HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 332018_ don’t let them have their way with the Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 7:13 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract From: Elizabeth Adams [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:48 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract Dear Mr. Dain Saims, Prior to granting the Ipeirmit mo6fication appfication request, Iplease require: a Ihydirogeolloglic Iiinvestigation assessing Ipoteint4l groundwater and surface water effects and geologic coin6tions that could create ain liincreased ir9isk of Ipoteintialllly siginffiicaint effects oin groundwater and surface water; A study of the llimpacts of se61meint from the existing quarry oin Crabtree Creek and a study of the future impact of the liincreased se6ment due to the Ipeirmit mocIffication application. ain air qualIlIty impact assessment that Iiincludes ain assessment of the Ipoteint4l effects from airborne pairticUlates and dust from the current quarry and the (proposed quarry mocIffication. a traffic llimpact ainallysis, Iiincludliing documentation of existing train spo irtation systems, ainallysis of the poteint4l effects of the (project oin transportation, and mitigation imeasuires to 61llrniinate or miinllrnize adverse llimpacts for both the Old Reedy Creek and Harrison Avenue Entrances to Uimstead State Park; ain assessment of coimpafibflllty of the (project with otheir existing uses; and mitigation imeasuires that could 61llimiinate or miinllrnize any adverse einviroinimeintall effects for the �project, and if the mitigation imeasuires can't do t1his, (please deiny the Ipeirmit. A traffic impact ainallysis woUld ireveall the Ipoor sulltabfl�lty of ON Reedy Greek Road for the Ilogglling trucks and Ibrlidge Ibulil61ng eqUipment lhaUllling trucks that RDU Airport Authority has Ipeirmitted Wake Stone Corporation for the quarry devebpment as Ipeir their Ilease agireeirneint[l] The OM Reedy Greek Road and Giravell tralO/ East Coast Gireenway and one Maine Ibrlidge over Crabtree Creek is inot safe to lhaindlle Ibotlh Ilogglling and Ibrlidge IbulH61ng equllpmeint transport trucks and the existing use of this road/tral!ll Iby IbicycHsts, NlIkeirs, dog waHkeirs, cNlOdirein, and the eNeidy. This road segirnent has a 90 degree curve that lis inairrow, with hazardous shoUldeirs, with storimwateir that flows over the 1I 40 Ibriidge and down the NIlH towards the Town of Cary TiraHlhead, iresullting llin muddy, sfippeiry con6tions on the road. In 2018, Town of Cary restricted Ipairlking on either side of OM Reedy Creek Road from the 1I 40 overpass Ibriidge southwards to the Ibriidge over Crabtree Greek due to the Ipoor con6tion of the road. Staff Report[3'1 dated Deceirnbeir 8, 2016 and d6lllveired to the Cary Town CouncH cointallined the f6lHowing observations: "Parking abing the shoUldeirs of OM Reedy Greek Road has iresullted llin severe irutting damage to the shoUldeir surface which has Ibeein worsened Iby stoirmwateir llin the ditches. The Town has constructed a tral!lIlhead on ON Reedy Creek Road (PR1 151) that Iprovlides Ipairlking for approximatelly 82 velNlc�es, to accommodate the demand for Ipairlking and access to the Park, IL.alke and Crabtree Greek Gireenway. The tral!lIlhead opened llin Deceirnbeir 2016. Pirbir to construction of the traHhead on OM Reedy Greek Road, visitoirs to Urnstead State Park, IL.alke Crabtree and 1:11ack Greek Gireenway T14l�l would utifize the shoUldeirs of ON Reedy Greek Road to Iparlk their velNlc�es. The iresullt is a shoUldeir that is hazardous and irutted,requllrlling constant rna�linteinaince Iby the Town's Pubfic Works Department to rna�lintallin stoirmwateir flow llin the ditches and Ipreveint daingeirous diriving con6tions abing OM Reedy Greek Road. Park visitoirs have contacted Town staff to complallin about the shoUldeir con6tions. The image of the shoUldeirs on OM Reedy Creek Road ireveall that they are llin Ipoor con6tion and uncharacteristic of the con6tion the Town