HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Stop the quarry trucksJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:22 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the quarry trucks From: Joseph Halloran [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 4:06 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Stop the quarry trucks The Ipuirpose of this Iletteir is to request that the North Cairofina Department of Einviroinimeii QualIlIty deny the Miii Permit Appfication filled on April, 8, 2020, Iby Wake Stone Corporation under Miii Permit 92 10 for a inew rock quarry on the 105 acre, forested Odd FelHows Tract situated adjacent to Uimstead State Park and the East Coast Gireeinway. l aim requesting that this Ipeirmit Ibe deii to Wake Stone Corporation on the Ibasis of imulltiple unavoidable adverse effects upon Uimstead State Park and the East Coast Gireeinway. Such adverse effects Iiinclude and are inot Himited to: - Fuirtheir endangerment of water quality llin Crabtree Greek, which iruins through Uimstead State Park, Iby silt i from quarry operations duir9ling peiriods of llinteinse 4111 the frequency of which seems to Ibe liincreasing. - DlIimiinishimeint of air quality whein winds Iprevalill to Ipush dust from quarry Nasting llinto Uimstead State Park wheire it imay settle upon sensitive foliage, and Ibe liii Iby users of the East Coast Gireeinway. - The Ipoteii for frequent Ilairge truck traffic on old Reedy Greek Road and llin the area of the Town of Cary traH access Ipairking lot, eindaiig users of the East Coast Gireeinway. - Noise Ipollllution from blasting duir9ling quarry operations adveirselly limpacting Ibiirds and rnairnmalls llin Urnstead State Park and disrupting the experience, Iboth as an au6toiry abeirration and a rneintall disruption, of �people using the East Coast Gireenway. - Degradation of the experience of Urnstead State Park, a jew6l of trainqullfity llin the midst of growing uirbanism, and the East Coast Gireenway, a sig6lficaint Illiinik between Tiriainglle cities and the Park, due to adjacent quarry operations ireindeir9ling Urnstead State Park to Ibe (less desirable as a destination for the irenewing experiences that unafteired inatuire can Iproviide and as cunreinfly sought Iby thousands of North Cairofina citizens. Urnstead State Park must Ibe (protected, (preserved, and even expanded for s1hoUld we (lose t1his resource of inatuirall Ibeauty, it is (lost inot just to us Ibut to future generations of aimplNlbains, fislh, (birds, Ipllaints, a6lirnalls, and our clNlNirein. In short, a quarry operation on the Odd FeHows Tract is Iiincompatilble devebpment and hand use of the Ipropeirty. Flease recognize the greater good of the oppoirtu6ifies for water and air protection, and for recreation, and support a Ihealltlhy Tir9�ainglle coirnmuinllty for generations to come. RespectfuHy, Joseph Hallklorain Ralleiglh, NC Joseph Hallklorain 1105 Mayberry Flace Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27609