding in Su�faea Sf dzfizafion, 63 1. All sullies, rills, and any other disturbed 6tretLas )mist be flare graded prior to i:nstallatzon. pro, sry er�csre ��,�� iraw4 tlatjcan. (Am Remove all lax=fie rods, in clods, stumps, rooti, grass clumps, trash, ,md other- obstructions front the soil surface to allow for direct contact betvveern the soil surface zmd -ffie RECUR) Terminal anchor trenches are required at RECP grids and intermiit.ent trenches must "lbt� constructed across charm, -is at 25-foot rater -Pais. Tonal anchor, trenches should be a ininirnum of 12 inches in depth uld 6 inches in vviddr, while inte 'nitt'em iTcuches meld be only 6 inches deep and 6 inclies wide. histAllation for SIopes---- dace the REC2-3 feet over the trap of the slope and into all e,xcavated end trench racasuraig appres; gnat ly 12 i.n.cbes deep by 6 inches wide. Pisa the RECP at 11'oot iateryis along die bottom of the trench, backfill, and compact, Unroll e RECP d6wrr (or bong) the slope m.air taming direct contact between the soil and the RECR Overlap a4jacent rolls a rrii.nirrium of 3 inches. Pin the RECP to the ground using staples or puns in a 3 foot patter. Less frequent stapling,%pinni g is acceptable onmodel-ate slopes, aNtWl do n Channels- (12 inclle5 deep and 6 inches wide) across thecharnel at the tipper and lower [lard ofthe lino channel sections. At -foot: hate s along l:he chart[°), anchor the RECP across tbie c hamiel °taller: in 6 inch by, 6 inch trearches or by instaRiag ov=o closely spaced rows of anchors, Excavate longitudinal [Tenches 6 inches deep and wide along channel edges (above water find) in which to bun, the outside p edges, ltL-ii-e the mast MCP at dh.e:dzwmjxef dl rn = ,, ailr_- tne of the first RECP in the temp i)rd trench and pin it at 1 faw interv-als along die Z �?43t �3tii �' #� trench . ch, Note. Tbe.RECP should. be l lVaced upside down in the netrch ifli the tall on the dow strear side, of the bench. Glace pimiiA and backfrl ed, the RECP is deployed by wrapping over the, top oft ie trench and unrolling upstream, If the channel is wider than the pro-vided rolls, place ends of adjacent molls in the terminal trench, overlapping the ad°: ent rolls a minim _ f 3 i h 1. ' � tam o n� es. din at loot irtt��s, b�3 , and om n nh �.., q„�yaot. � tell) � �p .t t s� dig:eeort �:dl t�clln fir. hr ,t inlermittenl trench. Fold the RECP back over itself, positioning the trill on i allowing D ilr�, ciov�strearlA side of Ilso trerrrdlt r all v a. d o v 1� the mat to conform to the tren ll. Then pin the RECP (two layers) to tb�-: botiom of this trench; bac fill and conipacrt. Confi rare up the channel (wrapping over the top of the intermittent [remelt} repeating this step at other intermittent trenches,, a til reaching the tipper terminal trench.. At the upper term,4ial trench, allow the RECP to corrfo�rnto the trench, secure, with pins or staples, bachfill, compact and .then bring the mat back Over the top of the tench and onto the e cist:ing swat (2 to 3 feel: overlap in the d vvinstrearn direction), and pier at I foot intervals across the RECP, hen starting irrstailadon of a new roll, begin in, a trench or shirr l -lam ends of rolls a .r mrnum. of I foot with, upstroam RECP on