expects for our iroads." The figure above aIlso shows the Existing 1:11ack Greek Gireenway, the OM Reedy Greek Road T14l�llhead that heads to a Ibrlidge over 1I 40 that has ino Ibilke Raines, sidewaHks, or other facflllfies to separate the truck traffic from the existing tral!ll users If this hand were under the juiris6ctioin of Wake County, the Town of Cary, The City of RaIleiglh, or any of the adjacent authorities, a traffic study would Ibe required for this type of devebpment. The hand was Ileased Iby the RDU Airport Autlh&lty to Wake Stone Corporation. The RDU Airport Autlh&lty has enacted ino zoinlling or dev6lopment or61nainces to mitigate or reduce devebpment impacts to the einviroiniment. Therefore a traffic study and other einviroinirneintall impact assessments MH inot Ibe required uii the minim commission requests them. There is ino zoii Ibuffeir width runes, or erosion, se6meint coii or stoirmwateir Ibest management Ipllains that would Ibe required under the Walke County Zoii Oir6inaince, as the Odd Fellows Tract is on RDU Airport Authority Managed land. If the hand were belling developed for an aeiroinauficall Ipuirpose, then the FAA would irevliew this proposed devellopmeint under NEPA. FAA does inot have any say on whetheir the Iproposed hand use is compatible with adjacent Ipropeirties, as it does inot llimpact aeiroinauficall safety.[3'1 NC General) Statutes do apply to this Ipeirmit mo6fication appfication. IL.aind acquired Iby RDU Airport Authoir9lty is IpulbNlic Ipuirpose hand, and disposal of this hand must 1Beinefit the Public Geinei4kly, Not Special Interests or Persons. 65(5) Airport declared IpubNic Ipuirpose; eimineint doimallii Any Ilainds acquired, owned, cointroHed, or occupied by such cities, towns, and/or counties, for the (purposes enumerated llin G.S. 63 2,63 3 and 63 4, shalkl and are Iheirelby declared to Ibe acquired, owned, coiii and occupied for a IpubNic Ipuirpose, and such cities, towns and/or counties shaH have the ir9ight to acquire (property for such Ipuirpose or �puirposes under the Ipoweir of eimineint doimallin as and for a IpubNic Ipuirpose. (1929, c. 87, s. 5.) Tiii inote that even if a Iproposed activity constitutes a IpubNic Ipuirpose llin the abstract, it does inot mean that a unlit may eingage llin the Iproposed activity. A local government also must have statutory authoir9lty to both eingage llin an activity and expend IpulbNlic funds for that activity. See Morgan v. Town of Spiii 254 N.C. 304 (1961) ( Public Purpose' as we coii the term to imply, when used llin connection with the expeii of muii funds from the IpubNic treasury, refers to such IpulbNlic �purpose within the frame of governmental) and Iproprlietary (power gllvein to the Iparticullar muinllcipalkty, to Ibe exercised for the(benefit, weffaire and protection of its liinhalbitaints and others coming within the muii caire.").[https:Hcanons.sog.unc.edu/a-look-at-north-caroIina%E2%80%99s-constitutiona1- public-purpose-requirement/] RDU Airport Authoir9lty 1Boaird oii has authority to expend funds for aeiroinauficall Ipuirposes. Micha6l L.ainguth, the CEO of RDU Airport Authority has applied for (permits for a Ibrlidge over Crabtree Greek, for an 18 mHe security fence, and for other einviroinimeii (permits associated with the quarry devellopmeii all to assist a private company: Walke Stone Corporation. This activity is inot within his authoir9lty, or the RDU Airport's Authority and should Ibe llinvestigated and the minim Ipeirmit mo6fication deii under G.S. 63. I'ii actions of such board shalkl Ibe determined Iby a majoir9lty vote of the members thereof, and a maj&lty of the members shaH constitute a quorum for any meeting of the board, and such boards so created slhallkl have Vlkl contr6l of aIlkl revenues received Iby reason of the airport or other aeiroinauficall facHkIties, and slhallkl have Ipowelr to expend aIlkl sums so received for such aeiroinauficall Ipulrposes as the board deems Ipropeir, and pay over any surplus to rnu6lcipaIlkfies llin proportion to their respective �linteirests." Video about the RDU Fence Project designed Iby RDU Airport Authority that wiH destroy the Ibeauty of Uirnstead State Park. 1:11llkl Sain6feir's defense on the ineed for Ipeirimeter fencing Iby RDU Airport Authority. 