HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Protect Crabtree Creek-deny new quarry pitJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:52 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Protect Crabtree Creek -deny new quarry pit From: Elizabeth Adams [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:46 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Protect Crabtree Creek -deny new quarry pit require lisasteir Iprepairediness Iplain and modellliing for the quarry Ipeirmit modlifiication. and gireeinway corridor safety study to examine truck conflicts and Ihairm due to exposure to dust from quarry (blasting and miinliing op( ne limpact of the Iproposed quarry Ipeirmit modlifcation oin Umstead State Park VVG 6d lfe Corridors and the inatuirall and Ihlistorlicall iresouirc is Tract. id safety risks must be identified and mitigated to (protect Umstead State Park, the Duinin Sliinglle Family Home, and Users of the Past and the extensive Greeinway Tiralill System witlhliin Umstead State Park; or the Ipeirmit modlification deinlied L (201 7) conducted respirable samphing at homes witlhliin 300 m (2624.67 feet) of quarries extracting saind for fracking operations. IL.er eair seventeen homes were geineiralllly, Mess thain 0.4 pg m-3. Some Ihliglheir RCS coin ceintrations were found (15_37 pg m-3) from sorr es (less thain tlhree Iperceint) wlhein wind vellocifies were also ellevated. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/Sl35223101i Junin (home and the Past Coast Gireeinway will Ibe witlhliin 200 feet of the Iproposed quarry, and will likely be exposed to much Ihliglheir oins of dust that likely cointaliins Ihigh Ipeirceintages of siVlica. atGoinall exposure to crystalline siVlica, recommends and ambient air staindaird for PM10 Mess thain 5 ug/m3 �T•37�i1 rl' i1A'i11r •.•t7iit•1�C�1:�►�[�Zc�:�:�tTiE:�%71 'neint of I-aboir slides on inew occupatioii silica staindairds, irecommeinds saimpliing if coinceintratioins are Ihligheir than 25 ug/im3 j. labor. nc.aov/documents/silica-r)resentations 41ity Impacts Pireseintatioin: Air Qualkty Impacts ;.qoogle.com/presentation/d/lQKLPu 3 ILBo PzKmdnVGzqGkCQJLVfW6pDw5QTXneC4Y/ed it?usp=d rive web&ouid=110552829237 i imainageimeint llin Marge Ipits creates ad6fioii air quality impacts. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095268618303 cifity irelport for the existiing quarry. https:Hecho.epa.gov/detailed-facility-report?fid=NCO000003709200409 mall Justice report liincludes ceinsus tracts witNlin a 3 mHe radius of the ceinteir of the EXISTING Facility, inot the (proposed facility expail to PopUlatioin: 25,245 (sq. mHes): 28.27 area coii 2 blockgroup(s) with zero popUlatioin.) Note, this doesin't liinclude ainy liinfoirmatioin about the % ofvUlineirable (people tha tate Park. Accoirdlling to CINIp McClIeElaii At Uimstead State Park's Old Reedy Greek Ipedestdain eintraince visitatioin was 11,444 Ipeir in is a 135% liincrease from 2018. (18/4865, 19/8897, 20/11444). reen.epa.gov/mapper/mobile/EJSCREEN mobile.aspx?qeometrV={%22x%22:- 22V%22:35.8379,%22spatialReference%22:f%22wkid%22:4326}1&unit=9035&areatype=&areaid=&basemap=streets&distance=3 3oveirri the Establishimeint, Extension aind Devellopmeint of NC State Pairks.http://npshistory.com/newsletters/park practice/quideli 58-8.pd he Ipeirmit mo6ficatioin states that the oveirbuirdein willll be stored llin the depleted quarry pit. If the quarry pit is depleted, then it should o the state NOW uindeir the suinset clause, so the 2031 date is still effective. ae Quarry Settleimeint Agireeimeint distiiies between i coinfiguous lots or "paircells separated by a ii Ibordeir such as a str( what required the Ilaind to ireimallin forested on 1propeirty owined by Crabtree Quarry that is across the stream from the existiing miii miii leighcommons.orqlraleighpublicrecordlnewsl20l4lO2lO4lhanson-aggregates-city-settle-20-year-dispute permit mo6ficatioin should inot be inot allowed as the 1paircells are separated by a ii Ibordeir. Crabtree Greek is a 303(d) listed Minn t flows llinto the Neuse River, aind is vUlineirable to flash floo61ng aind low flow. Df U.S. juiris6ctioins ........... linclu6ing IKeintuclky, Rhode Islaind, Cafiforri Wisconsin, Alaska, New York, Illlllinolis, New Jersey, WasNlingtoii I lew Mexico ........... have applied the doctrlline of 6miinisNling assets llin the cointext of extractive uses or some vaidaint of it. See, e.g., I-egirain 34 S.W.3d 142 (Ky. 2008); Town of West Gireeinwich v. A. Cair6 Reality Assocs.,'786 A.2d 354 (R.II. 2001); Hansen 1Bros. Enters., Iii s, 907 P.2d 1324 (Call. 1996); Sturgis v. Wiininebago Couinty 1Boaird, 413 N.W. 2d 642 (Wis. 1987); Stephain aind Soins, Inc. v. Muii Zoii 1Bd. of Examiineirs aind Appealls, 685 P.2d 98 (Alk. 1984); Syracuse Aggregate Corp. v. Weise, 51 N.Y.2d 278 (1980); DuPag( itoin 1Bainik, 192 N.E.2d 311 (IHIL 1963); Moore v. 1Biridgewateir Tp., 173 A.2d 430 (N.J.1961); Romero v. Rio Arriba County Coirnmissior 149 P.3d 945 (N.M Ct. App. 2006), ceirt. quashed, 142 N.M'716, 169 P.3d 409 (2007); see allso Robert M. Anderson, AMERICAN L.A 6.52 (3d ed. 1986). llin those juirisdictions, it has Ibeein Ihelld that the Ipropeir scope of a ino in coin forimin g use for a 6miinislNling asset are guous to ain existing excavation and owined or Ileased Iby the mine operator at the time the zoinlling irestrlictioin is einacted. llin ad6tioin, t Ilaind must cVeairiy have Ibeein llinteinded to Ibe excavated at the time the restrictive zo16ling oir6inaince was einacted and demonstrably 6 An of which are determined oin a case by case (basis. Noin contiguous hots or Ipaircells separated Iby a inatui4l Ibordeir, such as a strear the nonconformity. iy the Ipeirmit mo6fication uir IL.in 7513 ,dams .adamsCa)-qmail.com uir IL.in i Cairofina 27513 3