top to prevent uplifting. Flare tlrc rc i ie ciges of ibe � .Etw P s) in longitudinal trcrn hes, pint, ibackfil.l, an compact, Anchwing Devices'--1. f gauge, at i€:a:st 6 inches le gab by I incilkvidth staples or 12 inch niini am J eng1h vvooden stakes are recomm, ended for anchoring the RECP to the gTound. tivie siaples or pins so that the top of die staple or pin is dwsh with the growid surface. Anchor each RECP every 3 :feet along its cater: Longitudinal. overlaps must be sufficient to accommodate a of )chots wad un. Iform along the entire length of overlap and anchored every, 3 feet along the overlap length. Rofl ends may be spliced by over-lapping1. foot (in. the direction of vvaier fro ) with die apstr t/npslope mat placed on top of to downstreanii downslope RECP, Tl�s overlap should be anchored at. I foot spacing across the RECiP, When installing multiple width mats heat seamed in the factor-, all Facto sea,nrs and field oy,�rlaps should be sicailarly anchored. EiAFT1NG AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone draftin�anddesi�n� ymaii. cold I Uj J < Lij MW Z Uj ". In W > z 0 LLIZ c) z 49 =1 low Aft V 0 co r REVISIONS AIGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: Drawn by: NTS MTB Sheet: Designed by: MT13 of 13 Reviewed by: MTS Project Number: Date: DDS JOB ##: 2021-10 MAR 2021 r : , -5. : . , .. '. ....... .. .gym - -... _.- _....__ �+ __ .....tea.®-�s-:---n-°"--P`-'^.T__--�..�.. .m .. � ...r.--'_-_�.. �ilYr :':•'^`®.ae"_'r. .. _: _.. - ___.. �.���m-.�...,....:�,...�.�.-.., .-.�-n.o..... T- -.. � � � .....:--e..m...l,........ _ _;ter. .. ..... i._ -_.. �: ... T..,. _.'a..:....-.�-...._, ___n:,a-•.:w..,.�..._. :...--._...,_-rn""r'"`--.�'... .. _ ._. - -.':. ._ _:..._ _ ��. ____ - -. �_.n.e":. e,..,....._, '.V '-:: ...�-,,._.. �''c."' � -:'.". .....ter,.. __. '• •.__.: � ':�.: .. a.. :. ...::...:..... <... .. .......: '�-...� -..-. sae-.:. '..--_ ',i '`-.-.�' ...... '-iBT ., `.r:"e,:P s..;' _ ..,_.._,..� _._",,.�..,-tee - _ .. - _ _ � .T. _.,.e_ ", .-' ..._ e-,.tee-.. --•'. --�--n .,,-,ram �'� -.: _ _ ., ...e.�.-.err _.- - _ - �.- _ _..ant ._-.,.. -.. -=._. _a.�...mT> ,. - _ - - _ �._ - ,....gym. ���.�--a:-,.-�«-_.�..-�..-, --T _� - -•--s. a- .._ _ - - �_ � _ r� - .f..-e. -- _ _ ..- _ _ .-__�_ _._r.,. - -� -..._. .�_.- ...� �. _ _ _ sE•3 .• _. � _ : T nn -^.. p .... �. f � S . .:. �' Y.. a ... .... .. =tea.'•. .__ _. �. `. �" r Y £ -, I!a.,..: . �` yr{. e„ :. .. t :� DISCHARGE LINE FROM PUMP if SEDIMENT FILTER BAG (BAG SIZE BASED ON MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS) LAY ON 6-12" THICK BED OF 2"-3" DIA. STONE STONE BEL I— _",—,,.�—. , " , , NTS #57 STONE 1MAN�0¢ UN�S 2.0% MIN SLOPE 4.00% MAX SLOPE G GRO�� eX1SjIN� INTERNAL SITE ROAD INSTALLATION 1. REMOVE ALL 4 BERM 4 TREES,BRUSH EXISTING ;ROUND 1I '�.�h��` ` i`✓�1 �..1 -/ ll�,•. EXISTING UND NOTE 1. SEE PLAN SHEET C-2 FOR WIDTH HEIGHT DETERMINED BY SIDE SLOPES, 2. WIDTH INDICATED ON PLAN IS BOTTOM WIDTH. 3. SEED PER TEMPC) RARYIPERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE ON SHEET C-7. 4. NATURAL VOLUNTEER VEGETATION SHALL REMAIN. 5. BERM ENDS SHALL BE 4:1 SLOPES LIKE SIDE SLOPES. l PATS EX C !