400 Feet Down Video about the adverse impacts to Uirnstead State Park. Judge rWed that Welke Stone wiH inot Ibe able to remove stone from the Odd Fellklows Tract untH 2022 whHe wallfiing for appeal) of Ilawsulit is heard. This video of a Nast at Welke Stone Tiriainglle Quarry was recorded about 3 years ago and was found on Youtube. It appears to Ibe shot from the top of the rlim at the current Welke Stone Quarry site. What is really airnazlling about this is the scalle of tlNlings. We are Iloolking about 400 feet down. See how high up and srnallkl those pine trees are on the rim? These Nasts MH Ibe lhappe6ling at the inew quarry pit site on the Odd FeHows Tract at the SURFACE. The dust cbuds wiH Ibe dirrlftiing over Uirnstead State Park, over the Gireenway ... lflkelly even over 140 and IL.alke Crabtree. It is just anotheir reason why this mine Ipeirmit mo6fication imust Ibe denied. It's a simple case of Ilincompatible use. Quarries don't belling inext to our forests and gireenways, and siinglle faimHy homes. 1I request that you deny the Irri6ling (permit Irro6flication (based on § '74 51.(d)(4) That the operation wiH constitute a direct and substaint4l Iplhysicall Ihazaird to Ipublic Ihealltlh and safety or to a ineighb&1ing dwellfiing house, scho6l, church, lhospitall, coirnrneirciall or Bindustri4l Ibulil61ng, IpubBlic road or other IpulbBlic property, excVu61ng imatteirs Irellating to use of a Ipulblic road; and § '74 51.(d)(5) That the operation MH have a siginfficainfly adverse effect on the Ipulrposes of a IpulbBlicVy owned Ipairk, forest or recreation area. If RDU Airport Authority is considered to Ibe a rnuinllcipall corporation with excVusive power of zoinlling and devebpment, why didn't they IpaIrticilpate llin the Welke County Mufti Juiris6cfioinall Hazard Mitigation Rlain[4]? "In an effort to reduce the Nation's Imounting inatulr4ll disaster (losses, the U.S. Congress passed the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) llin order to aimend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Refief and Emergency Assistance Act. Section 322 of DMA 2000 emphasizes the ineed for state, IlocaIl and Tirlball government entities to cbselly cooird�linate on mitigation Iplaininlling activities and imalkes the devebpment of a Ihazaird mitigation Ipllain a specific efigllbflity Irequllreirneint for any Iloca�l or Tirlball government applylling for fede14l mitigation giraint funds. In short, if a jurisdiction is inot covered Iby an approved mitigation Ipllain, it MH inot Ibe efigllble for mitigation giraint funds.These funds IiinaMWe the Hazard Mitigation Grant Pirogiraim (HMGP) and the Pre Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Iprogiraim, Ibotlh of which are adiministeired Iby the Fede14l Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Department of Hoirnellaind Security." So if a floo61ng disaster resufts llin the (proposed quarry (pit RIfing with water, and causes the sides of Crabtree Creelk to coHapse, then the RDU Airport Autlh&lty and the four rnuinllcipall Airport Sponsors MH Ibe Ikable for the dairnage, and IiinellGglible for FEMA funds to assist llin the recovery. This is inot a Viability that shoUld Ibe (placed on the IpubBlic This (proposed it iinlling (permit mo6fication is liincompatllble with the adjacent Welke County, Town of Cary, City of RaIleiglh Comprehensive Master Flains and shoUld Ibe denied due to the safety and heafth impact to the users of gireenway, Ihairming the Ipublic's llingiress and egress llinto Urnstead State Park. The Odd Fellows Tract land is cunreinfly zoned Resident4l 40 inear the Dunin's siinglle fain Hy home, and adjacent to Urnstead State Park, and zoned Highway District inear 1I 40. The Geinei4l Statutes require that zo6ling Ibe done accor61ng to a comprehensive