HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Stop the quarry trucks32Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:32 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the quarry trucks From: William Gowan [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:20 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the quarry trucks l aim giratefUl for the opportuii to weigh llin on the lImportaint matteir of NC Miii Permit 92 10. This Ipeirmit should Ibe overturned as it sets a daingeirous precedent llin the state of North Cair6lllina it ensures the private destruction of IpulbBlic Ilaind, adveirselly affecting a State Park. If the airport authoir9lty ineeds ireveinue from this Ilaind, it can Ibe doine llin a fair imore respoinsible maii l have Ibeein a iresident of Wake County and frequent user of Umstead State Park since 1983. l visit the Ipairk aIlimost every day, so the weffaire of the Ipairk is lImportaint to erne. l attended the viirtuall IpubBlic Iheair9lings of June 23 and JWy'7 and heard the mainy passionate voices that spoke out llin opposition to this (permit ensuring the Iprlivate destruction of IpubBlic Ilaind adjacent to the Ipairk. l found the arguments to Ibe valid and compellfiing and l agree with aIIII the concerns raised. l will limit my comments to two concerns. The Permit would eii an operation that will have a sig16ificaintly adverse effect on the Ipuirposes of the IpulbBlicly owined Ipairk, forest, and irecreatioii area known as Uimstead State Park. The i generated Iby the ireirnovall 1 of the forest, the on golfing Nasting and the movement of lhaWking trucks are linconsistent with the irecreatioinall mission of a North Cairofina State Park. The liinevitalble allrborne IpairticUlates and sediment iruinoff are cleairiy at odds with the State Parks' mission to conserve and (protect representative examples of North Cairofina's inatuirall Ibeauty, ecobgicall features, recreafioinall and cuftu14l resources within the state Ipairks system My second concern is with the inatuire of the (lease and how it WEI Ibe observed and enforced over the Iloing term. The oirigllinall imiinlling Permit 92 10 for the current Walke Stone quarry site was entered llinto llin 1981, specifylling a 50 year (lease, after which the Ipropeirty woUld Ibe turned over the State of North Cairofina. Thirty seven years llinto this (lease, llin 2018, this sunset clause was removed from the Ipeirmit irenewall. If such modifications can Ibe made to imiinlling (permits with ino notification to the adjacent State Park system and nearby iresidents and businesses, further Ipeirmitting inext to Uirnstead State Park shoUld inot (proceed. Agallin, thank you for the opportuinllty to voice my opposition. ffllfiairn Gowan ffllfiairn Gowan bqowan(a-)_qmail.com 2424 Tiriinllty Farms Rd Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27607