-IL S C ri FABRIC NOTES: A) MINIMUM WIDTH OF CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PAD SHALL BE 20 FT B) STONE SHALL BE 2-3" WASHED STONE, 12" THICK. C) THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOW- ING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY, THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AND REPAIR ANDiOR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. D), INSTALL. PADS. WIH.ER,E. SHOWN: ON. PLANS OP, O.T,H.ERWiSE DHIRECTED, aY I'=NOrNIEER. CONSTRUCTIO"I"N ENTRANCE PAD NTS A p 1.5' SECTION A -A A L 3 'Il Construction t. la;cc to i tt�,:hoea s' and d'=ilia a� i�i� 4;c���vfft in tli� p!'�kr-on afi'lm, lab'ri� I:�ttitel�tic,ii_ Specifications L = THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS 2. I�c::p il�c:c;rntcr,�t�aalu sect€gin at l�.`�t.g) i�c:ksc�"}��:!c���° Dattatrail da�<>ts�asi Ic�3u A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION when, the -dim abtits the channel. banks. Maintenance: bspechi: aid cls,at leastweeldy and afler'eachsi . cans.(1f2 inch or grater) rainfall ent and immediately. Clean o sediment, � 3, f �;teraeitcrra�, it i��ast i � i'�;�t.�y�>aa�i tEaeri�tels lsatiC�;(�hi�a,arc; €i.;;.��iiG�kc� straw, limbs, sir-uthei�flebri5�tiiai.a�nild clog channel1,cn.tiecd. ���aiea :from a:ttt[ing,ar€ undtheend of'.tie,�,heck Chun. 4, Stt lr<suinv bctweerc d-,trjjs to as c�ca.tlisi[ tP1c 1� °: [iert at: the top c�; ti;. Anticipate s ceanddep asitiona vethecheakd ion from high Ro thevdges wrlhe: . Co=t a damage ionwdiately. if bowea- dam iS lic'same.�is t1:ctocleVation or t1w r.tplior dam, significant. erosion _o~wum betweeii.:dar€s, additionat meamng can be taken, s. sucks asy :installing a protecti-ve. -rip cr in that pmtionaf thr- ohannel ;:attsc ermion. (Puctce'6.31, R#wa -Ane tm Pawd C "neb).. 6. k"Jake'sure that liv 6411nell icvac h ahova the most upstream dam is stable. Remove sediment accumulated hind the danig:as needed to =vent damage to c l ve ti, allthe rhac%.tcr again sragh Ze sty check dam, 7. 1. n tar. t?t .ae. citiier ze Grp E`Ilse chain iel ttcii as caal � rl try sa; e fiaet w tl anct.prevent-lar c c►ws.. m carrying sediment 4nyer.the dam Add stmes to. i , Check shim,,, are, nor.swbiucl. to da-m aLw >cw blocEc e from tii,5nlsa, td stones, d s neeto m ghtl cross onn, NTS IN T FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER # 57 r WASHED STONE nt r- h O Q . c Q Kb n NOTE: SILT FENCE FABRIC TO OVERLAP HARDWARE CLOTH BY 12 INCHES STEEL FENCE POST „ . z.z:. WERE FENCE SILT FENCE FABRIC HARDWARE CLOTH STEEL FE NCE ON WIRE FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH ON WIRE FENCE FILTER OF 1 INCH DIAMETER # PLAN VIEWNOTE: 57 WASHED STONE USE SILT FENCE OUTLETS ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA DOES NOT EXCEED 1/4 ACRE 'r AND THERE IS A LOW AREA, USE AS A REPAIR FLOW DIRECTION-5 ., r 16„ OF SILT FENCE FAILURES. 6 ' GRADE STEEL FENCE POST SET HARDWARE CLOTH MAXIMUM 2 FFETAPART WIRE FENCE II SIDE VIEWLi SILT FENCE '✓.`... yy /,, j: , FABRIC K��,/�/ 12 4 CINCHES GRADE i...,- _l Installation: Refer to the approved erosion. control plan four location, extent, and I i E I.I � "' a... I I '', � I I • I4. M specifications. If silt fence is not installed correctly the ;first time, it will have to I I I lei. I r be reeonstrk ted. Determine the enact location of the outlet before compledug u NOTE: u t+. 