Ipllain. What are the irequllreirneints for the RDU Airport Autlhoirrlty as a rnu6lcipall corporation to adhere to the geinei4l statutes? The Urnstead State Park Master Flain had identified Ibotlh the current quarry and the Odd Fellows tract as land that woUld Ibe Ipuirchased and llincoirporated llinto Urnstead State Park. On the existing quarry llin the Ibuffeir area, is a very siginllficaint inatuir4ll area of Crabtree Cireelk, where Rhododendron grows, one of the few Ipllaces found east of the rnouintallins where we have rhododendron growing aIloing the creelk. This area shoUld have Ibeein Ipreseirved as a inatuir4ll area to Ibe used for Ipic6lclkling, fislNling and Ipoinds, as was inoted llin 1981. From the 1981 Minutes from Welke County, State Park Representative: "What happened when the airport Ipuirchased the (property Iheire, they did so Iby first contacting the state and saylling woUld you object to us Ibuylling that land with the Iproslpect of one day Ibelling able to trade with the Ipiece that you have penetrating llinto our area. We said at this point llin time we coUld inot object to your Ipuirchasing that land Ibut wish we woUld one day Ibe able to Ipuirchase that land and our master Ipllain shows that. That there is some land up here that we woUld waint to trade. So wlNl0e we are taIllkiing about Airport district Iheire, agallin it is specUlative Ibut we hope to one day secure that from the airport." "The (louver swath, that IiincUes the (proposed quarry area, woUld Ibe subjected to Ihligh aircraft incise oinlly if "Flain B" (a NW. -SE runway) were buHt." The Ilaind was acquired for the 'Plain B" option, yet it was ineveir 6sposed of Ipropedy. FAA Giraint Assurance 31 requires that ain airport owineir or operator 6spose of unneeded inolise Ilaind at FMV as early as is Ipracticall after the determination that the Ilaind is unneeded. Regairdlling the (lease of IpulbNlic purpose Ilaind for ain open (pit quarry. Mu16lcipallkfies imust follow runes to dispose of IpulbNlic use Ipropeirties accoirdlling to N.C.G.S. httr)s://www.soa.unc.edu/sites/Www.soa.unc.edu/files/Pror)ertv%20Disr)osaI%200r)tions%2OChart.r)df Comment from 1981 Walke County Rezoinlling Public Heairling: `I think the airport authorities situation is debatable as you are liindlicating, 1I wound gatheir we have about a 10% chaince of getting that iruinway coin figu ration." `I think that theire are otheir Iplhysicall situations airgulling against that and the impact of that downstream oin structure 25 (1-alke Crabtree Daim) and reach of Crabtree Cireelk above structure 25, Iiinciludliing probleirins within the Ipairk within a inafioinall (beech irnoinuirneint, or whatever, the occasioinall floo61ng of that Ipairticullair site liin theire is inot lhairmfUl to it liin the ainallysis of the SCS (but any ad6fioinall se61rineintation which wound come from the construction liin that site or the ad6fioinall ruinoff, that wound �be generated from that site, wiEl wipe out oine of the Iprlirne pileces of Ilaind liinside the forested Ipairk. It won't talke imuch se61rineintation going dowin that creelk to wipe out this is documented liin the SCS study of the Crabtree Cireelk Dam." The concerns of the IpulbBlic listed above did come true, se6meint from the mine has Ibeein discharged repeatedlly liinto Urnstead State Park, and have iresullted liin Ihairm Promise from the mi16ling applicaint to the Walke County 1Boaird liin 1981: "Very Ikttile has Ibeein said about se6mentation, Mir. W61by bought it up, we have to Iprovlide a Ibuffeir, and the state (law requires that within the first 25% of that(buffer area that we imust ellkmiinate the se61rneint that is liin any water that is flowing and we are going to rinalke a good ineighbor for Uirnstead Park and if we do liin fact devebp the (property, 1I aim going to (put imy cilient liin touch with Mr. Jim Stevens and we are going to satisfy Uirnstead Park that we are inot going to do any daimage" We have video and (pictures documenting se6meint flowing (past their daim, through