HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018_ don’t let them have their way with the Odd Fellows TractJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:22 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract From: Teala Spitzbarth [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:18 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract To the NO Department of Einviroinimeii QualIlIty and otheir officialls, l have Ibeein a Duirhaim iresident for 16 years. l have worked as an eingilineeir at a Ilairge corporation llin Cary, ii the current Wake Stone mine, since moving to the Tidaii area. l have Ibeein wellll aware of the current mine while trylling to commute Ihome from work and when visiting Umstead State Park. l aim writing to urge the DEQ to deny Wake Stone's request to mo6fy their current miii Ipeirmit, for an expansion llinto a second mine on the Odd Fellows Tract, for the foHowing reasons: 1 ) The imo6fication request is Iiincornplete the ireclaimation plain for the second mine is inot detailed, which does inot allow the DEQ or the IpubBlic to evaluate it. These are Ipulblic Ilainds, imainaged Iby RDUAA, (but who will (pay the Iprlice if this second quarry is inot reclaimed Ipropeirly? Not Wake Stone uii this Ipeirmit is Ipropeirly evaluated and detal10ed. 2) There are siginllficaint air qualIlIty daingeirs with PM2.5 Ipollllutioin documented with the current Wake Stone mine. There are iresidences, businesses, a thriving State Ipairk and Gireeinway that willll aIIII Ibe llimpacted by PM2.5 Ipairticile IpoBllutuon from a second mine operating for another 30 years. This cileady violates 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (4) and (5). My son attended suirnmeir caimps for mainy years at Uirnstead State Park. Our clNlNirein are using these IpulbBlic Ilainds and do inot deserve to Ibe exposed to more PM2.5 Ipollilution. My coEleagues, otheir Ilocall iresidents at i houses and apartments and State Iparlk vlisitors do inot deserve to Ibe exposed to this daingeirous air IpoNllution wlNl0e trylling to exercise or just Iii their homes. Your job is to Iprotect the IpubBlic from these known daingeirs to IheaIltlh. 3) The DECK has a irespoinsibHkty to Iprotect agallinst daimage to State Iparlks �pear 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (5). There have been muftiple IpubBlic statements that theire WEI Ibe daimage to the enjoyment and ii setting of the Uirnstead State Park due to ii air, water and visuall IpoIlilution with the proposed second mine on the Odd FeElows Tract. The Crabtree Cireelk area is considered a ii lheir9ltage site https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0907/ML090770916.pdf. Granting approval) for a second mine that WEI destroy this area, is cileady llin coinflict with this status. 4)Duir9ling the Ipublic lheair9ling 1I witinessed testimony that a second mine on the Odd FeHows track WEI Ibloclk the wiil6kfe conridoir between Uirnstead State Iparlk and other gireeinway Ilainds, thereby inegativelly Impacting wiil6kfe �lin an area wheire rinuftiple towii and organizations have worked Ihaird to Ipreseirve it. This cileady vi6lates 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (3). 5)Theire are cilear Iplhotogiralplhlic and videogirapINIc evidences of se61ment i from the current Walke Stone mine i Uirnstead State Park. This is �lin vi6lafioin of 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (6). 6)1I aim very concerned that Ibulil61ng a inew mine on IpulbBlic Ilainds, via a mo6fication to a current (permit for a mine on Iprlivate Ilaind, means the correct einviroinimeii studies have inot been doine to evalluate the einviroinimeii ir9islks of the inew site. There WEI Ibe more sig16lficaint groundwater and ge6logllcall ir9islks from a second mine on the otheir side of Crabtree Creelk. What wiH the liirnpact of two pits on 61their side of this &Ificall waterway Ibe? Many eingllineeirs at the IpubBlic lheair9ling called for the �propels studies to Ibe doine Ibefoire this second mine is Ipeirmitted. There has been oine IlaindsUlide aIliready. Not irequllrlling these studies cileady ir9islks vi6lafiing 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (3) and 15A NCAC 05H .1309 (4). N Thank you for your earnest coin sid eiration of these issues, and the otlheir concerns and IpoteintGall vidlations airticUlated at the Ipulbllic headings. Tealla Spitzbairtlh 3512 Doininigalle Ave. Duirhaim, INC 27705 Tealla Spitzbairtlh tealasC@-Yahoo.com 3512 Doininigalle Ave Duirhaim, North Cairofina 27705