HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ Fwd_ Deny mining permit 92-10Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 7:13 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] Fwd: Deny mining permit 92-10 From: Jean Spooner [mailto:umsteadcoalition@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:54 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Fwd: Deny mining permit 92-10 Dan Sams: Please include this Public Comment sent to The Umstead Coalition. It is meant to be included in the Public Comments for the Public Hearing. Thanks, Dr. Jean Spooner, Chair, The Umstead Coalition. -------- Forwarded Message-------- Subject:Deny mining permit 92-10 Date:Mon, 13 Jul 2020 15:28:05 -0400 From:Geri Goldstein <gggoldl8 _,aol.com> Twinfo e,umsteadcoalition.org Dear Umstead Coalition, My name is Geri Goldstein and I reside at 3836 Cottage Rose La, Raleigh NC 27612. 1 write today to ask that the DEQ deny the quarry mining permit 92-10 under subsection 74-51d subsection 2 and subsection 5. One of the great pleasures of living in the Triangle area is the natural beauty of our parks and lakes. Umstead State Park, listed on the Natural Registry of Historical Places, should be respected and preserved for all that it is and all that it offers those of us fortunate to get to use it. Raleigh, the city of Oaks, has already seen a degree of clear cutting that I would never have expected when I moved to this area 7 years ago. Coming from Long Island, NY, I am aware of how much that chopping away of our natural resources impacts the look, feel, general well being and appreciation for where one lives. Whether you live here as a transplant as I do, or grew up in the area, you have to be aware of how much the current clearing of land, cutting down beautiful trees to build more homes, office buildings, retail space, roadways is having an adverse effect on our neighborhoods and the wildlife that live in the area. Under subsection 74-51d: Subsection 2: That the operation will have unduly adverse effects on potable groundwater supplies, wildlife, or freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries. We don't need more "progress/profits for companies" at the expense of our climate, environment and co -existing creatures. A61"'Subsection 5: That the operation will have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area. Umstead Park, which has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) since 1995, will lose that standing with this expansion. More importantly, this expansion will impact the significant use of the Park by multiple residents in the Triangle area. The tree clearing alone is horrific and certainly not offset by the vegetative berms proposed, berms that will not grow to provide a sufficient barrier and boundary for years. And the lack of an effective approach to the impact on water and wetlands is also noticeably absent — and not acceptable. Further, the reclamation plan proposed by Wake Stone is a very basic, minimally descriptive and very unsatisfying offering. To assume/ to believe that more specific plans will give care to, even concern about the Park's role in the community is naive at best. The noise and vibrations would severely undermine any appeasements Wake Stone could offer. As one of the huge numbers of residents who have written before and am writing again, I ask that DEMLR deny Wake Stone's application for modification of a mining permit. Thank you for your time and consideration. Geri G. Goldstein Moe;yo' Virus -free. .::.�:i.`�:�i :t:::. orr�n, N