HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Protect Lake Crabtree County’s Park’s connection to Umstead State Park (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:57 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Lake Crabtree County's Park's connection to Umstead State Park From: Ken Brockenbrough [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:05 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Lake Crabtree County's Park's connection to Umstead State Park Dan Saims, Odd FeHows Tract: Stop the Quarry Naime: IKein 1Biroolkeinlbrouglh From: Durham, 15 minutes west of Harrison 1:11vd Occupancy: Recent retired as Speciall Education teacheir/Durhaim; avid off.. road cyclist who has iriidden the tral10s of Uimstead and L.ake Crabtree for over a decade. l willll make 3 Ipoliints, r6lating to the corridor, the liabilities and the money Corridor This tract of land is centered lin the it iddlle of our local 1:11ac1k Creek Gireenway and of the larger East Coast Gireenway all the way down the east coast. Further, moving between L.ake Crabtree and Umstead Iby bike and Niking wound Ibe Nindeired Iby this it iinlling expansion. LJ4bflllty (sound, water, air, Image) Present and inear future: The sound of blasting impacts ineliglhlborliing hornes; Crabtree Creek is open to all the iruinoff without oversight. RDU, 1 exeirdsing as 1I understand it the Ipoweir of eimineint doirnafin, quiefly zonfing the area as lindustrl41/imfinfing, Ihas llin fact stollen the ir9ights of Duirhaim and Ralleiglh/Walke for tlhellir s1hoirt term gafin, leaving residents and travellers with an image of liirireslpoinsibilllity. L.oing Term: Ralleiglh Durham wiH Ibe exclhainglling the oppoirtu6ity for a wondeirfUl recreationaUfoirested site, for a gaping h6le with ino vallue and potent4l for oing6ling safety concerns Money RDU Ihas been offered fair imairket vallue Iby the Conservation Fund, up firoint as a Ipuirchase llin (lieu of a Iloing term (lease, Iprovli61ng limme6ate monies to RDU to imalke inecessairy limprovements. Further, NC rnallintallins prior precedent of IpubBic lands Ibelling used for IpulbBlic Ipuirposes, inot setting a precedent for Iprlivate concerns commandeering IpubBlic space without oversight. Oppoirtuinllty We are inot just trylling to stop an action, (but to redirect one, inot oinlly for the �public good, (but keeping the concerns of RDU firoint and centeir as weEl. Rejecting the quarry Iproposall s1hoUld Ibe seen as an Iiincredlible oppoirtuinllty for our region to llinvest llin the expain6ing ineeds of Tir9�ainglle residents, w1ho cVeairiy (love the dal!lIy oppoirtu6ifies they Ihave at Urnstead and IL.alke Crabtree! Ken 1Biroclkenlbrouglh kenbrockenbrough(a-)_qmail.com 16 faEliing water Dir Durham, North Cairofina 27713