HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ Fence & buffer concerns for Wake Stone mining permit applicationJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:57 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] Fence & buffer concerns for Wake Stone mining permit application From: Caroline Lalla [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 11:29 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Fence & buffer concerns for Wake Stone mining permit application Om me is Cairofine II..4IIIa. II am oin the board of the Uimstead CoaIIlIfioin and a irneirnbeir of the Sierra Club Capital Group Executive Committ vrliting iregairdliing Welke Stone Coirlporatio in°s appBlication for rnodlifiication to Permit 92 10. The Ipeirmit must be denlied Ipeir d2 wildlife co tion and d s, adverse effect oin the Ipuirposes of VVGIIVIiam B. Umstead State Park and the ON Reedy Creek Pond gireeinway. nlhainced security fence (proposed to be liinstalled aIloing OM Reedy Greek Pond Gireeinway and (lack of sufficient Ipropeirty Ibuffeir is giros nl41. This recreatioii corridor is the official designation or connection to: (arollliina Connection) Ibike route Coast Gireeinway (Rorlida to Maline) ection Ibetweein WilV1I4m B. Umstead State Park and IL.alke Crabtree County Park )ii connection to the 11:311ac1k Greek Greeinway, American Tobacco lair 11 1, House Greek Greeinway, Reedy Creek Gireeinway to the Art .um, Rocky 1Brainch Gireeinway, Crabtree Greek Gireeinway, Neuse River Gireeinway, wind much moire ino woindeir it's so crowded wind S 1:111ke Route 1 ruins from Malline to Florida. The Ipoirtion is caEled the US 1 Cairofina Connection Ibilke iroute. Designated as a Ipor ke Route 1, which ruins from Malline to Florida, this route covers allmost 200 mHes of r6lfiing teiri4lin. It is the main north/south coininectc through the ceint4l(portion of North Cair6lkina. From Vlirgllinlia, this route enters North Cair6lkina inear the Warren /Vaince County (border ues south Ibetweein Ralleiglh and Duirhaim and eveintuaEly through Sainford, Southern Flines and L.auirinbuirg Ibefoire advancing liinto Sou '/www.ncdot.gov/bikeped/ncbikeways/routes/usl -carolina-connection/default.asp '/wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United States Bicycle Route System since wiH Ibe 8 feet taEl with 3 rows of (barbed wire fence and is spec'd to Ibe at the edge of the right of way cVeaiding for the OM Reedy gireeinway ino forested or visuall Ibuffeir. C Division of Parks and Recreation, liin their (letter to RIDUAA dated Jainuairy 15, 2020 (kinlk bebw), stated stroing objections to the lary fence for ffllfiaim 1B. Uirnstead State Park and its users lincVu6ing: Yu mstead coal itio n.o rq/reso u rces/Docu me nts/RD U %20 Fence %20Lette r%20to %20 Michae 1 %20La ndguth, %20Jan ua rv%201 5,%2020: Jing a Ipeirmaineint eyesore and mairiding the Iloolk and "fe6l" of the Ipairk, the (proposed fence wound gireafly Ihairm a fuindairneintall IpuirpoSE irk, inairnelly to Iprovlide IpulbBlic access to a inatui4l setting for (people to einjoy inatuire and llimprove their Iplhysicall and rneintall heafth; egiradation of the visitoir experience wound Illikelly create airnoing tral!ll users ain oingoiing negative limpression; roposed fence wound Ibloclk movements of Mldfife, effecfivelly trapping them Ibetweein fences; roposed fence may constitute ain adverse effect to the Ipairk's status oin the Nafioinall Register of Hstoiric Flaces, which coUld trigger in =g Iireirneints under fede14l or state (law." : you for your time and coin sid eiration ine IL.alllla ine IL.alllla iehlalla(q-)_qmail.com /estbainlk Ct North Cairofina 27513