HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Boy scouts used to be here_ until Wake Stone comes along - Stop quarry operation at Odd Fellows Tract (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:52 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Boy scouts used to be here, until Wake Stone comes along - Stop quarry operation at Odd Fellows Tract From: Patty Dennis [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 9:58 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Boy scouts used to be here, until Wake Stone comes along - Stop quarry operation at Odd Fellows Tract My inairne is Patty Dennis Joines, II llive In HoHy Sprliings, but Ihave been a Tir9iainglle area iresident for ineairly 20 years. One of the irnaliin attractaints for me In deci61ng to irnove to the Tir94nglle was the airnount of inatu14l space In the area. As someone wlho works In the tech lIndustry and wlho is an avid outdoor entlhusiast, tlhlis was sornetlhling that was Iiincredlibly liirnpoirtaint to erne as II considered vairiious (locations around the country to Ipursue advancements In irny career. II can't stress enough Ihow vaIluable tlhlis space is and Ihow irnuch it liirnproves the quality of life for the citizens of the Tir9iainglle. II urge, ino II IBEG you, the DEO, to deny Welke Stone°s request to expand tlheliir Tir9iainglle Quarry. II cannot fatlhoirn Ihow expaindliing tlhlis quarry will improve the quality of (life of Tir94nglle iresidents or could ireirnotelly be beineficiall for the einviroinirnent, wildlife, or ecology oftlhlis area. It slhoulld be denied due to 0.S..r4 51(d)(5) it will Ihave a siginlificaintly adverse effect on the Ipurposes of a (publicly owned (park, forest or recreation area. This expanded quarry will Ihave a siginlificaint adverse rnpact on Uimstead Park and the East Coast Oireenway. This expansion wound (place Welke Stone°s quarry irnuch closer to Uimstead State Park and affect a much Ilairgeir Ipoirtion of the Ipairk. It woUld allso move the quarry inext to the East Coast Gireeinway, wNich ruins abing OM Reedy Cireelk Road. This is a very IpopWair bilking and waflking area wNich connects IL.alke Crabtree Park to Uimstead Park, and allso connects the Cary Gireeinway system to the Ralleiglh gireeinway system. The Nasting, allir IpoIMution, and inoise of a quarry woUld have a siginllficaint negative impact. It shoUld allso Ibe deinied due to G.S. '74 51 (d)(4) it woUld Ibe a Erect and substainfiall Iplhysicall Ihazaird to a ineighboding dw6lklking house. The Duinin residence is o6ly 200 feet from the (proposed quarry (pit. Walke Stone and tlhellr coinsuftaints have stated that tlhellr blasting WH inot damage a IbulH61ng as cbse as 500 feet away, Ibut they have inot and cain inot cVallim that th6lir Nasting MH inot damage the Duinin's house 200 feet away. 1I urge you to deiny tNis expainsion and to continue to fight to imallintallin the inatui4l Ibeauty of this area. It was ceirtallinlly a consideration for me llin choosing ain area to(hive and cointftute to as a member of the commu6ity. woUld (love to continue working and Iliviing llin this area, Ibut decisions about these imatteirs uftiimatelly affect my decisions oin my owin quafity of Ikfe. 1I Ikinow that there are a inumbeir of other areas llin the country that do consider the ec6logy of tlhellr area to Ibe very important. 1I woUld hope that the Tiriainglle woUld do the same llin order to continue to attract those llin the tech industry to this area. Thank you for your coin sid eiration. Flease do the right tlNling for citizens and the einviiroinimeint Patty Dennis pattymdennisCcD_qmail.com 4601 1BasiVlica give HoMy Spdings, INC 27540, North Cair6lkina 27540 N