3 installation of the salt fence,.inn Into Considelation: BURY WIRE FENCE, HARDWARE CLOTH, AND FRONT VIEW SILT FENCE FABRIC 6 INCHES INTO THE .l Installation at the lowest point(s) in the fence where water will pond. TRENCH I aintenan'ce Inspect sediment.fencesetleast onto aweek and after ,each rainfall. Makeauy, 2. Maxixnum .allowable drainage arearestrictionfor salt fence, regwred .repairs immediately.. 3. Should the zabria of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become. Installation where the outlet is accessible for installation, maintenance and ineffectivc,.reglacr it�romptly. removal. . Remove sediment deposits as riecessary to provide:adequate storage volume 4. Placement of the cutlet so that water flowing through it will not create art for -the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence.. Take care tp, avoid undermining the fence during cleanout .erosion hazard below — avoid :steep. slopes below the outlet and -areas without protective vegetation. Use slope 'drains`,if necessary. Remove all fencing materials. and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and.: stabilize it: after the, contributing drainage area has been The silt fence. outlet shall be installed :in accordance with the standard. detail, and properly stabilized. the approved erosion control plan. SILT FENCE OUTLET NTS SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING METHOD I stead of excavating a trench, placing fabric and then. backfiiting "trench, sediment fence may be installed using specially designed equipment that inserts the fabric into a cut sliced in the gmund with.a disc (Figure:6.62b). a' MAX. I Installation 1• The base of both end pasts should be at least one foot higher. than die Specifications middle of the fence. Check with a level if necessary:. 2. Install posts 4 feet apart in critical areas: and 6 feet apart on standard. applicafions- 3. Install posts 2 feet deep. on the downstream side of the .silt fence, and as close as possible toile fabric, enabling posts to support the fabric from MIN. 10 GAr upstreamwater pressure. LINE WIRES I' 4.. Install posts ,with the nipples fBGi[i; away from the, silt fabric. SI FEN E FAB ICI N TALLE TO S CON S. Attach the fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top $ inches. of the fabric. Attach each tie diagonally 45 degrees through the fabric, with each least I inch -vertically apart. o, each tie positioned to puncture,g ontapost nipple when tightened toprreventi sagging. be ..-1 I „I I II � 11 �IT_I -;"�I! I—_„ I �� I I-1 I I I �I! I I _EJ I I I I1-1 I ���I I!; E E I E El I �11-I I( I I� II I E 11�I 11=1 I I 1= 6. Wrap approximately 6 inebos of fabric around theend posts and secure I L with ties. 111 7. Nomore than 24 inches of a 36. inch fabric is allowed above grid - I level. I_'II L 1I I S. The installation: should be.cheeked and corrected for any deviations before �E compaction.�1 �I! II 9. Compaction is vitally ixisportaaik-for effective results, Compact the soil FRONT VIEW immediately iiext to the silt fence fabric with the front wbeel of the tractor, skid steer, or roller exerting at.least_6. 