the(buffer and into Crabtree Creelk. Walke Stone did inot Ikeelp th6lir promise. Their request to expaind, extend, and �linteinsify tlhellr impact oin Uirnstead State Park shoUld Ibe deinied. After the Miinlling Commission over hulled the DEQ decision to deiny the Ipeirmit liin 1981, the Walke County Director of Rlaini6ling wrote the foHowing (letter that coinciluded with "The documentary "evidence" appears to Ibe imore of ain enroineous coincilusion thain evidence. It think it is (based oin obs6lete maps and data, and moire thorough research might Ihave irevealled that. &inceirelly, JOHN G. SCOTT, Director of Flaininlling l request that you deny the mi6ling Ipeirmit mo6fication Ibased on § '74 51.(d)('7)That the appficant or any Ipairent, subsidiairy, or other affilkate of the appficant or Ipairent has inot Ibeen lin substant4l compliance with this Article, rules adopted under this Article, or other laws or rules of this State for the protection of the einviroiniment or has inot corrected aM vi6lafioins that the appficant or any Ipairent, subsi6airy, or other affilkate of the appficant or Ipairent may Ihave committed under this Article or rules adopted under this Article and that resulted llin: Revocation of a Ipeirmit, Forfeiture of Ipairt or aM of a Iboind or other security, Conviction of a imisdeimeainoir under G.S. '74 64, Any other court order issued under G.S. '74 64, or Rnall assessment of a civil) Ipenallty under G.S. '74 64. Failure to pay the application processing fee required under G.S. '74 54. l Ibellieve that Walke Stone's existing (permit should Ibe irevolked, that the origllinall reversal) of the imiinlling �peirmit deini4l was Ibased on an enroneous conclusion. Walke Stone has inot rnallintallined their special use Ipeirmit from Walke County (it was issued lin 1981 for 25 years), and they Ihave vi6lated the Ibuffeir reqUireiments lin the mi6ling Ipeirmit. Walke Stone Corporation requested and received a mo6fication to the mi6ling Ipeirmit to remove the "sooneir" Ilainguage lin the sunset clause that would close the existing pit Iby 2031 for the State of NC to Ipuirclhase. The effort to remove this clause should Ibe recognized as an attempt to extend the life of the mine, and agallinst the con6tions of the oirigllinall mi6ling Ipeirmit. This �peirmit mo6fication lin 2018 also reduced the Ibuffeirs that were required to protect Uirnstead State Park. The State of NC option to Ipuirchase the mi6ling pit, and for Walke Stone to ireirnedliate and close the mi6ling site should Ibe triggeired inow as Walke Stone is clallimiing lin the mi6ling Ipeirmit mo6fication application that the existing pit is depleted. The origllinall signed Ipeirmit with the con6tion specifylling the "sooneir" Ilainguage is on the last (page of the PDF inaimed 13.pdf. These documents were obtallined from the Walke County Flain6ling Office from the fines of the Special Use Permit that Walke Stone obtallined lin 1981. https:Hdrive.google.com/drive/foIders/1 FqrGyvLd9SutdmLe9bsQHFx3mLurNPe8?usp=sharing § '74 64.(a)(5) Penafties for VVIations. In addition to other ireirnedlies, the Department imay request the Attorney Geinei4l to Institute any appropriate action or Iprocee61ngs to prevent, irestrallin, correct or abate any violation of this Article or any rules adopted under this Article, or the obstruction, Ihaimpeir9ling, or)interference with an authorized representative of the Department wlNlOe the representative is cairirylling out officiall duties Ipuirsuaint to The NC DECK imiinlling commission shoUld irequest an liinvestigatioin of Walke Stone Corporation and the RDU Airport Autlhoir9lty for this uinllawfW imiinlling (lease and (proposed imiinlling Ipeirmit mo6fication, and shoUld deny this Ipeirmit. Note: Fictuires and documents acre avaHable Iheire: httr)s:Hmedium.com/(-a)elizabeth.a.adams/fatal-errors- d4b8OdeO5e8l?sk=ecd4Obc67de42741037badad873bbd79 lowlamm 103 IL.arkslpur IL.in Cary, NC 27513 Efizabeth Adams elizabeth.a.adamsCaD_qmail.com 103 IL.arkslpur IL.in Cary, North Cairofina 27513