HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ DEQ should deny mining permit 92-10 modification to stop the quarry next to Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:56 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] DEQ should deny mining permit 92-10 modification to stop the quarry next to Umstead State Park From: Matthew Takas [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 10:37 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] DEQ should deny mining permit 92-10 modification to stop the quarry next to Umstead State Park This Ipeirmit should Ibe denied inow and unto Ipeirpetulity. The current stone quarry, rejected Iby the Department of Natu14l Resources lin 1981, was a use that just doesn't Ibelloing here lin this sanctuary. The Department deini4l was overturned Iby a lindustry frieindlly Miinlling Commission. The result is a quarry. Despite the objections of the Department and the IpubBlic it was Ipeirmitted. There was one con6tion... a 50 year sunset Iprovlisioin that required the mine to close Iby 2032 and the land added to the Ipairk. For 30 years Ibotlh the department and the mine accepted that agreement. Then lin 2011, the mine operator clallimed he just "discovered a clerical) error". Seems he found a old copy of the mi6ling commissioners report that said later vs sooneir and asked that the one word Ibe chainged. The director of inatuir4ll resources Ikinew Ibetteir; Jairnes &imoins had firsthand IknoWedge of the Ipeirmit and rejected this clever clerical) argument, he renewed the permit lin 2011 with sooner, as it had always Ibeen with the sunset clause. 1 After he was goine, llin 2018 a inew acting director uii 37 years of the �permit and Ibought the argument, wiping away the suinset clause as just a cleidcall imistalke. He also approved a chainge that gutted the Ibuffeirs protecting the creelk at the same time. The chainge was completed llin just weeks with ino notice to the Ipubllic, or state parks! No notice to anyone Ibut the mine operator. This is just flat out wiroing and ino doubt imoiney exchainged hands llin some form or ainotheir for this to Ihave happened! Now the operator waints to destroy 106 acres of forest oin the otheir side of the creelk, Iprovlide smaEleir Ibuffeirs and mine some moire. But this is Ipulbllic Ilaind, our Ilaind. Uinfoirtuii the RIDU Airport authority board is the cairetalkeir of it, and they agreed to this destruction for a 5% cut of the ireveinues. Public Ilaind destroyed, llin the eind the miiii company gets $400,000,000.00 llin sales, 5% for the Ipulbllic. We get the h6le... llin our Ipairk. Flease do eveirytNling you cain to reject this application! This is inot right for the Ipairk and inot ir9ight for the citizens that utifize that Ipairk for what it is meant to Ibe .... a Ipeacefull sanctuary llin the midst of all the lhustle and bustle of the area that cain Ibe ain escape inot fair from home. Thaii you for your coin sid eiration and please do right Iby your constituents who are agallinst this proposition. M matthew.takasCcD_qmail.com 102 Weindy Court Cary, North Cairofina 27511 N