0 pounds per square inch. Compact the upstream side first, and then each side twice for a total of 4 trips. MIN. 12-112 GA. INTERMEDIATE WIRES GRADE (,III I I I�E�� Maintenance Inspectsedlmentfences at least once aweek and aftercachrainfall- Make any NOTE: STEEL POST WOVEN WIRE FABRIC required repairs immediately. DOES NOT EXCEED 114 ACRE AND NEVER IN SILT FENCE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become -USE SILT FENCE ONLY WHEN DRAINAGE AREA ineffective, replace itpromptly. -END OF SILT FENCE NEEDS TO BE TURNED UPHILL. UPSLOPE E v O h Remove sediment deposits as. nee Spa rytopiatzde adequate storage volume - forthenext rain and to reduce pleasure on the fence. Take Dare to avoid z undermining the fence during cleanout. � Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and: bring the BACKFILL TRENCH An area tea grade and stabilize it after the contributing draina a `area has keen OVER SILT FENCE ,properly stabilized. SECTION VIEW FOR REPAIR OF SILT FENCE FAILURES, USE No. 57 WASHED STONE. FOR ANCHOR WHEN SIL' FENCE IS PROTECTING CATCH BASIN. f0'.84 . r�a .« p ���1 -,�5 'fig+ �[ Clamp - ""a Y �'.s✓p:! 1 d 9 " s^° �, 7 � � �"- 4•-`�� � � rs?����,��rr��, ,� may,, . „ 431 a'r,''"ty�sy - �� s��` �•�' � r � ��_ "'� '° oz �'>As� ��$s": � ga�Ax - ,,,,�'�; °i,�Pn � � - :��; .yam ��3 s� �^�. r � ,. aa� y � _. ?,�'�' � � �..., F"s3 ,•> yy� 4',s . §.�. ° _. E"yy� �•y �P�f. F �}.. E. r'- „sa -, #,s✓N' e<a,r .� y: � § '�µ:+-� r- 4 4 ffi� x y f.� .. ,. 6 T, g A , i I Pin NOTES: DETAIL FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY, ACTUAL DESIGN IS REQUIRED '"'wrap BY BRIDGE MANUFACTURE. TO BE CONDUCTED PRIOR TO SITE CONSTRUCTION START. �' "+�� � �'� � �+x,� R�.;°z 3 b,,v j Bz)1 rho', F�,, mt TYPICAL BAILEY STYLE BRIDGE DETAIL GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD (TYP) y r� �_)„ i ?�` ✓ - BASE PLATE FOOTING DESIGN BY OTHERS a ° s' PERENNIAL STREAM BANK (TYP) RAVEL ACCESS ROAD (TYP) N FS L—ABUTMENT WI WING WALLS 4.0' MIN SETBACK FROM STREAM BANK EACH SIDE (TYP) TOP VIE DGE TO SLOPE TO ONE END (TYP) —BAILEY BRIDGE OR EQUIVALENT (TYP) DESIGN BY OTHERS GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD- ('-'"p NOTES DETAIL FOR ILLUSTRATION ON BY BRIDGE MANUFACTURE. BRIDGE ABUTMENTS MAY BE C SLOPE TIES MAYBE REQUIRED ABUTMENTS SHALL NOT BEAR FINAL BRIDGE DESIGN TO MEE r., .tw ..... - YP) 'MENTTO DRAIN INTO PIT REVISIONS AGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: Drawn by: NTS MTB Sheet: Designed by: MTB o� r� Reviewed by: C ® I[ Of 13 MTB Project Number: Date: DDS ,JOB #: 2021-10 I MAR 2021 X Sediment Basin Calculate Flow- Rational Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm QIo = CIA C 0 3(?i Q= CIA C= EI3 _ I- Qn = 127.07 4=IIe 4 Q2s = 143.86 A= 2-Yr Storm. Q2 - CIA B E C 0 3a a . •a.39339-EN QZ _ 82.32 A 344i; Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Qz, x 435 sf/fs Q2; = 143.86 SA= 62577.36 ftz Side Sloes Pond Depth- E ft 4raoQi Basin Dims (PerSA) ',llteir = x 3'�4<Ei0 4 £ ySE Top =� ',:.. �.�- x @EF P �+� VC3 Bottom - '' 147, x ,..,.,.�,. e}e;t Volume Required VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 44.40 ac VR= 79920..00 ft' Volume Proposed VQ=((Top Area + Bottom Area )/2)xD Top= 62658.00 sf Bottom= 47628.00 sf Vp= 275715.0D ft' D= 5.00 ft Basin has no outlet - to be permanent pond dug out with excavation Skimmer Basin #;ai::lr;'=,t3mm' DA 4 iii IE ,E 3Y =E Calculate Flow - Rational Method 10-Yr'Storm Qlo-CIA C 03: fitE € d 6F ¢ t E Qio = 17.744.4 A 6 l 626..58 ft.2 69.174 ft7 47C28 ft' 25-Yr Storm Q�s = CIA C- I- Qzs = 20.088 A= Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Q2s x 325 sf/cfs Q s = 20.088 cfs 5A= 6528.6 Side Slopes Pond Depth- Basin Dims V1feir-3${{F 9 $E EV`- x - E 'd 3dE.diFF_ Top e3as7C E x28 Bottom E a:a't Volume Required Vj�=Ax18o0 cf/ac A= 6.2 V H.- 11160- Volume Proposed V�=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 6728 Bottom= 392.0 Vl,= 15972 D= 3 OK Weir Sizing PerAutoCad Hydraflow Software It D= Q23 20.:088 cfs 6728 sf 8960 ft2 3920 sf eeg�4;a3 ^'�'tl°n:Fr- •n••t�;E:.:ra�:'.Ec Skimmer Basin # 2 DA # i.i11 y . l ['. <:; s; E>EE; f:.E;9[E. E:i�nm, e�eem®.�.am e,e em.'3:' e'e'm Calculate Flow - Rational. Method 10-Yr Storm gN CIA L >9•YEE.IC �a.�t 8- E Q10 - 16.0272 A- Calculate Required Surface Area E....... „ . ,. " ., Velacit - E.:,,E'i;.. ft Is Weir Lining 25-Yr Storm Shear Calculation Q25:- CIA C= I 1t3 T=yds y- 62.4Ibs Q = 18.144 A 5s d �ateF 0.64 ft x 325 sf/cfs 4zs = 18.144 cfs SA= 5896.8 Side Slopes - 3= i ie elt "1 ;..,.:......Y..eF' >'3 Pond Depth= ii;?IIE``'tft Basin Dims Weir-_ r; 'e,,. ,a; ° ,E; 5 5 x- - Top x c F Bottom '.€f;.7 x Volume Rtg ired VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= .5.6 VR- 10080 Volume Proposed Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 605D 130'ttam= 3404 Vp= 14181 D= 3 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad H.ydraflow Software L= D-<."'.>E.>`:`<:ti^:3ygitF«sy;E°°�2<E ft Q2� 18.144 cfs velocityn'E246-ft/s Weir Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y- 62.4 lbs cll a,n r= 0.68 ft T= 0.42432 Ibs/ft` s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing Calculate Dewater Time Qd=v Pd V 12160 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 3720 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=sgrt((Qd/(2310sgrt(h))) Qd= 372C h= 1.75 D= 1.45957 Use Skimmer 1.5 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual 6050 sf 8174 ft} 3404 sf Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 " La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.3a ft/s W= 1 Use 10 ft Zone= 1, Stone Diameter= Class A T= 0.39936.lbs/ft' s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 1008a Td= 3. 2-5 days typ Qd= 33,60 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=s rt d 2310s rt h = � cl ((Q �'( g � ��� Qd= _ a6o h= 1.,75 D= 1.387149 _i Use 'a=€'` Ea.€4 'Skimmers 1.4 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 'I La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use,3.0 ft Zone= 1 'Storre'Diarrte:ter= Class,A eEeEaFa[o-..Ei::3 f;t - P-ermartenti3itfersionf6erm 9(.`€,„.�'.",�.,.. -� l5P .-- Calculate Flow - Rational Method 25 -Yr Storm = Cla c=€-Y9saizs Ffli h r -Er lye :q Ch1- annel slope= E 9 Channel Depth= eg.:is:: 1EE?9i; Bottom i:vidih= Side oges=lFc Velocity=-?id�:?iE:°?i:i€Ei�w3�[ • ::.:; 1'EEiiEa ie F Soil Type Slopes=[ill°€it., Chaanel tini>t� Shear Calculation T-yc s y=- 62.4 lbs. rem.po ra i� S'7,`-r�_'_VT�tYpJ't'FFi�s y1i98:' Temporary Diversion/Berm # F E ;� d l? =s DA !f tf a• �.,�;..<� Calculate Flow - Rational Method - 25-Yr Sturm Ct_E=CIA C 9.40 A= ae Channel Slope=iiil`yl'3;l'^ Channel Bdttorn wi th= Side$lopes="t:::e:el?';g?;;' Velnci ty-;u Soil TV pe Ca7:;sq,a.,';C;,r,¢�fF;�n- I �'s sloRes=jl1^:l(1° sijjdg�l Channel Uniing Shear CiJICEIIatlDn f'=y[is Y, 67 4 lips !� EFL s3d1�.9."':is.°e6eE 1- n.J IS36 IUSJI t� Ternporary="' FerrrrrncrEt=lsrriuiil�� sssf:4i,�g':."E:: RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. 6728 Carbonton Road Sanford, North Carolina 27330 (919) 499-8759 phone draftinaganddesigan R mail.com LU err z 0 C) LEE mrrt� REVISIONS AGENCY REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: Drawn by: NTS MTB Sheet: Designed by: N1TB C 1 2 of 13 Reviewed by: NITB Project Number. Date: DDS JOB #: 2021-10 MAR 2021 RAFTING AND DESIGN SERVICES, INC. Temporaryiversron/Berm Temporary Diversion/Berm # DA E 3.;..,} E 3. ? �F.,ij9E`-�. _ - -._-... TentporaeyDrvessianjBerrnR°iFs'Eil?�;>DA-# 672$ CarbOnton Road CalculateFlow-RationalMethod CalculateFlow- RationalMethod Sanford, North Carolina 27330 i'-Yr ,Stu rm. Calculate Flasv-Ra4iaitaE Nie4hrid l3 Yr tcerrn (919)499-8759 phone Qs=CIA, C 0D 7 2S YrS,arrrt - Q CI}� c is Q, CIA c �a draftinaanddesi nG mail.com l ln.hr g� y t- 20St? €n'hr Q's= 17,8Y A 3vi? al€' ' 5Fk ae 3.89 A E e �IaG EE ESQ €n r Channel SEope=° E E Cltaaael _Be qlDe „ - .Slo ietyeS== Channel Depth . 1DMJ i - Channel S10 ehes= CimChannel DeptBottom widtBottom .Side -Slopes- Bouomwldth= Side SEO iel0[Itf= Slde Slop tClaC E�'fFl �lj�l E - - - - - - - - So11Tyise tidy rye Slopes C41F a4:,{ Soil TYpe- sarc fsa E E 91a eS i E 1/eloUty= 1 So i7 e €tt3$ Icfi..: E 5l_._0 +t es ft ki?°d Channel Lining Channel Lining Channel Lining. Shear Calculation Shear Calculation Shear Calcufation T=Yds y 62 4 Ib. T= scls m. (iJ 4 Ihs=Ybls 6l_ Ibs 30 k T 0.287,04, ii s/ft` s' E E I CTd �R'Jf T Q'%2?7G €bs(ft' s EE E tl Este R Ft rt ft T= 0.27144 Ibs/ft` s COilSLlFjft Ter€poran/ Strut urJ,o��z;rah • ,�,� :€x.a= ... € E € , Temporary- ,�ftrs�`�u/�ett�[t�s°Ive;'`,i� f?erh�anentetletsa r ...,<.<s - - Tern pare nr '.rout vuFttltt- v.m.,...., .............:SE,..,,:.::x.3' Perrnnt'ttt {Ei!"tddy7,.� Perm' at�errt-���t?ia�;Fa�;r�s�s....'<..i3ii'g°`€ 1.. '? Temporary[7iversronJBerrn#Em.,;: 1- DAz?: _ _ TenepotaryDiversianfBetm#` 6 ¢- -DAN- :,,., Calculate Flow - Rational Method Calculate Flow - Rational Method <5=4`rSiarm 2S-Yr3Siarw� QomCIA. Q C 0 3II CIA. E � E E E I sE 10 " En�hi� - � E Ef 10 a3D4 itE/h r 3 EE 8E Q 27_.64 A e° 3 910 al ee " ac Chann'elSlopew? Channel'St, pe=E Tti Ciiarenel f]epth= Channel Devth E , i E Bottom vEiidih=EeFsjje?e`if`i2 :d€! E '<I E' .e.E - - . Side Slopes= E Side 1/claci Slopes= Soil Type Ps ntly i a�r e Slopes " ii'['%`' SoVeltyci = 5 il Type Psncltfg er SlnLes '6i°E<E<„ a Channel i.inin¢- Channel Linin[' Shear. Cahill::fkm Shear.Calall,tEinn T=v(L'7 61,1 Ibs. T:=�;ds Pg- Ev�ztElli°s NN[P' V V`tx li. F= 0:27i4, IbsJt` s ft/ft T= 0,15f248.1bs/ft s- l p p{jfl ,ftJft �11 :FY To. rripor e r rSctStJJ Tern iirars SkF�wv:/nefikiEi't1si€ate Permanent Gexm�tda toss F...,., .....!�?YSIC[7 �IaSS'.[efijjiia - - LO LLI LU Its J, It